#sorry anon your silly little ask turned into a mini essay
weltraum-vaquero · 1 day
do u think act 1 viktor is on some nosy hall monitor type shit or nah
Partially I think so, yes. He seems to be taking at least some kind of pleasure in being a form of authority over who he at first perceives to be a Piltovian meddling with things beyond his comprehension on money he was served on a silver platter when he partakes in Jayce’s arrest. However, I don’t think he particularly enjoys enforcing rules (as evidenced by how little he cares for them throughout the show), I think he just enjoys being on the controlling end of situations.
It’s something he probably experiences very little, especially considering the fact that his terminal disease is also stripping him of it. He had little control over anything growing up, and in that sweet spot of young adulthood where he seemed to still be in relatively good health while he had achieved a rank of certain authority within academia seems like the time where he’d be most inclined to exert his newfound control over others, especially “Pilties”.
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aettuddae · 6 months
first of all welcome back queen 💪💯💯
let me tell u i SCREAMED when i saw the cowboy carter cameo WOOOOOO (did u listen to the album, thoughts?) karina is such a troll for that pic with ning 😭😭
yes kai is the enemy, but he also is giving me himbo vibes but specially kelso from that 70s show and i love kelso so idk
sehun defense club 🫡🫡 he just a happy silly jolly fella 😕, seulgi & jiwon being so clueless is hilarious, my fav comedy duo
the new chapters taking a serious turn threw me off a bit ngl but they were soooo good like the ominous vibes the mocking birds have its great also lets NOT torture a little girl HELLO (EUNCHAE GET BEHIND ME)
also daein ur sleeping on the couch tonight for being an ass to karina (speaking off she literally got me kicking my feet back n forth 🫦🫦i love when girls tease ppl)
theres literally so much more too speak on BUT im dragging on so…what a great way to return, glad u got a life now 🫶🫶 sounds fun
im back to writing mini essays in ur ask WE ARE SO BACK
- 🕷️
well, hello once again 😌👋🏻
about cowboy carter.. i did listen to a few songs, but i'm sorry, it's not really my place 😭
kai as kelso is crazy, but kinda accurate honestly. never would have pictured it like that. meanwhile, daein's friends are a whole plot of their own and i'm glad someone cares about them 😭🩷
i'm happy you enjoyed the new chapters, i was quite hesitant about people liking them since there's a lot of drama ma ma ma ma, especially with the mockingbirds. hope it wasn't heavy to read.
you're self-destructive 😭 but that's fine cause i am a little too
thank you, anon. having a life is interesting, but i have much more fun writing my silly little aespa smaus. glad to read your asks again, it's one of my favorite parts of writing 😅🤍
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kreacts · 7 years
NCT Dream Reaction to asking their crush on a date.
Can I have a nct dream reaction to asking out their crush on a date, like a school dance or something? Please and thank you! 😄❤️ 
Hi there anon! Sorry this took a few days, but I got super extra about this reaction so they are basically mini scenarios (no ragrets) I hope you like it! <3
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Mark was ready. He was super ready.  In all your days of knowing him, Mark had been the absolute best friend. He was friendly, he laughed super hard at all your jokes and told loads of jokes himself, he brought you your favourite snacks and told you you looked pretty even when you felt like shit. He was always there at the right moment to cheer you on and make you smile.
And every time you hung out, Mark just fell more and more in love with you. He thought you were cute from the moment you met, and every day since just proved it to him: you would be amazing together.
But he could never find the right time to ask you out. Either you were stressed about work, or he was super busy. It was frustrating for him, but he figured the more time you spent together, the more he could win you over and show how great he could be for you.
You’d just gone on summer break, and he was ready. He brought you your favourite flowers and turned up at your house of an evening. When your mom opened the door to see him waiting for you she would just smile and call you down. And, Mark being Mark, he would rap his confession to you. The whole time he would be smiling, and blushing, unable to quite look you in the eye, but when he finished he would bow to you as you clapped then look up at you, his eyes wide and sparkling with happiness.
