#sorry for hyperfixating on breaking bad. as if it's my fault
spacerockband · 10 months
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it's for the best we get our distance
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shinehyuk · 2 years
hi guys i'm alive
cw : bad mental health
first of all wth i'm so sorry :( i'm so sorry for leaving you just like that. it was very selfish of me. i don't have a good explanation for my actions but i missed you all so much and wanted to go back here but didn't. i have so much drafts of random stuff that i wanted to share with you during my 'disappearance' but couldn't bring myself to come back. i'm genuinely so sorry. please don't try to excuse my actions - i know that i would feel horrible if someone left without any explanation whatsoever and i am so disgusted by myself for doing that to you.
second of all. i'm okay. it's been a big rollercoaster of chaos. i'll try to fill you up to date with what i've been doing real soon :)
third of all. i really don't have a good explanation for why i left because i don't understand my own actions or know myself sometimes. i'll be completely honest with you and won't excuse myself with "i was busy" stuff because i was not. i often find myself not understanding my actions or behaviours lately. regardless, i'll try to understand it better by writing down some points.
- hyperfixating. i've never told this to anyone before because i thought it was silly. it's been getting worse lately; my hobbies and interests have been changing with each week and because of that i ENTIRELY lost interest and motivation to write. not only for kpop but in general. when i hyperfixate on something, i often tend to leave everything else behind. it's like starting writing something then coming up with a new idea and never continuing the first idea ever again. it's just a big chaotic mess.
- tired. as social i may seem on tumblr, that is not the case in real life. i'm 99.9% sure i have severe social anxiety and it's so tiring because i love you all so much and talking with you makes me happy but i often find myself feeling absolutely terrible because of social interactions. it's the worst in real life but it happens when i'm on here too which is NOT your fault. i genuinely love interacting with all my moots and followers but my mind plays games on me all the time.
i guess that's it. again, these points do not excuse me leaving. i SHOULD have at least said something but i did not. i'm so sorry for abruptly leaving you all without a single explanation. i genuinely wanted to tell you i'll be going on a break - i even made a post about it, but in the end, i was a coward and did not publish it. that's another case of me not understanding myself at times. it was very childish of me and i will not attempt to excuse myself when i was fully able to explain my situation before full on disappearing. please don't feel bad and comfort me, this is my fault and i'll genuinely try my best to not do it again and not let my mind get the best of me.
it'll take some time for me to respond to everything because i'm still feeling tired socially, but after explaining it on here i'm feeling just a bit better about it. if i don't respond to you for a while please know that i'm not ignoring you, i just can't bring myself to, no matter how badly i want to respond.
thank you <3
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cookinguptales · 2 years
So uh TIL that my relationship with failure is not normal and there's actually a word (acronym) for it, thank you for that (sorry I don't know how to make that not sound sarcastic!), I'm gonna go read all things ever about RSD now
[cw: frank discussion of mental illness and its symptoms]
Being absolutely real with you here, anon, RSD is fucking terrible. It’s a terrible symptom of a frustrating disorder and I’m sorry that you’re dealing with it. Like I say this as someone with a variety of mental health issues (maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s PTSD) who’s struggled with suicidal ideation since about age seven or eight -- RSD is one of the absolute hardest things I deal with. It’s more than just feeling broken or fucked up or unlovable; it’s an absolutely physical, devastating reaction that can be impossible to logic your way out of.
It is not normal to fixate on perceived rejection, faults, or mistakes. It is not normal to hate yourself every time you make the smallest error or don’t succeed at something you’ve tried. It is not normal to make a tiny error or get in an argument and then spiral over it for days, weeks, months, maybe even years. I definitely disobeyed once when I was like eight and worried about my mom finding out and not loving me anymore for... I wanna say about seven years. I finally told her like three years ago (I WAS STILL NERVOUS) and I am thirty-two now. She... was not mad. Because I was a child who didn’t even do anything that bad. But that’s RSD. It’s like niggling at a scab that you just can’t leave alone, even though you know it’s only going to hurt you. (And yes, skin-picking and hair-pulling are also symptoms of ADHD. Dermatillomania struggles are so real, lmao.)
Like friend, I get it. I get the way that you make a mistake or you get in an argument or you think someone is upset with you and it is an actual physical clenching of the chest. The spiraling. The panic attacks. The anxiety. The intrusive thoughts. The way you literally cannot fucking breathe. None of that is normal.
I didn’t know that it was weird, either, until just a few years ago. I knew I had bad ADHD that couldn’t be safely medicated (I believe my doctor’s exact words when he looked at my test results were “I can’t believe you graduated high school”) but no one told me that obsessive thoughts and RSD were symptoms of that. I knew that sometimes my ADHD felt like I was batting a thousand racquetballs around a court at the same time, but I didn’t know that sometimes my dumbass brain would direct every one of them right at me.
It’s kind of like hearing the Jaws music at all times... You don’t know what the rule is or how you broke it but you know you did and that very nebulous consequences will happen. And if you haven’t fucked up yet, you will soon! That Jaws music is warning you!
There’s a lot of overlap between ADHD and autism/OCD, and I think RSD is where you really start to see a lot of OCD-esque symptoms. The obsessing, the fixations, the compulsive physical actions and thoughts. The way you spiral over things that you know aren’t serious, that you know aren’t real, but that doesn’t ease the pressure on your chest, the buzzing in your head. You can’t logic your way out of RSD and it really fucking sucks.
I really, really recommend going to see a doctor if you can, anon. I can’t take ADHD meds (I got a shit-ass heart lmao) but I’ve heard they really help with the RSD for some people. If they don’t help you, therapy might. 
In the meantime, what helps me most is breaking the spiral before I get in too deep. When I feel the panic coming on, I do something that I know will distract me. This can be something physical (like going for a walk or dancing (poorly) to some music or making food) or something that will force me to focus on another living creature (like playing with my cat or calling a friend) or, if I have to pull out the big guns, purposefully invoking a known hyperfixation so I get focused on that instead. Just something that will make you think about literally anything but the trigger and your own panic response to it. Once you’re deep in the spiral, it’s very hard to get out.
Mindfulness exercises can also be useful here. I don’t mean meditation as much; that doesn’t empty my mind enough. Grounding exercises help me more. Focusing on tastes, smells, feels, sensations. Strong smells (I keep citrus essential oils on hand), strong flavors, a texture that you find interesting or comforting. Sometimes I go outside and touch trees lmao. Just find something that works for you. Focusing on a purely physical stimulus can be helpful in breaking a mental spiral.
This is a rough, rough road that you’re walking, anon, and I’m sorry to hear that you’re on it. But millions of people walk it every day, and we muddle through. There’s definitely hope and you’re definitely not alone. 💜 
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four-am-fanfiction · 3 years
okay sorry this took so long to get to but i just had to find my old history assignment because YES i had a hyperfixation on medieval punishment/torture in 6th grade and YES that included rat torture and YES @natalyasneverland i see u girl so this is for u too <3
SO, yeah, 12 yr old me was UTTERLY OBSESSED with medieval punishment and all other kinds of torture, including but not limited to, RAT TORTURE!!!
now im pretty sure everyone knows what rat torture is thanks to movies and whatnot but if u DONT know, the basic gist was this:
Step 1. Find ur torture victim! 😱🗡🩸Step 2. Strap them down and then place a live rat on their chest/stomach 🐀🐀🐀 Step 3. Put a bucket or pot over the rat! Make sure the bucket/pot is secure so the rat cant escape ❌🪣🔒 Step 4. Put a buncha hot coals on top of the bucket/pot to heat it up, and wait for the results! 🔥🔥🔥
Spoiler alert: the results are the rat, upon realising it cant break through the bucket/pot, panics and tries to escape the heat the only way it can - by clawing through the torture victims chest/stomach. Yikes, right? Yeah. They also used to just straight up trap people in rooms with rats and let em get bit, and also some military dictatorships used to shove rats up peoples asses/coochies to torture them. even more yikes!
so, thats rat torture. i think i actually did a buncha sketches of it when i was a kid (just the bucket one. not the other stuff. ew) but i cant find em so i mighta threw em out, but i DID find my old history assignment on medieval punishment -
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how many times did i say "usually" and "innocent" in this assignment? jesus. Young Me Use A Thesaurus ChallngeTM. anyways this was the title slide, check this shit out lol:
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and yeah i drew that dripping shit and it was red cos it was supposed to be blood cos 12 yo me was fucked in the head lmao. i drew all those little things like the bread slice and the water drop and the broken bone using the computer mouse and microsoft powerpoint, as u do, and all of my titles were in red, LIKE BLOOD MWAHAHAHA
also the mutilation slide:
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yeah. here i said that i didnt wanna look it up so i didnt freak out my teacher, but actually i was too scared to look it up and see a buncha bloody mutilated faces, so i just made up this bullshit instead. 12 yo me was a pussy, apparently
also this:
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is what my teacher wrote at the end of my assignment fshdjfkfkdkfk. see, for this history class each assignment was worth a few points, some more than others, obviously, and the more points u get the better ur grade (or some bullshit like that. i cant quite remember but im pretty sure thats how it went) so some were worth 1 and others like 3 - 5 i think. but YEAH even my teacher could see that i got carried away with this one and its entirely the educations systems fault cos if u ask a nerd about their hyperfixation u are GONNA get an earful. i also rlly liked medieval fashion and social classes and various medieval jobs and well, just pretty much anything medieval. u should have seen what i was like when i first discovered lord of the rings. i would not want to have been my parents back then. so of course for history class i always picked the medieval assignments which were never worth as many points as like, aussie history or ww2 but i didnt care because i was having FUN
ALSO! before u even ask, NO the iron maiden is not on my assignment, cos theres no real evidence that it actually existed in medieval times so SSHHH. at least its not as bad as the (alleged) persian boat torture rip
so yes thank u for this message and thank u for asking about the weirdass obsessions i had as a kid, even if it did concern all the adults around me that i knew how mummification worked at age 10
anyways this is what my teacher put on my assignment, so i cant have done that bad!
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 years
King Takes Knight
A quick Michael whump drabble mini-fic, written for catharsis sake. I’ve had a rough week.
TW: Captivity, torture, impaling.
His wrists are bound together behind his back, chains clamping tight around his skin, looped to a stake on the stage. He’s constantly hanging forward, feet impaled into the wood by rusty nails. The laughter had rippled around him when those had been hammered in, slow as fork, half a minute between each pound to give Michael a chance to appreciate the pain. Enough time for everyone to enjoy his groans.
At first he’d done his best not to give them the satisfaction. Demons fed off the sounds of misery. No, seriously, it’s like a vampire feeding off blood. It’s like their own crack cocaine. Michael had grown tired of the ‘kick’ many centuries ago. Why him? Why none of the others? Oh, right, of course. That’s the whole reason he’s here. It’s why he’s now the main, impromptu, attraction at this DemonCon.
He’s a freak.
That was always a fact, as much as he had tried to hide from it. Demons don’t collect human objects for a hobby unless its teeth or kidneys. Demons don’t binge watch human TV shows to help them fantasise about what it would be like to live the way they do, up above on Earth in the fresh air, with dating and parties and their own laugh track. Demons don’t get tired of what they were designed for; torture, maiming, eviscerating. For so long he told himself, It’s just a phase, a hyperfix, it will be pass, I just need something new....
The psychological experiment had worked. Until it hadn’t.
Now here he was. Still a freak, to them, more so than ever. He has no intention of running from it anymore. Not that he’ll be able to run or walk for a while now.
Sometimes they loosen the chain and one of them will yank it, making him crawl. Typically after they’ve smashed a broken bottle on the floor, open palms falling onto the scattered shards, trousers tearing at the knee as they cut in deep.
