#sorry for the super long post i got a bit carried away hsjfjsj
lightofthemoon19 · 2 years
i genuinely need someone to just explain to me how endo systems think their systems/brains work. not spiritual systems, but like ones who claim to have just been a system from birth, or that they created their alters or developed it at some point in life. who knows, maybe our stance on syscourse will change. this isn’t me trying to be confrontational or anything, i’m just genuinely asking, systems who claim to have formed without trauma, how does that work biologically/scientifically?
systems that claim to have formed through spiritual/religious origins, we personally are not religious in any way and don’t believe in things like souls, so this doesn’t really apply to you because whatever explanation you have my response is pretty much just…cool, but not possible/real according to my beliefs lol, you do you though, everyone’s allowed to have their own ideas about that sort of stuff (but please don’t claim your experiences are in any way shape or form similar to those of a DID/OSDD system).
i mostly just find it interesting that people talk about being a system/being plural as though their brain just…didn’t do or stopped doing a very basic life function; integrating one’s self-states into a singular personality. and if your system supposedly developed later in life, have you just somehow figured out how to overpower the very way that your brain works so that different parts are working, thinking, and experiencing things at different times, completely separate from each other? do you have amnesia from each other, and if so, how? brains, according to my knowledge and understanding at least, can’t just…do that? DID/OSDD system’s entire brains function and work differently, they’ve developed differently, and they conduct basic functions such as storing memory and taking in sensory input differently, due to the intense amount of trauma/stress they experienced completely reshaping how their brain’s work. and i’m really curious how that complete reshaping of the brain’s functions allegedly works /gen.
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