#sorry for the sudden dumping of posts but I have a minute and the willpower for once lol
fowlblue · 1 month
I think an interesting direction to take with Artemis’s character post-TLG (or just Artemis in general, really) and specifically the divide he had between his family and himself during that time is like… Artemis is disinterested in the Human World. He’s “too smart” for it. He struggles to appreciate it because he’s seen the world of The People and everything new it provides. What could aboveground (and his family) offer to top that?
Deep-down, he’s also become somewhat disillusioned with humanity, because the fairy folk he surrounds himself with continue to disparage humankind- Artemis is seen as “an exception”. In some ways he idolizes The People, and because he doesn’t fit in with humans quite so well, he tries to distance himself from them… when in reality, he’s not quite suited for the fairy world either.
Self-imposed changeling status, a hand in each world and yet nowhere for him to fit.
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iwaqchan-archive · 4 years
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author´s note; today is my husband´s birthday and honestly i´ve been working on this for a week, it´s the longest piece i´ve written up to date and wow. also i want to thank (as well as apologize omg) to @kamehamethot​ and @briswriting​ for annoying the fuck out of you for days. i love you and thank you for not kicking my ass. i would be incredibly lost without you!
everything in this post was made by me!
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pairing; iwaizumi hajime x reader
word count; 1770
genre; fluff, slight angst?
requests; open
wanna be on my haikyuu!! taglist?
take a look at my iwa-chan birthday edit, if you want!
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His eyes stared into the colourful night, lights shining brightly across the sky, his back pressed comfortably against the glass of his garret window. The roof of his home had always been a comforting place for him, no worries would follow him here, as there was only the night and its chilly winds to think about. Time seemed nonexistent up there, as he wasn’t sure how many minutes or perhaps even hours he had spent immersed in his own thoughts, which had been keeping him up at night as of late. Not even the calm of the night and the wind sweeping through his spiky hair seemed to put his unusually frenzied mind at ease. The image of a girl with e/c eyes and the most bewitching of smiles appearing before him as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Hajime shook his head, hoping the motion would finally clear his mind of you, but as usual it merely ended up being a rather...futile attempt. His eyes cast down as he unlocked his phone, going through the various pictures in his gallery, when he stumbled upon a particularly charming one. It was a photograph of you, eyes sparkling in the sun, smile so bright it could rival any jewel and most importantly all of your attention was on him. Not on that bastard Shittykawa, like it seemed to be for these last couple of days. He probably should have known from the start, everyone always seemed to fancy Oikawa quite a lot more than they ever did him. This wasn’t something that usually got to him, at least never quite to this extent, after all he had gotten relatively used to it over the years.
Most girls he found himself enamoured with fell victim to Tōru Oikawa’s endless charm, ridiculously beautiful face and athletic genius. While many things changed in his life with time, this and the ever annoying presence of his companion seemed to be only things staying constant. Sometimes he figured he really had no right to complain, he cherished his friendship with Tōru, he truly did, but he couldn’t help feel the slightest bit of resentment towards the Grand King. He felt bland compared to him, he didn’t have an enthralling smile, a presence so grand and otherworldly or even wits to make up for his lack of charisma. Sure, he had quite a nice physique if he dared say so himself, something he had worked incredibly hard for and his skin had an olive tan that many of his peers were jealous over even if he couldn’t quite understand why. But he was still quite rough around the edges, a brute as Oikawa liked to call him and more often than not he didn’t even look approachable, especially not to girls.
With a sigh and another shake of his head, he began to climb back inside his room, the sudden warmth making tiny goosebumps appear on the naked skin of his arms and neck. He fell back onto his bed, finding his thoughts racing once again, more so than before, making him groan in utter frustration at his own dilema. Sleep won’t find him tonight, he figured as he prepared himself for another restless night.
The hallway was alive, students and teachers alike buzzing along the corridors trying to quickly make their way to the cafeteria, but not you. You on the other hand were trying to maneuver your way through the thick crowd of people, a certain destination - or rather a certain someone set in your mind. A tiny box held by your slightly shaky hands, if it was out of nervousness or fright you weren’t quite sure. But you supposed it really didn’t matter all too much, especially now with the sight of his spiky brown hair coming into view. The skin of your cheeks suddenly heated up, a rosé blush quite evident on them - you had  never been so grateful for his eyes being glued to his phone. His brows were scrunched in evident concentration, and admittedly it would have been quite the adorable sight, if your heart wasn’t threatening to burst out of your chest at any moment.