He’d barely felt anything the first time he’d noticed the crimson pooling beneath him. He had already worked out that they’d done something to heighten the pain receptors in his skin suit. But how could he have blood?
“Just an illusion, you tuft of pubic hair.” Shawn had snarled at him, disgusted at the curios look on his prisoner’s face; “You don’t get to have blue goo like a true demon. You’re an abomination. A holy spawn of Nothing.”
He’d have tried to give a snappy comeback, had they not threaded a steel wire through his lips. Michael almost took it with pride; as if Shawn was afraid to hear him talk after he’d given his speech before. Clearly it had him worried that he was losing control, that there may have been demons listening who agreed with him, who were believed it was time to change. Maybe Michael wasn’t the only freak. A small, foolish part of him held out hope it would be one of them who would try to free him.
Nothing yet. Maybe all his words fell on deaf, wicked ears. Maybe they had considered it, for a moment, before distracted by the new attraction of a Michael piñata to play with.
The remainders of his suit stick to burned, bruised and bloodied skin. His jacket is gone, one of the Trolls borrowed his bow-tie to use as a handkerchief so he doesn’t expect to see that again given their snot is acidic. He knows they’re working their way up to the penis flattener. Just his luck, he was just starting to get used to the weird hanging bits, even having the odd fantasy of how he might be able to use them...and now it seems the first bit of action they’re going to get is being slammed with a mallet. If given a choice, he might prefer to try the butthole spiders.
His vision fades in and out after taking several punches to the head from one of the Rock Giants. He’s sure his eye nearly popped out of its socket and his jaw is broken, barely held together by the metal in his lips. They all chant their names at him. Not just freak. Traitor. Weakling. Disgrace. Failure. Hopeless. Loser.
They want tears. They want him to break.
But he’s never felt more strong in his life...at least, for now.
He closes his eyes, swaying in his bonds, head rolling as the pain thumps through his skull. He can still hear Janet screaming his name. Her magnet-bound hands reaching out for him. Jason’s hands on her arms, his distraught face looking past his not-a-girlfriend as Michael shoved the handcart away as soon as the guards caught up with them.
It was one of them or all of them. It had to be him.
This was all his fault, after all. Janet had been taken because he’d been foolish enough to underestimate his former colleagues. They’d failed to notice the imposter among them because Michael was too busy keeping all his anxieties over his own potential double to himself. Had he just told Eleanor and the others the truth about Shawn’s call from before the experiment, the reason for his ‘breakdown’ from the start, they might have known something was up. They might have known better than to let Janet get on that train alone. 
He might not have let everyone down.
Her hand grabs his wrist as they leave Mindy’s. He says nothing as Tahani and Jason continue to walk on ahead.
He turns around.
“Listen...about last night.” Eleanor looks up at him, taking a deep breath. He can see that she’s slept very little between the few hours they took to rest up and prepare for this journey, “The whole....trust issue dealy. I just wanted to say-.”
“It’s okay.” He raises his hand; “You don’t have to apologise.”
She blinks at him.
“Uhmm...Good, because I wasn’t gonna.”
Michael’s mouth forms a silent ‘Oh’. Why had he been expecting that? 
“I meant what I said, dude. I don’t know if I can ever trust you.” She tells him, straight; “I believe that you’re Michael and not Vicky, you proved that much. But, like I told Tahani, even if it is you, I don’t fully trust you. You know why right?”
He swallows, looking down at his shoes; “The lying...I know.”
He doesn’t try to excuse himself anymore. It was bad. That’s all there is.
“Not just the lying but the lying about the lying!” She berates him; “It has to stop! And don’t get me wrong, the whole offering to sacrifice yourself thing, that’s done you credit. I need you to keep that shirt up. I need to be sure that you understand how important this whole show we got going on is. Whole of humanity is riding on us beating Shawn and those goons. It’s more important for us to win this than worrying about just any one of us. Got it?”
He nods. Of course he’s got it. Does she still consider him a liability? Would she have preferred it if Jason hadn’t interrupted his attempt earlier?
No, he tries to reassure himself. She’s not being mean. She’s being a leader.
And she’s right.
“Got it, Boss.” He tells her, quietly, the shame still burrowing deep in his chest.
She gives him a small smile and bumps his arm with her first; “There! Glad we got that settled. Look, I just want my partner in running-fake-Heaven back at my side is all. Not hiding things from me or putting me through crab like you did last night.”
“I understand. I’m sorry.” Was he unreasonable to hope for an apology back?
He’ll never understand what it means to be human, he realises sadly.
“Apology accepted. Now go bring back our favorite not-a-robot or I’ll be demoting you to my personal shrimp-serving butler.” She teases with a twinkle in her eye as they continue their walk to the train station.
Michael laughs to himself, spluttering droplets of blood from his encased tongue, as her words ring in his ears. He hopes they win. He hopes he gets to see his friends one last time before they go to the Good Place, the real one, and he’s sent to...wherever. Hopefully somewhere nicer than here.
The more time passes, the more he’s beaten and scalded and whipped, the more he knows Janet has obeyed his request. They haven’t gone to the Judge. They’re carrying on the experiment, best as they can, with Chidi as their best chance to succeed as one of the subjects. He hears Shawn muttering one time about the train tunnel having mysteriously caved in.
Well done, Janet, old friend. Or was it Jason with his last molotov?
He knows they can do it without him. He believes in nothing else in this world except his incredible friends and their ability to save the forking world. 
They don’t need him...They have each other. And Eleanor.
His girl from Arizona. The only one who can take charge of this. The one who knows what is at stake and what needs to be done. There’s an odd tightness in his chest, which may be from where his fake ribs were crushed earlier, but may be something else. He can’t deny it...He misses being at her side, he misses watching her take charge, of being on her ‘team’, her...partner. Fork it, he doesn’t want to be sad about it. He doesn’t want to...
It’s his own fault that’s over. You ruined everything, y’know that?
“You’re thinking of her, aren’t you? Your favorite yellow cockroach.” Shawn whispers, appearing as a blur in the corner of his distorted eyesight; “Funny how they haven’t come for you. You and that idiot came for your Good Janet. But their own pet demon? So much for human friendship, huh.”
He closes his eyes tight. He doesn’t...want them to come.
His hair is grabbed, head pulled back, a small block of freezing ice pressed against his stomach. He moans into the wires. His natural fire-element essence is violently reacting to the cold. It’s worse than a thousand volts of electricity. 
“They left you, Mikey. They abandoned you to us.”
N-no...He chose to stay....He made them g-g-go...
“And don’t get me wrong, the whole offering to sacrifice yourself thing, that’s done you credit. I need you to keep that shirt up...”
And he did.
“It’s more important for us to win this than having to worry about just any one of us. Got it?”
Got it.
That’s why they haven’t come. They can’t throw away the progress they’ve made just to save him. They need to see it through till the end now. That’s all it is. Eleanor understands, he’s sure of it...It’s not because they don’t care...
The chill seeps into him. He feels parts of his goo crystalize sharply.
“I don’t think I can ever trust you.”
“Why don’t we just lock you up in Janet’s void?”
“Get out of here. You don’t get to be part of this.”
As the agony shoots through him, he blinks and he sees her. Staring at him. Uncertain, afraid, but silent. Complicit in his fate, if it’s for the greater good. No longer hers to worry about. No longer a distraction from what’s truly important - would she react the same if it was Chi-? No, stop it! Don’t! 
Shawn moves away with the ice block and Michael sags against the stake.
“Ahh...Would you look at that.”
A finger reaches out to graze Michael’s cheek, picking off a tiny frozen droplet on his cheek. Fork. How long had he been crying? He didn’t want to give them that satisfaction!
Shawn puts it between his lips and smiles; “Mmmm, not bad. Not as salty as human tears. Let’s see if I can get you to fill my glass.”
Michael glares at him now, shaking roughly. Shame quickly simmers into a flash of rage before his old boss slams the ice block against him again. He screams.
Fork, fork, fork. This has to be worth it.
If it’s the only way he can prove, without a doubt, he’s on their side...That he wants nothing but to be worthy to be her ‘partner’ again...To be wanted...Forgiven?
Win, you guys. If he can ask for nothing else, do this for him. Please, damn it...Win.
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midzelink · 4 years
Well, this is certainly something that happened.  
In response to a post I made stating the various reasons I don’t like the Twilight Princess manga (which was in and of itself a response to some replies I got on this other post), I got a barrage of replies from a user (who will go unnamed, they’ve already been blocked) in defense of the thing - which, ordinarily, wouldn’t be a big deal!  People are allowed to have different opinions and I never once stated anyone who liked it should feel bad!  I started writing up a reply to them in the middle of this barrage, but their replies just kept coming and got subsequently worse, yet it was all...so bizarre to the point that it would feel weird to not address that it happened.  I’m putting all of this under a read more, because wow this is a wall of text, but also this is the kind of nonsense I want people to avoid having to read if it can be helped.  At any rate, this is what they had to say:
I don’t know, this really honestly feels like reaching. It feels like criticism for the sake of criticism without actual narrative flaws being shown, but your anger seems to stem from “This interpretation is different from what I thought even though I admit all official art shows the charachter this way” and “Link HAD to be raised in ordon because of one quote from the enclosed instruction book”. Twilight Princess was literally made to be “the edgy zelda” in reponse to fan overreaction to wind waker. This is undeniable. All official art depicts link this way. He turned into a freaking wolf in the middle of the twilight craze! but no, he *can’t* be like that because of random expressions he makes when holding pets or items? First of all, even in the manga he isn’t an edgeboy all the time.
Secondly, it feels like you're merely glossing over all that was added in terms of charachterization! In the original game, I felt nothing for Ilia. She showed up, yelled at link for maybe getting epona slightly hurt, and then got kidnapped. Maybe a bit of tsundere stuff, but seriously, Midna is literally the best tsundere ever. You can't out midna-minda in her own damn game. XD In the manga, Ilia and Link actually have a warm and very close relationship, you can see them through all the slice of life in the first volume. I really grew to like her and truly felt sorry for her when bad things happened to her. She actually gets far, FAR more respect as a person and charachter in the manga than merely a trophy for link to get back. But no, you're far too focused on subtle expressions and insinuations because that is literally all anyone had to go on for the longest time. In reality, Link, as has been said many times, is an avatar as much as he is a charachter. You can't gloss over his official art depicitons any more than I can random expressions he makes when finding a heart piece.
Not to mention, you call the blog midzelink yet you make zero mention of the super obvious wlw-as-fuck zelda flashback in volume 5? It's a sad thing that Shad being straight is something I have seen people complain about, yet Zelda and Midna's relationship getting such a huge focus passes without a peep. It's a disturbing trend I see in my fellow Fujoshi. And on the subject of Shad, his relationship with Ilia is far more likely something included to give her a happy ending, rather than just seeing link off into the sunset to try to find midna and live forever alone in ordon. On that note as well, Link not being from Ordon fits PERFECTLY with the ending, Link being the only hylian, link being from there, all of this is SCREAMING that that is the place he never truly belonged, the manga simply takes it one step further and in this version says he was never from there any way, cementing that. It gives the concept that Link was using Ordon as a place to avoid being who he was extra weight. And Honestly, it makes him less of a jerk in the end for leaving ordon, as he never truly belonged.  
And It's actually a narrative flaw in the original for Lanaryu to make mention of misusing the power of the master sword and then having nothing come of that warning later. If you're going to set chekov's gun down on the table, you better use it by the end of the play. It's simply capitalzing on something that the story actually set up, and playing into the tone of the story nintendo marketed it. But really, most of my annoyance dosen't come from the fact that you don't like the manga. People can dislike what they want. It's that all your grievances seem to come from stuff at the very beginning, and you liked it for so long, when they were there just as much as they are now. This kinda reeks of someone else slowly influencing you over time, rather than your own thoughts.
