#sorry for the messy art btw i cant draw for shit
polytherian · 1 year
SNAPPING WOLVES: "Canis spinosa."
a small, aggressive subspecies of the Threatening Wolf.
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tagging @scarsmood for inspiring this journey and @ferny-fang because he seemed interested. :3
general build: snapping wolves are, as mentioned, a lot smaller than their threatening wolf ancestors. their average shoulder height is around 3-4ft while their body length is around 4-5ft from nose to tail. they tend to be built slimmer as well, with less muscle, longer + slender legs, sleek fur, with a longer muzzle. built for agility, terrain navigation, and speed.
colorings + markings: they tend to be dully-colored; muddy browns, rusty oranges, and smokey black are some examples. they usually have solid coloration, however markings aren't rare- said markings bear resemblance to a striped hyena or on the back flank similar to a tasmanian tiger. spotted markings are fairly uncommon.
spikes + other factors: they trend towards short, sleek fur, occasionally with a single "mane" of longer fur running down the length of the body. they have both longer and more back spines than threatening wolves, usually laying flat within the "longer fur mane." these spines can be raised and flattened at will- usually used as a threat display. their tail is whip-thin and often used as a distraction in combat. they are able to open their jaws extremely wide, similar to the tasmanian tiger. uniquely, they have two pairs of large ears, similar to bat ears, that can move/swivel independently. three-toed paws (not shown in image) with retractable claws.
fun facts!: their saliva acts as an skin irritant. depending on the bite, it can cause anything from a mild rash to long-lasting burn scars. (however, they can't breath fire like their ancestors.)
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feeding: omnivorous scavengers. lone snappers will scavenge dead animals, rotting fruits, etc. snappers in a pack may endurance-hunt larger animals; grouping up and surrounding their prey until it exhausts itself. however, this endurance-hunting phenomenon isn't seen often; theorized to be a sort of "celebration ritual."
habitat: they live around the foothills of large mountains, most often around forestry. while they do mantain a territory, it is not nearly as "strict" as many other territorial animals. packs will often let other packs stroll through their territories, as long as said pack keeps a distance from their home "den."
pack behavior: packs can be any size under ten. they trend towards 5-7. they are usually built up of "siblings;" that is, snappers that have known each-other since puphood, even if the snappers in question are not blood-related. packs don't have a definite leader- it's less a hierarchy and more a group, kept together for both safety, social bonds, protection, etc.
other fun facts: their vocalization's are described as "very strange;" a series of hyena-like laughs to communicate with packmates, cat-like hissing, clicking, and chirping, as well as guttural moans and growls when threatened. speaking of; snappers are actually more cowardly than they seem- while they may flair up their fur and spines under duress, they are hesitant to actually attack humans.
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to be elaborated on in a later post: reproduction + courtship, more pack dynamics (as well as how lone snappers behave,) more visuals and niche facts, etc. feel free to ask me questions about this species! please.
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silly-lil-scribbles · 6 months
Introduction post!!
status: doin stuffs!
current chance of a response if you dm me*: 72%
* does not apply to mousie cuz its my emotional support friend
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- My name is Finn! You can also call me scribbles, soup, or really any dumb nickname will do. it/he <3
woah look at that.. its me.. on another website!! slight flash warning for spacehey btw ^^
if you havent read this in a while, i would suggest reading again cuz i update it a lot <3
- im oriented aroace! and graysexual (i think? idk man i just work here.)
- im boyflux but also im just a creechur
- I MADE A JAIL ACCOUNT SO IF IM JAILED I MIGHT BE OVER THERE ‼️ @soup-has-been-imprisoned-noooooo
- I post about the magnus archives/protocol and my chem frequently, though I also just reblog a ton of random shit. may be nsfw but never anything explicit. Also I forget to tag for spoilers a lot so just know that there are magpod spoilers in general on my blog.
- Music artists I like: Cavetown, MCR, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Dazey and the Scouts, FOB, Nova Twins, p!atd, Noahfinnce, qbomb, Gum Disease, Sparkbird, Mischief Brew, Poppy, Be Your Own Pet, Pierce the Veil, Chloe moriondo, Faetooth, IDKHOW, the mechs, rabbitology, madalyn mei, scene queen, MARINA, she/her/hers, femtanyl, leathermouth, baby queen, pansy division, the spook school, specimen, egg, the crane wives, and of monsters and men
- Shows/Podcasts/Other Media that I like! DANGER DAYSS, Malevolent, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, Welcome to Nightvale (though I haven’t finished it yet), the Osemanverse, Nimona, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, ATLA, LOK, It, Hilda, Camp Here and There, Radio Rental, warrior cats,,,, there’s probably more but my memory is shit
- my blog is super messy so all of my art is under the tag #scribbles draws a thing and my original text posts (not the short personal ones typically, just the one i actually want people to see) are under #scribbles says shit.
