#sorry for spamming you im just so happy how it turned out ;v;
mothiepixie · 1 year
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trade for my fren @cloviisheep iluuuu
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
boat confessions - john booker routledge imagine
a/n: i wrote this imagine for my lovely friend @teeenidlee i hope you guys like it too!! this is kinda long tho be ready
unedited cause i wrote this in the middle of the night lmao
second note: i added a pick up line where a boy that i met at a trip used that to charm me, i hope he doesn’t see this but thank you babe!! thank you for helping to gain my confidence :) i really hope he doesn’t sees this if he does, i’ll die from embarrasment hsfhsdh
disclaimer: i don’t own the characters lololol ! english is not my first language, i may have mistakes! please let me know if do! :)
warnings: none i guess :) im a slut for fluff
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gif credits: netflix - outer banks
You were going back. You were turning back to Outer Banks. You had to move because your parents were divorced. Your mom moved to California, which you had to move out with her, but your dad stayed in Outer Banks.
You haven't seen him in 7-8 years. It was so hard, but this year after school closed, you decided to visit your dad.
When you came to the Outer Banks, you saw your dad smiling. You smiled back with tears pooling in your eyes. He ran into you and hugged you so tightly.
"You're here now. Welcome back to your home." he said with emotion pouring in his eyes.
After going to home, you decided to call and go to her house to suprise your best friend/cousin Kiara to let her know that you were here.
"Hi Kie!"
"Whats up babe?"
"Okay so before you scream, guess where I am!" You said with excitement.
"OH MY DID YOU GO TO DISNEYLAND? Or wait are you in New York?" She asked completely clueless.
"No, but good guess." You said giggling.
"Wait, you aren't in Outer Banks right? I mean you haven't been here for what 8 years?" She scoffed.
There was an awkward silence before you couldn't hold yourself, because you were there and you were behind her.
"Look at your back." you smiled.
Kie screamed in the second she saw you, ran into your arms and hugged you so tightly.
"I missed you so much you little bastard." Kie claimed, almost crying. You guys were kooks, and you couldn't get along with other kooks. Since it was like that, you guys became so close.
"I missed you too, I can't believe I'm here. I'll be staying here for all summer." you cheered.
"YAY! Okay, so you have to meet my friends, they're pogues but they're literally the best people ever. And since you're here, I'll take you to Midsummers!" Kie explained.
"Kie, babe noo" you didn't wanna go but you saw Kie pouting and making the puppy dog eyes. You couldn't resist, so you accepted with a few curse words mumbled in your mouth.
Kie pulled you into her closet. You guys tried some clothes. Kie got a purple dress which she looked stunning. You were running out of options but then Kie gave you a white floral v-neck dress (a/n: i didn't know how to explain it sorry ajdhshsh)
"Holy shit! Y/N you look so hot! that's my cousin and best friend!" Kie hollered. You did indeed look so pretty like you always do. Kie and you somehow managed to do your guys make up with each other. The results were pretty good, Kie was so proud of herself.
When you arrived, Kie stood by your side but when she saw one of her friends, she went to go see him. You were so bored so you decided to go get some drinks.
John B, on the other hand was escorting Pope with JJ, but he was just watching people and thinking how hilarious kooks are. Fakeness and spoiledness was filling in the air. 
While he was looking in the crowd, waiting for his friends, he saw a cute girl filling a drink. He knew that she wasn’t from here because John B knew everyone here. She looked different from all the girls in the island. 
What are you thinking John B! Stop being like JJ, he’s just a tourist John B mumbled to himself. John B wasn’t the type of guy who would flirt or have a relationship with tourists, 
He watched you how your hair was blowing in the wind. He didn’t wanna believe but you really impressed him and he was going crazy. He wanted to talk to you but he immediately stopped. Maybe he could try to talk to you. But he thought you had a boyfriend. He continued watching you so long and he noticed that you were left alone. 
“Come on John B, go talk to her come on! Remember what JJ said. If JJ can do this every time, then I can do it too.” he thought to himself. And after waiting and motivating himself for 5 minutes, he did go to your side.
You were looking for Kie, but she was busy hanging out with a friend who was wearing overalls. It was clear that she was interesting in him so you didn’t wanna bother her but you were starting to get bored.
Just before you decide to move you saw a muscular brunette guy walking towards you. 
Holy shit, he looked so good. You didn’t remember that there were so good looking guys in Outer Banks. He smiled at you.
“How a beautiful girl like you are alone here?” He asked grinning but panicking inside ‘dammit john b what was that you’re gonna scare the girl” he muttered to himself.
You blushed and somehow heard what John B said. You were so shy that you couldn’t say anything.“Bravo, Y/N now he thinks you’re just a shy pathetic girl.” you thought to yourself. 
 John B decided to speak up, regretting his words, trying to fix it up.
“I’m John B by the way.” John B introduced himself, waiting for your response.
“I’m Y/N” you managed to say your name. 
“I’m guessing you’re not from here” He said trying to make a conversation. 
“Yes and no.” you smiled. “I was born here but when my parents got divorced, I had to go to California. I came back here for summer for the first time in 8 years.” 
“Wow, well, Y/N welcome to the Outer Banks. It’s very nice to see a beautiful girl like you here.” he said grinning and thinking what JJ had taught him.
You guys talked more about everything. Personal lives, interests, hobbies. You felt a deep connection with him and very happy. “Thank you for leaving me Kie” you thought to yourself.
John B was very contented by the conversation you guys had. You were the only girl after Kie who he felt the most close with. And with you, his feeling with Kie were slowly disappearing. You were becoming his next crush. Oh boy.
When you were talking your phone buzzed and saw a message from Dad saying that it was too late. You looked at the time. Wow it was 12.46 pm. 
“Wow it’s been 1-2 hours since we were talking. I-I uh I think I gotta go because my dad’s gonna be really mad at me and I-” You were interrupted by John B.
“Why are they gonna be mad at you? Because you’re cute?” He asked excitement filling in his eyes while looking at you.
