#sorry for this essay WOW. i didnt want to post your ask because i didnt want to accidentally start a fire in my inbox and i dont rlly like
suenitos · 10 months
lol at anon "not to neg ask" *proceeds to neg ask*. anon im whacking you with a broom .
i know where youre coming from and i get it and wellunfortunately he will be demonized no matter what he does or doesnt do. he could have the most well put together video that addresses the birds that he saw outside his window at this exact particular time and people will STILL scrutinize every little detail to prove hes a bad person and lie on his name. however. we also dont know if it will turn some tide in his pr or ppl will empathize because it very well could! some people are too far gone to ever hear him out but like i said most of what he does is not for THEM. theres a lot of layers to what you said about the lying bit and that is true people will spread lies. people always have and always will but he said himself he wants to work on dispelling shit again like he used to and actually having convos with people, especially large ccs, who are only fed context from internet telephone. which is dumb of them but hey 🤷 im a stan so i obviously have a bias towards him that ccs and regular shmegular people dont. hes insanely misunderstood and a lot of that has to do with mis/disinformation campaigns, malicious and not. also, things have never been "normal" ever, we've just had months where things calm down for a while, EVEN IN 2020 people were ganging up on this man for the stupidest shit, anti or not. i do feel for him a lot the way you do, and you're valid to feel the way you do and completely disregard everything i just said. thats fine. i just think its not worth sitting in that state of doomerism and its better to think about what the video will positively achieve that is guaranteed: closure for survivors that have actually had to deal with stuff like that that are in his audience and speaking to people who are still unsure about supporting him. also the fact that dream has a very strong support system through this and he's a tough, transparent, and audacious guy even through EVERY allegation and insane callout he has been through, every cheating scandal, john swan, parasocial stanbase, racism in his past, racism in his present, getting doxxed, housing a an abuser, r slur discourse, getting swatted, not caring enough about gay people, etc etc is proof enough that he can get through this, and we can too. just. sit tight. we'll be ok, maybe later rather than sooner but we'll make it out
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The Class Group Chat: Part 2
(sorry for not posting yesterday. i forget date .-.)
20 03 Thursday
Alya: i need help
Alix: hey alya. sup?
Alya: anyone know how to solve question 5 on the math homework?
Alya: -_-
Max: @Alya You need to use the Pythagoras theory to solve for c before finding the area and then using it to find the area of the rectangle.
Alya: ohhhh, thats what i do?
Alya: pg 103 of our textbook, numbers 1-10
Alix: 10 questions?!
Alya: and they have kids
Alix: what??
Max: She means they have sub-questions.
Lila: actually, she's MADEMOISELLE Moulin now. She got divorced a few days ago.
Max: Are you sure Lila?
Lila: at least, thats what i heard from aurore
Adrien: Hey guys! what are we talking about?
Adrien: Oh, it's a quote from the extract on line 5 of the first paragraph
Alix: what extract???
Alya: Adrien, its 5.4 litres
Adrien: oh, you meant for the math homework
Adrien: I thought you meant the literature homework
Max: You didn't? I did.
Lila: oh, i did too but my rare illness needed a surgery so i was unable to do the homework
Adrien: oh the lit homework isnt that long Lila. im sure youll be able to finish it if u start now
Lila: ... thanks adrien
Adrien: anytime 😇
Marinette: why are all of you chatting so late 😑
Marinette: um, i dont remember. pg 18 i think?
Lila: @Marinette actually marinette, its page 27.
Marinette: i dont remember being the one who asked
Lila: wow mari u dont have to be so mean
Alix: Wait, so what page is it???
Adrien: actually Lila, marinettes right. its page 18. u should check ur sources before giving Alix the wrong info. just some friendly advice :)
Lila: ...
Lila: oh, thank you babe
Lila: oh, i didnt tell u. adrien and i are dating
Adrien: no were not
Lila: yes we are
Adrien: no were not
Lila: yes we are
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Marinette: oh, well bi is sandstone while bii is convergent
Alix: ??????
Max: She means for the geography homework.
Adrien: wait, we had geography homework?!
Lila: oh, i knew about that one too, but i like i said, my surgery took a lot of time so i couldnt do it
Alya: why dont u stop texting and start writing then???
Lila: ...
Alya: u know what, why am i even online?!
Alya: Marinette, whats the geo homework?!
Marinette: page 54, numbers 1 to 15
Marinette: Mr. Lavigne gave us this last week. why have none of u done it -_-
Rose: wait! whats all this about homework???
