#sorry but like every time I think about the f1 movie and the people who are promoting it I see red
liamlawsonlesbian · 3 months
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dumbseee · 1 year
f1 au/fic: in which, lando and y/n have been dating for a few months, but fans are still talking about y/n’s past relationship. making lando feel insecure and questioning y/n’s feelings for him.
lando norris x singer!reader
(fc: jess alexander)
note: english isn’t my first language so excuse me for the mistakes this might have xx ALSO it’s the first time that i’m actually writing something so i hope it’s not too bad lmao. thank you for reading my aus btw <3
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, danielricciardo and 2 799 009 others.
y/n: happy birthday to my sun, you’re such a beautiful soul, i’m so proud to call you mine. i love you to the moon and back and promise to always love you.
landonorris: i love you more baby
danielricciardo: we’re at practice and he’s crying btw
fan1: they’re so absjdkdoldel
fan2: mama y papa
fan3: he always smile so brightly when he’s looking at her :(
fan4: i’m sorry but i can’t help but think about y/n’s ex… on the same day last year she was posting pictures of him
fan5: @.fan4 don’t do that… it’s about lando, not her ex
fan6: am i tripping or she also used to call her ex, her « sun »??
fan7: @.fan6 WHAT
fan8: @.fan6 no she didn’t?
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lando sighed and threw his phone on his bed. of course he saw all the tweets about you and your stupid ex, how could he ignore them when it was all over the internet. people were speculating about if he was a rebound or a toy for you. lando was hurt, he always thought that you were way out of his league anyways so he should’ve seen it coming, right? you were an amazing and worldwide known singer, with your angelic voice and heartbreaking lyrics. you sang with your heart which made anyone who was listening to you, fall in love immediately.
that’s what happened with lando. he was always a big fan of yours, singing your songs on top of his lungs at parties, and following every single news about you, he even went to your concerts. one day, he went viral for singing your song on the radio with his engineer, he also happened to have made it to p3, which he said was because you were his lucky charm. the video was published online and went viral, you saw it and immediately found it adorable. the rest was history.
when you guys hard launched your relationship to the world, the big majority was happy for you two, happy to see you smile and happy to see that lando managed to get his crush. but a small minority saw that relationship as a rebound for you, saying horrible things about how you never loved lando and how you would dump him in a few months to go back to your one true love, your ex.
lando saw it all. and he hated it.
"lando? are you okay?" you asked, when you went to check in on him. he was supposed to bring a few blankets so you guys could watch a movie together. but he was taking way too much time so you went to see if he was okay.
"do you love me y/n?" he asked you, and the sadness in his eyes almost made you cry. lando’s eyes was what you loved the most about him, with his smile of course, but his gorgeous green eyes were full of emotions, you could drown in them and feel every little thing he was feeling just by looking at him.
"what are you talking about? of course i love you lando." you say, taking his hand in yours and softly kissing his knuckles. you saw him close his eyes and sigh deeply. you pushed him on the bed and sat next to him. "what happened?"
"it’s stupid, don’t worry about it." he finally looked up at you and faked a smile but it didn’t fool you.
"lando. tell me." you were still holding his hand and with your free hand you started to caress his cheek. he closed his eyes again and melted against your touch.
"your fans are still talking about your past relationship and how i’m nothing but a rebound to you." he said it in such a low tone you almost didn’t hear him. but sadly you heard his words and you could feel your heart shatter at how your fans words affected him. "i know that you guys stayed together for a while, and i know that you wrote good songs about him, i listened to them all, but… if you still love him you can-…"
"lando norris." you said in a serious tone, which startled him. "how am i supposed to love anyone else when you stole my heart and refuse to give it back?" his eyes lit up a little by your words. "and i literally wrote 56 songs about how much i love you so you better listen to them all once again and never doubt my feelings for you ever again, boy."
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, charlottesiine and 6 808 009 others.
y/n: ‘you are in love’ is officially out ;) little gift from me to you sweet lan <3
maxfewtrell: lando listened to it and locked himself in the bathroom to cry
landonorris: @.maxfewtrell FAKE NEWS
danielricciardo: i wish someone would write 57 songs about me…
heidiberger_: @.danielricciardo excuse me? (great song btw y/n!)
liked by y/n.
fan2: y/n making haters eat their words with one song: queen behaviour
fan3: i hope haters will stop hating on lando now how can you say that y/n is using him as a rebound
fan5: y/n writing a love song for lando on his birthday :(
fan6: i love them so much pls
fan7: that whole drama about her ex was so dumb, they broke up for a reason and y/n also wrote songs about how awful he was to her towards the end of their relationship, why do you guys want her to go back to that dog?
liked by y/n.
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redclercs · 1 year
v. i gave my blood, sweat and tears for this
— the one where both of you have given everything to be where you are.
warnings: misogyny, sexual harassment, this is how monaco went btw i accept no criticism. barely proofread, sorry. 3.7k words (+ article, podcast excerpts)
masterlist ✢ next
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'Have we let y/n y/ln get away with way too much?'
By Alan Gomez
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Yes folks, it might be our own fault, we have created a monster in the form y/n y/ln. Mediocre actress at best and with an even worse personality, if the latest events are any indication.
But how could we let this happen? Come on, we're smarter than this!
The thing is, y/n brainwashed us into believing that her doe-eyed, no-brain characters were actually her. Don't beat yourselves up over this too much, even I was a victim of those pretty eyes. But now that the blindfold has fallen, we have come to realize we have let y/n get away with everything!
You might know y/n from Supercut, the romantic comedy that took the world by storm in 2019, where she starred alongside Aidan Kim and it lead to these two becoming one of the general public’s most cherished couples. At least until two months ago, when their breakup was announced via Inside Out. Although there haven’t been any official statements, given the circumstances, we believe it was the actress who broke it off with Kim.
→ Aidan Kim and friends at Cannes Film Festival
→ Y/N supports alleged boyfriend at charity football match
But whether she’s dating a new guy now or not, why do we keep letting her do whatever she wants?
How did she actually brainwash us into thinking she’s anything close to an “it girl”? After Supercut, all she’s done is the absolute bare minimum to keep people talking about her, it’s all RomComs and no effort. I didn’t want to be that person, and you have to believe me on this, but Aidan Kim made her.
Let’s remember Aidan built his career from the ground as a member of Star-5 the early 2010’s boyband that split in 2018. He was the ‘someone’ in the relationship. How can people even compare having the hit song “Round and Round” in your résumé to being in Scream (Netflix) and The Mist (again, Netflix)?
Aidan made us like her and the writers of Parisian Valentine, The Hating Game and Last Night In Love, did her a HUGE favor by consolidating her as the “Queen of RomComs” by what standard? Well, don’t ask me.
The truth is, we accepted y/n into our hearts and homes, thanks to Aidan Kim and an unbelievable amount of luck, and we haven’t held her accountable for anything ever.
Here’s what I’m talking about, if you’re still wondering what the point of this article is, click on every link to be taken to the whole context, you’ll thank me later:
❍Y/N yells at paparazzi to leave her alone as she walks around Beverly Hills with Victoria Presley.
❍ Y/N praises Taylor Swift while tearing down several male artists for writing songs about their personal experiences.
❍ Y/N says in interview with ELLE that not every movie has to be “profound”.
And just for fun:
❍ A collection of Y/N’s disastrous looks.
It’s time we realize y/n y/ln is talentless, has a horrible personality and feigns innocence she certainly doesn’t have. You will NOT continue to take advantage of us, y/n! It’s all over for you, so I’m glad you’re dropping your pathetic career to become a WAG. #Y/NIsOverParty.
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Paul Byrnes: Can y/n really do another role now, after all she’s known for are romantic comedies?
Anna Sanchez: well, I really liked her in The Mist, she did great as character in a horror it was—
Paul Byrnes: No one cares about The Mist, Anna, just you.
Anna Sanchez: all I’m saying is she’s a good actress, she can do other things. That was your question, Paul.
Paul Byrnes: Well, in my opinion she can't and that's it.
Greg Zane: Let's talk y/n y/ln and her fashion choices now that she's an F1 WAG. What do we think?
Riley Green: She's a what now? How long has it been since she broke up with Aidan Kim?
Martha Vincent: I think she's looking great, I just wish she'd let go of the ugly caps.
Riley Green: No seriously, how long did she stay single?
Greg Zane: I agree Martha, but caps are big in Formula 1, nothing we can do about that. I'm wondering if she'll go for a more glamorous look in Monaco.
Riley Green: guys? hello?
Martha Vincent: Oh Riley, we're not talking about her love life, let it go.
Pauline Oscar: [cont.] I'm just so curious about the reason of their breakup, why hasn't anyone said anything?! It must be juicy.
Brenda Yim: I feel like it's bad for one of them, most likely y/n. Hello, can anyone offer one of their friends some money? Just like old times!
Pauline Oscar: [laughs] Definitely! We need to know! Can it get any worse than the fact that she's already with another guy? What's his name? Charles Le what? She soooo cheated.
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liked by charles_leclerc, vicpresley, mati.bassi, carlossainz55 and others.
ynfreesia UM THE LIKES?
xxynbaby it's "monaco" of course
aidanluvs you don't even have the decency to pretend like you're alone? fuck you
ynredstar i cannot defend you if you pull this shit girl
mati.bassi great view for breakfast with my best girl!💕
ynredstar oh ynredstar nevermind thanks mati ↳ feels4aidan don't be so gullible she's obviously covering up for them
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May 27th, Montecarlo, Monaco.
THERE are tears in your eyes, and despite your best efforts not to let them run down your cheeks, it's futile. The worst part is that you're the one doing this to yourself. There's zero need to read 'articles' from pseudo journalists on how a man gave you your career and how you're tossing it into the trash for another. Not to mention the cascade of curses you received for a picture on instagram, where everyone thought you were with the other man.
Has your life really come to this? People don't talk about you unless a guy is involved? You loathe it. Your career was never about Aidan, and it's not about Charles now. Who only makes things worse every time he shows up and yet you can't manage to bring it up to him.
It's embarrassing. You don't want to walk up to him during whatever free time he has in a hectic weekend, and ask him if it really doesn't annoy him everything the press has made up about the two of you, or if he's really that unbothered by being paired up with you in the wildest scenarios, and tell him that he can shut them down whenever he feels like it (you wish he would already), and let him know you won't mind whatever he says about not being involved with you.
But no, Mr. Leclerc is busy giving unclear answers at interviews and liking your instagram posts, as if this isn't already a wildfire.
You put down your phone and pick it back up almost immediately, Vic's ringtone fills your hotel room and you wipe away your tears before answering her FaceTime request.
"Were you crying?" it's the first thing she says, moving her sunglasses to the top of her head. There's a lot of noise in the background and you can barely make the words out, but she comes so close to the phone that all you can see is the tip of her nose. "Why were you crying?"
"It's nothing, Vic. What's up?" you sigh, rubbing your eyes only makes things worse but you don't want to worry about that now.
"I just got to Monaco, babe," the phone is at a safe distance from her nostrils again and you can see around her, the airport where you landed a few days ago. "I'm with my parents," she rolls her eyes, lowering her voice. "But if you could get me into the Ferrari Suite I can hang out with you tomorrow!"
They allowed you one guest and the spot has already been taken by Mati, so there really isn't much you can do in terms of getting her into the Ferrari Suite. "Well, let me see what I can do, okay?"
"Okay," she sounds unsure, you know Vic enough to be sure she expected a different answer. "I mean my parents have Lounge privileges but it's more fun to be with you."
Had she said something about coming to Monaco you might have been able to do something, but as far as you were concerned she planned to stay in France all week, enjoying Cannes and mingling.
"I'll do my best Vic, but you know how they are," you exhale heavily, "Plus it's a crazy-ass weekend."
"Isn't it always?" she's yawning now, "We can meet for dinner later and you can tell me what's up alright? Being with my parents is so boring."
You shake your head, "Be nice, they just want to hang out with you. I'll call you after Quali," you check the clock on top of the nightstand, it's 10 am. You have to get ready for FP3, which you don't care about attending or not but Stuart Schaffer asked to see you, so you haven't got much of a choice.
"Sure babes, love you." Vic pulls her sunglasses down again and blows a kiss to the screen.
