#sorry for uploading late :'3 i was pretty tired today after struggling to fall asleep
konigsblog · 5 months
cuddle sex with könig.
könig likes to hold you in his strong arms to hold you tightly and bury his face in the crook of your neck, or preferably, between your soft thighs.
he breathes in the sweetness of your familiar, comforting scent, the perfume on your neck and the lingering scent of your arousal smeared across könig's lengthy slick, hung cock. you're seated comfortably on his large lap with thrill rushing through your weakened body, too exhausted to continue bouncing with his burly and muscular arms wrapped around your form, holding you close as your heartbeat thumps and slams against your sternum. you begin to weakly and painfully attempt to bounce up and down on könig's weeping length until you're nothing but a pathetic, creamy mess with sticky thighs.
“quit squirming’, hase. i know you’ve got the strength somewhere in you, or do i have to use that sweet cunt for my own benefit and enjoyment?”
könig lays back against the mattress, forcing you to lay against his sturdy chest and listen to the soothing rhythm of his quickening heartbeat and the noise of his laborious, heavy breathing. he begins to slowly jerk his broad hips skywards into you while cuddling into you, holding you tightly in his arms to keep you protected and to ensure that you won't be able to squirm away out of his tight grasp. you begin to pant and heave when you feel könig's sensitive tip rub against your gummy and velvety cervix, gasping out when he begins to quicken his rough pace and buck skyward into your tight rear repeatedly, filling your swollen, soft folds with globs and strings of his stickiness, oozing out from your tight slit.
könig ploughs his hung, meaty cock into your adorable cunt, gushing about how tight and warm you are while you're drooling all down his veiny, lengthy shaft.
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Gone (BTS Jimin) (Angst/Fluff)
Hey guys! So, I know that I haven’t really uploaded this week. I’m sorry about that. There are three reasons for that: 1. Finals Week starts next Friday for me so I have a shit ton of homework and presentations. 2. I have a concert this weekend so I have had rehearsal every night this week. I’m excited because I’m performing a Taeyang song, but I’m also in charge of the playlist and in five songs in all. 3. I’ve been working on something new. I’ve never written a fanfiction on here so I’m interested to see how this goes. It will be in three parts. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think! 
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So, in this fanfiction you have been dating Jimin for a while. Because of that, the members that will be seen the most in the story are Jimin, Jungkook, and V. Jungkook is a very integral part of this story so please, understand that. The other members will be in it, or course, but the main focus are Jimin and Jungkook because they play major roles in the story. Technically, this story is Angst, I guess but not super angsty. This first part is based around you attending one of their concerts to surprise Jimin. You’ve been snuck in by V and Jungkook. I don’t want to ruin the surprise as to why it’s angst so let’s just get into this shall we?
This story was based on a dream I had and encouraged into a story with the help of: @mintyoongiisjungshook and @winteryethereal. Thanks guys!
      With the help of Jungkook and Taehyung, I was able to acquire a Section One ticket and a backstage pass to one of their concerts. After two years of dating, I wanted to surprise Jimin. My work is so demanding that I rarely get time off, which makes dating an idol a little easier.
     I left my hotel early this morning, sending my luggage to the address and room that Taehyung sent me. Because of this, I’m relatively close to the front of the line. At the moment, my headphones are firmly in my ears and I am blasting music. Loud cheering interrupts my thoughts. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin, being the troublemakers that they are, are casually strolling passed the waiting people with their escorts. My text message ringtone startles me. 
     Flash your flashlight a few times so we can see where you are the message from Taehyung reads. I roll my eyes but comply, opening my flashlight app and hitting the button a few times. Tae seems to be distracted, but Jungkook notices me and meets my eyes. 
     He pulls down his face mask and makes a derpy face at me, causing me to laugh. He winks at me before pulling his mask back into place and continuing on his way. Jimin, engrossed in whatever conversation he’s having with Tae, absentmindedly throws his arm around Jungkook as they walk away. Jungkook glances back and me as they walk inside.