Kim: wait, we had homework? 😨
Juleka: has anyone else done the biology homework?
Alya: MERCI LE DIEU. something ive done
Marinette: yeah, its an essay on the alimentary canal
Alix: Marinette im freaking pissed right now so quit speaking chinese and tell us the homework in english
Marinette: -_- that was english dummy
Alix: MAX!
Max: Write a 200 word essay on the digestive system.
Alix: Lord have mercy
Lila: oh, i couldnt do that one either because of my surgery
Alya: WAIT, IT WAS 200 WORDS?!
Alya: I THOUGHT IT WAS 50!!!
Nino: why the heck are you all still awake
Alya: Nino you better not tell us we have more homework
Nino: more homework?
Nino: oh, u mean the ones due tomorrow?
Alix: TOMORROW??!!!!
Rose: please tell us whats due Nino!
Nino: wait a sec, im reading the chat
Nino: oh, well, all the ones you've mentioned actually
Nino: due tomorrow
Ms. Bustier: I just saw the notifications from the chat and decided that you students need a reminder. Please remember your Literature, Mathematics, Geography, Biology and Physics homework are due tomorrow.
Juleka: oh no. im not done with my physics
Marinette: wait, physics was the diagram right?
Marinette: i totally forgot! im not done!!!
Adrien: 🙀
Rose: @Juleka im coming to ur house. we arent sleeping tonight
Nino: @Alix sure but hurry up, im locking my door a few minutes after alya gets here
Kim: @Nino can i come too????
Nino: @Kim sure, just hurry
Max: Nino, if I may, may I attend this impromptu event? My assistance may be needed.
Nino: yes please
Adrien: @Marinette can i come to ur house? pwease??
Marinette: sure but ya better hurry up
Lila: wait, why is adrien going to marinettes house
Lila: hello?
Lila: does no one think thats suspicious?
Lila: guys?
Ms. Bustier: Lila, you've done all your homework?
Lila: actually ms bustier, due to my surgery, i was unable to do any of my assignments. its very disappointing and im incredibly sorry. i wish there was more time for me to get it done.
Ms. Bustier: Oh, it's okay Lila. Just send a scanned copy of your discharge papers to my email and I'll take care of the rest.
Lila: my what?
Ms. Bustier: The papers that tell me you've been discharged from the hospital. I'll send you my email if you need it.
Ms. Bustier: Lila?
Ms. Bustier: Are you still there?
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brelione · 4 years
Ooh congrats on 200 girl!! Can I request something with Rafe please where he slowly falls in love with the reader every time she comes round to tutor Wheezie but she's not interested because of what she's seen and heard about him (non cannon Rafe pls, him just being a rich stuck up dick) so he puts in the effort to win her over and is determined to show her a different side to him!?
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Sorry,this sucks lol.
Rafe Cameron,the bitchy,rich,straight white male.He was privileged as all hell and could get away with anything because of his daddy’s money.He did get away with anything,including beating the living hell out of multiple pogues.He was probably the person you hated most in the world and yet you were in his house,being payed with his daddy’s money to tutor his younger sister.You tried not to judge people based on their families but part of you wanted to decline the offer to tutor Wheezie and spit in Ward Cameron’s face.
But of course thats not what happened,you needed money to live and Ward had offered a ridiculous amount.It was your third study session,common core math books and Type Two Writing for Students opened on the table,piles of flashcards and worksheets flooding the marble.
Wheezie needed to go to the bathroom,meaning you were all alone when Rafe came along.Your fingers tightened around your pencil as you went through Wheezie’s first draft,wanting nothing more than to pierce the boys eyeball with the charcoal tip.He stared at you from across the kitchen,looking around with a confused expression. “What the fuck?’He asked.You rolled your eyes,ignoring him. “Who are you and why are you in my house?”He asked,his voice dripping with venom.Wheezie came out of the bathroom,glancing between the two of you. “Shes my tutor,chill.”She sighed,sitting across from you again.The boy glared at you,trying to hide his wonder.
He didnt really know who you were but he was sure he had seen you somewhere.His eyes were focused on your face,trying to figure out if he had seen you at a party or something. “What?”You asked,he shrugged,leaning against the counter and still staring at you.Then it clicked.
He had shown up to a boneyard party,just to be a fucking asshole.He had seen a girl hanging upside down from a tree,talking to JJ Maybank.He could see why he was interested in her,she looked pretty cute,arms crossed over her chest as she swung back and forth.He had always wondered who she was and why he had never seen her before.He thought about her every once in a while,trying to think of why he never saw her again.And here she was,sitting in his kitchen. “You’re a pogue?”He asked,squeezing his cup.You ignored him,tapping your pencil on a word and asking Wheezie what it said. 
