#sorry for the long reply lol
mewvore · 5 months
I came across you via your post about (shortening for readability) "HRT being a last minute option that could be taken near the end of all possible solution to life's most pressing woes" And I tried to understand, but I do not fully, so I try and ask you directly. Sorry if I don't have the proper vocabulary to use the "correct" terms in my questions I thought HRT was... well, something against body dysmorphia in people who felt misplaced in gender-related questions (purposely being vague in order to try and include all intersex etc people) And in that interpretation, for HRT to help in any way, there must have been some... mismatch of sorts. Is the word dysmorphia, dysphoria, dysplasia? Idk. I'm not a scientist, just a confused rando on the internet. Whatever the word, if such a thing were to exist, should it not be possible to pinpoint it and target it specifically, long before you would get to the end of possible solutions? Your phrasing sounds a lot more like someone saying "I have issues. Let's just shotgun a random treatment for a random issue that other people have and hope it works". How and why would it work? Why is HRT the last-ditch attempt that did work?
the most important part about what I said, in regards to that entire twitter post and my explanation, was that it was about me, only me, personally. whether that ended up resonating with people is completely based on their own experiences and interpretations, and it is definitely not universal. none of it was meant to describe the trans experience and HRT in its entirety for everyone
In regards to calling HRT what amounts to as a final effort, I called it that as a way to consolidate years and years of things that happened in my life which lead to that point. a baseball game doesn't get to a 9th inning randomly, and a pokemon battle doesn't get to the last 1v1 immediately. a lot happens to get to those points where a solution eventually presents itself. I apologize but I simply do not wish to lay out EVERYTHING that happened in my life to explain the EXACT reason why transitioning ended up being my personal solution.
for the most part you are correct in what you understand HRT to be and what it addresses, and its something that requires a lot of thought, a lot of discussion with professionals and peers, and its most definitely not something that one picks haphazardly. The brevity I used wasn't due to any lack of care, it was to aid in the nature of internet posting and making clever jokes. I apologize for making it confusing for you
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swee7dream · 9 days
I'm gonna be so honest your blog always makes me slip and low-key it's making me want to tell my bf so badly about my regression <33
aaaa thank you ! i'm glad my blog can be a safe space of sorts for you.
it's a big step to open up to someone about your regression so i totally understand any holding back you're feeling at the moment. unsolicited advice, a good partner is a partner that loves you at your strongest and weakest (or smallest !).
if you feel like words fail you, remember there's a whole community on here, not just on tumblr (actually, stay off this site as a whole .. /hj) but generally on the internet. it's the first link on my pinned post to help non-regressors and cgs, but this video i feel helps explain agere better than i could. it talks about it from a psychological perspective and also goes over all the usual pushback points non-regressors have abt the community.
if you decide to do it, i pray it goes well for you! if not, that's also fine. it's important to do things at your own pace and not anybody else's.
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tatangadragon · 5 months
what are you watching right now? are you liking it?
thanks for the question! always fun to answer asks
anyways, lately I've been mainly watching two shows: Venture Bros [first time ever seeing it] and 31 Minutos [sort of a rewatch?never fully finished the show but this time I intend to]
venture bros is a very fun adult swim show that parodies a lot of old sci fi and stuff along the lines of johnny quest, and the concept of supervillains
31 minutos on the other hand is a chilean puppet show about a news station. its one of my favourite things of all time and its very good !! also I've been showing it to a friend from the US and that's been fun
ohhh wait I've also been watching the Dungeon Meshi anime!!! that's been really fun. i like it a lot. really good adaptation imo and I'm excited to see the rest
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nick-close · 2 years
Nick and Taylor
Nick- Do you smoke weed?
Nah, it’s actually a trigger for me irl lol!!!
Taylor- What’s your favourite anime?
Huge question omg… it’s basic but spy x family is really good for recent anime- I think toradora is a HUGE classic tho. Lucky star is a classic.. school live, Sankarea… for my daughter I’d even defeat a demon lord..
Honestly that’s a huge question lol!!! And a lot of my favs have questionable aspects- mirai nikki (future diaries) isn’t great but I do like it a lot- Happy sugar love is one of the most effective psychological horrors I’ve ever seen- but views horror aspects from a romanticized lense on purpose- it’s likely very triggering or hard to watch for people so I don’t really recommend it tbh. But it’s really good for what it is. The plot behind NGNL is really good but the main siblings can be kinda. Ick,,
I’d say Parasyte is a favourite of mine though, and the gambling anime which I can’t spell the name of. I’ve also been getting into some isekai lately! There’s one about a mind reader I like a lot as well.. bu it’s been years so lmao. Devil is a part timer is also good. I have a bad memory so it’s hard to place my favourite tho!! Again maybe just toradora -w-
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askthisfishprince · 3 months
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Wwell if you insist, I certainly wwont stop you…
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d4ggerfish · 10 days
Just saw your dnd character art and I want you to know I would crawl through horse of gelatinous cubes just for the chance to have her give me a head pat. She could literally steal all my money and I would thank her.
thank you so much !!!!!