You couldn’t move for a second and thought about the pick up line he used. You just stared at his eyes and smiled at the words. You said a quiet thank you. But your dad was just spamming you. So you decided to do one last thing. 
You kissed his cheek. It was so soft that you only liked him more. After kissing his cheek, you walked away without saying anything. 
John B was dumbfounded by your action and when you leave he shouted
“Am I gonna see you again?”
“Well, I hope so John B!” you said one last time and lost in crowds.
You and John B both felt so happy while going to home.
You saw Kie running to you. “YOU BASTARD I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE!” She shouted at you. She can get very serious sometimes but it was just a way to show that she cares. “We should go your dad and I are very worried about you.”
On the road, you told Kiara about the boy you met. You told her how you guys talked and connected, you kissed his cheek, usual girl stuff.
“I’m so happy for you!” What’s this flirty boy’s name?” Kie asked curiously, while drinking her water.
“His name is John B!” You said happiness filling your voice when your daydream was interrupted with Kie spitting water on your face. You yelled
“What the heck Kie???!” 
Kie tried to process what’s going on for a second. But John B wasn’t the type to flirt but every physical detail she told to her was describing John B. 
She decided to set them up. She texted JJ and Pope. “We have a work to do”.
John B, was smiling like an idiot. JJ noticed his excitement and asked it for a few times.
“John B, is there something you wanna tell me?” JJ asked with a smirk.
John B decided to tell everything. JJ is very good at flirting. maybe he could help him.
“Ah I see. You’ve got your heart stolen Johnny boy! Don’t worry we’ll see her.” He comforted him. He would do anything to help his best friend. 
After 5 minutes, he got a text from Kie, saying they gotta set John B with the girl he flirted with tonight. JJ smiled at the thought.
Kie: do any of you have a plan?
JJ: well, maybe we can do what we did for you and Sarah?
Pope: that might work. And we can do some more things. We’ll talk tomorrow
Kie: let’s do this! see you all tomorrow!
After Midsummer’s, Kie was going to introduce you to her pogue friends. You were excited because you wanted to meet the people who always make your best cousin smile. 
“You ready babe?” Kie showed up at your front door.
“Wasn’t expecting to see here” You laughed. “And yes, let’s go.”
You saw a boat called “HMS Pogue” getting closer to your house. Kie held your hand and mumbled a let’s go. The more it got closer, you noticed a familiar brunette. 
“Hey ladies, welcome!” JJ chirped. When John B noticed you, he was in shock.
“Y/N?” he asked and you asked “John B? What are you doing here?” 
“What are you doing here?” he asked again. And Kie decided to speak up.
“Y/N is my cousin and long life best friend and you Johnny boy, gonna help me to have a great trip in Outer Banks.” Kie patted John B’s shoulder.
You met all the other pogues. They were so nice but however the ride was very awkward. You and John B were flirting like at Midsummer’s but JJ, Pope and Kiara was teasing you and John B NONSTOP. They continued teasing for solid one week. 
One day, Kie tried to push you to John then you slipped, John B held you and Pope commented “Oh my god look, John B is being a hero to his girlfriend.
“Oh! Be So Careful, John B. Oh, Give Me That John D Already!” JJ said with a girl voice.
In the middle of the day, you heard John B screaming. You ran to him and you saw his bruised hand. He cut his hand while he’s trying to cut an apple. You softened at the reason.
“Okay, John B calm down, I’ll take care of you.” you said trying to calm him down. While you were taking care of his bruised hand, you felt like 3 pair of eyes watching you but you didn’t mind.
When you and John B, leaving the bathroom, going to meet the other pogues, you heard them shouting at you and John B. They were on another boat looking at you guys.
“Okay you two lovebirds, I think that explains enough.” JJ said looking at Kie and Pope. Kie just rolled her eyes.
“Think about why we teased you guys today and tell you guys how you feel, we’ll come back at night.’ Kie said
Pope waved them a ‘bye-bye’ and left before you guys could say anything. You were annoyed about this even though you loved to spend time with John B.
“Do you wanna explain?” you asked, it was obvious that you were annoyed by the constant teasing and thinking about what Kie said. “does he really like me?” “but wait thats possible and impossible” you thought to yourself.
John B took a deep breath and thought it was the best if he opens up.
“Okay Y/N, since I saw you on Midsummers, I felt like you were different and I liked you the second I was you. The reason why they are teasing us because I like you? Wasn’t it obvious?” He said sighing. You didn’t move “But it’s okay if you don’t feel the sa-” 
He was interrupted by a sudden feel of your lips. You were kissing him in the middle of nowhere, confessing your feelings. When you pull of you both took a deep breath.
“Wow, that was good” 
“well does this explain?” you asked grinning.
“yeah, yeah it does. so are you my girlfriend now?” 
“I guess so, would you like me to?” 
“Yes, yes definitely.” 
You smiled at him kissing again. Then you went to get water.
“John B!” you shouted.
“Yeah?” He asked 
“will you give me that john d now?” 
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This is probably beating a dead horse[im sorry] but did porg ever talk about dmc on her old account, like even before 5 was announced? For a game she barely even liked all I see on her account is complaining about 5's story. She doesn't even reblog anything she likes like V. A lot of V fans like to pretend that V isn't Vergil so why can't she just do the same and follow those kinds of accounts. I get that she wants attention but like why fill your tumblr with things you hate?
[sorry for the late response! It’s been one of the weirdest weeks of my life and I need “save to drafts =/= post” stapled to my fucking forehead :/ ]
You’re not beating a dead horse! I promise. I never have any idea who’s seen what with her so I don’t mind answering questions. That’s what tags are for. (:
It goes back to what I said about people arguing with her, imo. She’s always angry and miserable and nothing makes her happy (except being angry), so why bother even posting about stuff she likes? I have no idea what she ever was into prior to all of this, unfortunately, but the earliest posts of her I remember seeing were around when the game was announced. She didn’t actually pop on my radar (personally) until Dec. 2018, when that pretty obvious V trailer dropped and she was spamming every post in the comments with slurs.
