#sorry for all the italian millenial posting
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Me at 8 years old, watching Fantaghirò 3 for the first time
#fantaghirò#fantaghiro#the cave of the golden rose#sorry for all the italian millenial posting#rewatching these films has been an experience XD#i just want a tag for the things i personally put out into the world
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Could you tell us some things about your characters?
thank you so much for this ask :D sorry for such a late response, but ngl i got very excited and started writing shit down as soon as i saw it, but then it turned into an entire essay and i had to cut down a ton of stuff until i decided to write it in a list of some sort kjhgkjfgkfg
currently i have like 11 fan characters in total so i will start with 4 to not infodump too much at a time
and i’ll admit that literally all of these guys were made for shipping purposes, but they all have different personalities and dynamics with canon characters. i’m such a sucker for writing couples, so many things to explore, that’s like my favourite thing ;w;
it got very long so imma put it under the cut \o/ (hopefully it works bc tumblr has been pretty unpredictable lately)
sorry if it’s probably way more than just “some things” but i couldn’t help it, i just love these guys so much and i don’t get to talk about them often u v u
e n j o y ~
imma start with the one you guys are more familiar with
one of the cardinals in Ghost’s church
in his late 40s (like 46-47)
hardworking, ambitious
pretty composed
huge „your teacher from english class who’s also a dad” energies
his character can be summed up to, as someone has said, „he’d kindly but sternly correct your shitty posture”
currently takes the 3rd place of most „best employee of the month” awards (Copia is 4th at that time)
he and Copia start off as rivals for the 2nd place (bc no one can beat whoever is the 1st)
but wouldn’t you guessed it, they end up dating
Lucas has a fair collection of various rodents, including rats. Actually, he’s the one who infected Copia with love for them. Luc prefers ferrets (that’s a rodent right kjhfgkjgh)
he doesn’t really get angry, but when he does he really goes off
he writes poetry, which is actually very, very bad, but Copia loves it to bits which makes Luc feel validated to write more
because his language is so similar to italian, Lucas can implement a lot of spanish into his conversations with Copia, while the other will reply in italian and they will still understand each other (ofc there are some exceptions that result in miscommunication, but that just makes it all more fun)
Copia shared with him that he’s writing music for his album (even tho he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone) and Lucas was more than happy to help him in the process…which was mostly moral support and a few suggestions.
he loves calling Copia “cariño”, “mi amorcito”, “mi alegría” and other cute names in spanish
once Lucas mentioned he used to play flute and Copia immediately decided to include a flute solo in one of his songs, so Luc could play it. Unfortunately things didn’t go as he planned and he had to change it to sax solo

The thing about Lucas is that Imperator sees him as a threat. She’s been plotting with Copia to get him to papacy for a long time, but in the end she isn’t the one who decides who will be in charge, so Copia has to work hard to deserve it. He was already a hard worker, but unfortunately Lucas works harder. It creates this dillema for Copia, bc on one hand he does want to become Papa and in order to do that he has to get rid off competition. But on the other he loves Lucas and he wants what’s best for him.
(i’ll probably post the pic above in a separate post with other doodles, i just wanted to show sth new and relevant)
Elise & Greg
Imma put these two together bc it’s impossible to talk about one without the other.
they work together in a company that takes art commisions such as paintings & murals and their restorations. They’re both pretty skilled in those departments, except Elise specialises in art restoration while Greg specialises in murals and frescos. And ofc one day they’re hired by the church.
they’re both pretty good at painting (but the thing about restoration is that you don’t have to be a great artist to do that, it has more to do with chemistry tbh)
They live together and have been very good friends for a few years now
they both went through some traumatic events in their lives, but maybe i’ll leave that part for another day (or i’ll leave it in my fanfic they’re from that i need to finish ;w;)
they’re very supportive of each other, but also they like to mess with one another
their chat is filled with horny texts about other people

34 years old
a bit awkward, tends to stutter when nervous
very sweet overall, feels the need to be everyone’s therapist
autistic, which shows mostly through her sensitivity to certain textures
hates onions (bc the texture is awful)
gets very emotional very quickly when she sees cute animals. She will use her baby talk to speak with them (which is sth that Copia does too with his rats and once he catches her doing that as well, he feels less embarrased about it)
Cirrus was the first one from the church to actually talk to her and show her around, making her feel a bit more welcome in an unfamiliar place
she talks through her sleep. A lot. Copia finds it very amusing…and adorable.