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acetier · 1 year
will you be drawing any more of torin and varre? no rush at all, but i am lowkey obsessed with them now 👀
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ask and you shall receive, anon :^)
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angelxxhunter · 21 days
describe your ideal mommy domme situation?
hmm want mommy to love me and take care of me, hug and kiss me aaaaand also to use me as her fucktoy and my cock as a dildo whenever she pleases <3 i wanna make her happy bc when she is happy i am happy too
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ganondoodle · 6 days
someone who has made one charatcer their single personality trait but is an absolut shithead sucks so much, i keep seeing people say the new transformers movie is good but its got a character rather giant on the promo stuff that i associate with someone who actively wanted me dead when i was young (seriously) so i dont think i can watch it
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magexii · 1 month
Okok first of all, I love your art! It makes me feel like there are tiny suns inside my chest! 🫶
I humbly come to you with an art request of Bingqiu as Sylvanian Families (aka Calico Critters) dolls?
(If you are not taking more art requests, then may I ask your opinion on which element SQQ's and LBH's visions would be in a Genshin Impact AU?)
May the winds of inspiration always blow in your favor, xoxo and best wishes 💖
hi hi! thank u so much!!
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me and my girlfriend argued over what animal binghe would be, but border collie won. the other top contender was a black sheep. sqq is a white persian cat.
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my immediate thought was binghe pyro and I went between sword and claymore for him, but landed on claymore. for sqq I couldn't decide originally if he would be dendro or anemo but I think the wind symbolism works more for shen yuan's story. I imagine he uses his fan as a catalyst. they would both be from liyue and I am NOT good at designing outfits.
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delborovic · 2 years
can you draw Rellik x Karl
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ranpo-v-world · 28 days
ohmygod hello little me
//from @the-greatest-detective-ranp
oh…..hi? (yikes, youre way older than me.)
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sunder-soul · 29 days
Sunnnyyy you were, is and always will be my favourite author to ever come across no matter what you're a gem and i absolutely adore you and your works and jdbejsndndnsk 🫶🏻
Ahhhh 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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honorhearted · 3 months
@morgansmornings cont. from (x)
The smell of blood and smoke laid heavily in the air, burning through Benjamin’s lungs as he narrowly avoided a volley of artillery fire. His horse nickered with displeasure, but otherwise kept galloping through the fray, leading him to safety while all around him, men clashed with sabers and musket-shot. Gritting his teeth, he encouraged his mount to ride faster.
No longer just a reverend’s son, Benjamin was continuously forced to drop his Bible in favor of a sword – to protect, to serve, to fight for the very friends and family he one day hoped to be reunited. Holding his saber aloft, he moved to charge toward an officer when he felt a strange rippling sensation.
Perplexed, he turned his head, but received a shock once the force of something – a fist? An improvised weapon? – smashed into his ribs and sent him hurtling from his saddle and onto the ground. Benjamin rolled and rolled, dizzy and discombobulated, before the force from striking his head against earth painted him out in a sea of black.
When he awoke again, the trees overhead were gone, and in their place were... Blinking rapidly, Benjamin opened and closed his eyes, attempting to make clear just what he was gazing upon. He was no longer outside -- had someone taken him indoors for m.edical treatment? Had they won? -- and feeling nauseous, he rolled over onto his knees, dizzy and swaying as he attempted to rise.
Toppling into the door on his left, he quickly tried jerking it open -- why wouldn't it budge? -- before someone spoke behind him. Crying out, Benjamin fumbled for his firelock, only to quickly stand down once he realized it was a woman. A very odd, very inappropriately dressed woman.
"Your petticoats," he choked, still feeling a touch ill. "I can see your...I-I see..." your figure.
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The dizziness increased tenfold, and then the woman was muttering a bunch of nonsense. Tongue dry and sticking to the roof of his mouth, he accused, "Madam, by keeping me here, you are enacting a form of treason. If you release me now, I'm certain His Excellency will be willing to disregard your oversight."
Surely, she would be spared due to female ignorance?
Unfortunately, the woman seemed in no hurry to cooperate. “Now I have to ask," she treaded, "who are you?”