I have no idea why she can’t just do something like that. AU’s are perfectly fine and god knows I’d be flat-out lying if I said they weren’t (I subscribe to a more than a few in other fandoms lol). Couple of concerning posts aside, pretty much any and all of those accounts that I’ve ever interacted with were perfectly nice and it’s more than perfectly reasonable to be like “oh I didn’t like the way the canon turned out so I’m doing my own thing”. That’s totally normal.
If I had to guess, though, given how she shits on fanworks and art and everything else: I feel she doesn’t get enough attention irl (which is more or less confirmed by now) and has a need to be supremely correct without question and have her opinion validated as the only one that matters. It’s why like, even just going by her bullshit yesterday on her page, she either: a.) plugs her ears and screeches when she’s bullshit herself into a corner and/or b.) ignores things that don’t check out in her reality entirely while continuing to make bizarre accusations.
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
Replying to anon messages in one long post so as not to spam you guys! as always, no prompts filled here and i’m sorry for the wait x 
1. Hello 👋. I just found your blog and it’s absolutely amazing. You write so beautifully it’s so fluid and graceful almost. I was wondering if you were going to do a second part on the Secretary Peter, Boss Tony fic. Or literally any of them. I’m pretty sure I’ve read through most of your blog just to marvel at the writing. And then a second time for the starker.
Oh my goodness you are the sweetest thing ever. There will be a part 2 to that fic, I promise! It’s just taking me forever hahaha, you are such a darling. Honestly, you’re the sweetest thing ever, thank you so much!
2. @tina8009 “I hope that you will continue with updating archive of our own because after the new update on Tumblr I can no longer Use it because of my eye sickness and I am really love your stories. ❤️”
girl!!! don’t you worry, i promise i will! that sucks :( x but you are so sweet
3. I already loveeeeee that step Brothers au, do you plan on continuing it at any time?
it is on the list gorgeous! It might take me a while, but a lengthier series of instalments is coming! of course, if anyone else would like to go for it in the meantime, i’d be happy to see what they came up with! the more the merrier!
4. Are you going to continue Super Size Me by any chance??? I had about ten nose bleeds the whole way through the four chapters ((especially the fourth chapter)). Totally chill if not, I just loved it
hahahahah, you’re so sweet and oh goodness!!! this question comes every time i answer questions and i feel so terrible- i promise, i will update it!!! a break from classes is coming soon and then i shall be able to get back on track! I’m so sorry, thank you for being so lovely, you stunner!
5. The kitten story was so cute!!!!!!!!! Everything you write is so so cute!!!!
6. Wow Peter found Tony in New York and took him all the way to MIT in Massachusetts, the dedication to finding a kitten is strong
dude hahahaha i laughed so hard i almost replied to this message when i got it! sorry, i am not american :( and maybe that doesn’t excuse my awful geography but i have no idea where MIT is so let’s just say Peter was on a school trip…yeah…that makes sense. Cats are amazing and it makes perfect sense!
7. I would kill or die for a sequel to hades Stark 😭😍❤️ you’re so amazing
YOU ARE SO SWEET MORE WILL COME I PROMISE! do you have any ideas for it ;)
8. Oh my godddd!!!!! I read your Flash and Peter fluff story, and now i'm soft. I love this underrated ship, we need more content like this!!!!! Keep doing what your doing!
you are so sweet thank you so much! it’s the first flash/peter i’ve ever written and i wasn’t even sure how much i liked it but i think i’m sold ;) you are such a darling!!! More to come, I promise!
9. @psychology-fanatic Oh my gosh!! Please please PLEASE give me some more of the Hades stark that stuff is right down my alley I loved it!!
10. Omg omg omg I just read your Slytherin!Tony and Hufflepuff!Peter dribbles and I love them so much! I hope to see more in the future. You’re such a great writer, being able to flesh out a world in a couple short paragraphs, much love :)
AHHHH WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS OH MY GOSH YOU ARE SO SWEET. and i love harry potter so yes any chance to write more and i will take it
11. Your peter/flash fic was so good. It was so fuckin CUTE
NO YOU’RE CUTE thank you sm darling
12. Pleaseee if you can will you write a sequel to the short shorts drabble
YES IT IS COMING! I’m sorry i’m so slow :( but i love that au and it is in the works!
I LOVE YOU SO WE’RE EQUAL! you are far too kind honestly you’re such a doll i don’t deserve you!
14. dont call yourself mama, it really just turned me on
I laughed so hard when i saw this, thank you so much for blessing me. MAMA LOVES IT.
15. hey hun! do you take dark prompts? i'd love to send in some kinda fucked-up shit but i don't want to trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable. x
I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO YOU GORGEOUS! I SHOUDL HAVE DONE IT WHEN I FIRST SAW THIS BUT IM AWFUL. and um yes i do, nothing triggers me so go as crazy as you’d like ;) iM EXCITED XXX and you’re so sweet to ask mwah x
16. hello i just want to say that i really love your writing and hakfhksla it took me a few weeks to gather up the courage to message you :'))) bUT I JUST WANNA SAY EVERY AU YOU POSTED MAKES MY HEART GO WOAH AND IM SO HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOUR USERNAME ON MY TIME LINE phew and also i love you and pls take care of yourself <3
UM YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER HELLO! I am so glad you came to say hi because this message made my day, my week, my month and i do not deserve you! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF HUN’ I LOVE YOU
17. @godlovesmcu hi !! i'm kinda new and i just posted my first drabble to go along with one of my moodboards ! it would be super cool if you checked it out (but you totally don't have to !)
the san-diego thing was AMAZING but i have to say i am just blown away by your moodboards honestly, just w ow
18. Your omegaverse aus (especially the one with starker on college and the one in which Steve finds homeless Peter) are my guilty. How you write omegas on those fics is so intriguing (and a little bit of creepy to me). I love them. Keep on writing!
