#sorry for those who don't give a shit about pokémon
silvers-not-home · 1 month
my lame fucking autistic rambling
here's my massive stupid autistic rant about life series characters and my head canons for them
literally everything i'm thinking about is going on here im not even processing it im just typing sorry for any typos there will be many😭
this is also for my two (2) mutuals who i care for very deeply kiss kiss hug hug <3 /p /gen
okay it's the morning so i'm gonna continue this thumbs up emoji
starting off strong with mr grian minecraft himself (oh wow what a surprise /s)
he tried piercing his own nose in highschool. like. he was THE teenage dirtbag. sneaking out, drinking, smoking, shitty garage band that got nowhere (yes the bad boys was a garage band you c ant change my mind), mcr, pierce the veil, paramore, sexuality and gender crisis, "i know a guy", shoplifting, skipping class, you name it be probably did it with jimmy and joel during freshmen-sophomore year
pearl is his sister, jimmy and lizzie are his cousins (older cousins i should specify. him and pearl are twins but she's the older twin) and they went to the same high school. he met joel through lizzie and jimmy and joel and grian all clicked instantly
joel would stay at jimmy and grians place so much to the point it was like a second home to him and they would all hang out in the basement. joel stayed with his grandparents and helped them out a lot but they passed while he was in his bad boys phase and so he just stayed at grians place a whole lot during his depression (don't worry he's fine now just a little fucked up but they all are)
grian and pearls parents were kinda really shitty (yes i'm also counting yhs lore fuck uou) his whole life and so they got taken by cps and they lived with jimmy and lizzie's parents. and they were much better until he went to japan and all that shit happened (iykyk)
sam made him really realize that like. "oh my fucking god i'm gay. and it's for a damn sociopath. fuck." (that's like half canon)
he and taurtis DID hook up every tuesday thumbs up emoji
his wings didn't start growing in until AFTER senior year (so post japan/yhs incident)
the yhs holds a ceremony thingy for all the people that passed during all that shit and he goes every year and still has rowens glasses and ran into taurtis one year and it was awkward as HELLL but like. it wasn't an awful experience neither of them knew what to say. especially taurtks is bc by then grians wings had already fully grown in and his ass DID NOT recognize him💀
oh yeah also the four of the cousins are all winged animals so grians a parrot, pearl is a moth but like she's one of the super fluffy one (i forgot what they're called), jimmy is a canary (for obvious reasons), and lizzie is a flamingo because. fuck it (also half canary too it's from their mom) but she doesn't have as many features as the others
they all grow feathers (except for pearl) when they're stressed or feel a heightened emotion and have the little winged ears. they still do have actual ears but they grew in behind they're human ears and pearl has the little antennae things on top of her head. lizzie's kind of blends into her hair since yk. pink on pink and they're more folded then fanned out(?) if that makes sense?😭
jimmy was an early bloomer while grian was a late bloomer (i'm talking about wing/feather wise)
also some little sexuality/gender headcanons those are always fun :3
grians definitely trans masc and mlm (he/him anything else gives him dysphoria)
jimmy is THE bisexual demiboy icon (he/they)
lizzie is also bisexual (she/they)
pearl is a NONBINARY LESBIANNNN SHOUT OHT YO ALL MY NONBINARY LESBIANS WOOOO (she also uses any pronouns that would be considered feminine/androgynous or basically just. anything other then he/him/anything masculine)
mumbo is ace and omni (they/he)
scar is pan and a demiboy (all pronouns. like seriously he's collecting them like pokémon cards)
martyn is transmasc and unlabeled. he doesn't want one/or thinks any is fit for him but is on the aspec (he/him)
scott is just. gay. goddamn fa- (he/him)
also just thought abt something grian jimmy and joel all had matching (infected and now faded) stick and poke tattoos that read "bad boys, today, tomorrow and yesterday" but that last part is faded completely since they ran out of pen ink halfway through and jimmys mom came home and they didn't wanna get in trouble (also yes their tattoos are in the same spot as each others it's on the right side of their chest) and let me TELL YOU. lizzie makes fun of joel TO THIS DAY about that tattoo and she likes to trace the words with her finger sometimes when they're cuddling, humming their old songs (he hates it but she still thinks it's absolutely adorable)
grian and mumbo are middle school best friends and he knows everything that happened to grian when he was in japan
grian, scar and mumbo all went to the same high school and mumbo and scar tried making a baking club called (you're never gonna believe this) the buttercups but grian was supposedly "too cool for that fairy shit" but would hang out during lunch with them and go to the meetings and help buy the ingredients and also help bake with them for extra credit and so would jimmy and joel. for extra credit of course
tango, mumbo and impulse were all in the computer club and coding club in highschool. doc was their teacher and cub was the senior teachers assistant trying to get early college credit
jimmy had the FATTEST crush on tango while they were in high school (yes they all went to the same highschool shut up) and tried impressing him by "making" a robot (mumbo made it and gave him the remote and told him to push two single buttons) and he pushed them in the wrong order and it short circuited and it almost exploded. he got suspended for a month and the only reason he didn't get expelled was because tango said it was his and it was a project. he complemented "jimmys" robot and said it had nice coding and a bunch of other nerd /aff terms that didn't make ANY sense to jimmy (that was his way of confessing but jimmys too stupid /aff to understand it at the moment so tango thought he didn't like him back) and when jimmy was talking to grian and joel about it they were yelling at him about how "JIMMY YOU IDIOT HE LIKES YOU BACK" and "WHAT'D YOU SAY? YOU SAID YOU LIKED HIM TOO RIGHT?" to which he (of course) responded with
also tango wears a feather jimmy gave to him as an earring and has kept that earring since they started going out which was like sophomore year or smth like that
they also had an exact conversation to joel before lizzie asked him out (and she also proposed too fight me)
i can go on for HOURS about those three but i'm gonna a do stuff about martyn now because. omg. he drives me CRAZY
also just realizing how most of these are just high school head canons. sorry (no i'm not)
everyone in school always thought that the bad boys were the mean bullies bc they wore leather jackets and studs and cuffs and blah blah blah but in reality they were just the dorky, socially anxious losers that were loud in class because they all adhd. not because they were asshole
martyn and scott were the ones you had to worry about (mostly scott actually but martyn would be a passive aggressive bully)
those little twits had an actual burn book. martyn. the almost loser that pierced his own ears, causing them to get infected but refused to take them out because he wanted to match with his fellow mean gill and wore anime shirts to sleep and doc martins (only because they had his name in it dont praise him he was a loser /aff) wrote "annoying dorks" in the burn book page dedicated to the bad boys. he had NO ROOM to talk and i find that hilarious bc him and jimmy were actually really close and he ate the page. yes. he ate the page in front of scott's face after an argument to prove a point and scott has never respected another person more in his life
i also felt like it was important that martyn and scott got voted prom king and queen
martyn LOVES necklaces, rings, bracelets. he has a matching necklace and/or bracelet with all his four (4) friends that consisted of scott and the bad boys. he still has them as an adult and holds onto the charm when he misses them which is all the time (i love martyn angst evil laugh)
ykw fuck it he still wears the necklaces and tucks them under his shirt, he asked everyone else if they still had theirs and it either broke or they lost it
and for anyone curious it was a dog bone that is split in half and it like one of those magnetic necklaces that you have to get uncomfortably close to eachother for it to work
okay that's enough for tonight bc i have things i need to do tomorrow and thumbs hurt and it threw in the morning and i've been typing for over an hour straight good night cleveland *proceeds to stay online for another hour*
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Destino: Let's begin, peasants!
*Destino takes one look at Romeo and makes a disgusted face.*
Oh great. The walking stick over here decided to make an appearance. Your face reminds me of something. A Stunky's backside. Nobody wants to see it but it keep rearing it anyway. And you lost your arm too? How did that happen? Wait, let me guess. Your battling skills were so bad that you lost it to the first Pokémon you saw? I wouldn't be surprised if you lost it to a Sunkern. I've heard how pathetic they are. Perhaps you're a Sunkern in disguise, considering how weak you look. I could probably knock you over with a single breath. Snap you like a twig too. You should probably be more careful around other Pokémon. I wouldn't want you to loose your other arm because they gently bumped into you.