“Iwaizumi-san”, the sound of your angelic voice snapping him out of his daze, eyes quickly darting towards your blush adorned face. He really couldn’t help the small smile forming once he noticed the pink hue on your cheeks, but quickly made sure to replace it with his usual poker face. “I have something I would like to give you.”, you continued, voice more quiet and unsure than usual. Your slightly shaky hands lifted, showing a small lunch box wrapped neatly with a blue sparkly band around it. It was quite endearing actually. Everything about you was, the way you refused to drop the honorific, no matter how many times he told you there really was no need for it, just because he was your senpai. Or the way your eyes seemed to sparkle whenever you got excited, the words tumbling from your lips in such a haste, it took him a lot of willpower and concentration to catch every word. There were so many things he liked about you, it would take him hours to name them all, and even then he was sure there were so many more he simply hadn’t discovered yet.
“....Oikawa.” and suddenly he was no longer in that love-struck daze, that name ringing in his ears like the drill of a whistle. Of course, that box in your hands was more than likely something you made especially for him. For Oikawa. “Oikawa?” he repeated, a bitter taste staying on his tongue after the name left his lips. “Uh..yeah..Oikawa-san?”, a sudden uncomfortable silence fell between the two of you, nervous eyes darting from his taller form to the tiny box in your hands. His eyes were narrowed, a kind of expression on his face you had never seen before, and for a split second you swore you saw a flash of hurt cross his face. “Yeah...no, thanks.”, and with a final shake of his head, he went on his way, leaving you standing by his locker, stumped and upset. Once again, your eyes found the small box still held in between your hands, wet spots littered the lid, along with the heart shaped glitter stickers you put in hopes of emphasizing your point. Guess all of that was for nothing, you thought as you dumped the box along with its contents into the nearest bin, unaware of the hazel eyes watching from the other side of the hallway.
Hajime felt miserable, he was angry, with Oikawa, with you but mostly with himself for once again thinking he had even an ounce of a chance. Obviously you would fall for his best friend, he had never met a girl who didn’t like Tooru at least a little bit. “What’s gotten you in such a sour mood, Iwaizumi?”, Mattsun questioned, clearly concerned for his friend. It wasn’t often they saw him with a scowl this big without the presence of a certain setter around, and usually this was an even bigger cause for concern. He wasn’t ready to reply, not yet anyways, but before he even had the chance to utter a reply, a sound that could only be described as a shriek filled his ears. “IWA-CHAN!” His eardrums will have permanent damage, he was absolutely certain of it as the setter all but stormed up to the table he was currently sitting at. “Why did you make Y/N-chan cry?”, the taller male practically seethed at him, a look so angry it could even rival his own signature scowl. A lump formed in his throat, did he really make you cry? “Y/N-chan and I spent so much time making you that stupid tofu, only for you to be so mean to her? She even threw it away!” He let his friend ramble on, the weight of his actions slowly sinking in, that box had been his all along. Truly, he was an absolute moron, if he had only listened to you properly instead of falling into one of his daydreams. Without uttering a single word, he stood up from his seat and dashed out of the cafeteria, dead set on making it right this time.
He found you in your classroom, head caged between your arms as you cried silently. The lump in his throat only growing tighter, his steps small and silent as he moved to the seat in front of your desk. You were alerted of his presence when you heard the scratching of the chair against the wooden floor, his eyes sharp as ever, staring at your admittedly crestfallen form. “I’m sorry, Shittykawa told me...I thought you made it for him.” Made it for Oikawa? You weren’t quite sure if you heard him right, his voice was unusually quiet, missing it’s confidence and authority. “No, i asked him for help. It was supposed to be a surprise for you, Iwaizumi-san.”