First of all, what the f**k, dude.  Who leaves this kind of essay in the replies of someone else’s post?
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(Note: a “fujoshi” is a woman who likes yaoi, usually used in a derogatory manner, but it seems to be self-proclaimed in this case.  That is to say, this person proudly announced they fetishized MLM relationships, and then proceeded to tell me my opinion was Bad and Wrong because I didn’t praise Himekawa for a scene that ultimately wasn’t WLW at all, even though I and a lot of other people liked to interpret it that way.  Do not give Himekawa credit for gay rep, ever.)
Again, I was going to reply to this person civilly...up until I read the Midzel/Fujoshi reply, which decimated me on impact. There’s a heckuva lot I could say in response to, well...everything else, but in the interest of making this post shorter, I’ll break it down into a bulleted list:
Link being raised in Ordon is not based on “one quote from the enclosed instruction book” - Ilia specifically states when she gets her memory back, “When we were young, you and I... You were always there... You were always beside me... Link.” (I already mentioned this in my original post, which they evidently neglected to read properly.) And this is to speak nothing of the familial bond between Link and all of the Ordonians that is fairly evident within the context of the game, i.e. Rusl trusting him to deliver a very important gift to the Royal Family, or all the children looking up to him as much as they do.
Saying “all official art depicts Link this way” in defense of his characterization in the manga being edgy (when his in-game persona is far-flung from that) is pretty shaky when you realize that the same can be said for Skyward Sword, which arguably has the most emotive and happy Link of any game. In all of SS Link’s official art, he is angry, mid-yell, or stone-faced.  That’s how character art works.  That’s how marketing works.  They wanted to market TP especially as a darker game, yes, in response to the critiques of The Wind Waker, but this is literally a man who smiles softly every time he picks up a dog or a cat. You can pet the goats.  You get excited about fishing.  If TP Link should be “edgy” because of his official art and no other reason, then SS Link should be, too.
it’s your own damn fault you felt nothing for Ilia, Ilia owns, suck it
MIDNA IS NOT A TSUNDERE, HOLY SHIT.  SHE’S NOT.  I WILL NEVER CONCEDE THIS. She doesn’t mistreat Link because she likes him, she mistreats him because he is nothing to her when they first meet, and this is a stance that slowly changes as they get to know each other!  She stops treating him like garbage when she stops seeing him as such, and her behavior throughout the game post-Zelda is a mixed bag of shame over how she treated him previously and a longing to make up for it.  How anyone can construe that as tsundere I will never, ever understand.
the Midzel comment is so wack I really can’t believe I had to read that shit with my own two eyes
no, Link likely isn’t from Ordon (again, already addressed in my original post, but again, I guess this person can’t read), but he was certainly raised there, see: the first bullet point
Lanayru never once mentions ANYTHING about misusing the power of the Master Sword, so that entire point is completely invalid.  I literally have no idea what they’re talking about here. Lanayru does have the famous line, “Those who do not know the danger of wielding power will, before long, be ruled by it,” but that’s in reference to the Fused Shadows, not the Master Sword.  Which, you know, you would know if you actually knew the source material as well as you claim to, dude.
Lastly, yes, I did like the manga when I first read it, but as I already stated, that was because I blasted through all four (available at the time) volumes in one sitting, and it was immediately after my hyperfixation for this game resurfaced (about a week or so before I made this blog!).  I was Starved For Content, and the manga was Content.  Now I’m not Starved, and two more volumes have released since, and guess what!  People’s opinions can change!  And my opinion is that the manga isn’t for me, and this entire, extremely accusatory essay of yours in the replies of a post I made stating my own opinion was entirely uncalled for and rather intrusive.  So, yeah.  Blocked.
This has certainly been a trip.
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ultraclops · 4 years
Semi-Live Blogging: Finale Time!
With reaction images this time!
Adorabat's practicing her screaming! Bet that's gonna come in handy later.
"Fneh!" Wow what an introduction Eugene
His design is like? Really cool?? He looks practically nothing like Adorabat tho. And why does he have a spade on his stomach instead of a heart??
Badgerclops drew him with a giant ass mustache lol.
Adorabat takes banjo lessons? More importantly, Eugene thought she was at a banjo lesson FOR 8 MONTHS?!
"She scares me" lol
Adorabat ran away from home? Why?
"I thought you were a ward of the state!" Remember when everyone thought Adorabat was an orphan? Yea.
"I thought you were my conscience!" Badgerclops...you've lived with Adorabat for a year...went to her school...AND YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS A PIECE OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS?!
...why did Badgerclops use Adorabat as monster bait...
I expected to hate Eugene but he's actually really cute and interesting?? Aside from the fact he thinks Mao Mao & Badgerclops are criminals. Love to see him again sometime!
Wow her dad has a whole badass mansion!! Why doesn't she just stay there...
Oh...her mom died...that's why he's so protective of her and was so upset when she left. Also her mom looks amazing & I wanna see a flashback episode with her. For some reason I can imagine her sounding like a deeper version of Scoops?
Aww Adorabat's room is super cool! Also Eugene cracking the door for her asfgjkl
"Do you think that monsters attacking the city are gonna - wait, does that have peanut butter in it? " (Cuts to MM & BC eating ice cream while crying) That's a perfectly rational reaction to losing your adoptive daughter
"I can keep it together!" (Cut to Mao Mao trying and failing to shovel ice cream in his mouth with his helmet on) NSADGEDHAMADH
Wait a second. Mao's eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. ISN'T CHOCOLATE TOXIC TO CATS?!
"But you said I was part of the team!!" "Then you're...off the team."
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Adorabat crying while showing Eugene the picture OUCH MY HEART...
"I used to go exploring in those caves with Mom all the time..." I'm guessing those are the caves from the promo?
"She wasn't afraid of anything!" " Well Adorabat definitely takes after her mother...
"And then one day, Sonara didn't come back with you." Ooh her name's Sonara!! Pretty!! I can't tell if they chose it cuz it sounds like Sonar or because it means "pleasant sounding"
Glad to see Adorabat's still a die-hard metal fan, even with Eugene
Oof Mao isn't taking this well at ALL if he's pretending Adorabat's molt is her...
Ooh there's Sonara's looking glass, bet that's gonna be important
Yay Adorabat saved her dad!
Damn Adorabat must be super traumatized after basically watching her mother die. No wonder she tried to murder Boba-Chan!
Oh the only way to stop the monster is by screaming!
(Mao Mao hears Adorabat scream) "ADORABAT?!" ADOPTIVE DAD POWERS ACTIVATE
Ooh her mother's figure appears over her when she says she's not afraid of anyone...maybe her spirit's inside of her or something?
Eugene & Adorabat both apologized to each other I...
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"You can't just leave without the most fearless member of the group!" YAAY ADORABAT'S BACK (Also how are we gonna explain to Eugene Adorabat's scared of the dark?)
"I'll mess 'em up real good! So good, their mommies and daddies won't be able to recognize them when I'm done..." Daaammmnnn...
"She scares me :)"
I wonder...is Sonara really dead? Or are they gonna pull a Kipo & have her still be alive but in a different form?
Badge-A-Fire explosion
Uhh...where is Badgerclops? And why is Mao Mao on the top bunk?!
Of course Badgerclops is petty enough to install a fake monster alarm on his laptop to wake Mao Mao and Adorabat up.
"This is a super-serious work meeting, as you can see by the fact that I haven't provided any snacks!" No snacks?! This must be a serious issue!! /s
"As you know, I am a creative genius. Sometimes there's so much natural creative genius that my brain overloads, and I enter a heightened state that I call 'Ultra Focus'..." Oh so basically like hyperfixation?
"...where I break into a creative sprint, inventing super-advanced technology at supernatural speeds, unparalleled by anyone in the entire field of science." Okay maybe only a LITTLE bit like hyperfixation...wait a second, IS THAT WHY BADGERCLOPS IS SO TIRED ALL THE TIME?!
Uhh did he get his arm stuck in the front door? HE TOOK THE AEROCYCLE?!
"...I forget everything the next morning." Remember my headcanon that Badgerclops represses his memories? Yea...
"Which is why it's not my fault and I don't think I should be criticized :D" TBH I screamed with laughter at this scene solely because of the expression he made
...HE GAVE THE SKY PIRATES THE GEM CELL?! I mean he clearly wasn't thinking right when he did it BUT STILL?!
"Oh hey, I told you I'd use that weird elevator thing!" Dude you LITERALLY used it in Ultraclops. What are you talking about.
"If the Sky Pirates had the Gem Cell, they would've used it already!" That is a fair point ngl.
Umm...did Badgerclops give Adorabat a BOMB?!
Tbh if my friend woke me up in the middle of the night with weird-looking eyes and handed me a timer while saying something about an explosion I would DEFINITELY not go back to sleep afterwards...
Mao wiping Badgerclops' tears I'm
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A paper towel dispenser? Well that's not that bad - IS THAT A GIANT PAIR OF PANTS?!
Ooh it's not a shock collar it's a translator!! That makes a bit more sense... "I HAVE NO REMORSE OR CONCEPT OF EMPATHY!" ...if the monster doesn't have remorse or empathy how does it know what those words mean...
Badgerclops keeps telling Mao Mao & Adorabat not to criticize him...hmm...I wonder who criticized his inventions that made him that way...*cough* HIS MOM *cough*
"Are all your inventions this weird?!" "YOU'RE WEIRD!!"
What in the absolute hell is going on dgaadhdagdadga
Okay but when Badgerclops clutched his head and started shaking when Mao Mao asked why he made those things...I FELT THAT IN MY HEART I FELT THAT IN MY SOUL
Ngl this scene really hit home for me cuz that's how I act when I have a breakdown...
The timer went off but nothing blew up - WAIT, IS THAT A REPLICA OF MECHA HOSSORAFFASNAKEARANG?!
"Initializing Totally Humane Knockout Procedure." (Proceeds to slam the Sheriff's Dept. into the ground) ajdajdgdad
Ooh...ohh they're on some sort of water park...ride...thing??
"And if I didn't want us to get out, then I made sure we couldn't...with super-strong shoe things." But there isn't any on Adorabat, can't she just squeeze herself out?
Ooh I'm getting Pirates of the Caribbean vibes
There's the Gem Cell, it must be powering the ride! Also the robotic arm slaps Mao's hand the same way Mao slaps Badgerclops' hand in Flyaway skkkk
"My amazing creativity is finally gonna destroy us all..." "Hey, at least we'll be destroyed together!" Fair point, fair point
The shoosh returneth
"I always loved inventing." So he was an inventor ever since he was little? Daww.
YOUNG BC IS SO ADORABLE!! He has a lil medical patch instead of an eyepatch which is def more accurate to real life...but what's the vest for? Protection in case he falls? A pressure stim?
That figure's def his mom since they rejected his ideas & he mentions she was mean to him. Also the theory that his mom's a villain seems a bit stronger since they straight-up hand him a tool kid + a set of blueprints with no regard to his safety...
"Also there was a bunch of other kids at school and some other people throughout my life who mocked me relentlessly." THEN WHY'D YOU TELL ADORABAT YOU COULDN'T RELATE TO HER WHEN SHE SAID NO ONE WANTED TO BE HER FRIEND?! (Also I noticed literally all the kids are other badgers, so I'm assuming Badgerclops grew up sheltered like Mao Mao did.)
So the Ultra Focus is basically a really weird coping mechanism to deal with all the abuse and bullying he went through? Holy fuckkk
"They only made fun of you because they were jealous. Happened to me my whole life!" Umm...