*Destino laughs as soon as they see Derek.* You think that ensemble looks good on you? Haha! That's probably the funniest thing I've seen all day. You look like if a Trubbish decided to take a shit and proudly display it on themselves. And that head piece? That's probably the most flattering part about you. Then again, you're not anything special to look at. Main character? Of what novel? Because I doubt anyone would want to read a book with you as the protagonist. I think you probably misunderstood your role. You're one of those character who would appear for a second and get easily forgotten because of how little impact you more than likely have in this world.
*Destino looks at Sophie, shit-eating grin on their face.* You know, I love it when other Pokémon create impossible dreams for themselves. Like you. Dreaming of being cool looking like that? How truly inspiring. The cape certainly doesn't help. Did you really think putting that ridiculous cloth on you would suddenly make everyone think you're cool? Perhaps you should change your dream to being the world's most deluded Slowking. At least that's achievable. And you're one of two leaders of a Pokémon team? However did your team mate allow that to happen? I mean, sorry to say this but it's clearly some elaborate prank they thought of to make you look stupid. I doubt I'd ever want you to lead a team if I made one. That's sending so many red flags. I'm surprised you haven't failed miserably yet.
*Looks towards Daniel, feigning surprise * Wow. I'm speechless. I truly am. I didn't think I'd find someone so ugly but here we are. I should give you a medal for going around looking like that. And the outfit too? Oh man, I feel sorry for anyone who decides to hang around with you. Then again, I imagine they're doing it for pity. And come on. At least style your hair a bit. Put a bit of effort into your appearance. I know not everyone can look as magnificent as me but at least try to have some dignity. I would offer to make you at least look somewhat decent but I doubt even my skills could help out in that department. How could you ever make yourself look presentable when each mirror you come across cracks at the sight of you?
*Destino looks at Agatha with a mock surprised face* The god of creation decided to make you look like that? I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of the idea they threw away and ended up accidently being created. I imagine they regretted that decision. I mean, who would even care for a decrepit creature like you? Do you even have any friends? Family? I highly doubt it. Why would anyone want to be around some washed up old crone? And please don't speak. It makes it much easier to maintain my illusions of your intelligence that way.
*Destino takes one glance at Zantzu and smugly smiles.* Well well well. If it isn't the water type who decided a scarf would be a good thing to wear. Perhaps you should get a bigger scarf to cover more of yourself up. And what is up with those ribbons? Born with ribbons coming out of your ass? Damn, I almost feel sorry about how ridiculous you look with those. And that hair. Purple. Did you dye it that colour to make yourself look a shred bit presentable? No? You were born with it? What a disaster for you. I'm surprised you wake up everyday telling yourself you look ok. Your scent is also incredibly interesting too. Did you attack a Stunky or did one just sneeze on you? I thought water types were supposed to be clean but the whiff I got of your stench makes me doubt what I've heard.
Sai. You know, you amaze me. Being some mad scientist's fucked up creation must be so hard for you. That's not the case? How on earth would you explain your looks? I have the belief that every Pokémon can be strong. Looking at you though, I can see I was wrong. Those noodly arms would barely be able to get a single hit on an opponent. I guarantee that if I used my weakest attack on you, you'd flop to the ground in an instant.
And I doubt anyone would come running over to aid you. You look like the type of Pokémon not even a mother could love. Does anyone love you? If you said yes, that'd be the funniest thing I'd have heard in a long time.
Now, help me out Lucario because I'm really struggling to understand how you could ever think that face mask could work. That's natural? What an absolute shame that is. Perhaps you should cover up. At least then your friends wouldn't be embarrassed being around you. And a fighting type too? I thought fighting types were supposed to be these strong looking Pokémon that could hold their own against any opponent. I doubt you could even put a dent in a geodude. I imagine everyone else probably fights your battles as they would see how pathetic your attempt at fighting was and take pity on you.
Destino: Don't worry, I'll come at the rest of you later. I know you all crave my attention. I understand. Who wouldn't?
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h4nn4hra · 2 years
Incorrect quotes
I kind of made this for more brotherly content between Will and Gilan but cralt somehow managed to sneak in, so there's also a bit of that.
These mostly fit a specific au but I'm not gonna explain that here. Let me know if you want it though.
Gilan: Which is correct, seven and five IS thirteen, or seven and five ARE thirteen?
Will: Neither.
Will: Because it's twelve.
Gilan: Dom or sub?
Will: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though
Gilan: I need you to come meet me, and I need you to come alone.
Will: And I need you to be less vague and weird.
Gilan: I know this isn’t going to end well and I don’t care. So don’t you try and stop me, Will!
Will: I wasn’t stopping you. I was asking if you had a spare camera so I can record this.
Gilan: I’m so excited!
Will: We’re gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy...
Gilan: And have the biggest stomach aches ever!
Will: Yeah!
Gilan: This bloodline ends with me.
Will: That's the fanciest way I've ever heard someone say "I'm gay".
Gilan: What happened?!
Will: Do you want the long version or the short version?
Gilan: Sh-short??
Will: Shit's f*cked.
Gilan: Okay, long.
Will: Shit's very f*cked.
Gilan: Let's just agree to both say we're sorry on the count of three.
Gilan: One... two... three.
Will: ...
Gilan: ...
Gilan: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Gilan: Hey Will, can you give me the opposite of these words?
Gilan: Always, Coming, From, Take, Me, Down.
Will: Never, Going, To, Give, You-
Will: The f***ing satisfaction.
Gilan, throwing a pokeball at Will: Will, I choose you!
Will, not looking up from their book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
Gilan: Who hurt you?
Will: *snorting* What, do you want a list?
Gilan: ...Yes, actually.
Will : Here comes the lightning!
Will , whispering: You've got to imagine it coming out my fingertips, wherein I am an almighty wizard.
Crowley: Ok, currently imagining that. Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all.
Gilan: You look mentally ill.
Will : I am. Let’s go.
Gilan: Guys, they're definitely prepared for us. They even have a training model of our brand new top-secret stealth helicopter.
Will : No you idiot, that’s ours we crashed!
Gilan: Oh yeah. I guess that makes more sense
Crowley: Hey Halt, I’ve got an idea for how to solve this.
Halt, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah?
Crowley: Wh- No! That’s not the idea, Halt!
Crowley: Ow!
Halt: What’s wrong?
Crowley: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Halt: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Kidnapper: I have your partner.
Will: What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife and spit in my face?
Will: Oh my god, you have Gilan.
*Crowley and Will are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff*
Crowley: oh my god, Will , backwards!
Will : Really, Crowley? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
Crowley: Where are your parents?
Will : What are parents?
Crowley: That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Halt: I don't want to fight you!
Crowley: I wouldn't want you to fight me either!
Gilan: When you've been on the internet for as long as I have, you develop thick skin.
Will : Navy blue isn't your color.
Gilan: Navy blue brings out my eyes you little shit *Chases after Will *
Gilan: Do you even know what an amulet is?
Will : Of course I do! I eat amulets sometimes. I like the ones with cheese and onions!
Gilan: Will , those are omelettes.
Will : Oh. Then I’ve got nothing.
Will : Wanna get out of here and grab a bite to eat.
Horace: I don’t usually eat with losers.
Will : Neither do I but I asked you, didn’t I?
Will: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Gilan : They do.
Halt: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Crowley: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Will...
Halt: As you should be.
Crowley: No, for real, they're kind of-
Halt: As. You. Should. Be.
Halt: Sorry, I'm late to the party. I've been doing things.
Crowley, entering in an unbuttoned shirt: I got caught up doing things too.
Will: Wow, Halt was late too! What a coincidence!
Halt: *raises eyebrows*
Crowley: *screams* Put one down!