Now he really felt awful, your bright eyes peering up at him, small hands wiping away the tears staining your cheeks. Without thinking, his hand reached out, wiping a stray tear from your cheek, which in turn heated up at the softness of his gesture. Out of instinct, your eyes drifted away from his leafy-greens, the pink in your cheeks only darkening in colour. Hajime cleared his throat, straightening in his seat at the same time. “Why...uhm...did you make the food in the first place?” Uncertainty quite discernable in his voice, eyes once more finding your own. You must have looked like a tomato at this point, ears burning with utter embarrassment as you tried to stammer out a response. “I...like you.”
Green eyes widened at your statement, his lips suddenly turning upwards into a wide grin, one of his hands finding your significantly smaller one, thumb carefully stroking along your knuckles. “I...uh...like you too. And i am sorry about the tofu, perhaps I can take you out on a date? You know as..uhm...reparation?” You have never agreed faster to anything in your life.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Parent Trap, Chapter 9 (Biadore) - Henny
A/N: Thank you for the comments, Hennies! Y’all are making me feel like Ariel in the beginning of Little Mermaid 2 :> I missed all of you too! Sorry if there was a problem with the formatting of the previous chapter; completely my fault!
OH, and if you’re confused with the timeline, I’ll simplify it for you:
RPDR Season 6 (filming) ended around Mid-July of 2013 (assuming it takes about a year or so before it is released). January 2014; Roy and Danny started dating. 6 months after that, June 2014, a month after Bianca wins, they get married. A year later, the couple gets baby fever, so they start looking for the perfect surrogate and egg donor. This is where I deflect a bit from the prologue, it takes them until May 2016 to conceive.
TLDR; the fic takes place July 2026, and RPDR is currently airing S19 with THE AS:BoTW filming the very same year . If I had said anything contrary to those stated above, disregard it. This is the new timeline I’m going to follow going forward.
All the love, Hennies!
XOXO, Henny
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
“Well, would you be interested in joining the first All-Stars: Battle of the Winners in place of Bianca?”
The way Adore gaped at her phone was almost comedic, mouth opening and closing like a fish. In some way, she’s almost flattered at the fact that Ru called personally instead of a producer. It’s almost very considerate, since the man knew what had gone between Danny and Roy.
“Well, last time I checked, you didn’t crown me, Mama…” Adore adds a teasing tone to her voice, and tries to ignore the nerves that seemed to resurface at the idea of returning back to the competition. It’s been many years since Season 6, and Adore has genuinely forgotten how it feels to be on a platform like that again. Focusing on her music as both Adore and Danny has shifted the focus of her career as a drag queen and performer; and with many seasons passed, she knew her charm has run dry with Drag Race fans.
Ru laughs, the iconic shrill making Adore spiral back into the werkroom. “I didn’t, didn’t I?” He laughs again, and Adore can only imagine him wiping a fake tear. “But, I am planning to release the footage of you and Bianca winning to prove that my decision to invite you has some bearing, at the least.”
Adore inwardly groans again, remembering the night of the finale wherein they filmed the ending of her and Bianca winning together. She feels the ghost of Bianca’s hands squeezing her own as they waved and the sparkly confetti rains and glitters of lights from cameras blinded their eyes; applause and cheers roaring in their ears.
“What will the other queens say? The winners, I mean. It’s not like they’ll consider me a winner, especially the newer queens.” Ever the anxious person that she is, she finds a brush to fiddle with to lessen her anxiety.
“My competition, my rules. Whatever I say goes, Baby. They can say whatever they want, but if they’re smart enough, they’ll pipe up. And, besides…” Ru trails off excitedly, like they were sharing a secret. “Since this is only a Netflix special, I’m only doing the first decade season winners. I’m sure they’ll be nicer to you than recent ones.“
“All of them said yes?”
“All, but one, you already know…”
“Yeah, yeah…”
“So, what do you say?”
“I- I don’t know, Ru. I’ll think about it…”
“Of course, let the producers know soon, alright? Filming starts October! Toodles!”