"Even the dance chip I surgically implanted in your brain?" Excuse me the dance chip that you WHAT
"I love you-" HE SAID IT 💗💓💗💓
"I'm finally around people who love and understand me..."
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Wait did the cannon misfire? DID IT BLOW A HOLE IN THE GROUND?!
"Take it away, Boss Hosstritch!" (Distorted garbling)
Oof Mao caught all the water
"We hope you all enjoyed being Badgerclops' friend." 💞💕💞💕
Not that anyone cares but I noticed there's a picture of some of the Sweetypies on the monitors, meaning 1. Badgerclops tested it out using them first, or 2. Badgerclops just likes those Sweetypies for whatever reason. Tho that makes me wonder why he'd choose Pinky of all people...
Zing Your Heart Out
Why are they giving out rotten sushi??
Ooh god Chester's gonna be super freaking annoying in this episode, I can feel it.
"What's blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint!" BAYBEY
Jesus what a prick. GET HIM MAO MAO
Ngl that background's really pretty...
Oooh no the Ruby Pure Heart's being weird again. Ooh no.
FUCK YEA ROAST HIM BABY - Did Adorabat's eyes turn purple because the Ruby Pure Heart gave her powers?
Oh so the siren in Badgerclops' robo-arm is a backup monster alarm?
More Sky Pirates - and the Pure Heart's being weird again...
"I'd tell you but despite your height it'd go right over your HEAD!" Asdfgghjjk
"For someone with two brains, you're not very BRIGHT!" EVEN BETTER
Kevin said he was raising money for a school trip, then for a trip to the hospital...which one is he raising money for?!
"One second, I'm getting mad, and the next thing you know-" Is she freaking possessed??
Wait, is the Pure Heart TALKING to Adorabat?! How?!
Cluckins you don't ask people what's wrong with their eyeballs...even if there is something wrong with their eyeballs
The pure 'oh shit' on Marion's face when Adorabat turns to her
Half of the people she insulted showed up to her party! Didn't that mean she loved them?!
Oh god not this bitch again - nvm, thanks Adorabat
"Taking over the castle and ruling Pure Heart Valley forever does sound nice..." This is starting to remind me of that one AU where Adorabat turns evil, becomes the ruler of the Sky Pirates, then convinces them to kill Snugglemagne and becomes the queen of Pure Heart...she isn't gonna kill Snugglemagne, is she?
What did Adorabat tell Snugglemagne?! I WANNA KNO
Why is Pinky stealing teeth...reminds me of this
"I...hate myself! Therefore, I'm invincible!" So the trick to not getting your ego destroyed...is to not have an ego. Sounds reasonable.
"Your bug platter, my king?" Genderfluid Adorabat rights
"Mao Mao, your head looks like a CROW!" (Mao Mao caws) IT WAS A LIE HE ISN'T A CAT HE WAS A CROW THIS WHOLE TIME-
"It looks like a half-melted ice cream cone!!" That is...a strange way to describe your own neck...
"Well, I'm...bad (◡‿◡)" Kinda weird that the canonically depressed character can't even cleverly insult himself
...why does Adorabat's skin smell like old cantaloupe
Positivity outweighs negativity!
"WHERE DOES A 800 POUND GORILLA SIT?!" "Where ever it wants!◝(⁰▿⁰)◜" Curse you for making me laugh...
OOH NO THE JOKEBOOK! - Wait nvm Mao remembers Adorabat's jokes!
I think the reason they used that joke is because it represents Mao Mao and Adorabat - Adorabat is blue, and she wants to be like Mao Mao, who wears red. What is BLUE, and smells like (is similar to) RED paint?
YAAAY HE BROKE HER FREE FROM MIND CONTROL!! And did BC get Thanos snapped in the background?
"Thank goodness you're alright! We almost..." Fucking murdered you? Yea
"Might we have our crown and kingdom back, yes?"
"Sorry for being such a monster today." "You're a monster everyday." Is that a joke because she was today's villain, a reference to Sleeper Sofa or foreshadowing?
I hope Mao Mao and Badgerclops decide to investigate what's up with the Heart in Season Two, cause I highly doubt they'll let Adorabat getting fucking possessed go under the radar.
The visual gag of Mao trying to stomp out his ice cream cone like a cigarette is perfect. This is peak comedy everyone else go home
Strange Bedfellows
"So, your name is Boss Hosstrich, but you're not actually the boss?" How long did it take him to realize that
JFC Mao & Orangusnake are REALLY hellbent on killing each other huh...at least the deputies and the other Sky Pirates have common sense.
Hahaha nice Dragon Ball Z reference - and they both got crushed by the monster! Lovely.
...did Mao seriously think he died and went to heaven?
So does Orangusnake breathe through Tanner or do they both breathe independently & Coby can feel when Tanner can't?
Dang those skeletons remind me of the Steven Universe Future episode Growing Pains. And why is Lucky inside of Orangusnake? "THAT WAS MY LUNCH, JERK!" Ooh that's why.
"They're full of these tiny, little cracks or, as they're known in the medical field, 'whoopsie-boo-boos'." AGSADGASGADGDASG
Damn their skeletons are just gonna freaking evaporate huh...
"The doctor said I was very brave :D"
Ooh shit the Deputies and the other Sky Pirates met at the same elevator, are they gonna fight - nevermind, they're still calling time.
"You don't have the guts!" "I have a million guts." That is...mildly concerning
"Yeah, I wanted to be a baker, before I realized I liked hurting people so much." Then why doesn't she just like, help Muffins or something?
Tbh I thought Ratarang was holding a gun and I'm glad it was just a weirdly wrapped banana
"Aww, y'all shouldn't have - this is empty." "Just like my heart when you injure yourself!!" He loves him sm...💓💓
"Why didn't you bring me weapons?!" "Because this is a hospital, and I'm a good boy (◡‿◡ )"
"I really feel like this could be a turning point in their relationship." (Mao and Orangusnake proceed to try and kill each other again) *sigh*
Ngl Mao & Orangusnake constantly repeating themselves is getting super annoying.
That hospital bed beeping is giving me flashbacks to all the times I went to the hospital for seizures...
"You know y'all could live like this, like, all the time if you didn't go around hurting people, right?" "Pssh! Tsk-tsk, boy. You know I gots to hurt people." Uhh you guys should really listen to Badgerclops he knows what tf he's talking about
UUhh, whose egg is that? "MAMA" ASGagddahDh
Of course they had to land in freaking CEMENT to realize that maybe they shouldn't kill each other
Did Mao just deflate like a ballo- oh nvm there he go.
Boneless Mao. Boneless Mao.
And Mao saved Orangusnake!! By...breaking every bone in his body somehow.
"I'm the kind of hero who wants to save you so I can fight you later...at the right time and place." Just gonna file this along with the credit score scene from Perfect Couple in the 'Orangumao' folder.
Is Badgerclops duct taping Mao to the stretcher? I mean, at least he won't move & hurt himself again but geez
Tbh Zing would’ve made a better finale than this ep. At least it had a sequel hook
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recordmcqueen · 4 years
when ppl ask me why im anxious
sorry i just have a lot going on n i kinda need to vent 
uhh trigger warning for a bunch of stuff? dont bother reading but if u are gonna click then just beware
this education system freaking sucks theres like 13h till school is supposed to start but i havent heard a peep from either of my teachers so uhhhh lmao what the heck wHAT IS GOING ON SOMEONE TELL ME SOMETHING PLS HHHHHH
ive been swinging between feeling bitter and spiteful and just plain sad cause heck i cant stop feeling lonely like ive basically limited myself to tumblr to avoid certain toxic individuals but even here its just so dead n lonely and i feel awful for underappreciating the people who are here for me on this hecksite but god a hyperfixation is a hyperfixation and ngl im kinda miserable :’)) not to be “not like other X” but fr theres a thousand ways i fail to relate from timezones to socmed platforms to talents and just hhhhhh yeah ive had way too much drama and bad experiences and i kinda wanna move but i also feel guilty again for underappreciating the ppl who Do support me and im just perpetually torn between wanting to feel accepted and wanting to just break away from All of Them and hhhhhh it just plagues my mind and wont go away :’))
the weight loss is so confusing and stressful cause i just end up feeling bloated and everything feels out of proportion and im so tiredddd all the time and just hhhh i want my body to look normal and my clothes to fit the way they used to :’))
university applications are coming up real soon and idfk what im doing like ye im pre sure im going into psych but god is it even worth it?? and then whereeeee do i apply like hhhhhhhhhh
cause like my dad is anxious as i am abt where to work hes got a job in bc which he loves but he just got an offer in ontario which is like TORONTO!!! but like uni there is so expensive and he really does like his bc job but the perks of being based in ontario like also cause all the social life is there?? hhhhhhhhh and hes constantly debating it and asking for our advice and man u know im indecisive hhhhhh
im always irritable and annoyed and ive been sleep-deprived for this past week and gosh look at school tomorrow :’))) it just gets so overwhelming ahahahaha
not to mention the depressive episode i had a few weeks ago we went to the doctor n talked abt it n the lab results should be in soon but oh gosh those episodes mess me up so bad like my train of thought is effed up and this time was even worse than the first cause this time i was at home and had access to a blade so ofc i just went for it but what iff next time (is there even gonna be a next time?? like i thought it was a one time thing but then it happened again and im???) and im scared ill be in an even riskier position hhhhhh i dont Want to hurt myself but,,,i also kinda wanna do?
i keep having thoughts of not deserving life and just how my presence isnt worth much to other ppl and how i end up hurting the ppl who Do care and just being hurt over and over but gaslit every time so ofc i end up feeling like every bad thing that happens to me is inherently my fault and god im so tired im so tired of having to reach out every time in attempts to communicate and make rationality of whatever mess my headspace is hhhh and im not a good enough student or friend or fan or Anything at least ill be good dead???
im not actively trying to hurt myself most of the time but its just that lingering feeling of wanting to go to sleep and not wake up and every moment of happiness is so Fleeting and dont get me wrong im doing Better but Better is still Bad so :’))))
on top of that i feel god awful for neglecting people who care abt me all while continuing to complain about being lonely lotus i am so sorry i barely check whatsapp idk why i just dont have the energy but you deserve better than that :’))
and ofc being surrounded by hypocrisy gets real draining so ahahahahahaha
therapy is $$$ but venting to tumblr under a readmore?? free real estate binches
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cblgblog · 5 years
I have just…so many problems with Irondad, some of which I’ve seen expressed already, some not, and I need to say this at least once.
I don’t believe the common anti-Irondad thing that says Tony never cared about Peter. He did, in his very Tony, very problematic way. He loves Peter, I think, very much the way Howard loved him. We only got glimpses of Howard as a dad, mostly from Tony’s perspective, but we can make assumptions here. Howard probably thought Tony was the greatest thing in the world, and a blast to hang out with. Whenever Howard wanted to be a dad. He would’ve loved teaching Tony things, showing him off, having fun with him. But when Howard didn’t want to hang out? When Howard was working on something important? No, sorry, dad mode off, go away, Maria come get him. We see that with Peter and Tony. All Peter wants is acceptance, another mission with Tony. He wants validation. But he can’t even reach Tony because Tony’s put Happy in charge of him, and Happy doesn’t want to deal with some stupid kid in Queens, at least during Homecoming. It’s a very Howard move, parenting/mentoring when it’s convenient.
Which, you know what? Not in and of itself horrible. Tony would learn what he lived, and follow it. It makes sense, generational patterns and all that. It could’ve led to an interesting story, about Peter or someone else in Tony’s life pointing out the parallels, and then Tony has a moment of realization and tries to correct. I wouldn’t have loved that story, because Peter’s storyline being so connected with Tony’s at the expense of his own has always bothered me, but it could’ve been done decently.