“Hey,i asked you a question.”He was closer this time,leaning against the table. “And I ignored you.”You answered,sending a glare his way.He chuckled,shaking his head. “Are you a pogue or not?”He asked.You sighed,looking his way. “Does it matter?Im trying to do my job and you’re being a pest,do you want Wheezie to fail all of her classes?”You asked.He rolled his eyes. “Oh,so you are a Pogue.What does a pogue know that I dont?”He asked Wheezie.You laughed,shaking your head. “We all know you only graduated because of your daddy’s money.You had like...what?A 2.0 gpa?”You teased,gripping your pencil tight.He bit on his lip staring down at you. “Oh,so what’s yours then?”He asked,watching as a smirk came across your face. “4.2,now fuck off.”You growled at him.
Something about the way you told him off completely freaked him out.Most people knew better,especially when they were in his house.He had a habit of sitting on the couch and watching you as you corrected Wheezie’s essays,telling her which words would be better for getting her message across.You would shoot him glares that made his heart beat quicken,making him nervous.Other times he’d see you smile at Wheezie’s progress,his heart beat quickening but for a different reason.As Wheezie put it,he was completely in love with you.He couldnt agree more but didnt want to admit it.He hadnt even talked to you since the first time he saw you.It wasnt until you were packing up your bag and dropped papers that he talked to you again.He had rushed to help you pick them up,handing them to you.
You thanked him quietly,rushing past him.He followed you to the door,working up his courage to talk. “So um...do you have a criminal record?”He asked.You turned,rasing your eyebrows. “Oh,so because im a pogue I have a criminal record?”You asked.He shook his head,mumbling. “No,no not what im saying at all im just trying to make conversation and like….i dont know i just thought it would be a cool question.”He played with his hands,following you outside. “I mean,yeah,I do.I wouldve fuckin gotten away with it too if I was a kook.”You sighed.He laughed nervously,hands shaking a little. “So...what did you do?”He asked.You grinned at the memory. “Vandalism,I used to go around and steal confederate flags and then paint rainbows on their houses.”You answered.He chuckled,nodding.
 “So what did you do with them?The flags,I mean.”he tried to continue the conversation,following you down the driveway. “Burned them.”You answered,turning to look at him again. “Are you gonna follow me home,stalker?”You asked.He blushed,shaking his head. “Um...no,unless you want me too.”He offered.You shook your head,continuing your walk as he just stared at you,jumping up and down,joy washing over him now that he had talked to you without you looking disgusted.He had asked Wheezie to talk to you for him,making her confused. “Talk to her yourself.”She scrolled through her phone.He shook his head. “No,no she hates me I just need you to ask her about like...if shes single,what zodiac sign she likes,what she looks for in a guy.You know what i'm saying?”He asked.She smirked. “You like her!”She exclaimed.He shook his head. “No,im asking for a friend.Please just do this for me,okay?”He asked.She grinned. “So what do I get out of it?I could really go for McDonalds.”She grinned.
“So...what do you think about Zodiac signs?”She asked,writing down some dialogue ideas.You raised your eyebrows. “what?”You asked.She laughed,repeating herself. “Why are you asking?”You asked.She glanced over to Rafe in the living room,the boy twirling his fingers and encouraging her to keep asking questions. “I just think its important that I know.”She mentally face palmed herself. “Ok,Scorpios are superior and Virgos suck ass.”You answered.Rafe’s eyes widened.You had to have known that she was asking for him.You wouldnt have said that if you didnt know he was a virgo. “Ok….what about your ideal first date?”She asked.You laughed,shaking your head. “Keep working on your dialogue.”You told her.
Rafe tried.He really tried so hard.He knew that it was the fact that he was a kook that made you hate him so much.He tried to act more humble,less cocky and tried working on his manners.He went through Wheezie’s instagram followers to find you,cursing when he saw that your account was private. “Wheezie,let me see your phone.”He sighed nervously. “Why?”She asked. “I need to see (Y/N)’s instagram.”He explained,scrolling through your page.You posted pictures of sunsets,your dog and a couple of photos of you holding up peace signs and middle fingers.Your bio made him chuckle. “Fuck the patriarchy and fuck you too.”He went through who you followed,seeing a lot of fanpages and the official Harry Potter account.