The call ends, and it takes everything in Adore’s willpower not to throw it to the wall. She looks at her phone’s lock screen and sees the beaming face of Portia, and she manages to calm down. She stands up, grabs a pre-rolled joint in her makeup kit, and heads out of the building after shouting to the manager to inform him about her whereabouts. She normally didn’t do this anymore; smoking, hard liquor, and even hooking up with trades that come her way. Portia had completely turned her life around, and so did Roy and Nerissa. “Fuck,” Tears fill her eyes again at the thought of her daughter who she no longer knew, she sniffles as she takes a long drag of her joint and breathing out harshly.
A tall figure looms over her, and with a tap on her shoulder, she nearly doubled over in fear. “What the fuckkk…” She groans, clutching her heart.
“Oh, sorry… Didn’t mean to scare you.” Adore looks up to meet the steel eyes of a blonde stud with a smug smile on his face.
“Shit, I know you…” Adore murmurs in thought, before she remembers “You’re Brooke, right?”
“Brooke Lynn Hytes, yeah.” He flashes her a beautiful, gorgeous smile, pearly whites and all. “…But right now, uhh,” He looks down to his jeans and plain gray shirt, “You can call me, Brock.”
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
“Okay, give me another one.” Portia looks at her cards, one five of hearts and the other six of spades. It was really late and they just finished washing the dishes of the entire camp after dinner. Not tired from their post-cry-emotional nap earlier, they had decided to play a game of Blackjack. Nerissa deals her another card, and picks one for herself. Portia peaks at the new card, and sees her nine of spades. She joins the cards together, and places them down in triumph.
“20, let’s see yours, Haylock.”
Nerissa drops her cards, a jack of diamonds, two of clubs, and nine of clubs. “Blackjack, bitchh…” She taunts, laughing at Portia’s dismayed face.
“That’s not fucking fair…” Portia drawls, “That’s your 9th time winning, I think you’re cheating…”
“Oh, please. You just play your cards wrong, and sometimes, I’m just really lucky…” Nerissa beams as she watches Portia fix the cards and put it back in their case, murmuring “I don’t want to play anymore.”
“It’s getting pretty late, too. I think we should go to bed.” Nerissa yawns as she grabs her blanket and tries to settle herself in. Portia agrees before standing up to lock their door; to make sure the windows are tightly shut; and to turn off the light. The moon shines at its brightest, a cool silver light shimmers through their window.
“I know it’s late, but I’m not even remotely sleepy.” Portia comments despite the yawn the escapes her.
“Same here,” Nerissa says with droopy eyes.
“Tell me, what’s Bianca like? No… noo…What’s dad like?” Portia asks, adjusting herself so she faces her sister. The mere idea of having a sister and having Roy Haylock AKA Bianca Del Rio, THE Bianca Del Rio is possibly 50% her dad makes her more giddy than anything in the world.
“Dad is probably the most workaholic person you’ll ever meet. He’ll make time for you, yes. But, you can tell that 75% of his mind is just…” Nerissa sighs, “exhausted, if not thinking about work… He really tries though, he hasn’t missed any of my ballet recitals yet nor any PTAs. He’s as active as a busy parent can be.”
“That’s good, I guess…” A hum of agreement, another yawn.
“And not to mention, the free dresses.” She giggles, “How ‘bout our other dad?” Nerissa turns to lie on her back, thinking about her dad who she hasn’t updated in awhile, even though she promised to do so everyday. A sudden urge to hug her dad courses through her body, and subtle pout forms at her lips at the thought of Roy. She missed her dad, she’s still upset about the whole not-telling-her-she-was-a-twin-thing, but she missed him nonetheless.
“He’s pretty chill. I can do anything I want,”
“Yeah, my dad’s pretty cool. We have the kind of relationship where I can tell him things and… he can tell me things. He’s my best friend, so we just have fun most of the time.” Portia says with mere awe. “But, it wasn’t always like that. There was a time though where he was pretty down in the dumps; he didn’t really have the best mental health back then and his coping mechanism–”
“Hey, this seems kinda personal. You don’t have to tell me this, okay? Only if you’re comfortable doing so.” Nerissa says, her arm crossing its way to pat Portia’s tummy to stop her thought.
“No, no… You’re my sister, and I trust you enough.”
“Okay, if you’re sure… So you were saying?