Halt: *raises one eyebrow*
Crowley: ah, yes, that better.
Will: *walking around disappointed after visiting an aquarium*
Gilan : Will, what did you think a tiger shark was?
Will: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
Gilan : Will, it's four o'clock in the morning.
Will: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Gilan : I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Will: I sleep with a knife.
Crowley: Both of you are pathetic.
Gilan : Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Crowley: Halt.
Crowley: We call that a traumatic experience.
Crowley, turning to Gilan : Not a "bruh moment".
Crowley, turning to Halt: Not "sadge".
Crowley, turning to Will: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
Halt: That's ridiculous, Crowley doesn't have a crush on me.
Will: Yes they do.
Gilan : Yes they do.
Crowley: Yes I do.
Will: *eating a cinnamon roll*
Gilan: Cannibalism.
Will: *confused chewing noises*
Halt: Yesterday, I overheard Will saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Crowley replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Officer: What’s your name?
Gilan, whispering to Halt:Can I tell them my real name?
Halt: No!
Gilan: I’m… Halt.
Halt, whispering to themselves: The ONE TIME they get my name right…
Crowley: Guess what I'm about to get!
Halt: On my nerves.
Will: Someone’s trying to break in. Call the cops!
Gilan: *loads shotgun* I got this.
Will: Last week you fell up the stairs, what do you mean-
Hope you liked it :)
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aidansloth · 2 years
Random Gareth Emerson Headcanons:
this is literally the 3rd part of these, and yes, the hyperfixation on this sweet boy is still here (tw, I also accidentally deleted the past version of this and the suicidal tendencies really kicked in yk)
he's a Gryffindor, maybe a bit Hufflepuff but mostly Gryffindor
for my Percy Jackson fans, he's either Ares' or Hermes' kid
he's the type to dye red streaks in his hair after a mental breakdown at 3am
his pajamas consist of red checkered pants and a band tee (I'm looking respectfully sir👀)
is a theatre kid
he puts on full shows in his bedroom when his sister walks in and he SHREEKS
can you IMAGINE him singing at the top of his lungs Say My Name or The Room Where It Happens
he's a History and Science nerd, but is somehow shit at Maths
I'm sorry but he looks like he's about to ask you if you have games on your phone
he has SO MANY HOODIES and you get to steal all of them
don't know if I already said this but he's usually short on money so he handcrafts most of the gifts he gives and also makes a lot of his own jewelry
because he hasn't got a lot of money he makes the best presents, they're all thoroughly thought-out and personal to the individual
he can sew, maybe just as necessity, he can fix a button or shorten stuff I'm sure
wears mismatched socks on purpose
he wants to get industrial and helix piercings, tattoos too but he doesn't know what to get yet
Modern!Gareth loves Pokémon, has all the games and knows all of their names (it's his hyperfixation yes) and he says his favourite Pokémon is Emboar but it's actually Sylveon (he just thinks it's really pretty)
he looks like an Arcanine
him and his family (mom and younger sisters) have Sunday nights where they watch movies and play boardgames together and have junk food
when he introduces you to the family his sisters instantly invite you to these nights. he tries so hard to hide his excitement but he can't help but smile and giggle at the thought of you getting along with his family so well
his mom is so happy to see her son like this (she also very much loves you)
okay I got off track there
loves sci-fi, especially those stories where humans realize they've been treating robots and cyborgs like shit
also loves books with rebellions (totally projecting)
his favourite Disney movie is Mulan and yes, he currently has a crush on Li Shang (rightly so). he was probably his gay awakening
he uses dried flowers as bookmarks
him and Eddie stim together (Autistic Eddie and Gareth with ADHD)
probably said this already but his most common stim is bouncing his leg and clapping
he hates gum
any sort of gum, doesn't like it at all
his bed is full of cushions
LOVES dragons
he thinks they're so cool, they have FIRE and WINGS and they've got SCALES and they're BIG
always keeps the thing-y from cans (my English just died imsorry) and makes them into jewelry
he has the whole set of tools to do that too
he's also the one that fixes everything in the house
I also think that the whole of Corroded Coffin is going to live together in an apartment
once Jeff woke him up at 4am because a lightbulb went out in his room and didn't know how to turn fix it
that apartment is going to be a mess
no offence to them obviously, but they are teenage boys, what do you expect (I mean this with love I swear)
(for anyone who has read The Raven Cycle, it's going to be like the guy's apartment, even with the toilet in the kitchen)
the times they've forgotten that one of them is taking a shower and walked right in on them are countless
they always try to have some time together, since they're all busy with either work or college (I'm probably going to make another set of headcanons for this, it really just got my brain going)
can't decide if he'd either kill bugs without hesitation or if he'd be the guy to run away screaming
cause I know Eddie frees them into the wild
and I need to know if they're gonna fight about the bug's fate for 3 hours like they're meant to
Gareth would kill for chicken nuggets
i didn't feel like checking spelling so I apologize for any mistakes
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hello everyone !!! as tumblr decided to send me to the shadow real for a month and i do have a tendency to overshere on here, i thought it would be fun to go through my last month to update my lore (the key things are that i now have no bedroom and i am obsessed with ana mena) through my tweets (i was forced to use that website more i'm afraid). and of course, i will translate everything so don't worry :)
hope you like it!!! this is probably gonna be long so i'll add everything under the cut:
we start at day 1 a.T. (after tumblr) which was a very important day actually (pokémon day for those who don't know)
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they deactivated my tumblr account for no reason?
2. without tumblr, that day i was forced to go to twitch and see ibai's stream announcing the participants of la velada 3 (unfortunately this won't be my last twitch moment here i'm so sorry)
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from left to right and top to bottom:
WHAT IS GOING ON (qrt to: this fight is gonna be legendary. amouranth vs mayichii)
they should kiss (this is about viruzz vs shelao, it is funnier with context sorry)
it's now a reality. this is gonna be insane @/fernanfloo
i think rivers will win (the second tweet it's for context: the second fight of la velada del año 3 is rivers vs la rivers)
3. spoiler alert: i was struggling with uni stuff (and especially administrative uni stuff) all month &lt;3
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(it is impossible to translate this tweet literally so bear with me)
it's unbelievable how much the people in the university of wales don't give a fuck
here's the fun little context for this one: i should've started my semester on february 1st. i had received no notice of enrolling in it, there was no way to do it on the page habilitated for it, and my master's director wasn't answering my mails concerning my dissertation proposal and supervisor or anything really. i sent the sorta student help thingie platform a mail on february 28th asking for guidance and they answered me an hour later telling me i could enroll. my master's director also emailed me telling me i had a supervisor now. lol. fun. great.
4. this will not be my only ana mena related tweet in this list i am afraid
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(the quoted tweet is the singer ana mena as a little girl in a tv show and a sign that reads 'when she grows up she wants to be an archaeologist') she's made it cause the rest of the spanish musical industry is BONES besides her
5. i swear this is my last twitch moment i think. anyways. the squid games. yeah. it was very funny cause every person whose pov i decided to watch died &lt;3
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same order as before:
(the quoted tweet says 'i think i'll watch the squid games from pandarina's pov') tweets that aged up badly: [she died on the first day]
everyone whose pov i'm seeing today dies (ander and zeling) lol
oleeee susi hasn't died let's gooooo
today i won't be able to watch the squid games so i'm only saying @/suzyroxx to the final !!!! [she wasn't in the final <;3]
6. it starts *looks into the distance remembering the horrors*
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FINALLY the predoctoral UCM [my uni] scholarships are here folks
and the meme says the same but more accurately <3
7. that time my 55 year old uncle out of nowhere sent me a tiktok of nochentera and told me he loved it
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my uncle being a nochenterist exactly (in the pic he only says 'it's so good!!!')
8. there are so many horrors relating to that goddamn predoc scholarship that i don't even remember the context of this one &lt;3
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official bulletin of the complutense university or bulletin of shit ??? [this one is funnier in spanish, it's a meme from a show]
9. i do remember this one tho. this was a fun one.
