#sorry for the hack job at replicating the style. was not doing well at the time
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digitulart · 3 months ago
I saw your hairbanz ocs and I love the designs already and they remind me of a musical of three bully girls and I was wondering can I draw them? 🙏
thank you!!! you sure can, i did update their designs recently
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freudensteins-monster · 5 years ago
A Banner Reunion
A WinterShock follow up to A Banner Day. Set post Age of Ultron and Ragnarok, not really Civil War compliant, and there’s no Thanos or looming Infinity War. Also posted on AO3.
The first person Bucky Barnes met as he stepped off the last quinjet out of Wakanda was Darcy Lewis. She looked more uptight than her file photo would suggest (Bucky had read the files of all facility staff on the flight over, and Darcy’s maybe twice), and seemed to have taken Pepper Potts as her style icon. The wavy brown hair from her file photo was pulled back in a tight bun, and the colourful sweaters and jeans had been replaced by a sharp business suit and sharper heels. 
“Good morning, Sergeant Barnes. I’m Darcy Lewis. I manage the upstate facility and act as the team’s PR manager. I’ll also be acting as a liaison between the facility, your legal team, and other interested parties. If you have any questions, day or night, please don’t hesitate to contact me.”
She handed him a crisp white business card. Bucky took it with his shiny new Wakandan arm, noting a complete lack of reaction from Miss Lewis.
“Science Wrangler?” he read aloud.
“I have new ones on order,” she replied with a long-suffering sigh. 
“Thank you, Miss Lewis,” he smiled, tucking the business card into his jacket pocket. “But all I really want to know right now is which way to the mess hall?”
Miss Lewis smiled, but before she could respond Steve clapped him on the shoulder and led him away for a second breakfast. 
Over the next couple of weeks he received dozens of updates via Miss Lewis from his legal team about their attempts to have him cleared of all charges relating to the crimes he committed as the Winter Soldier (and the few he committed after), but he never saw her outside of their meetings. Not in the mess hall, not at team movie nights, not even in passing. According to Steve she was drowning in work and pretty much lived in her office. She needed help but had refused to hire assistants, not trusting the vetting process with all the enemies the Avengers had accumulated.
Feeling guilty, and just a little too curious for his own good, Bucky went in search of her office. He heard her before he saw her. It sounded like she was having the argument of the century with a disgruntled voice that reminded him of his old drill instructor. He was going to leave her to it and try again later when he heard his name being thrown about. He crept closer, keeping out of sight of Darcy and the holograph she was arguing with.
“How can you stand there denying the dangers posed by enhanced individuals when you’re harbouring the fugitive James Buchanan Barnes, the most prolific assassin in living memory?”
Bucky winced but Darcy narrowed her eyes at the hologram and stood her ground.
“Sergeant Barnes’ location is not a secret, nor is he a fugitive. He surrendered himself to the Wakandan authorities and per the agreement his legal representation made with the US government - which you’re well aware of, I remember how much you bitched about it in the press - he is on house arrest at this facility until his trial commences, if it ends up going ahead at all. And if you think he’s going to give up what little freedom he has now and could have in the future and sign this joke of a document, you’ve got another thing coming.”
Her opponent sneered. “Last I checked, Miss Lewis, you weren’t a lawyer.”
“Not yet, anyway. But I did pass my Civics 101 class, and I watched a lot of SchoolHouse Rock! as a kid: This is not a bill, or a law, or an official policy of the US Government. Even if it gets ratified by the UN, you cannot enforce it as it goes against the Constitution and violates a US citizen’s 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendment rights.”
“Wanda Maximoff-“
“-is a dual Sokovian-US citizen; I made sure of it. And if you can somehow round up a bunch of asshole commandos willing to enforce this PR nightmare to appease your bruised ego, the governor of New York - who gifted this land to the Avengers - and all his friends on Capitol Hill are going to have something to say about it. Especially after the so-called World Security Council tried to nuke his hometown while the Avengers were risking their lives to save his constituents from aliens. So,” she continued, tossing the intimidated stack of paper aside and waiting for it to hit her desk with a satisfying thump before continuing, “until you can put together something less offensive than this pile of crap, we don’t have anything more to talk about.”
“Listen here you little-“
“Sorry Thad, you’re breaking up. I think your country club is going through a tunnel.”
Darcy disconnected the holographic video call with a wave of her hand and fell into the closest chair with a dramatic groan.
“Wow…” Bucky remarked, stepping into her office. “I take it we don’t like that guy.” 
“We really don’t like that guy,” Darcy concurred, tossing her heels across the room in irritation.