THEYRE MY GUILTY TOO IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THEM. hahahah the creepyness is definitely me, im so thrilled you like them *blushing* more coming, i promise!
19. Do you know any starker where tony is dealing with internalised homophobia? He doesn't like that he's attracted to Peter, or when Peter comes out to him, tony isn't supportive ?
oohh! im afraid i don’t though the concept is intriguing, it sounds like there should definitely be fics out there and i’ll keep an eye out! there are many other starker blogs more knowledgable than me though, so ask around lovely, someone will be able to help you on your quest!
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yuzuria · 6 years
for 1, komahina, pekozuki, kirizono and for 2 komaeda and kirigiri. sorry if its too much;;
not at all!! i appreciate spamming me more, thank you oliver~ ily
001 | komahina: (i’ve had this meme before and answered this but i’ll do it again and see if some stuff changed hehe)
when I started shipping it if I did: a lil after dr3 ended and i fully got back in dr fandom after 3 years o(--(
my thoughts: always the first spot in my heart, i always rant about them in twt and i don’t think i can ever fully convey what i feel about them but they’re the most canon ship i’ve ever had and it gave me fulfillment ha ha ;;;
What makes me happy about them: all of their interactions are significant and sheds light on each of their development, komaeda continues to push hinata forward even after his death and meanwhile hinata destroyed komaeda’s toxic worldview and mind you, didn’t give the hope to komaeda but made komaeda realize the hope is within himself and overall their rship conveys such a strong message. komaeda may not be the one who made the final act to make hinata move on and face their future but he’s the one hinata’s with in that future 
What makes me sad about them: facing the other is like facing oneself and their flaws which makes this ship really complicated because they argue a lot even if that’s the process to becoming better people where komaeda’s pushed to stop accepting what comes to him and learn to change himself while hinata needed acceptance within himself, but because komaeda offed himself their rship ended rocky like a broken wild rollercoaster and it was thrown over and we’ve seen how much komaeda’s death affected hinata because hinata only thought that he wouldn’t see komaeda anymore after the killing game over not because he died, what makes me sad is this complex exploration will always be limited in the fandom bc people will see it as abusive or unhealthy or for yaoizz sake from either haters or fans, it’s sometimes sad to be in this fandom and see all misinterpretations and hate all around but ha ha #justfandomthings
things done in fanfic that annoys me: the ridiculous fanon characteristics, you know what are they, too many to mention, i hate most of their interpretations im a really cranky grandma as a result with fight or flight response to their content online
things I look for in fanfic: rn i want more tdp
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: the people i dont mind for them are already dead (matsuda (which in my heart is komaeda’s canon first love) for komaeda  and natsumi for hinata) 
My happily ever after for them: dr3 sucks but they already have the happy ending i could ask for, just... hopefully they came to terms and closure from the simulation and are in whatever situation they think best for their future, not even me can dictate it for them
who is the big spoon/little spoon: hinata/komaeda
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: having dates in animal cafes...like cat cafe....dog cafe..hedgehog cafe... *sobs*
001 | pekozumi
when i started shipping it if i did: has it been last year or early this year i cant recall
my thoughts: they both have a problem being selfless and looking out for others over themselves and i think it balances out if they’re the one who looks out for each other... 
what makes me happy about them: their tdp is so good!! koizumi taking a picture of peko smiling and making peko realize the things that make her happy is so pure.... 
what makes me sad about them: we didn’t get to see a resolution with you know... “i killed you for my master who killed your former girlfriend who killed his sister...” 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: it doesn’t exist
things i look for in fanfic: ANYTHING
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nope, their major ships are lowkey my notps so no thanks
my happily ever after for them: i want to see them explore the world together, koizumi taking pictures of smiles as the world is being rebuild while peko looks for her own happiness recovering from her attitude with seeing herself as a mere tool
who is the big spoon/little spoon: they switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: koizumi learns to love taking selfies only with peko bc they make embarrassed faces but they think the other is v cute so they do it often
001 | kirizono
when I started shipping it if I did: also in 2016, i saw them beside each other and it shook me how blind for so long for not noticing them
my thoughts: tragic highschool sweethearts
What makes me happy about them: even though they didn’t interact once in dr1 we have enough idea how they would act towards each other, they both can read people well and are both reserved and dedicated to their talents and those are, but in their class pictures they looked close so i’ll hold on to that they were lovers before the killing game and sayaka died without them remembering it, also their one (1) interaction in tdp is precious,, they can read each other so well and are concerned for each other uuuu;;;
What makes me sad about them: they. didn’t, interact, AT ALL!! UNTIL TDP AND THAT UMBRELLA POSTER  SPIKE MADE. 
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i havent read much but from what i’ve read eeee it’s fine but not my flavor (i want more angst and more mundane situations...)