That lead him to binge watch the Harry Potter movies,take the sorting hat quiz and order a Slytherin shirt.He purposely wore it when he knew you were coming over,walking into the kitchen.Your eyes fell onto his shirt,laughing. “Oh,of course you’re a slytherin.”You sighed.He grinned. “Wow,thanks.What house are you in?”He asked.He held a long conversation with you as you talked about how much you hate J.K Rowling and how Dobby didnt deserve what happened.He agreed with everything you said,loving the way your eyes lit up.The study session somehow turned into you and Rafe speaking about Draco while Wheezie grinned to herself.
He looked through every single post of yours,every single caption until he learned that you loved horror films.He learned your favorite one,putting it on when you came over.Wheezie didnt even need tutoring anymore,she just liked having you over and you still got payed.You had then become her babysitter because Rafe was deemed to irresponsible and Sarah had a social life. “Dude,are you watching (Y/F/H/M)?”You asked,hearing the dialogue.He nodded,letting you sit next to him to watch it. “I didnt know you liked horror movies.”You sighed,leaning back on the couch.He blushed. “Only this one.”He answered.
It took him three months of talking to you about Harry Potter and horror films for you to stop telling him off,cussing him out and giving him glares.He could feel himself falling for you more,seeing who you were when you werent angry or annoyed.He avoided The Cut,learning that maybe if he let go of his Pogue Beater reputation you’d eventually like him.He tried to be more open,to tell you about himself and have deep conversations with you.He answered your questions honestly,laying his trauma and issues bare and letting you ask questions about the worst sides of his life.He had cried in your arms a couple of times,becoming your friend.He had gotten buried deep in the Friend Zone but he was fine with that,knowing you didnt hate him anymore.You two would hang out all the time outside of babysitting Wheezie,he’d come down to the beach with you to have splash fights.
One night while you were at the beach,the area completely empty besides the two of you as you splashed cold water at eachother.He had pushed you into the water,your clothes,hair and skin becoming soaked.You jumped up,hugging him tight and getting him soaked too.He pulled away,grinning down at you.He didnt know why he thought it was a good idea,leaning down and kissing you.All the three months of feelings spilled out just then,his hands holding your waist tight.You didnt knew what to do,what to think,pulling away. “Um….so you just-what?”You huffed,trying to understand.His bottom lip trembled,his hands shaking. “I just….I dont know.”He mumbled,still holding you.You nodded,finger tracing his jaw. “So you dont know why you did that?”You asked.He looked out at the ocean,biting his lip. “Cause I like you...love you and I just thought….”He mumbled,trying to form words.You rolled your eyes,pulling him into another kiss. “Asshole.”You grinned,running a hand through his hair.
@sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel
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weishenkun · 3 years
Ppl were saying fendi only invited ten and they stuck lc there but what about yy? Iirc he was there too so they put him there on purpose as well or they won’t mention him because he’s not the one in trouble here? I’m not trying to give an attitude but if it sounds of it I’m really sorry. Idk there’s so much back and forth and ngl to that hardcore cbar fan and revealing all that info, if you saying he was such an a-hole throughout his entire career you didn’t bother leaving his fandom earlier and saying nothing? Idk that really irks me that this only came out because of what has been happening. Idk if you agree with me but I want to rant and I have so much to rant about but idk who to turn. Everything is being picked about from the littlest thing he has done or said and ppl are saying those interviews the 3 groups he in esp wayv ones have done were they praise him all must be fake. We don’t know his side of the story and in honest truth we will never know because how these things are handled through the west and Asian entertainment is so different. But I have I guess I have some reservations about what one of the victims said because of apparently who she is and it has made me think about some things. I still believe he was wrong for some of the things he has done because he needs to understand cheating and manipulation isn’t good. Idk idk idk my heart is heavy and people using this as a lololol ahahah moment to his fan community hurts too like going on and on how all along he was a douche and they always knew and we didn’t. And honestly I feel like there has been so much bandwagon hopping on the hate train because before this most ppl apart from the wayv fandom didn’t give a two cent shit about wayv. They never cared when sm mistreated them or that they got scrapings and were not treated like how 127 or dream were treated. But suddenly everyone who has never cared is up and arms about him in the group because when wayv is going to do their next projects I want to see if all these ppl are going to be cheering them on as loud about you cheering on about what’s going on currently. like I can guarantee you won’t watch an interview or stream their music. And there has been this post going around about what was revealed yesterday and it was about that cat and someone said to the girl well he didn’t give you the cat cause you ain’t his fav and she’s like go ask him on bubble cause that wasn’t what he told me yesterday and idk what it even means because everyone is jumping on it and going lololol he’s still in contact after the apology. Idk she had said it sarcastically and Idk if she’s being truthful or not but everyone is adamant he is still doing all this regardless. And honestly IF he did do that and you let him contact you like that i feel like it’s on her esp since everything has been going on for days. He was dumb for all of this and rn his entire career isn’t surviving so I can’t even tell if she is serious or not and given how this is going on I can’t imagine his devices not being taken away from him cause that’s dumb or someone watching him like a fucking hawk cause I would. Cause on top of everything ppl are saying he mistreats the animals/pets and it’s like wtf is going on?! Oh And with the surfing coach confirming they didn’t flirt but were just friendly, you could have said something earlier but did nothing for hours until you were asked directly because everyone was saying she’s number 5 but apparently in reality she wasn’t but you let it go on. Everything is plaguing me rn and I have so much more to talk about but I’m just so frustrated.