"Love you too," it's your turn to yawn as you tap the hang up button.
You look at the special edition Ferrari cap you received as a gift yesterday on top of your suitcase and immediately discard the idea of wearing it. No caps. And then the wave of disgust invades you, are you seriously going to do what some random man said on a podcast you came across by accident?
The answer is yes, unfortunately.
You would rip your leg off if you could, at least it would mean you’d be able to get out of this chair and away from Stuart. But his palm resting on top of your knee feels like a death grip and you’re frankly afraid to move in case it goes further up.
Mati decided to skip FP3 and you’re really hoping she’ll be on time for Quali because you have no one else to talk to, Stuart is just parading you around again and keeping you way too close for comfort because he’s in a great mood since both Ferraris maintained their top spots and things are looking hopeful for Qualifying.
You know it’s your chance to ask if you can bring Victoria around tomorrow, and you know the answer will be yes, but you don’t. You don’t want to ask things from this man, he’s the type to never forget a debt.
You barely catch a glimpse of Carlos and Charles as they walk by on the way to their debrief and Charles waves at you quickly, with a single-dimpled smile. He’s wearing the same cap you refused to put on.
“I’m going to call my friend,” you blurt out once Charles is out of sight, finally moving your leg back to make Stuart’s hand drop. “She had the worst hangover, I have to check up on her.”
“Oh, you girls get wild in Monaco,” Stuart cackles as you sprint away from him, actually resisting the urge to wipe your knee clean.
"Hey y/n!" Mati's voice can barely be heard above the EDM playing wherever she is. "What's up?"
"Where are you?" you whine, looking back inside the Suite. "Help."
"What's wrong?" you picture her frowning as she tries to walk away from the noise helplessly.
You feel guilty for worrying her so you sigh. "Nothing, I just hate being here. Are you coming here for Qualifying?"
"Yep," she pops the 'p' and laughs. "Listen, why don't we have lunch here at the yacht and then go back for Quali?"
"Yes!" once again you look over your shoulder to where the Elix men are laughing at their own jokes and patting each other's backs. “I’m on my way, okay?”
“I’ll be right here, also don’t scare me like that again, please.”
“Sorry,” you chuckle, embarrassed. Maybe you’re a bit dramatic at times, but it’s really all good-natured. “See you in a minute.”
You turn to the door of the Suite, giving a short jump back when you open it at the same time as someone else.
“Oh, god,” you sigh, stepping inside as Charles moves out of the way to let you in. “Thanks.”
“Sorry I scared you,” he smiles, closing the door again once you’re fully in. Charles is once again holding a closed Elix can, tapping his fingers on the side.
You eye it suspiciously, wondering if the thing has really grown on him. After all, one of the first things he told you was how much it disgusted him.
“It’s alright. I thought you were in your debrief?” You grab a can of Elix yourself, looking good in front of the sponsors cannot hurt.
“It was a short one. Keep doing what you’re doing kind of thing,”
“Right. Well, good for both of you,” you look around for Carlos but he’s nowhere to be seen. “Would it jinx it to say ‘good luck’ for later?”
You know many sportspeople take their jinxes and rituals way seriously, and you don’t want to be the one to blame if something goes wrong for the local star.
Charles considers this for a second and then shakes his head no. “Wish me luck,” he smiles.
“Good luck, Charles.” You beam back at him, enjoying—despite yourself—the way his eyes burn into yours.
You’re back at the Suite with Mati 10 minutes before Qualifying starts. The tension that had seeped out of your body in the form of laughter and loud singing with Mati is already making its way back to your back and jaw. You’re not ready to be around the Elix people again, but you must. However, first, you make Matilde promise she won’t leave your side.
Stuart Schaffer is already patting the empty seat next to him when you make your way through the refreshment tables. You smile at him, a muscle in your cheek falters as you walk past him on your way to the balcony, to catch both Ferraris leaving the garage.
“Oh don’t drink that,” you whisper when you see Mati walk your way, two cans of Gold Elix in her hands. “Don’t.”
Matilde snorts, “You’re literally the ambassador of this thing, and you don’t like it?”
“Fine, but those guys are looking at us so we have to at least sip it.”
You groan, opening the one she offers you and then taking a huge gulp. “Yum,” you mock.
Mati laughs again before her face goes sour with the taste. “Oh my God,”
“Warned you,” yet you take another sip. You think that if it grew on Charles it might grow on you, but you don’t really see it happening.
Q1 and Q2 go by smoothly, at least for Ferrari and you’re on the edge of your seat for Q3. This is the race you’ve been more excited for, but it’s not like you’ve attended many others. Still, Monaco just hits different.
The end of Q3 almost gives you a heart attack, although you also blame your almost empty Elix. You didn’t even notice how much you drank, but the thing that really gets your heart jumping out of your chest is Victoria’s ringtone.
Begrudgingly, you turn away from the track. She has texted you a thousand times, without exaggerating, since Quali started and you know it’s because she’s bored out of her mind at the Lounge with her parents. But you’re starting to find this genuinely entertaining and you are bothered by the distraction.
“I told you I’d call you after Quali, Vic,” you singsong, looking up at the screens inside the Suite.
“Well Quali is almost over, no one cares about the last three minutes.”
You do, Max Verstappen is in first place, then Charles and Checo in P3. You’re crossing your fingers for Charles to manage to get above both Red Bulls. And for Carlos to squeeze in there too.
You don’t say anything else, too enthralled by the battle on the screen.
“Y/n?” Vic raises her voice, “Are you listening to me?”
“Yes Vic, what is it?”
“We’re going to be at Ferrari together tomorrow, right?”
You wince, glad she chose a phone call instead of FaceTime this time around. You haven’t asked and you don’t intend to. Vic still has VIP Lounge access, she’ll be fine.
“They said no, Vic.” You lie, your eyes scanning the screen, it’s the last lap before they get the checkered flag out. “I’m sorry.”
“What? Why? Did you tell them I can give them publicity? I have one million followers!”
“Monaco is different from Miami,” you explain gently, “But you’ll still be at the VIP, you have a great view.”
“Yeah, whatever,” she’s beyond annoyed now, as it happens every time things don’t go her way. You can’t blame her, but you also think it will be good for her to spend some time with her parents, whom she refuses to visit although they live in Malibu and pay her mortgage. “We’re still up for dinner though, right?”
“Yep! I’ll meet you at your hotel.”
“Okay see you then, babes.”
By the time your eyes return to the screen, Charles is in P1, Carlos in P3 and the Ferrari Suite is exploding in cheers.
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YOU’RE up painfully early the next day. Vic and you went back to your respective hotel way past three am and you’re exhausted, but at least you had enough self-control to avoid today’s hangover.
Nevertheless, the morning goes by in a blur between breakfast with Elix people, calls with Mildred and Walter, your manager, and two casting agents that tell you that no, you don’t need to go for an in-person casting, you’re not getting the role.
By the time you get to the Suite you have a headache and the knot on your throat is progressively getting harder to swallow. You only make things worse by rage-reading tweets with your #IsOver hashtag.
People claim, with more force every day, that Aidan gave you everything and you are starting to regret ever meeting him.
You have worked your ass off for years, taking on small roles, commercials, stock-photo deals. Learning scripts and going to castings and taking classes, you have been criticized and rejected for more things than just “not fitting the role”.
You have given everything you are and everything you have, and people assure what you got in return you owe it all to some man.
“Hola y/n!” Carlos is the first one to get back to the Suite and you wish he would rub off some of his good mood on you. “How are you today?”
“Hi Carlos, I’m alright and you?”
“You definitely look it,” he says, semi-sarcastically. “Something on your mind?”
The knot is back in your throat so you shake your head no. “And yours?”
“Nada de nada.” he smiles. You’re still growing on each other, but this is the most comfortable you’ve been while sharing the same space.
Charles arrives while Carlos, Mati (who is hungover from her party at the yachts) and you are comparing workout playlists. Wearing what now seems to be like his comfort cap, and a pair of ugly ripped jeans, he smiles brightly at the three of you.
You’re happy to see both Ferrari boys so smiley after the past couple races. Miami especially. And you hope they’ll do well; but you’re particularly scared for Charles, and whatever it is that made him unlucky in his hometown, you don’t want this day to end on a sour note.
You spend about an hour talking to them about anything, your movies, their races, Mati's tour with Romeo and Juliet. Music, hobbies and quirks, Charles and Carlos have an opinion on everything and they are actually quite fun to be around. Then, a Ferrari Team member comes to get them for the Drivers Parade so you wave them goodbye, wishing them a smooth race.
"You're not going to wish me luck, y/n?" Charles asks, the smirk on his face is one you identify as mischievous, and it makes a small wave of anxiety run down your back.
Mati stops the bottle of water halfway through her mouth to ogle at the two of you, and the palpable tension that has installed itself in the space.
"Good luck, Charles," the smile you return falters in one corner, but Charles doesn't seem to mind as he adjusts his cap and says thank you before leaving behind Carlos.
Mati has forgotten about her need to hydrate and is staring at you with both eyebrows raised. "I thought you were not doing that?" she gestures with her head towards the door through which both drivers vanished.
"I'm not doing anything," you reply, defensively. "He's being—"
"y/n, you could cut the tension there for a minute," Mati finally takes a swig of water and you wait for her to continue talking. "Like I said, I don't recommend it but... you're free to do whatever you want." she isn't unkind while wording that last part, but it still stings you with annoyance.
"Thanks, Mati." you bite the inside of your cheek, leaning back into the sofa.
The Ferrari Suite explodes in cheers once the checkered flag is out. After a frankly insane race with rain, crashes and too-long pit stops, both Ferraris have crossed the finish line, and most importantly Charles has finally managed to get rid of his Monaco curse. His enlarged picture appears on every screen with P1 right in the middle. Carlos is P4, but the points are extremely important in the long run, so people celebrate nevertheless.
Before you know it, Mati and you are being dragged down to the track for the podium celebrations. You're buzzing with excitement, holding Matilde's hand as you run to one side, where the mechanics can't crush you as they jump up and down.
Even above the general screams of happiness, you can hear talks of 'Charles deserves this so much', 'It was about time' and 'His hard work is finally paying off at home'.
At least someone's blood, sweat and tears are valued.
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YOU are probably not living down the Charles dating allegations this weekend. Which is not your fault, honestly, had they enlarged the picture, it would have shown Mati just as excited for Ferrari as you were. She's Italian, and she bleeds for Ferrari.
But right now, surprisingly, you're not overwhelmed with whatever it is they're saying on Twitter. Although it took Mati snatching your phone away and tossing it in her own purse before sitting you down to retouch your makeup for the celebration party.
Victoria is joining you too, because a 'the more the merrier' applies to any sort of party happening in a Monaco club, especially if it is for the unofficial prince.
It is the first time in three months you let go of your worries, even if it is for the shortest amount of time as you dance with Victoria and Mati and drink anything you please and whoop every time the DJ mentions Charles and Carlos.
You're happy to be with your friends, away from Elix and celebrating two people who can become something more than coworkers to you. Although through the night you see them on a few occasions, Carlos waves at you as he passes by a few times only stopping in the third time to let you congratulate him with a quick hug that's more of a shoulder squeeze than anything.
Charles is obviously harder to approach, and to be fair, it's not like you're even trying. He's surrounded by his hometown friends and by anyone who wants to have his attention for a minute, for a picture or a dance or to buy him a drink.
It's past three am when Victoria is beyond buzzed and you're starting to feel exhausted so you decide it's time to leave. Mati has found someone to take home so she's been gone for around forty minutes, minding her business.
"Come on, let's go," you are grabbing Victoria by the wrist as her ankle twists. "We've both had enough," you laugh, Victoria joins your laughter as you snake through the crowd of people pumping fists in the air, some of them point and wave at you and you smile back at them politely.
You hear your name being passed around a few times, but you focus on finding the exit while keeping Victoria by your side, who has started to whine about not wanting to leave.
Once you break into the outside, you take a breath of fresh air, the coolness makes your skin rise in goosebumps and you shiver, letting go of Victoria to lift the hair on the back of your neck.
"It's too early!" Victoria complains once again, her eyes are glassy and she's just as sweaty.