things I look for in fanfic: non despair au where they go in adventure and fall in love, hpa days where they fall in love, when kirigiri remembers their hpa days and grieve, au where naegi dies instead of sayaka and she becomes the protag (i’ve had this idea before drv3 okay)
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: non
My happily ever after for them: kirigiri holds onto sayaka’s memories and doesn’t marry/have a relationship with anyone (fuck naegi) until she dies and reunite with sayaka..... or sayaka lives... pls LET SAYAKA LIVE I’M CRYING SO MUCH 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: card games
002 | komaeda
how i feel about this character: my dearest angel
all the people i ship romantically with this character: hinata, matsuda, kamukura im trash
my non-romantic otp for this character: sonia, kirigiri, kuzuryuu, koizumi, amami
my unpopular opinion about this character: komaeda isn’t gaga for kamukura because he’s the embodiment of hope and talents, it’s quite the opposite lmao, komaeda believes in natural-born talent and the will to make it flourish and improve which kamukura neither isn’t so it’s so so so boring when people only thinks of kamukoma this way, komaeda is capable of hating kamukura, in fact he’s more likely to hate kamukura than love him because of his passive listless attitude despite being capable of turning tides
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: what i wanted in canon already made magi happen so i don’t expect much anymore bc kdk isn’t the best person wrapping up his characters that’s why it’s so convenient 60+% of his characters are dead
my otp: hikoma
my cross over ship: komaeda/amami for that fwb au i have... also platonic komaeda/tae (gintam) where they cook together and make everything on fire
a headcanon fact: komaeda’s first love is matsuda, komaeda’s house/mansion isn’t empty but rather have a huge well-kept collection of his eccentric tastes and things he got via his luck and remember each story behind them, how many people was caught up with his bad luck or what he experienced
002 | kirigiri
how i feel about this character: my bestest girl
all the people i ship romantically with this character: sayaka
my non-romantic otp for this character: komaeda, dr1 girls, sonia
my unpopular opinion about this character: ppl barely talk about her so idk what’s unpopular or popular... maybe i just don’t see naegiri as a romantic thing or tonaegiri as a trio
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: be an actual good character in dr3 like who she is in dr1
my otp: kirizono
my cross over ship: no
a headcanon fact: she rides a motorcycle
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you know what? its 2:30 am, im feeling soft and im gonna make a positivity post for all my mutuals. i lov u guys. newer ones at the top n oldest ones at the bottom
@flowerallys we haven’t been mutuals long, but im glad we met because of the dreamie gc! you’re always so happy and i love talking to you <3
@yunjisunq im so happy to have found another ace stan <3 really, thank u for doing my donghun request?? you really made my month and inspired me to make stuff of my own and you’re really sweet and i love when you talk in ur tags!! thats my fave part of following ppl and it makes my dash a little brighter :)
@7deer-ofthe-dawn7 i followed you because one of the nct blogs i follow rbd a mutuals appreciation post bcs i thought i needed more xiuhan on my dash and im rlly glad you followed back!! you’re really nice and even though we dont talk too much its fun when we do! (i hope you’ve enjoyed the fics ive sent you!)
@pcyling man i remember us meeting up on vent and i just decided to message you bcs we both are chanyeol stans and im so glad i did bcs ur rlly funny and nice and we can just thirst over pcy together and just do fun stuff. thank u for not thinking i was weird for messaging you!
@kunpifook we dont talk but i like seeing you on my dash! you reblog a lot of my stuff which makes me smile <3 :)
@hellyeahtd we don’t talk either but thank you for blessing my tag with more topp dogg like it so desperately needs <3
@nctytrack we don’t talk but i remember you asking for more nct mutuals and while when i first followed you i wasn’t a big stan but i am now and i hope im making your dash a little brighter :)
@astros-mom @wonhosassflower maria maria maria ilu <3 im sorry for being a bitch in the gc all the time but ur rlly nice (even tho u blocked me at one point) and ur sweet and i like talking to you. im jealous u got to meet hyungwon tho i can now get a scale of how lanky he rlly is
@live-love-growamoustache niniiiiii we dont talk a lot but i like seeing u in the gc and u post a lot of good stuff <3
@fiizzy-pop tokkiiiiiiii my baby <3 i lov u ur so sweet and nice and helped me out with nct when i was first getting into them and you’re just so sweet and ur our little bun and i hope we can be friends for a long time <3
@youarenotmybias aa i love seeing you on my dash and you post a lot of good stuff!!!! ithinkurinthegcbuticantrememberwhoyouareoops
@99minseok aaaaa i jus lov seeing ur posts on my dash and i lov seeing minseok so much even tho hes not high on my bias list, and just seeing your name makes me smile :)
@ji-hey HEY FUCKER you dont post a lot but we talk a whole bunch and even tho ur mean sometimes to me and al i still love u and i just want to let u know in my time of weakness i think you’re really pretty and im glad we have the relationship we do <3 ur a really good friend soph
@tom-failure aa we dont talk too much anymore but i love seeing topp dogg on my dash and your art is really good and i hope you keep on drawing <3
@flanelltees flan.... mi lov.... you are one of my most treasured mutuals <3 you really mean so much to me and i love seeing you on my dash and i love your deadpan sense of humor and i love helping you start stanning groups and the way you come to me if you need help with something and i love your art, it really is one of the cutest art styles i have ever seen. you’re so talented and im so happy you decided to follow me back because its been so nice talking to you and i love our little jokes and while there are times where we dont talk for a week its always nice to talk to you because you’re so nice :) i lov u flan <3
@brnrnr-prstr we dont talk but again its always nice to see you on my dash :)
@husberttee aleexxxxx my man im so glad i followed you because talking to u was a v good choice :) as a fellow male nakta stan it was rlly nice to talk to you and while its hard to talk bcs of such huge time differences its still fun when we can and even tho you always post abt nugu groups who i have no clue about i still love seeing you on my dash :3
@4jooheon !!!!!! my most sweetest mutual ever!!!! i adore reading your tags when u talk abt jooheon and as a fellow jooheon stan it makes my heart sing bcs same!!!!!! hes our honey bee!!!!!! ive said that so much but its tru!!!!! you really make my dash so much brighter and i love sending you cute asks abt jooheon on anon bcs i love seeing ur reactions!!!!!!! you’re just so soft and i rlly lov u :( thank u for following me back and i hope one day i can reach your level of softness (also i feel relly bad bcs i never learned ur name!!!! ;;;;;)
@annlka annika...... aka sangdo’s wife..... i lov u a lot. your tags brighten up my dash as well and just!!!! i love following ppl who talk in their tags and when you talk abt sangdo it makes me all smiley bcs u just lov him so much and now you’re starting to lov minho just as much and i just LOVE how u tag sangdo as sunshine and minho as moonlight thats just????? so precious i lov ur lov for them and you’re just really nice and understanding too??? and i remember u bringing up the fact that i thought it was a mistake when you first followed me but im glad u did bcs im lucky to have a friend like u annika <3 :)
@dean-winchesters-bootycall even tho ur never on here i fucking.... love you so much ur such a good friend and my best irl friend and im so glad i met you rielle <3
@sweet-jae Al.... Alfie.... The love of my life..... my moon sun and stars.... my entire universe.... words cannot describe how much i love you. When i first followed you i would have never expected us to turn out like this but im so glad we did because it has changed my life for the better. i followed you because you were such a good writer and to this day the choice to go off anon when sending you asks was the best decision i have ever made. you followed me back and we started talking and talking and talking and then we moved over to twitter and when we felt sad we would spam each other pics of our biases and then we moved over to kkt and im pretty sure since that day we haven’t spent a day where we didn’t talk to each other. even if its a simple “good morning’ and “i hope you have a good day today” we still keep talking and along that point i fell in love. now we’re nearing half a year and i just want to say thank you for being there for me. thank you for always talking and updating me on random things because you are the best thing thats ever happened to me. I love you Al <3
@jungjeonkimin we used to talk but we dont anymore but you’re still rlly nice and i love seeing you on my dash!