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i suddenly have a new thesis director and a master's dissertation supervisor lol
context: this was the day that my master's director emailed me telling me i finally had a dissertation supervior assigned. the other part is funnier. SO. i had a thesis director chosen from when i started all this process. she was great. love you miriam mwah. anyways. she had another student doing the thesis with her (a student that is my friend). turns out, for the ucm predoc shit there could only be one thesis director per person. no fucking clue why. so we all talked it out and thought the best solution was for me to have another one, and maybe miriam could be my co-director in the future. the funny thing is, this new supervisor (cruz) was my first choice way back when i started thinking about doing the ph.d. i just chose miriam in the end cause she was my master's thesis' director. so yeah. i could've chosen cruz from the start and i wouldn't have had these many problems. but whatever.
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plot twist in memorias de idhún the funky little guy is VICTORIA
(they're right btw)
11. the la casa de bernarda alba miami remake incident. this ruined my day, my week, my month and possibly my year as well. if you haven't seen this and feel strongly about federico garcía lorca please skip this one i don't want to ruin your day.
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you know the drill:
i'm angry cause i can't go to tumblr and go off [literally it says 'shit on the mothers'] at everyone who thought and adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba IN MIAMI is coherent, logical and necessary.
you have to travel to 2023 to stop that aberration from happening [this one's for my emdt besties <3]
this one is already in english
the only modern adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba i will accept [this day i also realised that episode really is an adaptation of la casa de bernarda alba which made me love paquita salas even more]
lorca reading this
and this one's also in english :)
12. oh btw i rewatched druck s5 and s6 just to feel something. wasn't brave enough to watch s7 & s8 tho &lt;3
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[first pic]
the machwitz sisters from druck are the best fictional sisters that exist i don't fucking care if you don't agree
and yes i cried again with them
[pic 2]
the thing about rewatching druck's s5 is that now i want to rewatch druck's s1-4 only because of kiki
literally the best minutt for minutt of all skam i could scream
[pic 3]
possibly my favourite fictional ship above... yes... percabeth
there, i said it
i am once again stanning kieutou i'm so sorry
i was gonna start season 6 tomorrow but it happened
i don't know if i should watch s7 and s8 to be able to say i've watched all druck even if i know they're shitty [spoiler: i didn't do that]
13. maybe i went through a mini-skam craze last month.
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people of twitter, it is a pleasure to announce that i have included references to skam in my book [specifically that moment at the end of sana's season when everything with the girls is resolved and she sent a message to yousef to meet up but he isn't answering]
14. i thought this meme was extremely funny and made for me specifically
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just in case you don't know; pic 1 is the academy of OT [Operación Triunfo], pic 2 is the geography and history building of the UCM (mini spoiler i went there later in the month), pic 3 is the school entrance in skam, and pic 4 is the pool in druck s3.
15. they interviewed my sister !!!!
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here's the link (in spanish) <3
fun fact i found out about this when my mum sent it to the groupchat. my sister and i do live in the same house and speak to each other daily :) they just didn't tell me :)
16. :(
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another day missing tumblr
17. i watched a ton of national selections but i only really tweeted portugal's so yeah
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i'll go chronologically with these ones so it's less confusing lol
please let nasci maria win it's the only song out of all preselections that i've had stuck in my head
a pretty good top 3 tbh, any of those songs deserves to win
it should be said that i've seen a ton of preselections this year and i've only saved two songs from portugal's preselection in spotify.
well i lied. i think there's also one or two songs from sanremo. but whatever
18. i did this cool pokémon chart which made me realise my favourite pokémon type is steel actually
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i've seen fola do this on stream and i wanted to do it myself :)
what do you think people do i have taste or not
here's the chart if you want to take a closer look at it!
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19. this was around the time i really started to resonate with carlos peguer's tweets. i think he's the closest thing to a spanish mike's mic so we have to cherish and celebrate him i think.
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i felt these tweets about amaia's music on a spiritual level. he was so right.
she really was insane for this
the moon reflects on my BITTEN NAILS [this are the opening lyrics of nuevo verano PLEASE listen to it i'm begging]
20. emdt time!!! i finished s2 but it was so hard to do it without liveblogging it on tumblr :( i tweeted a bit about it tho (but only a little!!!)
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why no one told me my town's palace appears in el ministerio del tiempo [i'm kinda glad i wasn't on tumblr here cause i would've purposefully doxxed myself lol. anyways it was certainly something seeing it, especially knowing the actors were IN MY TOWN filming for DAYS and i didn't even know it. disgraceful]
i wish i could talk about the episode i'm seeing of emdt on tumblr cause it's super funny [it was the one where they have to pretend they're a normal ministerio !!!! 10/10 i had so much fun]
21. i also may or may not have gotten addicted to ck3 like a fucking nerd
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the way i started playing crusader kings at nine thirty 'to spend some time until i go to bed' and suddenly it's past midnight ????
22. ⚠️the march 15 incident ⚠️ a lot happened today lol. and no, i'm not referring to the ides of march. i even forgot about them. busy day.
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you can tell how i went through the whole spectrum of human emotions that day <3 anyways, i'll go in chronological order
how's your morning going people i woke up at 6:45 for a job interview but when i got to the bus stop i realized i don't have the transport chart recharged and i don't have enough money in my bank account to recharge it. lol.
in the end i managed to get to the interview and i even talked with an argentinian guy is this being a normal and sociable person
bomb the ucm
it's impossible for the spring to not be my favorite station, i'm about to cry over how nice this day is
i mean. overall it was a good day. but my memories of it get a bit tainted by the sequel (yes there is a sequel). anyways, let's go with the fun context.
so, yes i did (kinda) have a job interview that day. they haven't called me since so i guess that didn't work out. i had a 1 hour 30 mins trip on public transport to get there so that's why i woke up so early (the interview was at 9:30 i think?). i managed to get there only cause as i got back home to wait for my mum to wake up i got the notification that she had sent me 50 € to my bank account for that day. so i went out again, got to the tram station, recharged my transport card, and then got there. in the end the interview was delayed so whatever but yeah. nothing remarkable there apart from that argentinian guy i chatted with!! like a normal human!!!
anyways, after that i had to go to the ucm (told you i was gonna go there later in the month) because. you guessed it: the ucm predoc. i'm not gonna bore you with the details, but basically i had everything done and filled up, i just needed to sign and sent it to the entity. i couldn't do it online so - after calling and not receiving any answers - i printed everything, signed everything by hand and decided to deliver it in the registry office.
that's what i did, after the registry guy told me i should call the people who were in charge of all that process and calling - i shit you not - 6 different numbers until i got their approval. so that means it was done right? i've finished the process??? right???? lol. we'll come to that in the sequel <3
but yeah, the day was nice, it was super spring-y, and it's always great to go outside of the house so i liked it :)
23. i lost my mind over this tweet specifically
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i don't know how to explain how important this picture is to me. like. it's identical to my favourite phrase in the whole world that appears in seneca's mede: medea superest. 'medea remains'. same idea as that sign. i'm gonna combust.
NO WAIT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. the context of 'medea superest' is that the wet nurse is telling medea that she's alone in the world and she answers with that. because despite everything, she still has herself.
despite everything, it's still you.
24. i found my favourite twitter account &lt;3
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feliç dijous is 'happy thursday' in catalan btw
25. i listened to all esc 2023 songs and here's my top!!