"It's not, plus you're drunk, we should leave," your ears still feel drowned in the sound of music. “My feet are killing me.”
The exit opens again, and a couple stumbles out laughing and they tell Vic and you goodbye in drunken French. Before the door shuts again, Charles is out on the street too.
"I heard you were leaving," he says in what you're sure it's a too loud voice. But your ears have barely stopped ringing, so you can't blame him. "Are you two okay?" he eyes Victoria, who is starting to lean down on her knees to soothe her dizziness.
"Oh we're alright, we've just partied enough," you smile at him. Charles is rosy, bright-eyed and sweaty. Is it corny to describe someone as painfully handsome?
"I didn't get to congratulate you," you add, trying to keep your attention on Charles while being aware that Victoria might start retching at any given moment. "You did amazing."
Victoria straightens immediately, her glassy stare focusing on Charles. "You're such a good driver, Charles, for real."
"Thank you," Charles nods awkwardly a few times as Victoria pokes him with her left index finger. "And thank you y/n."
"Come on, Vic," you chuckle, keeping her hand away from Charles. "Seriously though, I'm happy for you."
Charles smiles again, running a hand through his hair. "Thank you, really. I'm sorry I didn't see you earlier," he points behind him, to the club.
"It's your party, you can't be everywhere,"
Vic is yawning loudly, and you roll your eyes, amused. "We better get going."
"y/n, when are you flying to Spain?" Charles blurts out, the moment you turn to lead Vic down the street.
"I'm not sure, Wednesday probably?"
"You know, I can still show you a place or two in Monaco. If you want." He sinks his left hand in the front pocket of his dark jeans, and you wonder where the mischievous aura from what seems like ages ago went.
You pause, letting Vic put her whole weight on your shoulder as she finally gives up to the exhaustion. "Um well..."
The same tension that appeared at the Ferrari Suite is back, and the more you hesitate, the thicker it becomes.
Victoria pulls you down with her as she throws her head back, yawning again. Charles is just in time to hold you back up, his other arm pulling Vic back to a standing position.
"Only if you want," he says, he is far too close now and you can smell the mix of alcohol and cologne on him.
And maybe it's the alcohol in your own system, and you'll regret this once you sober up and realize that you told Matilde several times this is exactly what you were not going to do, but you say yes.
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─── team principal radio: ❝thank you for reading! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. I want to say thank you to everyone who interacts with this series, it means a lot to me to know that you're enjoying it!♡❞
✰ paddock club members: @majx00
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
pls complain as much as you want about the eff won movie, i agree with all your tags and i'm sure you have more to say 👀
Hello here I am, ready to complain!!! I did in fact have more to say so thank you for asking
*Sorry Grace if you read this and I accidentally stole any of your talking points lol
ALSO DISCLAIMER: If you disagree with me, please do not fucking bug me about, I do not care, let me be a massive bitter hater in peace, thanks
I. Disinterest 
First of all, who asked for this? To me the appeal of F1 is how exclusive and confined it is. There are only 10 teams and 20 drivers you have to learn about which makes it very easy to become super invested. If you want to step outside that, you can learn more about the lower formulas or past seasons(there’s many of them!!!!) So why would I, someone extremely invested in the people and narrative already taking place, even remotely care about some made up drivers? Especially since they’re not JUST made up drivers, they’re made up drivers in the background of REAL drivers. I am highly invested in the results of current F1, so why would I want to watch a movie where those results and drivers are in the background. I’d rather just watch DTS, which is a crazy statement within itself.
I’ve actually thought a lot about how one could mesh real and fake within a sport like F1. Cause I daydream about my OCs in F1 haha, but then start thinking too hard about the logistics of it all. I came to the conclusion that putting fake F1 drivers into the real story is just not a great idea. Because you’re disrupting the actual results and inserting yourself into them, and also as I said, putting real life people in the background out of self interest. It just complicates things so much to add outside elements to such an insulated sport. If this movie had made up a completely fake grid, I’d honestly be all for it and probably would be pretty interested. Like, wow, give me a whole franchise of this!!! Give me a movie about every fake team!!! Get me invested!! But at the end of the day, I’m always going to care about the real life drivers more
In other racing movies, that are biopics, there is a focus of maybe one or two drivers. And those other drivers that were in the grid at the same time become background characters. BUT it’s in service of a real life story with real life people many may already be emotionally invested in. They’re not just turning the rest of the drivers into background characters in order to prop up their own fake F1 drivers, but rather just putting the focus on a story that deserves to be told. There’s so many stories that deserve to be told in F1, literal decades of stories. Why are they putting so much money and effort in service of a story that no one knows or cares about. 
Also I can already tell this movie is gonna be like…60% action, 40% plot. Again, if I wanted any of those things, I’d watch actual F1. It feels like a male power fantasy for men who wish they could try driving F1 cars.
II. Invasive 
I really dislike how involved it is with F1. You know, F1, something that is people’s legitimate job? It’s already a very flashy sport with so much publicity around it, why do you have to unnecessarily  add to that? Their cars being on the actual grid, the fake drivers being in the media pen. I just find the whole idea of them inserting themselves into modern F1 to be so weird. 
All those clips of Brad Pitt alongside the actual drivers genuinely make my skin crawl, it’s soooooooo fucking weird. Like that one clip of him standing alongside them for the anthem. Imagine you work your whole life and put so much blood, sweat, and tears into getting into F1, and then this rich asshole is allowed to roleplay next to you. There’s already enough pressure with the netflix cameras around all the time. And now they’re forced to be in a movie as well. Maybe I’m self centered but I’d be so annoyed if they were making a film about my sport and then I find out I’m only there to be a background character in a story about made up drivers. It just makes me cringe so much to imagine him pretending to be an F1 driver next to the actual drivers, like is that not embarrassing???
The social medias….very strange. Like the stuff with them using Paul Aron as their rookie. Even if they did get his permission, which I’m still not sure about, it’s so weird to me. Like oh the main characters are made up but you’re still willing to use other drivers in the pursuit of your own story. I’m sorry but is that not weird to anyone else???? I dislike how much this movie blurs the line between fiction and reality, involving real life drivers whenever it’s convenient. Looking at their socmed makes me cringe so much. I’m sure a bunch of self insert writers or novel writers would do the same but they’d get bullied. Yet a bunch of grown ass men are allowed to literally roleplay on twt/insta and it’s suddenly fine and normal? Lmao their most recent post is the FP1 results from Hungary. Is it not so fucking weird for them to make up placements, and thus just ignore the actual drivers who got those positions? Imagine you’re Lando and you got P6 and you go on instagram and suddenly discover that you did not in fact get P6, but rather Sonny Hayes did! Wow that 60 yr old sure is a good driver. 
And let us not forget to mention them making memorial posts for Senna and Jules Bianchi. That actually made me feel sickened, especially the Jules one. Imagine using a real life tragedy for publicity on your roleplay twitter. Is that fucking creepy???? Like why of all things would you choose THAT to play along with. They’re a made up team that is in no way associated with either drivers, so why are they talking about them? What is the point. 
Okay but that clip of Fernando staring at Brad Pitt, I’m fucking dying. I wish he could give his actual thoughts on it. Like what is it like to see a guy older than you, pretending to be an F1 driver, while you are there, doing your actual job. I like to think he had a dementia moment and was like, “hey wait when did that guy join the grid? I thought I was the oldest!?”
III. Dramatising
There already is a pretty big issue in this community where the drivers are treated like characters, and not real people. There’s so many people out there who just watch DTS and treat F1 like a soap opera. People who only know about F1 in the context of made up drama, and now there's gonna be a movie about made up drama. This movie further blurs the lines between fiction and reality. Again, they’re literally turning the F1 drivers into background characters of a movie. Like, wow you’re not real people anymore, your lives exist in the back of this story now. Imagine how confusing this would be as a new fan.
I know they’re all a bunch of rich privileged guys but, at the end of the day, this is still their job, not just fodder for drama. I want the sanctity of F1 to be respected okay. It's such a cool sport to me and I love all the real stuff about it, and I don't like the way media treats it and changes it.
IV. Old Man Self Insert
I basically covered this in my other categories but I just want to complain more. I really really despise that this movie just feels like some old guy really wanted to drive F1 cars and had to come up with a reason to justify it. I feel like someone who is a serious F1 fan would want to honor the actual history and context  of the sport more, y’know? Not just make a blatant self insert film, inserting himself in the literal daily life of the actual drivers. It annoys me bcs this is a sport where people start getting called old when they hit 30, not that I agree with that but I’m just saying, it’s a very ageist sport where youth seems to be valued over most other things. My resident GOAT old man, who is 18 years younger than Pitt, constantly has people saying how he should retire to give younger drivers more of a chance. So why the hell in a sport with this environment are we getting a movie about a 60 YEAR OLD driver. It’s just so clearly a self motivated passion project, and Domenicalli and others want to milk F1 for all the money it's worth. Okay so a made up team is allowed to be 11th and yet you keep shunning actual teams that could join and bring in more publicity/money? Okay, okay…
V. Misc
I’m ngl it feels like a made up team would have an easier job getting into F1 if they really wanted to, because of the publicity. And yet Andretti cannot. Imagine a docu film about a brand new team joining F1 for the first time ever and the trials and tribulations it takes to be a new team in such a historical, bloodthirsty sport. But nah let’s put all that money and effort into a make believe story. 
But yeah they’re not really doing anything inventive anyways. Wow an old man driver who they’re probably gonna pretend is not completely age inaccurate for this sport. And the supposed dynamic of it. Isn’t it supposed to be Brad Pitt’s chara coming back to mentor a rookie prodigy?? When are teammate relationships ever that nice?????? The only similar relationship I can think of is Seb and Micheal but they were on diff teams, and RBR was a lot better than Merc atp. I feel like the only time you see mentor-like relationships is either when the two are on diff teams, the car is an absolute backmarker, or the mentor absolutely outclasses the rookie. 
The fucking “who cares about safety” line, who authorized that????? Thinking about how I almost got ripped to shreds on here for talking about how refueling was interesting, and yet a blockbuster is allowed to disregard safety??? And weren’t they saying in that trailer that they have to make the car for battle? Is their strat being terrorists??
VI. Javier Bardem
It is very painful to me that he’s gonna be in this movie, and that his doppelganger who you may know as Fernando Alonso will also guest star. Like I don’t want to give this film money nor do I want to watch it. But the fact that there’s the possibility of seeing Fernando Alonso beloved on the big screen…it’s so tempting.
It’s just irritating cause his chara in the trailer DOES seem like smth I’d actually be interested in. Like I think he’s gonna be a dubious team owner or TP and man….that’s so perfect. But not in the context of the full movie lmao. So who will be the brave soul and make the Javier Bardem and Fernando Alonso cut for me? Maybe I will ask my brother to write down the timestamps for me. 
I digress. There’s probably some things I forgot to complain about but this is what I came up with <3 I hate you Brad Pitt and I hate you Domenicalli and I hate you MBS, etc etc. Lmao you know what this feels like? When you're in a fandom for a fandom for a franchise like the MCU or SW, and nrw shows/movies come out and you feel like they're bastardizing the whole franchise. This is what this movie is to me.
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albonoooo · 6 months
thank you for the tag grandma @wanderingblindly <3
15 questions
1. are you named after anyone? no, i have a very common, basic name
2. when was the last time you cried? two days ago, i think
3. do you have kids? no and i don't plan on ever acquiring any
4. what sports do you play/have you played? i did swimming and horse riding for roughly ten years each
5. do you use sarcasm? no, never.
6. what is the first thing you notice about people? i don't think i've ever asked myself this before so i'm actually not sure. probably their facial expression and what mood they seem to be in or what energy/vibe they give off.
7. what's your eye colour? blue-grey with a hint of green. think of a puddle of rain, that's about it.
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy endings all the way. i don't enjoy scary movies and i need everything to end well.
9. any talents? no, nothing comes to mind. i'm a very average person without any remarkable, special predispositions for anything.
10. where were you born? [redacted city] in north rhine-westphalia, germany
11. what are your hobbies? i, too, enjoy being insane on the internet. any media consumption, especially reading. i love doing research on random stuff and going on walks when i have time for it and my brain lets me. i've been trying to do crosswords somewhat regularly.