- my body hates me very much (probably fibromyalgia but like doctors suck so undiagnosed)
- surprise, my brain also hates me very much! And yes also undiagnosed!
- tone tags are appreciated <3
boundaries n stuff:
- not ok with sexual or romantic comments
- platonic flirting is ok if we’re moots
- sex averse, feelings on romance fluctuate a lot but usually indifferent
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- my feeling are really fucking wonky so 80% of the time i dont/barely feel emotions. please be patient and if i sound like i dont mean what im saying, i promise you that i do. but since i know how i would feel if i could, but i still cant feel anything, im trying my best to react accordingly so it may seem like its not genuine but it is. like. imagine youre writing. youre writing your characters reactions to everything, despite not actually being able to feel it. but since you know your character, you can judge hiw they feel in the situation you make them react accordingly even though you arent actually experiencing it yourself. now replace the character with you, thats kinda how i feel. sorry i know that probably didnt make sense but trying my best here lol
- i have a tmagp fic i just starting writing! If you wanna know more, posts related to that are under #electric desires have unraveled all my wires :(
- I have 4 cats and a dog, also a gecko
- i have a queerplatonic partner!! hes awesome and swaggy and writes so much. so. much writing. wow. not saying wow in a bad way im just genuinely impressed. chou if ur reading this i love you <3
- i also have a lovely best friend named zero whos super fun and cool and pathetic /vpos. my favorite excitable soggy cardboard box ilysm <3
- coyotekin therian !!
- My favorite colors are purple, cyan, neon green, and red
- I love interacting with mutuals and getting asks! plspls send me random shit in asks im begging
- I’m creating an animated series called Catlantis (still in progress)
- I have a love hate relationship with writing but i do it anyways so oh well
- Frogs.
other tags i use a lot are:
#soup poorly draws gay people out of obligation; my series of promised dyhard drawings.
#soup gets pathetic abouut friendship; me when im a sappy bitch about my friends or partner
#objectives list; save file for when i say im gonna do something so i dont forget about it
#catlantis save; hoarding info for catlantis
#insomnia induced rambles; i cant sleep and im making it your problem
#our lady of sorrows; not the song, my mcr inspired goddess i made up for my dnd character to worship
#scribbles asks; asks
#info save; good to know
#scribbles liveblogging tmagp; exactly what it sounds like
#art save; resources for doing art
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
YOUR TAAAAGS YOUR TAGS YOUR TAGS YOUR TAGS. ok. off is kind of hit or miss for most people because its so weird and vague and i am extremely biased bc its one of my favorite thinfs ever BUT. i am going 2 say i think u will love it actually. its got soooo many fairytaleisms. its got tragedy. its got extremely morally grey characters. theres no good guys or bad guys. ITS GOT WEIRD LITTLE GHOSTS !!!!!! look at these bitches i used 2 doodle the off spectres in my notebooks like constantly they feel like home 2 me
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the art style is so unsettling and creepy. its got sketchy lines and weird freak of nature characters. i am going to be EXTREMELY selfish here in saying that i think u will very much enjoy the art style and also i want 2 see how u would draw some of the characters bc ur style is very monochrome and messy (<< i mean this in a beloved sense i love your linework so much) and i think it fits the vibe so perfectly. on a completely unrelated note are you still taking commissions.
ITS GOT ONE OF THE ALL TIME BEST OSTS EVER BTW. i still have the main battle theme (which is called pepper steak btw. best name for a song ever) as my ringtone on my phone. my video game ost rank goes 1.portal 2 2. off 3. undertale 4. minecraft. the off ost holds higher regard in my brain than undertale. shaking your shoulders it fits the vibe of the game soooo perfectly.
i will not get into the story too much here bc i already talked about some vague spoilery stuff in that post and i dont want to tell u too much more in case u do play the game urself BUT. ohhh my god. i could talk about the story for hours. u can ask aster after we finished the game we sat on call for like 2 hours while i walked her through my personal take on the ending and then she gave me her thoughts on the ending and EVEN THOUGH WE PLAYED THE GAME TOGETHER AT THE SAME TIME (i streamed it for her) WE HAD DIFFERENT OPINIONS ON THE END. ITS SOOOOO FUCKING GOOD its one of those things where like. its so open ended that nobody ever gets into fights about what the "right ending" is because. well. there isnt one UGH i love that shit.