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i hit pic limit so i'll continue this in a part 2 (there's not much left i promise)
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 33: Attack of the Fierce Frogs Season 1, Episode 34: Lotor Traps Pidge
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Episode 33: Attack of the Fierce Frogs
Ah yes, more Pidge trauma this episode, this show just keeps on giving
Zarkon's saying the same shit as last episode "find a weakness in voltron's armor!" like dude, you tried that and Lotor STILL got his ass kicked, now I just think you like the free show your dope of a child gives you
How does the Drule fleet keep getting into Arus space, like did we not have a whole system that alerted them of incoming enemies? This is why everything goes to shit so fast and so easily
Some children have found the pre robeast tadpoles! Obvs not knowing anything, Pidge is all to happy to educate the kids all about them god he's such a cutie, he means so much well but the universe just keeps kicking him :c
kid: idk,, it's a long walk to carry all these tadpoles,,, at that point just ask pidge to ride in green LMAO, i think he's enough of a sweetie to do that
Ah yes Pidge, gifting Allura tadpoles in the hopes of one of them becoming a prince, best idea
And there's the robeast transformation, y'know if they employed this tactic more but spread it all over I feel like they'd have a better chance at destroying voltron but oh well they're forever incompetent
The ship name is Altea, iirc in golion that was the original name for Arus, but I guess they repurposed it this time
man,,, pidge only wanted to be nice to the kids and the princess, of course something goes wrong for him again with the frogs being inside the castle AND at the kids house
the frogs sound like Pokémon
I'm sorry why are there just barrels of gasoline outside the house, that fucking dangerous
1 group of robeasts down, one giant robeast left to go
I know this is like,,, a serious situation but man does this scene feel extra dramatic you're telling me this boat is super modern/futuristic yet still has a wood steering wheel that breaks into pieces the second this guy puts any weight onto it? Okay I guess
Oh i thought the frogs were going to amalgamate into a big robeast but ig not, they were all destroyed and Lotor sent out a whole different robeast to take on Voltron instead
Okay we're good he got out of the headlock and it's voltron time! I don't think we've seen Voltron form up underwater yet, but I know he's BEEN underwater after forming so maybe it's not so bad
Oh? green lion is flooding, this is like the second or so time we've seen Voltron actually take damage? Inch resting, the stakes are getting higher
LMAO fucked up voice line, it's the red lion who helps green get off of the robeasts hold (again) but Hunk is the one who's apparently helping him, LET LANCE AND PIDGE BOND YOU FUCKS
Annnd now the cockpit of green lion is flooding, Pidge is going to have a fear of water/drowning for WEEKS
my yelling has been answered, Lance is praising Pidge for stopping the flooding and being brave while doing it, they're so brother coded your honor
Blazing sword formed, robeasts defeated, and somehow Lotor is still on Arus though he's doing his usual complaining about voltron not being defeated Looks like a reuse of a scene, cant remember which episode now, but I know I've seen it before
/episode end
Episode 34: Lotor Traps Pidge
Double Pidge episode this time, of course it's trauma filled poor boy
Sorry say that again, Planet Arus doesn't have hurricanes? What do you MEAN their storms never get to that level Coran
"We must save the buildings!" "No it's the people we must save!" Okay I know Allura's right here but wouldn't protecting the buildings also be protecting the people in it? Like be fr right now, shelter is what they need
Keith knows what up, good idea on watching out for looters in a time of crisis
Hello children fighting?? Pidge I know this is a serious time but maybe figure out why this kid is so adamant about stay behind instead of immediately throwing hands- NEVER MIND HE GOT BITCH SLAPPED WITH A DEAD RABBIT GET HIS ASS PIDGE
IM SORRY DID PIDGE JUST STEP IN A FUCKING TRAP?? THAT'S HORRIFYING also he did mention they were illegal, and I love that he believes in the government but buddy no government is your friend, literally remember what happened to Balto, two governments failed you AT THE SAME TIME
The kid's name is Tommy (real original dotu) and he helped pidge out of the trap and back to his house, great timing for pidge to remember he mentioned something about staying back to take care of someone which he realizes is his sick mother Maybe listening first before throwing hands is a better option Pidge lmao
Zarkon: Don't harm the planet or people more than nexessary, I want them all! Lotor: I'm planting a bomb under the crust of Arus to blow up the castle and the planet Zarkon: EXCELENT! Make it make sense you guys
Pidge how do you know what a groundhog is, actually why am I asking I feel like he'd learn about every earth holiday, and it's history for funsies
Did they reuse the dream sequence Lotor had a while ago in this too? The scene seems so familiar especially because it has Allura in a wedding dress
Why do the villains keep calling the team and the people of Arus humans? Like I'm assuming here they're all aliens (minus Keith Lance Hunk and Sven) so why humans? Maybe it's an old colony planet that eventually grew into its own society and subrace
Pidge and Tommy are officially friends, how cute also Pidge's foot is still giving him trouble, which I'D ASSUME SO SO WHY IS HE RUNNING ON IT
PIDGE JUST GOT PUNCHED AGAIN BY ONE OF LOTORS COMMANDERS EXCUSE ME?? this is a very violent episode for dotu omg
Hunk pls,, i'm on the other guys' side now please dont rant to a sick mother about letting her son go caving could kill him, she has enough to worry about and she doesn't even know the half of it!
VERY VIOLENT THIS EPISODE HUH DOTU, Pidge and tommy and strapped to the giant bomb now, totally not horrifying to two little boys
Lance comes in to save them! I'm not sure how blowing up the control table for the bomb stops it instead of blowing the thing up but yeah i can work with that logic, except now the castle is being attacked and ofc Allura was left behind in there
All is mostly well now, all five lions are out again, and hey Lotor's actually prepared this time and his robeast was the drill he's been using this entire episode, thats pretty smart
Voltron formed, robeast defeats, and apparenty the bomb timer wasn't actually stopped? but jk it was and the team threw the bomb into space where they exploded it themselves get your facts right dotu, this is a lot even for you
/episode end
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purplesurveys · 1 year
When you’re visiting a site, do you still type ‘www.’? I don't and don't think I have in the last, like...13, 14 years.
Can you still read the time if an analogue clock doesn’t have numbers on it? Like if it's just those short lines? Sure. It'd take me a few seconds though hah.
To whom will/did you first talk about the first time you’ve had sex?  I don't think I ever shared that particular experience with anyone. My friends and I just eventually started talking about sex and our sexual experiences gradually, like as we got older and as it became a quiet understanding that we were all doing it.
Have you ever fallen asleep while taking an exam?  No. If I finish early, I was the type to keep going over my answers again and again to make sure I was satisfied with them. Sometimes I'd play with my pen or daydream or whatever, but I'd never sleep.
Tell me something ridiculous about the place or country you live in:  Nobody makes enough fucking money here and that's why nobody ever moves out of their homes and that's why nobody is happy. Also, we regularly make fun of the police because they don't know how to do their jobs and think shooting solves everything. Oh and the fact that we are an extremely religious country, automatically making our culture and society a suffocatingly conservative one.
Sorry, I know you implied to name just one ridiculous thing but when I tell you the Philippines is just in itself a horrific meme of a country...
Did you know that ` is not an apostrophe? Are you guilty of using it?  I know it's not an apostrophe but I've never learned what it's called either. No, I have never used that as an apostrophe.
Have you ever gave the rejection hotline number to anyone?  No...that exists?
What is something you didn’t like about being thirteen?  Struggling to adjust to high school.
What can you hear right now?  SE SO NEON.
Do you think it’s okay for kids to have cellphones?  Sure. I feel like I'm in no place to speak about this as I got my first cellphone when I was 7 haha.
Do you watch anime? If so, what are some of your favorites?  I don't. I tried getting into Attack on Titan super recently but life got busy at the same time I started it so I never really was able to get invested. What I've enjoyed before, though, are Pokémon and Your Name.
A quote/funny line from the last movie you saw?  Not funny, but "Private An Jun Ho!" from DP, a Korean drama I started over the weekend. Apparently in the military you need to state your name every time you're called by a senior, so that line is said 75934398420343204 times in the series.
Don’t you hate yes/no surveys? Or do you prefer the ones that make you think and explain your thoughts?  I used to dislike them, but once I figured I can just say Yes/No but then also elaborate, they didn't seem so bad and boring anymore.
Do you have a favorite curse word? If so, what is it and why?  Fuck. It's just applicable in so many situations and is also so flexible as a curse word hahaha.