Benjamin bristled. "You i.mprison me in your strange home against my will, and yet you have the gall to demand answers?" Straightening, he reminded her, "I could very much ask you the same question, madam."
Patience, he tried to calm himself. No enemies were ever won over by bitterness and vitriol.
With this reminder as his primary incentive, he exhaled through his nose, then offered a stilted bow. "Major B.enjamin T.allmadge of the Second C.ontinental Light D.ragoons. At your service." Whether he wished it or not.
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seriousbrat · 3 months
A controversial opinion, but I don’t think Severus ever got an invitation to the Slug Club. He’s obviously a prodigy, but Slughorn’s M.O. is to invite the well connected - with the exception of those who are so obviously going to succeed *despite* their lack of connections in the magical world. Hermione is a upper middle class girl with a famous best friend and exceptional talent. Lily was a charming extroverted girl from a decent home who everyone liked. Tom Riddle was a handsome, smooth talking fellow who could inspire loyalty and is willing to say the right things to flatter. If Slughorn can get these kids to meet the right people, then they have the ingredients to climb the ranks, and then they’re beholden to Slughorn for making the initial connection. It’s how the club and nepotism in general works!
But young Snape doesn’t have the ingredients. He bears all the hallmarks of abuse. He’s unlikeable, badly socialised, ill tempered, poorly groomed, and most importantly, he has absolutely no intention of playing the very particular British class game and wears his working class status as a furious badge of honour. It’s why James and Sirius keep bullying him - he refuses to scrape to his social superiors and spits in their eye instead. He’s not the type to buy Slughorn pineapple in return for a leg up.
(This goes beyond the realm of textual interpretation and into pure fanon, but I’ve always liked the idea of this being a source of tension between Snape and Lily, him disdaining her ‘playing the game’, so to speak, and stubbornly refusing to see the difference between her associating with Slug Club members to get on in a world that doesn’t accept her and him associating with his housemates who can offer him a degree of protection and respectability the Light side do not because they’ve never accepted him)
I can see that being the case! The main reason why I think Slughorn might have initially had hopes for Sev is because of this from HBP:
‘But I don’t think I’ve ever known such a natural at Potions!’ said Slughorn, regarding Harry with a fond, if blood- shot, eye. ‘Instinctive, you know – like his mother! I’ve only ever taught a few with this kind of ability, I can tell you that, Sybill – why, even Severus –’
‘You should have seen what he gave me, first lesson, the Draught of Living Death – never had a student produce finer on a first attempt, I don’t think even you, Severus –’
Like he was very clearly aware that Severus was a very talented student, at his own subject no less, because he compares Harry to him as if Snape was exceptional. I can't see Slughorn completely overlooking that kind of raw talent.
As fond of Lily as Slughorn was, I imagine that Sev's friendship with her was a point in his favour too. I definitely don't think Snape was ever a favourite of his, but it's clear that as potions master Slughorn had his eye on Sev as probably his most talented student. He might have thought he could mold him. However I think as Sev got older (and less likable lol), particularly after his split with Lily and growing association with the Dark Arts, Slughorn would have increasingly seen him as less likely to succeed, and possibly given him up as a lost cause.
Also, a lot of this is your own interpretation of Snape (which is totally fine!) but personally I see teen Snape as more ambitious than that. I don't think he was 'spitting in the eye' of the British/Wizarding class system given that he joined a fascist group dedicated to upholding it. While I see him as resentful of it, he definitely was no rebel, and I do see him as trying to get in good with purebloods like Avery and Mulciber and climb the greasy pole by sheer willpower and talent. For me he's definitely a character that's very aware of class and is trying to play the game, but on his own terms. He knows that nothing will ever be handed to him the way it has been his fellow Slytherins, but he prides himself on working that much harder to achieve it. So I agree there's a certain amount of pride there, but it's also mixed with a lot of shame-- at his humble origins, his father, everything he sees as holding him back.
I see the "half-blood prince" nickname as a kind of tongue-in-cheek reference to that, giving importance to Sev's wizarding side but also serving as a reminder of what sets him apart from the rest. He craves recognition and respect, and I think he would have taken exclusion from the Slug Club hard, as another reminder of the unfairness of life. Avery and Mulciber were likely Slug Club members themselves, so I don't think Sev would totally disdain it-- he wants their favour badly, so I don't think he completely refuses to scrape to social superiors either. He probably would take exclusion from the Club pretty hard. I just don't think he'd wear his working-class roots as a badge of honour, personally, since I see him as trying to move beyond them, to cast off everything his father represents and be recognised on his own merits.
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sverige-ikea-employee · 5 months
Sve what's your favorite plushie
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I wonder if Lad still has it.
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