     I can’t help but admire Jimin. They have been on tour for a long time now, so I know Jimin has been begun to miss me a bit. He was struggling more with each Skype call. That’s why I’m doing this. I wanted to lighten Jimin’s load, if only for a little while.
     He was happy when he was with his members, but that bright smile faded after the concert ends. The members have expressed worry about him overworking himself. I’m hoping to get him to relax for a day or two. It physically pains me to see how exhausted his face is getting. It’s hard to comfort someone through a computer screen.
     After a while, the line moves and we’re let inside the concert hall. As I move to find my section, someone bumps into me. It’s a tall guy with dark brown hair. 
     “I’m sorry, but would you happen to know where this is?” He asks quietly, showing me the section listed on his ticket. I point him in the right direction before heading to my own section. Not long after I get into my section, the concert starts. The boys are energetic and the performance is amazing. 
     At some point, Taehyung manages to spot me in the crowd. He nudges Jungkook and gestures at me, both of them sharing an excited look. Taehyung had been expressing a lot of concern for Jimin lately, so he had practically begged me to come today.
     One thing they didn’t count on was Jimin noticing me in the crowd. At the very end of the concert, during the last few songs, Jimin crouches at the edge of the stage near where I was standing. As he looked out at all of the faces in the audience, I could almost feel the moment his eyes landed on me.
     His eyes widen and his jaw goes slack. I can tell that he wants to come closer, to really see my face, but Taehyung notices and discreetly pulls him away. Jungkook makes a weird hand gesture, it takes me a moment to realize that he wants me to head backstage. I manage, barely, to make my way to the backstage area before the last song ends. I wait impatiently patiently for them to get off the stage.
     The moment they step off of the stage, the room is thrown into chaos. The guys are being unmiced, and I can tell that they are exhausted. Jimin hasn’t noticed me yet, but almost every other member has. Rapmon and Jin look relieved at my presence, which surprises me a little. I guess they were more worried than I had previously thought. Jimin and I were going to have to have a talk if they’re all this worried about him. Taehyung rushes over to me as soon as he’s free, hugging me tightly.
     “I’m so glad you came! He’s gonna be over the moon when he sees you,” Tae says excitedly, his voice loud,” Jiminie, come here!”
     Jimin blots his face with a towel, running his hand through hsi hair. Taehyung practically throws me at him, giggling profusely. Jimin barely catches me, stumbling backward. When I look up, his smile is blinding.
     “You’re here! How did you get here? I knew that was you!” I can’t help but laugh at his babbling sentences.
     “I may have had some help,” I say, nodding my head toward the excited Taehyung and Jungkook behind him. Jimin turns to them, taking my hand tightly in his, and looks at his happy Dongsangs. 
     “Thank you,” Jimin says honestly before turning back to me,” How long can you say?”
     “I’m here until you leave for your next concert,” I brush some of the hair out of his sweaty face. 
     “I need to take a shower. Will you wait in the dressing room for me?” Jimin asks hopefully, almost like he’s afraid I’ll disappear. He runs his fingers through his hair again.
     “Of course. I’m pretty sure that those two assumed that I was staying with you anyway,” I nudge him away gently. He presses a quick kiss to my forehead before taking off.
     I sit on the couch in the corner of the dressing room, scrolling through the pictures and videos I had taken tonight. Of course, I had a lot of pictures of Jimin, but there were pictures of the other members too. As I looked through the pictures and deleted the blurry ones, I felt the couch next to me sink.
     “That’s a good picture of Hyung,” Jungkook motions toward the picture of Suga on my screen.
     “Thanks. I got a few good ones of you if you want to see,” I say, scrolling through my albums to find the folder of Jungkook’s pictures.
     A little while later, Jimin is done with his shower and we’re all loaded into a car heading toward the hotel. Jimin is constantly touching me, his fingers intertwined with mine. I couldn’t help but smile at his animated conversations with Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook. I press a soft kiss to his knuckles. 