How well would you say you do in school? Do you actually exert effort or are you naturally good at your subjects? I was a carefree student in that I would put a lot of effort in subjects I liked; do enough just to get by in subjects I don't necessarily care for but don't expect to ever fail in; and entirely not give a shit about subjects I hate, even if it means failing tests. In the end, that behavior made me an average student who faked my way to the finish line through my writing, being the one thing I'm good at.
Or do you not care at all? Why?  I only started taking school seriously in junior and senior year of high school (because my dream university considered your grades in those levels as part of your overall entrance exam score); and in college (because this is when your performance actually starts to matter as far as landing jobs, and because I wanted to graduate with Latin honors).
Do you have any siblings? If so which one of them do you get along with the best?  I have two siblings and get along very well with my sister.
What’s your favorite TV show? And who’s your favorite character from it?  Breaking Bad will always own my heart. Fave character goes to Gus Fring.
Is there someone that you look up to? If so, who and why?  I used to not believe in role models until I encountered Namjoon – RM, the leader of BTS. Now that's an example of a guy who's turned piles of chicken shit that was pelted violently towards him into perfect, pristine, delicious chicken salad. I feel like he is ARMY's unofficial therapist too lmao; he's always spewing out creative metaphors in describing life and its realities while still steering such realities to something hopeful and positive. He's a born writer, a born artist, and a born leader.
Do you take surveys on other sites besides Bzoink?  I used to get my surveys from Bzoink but have never made an account on there; I've only ever openly done this here on Tumblr.
When did/will summer start for you? The warm season started in April and ended around July.
Do you have a poor eyesight? If so, what is the power of your eyes?  I have horrible eyesight. I think we do the levels differently in the Philippines but in any case, the last time I had new glasses done my left eye was around 160 and my right eye at 400+.
…do you use glasses or contacts for it?  Glasses. You could never get me to wear contact lens.
Have you violated any of the 10 Commandments? If so, what?  I'm sure I have. A bunch.
What would you consider to be your most valued possession? Why?  My ticket to Yoongi's concert, because it was the happiest day of my life.
Are you ever satisfied? Or are you one of those people who always want more? I'm a perfectionist who's trying to slow down and be satisfied with whatever it is I accomplish. Done is better than perfect.
What were you like as a kid?  Too shy you could barely feel my presence anywhere.
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thatonefatgumsimp · 1 year
so...I may or may not have gotten bored and made a whole incorrect quote tiktok feud between my au young millenial Enji and young gen z Hizashi...
Context: the responses are them stitching back and forth and replying to each other's tiktoks
Enji: "Anyone else hate how gen z is always going around claiming things as their own like the spoiled little brats they are? Oh we invented the cha cha slide, we invented twerking, we invented the cotton eyed joe- bitch no you didn't? We created all those things, those are ours."
Hizashi: "Anyone else hate how millennials are going around trying to steal a platform that isn't theirs cuz their mommy and daddy never gave them attention?"
Enji: "See you say that, but then all of you wear those stupid-ass sunglasses, mom jeans that make you look like a middle aged mother, and a middle part that emphasizes just how little you wash your hair."
Hizashi: "Says the one who went around wearing low rise skinny jeans, thongs, and those wack-ass side parts. Like bestie, get with the vibe. That's so last decade. Also do you not see how fluffy my hair is? I literally washed it yesterday. The audacity."
Enji: "Wig. No one cares. And at least I don't blame shit personality traits on my zodiac sign."
Hizashi: "Well at least I don't blame shit personality traits on my Hogwarts house and think drinking everyday is a personality trait. Literally go to double A, boomer. Low-key."
Enji: "At least we don't romanticize revolution, burning down the government, dying in protests, killing cops, and only shave once in a century, you literal fetus."
Hizashi: "I'm sorry, I don't remember last century…tell us, grandpa, what was the first world war like? Do you still have memorabilia from then like the original black and white gameboy and first edition Pokémon red?"
Enji: "See you think you're all that and a bag of chips, but you're not. Please finish puberty before you try to sit at the adult's table, kiddo."
Hizashi: "Literally what are you even saying? Speaking gibberish animal crossing lookin ass. "wig", "all that and a bag of chips" like what does that even mean, you fuckin dinosaur?"
Enji: "Your generation acts like you know nihilism, but you've literally only lived a decade and a half. Think before you continue speaking."
Hizashi: "Sorry, you're right. I'll just shut up until I've lived a century like you. Like damn you just like complaining, huh, Karen? I suggest you take several seats. And fix your hair while you're at it."
Enji: "Well you and your entire generation can suck it. You can't tell me what to wear or how to act. I've been rocking this side part since you had Kermit on your underwear."
Hizashi: sitting in a chair in his room with his real glasses on, midway down the bridge of his nose and a pen and notepad in hand "Mmhm…and does that make you feel better and more mature that you're going online emotionally dropkicking children? Does it give BDE? Cuz I'm gonna be honest, it's giving compensation for me…would you like to talk about it?"
Enji: "Ironic that you're acting like a therapist for me when your generation is literally the most depressed generation. mockingly Would you like a cookie?"
Hizashi: "Mmmmh no thanks, my parents taught me to never take candy from strangers…they also taught me how to have basic manners unlike you apparently."
Enji: "Well at least my generation isn't the bunch of dumbasses that's trying to cancel Eminem. That's cute that you even think you can do that. He was around before any of you were even born. What? Are you just mad that he was an actual lyricist unlike your modern mumble-rappers? In fact, I think you're the one that needs to take a chill pill. He was spitting bars before you could even talk."
Hizashi: "Mmh mmh, see- that's not even what we were talking about, don't go off topic Mr. "my generation has no idea how to use emojis correctly"."
Enji: "I can't even with you, child. You're testing my patience. We invented and used emojis first. Try again, Little Tyke. And honestly? Kindly stfu. No one asked you for your opinion anyways."
Hizashi: "Woahhhh calm down, Jamal, don't pull out the 9. And patience? Honey, what patience. It's giving chronically online. Go touch grass."
Enji: "At least I'm not an idiot who calls yoga pants flared leggings."
Hizashi: "Well at least we don't pay an ungodly amount for overpriced avocado toast or call our pets fur babies, idiot. Mic. Dropped. Get dunked on, boomer."
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While I was already so vulnerable, it came again, it went & left me in shreds
I think I lost a lot of value for my life now
I think of things that make me commonly happy. Pokémon, Splatoon, my dog Lola, my partner, I just feel nothing or horrible.
None of those of their own fault. I just wasn't made to live. Not this long.
I thought about so many words I've learned & how it just means nothing
When I think about those tiny things I realize I'm in that pit again
But right now I don't know if I want out
Has it really ever been better when I did?
Wouldn't I be doing this world a service if I just vanished?
No more money, or space, materials resources, I don't need them anymore
& to my poor partner, if I really am hurting him like I am told I am, then it would just be better if I was gone. But I can't leave him & be alive at the same time because he was it. He was one of my reason to be alive. I had a lot of stuff to live for, but one for one I've lost them. I can't have him feel like he has the burden of keeping me alive because that is a fucking horrid feeling.
I'm going to be alone in a dorm soon. Don't take this seriously. I don't know what I want to do. But I've lost so much hope. Really what little I had left. It felt like all my passion has burnt away. Even the piles of drugs I've been fed hasn't helped. I've been in therapy for years. Yes I have gotten better, but I've taken steps back, so many times that I don't think I'll ever reach the end or even a point where I will be truly, long term content.
So I don't have to anymore. I don't have to keep fighting, maybe. I feel like even my death would ultimately make more people happy than truly upset.
Terrible doesn't cut it..college was my last hope. I was excited, nervous, I even wrote on sui**** forums months ago tbat it might be my answer. I was on my last leg for months. I'm not standing anymore. I'm drowning. In blood. My own fucking blood. I wasn't ready for this blow. I thought it would be enough time for me to recover from the last but it wasn't.