What do we get instead? We get Tony paying lip service in Homecoming to wanting to break the cycle, and then totally failing at that 5 minutes later. He was mad, he was scared, that’s legit. People say unfair things when they’re reacting out of fear. But he tears Peter down for what happened on the ferry, and makes him feel like shit. Why? Because Tony had the FBI involved, Peter was meant to stay away, and he didn’t. Well how the hell was Peter supposed to know that? He can’t talk to Tony at all. Happy’s been ghosting him for months. The last time he thought Tony was there for him, it was one of the suits, Tony was still off in Tony’s world. How would Peter ever think that Tony had heard him this time, and was taking action? Tony didn’t tell him as much. Happy didn’t. All either of them would need to do is send a text saying hey, I hear you, I’m on this, I have people on this. But Tony is Tony, he can’t tie his shoes without Pepper, and he has either a hyperfixated attention span, or none at all, depending on the day. He either forgot to tell Peter, or worse, didn’t think it necessary. And if he was a proper mentor, if he knew Peter at all, he would know that Peter’s sense of responsibility was going to kick in there, unless he had reason to believe things were going to be okay without him.
Tony doesn’t know Peter. He puts an instant kill function on a 15-year-old kid’s suit because he thinks it’s a cool feature, and he enjoys building cool things. If he knew Peter at all, Tony would know that Peter’s a no kill hero. You can argue that those advanced features weren’t meant to be hacked into, so it’s not Tony’s fault. Except it is. Tony admits in CW that he hacked the Pentagon in high school on a dare. He knows that genius boys do stupid things. He knows teenagers don’t follow rules. He knows that if you tell a kid not to do a thing, you’re just guaranteeing he’ll want to do it more now. Tony may not know exactly how smart Peter is (I’m sure he doesn’t), but he has enough of an idea that safety measures, actual measures, should’ve been in place. Instead of a hackable training wheels protocol? Just keep those features off his first suit, save them for the next model, when the kid’s ready. We know Tony doesn’t mind building new models of suits. But Tony doesn’t do that, because Tony.
Yeah, the instant kill came in handy in Endgame against Thanos’s army. Still doesn’t make it okay.
Again, it reeks of Howard style parenting. You didn’t use this awesome thing I gave you right? Here then, I’m taking it away. No talks, no explanations or compromise or Tony training Peter to avoid the mistakes he so wants Peter to avoid, just, we’re done. Which is exactly how Howard probably would’ve handled it. I let you in my lab once and you broke something you didn’t know how to use? Okay, well, never doing that again.
To be clear, I don’t blame Tony for yanking the suit, exactly. It was a very human, kneejerk reaction. And more importantly, it allowed Peter to show that he did not need Tony’s toys to be a hero. The problem is that Tony, as usual, never gets to realize his mistakes. Peter yells at him a little right before the suit gets taken about not being listened to, but Tony doesn’t retain any of it. It doesn’t matter. He never has a moment of, what I did here was not okay and this is why. What do we get instead? Him telling Peter at the end of Homecoming how Peter screwed up, but hey, you fixed it. You were dumb, but you fixed it. No acknowledgement that Tony screwed up anything. Because, of course not. The lesson for Tony isn’t hey, I went too fast with this kid, he wasn’t ready, I didn’t prepare him. There is no lesson. Tony, as in basically every appearance since Iron Man 3, learns nothing.
Oh, and the Homecoming ending. Yeah. Tony sees no problem with having a 15-year-old move into the mansion and go full-time Avenger. His aunt, his guardian? Nah, why would she mind that, it’s fine.
I’ve talked elsewhere about my problems with Infinity War Irondad, but basically, most of Tony’s interaction with Peter there involves telling him to shut up, the grownups are talking, you’re not supposed to be here, you’re too young and dumb. Even when Peter absolutely helps the team. Also, too young and dumb? He wasn’t 5 minutes ago, when you were going to make him an Avenger, and he was the one smart enough to realize this was a bad idea. Tony’s so mad Peter didn’t listen to him and go home. If he’d truly listened, he’d have been an Avenger at the start of the film, so he’d be there anyway.
The dusting scene with him and Peter? It hurt. It was brutal and beautiful. That’s because Tom Holland, and yes, RDJ, can act, not because it was earned by the narrative of the last three movies.
As for Endgame. That photo Tony has of him and Peter goofing off. So cute, right? Probably taken at some point before May knew the truth, as a hey, we need a cover story for your aunt, but, you know,  it’s fine. I don’t doubt Tony loved Peter. That he grieved Peter and felt his loss for 5 years, and maybe that’s part of why he’s such a good dad to Morgan. But he didn’t love Peter the right way. He did it selectively. He missed him when he was gone, but didn’t pay enough attention when he was alive. The hug near the end was beautiful, but unearned.
And then there’s May and Ben. May does not deserve to be villainized, killed off, or flat-out ignored the way she is in so many fanon interpretations just so Irondad can be a thing. May helped Peter prepare for his homecoming dance last minute. She got him dressed, taught him how to tie a tie, taught him to dance. All while Tony was back to ignoring him. But assume for a second that this had happened earlier, when Peter was still technically in Tony’s good books. Assume for a second that he’d been able to reach Tony and ask for advice, because he’s scared and excited and needs help. Tony would’ve made a few jokes about spiked punch, a few more crude, sexist jokes about Peter’s date, and signed off. May dropped everything and spent hours helping this kid, reassuring him. May is so unappreciated and flat-out abused by some of the fanbase, and it’s gross.
And Ben. Who’s Ben? Have we even heard his name in any of the movies Peter’s appeared in yet? Oh, we got his initials on a suitcase in FFH, not even a verbal acknowledgement. Great. I am not advocating an origin story. We’ve seen it, we know the basics, it’s fine. But Ben has been shown, for almost 60 years, to be the most influential person in Peter’s life. Losing Ben the way he did shaped Peter’s whole life afterward. And we have yet to see a photo? An old video? A 30 second flashback scene? We don’t know any of the MCU’s version of how Ben was killed. At all. Are they for some reason going with a rewrite where Peter had nothing to do with it? Don’t know, because it’s been 5 movies so far and they’ve given us nothing. Ben’s death regularly tops lists of the most influential deaths in comics, and we have nothing. Instead we get scene after scene of Tony perpetuating a dysfunctional relationship with Peter, and never facing consequences, or even realizing it.
By the way? Ben, if he’s anything like any canon version ever, would hate Tony. Ben is consistently shown before his death to be a very hands-on parent. He doesn’t understand most of Peter’s science stuff, but he encourages it, and stays involved as much as he can. He, barring a truly monumental canon rewrite that we know nothing about if it happened, taught Peter that great power means great responsibility. Contrast this with Tony, who as stated, pays more attention to building Peter cool suits than he does Peter. Who, on being confronted by a mother about the death of her son, caused by him, does what? Immediately wants to shift all responsibility to the government, so that the next time he screws up, he can say he was just following the law. Who was confronted by a grieving mother, and then 5 minutes later came into May Parker’s home and lied to her face. Something he continued to do, and would’ve continued, if May hadn’t found the truth on her own. He lies to her, takes her underage son (yes I’m saying son because she and Ben raised that boy, not Tony) out of the country without her knowledge. He threatened to reveal Peter’s identity to get him there. He does not tell Peter that the Accords would’ve done that anyway. He doesn’t tell Peter much of anything about why he’s there or what he’s fighting for. Either because he knows that telling the truth means not having Peter on his side, or because he simply doesn’t care to. Either way is gross, manipulative, disgusting, and would have Ben Parker rolling in his grave.
Yeah, it was fun having Peter in CW. Some of his scenes with Tony are genuinely fun. The above points though? Still stand.
So yeah, Irondad. in theory, okay. It makes sense that Peter would want guidance, a mentor after Ben died. It makes sense he’d look up to Tony. They could have addressed Howard’s shitty parenting via Tony’s shitty parenting, and maybe told an interesting story with it by contrasting Tony’s parenting style to Ben’s. Irondad in actual canon? There’s no parenting. There’s child endangerment, verbal abuse, and no payoff to any of it. The most we get is Happy admitting in FFH that Tony was a mess, but not for all the right reasons. He gets called out for other things, if you can even say he’s called out. Not for his awful treatment of an impressionable minor who’d lost his real father (Ben, assuming they stick with comics and have Peter lose his parents at a very young age).
I will never stop saying that Peter deserved better. I hope he gets it now that Tony’s gone.
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annabethisterrified · 6 years
Book Review: THE BURNING MAZE (The Trials of Apollo #3) by Rick Riordan
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There are no spoilers unless you click ‘Read More’!
California is burning. After shutting down the oraclic sites in New York and Indiana, Apollo (aka Lester Papadapaulos) and Meg McCaffrey team up with Grover Underwood to find the source of the burning maze, a morphed portion of the Labyrinth where the third oracle is trapped. Along the way, they must work with demigods Piper McLean and Jason Grace to figure out how to navigate the twisting, smoldering maze.
But the third emperor of the evil Roman Triumvirate makes Nero and Commodus look pathetic. With the stakes high and their world burning, Apollo and his friends must put out the flames before they devour everything. 
In classic Riordan tradition, this third installment amps up the drama and danger. With dark and mature themes, the lighthearted aspect of this series begins to dwindle away as real consequences and devastating decisions wreak havoc upon Apollo, Meg, Grover, Jason, and Piper. The Burning Maze is a cinematic, heartbreaking adventure that elevates the stakes and leads us to the grittiest part of The Trials of Apollo. Once again, this book proves that this third series is not a spin-off or separate from Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus; The Burning Maze proves that The Trials of Apollo explores the loose ends and lingering fears the first two series laid out. A must-read for any fan of Riordan’s mythological mayhem. Just, uh, grab some tissues first.
Heyyyy there! So seriously, massive spoilers ahead. You sure about this? Okay. Also, I gotta break this down into chapters. It’ll be the only organized part of this, trust me.
1. That Fun Five Letter Word...Starts with D! 
2. The Devolution of Jasiper
3. Apollo’s Arc
4. What Comes Next...?
5. Miscellaneous Sobbing
I am not okay. Like, really not okay. Granted, I’m writing this review less than thirty minutes after finishing, so maybe I need more time to process what just went down but....damn. Like, my stomach ACTUALLY HURTS. I AM IN PHYSICAL PAIN BECAUSE OF THE CONTENT OF THIS BOOK.
In a good way, you ask?
Uh. It’s hard to say. This book is tricky to review. I’ve had an easy, breezy time describing my feelings for all the PJO, HoO, and ToA books prior. But in The Burning Maze...everything changes. 
For years, a lot of us on here have lamented the fact that we felt Riordan’s books have lacked a degree of consequence. On the rare occasion that he did kill a character, he brought them back-- Jason in The Lost Hero, Hazel, Leo...I could go on. 
And it’s not that we’re bad people who want to watch our favorites perish! We just...well, if you keep bringing back dead characters, we start to lose the fear that a character’s death should instill.
I guess he heard us, then.
Because if you’ve read this book, you understand too-- there isn’t anything bringing Jason back. This was real. Final. (In his own words!) And that kind of hurts. A lot. But at the same time, as heartbroken and sick as I feel, this is what we’ve been asking for for a long time-- something that reminds us of what’s at stake. 
Something, I suppose, to make us remember that. (See what I did there?)
Now, I’ll talk more about this in Chapter Two because I have a lot of confused feelings, but I for one, when it was announced that Piper and Jason would be in this book, assumed it would be a joint arrival, if that makes sense? I wasn’t expecting the two of them to be starkly and individually portrayed and explored...and yeah, I gotta wait til the next section to talk about this. Back to Jason’s demise.
