#sorry for the lack of posts i have like 4 answers in wip form right now hfghgfh
tallymarkbrothers · 1 year
four, what's your favorite thing to cook?
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Hey, saw the writers’ asks meme and thought id send a few~ Absolutely no pressure to answer any of these ofc! - 4; 8; 14; 16; 22; 23; 29; 30<3
hey hi thank you for the ask and sorry for the late reply!!
4. a story idea you haven't written it
vermont is for lovers. the scandal au. president morgan and his fixer/mistress mr. ackles. i have been rotating this in my mind for forever but it seems like a lot of work and most of y'all haven't even seen scandal so i guess this one will have to wait.
8. if you had to write a sequel for a fic, you'd write one for...
lmao all i am writing is sequels at the moment, tbh. currently working on part two for on my own terms, part three of the wild side, part three of can't buy me love, part two of wisteria lane and part idek for french verse
14. where do you get your inspiration?
hell if i know. some ideas just appear to me fully formed, others develop over time. sometimes it's triggered by something i've read or by a song or by a completely irrelevant mini-scene on a tv show... like I am not actively doing something to be inspired it just happens to me lol
16. favorite place to write
i don't really have one? i do a lot of writing on my phone actually bc that's the one thing that's always around if i get the sudden urge to write.
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you're writing? how do you get past that?
OOF. yeah, all the time. i know i mostly create niche things that even within that niche are pretty niche so i have struggled a lot with lack of feedback and/or people being unnecessarily mean about it not matching their preferred vibes and tbh I still don't know how to get past that. I have gotten better at reminding myself that i'm writing the stories *I* wanna tell and that it's not for them but for *me* but yeah I'd say a big part of my writer's block and time spent not creating is due to me not having found the right crowd yet.
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
feelsy. soft. but sometimes also creepy-dark.
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles.
very easy or very hard, there is no in-between. like, the scandal au already has a title although I haven't written a word, other wips, I'm 6k into and I don't have a clue or I'm ready to post and being taunted by the blinking cursor in the AO3 title field.
30. share a fic you are especially proud of.
so here's the thing. the fic I am actually proudest of is still a wip and it's the only one I haven't shared with anybody yet past the summary.
so I'm just gonna go with published stuff
*insert obligatory my name engraved on your heart here* (which is probs the answer everyone expects)
i really like how there are worse things i could do turned though, it took me a long time to finish that one and i really think it turned out great.
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thisbluespirit · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
I was tagged to do this by @allegoriesinmediasres but it had already gone round Dreamwidth this last week, so I did it there.  I’ll try and c+p it over here, too!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 620 (but I've been writing a lot of short things since around 2006-7, and there might even still be a couple of the 1994-98 fic from the newsgroups up). 2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 1,476,147 (but this does include about 300,000 words of origfic for RaTs and rainbowfic that are collected into three works, so it doesn't affect the works no too much, but it does affect the wordcount.) 3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Too many to list here!  A lot.  *nods* 4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos? People, it's still Miss Marple.  Maybe one day it won't be Miss Marple, but today is not that day. (ETA: whenever i do my top AO3 fic on these memes, it’s disproportionately Miss Marple.  I am bemused.) Miss Marple: The Spirit of St Mary Mead So We Meet at Last Not Miss Marple: it's the rain that will strengthen your soul (SW Prequels) Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST) By the Book (Origfic) (Oh, wow, By the Book keeps moving up.  It must get recced sometimes, somewhere, mustn't it?  0_o ♥) 5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes.  Fanfic is a lot my way of being social, which is why I don't get along with the new push-button web much.  Like, kudos is fine, ok, but I just wanted to talk to people, and via fic always seems to be one of the nicest ways to do it. 6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oh, I don't know. I like being bleak sometimes when I feel like it.  It might be the EatD one with the two Generals, but honestly there were a few in my mid-illness old bleak telly watching years, and the Level 7 one or the one from Children of the Damned might be even more so?  Or some S&S stuff, too?  I mean, I wrote S&S plane crash fic and weird drabbles.  (I blame my fandoms!  It's not my fault!  *innocent*) Also I keep doing Clara splinter fic, so I keep killing Clara and it's always sadder than I expect when I get there.  You'd think I'd learn by now, or just not kill this splinter, but, nooo, hey, how about MORE Clara splinter death, self?  /o\ Oh, no, wait: it's probably Spooks!  Spooks is also bleak and how about my tiny ficlet of death, Litany of the Fallen? Oh, actually, if I listen to people who aren't me, it's that B7 Avon/Servalan one, which I was always a bit: BUT I WROTE ONE WHERE THEY WON about it and everyone else was all THIS IS THE WORST in the comments.  