& just because. I FEEL thus shit...DOESNT MAKE ME A VICTIM...I feel. Like when I express ..WEAKNESS over..things that made me sad, regardless of who was in the right, people think I think I'm the victim IM NOT IM NOT A FUCKING VICTIM I KNOW WHO RUINED MY LIGFE & IT WASNT THE PEOPLE WHO THINK IM VICTIMIZING MYSELF it was my mom it was my dad it was p*dos cheaters liars NONcensual assholes IT WASNT THEM & I JUST WANNA FUCKING SAY SORRY
IF I die. I don't have to feel this complicated shit anymore. I fucking hate when I do something horrible & it upsets someone. I'm SO FUCKING MAD AT MYSELF. & I'm SO SAD I HURT SOMEONE enough. To do whatever they did. it stings. I feel sadness over what people do. Decide to leave me. Not because I don't think it's justified. It's becausei feel horrible that they EVER had to feel that way in the first place BECAISE OF ME. It's MY FAULT. & I feel horrible for it. I'M NOT A VICTIM I FEEL GUILT I FEEL SO MUCH GUILT THAT IM LITERALLY TURNED INSIDE OUT EVERYDAY THAT MY MUSCLES & VEINS ARE EXPOSED
I'm not a victim. So do not feel bad for me. THIS ISNT FUCKING REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY I just say what I mean. People think I'm trying to lie & mean the opposite. Ever so straightforward: I'm not a victim. Do not feel bad for me. Do not feel bad for me because I am not a victim.
Gods don't exist, people make them up in their head to give them a last desperate attempt at hope. My brain makes up shit to pull me down deeper.
Except Checkmate. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. But even so, I can't feel my happiest, I feel guilt with him, so fucking guilty. I feel guilty with Candi, so fucking guilty. It's neither of their faults. Please fuck if & when I leave this earth can they just know it was neither of their faults.
I'm not fine. I'm not okay. I'm just saying my thoughts, therefore they aren't serious. As far as you're aware: this post could be a whole joke. & it might be, if this is reported anywhere, it's a joke & is a satirical take on someone who's proper lost their mind. Do not help me. I don't want help. I do not consent to help. Let me die. (A joke). Because it's the only way I can actually rest. (A JOKE.) I hope my last post is soon.
If people respect wills, consider me already dead, & listen to this:
- Do not help me. DO. NOT. HELP ME. Mental illness is so horrible. As deadly as physical illness. If a diseased patient cries of pain, horrid pain, & there's no hope they'll get better, they can have the plug pulled. Let it be the same for me, for my illness.
- Don't take my organs. What the fuck
- Either bury me in a coffin with a grave that says Hoko (my last name here) or don't bury me with a grave at all. Bury me with shrubbery in a forest with no coffin so that my flesh can disintegrate into the soil & give it nutrients
- Be nice to me before I'm buried.
0 notes
pasu-chan · 7 years
Pokémon Tag
@yamujiburo created this, and what better way to start pokémon day? =3
1. Favorite starter?
Totodile (Mudkip is very close second)
2. Favorite Pokémon?
Arcanine~~ (easy)
3. Favorite type?
4. Favorite region?
Johto and Alola are on a tie there
1. Favorite game?
Crystal for nostalgia’s sake and Ultra Sun if I’m honest
2. Favorite in game player character? (Red, Leaf, Kris, Ethan, etc.)
Ethan (Luth) from SoulSilver
3. Favorite in game rival?
Serena? Serena.
4. Favorite Professor?
Pr Sycamore (Platane)
5. Favorite Gym Leader/Kahuna?
6. Favorite Elite 4?
Lance (Peter)
7. Favorite Champion?
Steven Stone (Pierre Rochard)
8. Favorite evil organization? (Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Galactic, etc.)
Aqua and Magma
9. Favorite in game song?
It has to be Celadon city (Celadopole)
10. What was your first Pokémon game?
Pokémon Crystal =3
1. Favorite Pokémon anime season?
Season 4, 6 and 20 in a tie 
2. Favorite travel companion?
May (Flora)
3. Favorite character?
Ash (Sacha)
4. Favorite movie?
Lucario and the mystery of Mew the feeeeeels man....
5. Favorite of “the twerps’ Pokémon”?
Almost all of Ash’s pokémons (old and new) But I’ll say his Charizard (and there is a special place in my heart for Brock’s Croagunk)
6. Favorite of Team Rocket’s Pokémon?
James’ Cacnea!
7. During what season did you start watching?
It was a rerun of season 3 if I recall
8. Top 5 episodes:
Oh man...
-Bye bye Butterfree
-File 4: Charizard from the Origins anime
Listen I can’t know all of them in english =3=‘
-Episode 8: Le chemin qui conduit à la ligue Pokémon
-Episode 507: Sabelette prisonnier!
-Episode 960: Un voyage se termine, un autre commence !  (TmT)
9. Favorite OP?
In order from absolute fave (it’s too hard to choose ^^’)
Season 9 (fr)
Season 6 (fr)
Season 3 (fr)
Season 17 (jpn)
10. Favorite ED?
1. Do you prefer the Pokémon games, anime, TCG or manga?
I love all four... I’m TRASH okay! However, I do consume of the anime and games way more
2. Would you live the Pokémon world?
Heck yeah!
3. Contests or battles?
4. What Pokémon berry looks the tastiest to you?
Sitrus berry
5. Tag people!
@blaziken-666 obligatory tag, @samsoule, @magicarpedore (faites le en français les gens, chercher tous les noms sur wikipedia c’est relou =___=‘) @adgerelli, @deathscar and @conflitdecanard (if you want)
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mellometal · 3 years
I haven't been able to keep up on the whole Dhar Mann lore as of current day, and I'm sorry, BUT FUCK THAT PIECE OF SHIT RIGHT NOW. He's not important at the moment. There's someone else who I really need to discuss. You probably know who this person is if you're in the Sonic fandom.
A few questions for anyone who's new to this person:
1. Do you know who Chris Chan is?
2. If so, what are your thoughts on Chris?
3. Does the character Sonichu ring any bells? If not, here's an official picture of him below:
Tumblr media
For anyone who has never heard about Chris Chan, I don't have time to go into the whole lore here because it's not important. You can jump down the CWC rabbit hole on your own. There are MANY documentaries on this person. I recommend Geno Samuel's docuseries on Chris Chan, if you want to know EVERYTHING about this person so far and you're committed to the task.
To sum up Chris Chan in a few words, she's an autistic trans woman who created Sonichu and dealt with a shit load of trolls. Her parents (her late father and elderly mother) have enabled their own child her whole life.
I'm thoroughly disgusted by this person and I don't fucking respect her whatsoever. The ONLY amount of respect I'm bothering to give her AT ALL is using the correct pronouns for Chris when referring to her. That's IT.
Obligatory trigger warning (I am DEAD SERIOUS here, so please listen):
This post will be going into sensitive subject matter such as r@p3, s3xual assault, elder abuse, inc3$t, and Chris Chan ADMITTING TO (ALLEGEDLY) HARMING HER OWN MOTHER. (There will be videos linked in this post if you want to watch them. PROCEED WITH CAUTION.)
If any of those subjects is triggering for you in ANY WAY, or they just flat-out make you uncomfortable, please don't feel like you're obligated to read this post. I understand that these subjects are extremely sensitive, and I'm going to try my hardest to talk about these subjects in the most respectful manner possible. I don't want to bring back any trauma you or someone you know may have. That's the last thing I would ever want to do. Put your mental health and well-being first. Again, like I say with every post that talks about sensitive subject matter that may be triggering or uncomfortable for people, consume media that sparks joy for you.
Any resources that you or someone you know may need will be in this post too. Some countries might not even have resources for things like this locally, but I will try my best to find them.
United States:
Latin America:
South America:
ALL European countries:
ALL of Africa:
ALL of the Middle East:
ALL of Asia:
New Zealand:
Anyone who's still here, let's get on with the subject of this post, which are the current events in Chris Chan's life.