And yeah, this was spoiled for me. And yeah, it was my own fault, so don’t feel bad for me. Still, I didn’t know HOW or WHY he would die, so there was plenty of heartbreak for me to uncover along the way. I was mentally steeling myself for the first 300 pages of this book, dreading what I knew was coming, crying at nearly every scene he was in (which frankly, wasn’t many scenes!) and basically losing my damn mind remembering ceaselessly all the times we’ve had over the past what? EIGHT YEARS? Since Lost Hero came out? I’ve loved Jason since The Lost Hero...since I was TWELVE. I am now TWENTY. I watched him grow. I waited impatiently every year for the next HoO book to release. I watched him fall in love with Piper and expand his loyalties and grow stronger and wiser and end up with such a fitting duty-- pontifex maximus.
And today, eight years later, I watched it all get ripped away. 
And I’m torn, because I think in a dark way, this is an absolutely tragically beautiful arc for Riordan to explore and utilize in ToA. I think it was a long overdue and necessary decision that clarifies the real danger our characters should have been exposed to much earlier. 
But I really thought he was going to be okay after Blood of Olympus. I thought our Seven were safe. I had already imagined and accepted what their lives were going to be like-- I had imagined he and Piper’s kids, his job as pontifex maximus, everything that was going to unfold for him... I thought the great tragedy of his long, happy life was going to be not growing old with his sister, Thalia. 
And it was hard to have him brought back into the action just for half of a book, just to get killed so gruesomely, so violently...without even getting to say goodbye, a fact that Piper and Leo later lament. So am I outraged at this writing decision? Or simply as a loyal reader? I think it’s the latter. I am angry for Jason and the friends he left behind, but I also deeply respect this writing decision. It’s a weird balance, and my thoughts will likely evolve as I have more time to digest.
I don’t feel good thoughts about this book, but that’s not a negative on the story. I think Riordan knocked it out of the park. That doesn’t diminish the dread and devastation I feel as a reader who has loved Jason for eight years. As a reader who had happiness for Jason’s future, and as a reader who really, truly, thought it would happen. 
Then again, isn’t that the whole point? Demigods are never, ever safe. And now Apollo will always remember what it is to be human, because Jason did such a goddamn noble job of it. 
I’m proud of that boy, and deeply sorry for him. I’m gutted. I’ll miss him terribly. I just hope this arc is further explored and resonates in the final two books in this saga. I just hope it wasn’t for nothing, but I know it won’t be. 
Don’t get me fucking started on 
Coach Hedge: “I was his protector.���
Leo: “Where’s Jason?”
Goodbye, please see Chapter Five for more screaming!
Ironically, this somehow hurts me just as much as Jason’s death? Like...okay. Let me think of how I can articulate this, because I’m feeling a lot of things. 
First off, I (unlike many of us bloggers here) genuinely loved Jason’s character and his romantic pairing with Piper right from the get-go. It clicked for me. It really resonated, and I was fully supportive. I loved the strange dynamic of having this fake foundation, and watching it develop (seemingly) into something real-- something unique and strong, a soaring romance worthy for a daughter of Aphrodite. 
We didn’t see it happen on-page, but they were an official couple by The Mark of Athena and I was behind it 100%. They had rough patches that I guess were indicative of future problems, but they were easily swept aside by the larger importance of surviving their Argo 2 mission. I loved their tender, intimate moments in The House of Hades and The Blood of Olympus.
So I was confused when they were broken up (again, something we don’t see happen on-page) in The Burning Maze. And being from Apollo’s perspective, we of course will never fully understand why this happened. 
Now again, I have to deal between looking at this from two perspectives. Am I upset at the author’s decision, or just as a really-passionate Jasiper shipper? Of course, my immediate thought was that one of them had broken it off to protect the other, probably thinking “oh fuck if one of us is gonna die in the maze, maybe I should break this off to avoid future pain”. But then jason goes and tells apollo that it was PIPER that broke it off well before the burning maze was even a thing and i’m like WATTTTTT
I’m still like WHATTTTTTT
So, I wait for Piper to have her heart-to-heart with Apollo. (Listen, I fucking LOVE Piper in this book. What a badass motherfucker. Holy fuck.) And I’m expecting her to give a concrete, selfless reason for breaking things off with Jason.
I wasn’t expecting her to have fallen out of love with him.
But the more Piper explained herself, the more I realized that I was just the type of secondhand observer that Piper had started to resent. Apollo put it succinctly: “Your relationship was born in crisis.” 
It really was-- beyond Hera’s meddling and Aphrodite’s hyperfixation, these kids were also in WAR MODE. That’s enough to stress anyone out. I hadn’t really stopped to consider what Piper was dealing with, as a daughter of the love goddess. How everyone expected her to have everything romantic figured out. To have a love story to rival Percy and Annabeth’s. How her first love must be the love of her life.
And the whole world-- and the whole pantheon-- was watching them and expecting it. Judging them, all the time. 
Like, yeah, girl. That’s a lot. I think I get why Piper did it, even if it broke my heart. That being said, I do wish that if Jason had lived, they eventually would’ve made their way back to each other and fallen in love for real.
But Piper was right. She deserved to forge her own identity, even with the world restraining her constantly. I wish I knew exactly where her feelings for him stood, but at least we know with certainty that she always considered him her closest friend. She clearly loved him so much, more than anyone-- even if it was a different type of love than the one they first shared.
Just because she’s Aphrodite’s daughter doesn’t mean she should have to fall in love so dramatically and eternally. That isn’t fair for her. Her first remark to Grover was cutting and clear-- Jason and Piper were never like Percy and Annabeth. 
And this is still hard for me to stomach, since I love(d) them together, but I am glad Riordan is exploring the much more realistic aspect to relationships. As someone in a long-term relationship, I can empathize with Piper’s fears. The world always wants couples to be “Percabeth”-- together forever, utterly known to each other. 
But the reality is, most couples are nothing like Percabeth. And that’s okay-- that’s normal, and as sad as that is, at least it was acknowledged and addressed and explored. 
It took away some of the sting of Jason’s death that I’d been anticipating. I thought maybe there would be some last-minute confessional, some last tender moment between them. There wasn’t. He was torn away so fast. 
I’m devastated that Piper has to live on without him. But she has her father, Hedge and Millie, Leo...she’ll be okay. She’s a fighter. Always was. 
It’s hard to see one of Riordan’s hallmark couples fall apart in a way you don’t expect. But I can’t say it’s not realistic, and it’s kind of relieving to see one of his romances take on the tough stuff and not fall into a sweeping, encompassing romance that is usually unrealistic. 
Apollo’s narration and character has finally developed into someone I can truly empathize and sympathize with. As cool as it would’ve been to see some of these scenes from other character’s points of view, I was really happy to read through Apollo’s eyes. I love love love where his character is going.
God....him referring to Jason as ‘brother’...his obvious care for Meg...it got me good. I’ve always liked Apollo as a narrator, but this is the first book where I LOVED IT. He’s set on a good path! He’s still funny, thank goodness, but there’s also a darker, wiser grace to him now that gives the story a more serious edge that will definitely help the books moving forwards.
I can’t believe he tried to kill himself to save the others. Ugh. What a guy. 
Love him!
That is all.
So, I did a big happy dance when the next prophecy was revealed....REYNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE REYNA OH MY GOD WE GET A WHOLE BOOK WITH HER I’M PSYCHED FOR THE TYRANT’S TOMB 
But beyond REYnA!!!!! and Camp Jupiter????? I don’t really know what to expect for this fourth installment. I imagine we’re going to Delphi for the final book, but sticking to the Bay Area for The Tyrant’s Tomb??? 
I’m like...extremely apprehensive because a lot of people are predicting that Apollo and Reyna are gonna fall in love?????????????????????? like what with her final prophecy: no demigod shall heal your heart
umm. first off, reyna could do WAY better. But like...is this actually gonna happen? UHHHHH????? Guess I have a full year to think on this one hmmm
soooooo i’m like kinda numb kinda devastated kinda in love with this book kinda wanna throw it against a wall
Like, okay, I recognize that as an author Riordan did an excellent job writing this book and I am so excited to see what goes down next.
I ALSO CANNOT BELIEVE PIPER IS MOVING TO OKLA-FUCKING-HOMA i mean actually I’m really happy that she’s finding her roots and that she’s taking some well-deserved family time and that coach hedge is with her but also I WISH SHE WAS WITH HER CHB AND CF FRIENDDDSSS
at least it’s kinda close to Indianapolis?
jesus christ
Anyway, I really loved Piper in this book-- my queen, my crush, my...oh my god i just love her she’s a fantastic character and i really hope she’ll come back somehow for the final battle
I’m also happy that Grover gets to go back to CHB and see Percy and Annabeth again! Yay!!! And I’m happy that Camp Jupiter hasn’t burned down to the ground yet! Yay!!!!!
In conclusion, I will grieve Jason Grace forever. But damn, what a book. See you next spring, demigods. 
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andreaphobia · 6 years
fic: the aerodynamic properties of eggs. (HARUKA & MAKOTO)
Characters: Haruka/Makoto, Kisumi, Asahi Wordcount: ~2200
Makoto eggs Haruka's house for a dare, then ends up asking him out.
Also on AO3.
If this was the last thing Makoto ever did, he wanted everyone to know that it was one hundred percent, without a shadow of a doubt, entirely Kisumi’s fault.
He can think of roughly a million other places he’d rather be, and a billion other things he’d rather be doing. Like... flossing, or folding his underpants. Doing his math homework. Literally anything besides standing in the middle of a dark street somewhere in his neighborhood, clutching a carton of eggs, and trying not to hyperventilate until he blacks out.
His phone buzzes in his pocket, and without having to look, he knows what it says. It’s either Kisumi or Asahi, reminding him of the terms of their game. Trying to make sure he doesn’t chicken out. This is a real problem when it comes to Makoto, who is not big on rule-breaking as a whole. Without the reminder that someone out there is keeping tabs on him, he probably wouldn’t be here at all.
Fortunately for the two of them, while Makoto doesn’t make a habit of juvenile delinquency, he is susceptible to peer pressure. Which brings us to the present: Tachibana Makoto has to egg someone’s house.
Why? Because he was dared to, and Kisumi and Asashi already did: it’s as simple as that. Furthermore, neither of them got caught doing it, which raises the stakes somewhat. Now, not only does Makoto have to egg a house, he must also completely avoid detection, Mission Impossible-style. And, if he should be caught, he’s on his own—he’ll have to talk his own way out of it.
(Such are the ways of young men and the idiotic games they play with each other.)
In the first place, Makoto wonders, in increasingly growing dismay, how does one egg a house? He hasn’t the faintest idea. Oh, sure, he can make an educated guess based purely on the necessary physical logistics of it—you know, reach into carton, grasp egg firmly in hand, fling egg, repeat until someone calls the cops, and then hightail it out of there.
But it’s the other stuff that isn’t so clear. Should he stand on the sidewalk to maintain plausible deniability, or get way up close so he doesn’t miss? Would it be more efficient to try throwing the whole carton at once, and, if so, should he do it underhand or overhead? Is an airborne egg likely to retain its physical integrity as it flies, or is there a chance of, say, spontaneous egg combustion?
His phone buzzes again, insistently, and he almost drops the entire carton of eggs on his foot.
“Okay, okay, I got it already,” he mumbles, although it’s not like Kisumi or Asahi can hear him. There’s nothing else for it—he has to do it, consequences be damned.
Makoto fumbles the carton open, then stares at the contents within, immediately paralyzed by the array of choices laid out before him. Should he start with the egg in the top left corner? The one next to it? How much of an effect does the size and shape of the egg have on its aerodynamic properties? Also, does any of this even matter?