12. do you have any pets? as of yesterday, my family took in an adorable cat named nala who's owner unfortunately passed away recently. she's very shy and kinda scared atm, but i hope she'll get used to us and her new home soon. the little fluff looks like toothless from how to train your dragon, she's so fucking cute.
13. how tall are you? 164cm/5'4 (i think???)
14. favourite subject in school? german and english. these subjects came the most naturally to me and were very easy to get good grades in with little effort. biology in 11th and 12th grade not because i liked it or was good at it, but because our teacher was amazing and so good she made me enjoy it.
15. dream job? no job. i wish i didn't have to work and loads of money would just appear on my bank account every month.
i'm so sorry for any double tags or if you don't wanna do this (just ignore me lol): @blueballsracing @hrhgeorgerussell @f1-giuki @borntogayz
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avida-heidia-5 · 9 months
I was tagged by @twinkodium. This was a lot of fun! Thanks for the tag! 😊
Star Sign:
Aries. 🐏 (I don’t believe in zodiac signs and their supposed meanings. I just know I’m an Aries as I was born on 22nd March. 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Favourite Holiday:
Easter! 🐰🥚🌸 Because chocolate. I’m ADDICTED to the stuff! 🍫 Also, Spring is one of my favourite seasons. I just love seeing nature come back to life and seeing more wildlife more often after a long winter period. It brings me so much joy every single time. 😌
Last Meal:
I’ve just eaten homemade toad-in-the-hole for linner (dinner at lunchtime). It was deeeeelicious! 🤤😋
Current Favourite Musician:
Depeche Mode. I fell in love with them ever since they released their latest album Memento Mori (2023). I pretty much binged the whole of their discography on Spotify last year out of sheer curiosity and I’ve now become strangely obsessed with them as a result. I’ve recently learned that fans of DM are called “Devotees”, soooo yeah. I’m a Devotee now! Whoopsie! 🌹🎹
Last Music Listened To:
Meet Me In The Woods by Lord Huron. I like me a good folk rock song to keep me going. This song was just so pleasant to listen to. Plus, it’s very catchy. I couldn’t get it out of my head after listening to it.
Last Movie Watched:
I watched The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) with my parents on Netflix a couple of weeks ago. For those who don’t know, it’s an anthology film of sorts containing many different stories centred around the Wild West. My dad recommended it to me as he likes watching films made by the Coen Brothers. I don’t have a lot to say about it other than I really enjoyed it. I’m a film buff and I usually have a lot to say about the films I’ve just seen, so having that happen to me was really odd. 🤔
Last TV Show Watched:
I don’t watch a lot of TV and I don’t keep up to date with any shows, so I don’t know if what I’ve put down counts.
I recently finished watching the Fernando (2020–) docuseries on Amazon Prime and I loved it. 🤩 It’s mainly about Fernando Alonso and the many adventures he got up to during his 2-year retirement from F1. It’s really interesting!
Last Book/Fic Finished:
The last book I read was The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum and the last fic I read was a Chalex fic called I Can Feel The Sun On You by mintchocolatechip97.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned:
The book I abandoned quite swiftly was a Dave Grohl autobiography my uncle and auntie got me for Christmas. I was never a Foo Fighters listener and I’m not a Foo Fighters fan. I still have no idea why they thought I’d like it. Sorry to the people who like them, they’re just not for me. 🙁
Currently Reading:
A Pocketful Of Happiness by Richard E. Grant. It’s such a sweet, tender, and heartbreaking autobiography that highlights how he got into acting and how he met and fell in love with his acting coach Joan Washington. ❤️
Last Thing Researched for Writing/Art/Hyperfixation:
“sebastian vettel mark webber 2010 monaco”. Just seeing pictures of these two smiling and hugging each other makes me smile. 🥰 I was also psyching myself up for this week’s F1 Watch Party on Discord, which, funnily enough, will be streaming the 2010 Monaco Grand Prix this Sunday. I can’t wait!!!! 🏎️💨🏁
Favourite Fandom Online Memory:
I love making friends through their interests in the fandom. The F1 community is massive, so it was easy for me to make friends online and in person as a result. I can feel comfortable being weird around them and in turn they can feel comfortable being weird around me. 🥰🥰🥰
Favourite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence:
I used to love the Merlin fandom when it was popular. I still do, but not as strongly as I used to.
Favourite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big “Fandom” But You Wish It Did:
Hmmm, this is a tough question. I’m not fussed with how popular my fandom choices are. If I had to choose one though, I’d say The Beatles. I think a lot of RPFs about certain bands and singers don’t get as much attention as, say, Formula 1 or Super Mario or Supernatural do.
Tempting Project You’re Trying To Rein In/Don’t Have Time For:
I really want to post some more fanfics on AO3, make some more banners on InShot, and do some video editing and gif making on CapCut, but I’m incredibly slow at doing all of them because college work keeps getting in the way of my plans. 😵‍💫 I hardly have enough free time to do any of them. Don’t worry though, I haven’t abandoned them altogether. I will get them done eventually! 🤞🏻
I tag the following peeps: @kaossbells, @hurricane-heatt, @racingliners, @formulaes5, and @wanderingblindly. Feel free to participate if you’d like to. No pressure obviously. 😊
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additiva · 1 month
it's so captivating and it was nice seeing glimpses of what happened in real time gets transpired into the fic like the inchident and the AD interview (with a twist). it's so fun because after reading it once, i read it again and i can literally visualize it in my head and like i can see what facial expression they're eliciting, which is basically what i've been doing the whole fic like your words just materializes in my mind and it literally feels like a movie in my mind
i admit i've seen some spoilers about the end and who gets the wdc but i don't think that really mattered because i was literally shocked by how it happened like my jaw literally dropped and i had to put my phone down
also i was shocked when charles said that the monaco crash wasn't intentional, and max was also shocked because it looked really convincing, especially from what max was thinking and the way he kinda acted after that lmaoooooo
and then natalie!! omg my queen!! im glad charles has a co-conspirator/schemer now lmao but more headache for max, but not really lol the laugh i let out when max saw her in charles' room, and his immediate thought was that charles stole her from him lmao tbh im not really sure if i expected that because i keep coming back to when max was in the middle of a pr meeting and he was like, where is the red headed pr officer?? so i was like,,, is she going to show up again?? and bam she does, but now in red lmaooo
also!! i love the little debrief kinda between max and lewis in AD every season!! i think it kind of shows the way how max kind of grows? idk how to explain it but the way he talks to lewis and like how he interprets what lewis is saying idk i think each time he matures a little bit lmao
one last thing because this is getting long im so sorry!!! so like for me, in the future, because of what Happened and how max is no longer kind of blind to what CH did and kind of standing on his own now, and because of what he and charles (and maybe basically also lewis and seb and others) are trying to do in like having a safer environment within the sport, i feel like the scandal gets brought back to life, and then legal shit happens and then CH gets outed,,, do you think that CH would step down (on his own volition cause he's Bad, or forced by the people) and then like maybe seb will come out of retirement and be the new tp? idk fghjkl that's what came to my mind after max's talk with him
again, thank you for this wonderful fic <3 thank you for the little recaps - they were sooo funny to read i loved each one <33333
(also i idk if you have the feature toggled on, but i apologize if you were bombarded with emails of me leaving a comment every chapter - i had to let out my feelings somehow lmao)
Ok, bottom to top.
I don't have emails turned on, I just check it 30 thousand times a day 🤍 don't apologise it's my favourite thing in this world when someone does what you did and reacts to each chapter as they read. Cannot describe the joy it brings.
I don't know what happens to CH, tbh. It would be nice if he's forced to step down. Realistically, I don't think it would happen even in the fic, but there'd definitely be renewed scrutiny and the team and F1 would commit to improving going forward (probably without ever admitting to any past wrongdoing).
Would love tp Seb. It's not impossible.
Lewis haunts Max in so many ways lol. 🤍 He loves to antagonise him a bit.
Natalie had to come back lol. Poor woman, thinking she was getting away from Max. Charles did steal her, just unknowingly hehe. She's Max's paralysis demon, but she adores Charles and his scheming. She had to join the support-team properly.
Yes, Max was shocked about Monaco lol. He was so sure Charles had done it on purpose. And then everything afterward...
🤍🤍 I hope you were surprised in a good way. I agonised over how it would happen for so long. But I wanted Max to look up at Charles' under the podium, like Charles did to him in Monaco before they ever even met. That was really their first ever interaction.
So much of the fic is from real life. Lots of things they say, lots of things that happen in the early races, etc. I'm glad you liked it that way hehe
You're so sweet, that's such a lovely compliment. I hate the feeling myself of reading something and not having a clear idea of what's going on, so it's important to me that there's clear imagery 🙏
This was such a nice message to receive, I'm going to save it. Thank you so much for sending it, and for loving the fic, and especially for your comments I enjoyed them so much 😖😖🥰🥰 they're such a gift.
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lightningmickqueen · 2 years
f1 drivers as underrated and/or unreleased taylor swift songs that altered my brain chemistry
george russell: "i'd lie" because listen "he tells a joke, i fake a smile" he's the least funny person ever but i'd still laugh and also i definitely lie when people ask if i love him (i do but i refuse to admit it publicly if you tell anyone i said this i will lie!!!)
lando norris: "thug story" because of the second hand embarrassment but also i wouldn't be surprised if he knew every word
yuki tsunoda: "today was a fairytale" but unfortunately today was not a fairytale!!! maybe one day he will live to fairytale again but til then he's still feeling this magic in the air though i have faith and i believe
alex albon: "crazier" because listen this is like THE slow dance rom com song from the iconic masterpiece rom com the hannah montana movie and if that doesn't describe alex albon idk what does
nico hulkenberg: "lucky you" ok i love taylor and i know she was like 12 when she wrote this but this song is mid just like hulk <3 however unlike hulk , taylor is no longer mid !!!
lewis hamilton: "superman" i don't know if i need to explain this one i think it makes sense this is just him he'll save the world or go to work it's the same thing idk
pierre gasly: "we were happy" ah a song about young love. love when you're young. love when you were friends and you were young and in love . and then it stopped . no longer friends and young and in love. i wonder why that makes me think of pierre gasly.
esteban ocon: "i heart ?" because listen . "another mess i didn't plan, and i'll bet you thought you beat me" listen!!! not only is that esteban coded but also he's definitely blasting this in his driver room at alpine to piss off his childhood best friend turned rival turned roommate turned ???? aka a certain pierre gasly
logan sargeant: "who i've always been" listen u cannot deny that logan can drive and that's what he's here to do !! the easy ride was never his ambition
oscar piastri: "welcome distraction" SOLELY for the bit where she's like "gone and spilled my coffee trying to get the phone because i thought it might be you" because that is the most oscar piastri thing ever it's so adorably awkward
max verstappen: "beautiful eyes" listen his eyes are SO pretty they're actually illegal in 197 countries if you dont see the vision go to specsavers
charles leclerc: "sweeter than fiction" aka the reason i made this post. this song is SO charles coded and you know what ? ?? ? i will be there time and again and in that perfect weather it'll be like we don't remember the rain we thought would last forever and ever and there'll he'll stand ten feet tall i will say "I KNEW IT ALL ALONG"
lance stroll: "point of view" because from his point of view he's doing GREAT the grass is really green on his side of the street or maybe that's his car. who knows who's right but he thinks he's doing great so
carlos sainz: : "love they haven't thought of yet" it's very cute and honestly very 16 year old taylor but there is something just sooooo carlos about a song about not wanting what's normal but wanting the best and a fairytale even when it doesn't and can't exist <3
zhou guanyu: "superstar" he is literally too powerful for the f1 grid this man is the most well rounded well dressed mfer there and everyone else is no one special theyre invisible
sergio perez: "stupid boy" he is SO. literally any time you expect something decent or good he does the opposite. his most consistent trait. ugh
kevin magnussen: "R-E-V-E-N-G-E" it's on his list of things to do this week he's gonna make SOMEONE feel sorry. not sure who yet but it'll happen
valtteri bottas: "matches" but it's his attitude towards mercedes also "i gave you space you took my place and gave it to her" he may be besties with lewis but he will never like george <3 that's ok tho he looks great w a mullet and he's gonna burn it down
mick schumacher: i don't want to lose his face i don't want to wake up one day and not remember what time erased and i don't want to turn around because i'm not scared of what love gave me and took away and i don't want to lose his face
sebastian vettel: "just south of knowing why" listen it's about driving all night searching for something you'll never find he's definitely done that irl and also he doesn't have a plan he doesn't have a map he doesn't even know if he's ever going back
fernando alonso: "only the young" i know you're doubting me but this is about winning and overcoming the odds and also only the young can run (from him)
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
Tag game to better know you
Thank you @katierosefun and @ettelwenailinon for tagging me! You're both so sweet to think of me for this :) what book are you currently reading? i suck at sticking to books, but at the moment, I'm making my way through Vermeer by Norbert Schneider. Vermeer is one of my favourite artists, so I enjoy reading about his work. (The Milkmaid is my favourite painting of his).