she discovers that Papa III has fallen hard for her friend way before he himself realises that, but then she’s also the kind of person to not see her own feelings for someone
she finds working on restoration quite relaxing. It’s sth she can fixate over and do for hours (even tho it’s not recommended)
a bit of a workaholic
another thing she finds relaxing is sitting in a corner somewhere warm and doodling people she sees around the abbey (mostly those she finds attractive lol so mostly Cirrus and Copia)
eventually ends up with Copia and Cirrus in a poly relationship
she also finds Cumulus cute, but the ghoulette isn’t interested in another romantic relationship. the one she has with Cirrus is enough for her.
Elise’s relationship with Copia is basically two dorks trying to impress the other while trying not to be too obvious about it, while her relationship with Cirrus is bisexual equivalent of „shy nerd has a crush on a cool girl leading the cheerleaders squad and shopes she doesn’t know. She knows.”

(had to doodle sth real quick bc i can’t believe that i don’t have a single good pic of him lol)
37 years old
Polish (bc ofc he is)
pretty stoic, might come off as cold
he gives cute nicknames to people he likes (in polish ofc)
he’s actually pretty cheesy and wholesome, but you wouldn’t know that bc he shows his affection through a language that no one understands (which is what he wants, he doesn’t want others to know he actually cares)
has some trust issues, so it’s harder for him to become friends with people
huge Scorpions fan. no, like really, he’s obsessed and will share his music taste with whoever will listen (which is mostly Eli and Papa III lol)
knows a few words in italian, but mostly those related to art after he’s been studying it for a few years. He doesn’t speak it, but he can read it.
he owns a guitar signed by Kirk Hammett (his musical crush)
he’s the kind of guy who will call the person he likes „my dear”, „my love”, „sweet pea” in his mother language and then tell that person it means „dickhead”, „loser” and „lazy ass”
his stay at the abbey is just laying under the ceiling and doing fresco for most of the day, visiting Elise in her art studio and dealing with Papa’s bullshit
Papa eventually starts coming up to lay beside Greg on the construction and watch him work. They tend to just lay in silence while a mix of Scorpions and ABBA plays from the radio. There’s barely any space for a second person, but Greg would lie if he said he didn’t find it endearing.
one time Greg fell off the construction and broke his leg bc of that dumbass (but it’s his dumbass uwu)
anyway he eventually starts dating Papa III
Papa purrs to Greg in italian and Greg speaks sweet words to him in polish (tho it took him a lot of time to get comfortable with that)
their relationship is your typical „1 brain cell and 1 dumbass” and under certain circumstances simply „2 disastrous dumbasses”
they once burnt down Elise’s apartment on accident and the only things they managed to save were the art supplies and Greg’s guitar
here are these guys in comparison to their partners in this silly style, bc all the other drawings are outdated ;w;

45 years old
fashion designer commissioned byt the Ghost’s church
huge fan of old rock
for a long time her relationship with Papa III was purely professional. He came to her studio, she took some measurements, they discussed what he would like and then he left and they didn’t see each other until the next meeting to try the outfit on, to make some changes, or for another project.
well that is until she asked him to stop putting his face paint on so he wouldn’t ruin the fabrics
i share this popular headcanon that Papa III is pretty self conscious about his clean face, so it was kind of hard to convince him at first
eventually their sessions became that much more personal because of that
she’s a bit superstitious, believing that some things may cause bad luck
collects crystals with good energy
she’s in a way a modern witch…but it’s not like she tries to be one
knows french fairly well, which allows her to talk to Papa (who also speaks it) when they don’t want others to understand them.