@ruppels-fox Hi! I know we haven’t talked in like... forever because im not as much into mp100 as i used to be, but you’re a really good friend!!! i loved talking to you and im glad we could bond over mp100 together :) i still love seeing you on my dash
@hybridow1 bro... even tho we never talk and never really have i LOVE seeing you on my dash. you like my kpop posts and you’re a constant presence in my notes and i really i appreciate you dude. im glad we’re mutuals :)
@mushy-mooster Jas.... my baby...... i lov u a whole bunch. ur such a good friend and even though we’ve had our falling outs we’re still friends and the past school year really brought us closer together :) it was always so much fun to help you out with astronomy and i was thankful to have at least one person in the class i knew (and liked cough damien cough) and even tho you post abt dc which i frankly dont like i still love your posts bcs it makes you happy and that makes me happy :) you’re one of my best friends and im glad to have you in my life <3
@bluepandabear329 even if you’re never on here like gabrielle you’re another one of my best friends <3 you helped me through sophmore year and im so glad we became friends mel <3
@rhysymmetra rhys,,,, my man,,,,, we’ve been mutuals for a really long time and i love seeing you on my dash <3 we dont talk but you feel like an old friend and im glad i never unfollowed :) you’re really sweet!
@sanguis-ripam even tho we like... never interact ive been following you since you were trying to boost your go-fund-me for your top surgery, and its been so awesome to see you evolve from that into the man you are today and im really proud. you’re kind of a role model for me and im glad we’re mutuals :) sorry for spamming your dash with kpop lmao
@transmanlukeskywalker god... bro ive been following you since our google plus days. i remember you made a really gay oc like... fuckboy mctrash something and i still have drawings of him... you’re another one of my treasured mutuals and i hope you’re doing okay :) if you ever need anything just talk to me bro! <3
@terezi-py-rope god i think i staarted following you because we had a homestuck roleplay going on??? still we’ve been mutuals for-fucking-ever and even though you still like it and i look back and sigh its good to see you on my dash. hope you’re doing okay :)
@ugh-heterophobia Hey Sky <3 even though we just broke up and you’re not as active i like seeing you and we go way back <3 im glad we’ve stayed together as long as we have <3
@adorkablooderpy like terezi-py-rope im pretty sure we followed because of hs but ive never had the heart to unfollow and like seeing you on my dash :) 
@howmanyletterscaniputinmyurl first, impressive username. it always makes me chuckle. and we interact sometimes, but its always nice seeing you :)
AAAAAAND thats it. all of my mutuals. i just wanted to let you know i appreciate you all even though some of us never talk and others i am really good friends with. okay im done being sappy now ignore me akhdf
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All 100 Questions.
Bloody hell okay thank you!!! 😄😄😄
1. Is a kiss considered cheating?Yeah, Id say so.
2. Have you ever faked orgasm?Aint never had anyone to fake it with 😂 Ngl tho its the sort of thing id do (which is terrible i know)
3. If you could have one super power, what would it be?Mind reading.
4. Do you think youre gonna be rich in 7-8-9 years?I’d be worried if I didnt have more money than I have now, but idk.
5. Tell us some funny drunk story?Oh jeez erm, I don’t really have any 😂 My friends occasionally remind me of the time at the school christmas ball one of the business teachers turned up and I quickly ran away while aggressively whispering “oh no he knows im a lesbian, aimee told him”.
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex?We work better as friends, its less stressful.
7. If you had to choose one way to die what would it be?See I’m really torn with this question. Part of me thinks itd be nice just to go in my sleep, with a heart attack or something. Its quick and painless you know.But equally I wonder if it would be better to maybe, like, have something where I knew I was gonna die. Because then I’d have time to try and do everything on my bucket list and say goodbye to everyone. Also maybe at that point I’d welcome death lmao.
8. What are your current goals?Idk? Im waiting on A level results which I really hope I’ve done well in.I hope to make lots of new friends at uni and learn how to look after myself quickly I guess. I dont know.
9. Do you like someone?I like a lot of people 😆
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?Im really not sure??? There arent many people I expect anything from and even then my standards are pretty low. So like, I dont really get disappointed by people, only occasionally by situations.
11. Do you like your body?I could hate it a lot more, but I wouldnt say I’m happy with my body or general appearance. I struggle a lot with my features and my weight and the scars I have (which is ridiculous but thats what mental illness is)
12. Can you keep a diet?I mean if I wasnt on the diet im on rn (with lots of restrictions) id probs be in hospital 😂
13. If the whole world was listening to you right now, what would you say?Honestly id pass out under the pressure of it 😂 idk, id tell them all to take a chill pill but no one would listen.
14. Do you work?Nah, i had 3 jobs at once last yeah but now I’ve ended up with none.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?Either garlic bread or chocolate I cant decide!
16. Would you get a tattoo?I’m v much planning on getting one in the near future so yh!!
17. Something you dont mind spending all your money on?Plane tickets.
18. Can you drive?Yeah! I havent driven since I passed my test, but hopefully I havent forgotten how to that quickly!
19. When was the last time someone told you youre beautiful?…I cant remember. Thats depressing (not that I blame them).
20. What was the last thing you cried for?Argh I have no idea why I was crying, my brain just wasnt doing its job so everything made me stressed and sad.