also zacharie is here. he is such a beloved character to me hes been one of my biggest huge comfort characters since like. 2015. i love him. hes like sans undertale for people in 2008. he was the original sans undertale. i think they would be best friends
oh also despite the fact that the setting is very much like. weird abstract, sort of fantasy sort of industrial, the main character is a fucking baseball player. hes so out of place its so funny
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^ official art btw. to give u a taste of mortis ghost's art style. its so silly and weird i love it so much
OK THAT WAS MY OFF PROPAGANDA SORRY FOR INVADING UR INBOX I LOVE YOU also ive been in a huge off mood for like 3 days now and have not been able to talk about it so im EXPLODING now
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OHHHHGHGHGHGHHH. MACKERELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL MAC U CAN'T DO THIS TO ME..... ohhhh my god. ok. ok yeah im pinky promising u right now i WILL play it. like. SOON. it looks so good hooly shit. game that i can TELL will rearrange my brain. also it looks SO nice... i like the art style so much. mac u are GETTING me here u KNOW what u are doing. u cant just go ros theres an unsettling morally gray tragic game with an incredible ost and weird art and NOT expect me to go fucking bonkers.
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dracwife · 11 months
i feel so outta the loop with whats going on with that art tracer, they're also a race bender too?
okay so the art tracer has gone by many names over time. i used to be mutuals with them (i feel very stupid about it now for not recognizing them!) but they used to go by (in reverse order, from most recent to oldest):
- marco / red, who traced art back then as well (you can check my "mutuals.marco" tag for more of their art. i tried to give benefit of the doubt back then, but it is very clear their understanding of anatomy and other things does not quite line up with their physical "skill." look at the semi decent grasp of anatomical elements and proportions but entire lack of detail and messy linework on things like fingers and hair. ive noticed these things as ive gotten better also at art. they were into genshin, the quarry, and "apocalyptic" media. their card visually is the same, with the same strange typing quirks, tagging system, and carrd details as 'aray' (ie: the three emojis at the bottom of a small text box, with the key leading to i believe platonic or familial f/os i cant remember which.) marcos main f/o was buck from 911, which carried over to the 'aray' blog. theyve since deleted this f/o from their list. dina and ellie were on marcos list towards the end of that blog. that has since carried over. they also strangely had dragon ball blacklisted, as they do on their current blog, which is very likely because of the issues they have had with keke/@galedinner the past who, at the time of their old blogs deactivaton and new blogs creation, was fixated on his dragon ball f/os, and had some fairly popular posts regarding them.
- kayle, the shipper who also racefaked (at first to being wholly poc, then mixed, then 'part' native i believe because their...stepdad? was native? hello?they also faked did, and e-begged for money after causing a three-car pileup via distracted driving. they were into DC with bruce wayne always being their 'main' f/o,' and genshin. (this is where keke very bravely called out their shit, which is where their issues with him started i believe.)
- ana/anastasia, a shipper who also used to trace art, specifically DC comic art. they shipped with bruce wayne and jason todd.
- a few other blogs whom i never checked, but if you remember that "deactivation speedrun" thing that happened round a year ago on my blog, that was them also, also going by ana again. i called them out on clearly trying to weasel their way back into the community, and they immediately deactivated.
just to name a few. they didnt racebend, they falsely claimed to be poc more than once. they claimed i believe to be at points: latinx, native, and black mixed? i have talked to more than one person who has known them throughout all these blog changes/at different points throughout, as well as adding my own experience, in case youre curious as to where im getting some of these details.
this is how they drew their selfinserts (character on the right) btw, at least when they were going by marco:
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i have added an image of my own arm and colorpicked directly from it, which is the the darker two colors -- mind you, i am polish and irish. im about as white as it gets ethnically, though i admit im not as pale as i could be for it. i picked from my natural tone and even from the lightest part i could see just to really try to throw a bone, and they still drew their s/is very consistently paler than me. and then claimed to be poc. (also, look at the hair. the clothes folds. the hands. its very clearly traced. no way someone is so good at facial anatomy and proportions and then...draws a hand like that. im sorry.)
its a clear pattern, and quite easy to follow through time via their interests and other small details about their blog/typing/tagging system/etc.
theyre not a great person, and im quite upset i didnt pick up on the kayle -> marco switch when it happened, but i try to give people benefit of the doubt. i have known them for years, though rarely interacted directly with them until they went by marco, though i dont know if they know i have known them so long, as i myself have gone through a few name/url changes since then (but it is all present on my blog. i have never remade attempting to 'be' someone else. i just think theyre not that smart to realize.) others im sure have more dealings with them, and feel free to add on.