okay this is a long ask so let me just go through each point
1. i saw the fendi story and yeah, yangyang was there too but people are more 'forgiving' towards him cause hes not badmouthing other members like allegedly lucas is. also, labelv was basically trying to get more members into the thing than the organizer originally wanted to, so yangyang, since hes less popular, is pretty logical but lucas? really? he had his own shit almost always so what was the point
2. about that hardcore cbar fan, true, they did only come out with the rant after the stories came out but like they said - they were a hardcore fan. probably theres some money involved or even it was just ignoring stuff cause youre a fan. we did know about most of the things they mentioned, it was just over a long period of time so there were big gaps between each of the incidents and people forgot? idk
3. i agree, there's been a lot of analysis of every little thing he did, but like i said earlier - it was happening over a long period of time and people were blaming it on idk, the culture or the lack of knowledge of some language. now, when theres a chance it could be something more, because of the alleged badmouthing, people will bring that stuff up 🤷‍♀️
4. he had a chance to say something in the apology letter. he said literally nothing instead :D
5. there has been a lot of bandwagon hopping on the hate but theres also been a lot of just straight up ignoring everything. i saw a fan acc on twitter share a list of translators so the fans could block those, cause they've been spreading false news 🤡 like, he was trending for days so people will get interested in whats going on and they will have opinions, thats how world works. and yeah no one will give a single fuck about future wayv project for example but i just hope it will be because they wont care and not because there wont be any future wayv projects :DDDD cause wayv was never big lol, lets be realistic, and this scandal isnt helping them at all and also the fact its happening right when there's that social media/fans campaign going on, i think its even worse :D
6. the bubble thing... labelv isnt the brightest so idk if its that unrealistic. and i think theres the other girl who also said he was calling them non stop when they released their story so idk idk lol
7. wheres the cat :/ we all saw the pic of him getting it, i think i reblogged it with something like 'omg omg ot11 soon' lmao and we havent seen it ever since. it is weird, just like in general. i want to know wheres the cat
8. the coach 🤡🤡🤡 idk idk her story was weird but i think it made another person release their story so thanks i guess :DDD even if he didnt flirt with her, wow, omg, hes so brave for this, wow, bare minimum :)
okay i think i went through everything, thanks for letting me write a whole essay back to you, i will call it an english practice in my brain 😍
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night-rhea · 4 years
İts 3am and ım so bored. So. Here's my shit post. I will probably make part two of this.
Night: Be nice!
Jae: I am!
Night: You threatened second year with a knife!
Jae: I didnt stab him, did ı?!
Night: JAE-
*in Slytherin common room*
Rowan: Aw... I cut my finger....
Rowan: Hey stop runni-
Night: *comes from outside running* WHİİİİİ OOOOO WHİİİİİİİ OOOO WHİİİİİ OOOOOOO
Rowan: Wha-
Barnaby : *puts a bandage on Rowan's finger*
Night: *Kisses Rowan's head*
Bill: Get down here!
Night: *sits top of owlery* NO.
Bill: Im going to tell Snape.
Night: Go ahead. I will fight.
Bill: I have chocolate frogs for you.
Night: *gets down in a second and grabs chocolates* You know ı totally would have fought him.
Bill: I know Night. I know...
Felix: *comes to slytherin common room and sees İsmelda and Merula eating chocolates* wow i didnt know you two love chocolate this much. İsnt there so many of it?
Merula: İts not ours.
İsmelda: I hate chocolate.
Felix: What? Then why are you eating?? Especially if its not yours???