21. Do you keep a journal?I keep a blog for diary posts but besides that nah
22. Is life fun?If you allow it to be, yeah
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant?Tf is that supposed to mean? I guess if you know the person well it is.
24. Whats your dream car?I dont know about Dream Car, id have to research it loads to decide what my absolute fave it. Although rn I’d really love a ‘67 VW beetle bc theyre small and cheap on insurance 😂
25. Are grades in school important?My own grades are super important to me, (to the point its probably unhealthy) but in terms of how the people around me do, it doesnt really matter to me. I mean, I want everyone to do well, but I dont judge people based on it.
26. Describe your crush.She’s funny and all around awesome and interesting and good at deep convos and beautiful and way out of my league.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?The last one I read called The Bell Jar. It was unlike anything I’ve ever read and made me think about a lot of things. Also I related a lot with the main character.
28. What was your last lie?Eh, probably “im fine”.
29. Dumbest lie you ever told?Idk?? I only keep track of the good lies 😉
30. Is crying in front of people embarrasing?It shouldnt be but yeah, I try my best not to.
31. Something you did and are proud of?Umm, idk im p proud of playing basketball and representing my region/training with england. But i quit that so 👏 dicks out for my regrettable decisions 👏
32. Whats your favourite cocktail?Never had one
33. Something you are good at?Annoying people and being clingy 😂 also maths ig
34. Do you like small kids?It depends on the child, the day of the week, the lunar cycle, my menstrual cycle, how hungry I am…Yh legit sometimes I hate them sometimes I love them.
35. How are you feeling right now?Great omg I just got my best friend to watch mamma mia and now shes high on life next to me.
36. What would you name your daughter/son?🤐 there are a couple of names for girls I like and like 2 boys names? But i dont wanna say bc theyre embarrasing.
37. What do you need to be happy?Good company, good food and possibly music.
38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now?Theres always at least 3 people I would love to punch 😂
39. What was the last gift you recieved?My best friend got me a necklace and I almost cried its so beautiful
40. What was the last gift you gave?The gift of my company @only-slightly-dangerous 😉😉😉
41. What was the last concert you went to?I went to to see Amber Run in february
42. Favourite place to shop at?Um, as in shop? A place called blue banana probs (england’s hot topic smh)
43. Who inspires you?Kaitlyn Alexander bc they helped me to understand who I am and how I feel and to be loud and proud about it.And Luke Cutforth bc he’s so open about his mental health and struggles with self harm but hes so happy now.
44. How old were you when you first got drunk?18 lmao
45. How old were you when you first got high?It aint happened yet (and i dont really want it to)
46. How old were you when you first had sex?It aint happened yet smh
47. When was your first kiss?As far as im concerned never
48. Something you want to do until the end this year?What….does this mean….? Idk???
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadnt done?It’s more stuff I wish I had done tbh. I suppose I said things I shouldnt have or got too involved in drama, but you kinda need all that secondary school shit to learn from it
50. Post a selfie.Lmao nah fam
51. Who are you most comfortable around?My best friend by a mile. Privacy who?
52. Name one thing that terrifies you.Abandonment without explanation.
53. What kind of books do you read?Anything non fiction about medicine/being a doctor/disease/psycopaths.Besides that whatever has been recommended.
54. What would you tell your 12 y/o self?1. Youre gay2. You and I both know you arent joking about being “a dude trapped in a girls body” stop laughing it off and confront it.3. Stand up for yourself.4. Chill out.5. Laugh a lot more omg
55. What is your favourite flower?It’s between petunias and roses
56. Any bad habits you have?Not answering peoples messages unless theyre Certain Person A or Certain Person B.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to?Ones that are out of my league and could kick my ass apparently. Also ones that are kind, listen and think a lot I guess
58. What was the last thing you cried for?Already answered
59. Is there something you dont eat? A food that truly disgusts you?I dont eat loads of stuff bc my guts hate me 😂 but besides all that I’m actually the worlds least picky eater. The only thing I dont like is raw tomato. Thats it.
60. Are you in love?I wish
61. Something you find romantic?All the clichés ngl 😂 just anything that says “i love you” or “i was thinking about you” really
62. How long was your longest relationship?Like 4 months? Barely long term.
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?Oh jeez i hate these theyre so stereotype-y1. Bitching2. Not supporting each other3. ….?
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?1. Not supporting each other2. Massive egos3. Yelling
65. What are you saving money for?Uni so I dont starve to death!
66. How would you describe your bad side?Hmm, idk, it depends what someone did to get on my bad side. I’d say stubborn, bitter and angry tho usually.
67. Are you actually a good person? Why?I could be wrong but I think so long as someone has morally good intentions they are usually a good person, whether they always succeed or not. So yeah, I like to think I am.
68. What are you living for?My friends and the hope I have for my future.
69. Have you ever done anything illegal?Piracy? Thats it.
70. Do you like your money?….did I type this question wrong or??
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?Okay, the honest answer? Yeah. When I was a lot younger and less mature and someone said something that hurt me, I tried to retaliate with equally hurtful comments. I like to think I wouldnt do that now.
72. Ever sent nudes?Lol no
73. Have you ever cheated on someone?Hell no
74. Favourite candy?All candy hates me 😂
75. Is there a blog you visit everyday or almost every day? Tag them.Yeah @oneshappyplace knows I regularly spam her with notes in search or Quality Memes (im so sorry)
76. Do you play any computer games? Whats ur fave?Nah, as if I have time 😂
77. Favourite TV series?Argh I canny choose? I love the IT Crowd, I love supernatural, I love Sherlock, I love in the flesh…
78. Are you religious? Does God exist?I’m not religious and personally I don’t believe there’s a god or higher power but I could be wrong.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?The Bell Jar. See 27.
80. What do you think about vegetarians and veganism?I respect it I guess? At one point I was p much a vegetarian until I had to restrict my diet sooo. Tho I could never be one now, let alone a vegan.