He shuts his eyes and snatches one at random, partially squishing it in his panic. This almost certainly compromises its aerodynamic properties; nevertheless, with eyes still shut, he draws his arm back over his shoulder and then flings the fistful of crushed egg in the general direction of the house. And that’s when the lights go on.
Makoto leaps several feet into the air, lets out a high-pitched whisper-scream, and actually does drop the carton of eggs on his foot. Then stumbles, and steps on them, for good measure. A shadowy figure has peeled away from the tree in the front yard, solidifying into the shape of a man. The man is holding a flashlight, the beam of which is pointed directly at Makoto’s face, blinding him.
“So,” a gruff voice says, “you’ve been egging houses on this street, have you?”
“NO!” Makoto wails, immediately. He shields his eyes, which allows him to sort of make out some of the details of the figure who’s standing in the yard pointing the flashlight at him. An adult. An older man, who looks very grumpy indeed. And not at all impressed by Makoto’s denial, either—understandably, given the egg bits dripping from his hand and the carton of broken eggs under his feet.
“A likely story,” the man says, brusquely. “Trying to play dumb even though you’ve been caught in the act, eh?” At last, he lowers the flashlight and crosses his arms, which gives Makoto’s eyes a bit of a reprieve. “Well? What do you have to say for yourself?”
Without any apparent input or engagement from his brain, Makoto’s mouth leaps into action. He babbles something only partially coherent about a dare, something about his friends doing it first and feeling like he had to and he’s really sorry he didn’t mean it he’ll never do it again he doesn’t even like eggs—
“—I see,” the man interrupts, after listening to this word vomit for a solid twenty seconds. “A dare... is that right?” He shakes his head, sighing heavily. “You know, lad, you’re about my Haruka’s age. You really ought to know better.”
Alarm bells are going off in Makoto’s head, but unfortunately his brain is still out to sea, so his mouth can no longer be stopped. It has latched on to the name ‘Haruka’ as someone who can be used as an excuse, and barrels on into oblivion, guns a-blazin’.
“Haruka—um—we—it—my friends dared me—because we’d—gone out on a date—but it didn’t—I mean—we didn’t work out—but I still—”
The man stares at him.
“You... went out with Haruka?” he asks, in a very funny tone of voice.
There’s a lengthy pause, during which Makoto’s brain labors to catch up to the conversation of the past couple of minutes. Then another one, during which he screams internally and tries to rewind time to that period of blissful ignorance, before he was aware of the words that had just come out of his own mouth.
“Uhm...” Finally, Makoto decides that—if nothing else—he can at least make his story internally consistent. (He intuits that this will probably be a mark in his favor, when he’s going up on the stand in juvie court.) “Yes...?”
It comes out sounding like a question, but fortunately the man doesn’t seem to notice. He fixes Makoto with an unreadable look, which lasts for so long that Makoto hyperfixates on the feeling of the sweat dripping down the back of his neck, and starts to panic.
Then the man switches off his flashlight, tucks it under his arm, and turns over his shoulder to bellow, “HARUKA! Get out here!”
After an excruciating minute, the porch light on the front of the house comes on, and the front door swings open. A slim figure emerges from the house wearing flip flops, trotting down the gravel pathway and then down the lawn (taking care to avoid the aborted egg splatter that only ended up making it halfway to the house).
The figure comes up next to the man, who Makoto assumes is his dad, and looks back and forth between the two of them, expressionlessly.
Makoto gulps. Okay, first of all, Haruka is a guy. Which—not a bad thing, but definitely a surprise. Second of all, he’s—uh—how do you say it? Oh, right—smokin’ hot. Shorter than Makoto, with dark, silky hair and blue eyes; nice wrists and cheekbones, and a tight waist that looks just the perfect size for Makoto to grab him by and carry him around. Nice mouth, too, and kinda... sexy... lips. (Even in the privacy of his own head, this thought is enough to make him blush.)
“Boy said he wants to talk to you,” Haruka’s father says, his voice gone weirdly gruff again. “I’ll—uh—leave you two to it.”
“I thought you were trying to catch the kid who was egging houses on our street.”
“Never you mind that. Just—tell me about it later, okay?”
He claps Haruka on the shoulder affectionately, then turns and heads back up into the house.
Haruka watches him leave blankly. Eventually, he turns back to Makoto. He doesn’t say anything, however, and at this point Makoto becomes acutely aware that he is still standing there with egg drippings on his hand, and is standing on a carton of eggs. (As far as good first impressions ago, he figures this probably doesn’t even make the top two hundred.)
“Uh—sorry.” Good start—but future prospects are dim. Anyway, given the fact that he’s been caught with egg on face (and hand—and shoe), he feels like he may as well be honest. What has he got to lose? “My friends dared me to egg your house, and your, um, your dad caught me. So I told him that we... er...” This part is a bit of a sticking point, but he stands firm, “...that it was because we... um... broke up.”
Haruka blinks.
“But we’ve never dated,” he points out, quite reasonably.
“You’re right, we haven’t.”
“I don’t think we’ve even met.”
“Yes, that’s true.”
With the facts of the matter confirmed, Haruka lapses back into what appears to be a thoughtful silence. Makoto is just starting to wonder if he can excuse himself to go wash the egg off his hand yet when Haruka finally speaks.
“But we need to break up anyway.”
“Uhm...” Makoto tries to think about this logically, but his brain is fried. He shrugs, instead. “I guess so? Yeah.”
Haruka nods, like it’s all starting to make sense now. “So we should go out on a date.”
“Yeah, we—wait, what? That wasn’t what I—”
Makoto’s idiot mouth is on the cusp of producing another stream of idiocy when his brain finally seizes the wheel, stopping it in its tracks before it can scuttle his chances with smokin’-hot Haruka any worse. “You... want to go out with me?”
“It only makes sense,” Haruka says—slower this time, as though he’s talking to a moron, which is both kinda funny and also really rude. “We need to break up. But we’ve never dated. So we should date... so that we can break up.”
Makoto blinks. If you selectively disengage all the parts of the brain that process conscious thought, he supposes it almost starts to make a weird kind of sense.
“Uh... where do you... want to go, then?”
Haruka doesn’t hesitate. “The beach. I’m free this weekend.”
On some level, Makoto is starting to feel as though he is perhaps just having a very weird and specific dream. However, dream or not, Haruka still has a sexy mouth and a sexy everything else, too, so at this point it seems reasonable to decide that he’s just going to go wherever this wild ride takes him.
His phone buzzes again, reminding him of its existence. Thanks to that, it occurs to him that maybe they should exchange numbers, so he reaches into his pocket to grab it, and by the time he remembers he has eggy hands it’s already too late.
“Oh, crap—darn it.” Helplessly, he wipes his phone screen off on the seat of his jeans, and then his hand as well, because what the hell, right? “Here, do you want to give me your number, then? Sorry about the... um... the egg.”
Haruka takes the phone from him without a word, dials in a number, then hands it back. Makoto saves it into his contacts, then returns the phone to his pocket.
That seems to be that, and he’s not sure what to do next, so he just laughs, awkwardly. “So... see you on Saturday, I guess...?”
“Bye,” Haruka says, turning to go back into his house.
Part of Makoto feels like he’s won the lottery; another part suspects he’s actually making a mistake. (The last part just enjoys the sight of Haruka walking away; those jeans look like they were made to be peeled off of him.)
The door shuts behind Haruka, and then the porch light goes out, leaving Makoto standing alone in the dark.
For quite some time, he doesn’t move, still processing the events of the last ten minutes. Eventually it occurs to him that he’s got texts waiting, and re-extracts his phone. There are several unread messages in his inbox:
10:31pm > no waiting! no pulling out! the house must be egged! THE GAME HAS SPOKEN!
10:32pm > did you get caught?
10:37pm > you got caught, didn’t you?!
Makoto sighs, scrapes a fleck of egg shell off his phone’s screen, and hesitantly types out a reply to the last message.
10:42pm > I’m not really sure what just happened, but I... got a date, somehow?
The reply is nearly instantaneous (“WHAT?!?!?!”, though depicted here with less punctuation for brevity’s sake), but Makoto has already put his phone away. After being put through the wringer like that, the least he can do for revenge is make them wait a couple of hours for all the juicy details.
As he reaches down to scoop up his ruined carton of eggs, it occurs to him that he never told Haruka his name. Makoto’s gotta admit, he admires the chutzpah of a guy who’ll ask a complete stranger out without even knowing what to call him. Well, that’s what he got Haruka’s number for (and thank God he’d had the foresight for it).
Feeling strangely cheerful for no particular reason at all, he picks up his eggs and heads on home.
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Could I get some positivity for a kanaya who feels guilty over their relationship with rose? My rose was v emotionally abusive but we pretty much stayed together until we got to earth c despite that. It was a really overwhelming time and when we finally broke apart i felt so lost and useless. I should have left her sooner but i'm such a idiot i couldn't even do that. I cared too much about someone who made me so miserable for so long.
Heya, Kan.
So first of all I want to say please, please don’t feel guilty over a relationship where you were abused. Dealing with that sort of thing in the present is harsh enough; trying to deal with it over timelines, and placing guilt on yourself for it, will only do you unneeded harm. There’s nothing for you to feel guilty over. That sort of stuff is incredibly hard to deal with, and hindsight is a wonderful but terrible thing; we can see where things went wrong, how we could have fixed them, but we also tend to hyperfixate on all the places we could have had an out, and blame ourselves for not taking them. 
You’re not an idiot for not leaving her sooner. Emotionally abusive people are hard to leave. I should know; I stayed with an emotionally abusive friend for 8 years because leaving her was too hard. You should never think yourself bad for not leaving in a situation like that; even when we’re miserable, it can still be hard to convince ourselves that we need to go, or that we can go, or just about anything, honestly. What you went through then was not your fault. There may have been outs, but who knows how safe it would have been for you to take them? Try not to focus on what you could have done. There are countless if, buts and maybes. You did leave her. That’s what matters, Kan. You left someone you loved to save yourself from the abuse - and that can be hard as heck to do. 
Breaking up with someone like that is always overwhelming, and that can easily bleed over into this life. You feel the same things you felt back then, and it hurts, because you can’t even really relate it to anything that’s happening immediately. I’m so, so sorry you have to deal with that, Kan. But here’s a thing to know. You weren’t useless when you left her. Nobody is ever, ever useless. We all have our purposes, our uses, our perks and benefits and places to fit. When something like that happens, it just means our use wasn’t there. It lay somewhere else. Go back through what you remember. Go back over it with a fine tooth comb. Sift through every little detail, and tell me; was there a moment where you helped someone? Made them smile? Made them laugh? Got them through a time they didn’t think they could? Heck, maybe you just helped them find something they lost. Not everything revolves around Rose. Go through your memories and find all the people you love, all the people you’ve helped. Essentially, try to take your attention away from her, from her presence in your timeline, and focus it all on everyone else. It’s a good way to reinvent yourself, to move on. 
Mostly, remember that you’re in a new life now. This is our respite from all the bad past life stuff. You sit down, and you think to yourself, “Do I want to see her again?” Because I think you have a few options here: you can say yes, try to find her, try to see what she’s like, see if she regrets what happened (and fix things, put the past and the hurt behind you and let her try to make it all up), or not (and leave her behind, move on from her with the knowledge that you escaped a second time, and that she will never matter) - or you can just say “she’s not worth it, I’m here now, I can focus on myself”, and spend the rest of your time finding everyone but her, and making sure that you, now, are happy. 
We’re here to support you, Kan, whatever you choose, and we’re always here to help. 