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? i don't thiiiiiiink I've been to the cinema this year. But my favourite film I've seen this year is The Merciless (2017).
what do you usually wear? during the hotter months, it'll be shorts and tank top, but only if I'm at home. Outdoors, I tend to wear high neck tops, trousers, skirts, dresses, and a jacket (if it's not too hot). I much prefer cooler months because I like to hide behind an oversized jacket/coat lol. Basically, smart casual, nothing short or too low cut.
how tall are you? 5'10", baby!!! Sometimes a bit shorter, sometimes taller. It depends on... idk... stuff. things.
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? i'm an Aries (with a Leo sun and Gemini rising 🙃🙃). I share my birthday with Bette Davis and Hayley Atwell, so not too bad. Ah! I also share my birthday with my granddad. As for historical events, it mainly involves historical figures returning home, the Mayflower returning to England, Europeans discovering Easter Island- things of that nature. But an actual cool one is that the first performance of Beethoven's 2nd Symphony in D took place in 1803 on me birthday
do you go by your name or a nickname? my nickname. I HATED my name when I was a child and I wouldn't let anyone refer me to do it. The only person who has consistently called me by my actual name is my sister. I'm now over the reasons why I didn't like it back then. My only gripe with it now is that it sounds very similar to a more popular name, so people mishear my name all the time.
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? nahhh. When I was about 3 or 4, my sights were on becoming a dog in my future... I am yet to figure that one out without putting on a fursuit or committing crimes against god, man, science, and one's own good taste.
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one? i am. it's mine and my boyfriend's 9-year anniversary at the end of the month. i do have many crushes, which are mainly for every pretty woman i see lol
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? i think i'm pretty good at analysing and dissecting things that interest me, it can be a piece of media or a topic of debate/conversation. i am bad at maaaaaany things, one of them is being a friend to myself
dogs or cats? both, duh!! i have a cat at the moment, but i do wish to have a dog in future (and maybe 3 cats in total lol)
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year? probably the entire second chapter to my vampire fic. yeah, sorry, i can't pick out a particular line, i like the whole chapter ngl
what is something that you’d like to create content for? i'd like to finish my beyond evil projects 😭 and maybe write something for the merciless. (i do have gifs for the merciless that are just sitting in my drafts, waiting for me to feel confident enough to post them lol)
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with? playing the sims 4 and listening to the rotten mango podcast as i play. that's how i spend most of my evenings lol
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? jfc i was about to say something so emo. i'll go with more light-hearted examples instead. uhm, the f1 drivers' and constructor's championship standings (it's not over yet, but it's pretty obvious who is going to win 😒). the new taylor swift + hayley williams song. the final season of ted lasso (i love that show, but the ending was a bit naff).
what’s a hidden talent of yours? hm, it's too rude for tumblr
are you religious? nope! i grew up as a jehovah witness in a pretty strict household. although now that i'm older and i look into other people's experiences within that cult, i can see that i got lucky with my parents. they let us kids do things that were against the rules, but that still didn't stop me from sustaining a bit of religious trauma and internalised homophobia 😤 i'm still salty about my religious upbringing.
what’s something you wish to have at this moment? money, direction, a different place to live (preferably nicer/bigger), and for my cat's x-rays and blood work not to come back with anything too serious
anyway, i hope my answers weren't too boring haha. much love! no pressure tags: @l-tyrell @loisroo @hanjuwonsupporter @sensazioneultra
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meova101 · 3 years
a thought popped into my head randomly: sebchal groundhog day au. i feel like f1 is primed for that. lots of angst + crack potential (the best combo) like it's race day and charles is just going through it™ and everything is messy as hell and then he wakes up and oh no. it's the same day all over again. and again. just for him. charles has no idea how to fix/escape the loop. he loses track of time. on some days he tells people and on others he doesn't. seb is the only one who truly believes him
Okay okay this ask has been in my inbox forever and I am so sorry because I am so in love with this idea skljdsglj I have spent way too much time thinking about it too, like, can we all agree right now that this should totally be Brazil 2019? It was explosive, it allegedly was also one of the reasons Seb’s contract wasn’t renewed and it was such a chaotic race it could work perfectly for this, and Charles is definitely Going Through It that day.
(also, Brazil 2019 is near and dear to my heart slkjsdg I won’t deny that that has something to do with that)
Anyway, so Charles has to keep reliving that race and that already sucks balls, but the worst part is knowing he and Seb will inevitably crash out of the race. Maybe the first repeated day he’s still a little short with Seb in the morning (I know they were fine but it took a little time iirc and I can imagine Charles being snippy because he’s a little shook about the whole situation anyway and “yesterday” is still fresh in his mind) and it all explodes worse than before. The next day, he’s right back where he started and he realizes he’s in big trouble.
He tries to talk to Pierre about it, but he doesn’t believe him, and anyway Pierre’s celebrating every evening and Charles doesn’t want to deny him that, but he doesn’t know where else to go. Until he accidentally misspeaks to Seb, maybe mockingly says exactly what Seb’s saying because he’s so tired and not looking forward to their on-track kerfuffle again. Seb stops dead in his tracks and Charles can’t stop himself from spilling the beans. What does it matter anyway? Seb will forget in the morning.
So of course this continues for a while, eventually Seb and Charles figure out a system that will convince Seb of what’s going on so Charles doesn’t have to waste time every day. Think something like in Artemis Fowl, where Artemis is convinced his memory’s been wiped because he made a video in which he tells himself Butler’s name, which he wouldn’t know any other way. I’m sorry for spoilers of books that are over a decade old by now. Also, we do not accept the movie in this house, lol
You might be wondering at this point what will break the cycle. It’s very simple, and this too is why Brazil is a very interesting race to pick for this. 
They both have to get on the podium.
At one point, Charles can reliably get either him or Seb on the podium, but he can’t figure out how to get both of them up there. It’s their yellow flag that bunches up the field near the end, after all, and if they don’t have their fated brush there is no yellow flag unless Charles manages to cause another or if a yellow flag was bound to happen anyway, even if not because of them, but he’s too busy trying to recreate the original events in a way that benefits them that he maybe doesn’t figure out that a yellow flag was going to happen anyway until way late. 
Every single day, he tries to get himself and Seb on the podium while preserving Pierre’s, but for maximum angst, at one point he has to admit to himself he can either let Pierre have his first podium or he can break the cycle. (I’m so sorry Pierre. I loved your first podium and you deserved it. But the angst! The potential! Ugh if only Charles didn’t suffer so beautifully.)
In the end, Charles finally manages to get both himself and Seb on the podium. I’m saying Alex wins that race because I can. Afterwards they still probably get called to Mattia’s office, but Charles is so relieved that for once, the mood is nothing but elated, and Seb might not fully get it but he can feel in his bones that something has changed. The back of his hand brushes Charles’s, he wraps his fingers around Charles’s wrist, and Charles kisses him. We all know how the rest of this goes slkjsdg
It’s probably a good time to mention that I’ve never actually seen Groundhog Day but that only makes it more postmodern slkjdsg anyway uh yeah love the idea anon, thank you for dropping this gem into my inbox 🥰🥰
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hb-pickle · 4 years
Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2 - Review
Finally finished watching all 6 episodes of the Frozen 2 Documentary! My consensus is drum roll please... it was not very good.
Things I liked first: I loved watching the team get emotional when they saw their projects coming together (finishing Into The Unknown, etc). 
Watching random guys rub rocks together for sound design was funny. 
I loved looking at the Disney offices and all the merch, posters, art, etc. 
The actors/workers were very charismatic and believable. They seemed to legit enjoy their work and were happy to help. 
- -
The documentary promised to be a look into all the hard work, collaboration, blood, sweat and tears, it took to make Frozen 2, but it came off more as a look into the very final stages of Show Yourself and a few unfinished animation clips. So little of the actual movie making process was shown and it was extremely misleading and frustrating.
Songs and the songwriting process were definitely the aspect of F2 Disney was most comfortable showing, but that’s saving very little because the attention per song was extremely restricted and lopsided. About 50% of the entire docu-series focuses on just Show Yourself while every other song gets about 20 to 1 minute(s) of screentime (in order from most to least discussion, it goes: Next Right Thing, Into The Unknown, Lost In The Woods, Some Things Never Change, When I’m Older, All Is Found, and Vuile isn’t even mentioned by name). And even when they did discuss these songs, they only showed the lyrics that got into the movie, no cut lyrics or alternatives were shown at all. So it was just long extended scenes of Jenn and the Lopez’ trying to decide whether they should or should not add parts to the song which we, as the viewer, already know were added. And again, they showed no alternatives, so it wasn’t a choice of A or B, it was A or maybe rewrite the middle-ish but no specifics. 
They didn't even discuss the public outtakes / deleted scenes they've already released / planned to release like "Get This Right", "Seek The Truth", "Unmeltable Me", etc (they did mention “See They Sky” but nothing else). 
The last thing I’d like to mention for this category is that they did discuss the intended emotions / themes of the songs they kept in. They talk about how Show Yourself was supposed to make you feel empowered and satisfyingly wrap up the story, how Next Right Thing was supposed to make you feel just as emotionally raw as Anna, etc. So I can give them credit for that. But again, these explanations became few and far between once they got into the “lesser” songs. Nor do they explain why certain songs were added to the story; for example When I’m Older’s entire existence was justified with “kids really liked it”. “Lost In The Woods” was an 80’s rock ballad because they kinda just wanted to make a 80’s song, etc.
Again, just like the songs, Disney was very comfortable showing off the animation process, but only unfinished clips, models, skeletons, etc of shots that were actually used in the film and nothing else. But, I did have fun watching animators physically act out character movements, record them, and then animate them (ex: that poor girl who recorded like 5 shots of her own face singing, all super imposed on bobbing reindeer shaped bubbles for the Lost In The Woods scene lol).
The most new/deleted content they showed were storyboards and sketches of Show Yourself  where we got to see alt. backgrounds of Ahtohallan and young Iduna and and See the Sky which was a dance-off type thing between the Northuldra / Arendelle soldiers.
This, and every consecutive category, is where this documentary was severely lacking. They showed no alternative scenes or storylines like “Hard Nokks” or the secret library. Nor did they go into the intended messages/significance of the story elements they did use, like why they chose to trap the Enchanted Forest in mist, why they spared Arendelle, why Elsa left Arendelle, why they chose a dam for the physical boundary they needed to destroy (even though apparently it was loosely based on an IRL dam that hurt the IRL Sami people; I got this from outside resources), etc. 
They also don’t dive into any character motivations (outside of the context of Elsa in Show Yourself/Into The Unknown, Anna in Next Right Thing, and Kristoff in Lost In The Woods). 
They very explicitly refused to discuss any changes they made to the script. In episode 5 they spend a lot of time emphasizing the importance of audience feedback but refuse to show any actual feedback (they even talk about how they gave out questionnaires but don’t even show us a blank one). This was very blatant and annoying because they spent a lot of time looking DIRECTLY at the camera going on about how important feedback was, how being willing to change was important, how they DID change things, and how change impacted a lot of the movie (ex: cutting songs and simplifying things for children), but refused to show anything. The one (1) change they did show was the prologue, so we see young Anna and Elsa playing before we see Agnarr's flashback, but that was pretty much it. 