Merula: Snape gave it us.
İsmelda: İts Night's.
Merula: Snape took all the chocolates they have because they forget the essay Snape wanted. And he gave it us.
İsmelda:*laugh in evil* Just wait until Night see.
*five minutes later. With a sounds of explosions and smell of fire*
Night: *yawns*
Diego: Being pretty must be tiring
Night: *still not fully awake* then you must be exhausted
Diego: *blushes* What?
Night: What?
*Rowan, Penny, Cato ( @catohphm) and Night studies in library*
Night: *puts their head on book* Im done. My brain just melted. I can no longer learn anything.
Penny: Come on Night. Just one more hour!
Madam Pince: Şşşştt!
Penny:...Sorry Madam Pince..
Rowan: *with a lower voice* You promised Night. You have to study.
Night: I promised that i will study, not die!
Madam Pince: Şşşştt!!
Night: .....Sorry...
Cato: I think you can do it. Talbott told you to learn this before next time you two will study, right?
Rowan: Wait, why are you studying with Talbott?
Night: I asked him.... You know ı suck at Herbology...
Rowan: I asked you if you need help! You said no!
Night: Because ı was already asked him!
Night: I cant study while ı have Pince on my neck. Im going to kitchen. Do you two wants Jae's sandw-Okay sorry Madam Pince ım going dont look at me like that its scary.
*after Rowan and Night goes*
Penny: ......They study together. *starts giggling* They study together.
Cato: .......Sorry Night..
Night: I can understand you very well. Sometimes ı want to punch someone too. İts totally understandable. But you have to control yourself. Hurting someone never can solve your problem.
*Two hour ago*
Merula: Ha! Look at your tie, didnt your sweet mama teach you to ti-
Night: *punches her in belly*
*Night and Talbott studies in Green House*
Talbott: So you should water it twice a week. But it wont die completely even if you dont water it for few months.
Night: Haha just like my crush.
Talbott: What?
Night: What?
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bbhyuckie · 6 years
jaehyun x reader
librarian! au
genre: fluff
words: 1.7k
warnings: realistic portrayals of college life lol
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ive said before that im being self indulgent with posts
but this is really it
im really out here writing this
lets get into this mess
so youre studying right
and you yourself do not have a laptop of your own
bc welcome to being a broke college kid im calling myself out
so you decide that youre gonna go to the library on campus bc sis,, cash in on the tuition money ok
so you go and youre like wow hahahaha i dont have a library card better sign up for one
so you go to the desk and theres no one there
just your luck really
you decide to wander around a little to see if theres anyone who can help you
and low and behold you stumble across someone
this young man knelt down by a shelf with a book rack next to him just humming softly and organizing books
and you catch his attention by clearing your throat slightly
he looks up and his eyes are big over the rims of his wire framed glasses that are clinging to the tip of his round button nose
and his hair is a little mussed from being bent down
but holy hell
youve read enough novels to know that this must be exactly what the characters are talking about when they say things like ‘love at first sight’
“sorry” he says as he standcs and brushes himself off “can i help you with anything?”
starstruck really
you manage to stutter out something about needing to register for a library card and he smiles so kindly it makes u want to melt
“sure!’ he says, motioning for you to follow him back up to the desk
is this what a trance feels like???
he asks you a few basic questions, like your name, your age, and what building your dorm is in so he can put it all on your new nifty library card
and then he turns around this lil webcam on top of his computer and asks you to stand in front of it and smile
and you do, awkwardly
and as hes looking down at the computer counting “3, 2, 1” he has this smile on his face like hes trying to hide it
and if that didnt make ur heart jump you dont know what ever would holy
so he prints off your card as youre still trying to recover from being in the presence of an angel
and he hands it to you and smiles
“library hours are 8 am to 12 am every day, but on the weekends i’m the one that closes. which means if you ever need some extra time to finish that essay you pushed off,,, i wont tell anyone”
and not lot a hot wink
but a cute?? wink??? if thats possible
like you have a secret with him now and its safe
you wonder absently as you stare down at the black and white picture of yourself on the back of your new card if he tells everyone about him closing on the weekends
and if he doesnt does that make you special???/
you smile and thank him again, maybe a little more confidently than before and head for the door
you realise as youre halfway out that you came here to study on the computers but you really need some time to sit down and process the fact that you just say an actual angel
you can do your math homework on your phone for one more night if it means you can turn down your body heat from screaming blushing mess to slightly embarrassed rosy cheeks
the next time you get a chance to run by the library on campus, it just so happens to be sunday
you catch yourself wondering if dream boy meant friday and saturday or saturday and sunday when he said weekends
thats not important right now
what is important is that you have actual business to do in the library today
and that business is to pick up hamlet for your english class
you check in and someone else is at the front desk
you try not to let yourself feel disappointed
i mean you met him once for christs sake
the guy at the front is equally as attractive as dream boy from the previous week, but a little more relaxed to talk to since he isnt giving you any flirty subtones
the kid is all business really
he tells you that his name is doyoung if you need anything else
you ask how he got the job there, out of curiousity
because really, both of the librarians youve encountered seem pretty young for the standard librarian stereotype
doyoung explains that its a work-study job, so nearly all the people that work there are students at the university and work in between classes or on their off days to make some extra cash or pay off some tuition
and you can get behind that!!