- Mod DoomedDirk
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kyohiba · 5 years
snow white + prince cursing. jiang cheng and wen ning fix it post canon au
ssyifpfff🌙 i dig it, havent thot much of it tho
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 but the idea of wen ning trailing behing sizhui and jc trailing behing jin ling n thm meeting while they keep their respective babies safe os *kisses filgers* DOLCE
May 16 i feel like a whole 4th eye of mine opened to that... but my mind probably wont be able to focus much. i hate how i can only hyperfixate in one or two ships at time
yeeting patriarch jiang cheng's hostility decreasing as they kept meeting...
yeeting patriarch perhaps wn and jc could get my ass more than jc with huaisang !?
but nothing will ever get ur ass more thn jc/happiness will it
jiang cheng n huaisang is v Aesthethic bc huaisang is a pretty pretty hoe
May 16 jc + happiness is all that matters
but... the sweet angst road of wn and jc...
and yea the Appeal of jc ano nhs is that huaisang is Very Pretty plus his scheming charm. but we arent given much canon background to work on this. not that it matters, lord knows we built the content when we really want to make anything
but The Flavor, of the canon background content for jc and wn Is There And It's Stronf
yeeting patriarch nevermind what i said im already ass deep into it. i love both jc and wn way too much, the appeal got me immediately
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 them bonding over how dumb wuxian would act "he would float in the water n pretend he drowned" "yea he told a-yuan he needed to be buried in order to grow big n tall like a raddish" they look at each other n want to laugh but jc doenst know if hes comfortable enough for tht n wn doenst know if hes allowed to
but oh god, the way jiang cheng is,
their road would be So Long
yeeting patriarch another slow burn, uh...
and then so much confusion and conflicted angsty feelings along the way when everything is better because jc was almost forgetting that..........wen ning is dead :) hes a corpse. what future awaits them. this is terrifying
yeeting patriarch ...why cant i have anything nice and just soft. i need to throw angst in or i die?
ssyifpfff🌙 its awful its a terrible idea to ship tht what r u doin
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 but wen ning being a pure boy, dogs would love him, dogs would gather around him bc he has a Good Aura, n jianc cheng just observes from afar thinkin How can he be so approachable whn hes a fierce corpse
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 like it would have to start w jc thinkin wen ning is less thn a human u understand
May 16 yeeting patriarch
ssyifpfff🌙 SAJGDASDF
May 16 IM CRYING imagine one day jiang cheng finds wen ning, on the floor, on top of him there are like four different dogs all swaying their tails all that hyper bullshit dogs do.
the incident repeats quite a few times
yeeting patriarch jc notices dogs are drawn to wen ning?
ssyifpfff🌙 he notices MAYBE?? hes not a dangerous zombie after all???
May 16 he lets it slip and asks how wuxian reacted to it
as wwx is terrified of dogs
and wen ning is like. where we... spent most of our time... there were no dogs
(awkward silence timel
ah. ruined it again.
okay 2 take
when they're on those night hunts, wen ning + sizhui & jiang cheng + jin ling
fairy starts being Too Friendly towards wen ning
both jiang cheng and jin ling were initially taken aback by it
yeeting patriarch but as the time goes on... it Softens their heart
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 also take 2 on tht dog thing, wen ning is like "ah wei wuxian made me chase any dogs away, i quite like dogs but i had to" to remind jc of the puppies he had to give away bc of wwx lmao :)
May 16 yeeting patriarch THEY START REALIZING WEN NING IS THE PUREST ANGEL... and opening up, in their tsun ways, with him
yeeting patriarch i like how the canon wen ning art is him with a ginger cat, but for the sake of jiangning we made him a dog person
i honestly picture him being the snow white os mdzs, just all animals gathering around him
bird perching on his shoulders, deer eating from his hands. jiang cheng confused af
hes Prince Not Charming
ssyifpfff🌙 Prince Cursing, if u will
yeeting patriarch jiang cheng going thru the trees and shit then he finds wen ning all surrounded by all animals cutely around him, the birds singing, some squirrels on the top of his head, a butterfly kissing his nose and suddenly the scene seem to have 💖Sparkles 💖 around. jiang cheng is like *rubs his eye and looks again* What
ssyifpfff🌙 "hey you... you have some animals on you" n wen ning was just super still he only focuses on jc "Oh yes. they do this sometimes. its ok i enjoy it"
May 16 ssyifpfff🌙 "everytime i wake up theres a few little ones on me, they must think im a rock or something" jiang cheng, internally, seein all the animals: CLEARLY THEY ENJOY IT TOO???
May 16 yeeting patriarch JIANG CHENG MACHINE BROKE
i would like the idea of, somewhere farther into the future,
some cultivator bitch being mean to wen ning and by instinct jiang cheng ends up standing for wen 5
wen ning*
but then hes a sect leader and...
yknow how it wouldnt work
yeeting patriarch BUT A NYARI CAN DREAM!?
ssyifpfff🌙 MOST BELOVED
May 17 jiang cheng has responsibilities but thEY CAN BE LIKE YOU KNOW.... CASUAL
ssyifpfff🌙 they dont gotta marry. not every couple can be wangxian
tbh im all in for casual couples too
yeeting patriarch not everyone needs or can have Marriage
hmmmmmm the more jc starts seeing The Light in wn, when they're at the middle of the road,
yeeting patriarch more tangled his emotions get?
he was supposed to LOATHE wen ning but then he sees what happened wasnt wen nings fault. hes angry, who to blame then? wuxian! but it also isnt entirely wwx's fault he lost the control, the dark cultivation is a dangerous path after all... and wwx had a lot on his shoulders... and most of all: it was the only path he could follow without his golden core :) the very golden core that now resides inside jc. who should he blame? who should he hate?? Himself???
yeeting patriarch goddammit can i stop with the suffering
me: snow white au hehe you, chaotic bastard: what if jiang cheng hated himself lmao
i hate specifically tht iT MAKES SENSE
listen up,
one day all those feelings that keep growing and bottling up inside jc overflow and he explodes in yelling and tears and etc
wen ning, whom was with him, witness all that
yeeting patriarch and tries to soothe his state of mind
yeeting patriarch telling him that it's no one's fault. none of them couldve known what would happen. all sides had their good intentions here and there, but unfortunately fates can twist it in a way they never expected
BUT THEN jc returns with an "then why do u look like u blame yourself as well?" BECAUSE WEN NING DOES
yeeting patriarch sorry apparently the half brain cell i have working, only does suffering hours
ssyifpfff🌙 wen ning is like "..............." jiang cheng: i know it wasnt anyones fault but then what am i supposed to feel? who am i supposed to hate??"
wen ning is like No one. there isnt any1 to blame anymore
ssyifpfff🌙 im franctically tryin to make it bETTER NYARI LEND ME A HAND DAM IT
May 17
yeeting patriarch okay lemme get myself back together and try to offer some fix it
yeeting patriarch me: *shaking, weakly offering a tiny ass pink hello kitty band aid* This Will Fix Everything (the hell hole im offering the band aid for is like 17cm)
yeeting patriarch wen ning goes confident mode again and says that he cant help it as much jc and wwx, all of them will feel guilty no matter what anyone says. they tried their best but it backfired and they will need, they have to, learn how to live in terms with it. not forgetting, but still forgiving themselves and each other
wen ning obv has the wisdom of some1 who has died, seen death, been death, and come back to life
he has an appreciation for the little things no others would have
if any1 could emotionally guide jc it wOULD BE HIM1!
ssyifpfff🌙 "i have regrets too, but theres no choice for any of us but to live w them n learn"
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 ALSO
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 i think wen nings sensibility woULD BE SO GOOD FOR JC, hes always tense he needs a break of him just being so still tht birds can perch on his shoulders
May 17
yeeting patriarch he'll literally become jc's heaven sent angel... his solace and calm
like, after that breakdown and the things wen ning said
yeeting patriarch jiang cheng actually does feel... Lighter
wen ning boutta be jiang chengs therapist
ssyifpfff🌙 its what he needs
May 17 but as jiang cheng starts dealing better with his internal demons
he starts seeing more too that wen ning isnt only light
wen ning carries his pain too, inevitably
and jc starts to help wn as well
yeeting patriarch each other's company start being the healing they needed?
ssyifpfff🌙 jiang cheng teached wn confidence and wen ning teaches jiang cheng stillness and softness
May 17 i teared up here
after The Wen Ning Effect, and jiang cheng softening. people of his sect start to be... less afraid of him? AND BETTER, the respect level only grows!
jiang cheng realizing there is strength in softness too
that to be tender doesnt mean to be weak
of course his actions arent Oh, Super Obvious as he is a tsun
yeeting patriarch but u can feel The Difference on his aura
ssyifpfff🌙 I KNOW THAT WHEN LOVE IS LOST..............
May 17 yeeting patriarch ME, ON THE FLOOR, SOBBING, SINGING ALONF,
ssyifpfff🌙 EXTREME MOOD RN
May 17 yeeting patriarch we did done it again and again... i cannot believe it
honestly if the ppl in his sect see tht jc has the ghost general over for tea they'd be like Wow sect leader cheng rly is amazing
ssyifpfff🌙 hes so fearless
May 17 im tearing up again
HMMMMMMMMM his relationship with wen ning also being a bridge for some fixing for his relationship with wuxian...........
takes so much time and it's slow
after he took it all in, and especially wen nings words that he shouldn't forget to forgive, and has to live with it
he starts Understanding the events. that is was inevitable. and that the anger would not help nor be good for any of them
yeeting patriarch that for the ones around them (like jin ling) they need to... overcome it
*sobbing* wen ning even helping him to overcome his inferiority complex !?
yeeting patriarch making jc see that this and this sides of him are greater and make up for this and this other ones. that he, too, was of vital importance on here and there
tht the ppl around him look up to him, tht they dont compare him to wuxian, tht the strenght he has shown isnt just coming from his golden core but from his choices as well
from his leadership
also jiang cheng realizing yanli wouldnt want him to hate
ssyifpfff🌙 the worst part abt yanlis death is tht we dont ever hear her last words
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 she doesnt get to finish sayin thm, we dont know what she was gonna say to wuxian n i firmly believe tht if she has finished n she had said she didint blame him, thn jiang cheng wouldnt have been as hung up on hate as he was
May 17 yeeting patriarch
yeeting patriarch tbh yanli... she just Understood more. faster than the two dense dumbasses
May 17 and it's like. Obvious she wouldnt want them to be that way. she would want them to understand the terms of the situation and overcome it TOGETHER
but after jiang cheng learns how to deals with his demons,
and most important of all: Grows (emotionally)
he starts seeing things a bit more like his sister would
yeeting patriarch WWYLD (What Would YanLi Do)
yeeting patriarch hmm now what's left is his daddy issues
sadasdfsf the fuck jiang dad
ssyifpfff🌙 can u believ wen ning is jiang chengs love+fear era
May 17 hmmmmmmmm let's say that as he watches himself raise jin ling he starts to understand his dad couldn't be easy on him. and that he Had To be softer on wwx's for his situations
i cant go deeper on this one because his dad messed up
yeeting patriarch but let's say that was really the case,
ssyifpfff🌙 yes theres no excuse for his dad, he had a soft spot for wwx n his favoritism showed
May 17 ssyifpfff🌙 its more like, its important for jc to Know it doesnt matter, he grew up to be a good leader n tht proved his dad wrong
BUT!!! YES!!!!!!!
learn to let go of those feelings towards his dad
yeeting patriarch and the day it finally fully clicked inside him that he became an amazing sect leader, he proved it
it's also important that he could realize having wwx golden core inside him means as if wwx really kept his promise
he stayed by his side
yeeting patriarch a very important piece of wwx will always be with him
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