Design / Environments:
Character design and dress design was not discussed at all. They do show us a few seconds of fabric physics for Elsa’s spirit dress and show us how they designed Olaf when he was pretending to be Grand Pabbie (using his snowball feet as ears and ferns as a cape), but nothing else. You’d think that since Elsa and Anna both had like 5 costume changes each, they’d want to discuss that, but no. Nor do they even mention Iduna’s shawl / the unity snowflake which had a ton of significance in the movie. They also don’t discuss the designs of the spirits or their symbols (or even water animation for the Nokk’s body which would’ve been perfect in the animation portions). 
The only research we see them doing is visiting IRL glaciers for Ahtohallan in episode 3. This was neat and all, but also very bittersweet because they really emphasized how spectacular and breathtaking Ahtohallan was going to be, but it was literally just an empty cave made of ice; and not even shiny ice (like Elsa’s castle) just dark, flat, and blue. Like I know creating environments is hard but Ahtohallan is very literally empty besides a few extremely narrow hallways and dark colorless abysses. Like it may have been hard to build in a computer but it was NOT creative nor something to boast about (especially compared to the concept art they showed). But this is all my opinion...
They do show a black sand beach which greatly inspired the black sea, but otherwise they don’t show the research it took to properly replicate the Enchanted Forest (like plant life and ecology) nor any of the locations Elsa and the gang briefly passed through on the way to the forest. 
Most egregiously of all they completely omit the Sami community and their contributions to the film. They don’t address them by name or even acknowledge the Northuldra are based on them. Nor do they mention the apparent collaboration they did with the Sami community to accurately replicate their culture. The closest they get to acknowledging them or their hand in the creation of F2 was that the subtitles described Vuilie was a "yoik". Which does not count, since no one even says it out loud. You could dismiss all my other complaints about the lack of content and deleted scenes, but this is just flat out disrespectful. 
Ending Note: 
To me, I just don't see the point of this. If this entire documentary was condensed into an hour long YouTube video and explicitly only about the songs/animation I would've been perfectly happy and would've given this an A! Maybe even more because the little parts about the sound design and interviews with the cast would've been little bonuses. But I can't because this is a 6 episode Disney+ only "documentary" on all of F2. 
Tl;Dr - I expected a lot more, but was severely disappointed. I wanted an inside sneak peak on the making of one of Disney’s most iconic and my personal favorite IP, but instead I got 240 minutes of Jennifer Lee and the Lopez’ trying to feel the vibe of Show Yourself and crying. Surely they could’ve cut some of that out to talk about literally anything else. Watching this just felt pointless and I was never engaged nor were my curiosities satisfied. 
Extra Note:
For about 10 minutes at the end of one episode (which may seem short but that’s like ¼ of an episode), the documentary takes a detour to talk about Ryder Buck. Ryder Buck was Chris Buck’s (one of the director) son who died shortly after F1 was released, and I mean no disrespect but the sequence dedicated to him had nothing to do with the film or documentary. One of the F2 character’s was named after Ryder, but that was the only connection (they don’t even mention if Ryder in Frozen was based personality-wise on IRL Ryder, just that they shared a name). The whole 10 minute sequence was literally just a charity event in Ryder’s name and Chris and his wife sitting on a mountain talking about how they miss him. Again, no disrespect and I’m sorry Ryder Buck died so young, but a documentary on Frozen 2 wasn’t an appropriate place or time to talk about him.
Crossing out this section because some people took this as an opportunity to attack Chris Buck and his son, which is completely unacceptable and disgusting.
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itszephoria · 4 years
Saw this pop up and your followers ask you which ones they’re interested in. But people don’t really ask much when I post or they don’t ask the ones that might make you feel uncomfortable. And well, honestly I’m so bored that I’ve decided to break all the damn rules and just answer all the questions because I can. *shock horror*
So information dump on the ‘Be nosy’ that popped up in my feed today. If you’re interested.
Be nosy
1. What’s your sexual orientation? 
Straight. But maybe for the right woman I could sway but wouldn’t go so far as to call myself bi or bi-curious though.
2. What are you obsessed with right now? 
Obsessively obsessing about my health and how to get well and failing it all. Oh and anime movies on Netflix.
3. Ever done any drugs?
I do drugs everyday. But I assume this is referring to illegal. No and was strictly no up until recently. I now take marijuana oil on a regular basis for pain management. Also being stoned/high is not pleasant and I don’t understand why people would enjoy that as a leisurely pastime.
4. What piercings do you want?
I want to get my ears pierced again. Holes have closed up, but currently due to my health that’s not possible. I can’t even enjoy clipons :(
5. How many people have you kissed?
The massive number of 5.
6. Describe your dream home.
It’s tiny in the sense it has all the space I need. A cosy tiny-like home. But not one on wheels, fixed to the ground. And it would be made of all natural materials, stone and wood. It would be unique and resemble something out of a fairy tale. It would sit a beautiful clearing with only nature to view in the distance and all the animals and wildlife would stay well away because I’m pretty much terrified of all it, 
7. Who are you jealous of?
Healthy, painfree people. I am jealous of past me who didn’t realise how lucky she was and miss her.
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
I don’t binge any show on repeat. I’d rather look for a new show to watch or enjoy, there are so many. The last shows I binged in two days was Queen’s Gambit and Emily in Paris.
9. Do you watch porn?
Yep. But struggle with it because it’s overdramatic, unrealistic and would kill or someone to make porn with a decent storyline with people that can act. 
I prefer to read it if I’m honest or maybe just write it for myself.
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
Sort of? More like my other one I used I was known for all my slash writings in F1. But now I just hang out here.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
No where. The world is riddled with co-vid and well, I’m probably in one of the safest countries and I’m at risk of death should I catch it. So I’ll stay here in my safe bubble.
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
I wake up tomorrow and I’m not me. I wake up and I can take a deep breath without gasping for air, I wake up in no pain, I wake up and my body isn’t terribly scared, I wake up and can have a ‘normal’ life.
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
Nope and no desire too. Won’t that just hurt?
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I’d by that dream house I described, set everything up to be self sufficient. Pay and travel to try every cure available for my diseases. And then bank the rest and live off interest. Or maybe donate it. I don’t want money and I don’t really want a lot of things.
15. Are you in a relationship?
Yep and it’s a struggle and am constantly fighting to prove it’s worth continuing. Oh and that’s a relationship with myself.
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
No, I suppose it’s more disappointed and let down by people more than angry. I’m working everyday on letting it go but it’s not easy.
18. What tattoos do you want?
I have always wanted one, but have never found something that I really loved and haven’t been imaginative enough to create something unique. The older I get though, I’m not sure I want one. I did for the longest time though think about getting a Ferrari tattooed on my inner wrist, but pleased I never did that. I don’t love the sport or Ferrari enough anymore to want a permanent reminder of that.
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
I am changing name actually. Hoping to action that in the next two weeks. I would have done it earlier but they closed the borders. I have a dutch sir name that has two words. It confuses every one, systems don’t get it, it has caused issues with plane tickets. And well I’ve decided no more and am dumping a portion of it.
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
This is a duplicate. Skipping.
21. Describe your best friend.
When you meet her for the first time she can be a little crazy and wild, and she kind of scared at me first because she’s so unlike me. But as you got to know her, the *real* her she doesn’t let people see, you realise how kind and soft she is, and she’s the most empathic person I have known. She gives so much of herself to everyone, thinks so little of herself and her needs because she’s one of the most selfless people I know. I love her more than most of my family and would do anything for her.
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
Is this followers? Uh most I don’t know what they look like? I assume they’re all hot!
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
Don’t have any really. My music is varied and is based on my mood and really changes around. And with most bands, I generally lean towards one or two songs. This is one of those questions I really struggle with whenever I see it. Will say however, have been enjoying The Beatles recently and a bit of old school stuff.
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Japan. Norway. Canada.
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Generally hanging out with people I like. Enjoying a good wine, some cheese, either playing some board game or dungeons and dragons, or watching a really good movie. Good company makes any night a good night.
26. What’s your favorite season?
Autumn. One because I think it’s neglected as a choice and every season should be loved, and two because I love the colours of autumn and the colours associated with autumn. 
27. What’s your pet peeve?
I’m sure I have a heap of them, but currently it’s people that have an issue with you and instead of being an adult and talking to you about them choose to silence and blank you. I’m so tired of it, I’ve quit being peacemaker in those situations, those people are no longer worthy in my book.
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
Uh... I don’t think anyone I know is super funny. Friends and family all have a good sense of humor. But out of my circle of life people I’m always told I’m the funny one, which I find the biggest joke ever. 
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
Can not think of anything off the top of my head. I will say if I think a movie is getting too much hype I refuse to watch it, whether all the reviews are raving or not. It’s why I didn’t watch Harry Potter for like ten years or any of the new Star Wars movies. I just refuse to be apart of all the hype and jump on bandwagons.
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
I’d love to talk to everyone. I’m shy to start any conversations to be honest and I think all the people I talk to regularly were the first to message me, and I love them for it.
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
100% love an old fashioned paper book. The texture of the paper. The smell of a book. That being said, I don’t think I’ve picked up a proper book to read in years. I live in fan fiction more than anything or am busy writing myself.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
Any of the disney worlds, anything from the past, or verging on fantasy like. I want a simpler time not full of technology which I grow to hate more each day. The older I get the more I’m pretty sure I’ve been born in the wrong decade.
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
I’d build the perfect wardrobe capsule. Everything would be of high quality, not necessarily brand name and all the clothes would be sourced from ethical businesses or be handmade.
I like classic pieces, love the fashion of the 50′s and 60s and while stylish it would be comfortable to wear and everything could be worn in public (sorry comfy tracky pants).
34. What’s your coffee order?
There ain’t no coffee order. I don’t drink it. Sorry @leoni-speedyf1 I know how addicted you are to it, happy to buy you anything you like though :P
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
In real life? No one.
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
Not romantic. I have feelings in that I hope they’re doing well, achieving what they want and they’re all happy. I didn’t have any ‘bad’ breakups and all my relationships ended very amicably.
37. Have any tattoos?
No. See above for more on this.
38. Do you drink?
Rarely. Can’t with medication and condition. But on occasion I do enjoy a good glass of red. Pinot Noir is my preference. 
39. Are you a virgin?
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
Not in a romantic way? The ones I talk to regularly I love immensely though.
41. How many followers do you have?
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
Uh all the men I know I am not attracted to. Probably a good thing as they’re either family or partnered with a friend or family member.
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Can’t think of anything. I try not to feel guilt for anything I enjoy to be honest, whether it’s food or an activity. Life is too short for that.
44. Do you read erotica?
Yep. Even write it.
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
It was a few years back. I met this guy online and we went to the city and spent most of that time just strolling next to the river for our first meet up. Why was it the worst date ever? Well it wasn’t the location that’s for sure.
The guy had two kids, and I’m a firm believer all parents have favourites, though I have yet to meet a parent that will voice that aloud. This guy, had no qualms with telling me about this favourite kid, and that wouldn’t be a problem if didn’t spend just as much putting down his younger son. It kind of left me reeling and wondering how his son felt if his dad didn’t hide just how much he didn’t like him as a person. The kid was four and the reason his dad didn’t like him was because he didn’t like bikes.
And so the guy was a bmx rider so he spent the rest of the time on our walk just pointing out all the tricks he could do. He didn’t ask about me, only talked about himself. It was also lunch time and assumed we would get something to eat together, but nope, no food was offered. And when I suggested to get something to drink because it was so hot and we’d been out in the sun for like an hour, he just took me to a subway and told me to get a drink and waved me to the line. No offer to join me, no offer to pay (which doesn’t bother me btw, but this was capping off a terrible day), no offer to get food.
I was so happy to get out of there. Didn’t speak to him again once I had left.
46. How many people do you follow?
I currently follow 59 people. I don’t follow anyone that creates drama, and try and follow only people that post about F1 as that’s all I use tumblr for now.
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Either Sebastian Vettel or Ryan Reynolds. Both are married though, so I don’t think that’s going to turn into a reality anytime soon.
48. Describe your ideal partner.
I want someone that shares the same core values as me. Doesn’t want kids, isn’t super religious (grew up in a cult like religion so I avoid it now), is on the minimalist side and isn’t someone that needs new things things all the time or is desperate to replace something the moment they deem it out of date. Someone that doesn’t live their life on social media. Someone that prefers simple things, someone who is kind and giving, and someone that truly loves me - and it’s the last part that I struggle with finding more than anything with all the guys I have dated. 