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Hi, so I recently stumbled upon your fic “the king is dead” on ao3, and I feel I have a vague memory of seeing art of it. But I can’t find anything about this au on your blog. And I was wondering if you were willing to share any about the story?
OH MY GOD. man i haven't thought abt that fic in a while!! I started it on october 25 holy shit ...
okokok so i am planning on continuing this eventually so i cant give too much info but this is the basic idea. Yes this is how all my fic planning docs look...very messy.....(under a read more bc it might get long loll)
 Paul Bigge (29) (fun fact Bigge literally means “Big and Strong'') is a blacksmith living in a small plague ridden town near the castle where his nation’s royal family lives. 
He lives by himself other than his 5yr old son Kayne, or Kay for short (which is based off of AK,, A nickname for the Fun Dead kid).. 
His wife Irene died from the plague that basically turns the infected into a zombie… yep im that uncreative… 
Kay is selectively mute due to the trauma from his mother trying to kill him, haha fun! He does speak a bit but he and Paul normally talk to each other with sign language. 
Kay has vitiligo, and a lot of the other kids in the village taunt him for the vitiligo saying his mom must have infected him as well or call him moldy :(. 
Paul is fairly well off being one of the only (and the best) black smith in the town and he has a pretty good reputation so he eventually gets hired by the royal family. 
To the village, the royal family is thriving and benevolent to them, the eldest prince (he’s like 28), Prince Patryck (ueueue see where i'm going with this…?) shows his face to the village every so often to keep morel up and help settle disputes.
Paul was charged to make a suit of armor for the prince, something for his inevitable coronation to be king. The two spend a lot of time together and become fast… ehe friends. (wink wink)
And that's where i left off in the fic! I did draw some stuff for it but i cant find it sorry!!
heres a link for anyone who wants to check it out btw! :D
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morguemaw · 3 years
May I politely ask and debate to you about the whole don't pull inspiration from my ocs thing..? I think your point is you don't want people copying your ocs down to the tee but.. like.. inspiration is kinda the one thing I believe is a fine thing to steal.. even if it's like the color palette of something you like.. it's a complement if someone takes inspiration from someone else... Many skeleton ocs and aus where made by pulling inspiration from Sans and Papyrus and undertale... You even have a character based off of Sans- which in a sense is Toby's own ocs if you think about it.. I am sorry if I am coming off rude or something... I'm just trying to figure out what you mean..
Alright, this is a hot pile to dig through. Sorry if this is messy dear. 1) What i mean by it is dont use it as a excuse to copy my ideas because you cant think of something. 2) Its my ONLY request. Dont copy my chars. Colors? I dont care. Its fucking colors. Art style? Sure, just dont trace. Character designs/concepts? If you cant respect that my trust is lost. 3) I never claimed a Sans oc as my own original character. Sans isnt my property, therefore chars like Zemuf, or even chars based off of LITERAL OTHER PEOPLES OCS SUCH AS FRESH SANS, like Shark Fresh, i have NO rule over. Just dont legit copy to a full design. 4) This did come off as rude the more you typed. This was a very long winded ask of just "What do you mean by "dont take inspo"?". And.. Btw... Dont word it like "inspiration is kinda the one thing I believe is a fine thing to steal" . I dont agree with this, at all. All artists have their own rights, either legally(think disney with Mickey Mouse) , or comfortably, to request people to not copy or use them as inspo. Its a same dumb situation of someone having a generic Hyena OC with legit realistic browns and tans of a IRL Hyena, just giving it lets say bright blue hair, and telling people to not copy, even if its a extremely basic design. Though them being the creator, they request their either small, or large audience to not copy them. Its just a respectful thing to do, even if its dumb. Some dont want their colors picked, while i dont really give a shit. You can use lets say Zemufs colors for a fursona. I dont care, just say you got them from me, and i wont be mad. ( even if you dont, i really dont care. He’s fucking greyscaled. ) My legit ONLY request is dont use my character designs for yourself. Someone recently said they used Guts as a inspo for their own sona, even after i stated MANY times to please not. And as a artist, and now a steadily growing artist, im coming to terms that it will happen, but asks like this draw me back and remind me why i should feel comfortable not letting people use my character concepts for themselves. Specially when i strictly mention one *specific* one such as my sona, SG/SpiderGuts/Guts. I sometimes find it flattering, but i still personally believe it should just be respected, even if its stupid. Its my own personal comfort, and me still trying to get over truamatic stress over even being here, so its something to help me come out of my shell, and become reasonable with it.
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