“What’s his deal?”
“General Ross’ deal is that he wants all the power. And since superheroes have lots of power he wants them, preferably conscripted into service of the US government or locked up in a submersible military black site paid for with taxpayer dollars that he thinks I don’t know about. He’s been this way ever since Bruce’s accident.” At Bucky’s lack of recognition she continued, “Bruce was trying to replicate the supersoldier serum for the US Military, reporting to General Ross. Things went boom, Bruce turned into the Hulk, escaped Ross’ clutches and went on the run. Under the guise of bringing the Hulk in, Ross approved another human trial of the supersoldier serum. He ended up creating what the media dubbed as “the Abomination” – twice the rage of the Hulk, none of the ability to reconnect with his humanity. And while Bruce was forced to go back into hiding for the next five years for his part in destroying Harlem, General Ross didn’t even get knocked down a rank. The bastard shouldn’t be able to breathe in DC’s direction, let alone have a hand in policing “enhanced individuals,” so naturally he makes a perfect choice for Secretary of State,” she scoffed.
Bucky watched her for a moment before reaching out to help her up from her chair. “You look like you could use a drink. C’mon, I’m buying.”
“Dude, it’s like 10am,” Darcy argued, but took his hand regardless. 
Two floors down and one building over in the facility cafeteria Bucky watched on with barely disguised amusement as Darcy made love to her Mocha Frappuccino.
“Oh, yeah, that’s the stuff.”
She’d put on some flats and discarded her jacket before leaving her office, and once they were seated and waiting for their drinks she set her glasses down on the table and took down her hair. 
Bucky loved the way she smiled when she was able to let go of the stress of her job, even if it was only for a moment, so he did what he could to give her more of them. Tuesday morning coffee breaks became a regular occurrence, and if she missed dinner Bucky would check in on her to make sure she took a break and ate something. Eventually he asked her to schedule all their meetings and anything to do with his legal issues as her last tasks of the day, that way if she was snowed under and running late he had an excuse to invite her to join him for dinner afterwards. He was working up the nerve to ask her to dinner without the pretense of work when the Asgardians arrived.
Steve stood beside him, watching as the huge ship landed just beyond the facility's - and Bucky’s - boundaries. 
“So it’s true?” Darcy asked, out of breath from the short run from the administration building. “He’s really back?”
“Yeah, Thor’s back. You were there when he crash landed the first time, right?” Steve asked.
“She tased him,” Bucky informed him with a smirk. “I read the report.”
“Yeah, I totally tased him. And introduced him to Pop-Tarts. But I also lost him in the breakup – it’s been, like, almost two years since I last saw him.”
It didn’t stop her waving like a lunatic the moment Thor ambled down the spaceship’s ramp, a small village worth of people following close behind him.
“Oh, this is going to be so much paperwork…” Darcy muttered as the god caught sight of them.
“My friends! Lady Darcy!!”
“Thor! What the hell happened to your eye?” she asked when he wrapped her up in one of his godly hugs.
“It’s a long story, lightning sister.”
“Did you bring all of Asgard with you?” Steve asked as he and Bucky watched the strangely dressed visitors make the most of the sunshine and soft grass.
“As many as we could save,” Thor admitted somberly. “I know that their arrival will cause some problems for your world’s governments but any aid you could provide my people in our time of need would be gratefully appreciated. A new homeland, perhaps?” he added, managing to do pretty decent puppy dog eyes even with only one good one.
“I’ll make some calls,” Darcy offered, flashing Thor an indulgent smile.
“Thank you, my lightning sister. And for your efforts, I have brought you a souvenir.”
“Space souvenir? Cool!”
“Aye, very cool,” he smirked, putting a hand around her shoulders and directing her gaze to where a man wearing psychedelic monk robes was trying to make his way through the crowd of Asgardians. 
Darcy’s expression fell and Bucky almost rushed to her side.
At the sound of his name the man looked up and regarded Darcy sheepishly.
“Hey, bunny.”
“Bruce!!” Darcy was off like a shot, shoes abandoned in the grass as she all but threw herself on the new arrival. “What the hell happened to you? I hacked everyone trying to find you but not even Phil had eyes on you. Why didn’t you call me!” she cried, hugging him so tightly Bucky was worried the guy might not be able to breathe.
“I’m so sorry Darcy. I was stuck in Hulk mode up until a couple of days ago. He was like a gladiator on this trash planet in the outer reaches of the universe. It was crazy.”
“Not as crazy as these clothes, dude,” she teased with a sniffle, tugging on the gold vestments.
