#sorry for tagging this as npmd but i feel like no one will see this if i dont
tabooiart · 9 months
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made some alt designs for the lords in black if they were summoned by ccrp employees!! their officesonas if u will. i drew these with their actors from npmd in mind but i also didnt use any references so it might not look like them at all peace and love <3
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the-spaced-out-ace · 8 months
I REMEMBER SEEING ART WITH THIS A FEW MONTHS BACK BUT I WANT TO EXPLAIN (still crediting @wetcatschwartzy for the idea/inspiration though. also hi i'm aware we've never spoken sorry for tagging you in my unhinged fic idea post) BUT ANYWAY uhhhhhh. 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. But make it the main cast of NPMD. An au that appeals to ???? people ?? it definitely appeals to me
And now the cast I'd so and my justifications, idc
Steph Lauter as Olive Ostrovsky
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Thought process: We know Olive's dad works a lot, is emotionally distant, and Olive implies that he can be downright cold or abusive during the I Love You song, which lines up pretty well with Steph and Solomon's relationship. Olive's mom ran off, and we never get any mention of Steph's (picture Steph being introduced by the hosts mentioning her mom won Honey Queen or something). Both know their strengths and weaknesses but have serious self-doubts about their own intelligence (Steph being convinced she's dumber than she realizes, Olive never answering until she whispers the word to herself). Also I thought about Mariah singing TILY Song and sobbed.
Pete Spankoffski as William Morris Barfée
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Starting off strong, they both have very stupid names that they KNOW are stupid and try to defend the moment they can ("It's Polish" / "There's an accent aigu"). Both of them have grumpy/cold exteriors, but when you get down to it, they're both just socially awkward and autistic coded but very intelligent kids that are really just at the Bee to try to make something of themselves (Barfée dropping out because of an allergic reaction at the previous Bee could totally translate to Pete having a diabetic emergency). Both develop crushes on Steph/Olive by the end of act 1 of their respective shows too, so. There's that I guess.
Grace Chasity as Logainne Schartzandgrubinierre
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"But Ember, wouldn't she match better with the Catholic--" GRACE DOES NOT LIKE CATHOLICS. Also I have thought this through. Logainne is politically aware, cutthroat, and automatically assumes herself to be the most important person in the room. She takes up every project and social issue that she can to appease her dads, determined to be as perfect as they want her to be. She loses the Bee because she gets overconfident, taking a serious blow because of her pride. Grace takes up every project and social issue that she can (anti-hocoming posters and the prank on Max for example), can be cutthroat (canonically has murdered at least two men), and thanks to her holier-than-thou nature, assumes herself the most important person in the room. She takes up cancelling HOCO and is always early for school and is extremely devout because that's the perfect little girl her parents expect from her. And she'd probably get so into it she'd fall from pride, too.
Max Jagerman as Marcy Park
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HEAR ME OUT! Marcy has been the top of her class all her life, to the point she was moved one grade ahead. She's popular, she's intelligent, she's multitalented, and she's peaking at age 12 and aware of it. "I Speak Six Languages" is literally her having a breakdown realizing she's been the "best" for too long and it's stressing her out. Max, meanwhile, says he knows he's peaked in high school, and therefore is making the most out of his popularity and status while he can. Like, I can picture him mentioning he's done every sport available to him and being the best athlete is only going to do so much for him in his life in a "I'm so sick and tired / of always being the best and brightest" type monologue. So when he drops out on purpose, who would he daydream about instead of Jesus? Maybe some NFL star idk. Everything I know about football is about the Chiefs (Missouri represent) and also learned against my will.
Ruth Fleming as Chip Tolentino
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They're both horny, both proud of their own nerdiness, and would both ABSOLUTELY catch feelings for a competitor's sibling and immediately forget what word they had to spell. And would both make jokes about the especially dirty sounding words (to be fair all his words are kinda funny. And I DID learn the word "tittup" from this show) (look it up I dare y'all). Ruth singing Chip's Lament? Funny to me.
