#sorry for not responding to messages also trying to stay concentrated. unlike this past week dkdns
plasticsandwich · 1 year
i need everyone to cheer for me so bad this coming week pray for me lest i haunt you from my grave
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ssoap-box-operaa · 6 years
New Mornings
Link awakened with a muffled groan, having pressed his head into his pillow. Despite staying up late, talking way past midnight with Zelda, his body was accustomed to waking at the crack of dawn. He turned, a grin now plastered on his face as he remembered what happened yesterday, and tenderly gazed upon his fiancee.
That title, the connotation of belonging to someone, never had any power until now. An absurd wave of happiness washed over him, filling every crevice of his body, to the point he believed  his heart could burst. This capacity for joy wasn’t something he could fathom or conceive in the past yet here he was, living in this very vivid reality.
He reached out, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She stirred, only for a moment, before she laxened back into comfort. His eyes trailed to her hand where his mother’s ring glistened on her finger. Another smile, this time far more wider than the previous.
Longing for her nearness, he sat up and leaned over her body to plant a soft kiss above her brow, her cheek and her jawline. Her murmurs caused him to pause, knowing how much she needed her sleep as a busy woman. But out of greed, he planted one last kiss on her bare shoulder before he slid out of bed.
As he smoothed out his blankets and rearranged the pillows, he stole glimpses of his future wife. The curves of her body weren’t diminished from the fabric that cradled her. One day, he could unashamedly strip her of her cover and envelope her in all the love he could physically give. Suddenly, the imprint of her lips upon his own burned and he instinctively touched the invisible mark she left.
His cheeks warmed at the thought of her ravenous kiss, its strength and passion unlike the ones they shared before. It was intense, for a lack of a better word, and hungry and the longer he dwelt on the thought, his arousal grew. His blood coursed rapidly through his veins as remembered the taste of her tongue and her eager moans.
He shook his head in a failed attempt to remove those sensual thoughts from his head. He said he’d wait until marriage and lingering on that ecstasy would not help. So he hurriedly ran into the bathroom where he could cool off in the showers.
They’d be together for three years in a few months, and he was surprised they hadn’t been part of the statistics of failures for long distance relationships. He prays that stays true. After all, he had given up his life as a farmer to stay committed in Downtown Hyrule for her. Of course, this decision was not one that was known to Zelda yet.
Cold beads of water eased his doubts as he ran his hands through his hair with the pomegranate scented shampoo. Fruity and sweet scents reminded him dearly of Zelda. Moments when he toiled the fields back in Kokori Farm, he’d absentmindedly pluck a fresh fruit and linger on its aroma, awaiting to be swept into a reverie of his lover.
But now, he no longer had to rely on text messages, emails, phone calls, video chats, hand written letters or fruits to be reminded of her. He was here with her. Of course, they’d visit one another as often as they could and go on rare week long trips around the country but the looming realization of their anticipated parting always bittered the experience. Now that dread won’t have to occupy their time together.
As he scrubbed his body, he was jolted when the door opened. He must have forgotten to lock it in his haste and was dumbstruck by Zelda’s appearance.
“Morning, babe.” She smiled, not sparing him a glance as she took her toothbrush from the small cup.
“You’re up early.”
“Yeah, you wake up early.” She teased and proceed to speak despite her mouth filled with mint paste. “The bed was awfully cold without you.” Zelda’s blue eyes peered at him and he instantly felt conscious, not that he was ashamed of his body but the frosted glass that separated them seemed too... thin. “Did you see your toothbrush, by the way?”
“Not really but I’m assuming it’s there.”
She leaned over, rinsing her mouth before she responded. “Yup, it’s the green one. Also, your clothes-”
“Are in the white drawer in your closet.”
He instinctively peeked at the sound of the toilet seat but turned away before he could register the patterns on her lace pink underwear. They had gone camping before and even shared a room on their few travels so this wasn’t new but why was he so nervous?
She eventually left, and he finished shortly after her departure. The rest of his morning routine was brief compared to Zelda. Face wash, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, and lotion was instilled by her and he had come to appreciate this ‘feminine’ ritual. He walked out, feeling like the best version of himself, freshly groomed. He found her deeply concentrated on a textbook at her desk. Only when he hovered above her, did she notice his presence.
“You smell good.” She grinned, accepting his kiss. When they parted, they longingly looked into each other’s eyes until she licked her lips. “Taste good, too.”
He shrugged. “I used your balm, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind.” She stood and left him alone while she washed up.