“Yeah, so, he didn’t have the best coping mechanism. Alcohol is tricky when it gets out of hand. I didn’t mind at first, because I didn’t think it was that bad. I didn’t notice the signs because I was so young. It was only one incident, really, when I understood the gravity of it all. Around June, he nearly drank himself to death. I don’t know why he drank severely that night, but I just found him passed out on his own–” Portia chokes as tears start up with the memory of seeing her dad then. “I was only four then, Riz. I didn’t know what death was, but the minute I saw him– It just rationalized so quickly in my head. I called 911 as fast as I could. I didn’t know what I was saying half the time ‘cuz I was just crying.”
Nerissa places a comforting hand on Portia’s arm as the girl tries to fight the sniffles. When Portia manages to barely win against the tears, she continues, “When we were in the hospital, I was with my Grandma and there was another man, I– I don’t know who, from what I can remember– we didn’t know if my dad was gonna make it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Porsche.”
“No, no… It’s fine. Just sucks to remember it. But, he managed to pull through, obviously. He hasn’t drank alcohol in years. So, I’m really proud of him, especially in his line of work, it must be so hard.”
“Yeah, as his 50%-chance daughter and for what it’s worth, I’m proud of him, too. “
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
When Courtney heard the rumors going around backstage that night, she had about ten shots of tequila before coming to the conclusion that she wouldn’t tell Roy. But, funny how alcohol works out.
“Yanxxxxx” Courtney drawls out on her phone that she’s struggling to hold up to her ear. But the effort was there. She has absolutely no idea where she is as she presses her warm cheek to the cold faux leather seat of a couch.
“Bitch, did you really just– What?” Roy rolls his eyes as he looks at his phone that hosts Courtney’s current call and the said-blonde on his couch, drooling and staring off into space.
“I gotta–” hiccup “tell you a ssssecret.” Courtney angles her phone to her mouth, so she’s directly speaking to the phone’s microphone. Roy walks over to the drunk girl, grabs her phone and throws it in her purse. He ends the call on his phone before slipping to the kitchen, grabbing a towel and soaking it with cold water. He gives it a good squeeze to remove the excess water before going back to Courtney and placing the towel on her forehead.
“You’re so lucky Riz isn’t here or I would’ve left your drunk ass in the club.” He mutters in annoyance, even though everyone knew he wouldn’t really do that. He could never let anything happen to any of his loved ones, and god knows Riz has seen Courtney or Shane pissed drunk since she was a toddler.
“No,” Courtney says abruptly, hand swatting away Roy’s hand. “Nooooo…” She continues to drawl. “The secret is Ado…” She leans in close, way too close. Roy gets a harsh flashback and hastily pushes Courtney away. With the push, Courtney plops on her back and passes out entirely. Roy sighs, both in frustration and exhaustion. He wouldn’t bother removing Courtney’s makeup, but he did give her the courtesy of removing her wig and cap, as well as unlacing her corset. It all feels familiar to him, taking care of someone and helping them de-drag, except of course, back then he had to strip Bianca off himself and help Danny remove his clothes which then would lead to…
Roy shakes his mind, trying to get rid of the idea before it escalated. He leaves the guest bedroom and makes his way to the kitchen for a glass of wine. He’s just going to pretend he doesn’t know that Courtney was about to say something about Adore as he starts up a design for Rupaul on the granite kitchen counter.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
“I can’t believe Biadore was ACTUALLY a thing.”
“How can you not? The tension was so obvious, especially during that one part where Adore said she didn’t want to work with Bianca? The sexual tension was just–” Nerissa fans herself before she receives a slight smack and push on her shoulder.
“Dude, you’re so fucking weird. I don’t wanna think about my dad’s sex life OR YOURS!!”
“I’m just telling the truth! The stare was intense.” Nerissa breaks into a fit of giggles at Portia’s face of slight disgust at the idea. “And speaking of, did your dad date anyone again?” Nerissa asks.
“Never anyone serious enough to introduce to me, no. He’d go on dates, sometimes Adore would go on dates. But, yeah. He never really seemed interested in dating anymore, so he put all his attention to me or his and Adore’s music.”
“Do you call Adore “mom”?”