Sorry? The Quality of Mercy (Is Most Definitely Strained)  (I still think the ending of Compendium is more angsty!  It has double death!) (Ok, it's me.  I like being bleak and angsty when I'm doing it.  I'm less sure when someone else is doing it at me, of course. ;-p) 7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I honestly don't know.  I'm usually kind of gen and happy and sometimes even humorous, and keep canon's tone, and DW is fairly light most of the time. I tried searching on Happy, but I have never tagged anything as happy.  But probably it is an AAL! thing, because AAL! is happiness in b&w TV form basically.  Maybe of Of Human Bondage (or Five Times Adam and His Friends Found Themselves All Tied Up)?  But I like all the AAL! ones I wrote for Yuletide, because they were the ones where I tried to be closest to an episode, and that makes them the most fun to re-read. 8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? I have a crossover in my top 5, so yes.  I'm a DW fan; crossovers are just far too obvious a temptation when you've got a TARDIS.  What DW fic writer hasn't managed at least one once somewhere?  And I might have, um, written a lot of them.  (AO3 says 126). I did once, way back in newsnet times, when we were having a debate over what you could and couldn't cross DW over with (and I was on Team You Can Cross It With Anything You Cowards), write a DW/Rainbow drabble.  But I don't think I put that on AO3.  I think it might be on Teaspoon.   In AO3 works, I think by far the silliest is the Baldrick/Steed one, which AstroGirl said I couldn't write.  (It was an Unconventional Courtship summary, not that they randomly dared me to write Baldrick/Steed.  I mean, some of my flist totally would have done if they'd thought of it, but not in this case.) 9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not really.  I've had some weird comments, but the nearest I've come to hate was one of the comments that time I tried to write Swan Queen fic and it wasn't happy enough for people.  (I wrote a happy one after, but the ifrst one was set quite early, Regina was still kind of evil!) 10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Alas, no.  Although, ish, if we count my experimental elemental shipping phase, which included The Cornfield (Silver/Steel/(Sapphire)), which is the only time anyone called any of my fic sexy.  I would totally have that comment made into a medal or something.   11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Other than the random scraping things that have gone round over the years, no. 12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!  Several people have been kind enough to do this, usually into Russian, and usually (but not always!) Miss Marple. 13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, and no - in adwc days we all co-authored round robins, which were a blast and highly frustrating.  I think it'd be fun, but barring the odd bit of drabble tennis with various flisters back in the day, it's not really something that's worked out.  (I'm thinking, I could have all the ideas, they could do all the writing, I could criticise?? XD) 14) What’s your all time favorite ship? My Relationships count is very misleading here, because I think it actually is (including in terms of things written for it), Sapphire/Silver/Steel, but it's a weird thing, so sometimes I tag it platonically, and sometimes I don't necessarily tag it at all for that reason, and also I think it puts people off unnecessarily.  (But it's a Lie when I don't tag it.  All my Sapphire & Silver & Steel is inherently OT3 even if no one else can see it.) 15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? None.  I have unposted WIPs, but I do hope to finish those, and the only posted WIP is a very old one only on Teaspoon that was begun before I was ill and I can't even really say at this point that I would want to finish it. 16) What are your writing strengths? Character/dialogue, I think?  I am actually not that bad at plot, but currently I lack the stamina for long things. I like to think I can be quite funny when I'm in the mood. 17) What are your writing weaknesses? Description, action.  Argh.  Yes, let's just talk some more, okay? 18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I was going to say I would never, but actually I did!  I wrote Y Gwyll | Hinterland fic, and it wouldn't be right not to have some Welsh in that.  However, while I may be a 1/4 Welsh and know some Welsh words, I don't actually speak it, so I had to turn to Llywela who was very kind and translated the sentences I needed.  (I added the English translation in the footnote.)  This was the fic, but basically language is important in canon (ironically maybe even more so in the Eng-lang version I watched than the original Welsh), and so it was also important in the fic. So, probably if it was a canon where it was required, then I would do what I could to get help to get it right?  The good thing about the internet is that you can usually find someone, although usefully for me, I already knew someone. 19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Doctor Who! 20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I'm going to wimp out on this along with everyone else.  Although... if any of you have a fave fic of mine, that would be very cool to hear!  (But I don't expect anyone to.) Sometimes I'm pleased enough with the latest to feel it's that, but that's not always the case, and it isn't currently.  (No, offence, Latest Works!  I like you, it just only happens once in a while, usually when I've managed something I've wanted to do for years.)