so doyoung is cool and you decide you can go to him to ask questions instead
because while dream boy is a dream boy with pretty cheekbones and nice lips and a smooth voice and a good sense of style and a great height without insoles and looks great with glasses and has the most captivating eyes
hes a lil distracting lol
anyway you find yourself in the shakespearean section
and you grab a hamlet off the shelf and head back up to the front to have doyoung check the book out to you
and as hes handing you the book back you get a classroom notification saying that, despite common belief, the book rental wasnt due by tomorrow, but the whole book reading is due by tomorrow
you wonder how the fuck professors get away with shit like this and then you remember that you didnt bother to read the syllabus so you cant really get too mad at anyone but yourself
so you find a table that looks like it has the comfiest chairs and cozy up for a long evening of reading and annotating
(depending on who you are you either love or hate hamlet, either way it is exhausting to annotate anything from that man so bear with me ok)
five hours later and ⅔ of the annotations later it is 11:56pm
and you havent noticed
you hadnt noticed much of anything happening in the real world after you popped in a headphone and started reading about guards seeing a ghost
that is until someone plops down in the seat in front of you and asks
“so what are you studying”
and you look up, a little delayed because youre finishing a notation
only to find that its dream boy
and your brain blanks for a sec bc wow every time you see him its kinda like?? ouch???? my heart bro
so you just kind of shake your head and mutter some “im not really sure anymore”
and theres some truth to that!! first there were ghosts and now theres dead girlfriends dads and dead girlfriends and talking about a skull in a graveyard
that play is really a wild ride brother
and dream boy sits there and laughs, wholesomely
you could die happy
“yeah i get that” he says, rubbing the back of his neck
theres a pause that carries on a bit too long
“wanna hear a dumb joke?” he asks suddenly
you smile then, partially out of exhaustion and partially because wow?? cutie
“sure” you say
“okay. what do you call a nervous javelin thrower?”
you pause for a sec bc wtf
“dunno. what do you call them?”
he flashes this cute fucking grin that you know is supposed to be slick but just comes off as wholesome and says
and you shouldve seen that coming wow
and its so dumb that you actually??? giggle????? and that turns into a laugh??
youre probably just exhausted from annotations but maybe that was actually funny
and his smile softens like hes made progress on something
“y/n, right? i dont think i ever actually introduced myself. i’m jaehyun”
he smiles and reaches across the tabe and you take his hand
its warm and strong and you try not to think about it too hard
“well, y/n, library loses here in another two minutes or so.”
he sees the look on your face fall
“but never fear!” he leans forward and lowers his voice
you hold your breath
“i told ya you could stay, didnt i?”
his smile is closed lipped and cute and genuine
before you can say anything hes up and ushering the last few people out of the library, telling them good night and good luck with their classes tomorrow
youre kind of caught in a brain dead daze after finally being pulled from your studying to watching this cute librarian named jaehyun bustle around and lock doors and turn off lights
and when he finally gets back to you he clicks on the lamp on the table youre working at and sets a cup of coffee in front of you
he mustve made it as you were falling asleep with your eyes open
you thank him copiously before asking
“i thought you let everyone stay after hours when you closed”
he looks up over the rim of his mug with a surprised look in his eyes
he shakes his head as swallows the clearly too hot coffee
“not at all. most of the time i kick them out and study by myself.”
he blushes like its a confession and it makes you feel,,,, something
but you dont want to press
so you just reach out and offer your other headphone to him because if you dont know what to say then you can both enjoy some good study music
so he pulls out his homework for the night and the two of you sit there and study
you sip off your coffee occasionally and both of you nod your heads to the music playing in your ears
he hums along to the ones he knows and a thought skips across your mind
you could get used to this
(theres a 100000% chance there will be a part two to this)
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Hi! I was wondering, what are some examples of lesbian-coded characters in fiction? Whenever i've seen posts about gay-coded characters it's usually about male gay-coded characters, which is good! They deserve to be talked about! But I was wondering who some gay-coded female characters are.