Recently, Chris Chan has admitted to (allegedly) s3xually assaulting Barbara, her elderly mother. There is audio that was leaked yesterday of her admitting to this very (alleged) action.
One of the phone calls that was leaked is below. This is that full phone call:
Here's a video with the segments where Chris admitted to (allegedly) s3xually assaulting Barbara (WARNING: THE THUMBNAIL IS GROSS):
As of now, Barbara is currently in the hospital for a mental wellness check to see if she's lucid. She's also there for a r@p3 test to see if there was any penetration.
Chris was detained (most likely to be questioned), then released. Her initial plans were to stay with her aunt and uncle, who live near where she and her mother live. Those plans fell through, as apparently they rejected Chris. She's not allowed to have any contact with her mother, or be at the house until August 5th. Their pets are currently left unattended in the house....I don't know who's going to be taking care of the animals with nobody there. I don't know where Chris will be staying for the next few days. That hasn't been disclosed to the public, as far as I've been able to do research on these current events.
I cannot say that Chris has actually COMMITTED THIS CRIME until the test results come in for Barbara, Chris is tried in court, Chris gets a prison sentence, and Barbara is put into a nursing home. That's why I said she (Chris) admitted to ALLEGEDLY committing this crime.
Incest between a mother and son (that's how the crime was written, please forgive me) in the state of Virginia is a Class 5 felony. Class 5 felonies are considered "wobblers", as they can be deemed felonies or misdemeanors, depending on the circumstances. If deemed a felony, Chris could face from one to up to ten years in prison. If deemed a misdemeanor, Chris could face up to twelve months in prison. Because Chris is on disability, they might go easier on her. On the flip side, because of Barbara's age, they might go harder on Chris.
If Barbara happened to be lucid during those events, the charges above would apply. If she wasn't lucid at all and was confused, shit would get VERY serious for Chris.
I also can't exactly say if the phone call is even real; however, there's evidence of Chris admitting to having a fetish for old people, including her own mother. According to a person Chris is friends with, she's had dreams about having s3x with her mother. I also am not sure if Chris is confusing herself with having s3x with fucking MEWTWO, if she was coerced into lying, or if she's hiding something else and decided to say this to cover her own ass. Did I mention she's married to some of her own characters (Magi-Chan, Cryzel, and Sylvana) AND Mewtwo from Pokémon? THAT'S TRUE. YOU CAN LOOK THAT UP IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME.
This whole situation is disgusting and it makes me sick to my stomach. Chris Chan is a MONSTER. I hope Barbara's okay. I know she's not a very good person either (welp, birds of a feather flock together), but I do have sympathy for the elderly and what happened to her is unforgivable.
Some other YouTubers who have talked about this are Gibi and Rogue The Internet Man, as far as I know for now.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! All of those snippets are so good! Gotta say though that ingo was the biggest mood in the arms outstretched one because god - death is just eternal sleep, yeah dude I guess! What a mood! Also I love brat emmet in jtr, like man, it’s called constructive criticism? Be kinder to your niece dammit! Take some cues from faw!emmet!!! (I feel like he might be talking about therapy?? Maybe?? Or possibly just talking about anything instead of stuffing it down? and by god does akari need that.)
Also!!!! Niche fic! Niche fic! Niche fic!!! Ingo with Cain instinct is canon and so good! Also! As someone who loves spicy and sour things, I love the idea of emmet having no tolerance, and ingo destroying him with the Pokémon equivalent of warheads or sour gummies.
Anyway I love all of them! Good luck! Stay hydrated! Take breaks! 💜💜💜💜
FJDKFLA thank you!!! this got long so i put everything else under the cut fjdalksa;
AO Ingo has been up for over 24 hours due to jetlag and has not had any coffee to help him rip. If Dawn gets them killed he will welcome death with open arms (until Arceus reminds him that he left someone behind, and then it's gonna be war)
JtR Emmet is at least TRYING xD I don't think he gets the chance to give constructive criticism often except in employee reports. Maybe he should get some sheets to give her random compliments with- "good job wrestling that geodude, please don't do it again, it frightens me that you're that strong and i am but a twig!!!!"
FaW Emmet is about to get his niece in Mufasa-Simba trouble and he's not sorry about it! He's not equipped to handle her screaming in terror unless it's at a horror movie. (She DOES have a human therapist, who definitely has helped!!!, however i think "i got stolen from my world by god and sent into this world's past and told to find all that region's pokemon, and when i did that god started trying to kill me and DID kill me until my dad and uncle showed up to get they ass" is a bit much to put on someone! she probably definitely has kept things to herself </3)
NICHE FIC NICHE FIC NICHE FIC!!! I spent like 45 minutes last night world building for MYSELF because I wanted notes somewhere! (I would apologize to my cursed discord server but it's incredibly tame and so far from the worst thing that server has ever seen. i love them very much.) All siblings have some form of Cain instinct, and when your sibling is upset you sometimes indulge in that instinct!! I like to think Emmet can build up a bit of a tolerance but Ingo, for some reason, can pop three warheads in his mouth at once and not even break a sweat. He's vibing, he's looking for the sourest shit. Emmet takes one look at a sour patch kid and goes the other way.
Thank you!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I have two bottles of gatorade, a water, and probably another week of work before it's pretty much dead for the summer and I can (hopefully) focus on writing!!
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yaoipaddlestar · 3 years
why do you hate those guys?
I'm assuming this is about the post with the pictures of Game Freak's Junichi Masuda and Shigeru Ohmori. I hate them because of their design choices with Pokemon games. As the producer and director, respectively, of SWSH, a lot of the very obvious flaws in that game fall pretty squarely on their shoulders. Take a look at this:
"Pokemon.com: What motivated the change to leave the Exp. Share on permanently for the first time in the series?
Mr. Ohmori: I spent a lot of time discussing this with our battle design team. We came to the realization that the vast majority of players played the games with the Exp. Share left on at all times. When thinking of why players would want to turn it off, we thought it would primarily be to give Exp. Points to only one of the Pokémon in your party. We felt the same result could be achieved by players simply limiting the number of Pokémon in their party to one. That would be a more intuitive way to limit Exp. Point gains for most players."
Like, are you kidding me? Most people use EXP share, so those who don't want to have no choice but to use it or use only ONE pokemon now?
And then there's the thing about GF removing features from ORAS because people "don't have time to play anymore" and "don't like challenges."
Source (in Italian but rough translation below)
I dislike Masuda and Ohmori because they are the posterboys for some of Nintendo's worst modern work (no matter how well the games actually did. SWSH is very flawed, that's, like, a fact. Sometimes bad games sell well and that is actually not a good sign for the consumers). They don't listen to their audience, don't fully understand their audience, LIE to their audience (claiming Pokemon were removed from the game because new models were being created for each Pokemon, when any previous gen pokemon has just had its model from 2013 reused AGAIN), and the success of games like SWSH only encourages further low-effort games. (Peek Legends Arceus. I want that game to be good but, to be honest, it kind of looks like shit).
And I want to acknowledge that the fault is not entirely that of Masuda or Ohmori or any of Game Freak's workers. The Pokemon Company shoulders a lot of fault in that, to a certain extent, they are probably giving Masuda direction. Masuda's thoughts that folks don't want challenge anymore probably stems from the same thoughts coming from TPC's CEO saying the exact same thing. And it probably wasn't Masuda's idea to overcharge people for SWSH.
Masuda has produced and directed amazing Pokemon games in the past. It's sad to see this become of his work. Ohmori, well, he's been around I guess. It's not that I'm locked in some sort of blood feud, and I don't think the harassment they've received over SWSH and other Pokemon game design choices are fair, but I do understand why they've received so much harassment. I do have to admit I resent them a fair bit for what they've made of the Pokemon franchise. It's not what it once was, or what it could be and that upsets me.
So that's why lol. Sorry for the long reply. I have a LOT of feelings about Pokemon and specifically the disaster that is SWSH. Thanks for asking uwu
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