I won’t tag anyone, because I know lots of people also did this on Dreamwidth, but it’s always VERY cool to see people’s answers to these things and memes are for stealing.
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lostinfantasies38 · 5 years
5 Questions for Writers
Thanks for this wonderful writer tag @serial-chillr​ !  Tagged by @pikapeppa, @theaiobhan, @fandomn00blr  
Sorry this took me so long to answer.  I had to scour all my work to answer a couple of these.
1. Do you have a favourite character to write? Who and why?
Shit, this is hard.  I love writing so many characters, but Alistair and Sirra are my favorites.  
Sirra is unique with her dwarven perspective, and that tends to bleed into the rest of her life.  She isn’t hardened by any means, but her worldview is admittedly different, though she always tries to save as many lives as possible.  The last thing she ever wants to be is the callous Carta bitch Orzammar labeled her.  But she is scrappy and feisty, an absolute badass in battle, and Ancestors help anyone who touches her friends and family.    
Alistair is fun to write because he is sarcastic and witty, a fierce warrior who will wreck shop on the field, but he’s so insecure.  His uncertainty and need for validation make him approachable and real.  I have so many feelings about this man - it's absurd.
2. Do you have a favourite trope to write? Or one you want to write?
GIVE ME ALL THE TROPES!!  I’m not sure if I have a favorite, per se.  I love them all and I am liberal with them, as anyone who has read my work will attest.  But I do love “friends to lovers,” “they were roommates,” and everyone’s favorite, “there was only one bed.”  
Obviously, now that I am looking at these, I think this speaks to my need for fulfillment in proximity within my own life.  There is intimacy inherent in sharing space with someone on the daily like ‘friends’ and ‘roommates’ and anytime you share a sleeping space with someone, even platonically, you form a bond.  How far that bond progresses is up to both parties, but it doesn’t remove the foundation that now exists for something more to grow upon.   
I write the things I lack, the things I want, the things that make me happy.  Because let’s face it - we all live vicariously through our characters.  
3. Share your favourite description you’ve written?
Fuuuuuck, this is hard!  I am a very descriptive writer.  But probably my Varric prompt that @somniaran sent me.  You have to read the whole thing, but it’s too long to post here, so I’ll link it.  Titled “Careworn.”
But here is a portion of Alistair’s memory of the fight with the Archdemon, from my Alistair/Rylie Trevelyan WIP.  In this story, Elissa made the Ultimate Sacrifice.
Lips crashed together and he pulled her as close to him as their armor would allow in a desperate final plea with each other.  Elissa leaned out of the kiss and stared at him with her pale blue eyes that reminded him of whitecaps on the ocean – washed out sapphire ringed with gray, wholly unique and captivating.
Alistair opened his mouth to argue with her again, but her thumb pressed against the pressure point in his neck that Zevran taught her during her assassin training.  His knees buckled and his vision darkened from lack of oxygen.  When he sank to the ground, Elissa finally removed her thumb, staring at him with a heartbroken expression before spinning on her heel to face destiny. 
He was so weak that he could only watch as the Archdemon lifted its head in a final challenge to the woman barreling down on it.  Alistair raked a hand along the gore-covered stone towards her and yelled hoarsely when she snatched a nearby sword.  She slid under the dragon’s neck with sword tip raised and cleaved it in half.  Elissa rolled out from under the mighty Archdemon and without hesitation slammed the blade through its head with an anguished shout.