“No, that’s weird!” Portia snorts, “My dad is, well, my dad. He has his own quirks and personality. And, Adore, to me, is just a whole different person. I can’t explain it. Like, I know he’s Adore Delano through and through. But, my mind just sees Adore like a whole different person.” Portia rolls again to her back, so she’s facing the ceiling like her sister. “How about your dad? Did he date anyone?”
“You know what’s weird? I don’t think he ever did, not even dating or flirting with anyone else. He’s always been so closed off to anyone who showed any particular interest.” Nerissa twiddles with her thumb, before scrunching her nose in distaste. “I mean, in some way, I get it. He’s scared to love again. Uncle Shane always said so. I wish I knew why though.”
Portia hums, thoughtfully. Another pregnant pause looms over their conversation. It has gone on for so long that for a moment Nerissa thought Portia was asleep, until…
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight |
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alolatrainersemina · 8 years
(Hardenshipping/SMA) A Pokespe Weird Creatures/Monsters AU Idea
A headcanon discussed with my friend :D
*yay first post! *just jotting stuff down *SMA just means that this is pokespe Maxie/Archie, whilst SAM is pokespe Archie/Maxie *spoilers for the entire pokespe RSE arc are all over the place; please proceed with caution *alternate spe ending involved
So basically Archie is this sea monster creature with anemone/Nihilego-like white tentacles, but he keeps a human form and can hide the tentacles with his willpower. Being a sea creature also means that his sea/water related instincts, like navigating in the ocean and swimming, are stronger than others. Oh, and tentacles. They look and at most times are innocent (you can play with them *ahem*) but can also be very destructive.
Maxie is this Great Demon that can only be injured or killed by sacred Arceus things like holy water, blessed weapons, that kind of stuff. The basic requirement nowadays is to just avoid churches (sacred-ish places) and historic museums (where all the "sacred" things are stored now). If injured or killed by other methods, he'll just regenerate within minutes of time. He has a demon tail, wings, and horns that could release flames containing his own memories (i.e. memory lighter; plugging these spe settings in there right now). He can also manipulate flames to create mirages that affects sight (sorry Blaise).
The two of them start off as normal kids but realize that they're not human somewhere around their teens. Archie doesn't have anyone to trust in as he was growing up so he develops a calm and manipulative nature in order to protect himself. He tries to live off like a normal human. He does. On a side note, Archie has always had an interest in marine biology and ocean/water science related topics; it doesn't have anything to do with him being a sea monster but being one does help him a little as the affinity to water does exist. He forms Team Aqua sometime later in his adulthood. Everyone in Aqua thinks he's just a normal human that's kinda scary and strict. The grunts and the three admins are all human. Well, there might be a really minor grunt or two that's not.
Maxie hides his identity from the public too. Like Sea Monster! Archie's tentacles, demons can hide their horns, wings, and tail using will-power. Unlike Archie, he already finds some company during his teens, though, foes at first but friends after a fight or two later because he's the Great Demon and not just a regular demon so monster people are attracted by his aura or something.
(The Great Maxie used Great Demon Charm! The opponent monster has been captivated by his greatness! Would you like to nickname your new monster person? *no that's not what really happened*)
He gets to lead a bunch of people that secretly hide their monster-ness. As more and more monster people join along Maxie, he meets smaller demons Courtney, Tabitha and Blaise; this was probably when he was in his mid-twenties. Smaller demons can also use the memory and mirage flames (plugging these spe settings in again), but it takes a little more will-power and they regenerate slower. Somewhere around that time Maxie founded Team Magma, because now there's too many monster people around and they have to find a way to not look too suspicious, so why not just say we're this big secret organization thing that wants to expand land! (Maxie wants to do this anyway, being the land dork he is, and somehow convinces everyone that expanding the land and getting Groudon on their side will help.) They manage to design their uniform into demon-horned hoodies because it makes using will-power to hide their own demon horns easier. (I dunno, monster mechanics. Actually helps other monsters maintain a more human form too. Might be magic-cast hoodies.) ↑Spe has a lot of weird stuff (like the memory lighter and Guile's sword and armor), let's just add magical hoodies into the list too! It just works. I guess.