Richie Lipschitz as Leaf Coneybear
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AuDHD coded, tendency to have the wrong takeaways, generally socially awkward even among the other nerds. Tbh that's all I got, they're matched up because they're the last ones. Still kinda fits though.
And I have less justification for the adults but here's my takes anyway
Miss Mulberry as Rona - sweet but stern ladies who've been taking care of after school functions for years
Tom Houston as Douglas Panch - he doesn't want to be there, he's as confused as everyone else (but without the hitting on Mulberry stuff he's never do Becky wrong like that <3)
Dan Reynolds as Mitch Mahoney - he's a volunteer counselor!
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elysiunms · 4 months
Realized I never created an intro and kind of just jumped into the whole posting thing :D Welcome! My name is Elysian/Elysium but I usually go by Sian. I am a Transguy using He/it pronouns and most of my time spent on this blog will be yelling into the emptiness. I am autistic/ADHD and Dyslexic, so I'm so so sorry if I come across as mean over text, I promise I'm not :(
My blog will include these FICTIONAL trigger warnings! Violence, Drug and Drink abuse, Physical Abuse, Murder, and Attempted Murder, Child abuse, Indirect self-harm (ex. not eating), Ghosts, Near-drowning, Dead family Members, Verbal Abuse, Panic Attacks, and Blood.
I kind of started posting so I could have records of fandoms I've been in, headcanons and just interact in communities a little more- it's not really to gain traction or anything (though I'm not opposed to that <3)
Feel free to interact with me though! I don't bite and love questions! Most of what I talk about here is developed with my partner, Saintless, who doesn't have a tumblr sadly :(
Current fandoms are (Will stay updated):
Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Warrior Cats
Guardians of Ga'hoole
Wings of Fire
I am NOT into Starkid and the only reason I am into NPMD is because of Max lmao, I think the directors gave us a good base for a character and I want to expand on him more! (He's my oc now sorry /hj)
Current Projects (Will stay updated):
FF!NPMD (Fanfic/rewrite kind of thing) - Semi-public, will share fics and headcanons but probably nothing else.
Annwyl - Personal Worldbuilding Project, may hear from time to time but we will see
Endless Isles - Personal Warrior Cats project, you won't hear from it sorry
Ever-nest - Public Warrior cats project, also won't hear from this
What does FF! mean in front of character names? ff! means fanfic! It is for my NPMD rewrite/fanfics which focus on Max's childhood up until he's out of college. I decided to give it its own tag for easy scrolling on my profile if needed and to differentiate CANON Max from my HEADCANON Max, as they are different in my head. Other Characters will also have ff! in front of their name for the same reason- they're completely separate from canon and built off of the little tidbits we barely get for them in NPMD.
Who are James and Richard? These are characters in the ff! world- and Max's family. In the musical, we only get a bit about Max's home life and only get 1 family member, his dad, and how much of a dick he is to Max. Since the fic focuses on Max's life from childhood to around 25, we needed family members for him. His mother hasn't been given a name, and we're not sure if she will have one since shes- uninvolved… in his life. Richard is Max's dad and James is Max's older brother.
You ship Max with multiple people? Why is that? You don't just date one person in your life. In my rewrite, Max and Kyle date for a short time (under six months) before Max dates Richie (Current). This is to explain why Max may be aggressive to Kyle (He was very hurt and holds a grudge like a bitch) It just adds more depth to the characters, rather than having Kyle just be Max's best friend and nothing else.
Do you excuse Max's actions in the musical? Nope! He is horrible and deserves the consequences he got. But I also strongly believe in nurture over nature. You are not born horrible, Max is SEVERELY fucked up and ff! is meant to explore that, not excuse it.
Why is Max and Kyle gay in your writing? He's Bisexual- which most of the fandom leans towards for him from what I have seen. His ship with Grace is cute- but that's obsession, not love. "But he's clearly straight!" Are we looking at the same man? This man kicks his feet when he lays down and asks to cuddle! He does silly dance moves? Mans did an airplane with his arms in Literal Monster, please look again, I know what he is! /lh Kyle does come off as straight, but I'm silly, and he's silly, and I wanted him to be gay,, smiles.
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