“Y/n, would you do me the honour of going out to dinner with me tonight?” You’d already be blushing and giggling from Mark’s cute rap, the happiness was radiating out of you. You had liked Mark for so long, and he finally asked you out! You’d step forward to take the flowers from him then nod shyly.
“Just wait for me to get ready!” You’d jump up to peck his cheek then turn and run inside, leaving the door open for him to come in and wait for you. Mark would follow you, grinning, closing the door behind him.
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Renjun had skipped class- yes, this good child had skipped class- just to prepare for asking you out! He was so darn nervous, standing by your locker, waiting for you to get out of your class. He’d be giving himself a pep talk when the bell rang and people started filing into the corridor. The moment he spotted you in the crowd he would gulp and clench his fists, he would not chicken out now.
“H-hey, y/n,” He’d stutter as he started to speak, but you hardly noticed as you opened your locker and began exchanging your books, greeting Renjun with a little ‘hey’.
“So. You know, the dance. School dance. At the end of the… year?” You’d glance over, noting Renjun’s confused sentences, and raise an eyebrow.
“Are you ok?” You’d ask and Renjun’s eyes would widen. Damn, he was sounded like a fool. He’d draw in a quick breath, and just blurt it out.
“Will you go with me?”
“To the dance?” Your question would scare him, had someone already asked you, or did you just maybe not want to go with him? He’d nod quickly and lick his lips, a nervous habit.
“Of course!” When you swooped in to peck his cheek Renjun would freeze. You’d walk away, grinning to yourself, and Renjun would turn slowly to watch you look away, a smile slowly stretching onto his face. He’d walk off to his next class in a daze, he wouldn’t pay attention to the rest of his lessons, he’d be too busy smiling and daydreaming of dancing with you.
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“I don’t think I can do this,” Jeno stood in the corner of the cafeteria, phone held to his ear, and whispered hurriedly to Jaehyun down the phone. He had been so sure he would be confident enough to ask you to the Winter Dance today, but the moment he walked into the room and saw you chatting away happily with your friends he had panicked and run away, calling up his friend for help.
“Stop it, Jeno. You like this girl, right? She’s friendly with you, yes? So suck it up and go and ask her!” Jeno would turn visibly green as Jaehyun hung up on him, and he’d hurriedly stuff his phone into his pocket and then turn to look at you.
He’d force himself to walk in your direction, he’d be kinda robot like in his movements because he was so nervous. His fear was telling him to turn around and run away. Why would you like him anyway? You were so beautiful, and kind, and honest, and hard-working, and gentle… he’d get lost praising you, and then suddenly he’d look up and he was at your table and your friends were looking at him and he was just looking at you.
You’d stand up and put your hand on his arm because he was looking super freaked out, and you were worried that he wasn’t breathing. You’d tug him away from the table and turn him so he was facing you, then ask if he was ok.
Without even saying anything, he’d offer you a piece of paper then walk off, leaving you totally confused. When you opened the note to find ‘Will you go to the Winter Dance with me? Check yes or no’ you’d instantly grin, grab your bag, then run off. You’d tick the ‘yes’ box and then slip the note into Jeno’s locker, knowing he’d find it at the end of the day.
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“Get out! Get out!” The other boys would have to physically shove Haechan out the door, he was driving them all mad with his jumping around, tapping his nails on the table, jiggling his leg. He wouldn’t explain what had him so stressed, so after an hour of Haechan driving them all up the wall they lifted him up and threw him outside.
Haechan had been toying with the idea of asking you out all day. There was a marathon of your favourite movie series at the local cinema and he loved the idea of going to it with you. You guys could cuddle, eat snacks, whisper jokes to each other over the films, it would be the perfect first date.
When Haechan called you up to ask if you were busy, of course you invited him to meet you at Costa. When Haechan strolled into the shop he had a bright smile on his face, and he greeted you with ease. Seeing you there, with his favourite drink waiting for him, and suddenly he had no problem with the idea of asking you out.