Then time passes, the RS chapter happens, Archie meets Maxie, and supposedly they develop an interesting relationship (*ahem*). And then stuff goes wrong, and the Sird Showdown happens. Archie unleashes his sea monster destructiveness on Maxie, revealing himself as not human thinking that this'll be over with anyways since it's him or Maxie, but to Archie's surprise Maxie doesn't budge at all when Archie proceeds to finish him. (The only thing Maxie tells Archie is to keep his Magma clothes.) Sird's like “this is interesting you are so much more evil than I thought!” and starts to do that voodoo thing shown in the Emerald chapter, when all of a sudden a Great (naked) Demon Maxie with horns and wings and his tail appears before Archie and behind Sird and goes "Guile Hideout sounds like a pretty badass name" (or, depending on when he revived, the line will vary - c'mon he's the Great Maxie he needs to show off), which shocks the other two people. (Whether it's the naked part or the "dear Arceus Maxie's not human" part...*and this is why you keep people's clothes*) Sird runs because it's just not wise to mess with what is apparently a demon even if you are a super cool and manipulative and evil villainess. Archie still has no clue what just happened. Maxie feels great because no more Orb Syndrome (you know, the haunting condition that plagues Spencer the old guy and Archie, mentioned in the Emerald chapter) after regeneration, and explains what he really is to Archie. (While getting dressed.) Archie is now kind of Guile and kind of not Guile; he hasn't gotten rid of the Orb Syndrome yet so he still has to be in that armor in order to sustain himself. Maxie reassures him that everything will be fine.
By the way everybody else recovers because Celebi is amazing to all the "good" people; the Three Fires are already reorganizing Team Magma. They still believe in Maxie because MAGMA IS FAMILY *no* (spe Magma feels like that though) Aqua on the other hand is thinking about disbanding. Archie has done some unthinkable stuff in RS after all, like betraying and dumping your admin into the sea *blame the spe author*
Meanwhile Maxie and armored Archie finds some discreet place to stay over the night (Great Demon Maxie used Flame Mirage! No one notices them). The two of them discuss futures and decides that they'll have to apologize to their team first about their plans to make the world a better place failing and destroying the world accidentally. Archie has to do a LOT of apologizing because of what he's done in the RS chapter. And then they'll figure out how to rid Archie of his Orb Syndrome. They also manage to blurt about their lives hiding the fact that they're not human and sympathize with each other.
And then they go through it all, Emerald chapter still happens because Archie needs Jirachi to recover. But instead of Guile Archie wrecking everything and summoning a demonic Kyogre, Sird does all the bad things secretly and frames Archie (FOR EVIL! *I'm sorry Sird fans*). Archie and Maxie and the entire Magma team's monster identities also gets revealed in the process - it was done to make them look really bad - and everyone is mind blown and falls for it for a moment. But Magma and Aqua have been doing good things contributing to the world lately; they decided to reform. So the kids believe that they mean no harm and ask them to be one their side; Sird has stirred some problems in the Battle Frontier secretly and now it’s affecting everyone. Archie and Maxie, along with the others, sort out whatever mess Sird was making to prove a point. Everything works out in the end and Archie recovers, (the protags get their wish too), the world is not destroyed, happy endings for everyone!
↑That's most of it.
Thoughts: This was such a long drabble… I’m sorry if you got here and had to read that much > < I hope you liked it. I really disliked the spe RSE ending with the whole “make Maxie and Archie super evil for no reason and then let them die” plot. The whole build up to it was just horrible - they weren’t like this in the original games - and my friend thought so too, so the two of us kinda made up an alternate ending where stuff does work out while adding some special touches to it. The main goal was to not let Maxie die when they fought for the armor and the sword. Archie would’ve been so much less crazier if Maxie haven’t died, even without the hardenshipping/weird creature settings. (cue Archie’s flashback in Emerald chapter) Having both of them alive also wrecks Sird’s plan in a sense that they failed to achieve "the full evil” that Sird wanted them to have. We need more happy endings with villains in pokespe ahhhhh this is why headcanons exist right? Gotta fix ‘em up!! I’ll probably come up with more cute things pertinent to this AU (this counts as an alternate universe, right?) sometime in the future; thanks again for reading all this! ;O
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