I am currently not looking for a partner, I am not in a place for a relationship and am fully focused on myself. And I am very content with that decision.
49. Who do you text the most?
Currently my bestie.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
Clear blue skies and a warm day to enjoy the sun. But there are times when I simply love the rain, hearing it on the room, watching it fall endlessly and knowing that everything will be green from it.
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For the Love of Cars // Lando Norris
So I’ve been struggling with A Double Life // part 3 because of #writersblock so in the last 2 hours threw this trash together so I could just write something. Anyone else?
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader
Words: 2093
Proofread? It’s barely written let alone proofread. It might not even be coherent.
Summary:  A girls holiday Grand Prix trip leads to a series of incredible friendships, but could there be more?
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Girls trips are the stuff of movies. Dutch braids, glitter, bottles of Prosecco and wine made days of sightseeing and sunbathing hilarious story-filled memories. These three girls had been your confidants and party partners since you arrived at university two years ago. This mini-break was your final getaway before you all headed back for your final year, a last hurrah of the summer.  
You’d gone shopping, sunbathing, done a wine tour and even hired a little sailboat for a day, something for each of you as well as the things for all of you. Today was your day, the day you got to pick something to do. You were all nerds in your own way and they’d just have to get on your level now.  
It wasn’t all bad the girls decided, there was an element of getting ready, finding that perfect outfit. The girls could cope with outfit critiquing and celeb spotting as you wandered around fangirling at everything little thing you could. You loved cars, always had. You had a little banger you worked on when you were 16, not that you’d have been able to drive it even if you could fix it. The only thing was, you’d never managed to get tickets for a Grand Prix before, so when the opportunity arose for this holiday, you had to.
You were just wandering around various exhibits and chatting about the cars and what you were looking forward to – the girls didn’t really watch formula 1 or care about the cars but were gracious enough to listen along to your ramblings – when another girl, she looked to be in similar age to you, started joining in with some of your chat when you were looking at an exhibit.  
“This is really random” she began, following on from your chit chat about engine providers, “but you wouldn’t happen to be at a lot of these would you?”  
“Grand Prix? No this is my first, never managed to get tickets before.”  
“No fair, it’s always fun to mix cars and girl talk. I don’t usually get that.”  
“Oh no, how come?”
“I come with my boyfriends family, it’s alright when his mum or sister is here but sometimes it’s a little male if you get what I mean?”
“Oh no I’m with you 100%, I’m usually the same.”  
Dilara and yourself exchanged numbers, with you suddenly realising why she travelled to a lot of Grand Prix with her boyfriends family. Given she was the girlfriend of one of the best drivers on the grid. You had promised to keep in touch and message if you were early to the track tomorrow.  
Your friends always joked that you could make friends anywhere given half a chance but it appeared to be true this time. Dilara became a good friend very quickly, having found you had a very similar sense of humour and managed to keep in touch with her after the Grand Prix. Some of your messages to each other were hilarious, and it turned out that she loved a fair few of the go memes that had properly tickled you as well.  
Noticing the random laughs at texts, Max had apparently gotten a little jealous and had asked who she’s been laughing at. After explaining your bizarre meeting and how you had been keeping in touch, Dilara started telling Max about you, the jokes and memes she’d passed on. Then an idea formed.  
“Do you know who she reminds me of?”  
“Yes and I’m already trying to plan so don’t do anything stupid.”
Only a few weeks later and you had some VIP paddock passes arriving in the post. You were informed, not asked or invited, that you were going to the next Grand Prix with Dilara and Max, ‘Lara apparently deciding she needed more female company and you needed more time with the cars.  
“Oh wow look at this we’re bumping into drivers so randomly, hi Lando how are you?” You raised your eyebrows at her but introduced yourself to the McLaren driver.
Lando became someone very important very quickly. You were both total fangirls over motorsport, and total nerds in your ‘thing’. The fact you could sit and chat and never feel bad for getting too excited about a project, or his races, new setups they were trying, was refreshing. You loved the girls, you loved your time with Dilara, but the friendship with Lando was, in a way, different.  
Whenever you quizzed Dilara on her weird introduction of Lando, she would merely shrug say that she was weird and that she knew how well you’d get on.
It wasn’t long before you found yourself spending more and more time at his house. You’d sit in the next room as he played on twitch, finalising papers and essays and cover letters for Masters programmes. Once you were ready you’d have him proofread them. It didn’t matter that he barely understood the topic of your essay, in fact, it made him better at proofreading, always highlighting the bits he thought didn’t make sense. You would usually wait until he finished on twitch, not that you had to wait long given the time you would spend working.  
Tonight, however, Lando knew you didn’t have much to do, merely formatting. So  20 minutes into his twitch stream, he shouted for you, earning a ‘Jesus Christ’ from Max who had to deal with that through a microphone.. Sticking your head around the corner, Lando was asking if you were done and if he could read your paper yet.  
“Yeah, I was just waiting till you finished streaming.”  
“Nah I’m only racing Max, you take over and I can read.”
“Hey!” Max chimed in, indignantly.  
You handed a print out of your paper to Lando and pulled on the headset. Comments came in on Lando's stream almost immediately asking who you were and if you were Lando's girlfriend. Unfortunately, your familiarity with Max only added to the dating comments and they couldn’t quite work out how else you could know both of them.  
That twitch experience was the first of many. It became a fairly frequent occurrence, you taking over and driving for Lando as he read your work, you chatting to Max and generally bantering about. Once or twice Dilara was with Max and managed to steal the headset allowing the two of you to chat holidays and mini-break ideas, something that was never shown on media other than that. The fans were obsessed with your friendship, and also obsessed with the idea of you and Lando together.  
You never brought up their speculation, you couldn’t without admitting how much you had come to care for Lando and how much his approval on the little things meant to you. Every time he let you on his twitch streams, your heart would flutter. Every time he would take you along to a Grand Prix, you had a little celebration, feeling like he might just care like you did. 
But he never said anything, he never did anything other than what friends could do. You tried dropping hints, you made him dinner more often than not at one point, always brought him a cuppa when you had him proofread your work. Nothing. You were starting to think your friends were right when they said that boys were oblivious to everything. That or he was ignoring your little hints in the hope you’d give up. He was a formula one driver after all; he could have any girl he wanted, why would he settle for little old you, student, nerd,  nothing special. You weren’t a model or a driver or anyone really.  
You very rarely spoke about boys with Dilara beyond the old “oh he’s cute” when you went shopping and the two of you “window shopped” boys. You’d try and pick out each other’s type. Though you always joked there was no one for you to pick for her, claiming “sorry no Dutch f1 drivers here” much to her dismay. She’s once asked about you and Lando, at which point you’d already given up on him and didn’t want her to feel bad for you, leaving you responding about how close your friendship was.  
What you didn’t know, however, was that you weren’t the only one waiting for the two of you to make a move on the other.  
“They aren’t making any moves, why aren’t they doing something??”  
“Friends is great, but not what we were aiming for.”
That conversation was put on hold as Lando's call ID appeared on Max’s phone.  
“I screwed up and I need a friend to tell me to get over myself.”
“What? What’s happened.”
“I may or may not have realised I fancy the actual pants off of Y/N”
“She’s great, I can see why you like her.” Dilara was leaning in to try and hear what was being said. “I’m not seeing why that means you screwed up?”
“She’s going on a date.”
“She’s what?”
“Going on a date, someone set her up on a blind date and she’s going. I didn’t realise how I felt about her till a date was mentioned and then I felt hard done on by the fact she’s going on it. Like why would she just be sitting around for me?”  
Dilara was scribbling little notes out,  
“Mate I’m so sorry. You can’t blame yourself though and it’s only one date, it’s not the end of the world.”  
“I just never realised how much I took her being around for granted. I just got used to her being here, having dinner with her, her stealing my McLaren jumpers when we’re at a race because they’re the softest there and her cheering for me. Like, fuck me when did I get so stuck up and dumb.”
“Can’t comment on the dumb but girls will do that to you man.” Dilara elbowed him for that comment.  
In an attempt to distract Lando from his little feelings meltdown on the phone, Max had suggested an impromptu twitch stream, knowing Lando would shut off a bit if he was driving and that he’d put on a bit of a show for people. However not even 20 minutes later Oliver had popped his head into the room to get his attention.  
“What Oliver?”
“Door went”
“Did you get it?”
You knew something was wrong by the tone of his voice, Lando was upset and a little angry at being disturbed. Or so you thought. You didn’t want to be more of a pain, you had just turned up without an invitation.  
“Maybe I should come back another time..” you squeaked out. Tears still drying on your face, voice cracking from the crying you’d done in the taxi on the way over.  
You might have been quiet but Lando heard you. He practically launched himself out of his sim, repeatedly muttering “no”, his heartbreaking at the weakness in your voice.  
Not much could be seen from the setup Lando had from his twitch stream but they could see him rush towards you, dressed in a red cowl necked dress. You looked stunning, more beautiful than Lando could process given the hurt he saw.
“I'm here, it’s okay, you’re okay” Lando was comforting you, the words barely audible through his mic, having shoved it off his head and round his neck.  He had no idea what had happened but given you were here and not on your date, tear marks clear on your face, he could tell it wasn’t good.  
“Cmon let’s get you in some comfy stuff, can’t have you looking like a Ferrari fan now can we?” The small joke hit the mark, bringing a smile to your face.  
“You’re right, got any Red Bull merch?”
“Wow, right in the heart.”
The twitch stream was long forgotten, Oliver apparently ruining Lando's score and pushing all of Max’s buttons. Lando had you in some sweatpants and somehow magicked up an extra-large McLaren jumper, knowing you love the extra snuggle of a huge jumper. His team might’ve looked at him weirdly when he asked for one but seeing you wrapped up in his team apparel made him realise he’d do anything to make you happy and comfortable. He couldn’t fathom how it had taken him this long to realise how he felt. No wonder people teased him for getting extra team kit so she could steal it.  
Now he only had to figure out a way to tell you all this.  
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azaffranist · 4 years
Could the return of Elsa's soul in a fully human form have been feasable, too?
Okay anon I’m so sorry I think this ask has been sitting in my askbox for more than a month. I suck. But better late than never I guess! I’m gonna be active on Tumblr again from now on, so asks should take me 1 week tops.
Elsa’s revival was always an interesting topic. According to sources and some interviews in which the creators admitted it themselves, there were 12 endings (or at the very least, 12 versions of the ending) planned for F2, along with more than 50 rewrites of the story. I’m not making this up, you can read this here. So it’s only logical to think that at the very least one of these versions included both Elsa dying and coming back to life.
According to the Patreon leaks and other sources, yes, there were at the very least 3 endings shown in those infamous test screenings: Elsa and Olaf dying and not coming back with no hints whatsoever they would, Elsa and Olaf dying but coming back at the last minute, and Elsa and Olaf dying but their return being hinted.
Now that the movie has been out for a good while, I’m wondering if that version “Elsa and Olaf dying and coming back at the last minute” is the one that actually made it to the movie (with some changes, of course). But, answering your question: yes, it would’ve been feasible. Now, it’s difficult to tell how: we’ve already talked about how the Unity Snowflake most likely represented dead Elsa in these earlier versions, but the how’s of the situations are very vague. One of our most reliable sources has said that it most likely meant these ‘hints’ the Patreon leaks referred most likely to their return in a third movie, and by return, we mean, as you say, fully human form (because I don’t think a F3 with a snowflake as Elsa would’ve been very fun).
How it would happen in these two versions? We have no idea. Maybe their concept of F3 was getting Elsa and Olaf back ala Endgame, and setting it up in F2 to get audiences hyped because who doesn’t like Elsa??, but this is just speculation from me since I don’t really work at Disney nor have heard of any more spicy info, sorry.