“Yeah, they’re a lot. But I had to Hulk out again on Asgard and these were the only spare clothes lying around on the spaceship. Oh, I gotta introduce you to some new friends,” he exclaimed excitedly, leading Darcy back towards the spaceship. 
Bucky watched her go, his heart breaking at the sight of her reuniting with her fella. She’d mentioned Bruce a few times, but he hadn’t realised they had been an item. Maybe, since he’d apparently disappeared on her, it had been too painful for her to talk about. Bucky left Steve and Thor to organise the SHIELD agents that had descended to deal with the alien incursion, and left Darcy to her reunion. 
In the weeks that followed Bucky hardly saw Darcy at all. She was spearheading talks with the Norwergian government to establish New Asgard within their borders and spent the rest of her time managing the needs of the refugees who had set up a temporary camp in the field where they landed. She was also fending off demands for the arrest of Thor’s brother, who apparently was more hated and feared than the Winter Soldier was. 
In an effort to reduce her workload Bucky had offered to deal with his legal team directly, even though he hated how they talked down to him when giving him updates. But it made Darcy’s life easier so he took it on, often bringing Steve in on their conference calls to act as a buffer when he felt he was close to snapping at one of his condescending but very, very good lawyers.
Now that he had no reason to bother Darcy he saw her even less than when he first arrived, though he did hear that Bruce had dragged her out of her office once or twice for a late dinner. They never seemed as touchy feely as they had when they were first reunited and they hadn’t spent any time alone together behind closed doors (not that he’d checked security footage). Maybe they weren’t together any more - a lot can happen in two years, Bucky mused. Maybe Bruce had moved on - he was always gushing about that intimidating and frequently drunk Valkyrie woman. Or maybe, Bucky hoped against hope, Darcy had. The question was keeping him up at night, and since Darcy was too busy to be bothered with his insecurities he sought out the famous Dr Bruce Banner. 
Bucky found him a few days later, after another postponed coffee date, in one of the facilities labs, looking over some holographic schematics. 
“Sergeant Barnes, it’s nice to see you again. What can I do for you?” Bruce greeted with a smile. 
“I’m not interrupting?” he asked, gesturing at the complicated calculations.
“Not at all. It’s just a project Tony wants a second opinion on. It’s his way of saying “I missed you too,” he jested. 
Bucky bit the bullet. “It’s about Darcy.”
“What about her?” 
“I just… I feel like a real shitheel asking, but I gotta know; are you and Darcy together?”
“Together like…”
“Dating. Are you dating?”
Bruce’s eyes almost bugged out of his skull. “Did Tony put you up to this?”
“Stark and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms,” Bucky admitted.
“And Darcy never mentioned me? She said you two had been hanging out a lot before she got sidetracked with all the Asgardian refugee drama.”
“She mentioned you plenty. She just never mentioned that two of you were an item.”
“And she also never mentioned that I’m her father, I take it,” Bruce replied with a smirk.
“I’m her biological father. I am not dating her,” Bruce reiterated. “But I take it you want to?” he teased. 
“Uh… yes?” he winced after his brain came back online after processing this new information. “Did you not want me to? I would understand,” he murmured, gesturing vaguely at his shiny new arm as though his bloody history was written on the metal plates.
“I don’t get to have a say in the matter,” Bruce remarked, not unkindly, as he returned most of his attention back to the glowing calculations. “and I’m kind of the last guy who should be giving you grief over things you did when you weren’t in full control of yourself. Besides, you’ve probably known her longer than I have at this point.” He smiled sadly at Bucky’s confused expression. “The first time I met Darcy was when she and Jane moved into Tony’s tower. She told me I was her biological father about two weeks later. Before that moment, I hadn’t even known I had a daughter. We had maybe three months of getting to know each other, eating takeout in my lab once a week, and then Ultron happened. I quite literally disappeared off the face of the earth. I come back, and she’s all grown up and practically running the world,” he laughed. “She’s also crushing pretty hard on a certain supersoldier, in case you were wondering.”
“Yeah, well, Steve is pretty cute I guess,” Bucky mused, ducking his head to hide the blush in his cheeks behind his hair. 
Bruce smiled. “Ask her out, Sergeant.”
Bucky delivered a Mocha Frappuccino to Darcy’s office that night and asked her to have dinner with him whenever she found the time. She blushed something fierce as she said yes, and Bucky committed the image to memory. 
A month later they were officially a couple, but with Darcy’s crazy workload and his looming trial they were taking things slow. He’d only kissed her goodnight a couple of times but he’d stopped resisting the urge he had to wrap Darcy up in his arms the second she was off the clock. 