The highlighted paragraphs caught his attention and he skimmed through, reading political history. He sat, engrossed in the emergence of how democracy took over monarchy and the slow creation of United Nations. It was odd, a world beyond his very own. Choosing the city as his new home was already a large step above his comfort zone, having grown up in a small village in the countryside, but now this? If this was the world that Zelda would involve herself in, he feared he would be left behind.
You know that’s not true, his mind’s gentle voice scolded. A new resolve sprung, he’d simply have to... learn. This was just part of Zelda, and if he loved her enough to study her, surely he’d have no difficulties learning an extension of what she did. She already shared those parts of herself, regurgitating the things she learned at school. Often stopping midway, embarrassed over her ramble and apologize for boring him. But like always, he’d convince her he was listening. There was nothing better then when Zelda went into long tangents about something she loved, she always glowed.
“Did you leave a bookmark?” Her voice forced him from his thoughts as he glanced at her. She approached, drying her hair in a towel.
“Yeah.” He said, easily flipping where she had left off. “Is this what your last exam is on?”
“Pretty much.” She sighed. “But I’m not that worried. I kinda studied up on the history of Hyrule after I discovered my lineage... You know, with the whole bloodline royalty thing. I’ll occasionally remember that I’m technically a princess and I’ll be shocked everytime.”
“I sure hit the jackpot.” His teasing grin earned a delicate punch on his shoulder.
“Oh shut up.” A matching smile spread on her lips as she rolled her eyes. “It’s too bad our library burned down though. I know a lot of what we had aren’t in public libraries and getting access to the government libraries are exceedingly tedious.”
“What do you think about the religious aspects of our history?”
“Like what? With the goddesses, the triforce and the reincarnation?”
He shrugged. “Yeah.”
“I won’t deny that I’ve encountered some supernatural things... You know those flashbacks I tell you about? How I get a window to my past lives or something? I try not to think about it because when I do, I worry. Must our story always be doomed to fight evil each time?”
“Maybe things will be different now.”
“Maybe. I haven’t been able to figure out who that evil reincarnation is and I don’t know if I believe my dad when he tells me it’s uncle Ganon... I mean, it’s uncle Ganon.” She sighed. “What about you? What’s your opinion?”
“My flashbacks aren't as frequent as yours. Neither do they emerge unless an emergency and I rarely encounter any sort of danger that require some wisdom from my past life.” He grumbled, taking her hands into his. “But what I do know is, we’ll fight it together, whatever happens.” Delicately, he raised her knuckles to his lips and he looked up where a faint blush spread on her cheeks. Deep in the pools of her eyes, he could tell that she had gone into an old memory and when she had come to, he asked. “What did you see?”
“You do that often.” His raised brow prompted her to explain. “Kissing my hands, declaring your loyalty, that sort of thing.”
“Do you ever get tired of these memories?”
“Sometimes.” She pouted. “I hope to goddesses that our wedding night won’t be interrupted!”
Link instantly crumbled at her enthusiasm, too embarrassed to comment and it wasn’t until his prolonged silence made Zelda realize the gravity of her words. She also deflated, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
“I hope so too.” He finally said, catching her attention. When her eyes found his, he gazed at her fiercely, suggesting and conveying the depth of his desires. Rarely did Zelda get flustered, but around Link, she noticed her frequent susceptibility in turning to mush.
She cleared her throat and leaned against the desk, unable to look at him. “I love you a lot, Link.” She mumbled, allowing him to take hold of her hand. “Sometimes, though, I don’t know if our relationship is just manufactured by the universe. What if my feelings aren't authentic?”
“They are.” He said confidently, without skipping a beat.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because it’s us.” Again, he raised her hand against his lips, but lingered this time. “And even if we’re just part of this crazy loop in history, we always find our way back to each other. Part of me likes to think that, before I even knew you, I already loved you.”
Her eyebrows hitched and she pouted. She pushed herself off the desk and wrapped her arms around him tightly. “I’m sorry.” She murmured into his neck.
A faint smile and a quiet scoff left his lips. “What for?”
“For doubting us.”
“I don’t blame you, princess. We lived very complicated lives.”
The mention of her title caused her to giggle, its infectious sound loudened as she pulled back. “Come, my guardian, let us proceed to breakfast.”
LOL so this is an excerpt from my fanfiction: A Place in the City. It’s been so long and I just wanted to contribute in some way to the fandom that gives so much <3 cheers friends. If you want to read it, check out my fanfiction: soapboxopera. Chapter One is already up. This story is a sequel to A Home in the Country. Though, I will warn you, if you choose to venture in the first story, i wrote it in high school. hahahhahahha so don’t be alarmed by the grammar/spacing. my, it’s quite atrocious to look at, 
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