Blinding light and heat filled the center of the tower, rapidly expanding to encompass the whole of the building.  Alistair could barely see her in the white-hot halo, but his tainted blood located her directly in the center.  She was the center.  She was the light.  A high-pitched keen rent the air, growing in intensity until it abruptly stopped.  All sound in the city was extinguished and an eerie silence descended. The light shattered without warning and the shockwave of searing heat sent him flying across the tower, knocking him unconscious from the force of his landing on the stone.  
4. Share your favourite dialogue you’ve written?
I have so many favorites!!  But most of them are spoilers of WIPs and I don’t want to give too much away on them.  So here is my favorite snippet from Sun Touched. Apologies if you are reading the story on AO3 and already know this segment.
“Who are you?  I specifically told Carroll not to let anyone cross the lake.  We are dealing with a delicate situation here. You must leave immediately.”
Sirra bristled and took a bold step forward.  “No. The mages are obligated to aid the Grey Wardens during a Blight.  I didn’t come all the way here to be denied men for the scourge that threatens us all.” 
The Templar narrowed his eyes, but didn’t speak. He simply appraised the dwarven woman whose fuse was as short as her stature.  “The Circle is lost. Abominations and demons roam the halls. We were overrun and not prepared for such an onslaught.  We’ve barred the doors to keep them out and are waiting for reinforcements from Denerim for the Right of Annulment.”
Alistair groaned and Leliana gasped at his pronouncement while Sirra huffed impatiently with her hands on her hips.  "Oh, for the love of all the Paragons!  What does that mean?”
Alistair snorted softly at her dwarven curse and murmured in her ear.  “The mages are probably already dead. The Right allows for the Templars to kill everyone inside to prevent abominations escaping and any mages that might be alive from becoming possessed.”
Sirra reeled back in shock, staring at the older Templar, as fury bubbled within her.  “They are mages! They have magic! They can’t all be dead! You locked them in there and left them to their fate like cowards!”  
A hush descended on the room and he opened his mouth to refute her and regain his authority, but she cut him off with a slashing motion of her hand, glaring at him in defiance.  “I’m going in and I will save them, which is what you should have done! And when I return you will aid me against the Blight or so help me, you won’t be begging the Maker to spare your life, you will beg me.  Is that understood?”
“I assure you abominations are nothing to scoff about.”  The Templar closed the gap between them and stared down at her imperiously, attempting to intimidate her.
Flicking her throwing knife into her palm, she tossed it casually in the air, catching it by the hilt with ease, a murderous glint in her dark gaze.  “Do I look like I’m scoffing to you? I have confidence in my abilities. You really should thank me for doing your damn job, but if that’s below you then at the very least, get out of my fucking way.  I have people to rescue.”
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?
I have a few AU ideas, which would allow for some interesting scenes/scenarios, but I’m keeping them close to my chest right now.  I don’t know that they will ever come to fruition, but if they do, I want them to be a surprise.  
 Thanks for tagging me, friends! Tagging forward to @bigfan-fanfic @ginnyq @darlingrutherford @ranawaytothedas @somniaran @jacklyn-flynn and anyone else who would like to play!
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aftgonice · 7 years
11 questions tag
I was tagged by a lot of people, I kept this in the drafts for weeks and just kept adding questions since they’re always different, so thank you for tagging me and sorry if this post is long (I’ll just put it under keep reading).
Also it might be that I forgot or missed someone who tagged me so if that’s the case I’m sorry I’m not ignoring you I promise!
Rules: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
Questions by @severeminx
You are hosting a dinner party and can invite 5 historical figures. Who would they be? Mozart, Da Ponte, Aristotle, Lucretius, Marie Skłodowska
What was your favorite cartoon as a kid? probably Pokémon!