huge mum energy
loooves watching conspiracy theories. Sometimes she will pick one of the more ridiculous ones during her sessions with Papa and will argue and try to convince him it’s true, making it seem like she fully believes it, even if she doesn’t – just to fuck with him
and a few times she actually did convince him. Then had to tell him she wasn’t serious and oh my god the millenials aren’t killing the pillow industry by going vegan
anyway at some point they start dating which eventually leads to them getting married ;w;
her relationship with Papa is very soft and romantic. they have the same energy as Morticia and Gomez in regard of how loving they are to each other
also some chibis of these two bc again, all the other drawings are a bit outdated ;w;

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Well as an American I was kinda offended by your post on America. I don't really think it's fair to say we have "no culture." We have traditional food, songs, and superstitions. Idk, how else would you define culture? Non voglio iniziare una lotta. Amo Italia, l'italiano e gli italiani così, ciò nonostante, saluti e amore dall'America.
I'm sorry you got offended by my post, it wasn't meant to offend anybody, it was just a rant caused by a video I saw.Regarding the rest of your question, I think an explanation is needed for what I said.Disclaimer, again: this is my personal opinion, I do not in any way represent Italy or Italians or whataver. Culture is a concept a lot more complicated than just "we have traditional food, songs and superstitions". At least to me. It's something that has its roots in (long, very long) historical and social processes that took place in past, which shaped your preexisting tradition in what they are now by multicultural interactions and different realities coming together. It's something that requires centuries to form.Now, in my very personal opinion, America didn't undergo such a process. I don't want to delve in the whole genocide thing because it's a very touchy topic and I feel like this isn't the place to discuss it, so I'll just say this: English people arrived in the continent in late XV century, settled there, did what tjey did with the natives and then did their business. Nothing else. You didn't assimilate their culture (if you did, now the "you have no culture" thing would be useless) nor their traditions. They had a millenial culture, you brought your "borrowed" English one. It didn't developed there, you moved it from a country to another and that was it. Skipping to the Independence War (because the two hundred years of colonialism are just that. Colonialism. There's really nothing to say about them), you got your independence in late XVIII century and from THAT moment, I can give you that you started developing your own culture. Because before you were living off Great Britain. So what's left from all of this is not even three hundred years of history, and that is a very short period of time for a culture to fully develop. And it didn't. To give you an example for comparison. Italy, because is the reality I know. Our history dates back even before the Roman Empire (many, many years BC), to all the different populations that lived here. They had all different traditions and habits that eventually came together under the Romans, and after them all the reigns and empires that followed. They merged together and served as a foundation from the Middle Age forward, when we were invaded repetitively by pretty much anybody in Europe. We absorbed their way of living and changed ours, but never eliminating one of the two.A practical example: we move our hands a lot, thing apparently the world likes a lot to make fun of us for. This is not something quirky or whatever, it dates back in history because the road were so noisy and often people didn't even speak the same dialect that they had to find a way to communicate. You see what I'm trying to explain here? You didn't have anything """original""" (can't come up with a more appropriate word, forgive me), as I said you borrowed English culture and that was it. You have Mexicans and even us Italians came there, but building Taco Bells and creating Pasta Alfredo is not exactly one would define absorbing another culture, you know?You didn't undergo such a process because you had too little time to do so. I can give you that you are a growing culture, but you have to learn a lot before reaching that point.I hope I explained myself well enough, I'm open to continue this conversation if you want, even in private😊Have a nice day!
