#sorry i clearly got carried away 🤕
torawro · 2 years
needa give aizen a fat SMOOCH ON THE LIPS he’s too fine for his own good!!!!
more than just a fat smooch fr !!! there’s two sides of this y’know? one part of me wants to give him fat smooches all over his pretty handsome face, cause he prolly has never personally experienced a shred of real affection or love in his life ( of his own choice ofc, he probably thinks it’s a tie that’ll only hold him down as a weakness to reach his true goal— ) ANYWAY. yes i wanna give him so many kisses, sweet tender ones and hold his massive hands, run my fingers through his hair and my thumb across his knuckles and give him the biggest hug ever while i tell him how gorgeous he is and how i’ll be there for him always
but at the same time, i wanna give his bulbous pink tip the fattest smooch ever YADIGGGGG😂? literally want to inhale that man’s cock even though it probably won’t fit down my whole throat bc he’s too big n long :(( i’d try my best though! give him the the most back arching, skin slurping, groan inducing head ever. wanna give his abs a fat smooch before i ride them, and then his face and this dick 😋 i need him to sex me so good i can’t even remember what day of the week it is
dual sides of sosa yk <3
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evilwriter37 · 3 years
🧙🏻‍♂️ Magic User + 🤕 Permanent Injury?
Thank you so much! This one can be read on its own, but more context is provided in the first story, here.
Warnings: lady whump, aftermath of captivity, trauma
Anaria groaned and rolled over in her bed once again. She wasn't a back sleeper because of the wings, but no matter what position she got into, she couldn't get comfortable.
It was her shoulders. Both of them felt like they'd been infused with pain - they ached horribly. There were no bruises or swelling, but that didn't seem to matter. This upset her deeply. She'd been in chains so long that her shoulders had been ruined. The royal healer had looked at her when she'd first been rescued, and her wounds had been taken care of, but this ache hadn't gone away, and it had been days.
She was afraid to say anything about it, not because she thought she would be deemed as lesser or less capable, but because she was worried there really was no way to fix the pain that lived in that part of her body. The pain should have gone away with the rest of her injuries, so why hadn't it?
Granted, Anaria knew of people that lived with pain, even Nessari and magic-users. Lost limbs and scars couldn't be healed, would hold in the pain of the injury for life. Maybe she was one of these people now.
Anaria sat up in bed, wings spreading out behind her. The magic had even made her feathers grow back, but it hadn't rid her of this pain from being constantly chained. She rubbed at one pale wrist, still feeling the weight of the chain there, a phantom one.
"Hali!" Anaria called out. She knew it was the middle of the night, but this was her lady in waiting. Perhaps she would come to her call.
After a while of silence, Anaria felt foolish for calling for her. She was a grown woman. She didn't need someone waiting on her in the middle of the night because she couldn't sleep.
But then there was a soft knock on the door, and Anaria was filled with relief. Hali had heard her.
"May I enter, m'lady?" Hali asked from the other side of the door.
"Yes, Hali. Enter," Anaria bid her.
The door opened, and Hali walked in, carrying a candle in a dish. Her long caramel-colored hair was a wavy, disheveled mess, feathers a little out of place on her gray wings. She'd been sleeping soundly, it seemed. Anaria suddenly felt guilty.
"I'm so sorry to wake you," Anaria said as Hali closed the door. "I..." She didn't know how to explain yourself.
"It is alright, Anaria," Hali assured her without formality, closing the door. She stepped lightly over to the bed, set the candle down on the nightstand. The light was warm and soft. "You only just returned a few days ago. It must be strange."
Anaria nodded, silently gestured for Hali to sit. She did so, cross-legged, facing Anaria.
"Are you in any pain?" Hali asked.
"Is it that obvious?" Anaria rubbed a hand over her face. Gods, she was tired, but she didn't see herself sleeping any time soon, not with this pain in her shoulders.
"Why haven't you told the healer?" Hali inquired.
"Because..." Anaria sucked in her lower lip, thinking. "Because what if it can't be healed?"
Hali nodded a little, thinking. "Where does it hurt?"
"My shoulders," Anaria responded. She didn't have to hide this from Hali, not like the way she'd been hiding it from her father. "I-I think it's from being chained so frequently."
Hali grimaced. She'd clearly missed Anaria very much while she'd been held captive by Hakur, and talking about that time was painful for the both of them.
"Anything I can do?"
Anaria blushed, then wondered if said blush could be seen by the candlelight. She hoped not.
"Would a massage be okay?" She didn't want to impose anything on her friend.
"Of course."
So, Anaria turned around and put her back to Hali. It was a hard thing to do, what with the way Hakur had abused her wings. Hali would never hurt her though, and she wanted to show her that trust.
Anaria unconsciously flinched when Hali touched her shoulders, and Hali quickly drew her hands back, almost as if burned.
"Is touch not okay right now?"
Anaria took a deep, shuddering breath. She felt an ache in her throat. Dammit, she was so frustrated with herself. She could accept touch from her friend. She could!
"I'll be fine," Anaria said, voice weak and reedy. She didn't sound very believable, didn't feel it herself, but she had to be fine. She had things to take care of, people to take care of. She couldn't be weak like this. It was just a damn massage!
So Hali placed her hands on Anaria's shoulders once again, and this time, Anaria remained still. She was tense though, and it took her some time to relax under her fingers. She massaged lightly, rubbing her thumbs in circles over spots that Anaria pointed out for her. She even massaged her neck a little, which felt nice. Anaria hadn't realized how tense she was.
"That better?" Hali asked. They hadn't spoken much during the massage.
Anaria nodded, fluttered her wings a little, rolled her shoulders. "Definitely." She turned back around to face Hali. "I'm just... I'm just worried that this will stay."
"You'll find a way to manage," Hali said with confidence Anaria didn't feel.
"Will I?"
"You're stronger than you think, Anaria," Hali said, laying a hand over hers. "You endured captivity and torture. You can endure this."
Anaria felt tears burning in her eyes. "But what if I don't want to?" Her voice was hardly above a whisper. "What if I can't?"
Hali took Anaria into her arms. She kept her hands away from her wings, which Anaria was grateful for. She wasn't ready for someone to touch her there just yet. Anaria didn't hug back. She just leaned into her, crying quietly, and Hali let her.
And when Anaria was done crying, Hali held her, held her long into the night, until the candle dwindled to nothing and they were left in the gray dark of the morning.
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