#sorry for lack of sidlink i was at the hospital
mochiobonio · 1 month
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shhh they're having a moment
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
The Mark of Destiny Ch. 13 (A SidLink Au)
Chapter 13: Sleeping Beauty
Idle fingers ran over the bandaged hands of his lover. Gold eyes flicked to Link's sleeping face, hoping that maybe, just maybe, this would be the time that his eyes would open and look upon him followed by a small smile.
What he wouldn't give to be blessed by the sight of those blue orbs gazing at him. Blue eyes only focused on him.
Out of happiness or anger he really didn't care. He just wanted Link to wake up and be a part of his life again. The world around him seemed dark and bleak. No warmth, everything seeming even dull in color.
He wouldn't blame him if he never wanted to speak to him again once he did wake up. He definitely regretted the words that came from his mouth not shortly after he had said them during their fight days before.
There would never be anyone else in his life if Link never wanted to see him again. He would take being lost without his match than being with anyone else. He deserved to be alone after what he had done to him.
He had hurt Link, the one he loved and Sidon deserved whatever hurt would come his way right now. He had never thought he would hurt him like that and yet here he had. He had broken the one promise he had made.
He had promised to never hurt him.
Link never should have gotten hurt and he didn't deserve to get hurt like this. Yes it had been an accident but still he never deserved such a treatment. It should have been Sidon who had gotten hurt instead of Link.
It had been days since Link was put into the hospital, each person he loved coming and sitting with him, all wishing he would wake up. Each passing day was harder than the next but they always made sure someone was with Link.
But no one sat as long as Sidon had been. He hadn't left  his side unless it was to go to the bathroom or when he was forced to go take a shower and change his clothes after much insistence from the others that stopped by.
He was always by his side, waiting for his lover to wake up.
His job thankfully understood with Link being his match but he knew that it would be a while till he got this many vacation days again.
Linkle was there almost as much despite the concerns for her pregnancy. Everyone wanted her to have a stress free environment but she kept insisting she be there with her twin. Anytime someone tried fighting her on it she grew angry.
An angry pregnant woman was not someone anyone wanted to mess with. Even the father of her baby backed off a bit despite that he was three times her size and could easily pick her up and take her out of the room by force.
But no one wanted to do that.
A sigh passed through Sidon's lips. It was getting later that night, meaning another day having gone passed with no signs of Link waking.
Another night of sleeping at his side in this uncomfortable chair but he didn't care about that. He'd rather risk stiff muscles and lack of sleep than have Link waking up without him by his side to help him after this.
“Still here?” came a soft voice from the door. Sidon lifted his head, seeing Linkle with a teddy bear cradled in her arms much like a small baby. It was as if she was already getting ready to carry the baby around.
“Yeah,” Sidon replied, sitting back a bit. “I told you I'm not going-”
“-to leave until he wakes up. I know,” she said with a small smile, resting the teddy bear on the table next to Link's bed. It was amazing she had even been able to find room with all of the other stuffed animals and flowers that had been left there for him as a sign of hoping for him to get well soon. The pile was massive.
“I asked the staff if they could at least bring you in a comfier chair to sleep on. They said they would see what they could do,” she offered as she took the other seat, her hands taking Link's other into her own.
“Thank you. I really do appreciate it,” Sidon offered. A comfier place to sleep might help him well actually get some sleep.
“Sidon, I need to ask you something,” Linkle said after a moment, the redhead glancing up at her. “What happened between the two of you?”
Sidon let out a sigh. That was right, he hadn't said anything about what went on between him and Link. He was sure if Link had said anything to her she wouldn't be asking this at all, or at least asking his side of the story.
“I had misunderstood something and assumed Link was going to take that dance opportunity with the dancing troop,” Sidon said with regret, too afraid now to look her in the eye. “I wouldn't speak to him and when he confronted me I...had said some horrible things to him. I'm ashamed of myself. I don't deserve someone as great as him.”
Linkle reached her hand out slowly, touching his arm. “Sidon, you know that he never intended to go. And I'm sure he knows how you feel about regretting what happened. I'm sure he knows you hadn't meant what you said at all. Are you still angry with him?”
“Of course not. That whole ordeal doesn't matter now. All that matters is that he wakes and he is happy. That's all I've ever wanted for him...”
Linkle squeezed his arm. “Then when he wakes up you two can talk it out and be happy together as you should be.”
Darkness. Pain.