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2017 Good Shit/ Memes
I think it’s time
Literally been saving these on my notes the entire year! (Not the correct order and i probably forgot some) @memedocumentation - love and kindness - hollyweed (and all its variables made on photoshop) - crudely photoshopped hats on sand crabs - jersey shore making a comeback as a meme - lazy town - “i imagine death so much it feels more like memory” - no (something) we die like men - that chef in a white shirt and sunglasses sprinkling salt you know the one - john lemon post - 13 year old danielle from doctor phil who’s out of control - punching a nazi in the jaw - take a fucking sip, babes (this one is more of a come back) - comparing trump’s inauguration audience with obama’s and then with a third image that’s completely non-related - pictures of auctions with absurd subtitles - millenial falcon memes - edgar allen poe - that guy with his finger pointing to his head as if to say “think” and a sentence like “you can’t … if …” - bernie can still win - trump is a meme in and of itself - healthy relationships - the guy blinking unbelieving - catch these hands - whomst - *sentence* youtuber: clickbait video title - bode - aladdin cheating yasmine with aurora - what in tarnation - something in MY something??? It’s more likely than you think free pc check - oscars best picture incident - zoom in on … (there’s something written very small) - tumblr confetti - squidward trapping himself in the freezer on 6th march 2017 - the brain expanding meme - comic with a kid wearing a shirt that reads “NO FEAR” then close up on another kid’s shirt with a different text and then the 1st kid walking away with the shirt saying “ONE FEAR” - spongebob memes for specific days - the ides of march - killer finding you because you completed his song - italian memes - james charles memes - things theatre kids, STEM majors, athletes… say - a song and then a part of the song screaming followed by meryl streep at the oscars - “hi stranger” naked man - educational kink comic - asked my crush out by making him a playlist - “in case you havent noticed im a weirdo im weird i dont fit in i dont want to fit in have you ever seen me without this hat on? Thats weird” - bone hurting juice - doctor: “you have x time to live” me: youtube video with the same duration - step the fuck up kyle - fyre festival - hide your gf i’m going out for the night - poem my name is … / and wen …/ benethe … - thrussy - spongebob mocking meme - epic sax guy - more eurovision memes - new bill wurtz meme - replaced by a clone conspiracy theories - “you’re doing amazing sweetie” meme - who would win - tornado guy mowing the lawn - …, i’m sorry sweetie. i’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that a ugly ass bitch like this would even say that, oh my god - covfefe - that guy in the passerele wearing orange shorts - cracking open a cold one with the boys - babadook - the floor is lava - ditty.it videos - notice of meme acquisition - stopped to clean my president star memes - we all on 2017 and this person is on 3017 - good loving russian posts about cats that are then translated to english - snapchat hotdog - fireflies discourse - he protec he atacc but most importantly - hewwo - “are you serious? Right in front of my salad?” - i am a Man Woman Unrelated thing looking for Men Women Unrelated thing - am i… chart saying “no” and then “no in yellow” - that couple pic where the guy is looking at the girl passing by with titles on each person - Post Malone memes - bald zayn malik - “i’m sorry the old … can’t come to the phone rn. Why? Oh cuz he’s dead” - pro-communism memes - you’ve heard of elf in the shelf now get ready for - pennywise sewer meme - hotel mario meme - a random pic and then that fucking monkey pic - walks to a couple and asks “which one of you is” meme - homeboy is gonna like… get it - first of all - couples costume idea - retail robin - cute/sexy pic of a girl on twitter saying “tell me something i don’t know” and someone quoting with something weird and funny - pretty bitchin - trick or something? something? HE HAS CHOSEN THE SOMETHING! - vine soft bot - that guy from the walking dead screaming - sex is good but have you ever tried… - she … who the girl reading this post discourse - memes with emoji hearts - open for a surprise - twitter do your thing - when you were out partying i was studying the blade - zootopia comics - if you play *song* at exactly *time* i will land on *part of song* and *something* for the beginning of 2018 - that girl crying and filming her breakdown because she got a ticket - vine compilations - can i get some uuuuuuuuuuuuuh something? something machine broke - “…..” i say into the mic the crowd boos. i begin to walk in shame off the stage, when a voice commands silence . “they’re right” there in the 5th row stands someone that relates to the 1st sentence - eating without ruining your lipstick vids - top 5 pussy - aphobe list - oh? haven't you heard? - i don't ... and at this point i'm too afraid to ask
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