81. How long have you been on tumblr?Too long 😂😂😂 Like 3 or 4 years?
82. Do you like chinese food?Love it!
83. McDonalds or Subway?(Never been to subway so) McDonalds.
84. Vodka or Whisky?(Never had whisky so) Vodka.
85. Alcohol or Drugs?(Never had drugs so) Alcohol.
86. Ever been out of your country?I’m currently in the USA so yeah 😂
87. Meaning behind your blog name?It’s p self explanatory and also v true
88. What are you scared of?Abandonment, deep water, knives, toys with battery packs.
89. Last time you were insulted?Ugh, probs like when I met up with a load of school friends for our leaver’s ball.
90. Most traumatic experience?I’d rather not answer that lmao (plus itd take a long time to type)
91. Perfect date idea?Chilling and listening to each other’s favourite songs while coexisting and eating fast food 😂 that or ikea ngl
92. Favourite app on your phone?Tumblr. Even though I hate it, it also keeps me sane.
93. What colour are the walls in your room?White and blue.
94. Do you watch youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?I love so many youtubers omg. Lukeisnotsexy, mileschronicles, realisticallysaying and filthy frank are faves
95. Share your favourite quote.Pick your fights.
96. What is the meaning of life?To live life to the fullest so youre happy and have minimal regrets. Also to be kind and helpful so even if you dont change the world you might help someone else to.
97. Do you like horror movies?I think….? But I’m not good at watching them alone 😂
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Eh…again, would rather not answer (we got some nice supressed memories here)
99. Do you feel lucky or special in any way?I’m still totally in awe of how lucky I am to have met my best friend from 3000 miles away. Like, the probability of it was so so slim and yet here we are.
100. Can you keep a secret?I think so yh! It’s something that I consider super important.
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lemongogo · 7 years
ok same anon again since u said u wanted to know what my thoughts on s3 were! hope this doesn't spam up yr inbox too much! so. this was definitely the best season so far?? there was a lot more going on that made it interesting (like the plot isn't only Destroy The Big Bad; now there's lotor + kuron + stuff like that) so that was nice bc being really? basic plot-wise idk was an issue i'd had w the other two seasons.. ngl i am Not digging the weird focus on keith. i like him ig but i don't [1/4]
rly get (ok i do from a narrative pov but not a logical one if u know what i mean) why shiro singled him out as a good leader?? + there was that whole arc w mamora too so ig he's probably the Chosen One type of character which im not a big fan of :/ i feel like bc of that focus everyone else has been neglected lmao (in s2+s3)... other stuff ,, hmm,, love lotors generals ,, would let them kick my ass. also would bet $$ that keith + auxia (sp??) are siblings. shiro? rest in pieces. this new [2/4]
guy is fake asf but he clearly doesnt know it so. drama ahead. im ready. ok last thing. imo vld's big flaw is characterization. the protags (except pidge afaik) dont have goals outside of End Evil which is all well + good but not super interesting. + i feel like they're kinda 2D/flat; ik it isnt a v long show yet and theres a lot of characters so to an extent that's excusable but at the same time there were definitely some missed opportunities for growth/development... so uh yeah!!! [3/4]
planning on watching s4. which?? will hopefully be longer than s3?? why was it so short. but yeah. ... sorry this was so long & messy! have a gn and thanks for answering all my asks :^) youre super nice tbh [4/4]
aaH !!! thanks for letting me know how it went, im super interested to see how it went for you !! sorry if my response is like,, super fragmented. id feel bad making you read this super long ass essay so imma try to keep it short but !!! anywho thanks for tellin me what you thought about it
i definitely agree that season three was the best!! i think that has to do with the plot, like you said. i think the thing w zarkon was that he didn’t really seem like that big of a threat to voltron?? if that makes sense? compare him to lotor where, zarkon was only interested for his redemption of the black lion whereas lotor genuinely wants to take down voltron and revolutionize the galran empire in a way thats gonna be such a big threat to everybody and everything. its exciting!!
and yeah i totally get you on keith. he’s my second favorite character in the whole series but sometimes i feel like its too heavily focused on his arc rather than hunk’s, for instance. like as much as i value him as a character and i would do to watch a show thats even just based on keith, i think the issue resides in the fact that this isn’t a keith based show, rather one for 6 or so different characters to grow. so i completely get you there. and yes !! the generals were so good!! im so happy that they decided to change that nasty harem from DOTU into a really cool and dynamic team that poses a big ol THREAT to the paladins. ++ lotor is so ... good. he’s a good villain and i love him as a villain and i can’t wait to see what he has in store. and YEAH i’d like to think that acxa is keith’s sister- fits more than a mother figure since she looks so young && is especially half galra
kuron?? can eat my SHORTS i can’t wait for them to figure out this aint the real shiro nd they get the real dude Back. its so spooky bc i didn’t notice it myself until i read all the theories about it lmao im a Fake Shiro Fan(tm) props to you for noticing >:-0
!!!!!! completely agree with you there though. having mentioned pidge, i’m actually extremely excited for season 4 bc that’s going to have an ep (maybe more) actually pursuing matt and getting to the bottom of this issue, so i cant wait to see how that turns out. especially in terms w her dad?? where he AT. but YEAH the biggest problem i have is with hunk, still. labine (VA) said that he is guaranteed growth in later seasons but that doesnt excuse them for just ,, abandoning him for what seems like 3 seasons now. he has so much potential and its upsetting to see him cast aside so often :(
but same here!! i hope that its everything season 3 was and more tbh. i mean,, technically its supposed to be season 3? like part b if that makes any sense? unfortunately its going to be shorter (only 6 episodes this time around) but i think they said they’re going to start splitting the seasons in half so that they can air them more frequently and be able to have more “”seasons”” in a sense :3c 
nd thank you so much as well!! for not only sending this stuff in but also responding to what i had to say too haha. i appreciate it and i hope you have a super great night !!!!!!!!!
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