     At the hotel, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and I pile into one of the three rooms. It turns out that Tae had this all planned out. I was prepared to sleep on the floor, but Te volunteered to sleep with Jungkook, relinquishing his normal spot next to Jimin. We stay awake for a while, but Taehyung falls asleep and Jimin isn’t far behind him.
      “I’m not tired yet. I think I’m going to go to the hotel gym for a bit,” Jungkook whispers, trying not to disturb the passed out Taehyung.
     “Take a room key,” Jimin murmurs sleepily, curling up in our bed.
     “Okay, Hyung,” Jungkook grabs a keycard off of the dresser and soundlessly leaves. 
     I curl up with Jimin, savoring a night in his arms after so long apart. A small part of me wants to stay awake for a while longer to enjoy his presence, but his body heat and steady breathing are lulling me to sleep. In minutes, I am asleep.
     I’m awoken to early morning sunlight by Taehyung frantically shaking my shoulder. I look up at him groggily to see an expression of panic consuming his features. When he realizes that I am awake, he stops shaking me. Jimin is no longer in bed with me. 
     “Where’s Jungkook?” Taehyung’s eyes plead with mine, begging me to have the answer.
     “He wasn’t tired, so he went to the gym,” I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes as I answer.
     “He didn’t come back last night. Jimin went to see if he’s in one of the other rooms,” I’ve never seen Tae look so worried. My worry kicks into high gear as I grab my phone. They’ve probably already tried calling him but it doesn’t hurt to try again. It rings a few times before going to his voicemail.
     “Jungkook, where are you? Tae is worried about you. Call me when you get this message,” After I hang up, the guys begin to pile into the room, most of them still in their pajamas. Jungkook isn’t among them.
     “I tried calling him but he didn’t answer. I’ll get dressed and go talk to the management to see if they’ve seen him. You might want to call your manager,” I grab my bag and change quickly, heading downstairs with Hoseok.
     After an hour, it’s become glaringly obvious that no one has seen Jungkook. Their manager starts rounding up the rest of the boys, getting ready to take them to the police station. Jimin’s sad expression breaks my heart. His touch is soft as his fingers brush my cheek.
     “Stay here, please,” Jimin says softly,” Try to get some more sleep. I’ll call you if we hear anything.”
     I want to argue with but something about his expression stops me. I don’t want to cause him anymore stress. I don’t want to cause him more stress. I lace my fingers with just and squeeze his hand gently.
      “Okay. Please, just keep me updated,” I watch them leave before heading back upstairs to the room. I collapse on a bed, staring at the ceiling. There’s no way I can sleep when my friend is missing. 
     “My phone goes off, startling me. I sit up quickly, searching for my phone. I grab it from the table that I left it on. The incoming call is a Facetime call from Jungkook. I hastily answer. The screen is black.
     “Kookie? Where are you? Everyone’s worried sick,” I lean over the screen, searching for Jungkook. Slowly, light begins to filter in on screen. My blood runs cold when I see an unconscious Jungkook,” Jungkook?” 
     “I have your little friend,” A voice speaks, sneering the word,” I will send you a location. If you meet me there, I will let him go. If you call the police, he dies.”
     The call ends abruptly, his words still ringing in my ears. A few moments later, my phone buzzes with the address. I know that I should call the police or Jimin, but I don’t want to jeopardize Jungkook’s life. Against my better judgement, I leave a note for Jimin, telling him where I’ve gone. He’s not going to be happy with me and I know it, but Jungkook’s safety is more important. I grab my phone and a keycard, leaving the room.
     The cab ride feels solemn, but I’m not sure why. My hands won’t stop shaking. The address he sent me leads to a mostly empty parking lot. There are only two cars in the large lot. Once I leave the cab,  I can feel my resolve shaking. Maybe I should call Jimin. I open my phone, scrolling through my contacts to find Jimin’s. Before I can hit call, something strikes the back of my head. I crumble.
I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think!
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