He was indulging in said urge the night of the Asgardian farewell party - the Norwegian deal had gone through pretty quickly all things considered, and Thor and the last of the Asgardians were heading out to New Asgard in the morning - when Tony Stark made his trademarked grand entrance. He had barely taken two steps out of his latest Iron Man suit when he pointed a finger in their direction. 
“What’s the murderbot doing with his murderarm around my niece?” 
“I’m not your niece, Tony,” Darcy called over everyone else's scolding.
“What are you talking about? Bruce is your bio dad, I’m his science bro; you’re totally my science niece.”
Darcy giggled. “That’s not a thing, Tony. And to answer your totally offensive question; we’re dating.”
“No, I forbid it.”
“You don’t get to have an opinion.”
“Of course I do. Everyone loves hearing my opinions.”
“We really don’t,” Bucky heard Steve mutter into his beer. 
“I don’t want to hear them, Tony. I’m a big girl and I make my own choices.”
“You make terrible choices,” Tony mumbled petulantly. 
“I tell Pepper the same thing all the time,” she teased.
“How dare you!” Tony gasped, feigning offence. “Do I at least get to give the Russian menace the shovel talk?”
“No, no shovel talks. I don’t want you scaring him off.”
“If the Hulk didn’t scare me off, doll, nothing will.”
“That’s not the way I remember it,” Bruce chimed in.
“Shut up,” Bucky retorted over Bruce’s chuckles. “Besides, I already got the shovel talk from Valkyrie. She takes her role as angry-mom very seriously.”
“Who’s Valkyrie? Wait, did you say mom?!” Tony squawked, turning to demand answers from Bruce. 
“Hulk like angry girl,” Thor teased.
“Where is she? Is she here? I have to meet her.”
“Tony! Tony, stop. She went to New Asgard two days ago. No! Step away from the suit!”
As everyone one laughed at Bruce trying to keep Tony away from his suit Darcy leant in close, sending a shiver down Bucky’s spine as she whispered in his ear. 
“How about I say goodbye to Thor and you walk me back to my room, Sergeant?”
Bucky smiled. “Whatever you want, doll.”
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agreatpartner · 8 years ago
hack bleach brave souls
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Game enthusiasts would definitely get lots of heart orbs only from completing storyline objectives, aside from from login |Klab universal android operating system, ios the period of jan Klab universal can even be the publishers away from the strike phone approach premiums, lord of dragons and chronilogical era of empires: market control. when not you can actually mind to google's play the game put away or itunes request put away to download Bleach Brave Souls How To Enter Cheat Codes now. The numerous battles arise quickly resist, providing you with four invasion switches (people are unlocked when you develop with all the aimbot) in the correct, together with a motions mat in the eventually left side away from the display. You may even do pvp in which you resist other athletes. 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Their models are reliable to what's seen in the franchise, and also animated graphics game their personas and reducing design. The adjustments use simplistic mapping for switches alongside one another of slipping. not difficult to get and play the game. |That simply being said it's, like other premiums, effortless to blow time, hard work, and means on gift with infrequent results when excellent versions (some and five star scarcity results) get minimal amount of questing and strengthening ever since the lesser versions got a large percentage of it. This best and newest liberated to download request with the request put away or using google and yahoo play the game relives the vast majority of substantial plan outlines during the line and recognizes you struggling with your path defeating only one bad demons to the other. storyline objective intelligent setting modified so that vehicle continues to a different objective, even if you haven't gotten rid of that objective in the past. Japan edition is ahead of the universal edition so this is a along with also! I understand i look like a disgruntled person, i am just not. Japan edition likes you its followers! Since i have up-dated the sport (which contains grew to be of a large percentage of my companions also), the networking link would in most cases burst. You are going to start with a pair celebrity ichigo. You may even move visitors in a resist. |If it's the very first time completing it, you obtain a different jewel. You have to do get 3 gems after you special event with a brand new gamer that you simply by no means practiced with in the past. The recommended thresholds are 20, 50 and 100 correspondingly. you're fortunate to improvement a 5* to 6 following this you possess some control on one space or room the tab for those soultree was located in the past. That is what we are informed, a minimum of. You will see several foremost settings in courageous souls, which have been storyline, resist and co op. An item i prefer is that you could make clubs |Around the surface finish, circumstance a sales made buzz to find greater people to play the game farmville but for that reason i make these product evaluations, to find visitors thinking about the subject matter of an product evaluations.
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