generally speaking when people talk about “gay coded” characters in fiction its from older media during a time when it was actually illegal to show gay characters having happy endings. the bury your gays trope didnt just show up one day, it happened because for a period of time the only way producers were allowed to show gay characters was either if one or both of them died, they became heterosexual at the end, or they had otherwise unhappy endings in an attempt to discourage The Youths from being gay (side note here: making gay characters die doesnt mean fewer people irl are gay its just means they have no positive role models but uh i think we all know that here)
that meant that if directors or producers wanted to represnt gay people with happy endings, they would have to code the character as gay, but not explicitly say they were gay. most of the time this was done with whatever gay stereotypes pervaded at the time - in early hollywood that would be things like having the women smoke and work, the men would be more effeminate, etc. if that was too obvious, it would be “independent women” or men who werent interested in dating. 
as a result we dont necessarily get “gay coded” characters today like we used to, because censorship laws no longer prevent displaying gay characters in a positive light. if producers and writers want a gay character, they can just put in a gay character, and there are no rules about how that characters story has to end, although most writers and directors still choose to kill of the gay characters because theyre homophobes but thats a story for a different time
but “gay coding” hasnt necessarily gone away, either, because gay characters are still considered “mature” and cant really be shown in childrens tv shows, books, or movies without outrage from homophobes. so in a way, gay coding does still exist, just on a different level.
i dont really read or watch a lot of media from periods of time where gay characters were required to be portrayed negatively, so i cant really think of any off the top of my head. as far as characters that were gay coded in modern tv shows, janice ian from mean girls was gay coded (tina fey chose not to condemn lebophobic bullying by throwing janice into a shoehorned hetero romance at the end that makes no sense instead of letting janice be the lesbian she was born to be), i have never seen bend it like beckham but everyone talks about all the gay subtext in that, i think velma from scooby doo was actually going to be a lesbian but there was too much controversy over that so they made her straight but she was still gay coded imo, a lot of people see miss honey from matilda as gay coded
for the most part, i think most of the “gay coding” people talk about in modern media doesnt actually fit the technical definition of “gay coding” which was a system set up to defy to censorship laws by deliberately having characters flag as gay without forcing them to have unhappy endings. most of what we call “gay coding” today is not intentional by the writers (who will almost always adamantly defend the heterosexuality of their characters) but is instead an interpretation by the viewers, which doesnt necessarily decrease the value of the characters, but it does show authors true colors when they get very upset about their viewers interpreting the characters differently than the writers intended (im sure yall saw the supergirl debacle thing, it was all over my dash)
it does, to me, show an interesting disconnect between straight people and understanding the gay experience, however, for example, many lesbians see twilight and relate to bella heavily (bc shes a lesbian lol), mostly because bella’s experiences and emotions often match up very similarly to their own. while stephanie meyer will defend the Pure Heterosexuality of her precious characters, it doesnt change the fact that there are a lot of points in the twilight series that are very typical to lesbians experiencing lots of internalized lesbophobia: bella was never interested in dating until some Magical Unattainable boy came up, who then became Less Unattainable, who was Unlike Other Men, whose abusive behaviors she (unknowingly) misinterpretted for love, when in reality she confused her desire for male approval because of her father’s poor parenting that she got through edward as actual romantic love. the female characters she did connect to (alice, angelina, even rosalie if you look closely, wow im remembering more of these names than i thought i would) were all much healthier relationships, and in some ways closer than most friendships tend to be (if you interpret it that way) in the same way many lesbians confused romantic love for platonic love for their friends. when viewed through that lense, seeing bella as a lesbian who hasnt come to term with her lesbianism yet due to being abused as a child and having an abusive boyfriend, it makes a lot more sense than “she met a hot vampire dude who thinks shes great for some reason and now she wants to bone him.” but since stephanie is a shitty writer who doesnt understand the lesbian experience, she will refuse to see it that way and instead protest that no, it really is just a super elaborate love story, not that she doesnt know how to write romance and that she accidentally created a closeted lesbian character in an abusive relationship.
anyway wow sorry for this essay im supposed to be reading my physics textbook now which is why i psychoanalyzed twilight there for a hot second but anyway u didnt really ask for this but thats my hot take for the day
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