I’m very interested on what would’ve happened to the fandom and the merch sales if “Elsa’s comeback being hinted” had been the ending they went with. These movies, at the end of the day, are made with merch sales in mind. The box office of the movies is insignificant compared to the big bucks they make with plushies, dolls and literally every product imaginable with the characters’ faces printed on it. In very early concepts of the movie, there weren’t 4 spirits, it was most likely just Gale. But Gale is air, and really, have you seen Gale only merch? I actually have, and it’s depressing; if Gale is anywhere, it’s most likely in the form of some leaves flying around next to a character, because who would buy a bunch of leaves to have as a figure.
Gale doesn’t have a form, she’s literally just wind that makes some cute sounds from time to time. Gale is not a character you’d even consider having in your Frozen collection. I’m sure lots of kinds didn’t even recognize her as a character. So what happens then? Gale isn’t a character you can profit off, soooo say hello to the new spirits, and the 4 spirit route they went in. Most notable examples are the Nokk and Bruni (the most profitable characters aside from Elsa! what a surprise). Nokk is a badass water horse. And Bruni is a cute salamander with no plot relevance aside from starting a fire once. See how it goes? These characters were designed not with the plot as a priority, but with toy sales as a priority.
And we’re back to our initial topic: if we take all of this into account, Elsa coming back would’ve been the most likely thing. The writers were left alone for a while and they came up with all this dark stuff of queens dying and kids being separated from their moms, languages being prohibited because of xenophobia, castles being destroyed in the name of justice, snowmen fearing death and dissipating into snowflakes, TNRT potentially being even darker than the final version (!):
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And so many things we will never know about. And Disney probably came into the room and said “Whoa calm down edgelords, let’s fix this,” less than a year before release. So; Elsa comes back to life, no castle is destroyed in the name of justice, there’s no mention about the rampant xenophobia towards the Northuldra apart from Grandpa Runeard’s little monologue, Olaf is ok with dying, and the whole scene and CONCEPT of how Iduna was left alone, separated from her family, in pretty much another world, was just ignored. Oh, and now there’s a cute salamander, too.
So, IF they had let them Elsa die, legit die, she would’ve most likely returned to her fully human form just for the fact that she’s the moneymaker. How do you sell Elsa merch if Elsa turned into a snowflake forever or something? Little girls want the pretty dresses. In this version of the ending, I doubt the F2 merch sales would’ve been nearly as successful as they were, and while some could’ve enjoyed the tension of Elsa being dead but knowing she’d be back, I’m sure it wouldn’t have sit well with a lot of people. And it’s obvious to assume this was the reason Disney would never allow Elsa to die, either, and the fact that they went so far with this idea is... mindblowing. Kids don’t want dolls of dead queens.
I’m still amazed they made it that far into development going with these dark concepts. Not just Elsa’s death, but everything else listed above. And in my humble opinion, this is painfully evident in the final movie. Some things don’t make sense or require theories and headcanons and hypotheses and uses of the scientific method to maybe make a bit more sense; while all of this is fun and I love to read them, I don’t think the movie is exceptionally good written when you need sagas and sagas and headcanons to explain something as vital as one of the protagonist’s role at the end of the movie. (Still have no clue what a fifth spirit is, sorry)
F1 doesn’t have these problems. F2 does. Why? Because so many changes were made last minute, with no time left to flesh things out.
Went on a rant again. Oh well. Sorry again about the ridiculous wait, life has been kinda busy, but I’ll be more active from now on.
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OK SO THIS IS A DAN SOFT ONE (i guess i’m kinda shocked lmao ngl) TRIGGER WARNINGS: CHEATING & DEATH
She was an average girl or may I say, an average 28 year old woman. He was a 30 year old man. A man that could have any other female but yet he stuck with her. Or she stuck with him? She had the chance to let go, but she didn’t. He believed him when he said he was sorry when in reality she could let go and find someone else. Someone new. Someone better. People would laugh at her though. She had the Australian F1 driver and she would want to let go?
“She must be insane if she let him go”
—that’s what her aunt said three years ago on Christmas dinner when she was helping her other aunt to clean the plates. Then her other aunt would say something like “If she thinks no one else is going to cheat on her then yes she is insane. He is the best she can ever have. No one will ever be able to provide her all the stuff he does. With all the money he gets, he can save his family, her, her family and he can even help us as well.”
This is how it was. Her family members would always see pounds pictured across his face. They even believed that she only wanted him for his money. And they were fine with it. They also were fine with the fact that he cheated on her. See, money in their lives were much more important than her happiness. She did go back to him though, a year later. Not because they told her to, or because she agreed with their opinion, but because she saw the regret in his eyes. She saw how sorry he was. She saw how he changed through a whole year they were separated.
The day she left him was Christmas eve. The end of the year was near and he wanted to be honest. He believed that she would forgive him. He didn’t think she would be okay with it, but that she would appreciate his honesty. Three weeks ago he visited Australia on a weekend getaway where he slept with one of his old school friends. He was drunk yes, but not drunk enough to not be able to control himself. He was driving her to the airport that day. She was going home for Christmas. She wanted to take the bus but him being the perfect boyfriend, he wouldn’t let her take an endless bus journey when she could be back home in a matter of a few hours. He felt the need to talk to her about his actions—it’s killing him.
He turned the volume down of the Christmas song that was playing. She stopped her singing and looked at him wondering why he would turn the volume down. He said he wanted to let her know about something before it was too late. She listened to him trying to figure out what it was that had to ruing their so movie-like journey. He said what it was. He said he was sorry. All she could say was “just drive”. She wanted to get to the airport as soon as possible. She was about to burst in tears and she fought it until the moment they got to the airport.
He made a move to hug her, if not kiss her, goodbye. She took a step back and shacked her head in disbelief, hot tears running down her face and an ironic smile placed on her face. What did he expect anyway from someone who just found out that her boyfriend of 10 years just cheated on her. She did remember his last words though—
“At least text me that you are safe back home.”
That was the last time they saw each other for a year. The next day, Christmas day, after she heard her aunts..they made her make her biggest decision. She disappeared. For a year, no one knew where she was and what she was doing. She only kept contact with her parents and a few of her friends, to let them know she is okay. Of course, they would all ask for information for where she was or even when she was coming back, but she would never say anything. Until next Christmas, when she went back home. At the airport? She met him. He was coming back to Monaco after a weekend in Australia again. It was strange, exactly a year ago it was the last time he saw her.
He did look for her. But how can you find someone who doesn’t want to be found? When he saw her again it felt like the universe was giving him another chance. Even if he still didn’t know that SHE would give him another chance. He asked how she was, she said she was fine. She looked different but so did he. He looked more mature, she looked more broken, more empty than even before. She smiled back at him though so he took the courage to ask her to meet him sometime so they can talk. He didn’t expect her to agree but to his surprise she did. And here they are, two years later they are still together. She moved in with him, he took care of her and he never ever laid his eyes on another woman. Everything was fine until the past few weeks. He seemed distant. He would come home more late than ever before. And without an explanation.
She wouldn’t say anything though. She was never the person who would complain. She kept everything to herself. When he would come home, he wouldn’t say much. He did talk to her, it’s not like he ignored her but it wasn’t the same as before. Not to mention the constant secret texting and email sending. She didn’t want to believe that he is cheating again but yet again he didn’t give her any option.
One day she came home from work, another day her boss had been rude to her, another day where he humiliated her in front of every other coworker. All she needed was her boyfriend’s comfort. She got home when he was on his phone, as soon as he noticed that he wasn’t alone anymore, he ended the call.
“How was your day?” he said and walked to the kitchen, no hugs, no kisses.
“As always.”
She said and followed him to make herself a tea. He said that he was glad. If only he knew what she meant with “as always” and was going on at her work place. She could have told him before but he never gave her the chance as he was barely around her the past few weeks.
He sat on a stool and she took a seat for herself in front of him. His eyes were locked on his phone typing as always. She didn’t want to believe that he would be such an ass to sit here, in front of her while texting someone else. She decided to talk about how her days at work have been lately.
“Hey, can we talk?” She looked at him and waited for his answer, he asked her to give him a minute, without even looking at her. Eyes still on the iphone screen.
Five minutes passed. Six. On the seventh, she got up, threw her tea cup in the sink – might have broken it as well – and made her way out of the kitchen.
“What was that for?”
“What was that for? Seriously I don’t even know, Daniel. The fact that for weeks now you barely talk to me? The fact that you come home as late as possible only for you to eat and if not play same stupid game you go straight to bed? Or maybe that you keep being on your phone talking to god knows who while I’m here literally begging for a word to come out of your mouth, even that would be “Shut up”.” She threw her hands up in the air while she felt her eyes watering up.
“It’s not what it looks like. I promise it’s not.” He said and walked close to her.
“Then what is it? I’m losing my mind! I’m losing my patience.”
“I can’t talk about it.” He can’t talk about it. The perfect answer to make her pick her jacket and make her way out.
“Babe don’t do that please I promise you it’s not what you think it its! Trust me. A few days and I can explain. Please.”
“Just leave me alone. I just want to be alone.”
She walked out of the door. He didn’t follow her. He knows better than that. She needed her time alone. Him following her would make things worse.
He didn’t follow her until he heard it.
The annoying sound of car brakes. He didn’t know what made him look out of the window but he did. And what he saw was enough for him to run as fast as possible. He wrapped his arms around her passed out body. He let pointless sounds leave his mouth. He was screaming. The driver had already called an ambulance but it seemed it was already too late. Her breathless body covered in blood was being shaken by her boyfriend, as if his screams and his arms shaking her, would bring her back to life. As if he could love her back to life. As if she was just playing a game trying to scare him off and she would soon open her eyes.
But she didn’t. You can’t love someone back to life. You can’t turn back time.
If he knew what was coming, he would have explained that exact moment she asked him. Because he was right. It’s not what she thought. It was far from what she thought.
But now she was gone. He lost her. She asked him to leave her alone, and it turns out he is the one left alone. What she never found out, was that all this time, he was planning his proposal along with a surprise wedding. If only he was more careful and if only she was more patient and if only she trusted him, she would have been here. She would have been here and married to him in three days.
But she was gone.
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supposedlyf1 · 5 years
Rules of the game: Answer these questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better!
thanks@riccciardo​ for tagging me ahhh!
Nickname: ahh um i don’t really have one because my name’s pretty short but i guess some people call me tan? (my name’s tanya so it ain’t that hard anyway lol)
Zodiac: libra and i relate to every horoscope post
Height: 158cm (im a short bean rip)
Time: 1am
Favourite band/artist: HOW DO I CHOOSE HONESTLY but tbh my music tastes vary a lot so i just make spotify playlist for each month,, but some all-time faves are chasing grace and frenship
Song stuck in my head: just got paid - sigala
Last movie I saw: huh it was actually a really lit hindi movie called raazi; i dont even know hindi but damn this movie was good 
Last thing I googled: haze-free directions home
Other blogs: i have a shitposting blog that is dominated by marvel posts and a studyblr (i mean what yea same man what was i thinking)
Why this username: tbh idk man
Following: 1467 (ok wtf i’ve had my main blog for 6 years so honestly half of these are like old obsessions jeez i gotta clear this out one day)
Average amount of sleep: i’m actually right smack in the middle of exam season rn so i force myself to get 8 hours of sleep
Lucky Number: 7!
What I’m wearing: an old t-shirt and sports shorts bc i live in this outfit
Dream job: tbh i wanna work for the UN but its such a lofty dream so idk i guess i’ll figure it out soon
Dream trips: scotland and sweden
Fav food: my absolute comfort food is spicy tomato pasta with ALOT of gouda
Instruments I play: i learnt the violin for about a yearish and i’ve been tinkering with the guitar for a couple months now
Eye colour: dark brown - tbh its just black
Hair colour: black
Aesthetics: minimalisty pastel, and plants
Languages I speak: english, tamil and very,very bad chinese
Most iconic song: am i even an f1 fan if i don’t say super max?
Random fact: i only have one friend who likes f1 and we talk about it all the time and all our other friends are super fascinated by how obsessed we are which is a mood if anything
im tagging: @n-orris @seriously-sebvettel @formulastyles @hamiltonxtwo @v-erstapping @thatdish @drivenbyemotionf1 @landosfloof @sebxvettel @weremilesfromwaybackwhen (i’m sorry if you’ve already done it i didnt check oop) and anyone who wants to do it!! im pretty new here haha so i’d love to get to know y’all better!
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