What’s your signature drink when going out? Japanese ice tea
Do you have any tattoos? If not, would you like to? i don’t have any and i also don’t think i’ll ever find something that i want on my skin permanently, but we’ll see if we get there i guess
Who was your favourite classmate when you were 16? oh god...thank god this didn’t ask when i was 17 lmao...anyway my fav classmate was my then-BFF. there were also a couple of girls i really found interesting but i guess it wasn’t reciprocated so they always only hung out with a bigger group and being the shy person i am i couldn’t let myself try to be friends with them
How did you meet your best friend? we were in kindergarten together lol, but we didn’t talk (play??) much. then we were in different classes during elementary school but we got in the same class again in middle school and that’s where we became friends
Do you like going to museums? What is the art style you want to check out the most? okay i’m going to admit this here. i like museums, okay? but i’d rather see something like a natural history museum or something like that, honestly i’m a big science nerd and i don’t get as excited about art i guess. but i do go to art museums when visiting cities and i actually find them really interesting, but if i’m just in my town and there’s some temporary art exhibition i just don’t really care about going unless it’s something suuuuper famous :/// i feel like a lot of people will hate me for this buT LISTEN SCIENCE IS IMPORTANT GUYS
What feature or quality do you get complimented on the most? are we talking physically?? people like my hair and my nails I guess. If we’re talking personality-wise then idk, they tell me I’m good at listening (which I admit) and my bff told me he thinks I’m brave and I guess I understand why he said it but honestly I still don’t believe it
What is the most romantic place you have ever visited? I’m not sure because since watching YOI the only romantic place on earth for me is Barcelona and I haven’t been there yet lmao. The places I’ve been to aren’t exactly romantic so I don’t know
What would you define as ‘magical’? That thing that your mind does after 1 or 2am when it becomes more loose without needing drugs but it just gets high on lack of sleep and you’re suddenly really talkative and funny and you can have really deep conversations with people and your jokes are honestly on fucking point and you wish you were like that during the day
What is the most expensive item of clothing you have ever bought and was it worth it? I honestly don’t know oh my god. Probably the suit (pants + blazer) I bought a few years ago and that’s still good and whenever I have to be dressed in a “serious and elegant” way that’s what I go for. So yeah it was worth it.
Questions by @yakoucchu
 The piece of makeup that you always wear. i don’t always wear it but if i wanna put on a bit of something then it’s definitely gonna be mascara + lipstick (or colored lip balm) because I think they both make a ton of difference. Actually now in summer I almost always have colored lip balm from Lush because it’s too humid to be wearing mascara and I don’t feel like wearing a waterproof one lol
If you’re gonna be the author of your favorite series, what are you gonna change in it? well that would be a spoiler lmao but i guess i’d make someone who died in it live
There’s a fact that is happened to you and it makes you heart warming a lil bit when you think about it? you mean besides YOI and captive prince? cuz that’s all i can think about lol (there’s more but i’m being lazy with my answer sorry)
 Someone have ever done something that we can define crazy for you? yeah when my bf first came to visit me and we met for the first time (because we met online)
Do you like your current occupation? i’m unemployed but i’m “working” on being able to find a job soon but tbh i have food and a roof on my head and i’m needing this time of doing nothing but trying to take care of myself so i wouldn’t say i like this but it’s all i can do now
Smoothies, or Milkshakes? smoothies
What’s the thing that you love the most about yourself? hsrghsghshgshgsh most difficult question ever tbh. i like that i’m...rational? yeah rational 
The most strange thing that you ever tried to eat grossed you out? ummmmmmmmmm watch me get a lot of hate for this but....................................................sushi grosses me out and i almost puked when i tried it
Are you ever tried to write something, and after a while giving it up? Why? i did, a lot of things actually. i had an idea for a fic that i realized was going to do me more harm than good so i had to ditch the idea. there are things i know i could write but they’re too personal and still too raw so idk if i ever will write them. other WIPs are just there in my folder for no other reason that I either lost inspiration or that they’re honestly fucking hard to write and I still don’t have all the plot 
How do you feel right not? If I said to you “you’re doing great” it can change something? i’m struggling to keep my shit together. and yes, it changes something so thank you a lot for telling me that :) <3
What’s your favorite movie? idkkkkkk i rarely watch movies but of the latest ones i guess interstellar
Questions by @crescendotayuri 