Why was everything dark? Why did everything hurt?
Where was he? Why did his head hurt most of all?
These were all questions he wasn't even sure he could get answered. No one was with him in the darkness...
In fact...he...
He let out a grunt, slowly opening his eyes. His vision was very blurry and weak, even a little painful as he looked at the light.
“Link?” he heard a voice ask next to him.
Link...who was Link?
“He's awake! I'll go get the doctor!' another voice cried, which was quickly followed by hurried footsteps out of the room.
Link blinked his eyes hard, trying to clear his vision.
A form of red came closer into his vision, arms encircling him and helping him rise up from the bed into a seated position.
The image of a handsome face came into his field of sight, the only thing clear in his world right now. He couldn't help but admire him.
But who was this man that was so happy to see him?
His back emitted a warmth where his fingers touched on his body, giving him the feeling that he could put his utmost trust in the man. He wouldn't hurt him.
With shaking hands he rest them on the man's shoulders who smiled even more, his hand coming to rest on his cheek.
“Link, I'm so happy you're awake,” the man said, leaning in to rest a soft kiss against his forehead. Link's cheeks warmed as he briefly closed his eyes.
But there was that name again. Link...his own name must be Link. Why else would they be saying that name to him?
He blinked his eyes a few times, finally clearing his vision. He was in...was it called a hospital room? Had he been injured?
“How do you feel?” the redhead asked, sitting on the bed next to him, his arm sliding around his shoulders. Did he have a relationship with this man?
“My head hurts,” Link responded softly his voice soft and weak.
“That's to be expected. You hit you head pretty hard,” he responded. “You probably don't remember that you fell and hit you head.”
Link parted his lips to ask who he was when a small pregnant woman stepped into the room, a smile so big he thought she was hurting her face.
“Oh, Link you're okay!” the woman said, reaching for him.  Link recoiled into the redhead, scared of this sudden new person.
Who were all these people?
“Link..?” she asked obviously hut by his actions.
“Who...who are all of you people?” he asked.
The whole room dropped into silence, all of them in utter disbelief of his words that had left his mouth. He didn't remember them?
“Link, do you know who she is?” the redheaded man asked pointing to the blonde woman who looked as if she was about to cry now.
Link shook his head.
“...Do you know who I am?”
Link's fingers curled into the shirt the redhead wore but yet again he shook his head to his question, feeling terrible.
“No, I don't. I'm sorry,” he mumbled to him, looking down to his lap.
What had happened to him? How hard had he hit his head? Obviously hard enough to warrant him losing his memory.
He couldn't even remember his name but they kept calling him something so he assumed that it was his name.
“I was afraid of this,” the doctor finally spoke up. “Link is suffering from amnesia. Unfortunately it's a possibility with head injuries.”
“Is this permanent?” the woman immediately asked. “Will he always be like this?”
“Perhaps, or perhaps not,” the doctor replied. “There really is no way to be able to determine if this will remain.”
“Oh my...” she whispered, her hand coming to cover her mouth.
Link turned his face into the redheaded man's chest.
“Despite this though it seems he still knows you're his match some how. Fascinating really,” the doctor observed. “Miss Linkle, may I speak with you in private for a moment? I want to discuss ways you might be able to jog his memory.”
She gave a small nod, following him out of the room with her head low, leaving Link alone with the man who held him.
He peered up at him, seeing him look to him with a sad smile.
“I'm Link, right?” he asked.
Sidon nodded his head, carefully taking his hand. “Yes. And I am Sidon...you match.”
“Do you remember what love is?”
Link nodded his head a little.
“It's like that but more. I'll explain it later. I promise. For now you should relax. You've been through so much.”
Link didn't fight him as he laid them both back into the bed again.
Sidon was his love. He couldn't remember his feelings but the warmth in his back had him know that this was right.
Despite just waking he leaned into him further and closed his eyes again, exhausted mentally from all that had happened around him in the past few moments.
Sidon's hand came to rest tenderly in his hair, petting him soothingly.
A small smile formed on Link's face as he felt this. He may not remember the relationship they had but this part of him had him understanding a bit what it was like. Feeling safe and protected to say the least about it.
If his memory didn't come back it would take some time to remember their life before his accident had happened.
He still had a lot of questions but he knew that now was not the time to ask. Right now he still needed to relax.
From these people he saw so far today he was sure they would answer any questions he had about who they were and what had happened.
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