#sorry for my lil hot take. I have OPINIONS on villanizing characters
stealingyourbones · 2 years
Concerning the dcxdp universe; I think there's an interesting side which is often scratched upon, but never fully discussed - the hero's apparent entitlement to information.
One fic which paints a clear image of this, imo, is "Vertical Limit", where the JL is not only hostile in some situations, but then also expects every one of their questions to be answered to their liking, offering nothing in return.
I think this idea could be interesting to explore, as Danny would already deal with this on a daily basis. The hunters in his opposition, the Red Huntress, the Fentons and the GIW, act as if they know everything about ghosts. They don't listen and they don't ask. The town's people also seem to show some bias, albeit not to the same extent as the hunters.
I just think it would be interesting to see Danny, especially in case of Ghost King!Danny, to go "No. You are not entitled to information regarding me/ my kind, you are not entitled to the business of another dimension and you may not research further against my will, unless you wanna fuck around and find out" when being interrogated by a bat, or when finding out he's being tailed by one. Or any of the JL members.
It enrages me on his behalf in many of the fics I read, so I just want to spell it out one time
Ya know, I prefer the Justice League being on the good side and genuinely doing stuff for the greater good but ya know with this interpretation of the characters I understand what you're going for. (Also check out Vertical Limits if you havent. It's an incredible fic.) I will say that if you're ever confused and don't know how to characterize superman or batman: If you can't imagine that version of the character consoling a crying child, you're not writing the comic versions of the characters... and if you can't imagine them doing so, Villainize them as much as humanly possible.
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adamnsey · 5 years
for ya raven cycle ask meme because your takes are steamin hot, 13 & 29
13. A character you dislike/hate? 
to be absolutely fair maggie makes it a lil hard to hate even the villanous characters as she gives them all (i think) charismatic traits and usually exposition of some sort ....but im gonna have to say, i really have never liked Kavinsky, i know I KNOW theres his thing with ronan and he’s repressed yes yes i get it but guess whose also repressed ??? ronan!!!!!! guess who is not (usually) that much of an asshole and abusive and mean???? ronan!!!!!!! like i just think Kav is not the best. as a character, very interesting and i understand necessary to ronan’s plot maybe, but as a person, like he is terrible lol. also do not super care for Niall Lynch, esp after reading cdth. not the best daddy in my humble opinion. goes without saying i would gladly rip every single one of R*bert Parrish’s teeth out if i got the chance. also on that note i dont like Gansey’s dad either !!!! he made that comment on adam and is probably conservative!! no good dads in this book, expect maybe Blue’s who is a tree. but i digress 
29. Do you have fancasts for any characters?
just finished I am not okay with this and my blue fancast is most DEFINTELY now Sofia Bryant, i think she’d make a wonderful Blue :D and like everyone else i also think Lydia Graham would be an incredible blue hehe
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i dont even know this bitchs name but i saw this photograph by Richard Avedon and immediately i was like That’s Ronan so here it is:
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like this was taken in the 90s so obviously its not a realitsic fancast but like this dude looks like a ronan adam mixture but heavy on the ronan and i just think its PERFECT. also reece king was an original ronan fancast and i stil stand by it
adam i find it hard to have fancasts for because he looks specific but also vague in my mind..... i’d want someone with really wideset eyes, and also delicate looking..... rarely do i see a pic and think thats Adam!! so i’ll hav to get back to u on that..... Gansey is more or less the same. im sorry i know thats boring hjshjhfjdk but i’ve never rlly been super into fancasts. always prefer fanart of the characters 
thank YOUUUU for this ask
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