1. what’s one thing you could never live without? my phone lmaoooooo so cliche
2. what’s your favorite part of your daily routine? probably right after managing to get out of bed, the moment i finally sit down for breakfast with a croissant and a cappuccino (typical italian breakfastTM)
3. what are you most passionate about? ...yuri on ice and captive prince and lgbt+ rights and the environment
4. what’s the best dream you’ve ever had? I don’t really know but sometimes I dream that I become internet-famous and it’s really sad that this is literally one of the best dreams I have lmao
5. happiest memory? I have a few but one of them is seeing Florence and the Machine live (i have others but they’re a bit too personal so idk)
6. are there any videos/jokes/etc that never fail to make you laugh? oh god yes........i’m so lame but like any meme will have me laugh tbh. kermit meme? i laugh. dude blinking meme? i laugh. spongebob meme? i laugh. i could go on lmao but i’ll stop embarrassing myself. there’s also a few comics that I have saved on my phone and they never fail to make me laugh but it’d be hard to explain them here
7. one talent you with you had/could perfect? it’s never been my wish to be able to draw but now that i’m into fandom i guess i would like to be able to do it at least a little. and i wish i could perfect my writing (or at least perfect my English at a native speaker level so it’d be easier)
8. a song you relate to the most? Help I’m alive - Metric
9. how do you take your coffee/tea? i only have cappuccino or latte macchiato and only rarely espresso. get american coffee out of my sight. tea is earl grey usually without milk bc i mostly use tea (without sugar) to stop me from wanting dessert lmao but if i’m feeling like it i’ll take it with milk bc it’s too good
10. what do you do to make yourself feel better when you’re sad or upset? i rewatch yoi or go on twitter and hope there’s some good memes but i trust my squad so yeah usually there’s something
11. what makes you proud of yourself? being a decent person despite everything
Questions by @pllsetskyonice:
1. What’s a song you can’t get enough of at the moment? AAAA it’s too hard to choose one! Just one yesterday by Fall Out Boy and literally every song from Lorde’s Melodrama
2. If someone asked you for a book recommendation, what’s the one book you would recommend? The question is trickyyyy because obviously not all books are for everyone especially if we’re talking about stuff with major trigger warnings etc etc but if I have to say I’ll just go with my fav trilogy Captive Prince (granted I’m talking to an adult) but I’ll leave it to them to decide if they’re up to reading it or not
3. Do you play any musical instruments? Nope :( used to play the piano and then stopped like the idiot I am, but I sing
4. Book or movie? Book
5. Do you ever wish you could turn back time? Eh. I guess.
6. Favourite subject in school? Science in whatever form it came (it was different things every school year but it doesn’t matter if it’s geology chemistry or w/e I’m just a huge science kid)
7. You’ve been given tickets to a concert for an artist you’ve always wanted to see live but never had the chance to. Who are you seeing? Maybe Marina and the Diamonds but there’s so many oh my god I also wouldn’t mind seeing Florence again but I’ve already seen her.......oh wait LORDE YES LORDE probably if I had to choose right at this very moment
8. Is there an accessory you don’t feel dressed without? Not really
9. Have you ever been to a festival? I’m not sure what kinda festival you mean but I think not
10. Have you read all of the original seven Harry Potter books? Yeah but still not in English oops
11. What’s the last film/TV show you watched? Last film was Beauty and the Beast when it came out lmao I’m not a huge movie person, last TV show mmmh let’s say that YOI counts for this yes? because it’s always YOI and I don’t feel like watching anything else rip
My questions:
If you were a character in the last book you’ve read, what would be your role? Protagonist, side kick, villain...?
What’s your biggest pet peeve when reading a book or watching a show/anime/movie? (if you can’t only name one feel free to name a few)
Do you consider yourself to be a creative person?
Describe one person in your life you admire without mentioning the type of relationship you have with them
What’s one personality trait you’d give up immediately if you could?
Think of the farthest place you’ve traveled to and describe one culture shock you had while there (even something small)
What’s the one thing that always manages to motivate you?
What would you tell your 10 year old self?
What’s your favorite trope?
If your BFF tells you (lovingly) “why are you like this?” what are they referring to?
Are you scared of something right now? If you are, what’s one sentence you wish someone would tell you about the thing that scares you?
I tag: @betelxeuse @ilgattopatata @ehsocietypretendstoomuch @otayurl @argentoheart @nerily @janiedean @robb-greyjoy @laurent-rose @dotingdamen @venenix but obviously feel free not to do it (but if you do tag me bc I love reading your answers) fdklahrgag I hope I don’t get annoying with all these tags
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