He’d greet you with a hug, and compliment you- your hair, your makeup, your clothes, anything really. Haechan was good at acting smooth even when inside he was super nervous.
“So, you know the Harry Potter marathon that’s happening this weekend? I was wondering if you might want to go with me?” Haechan didn’t hesitate or stutter as he spoke, he looked you steadily in the eyes, smiling confidently.
“In a date type way?” You’d ask, taking a long sip of your drink. You could feel yourself blushing, but you tried to act calm as you waited for Haechan’s response. The moment you asked Haechan’s smile would turn nervous and he’d give you a shy nod. “That sounds great!”
Haechan would beam at your enthusiasm and do a little dance before standing up to hug you again, this time swinging you around slightly in his excitement. “We’re gonna have so much fun! Let’s get loads of sweets! And popcorn!! And don’t worry, you can hide against my shoulder when Voldemort appears.”
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You were tapping away at the keyboard, a dull look on your face. This was probably one of the most boring essays you had ever had to write, you could feel yourself losing interest after every sentence. The only thing that was keeping you going was Jaemin. He was sat on the computer opposite you in the library, and every now and then he’d send you a joke or funny photo or he’d peak round his computer to pull a silly face at you.
You pulled up the IM on your computer and tapped out a message to Jaemin. I can’t do this anymore, I still have 1000 words to write!
Of course you can, y/n, I believe in you! Jaemin’s message made you smile and you quickly turned back to your essay and started typing. Jaemin was always there to support you when you were feeling down, he was just so confident and enthusiastic about everything you do.
So, y/n, I was wondering… what are you doing this weekend? You perked a brow and bit your lip, not really sure where Jaemin was going with this.
Not much, why?
… I was wondering if you maybe wanted to do something? Johnny and Ten are going to the beach this weekend, so they could drive us down and we could spend the day on the beach? We’d leave them behind, of course.
You’d swallow back a nervous laugh and type back a quick Sure! Because OF COURSE you’d want to spend a day walking up and down the beach with Jaemin, collecting shells, climbing over rock pools in the sun.
You’d hear a cough and would lean around your computer to find Jaemin staring at you, his tongue stuck out slightly and his eyes crossed. You’d have to smother your giggle with your hand and hurriedly try and get back to working. You wanted to get this essay finished now so you could enjoy the beach trip with Jaemin properly.
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Ever since you met Chenle in dance class, you had thought of his as being very extra, very loud, very theatrical. He was always there to greet you with a tight hug of a morning, he raved over your sandwiches whenever you brought lunch, and he laughed like a dolphin every time you said something remotely silly.
You two had danced together a lot in your classes, mostly because every time the teacher asked you to find a partner Chenle would grab your hand and grin at you. He couldn’t think of a better dance partner for himself than you.
You both worked really hard during your class and ended up sweaty and exhausted. Slowly, everyone in the class filed out of the room. You were sat on the floor waiting for Chenle to come back from the toilet so that you could walk home together. You dipped your head to rest on your knees, and when you look up a minute later all of NCT Dream was stood in front of you.
Without waiting for you to say anything, the boys would break into song and dance, which would end with Chenle on one knee in front of you, a rose in hand, which he’d hold out to you, a wide smile on his face.
“Will you go on a date with me, oh beautiful y/n?” You’d smile softly and nod, reaching out to pluck the rose from his hand. The boys behind Chenle were cheering and clapping, and you were so embarrassed that you grabbed your bag and walked out of the room. As soon as the door swung closed you heard Chenle’s scream and-
“SHE SAID YESS!!!” followed by the sound of 7 boys cheering and high fiving.
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Jisung sat next to you in your maths class, and usually you guys chattered and worked happily. You were good at working together on the little tasks you were set, although Jisung often was too hyper and got too distracted to do too much of the work.
Today Jisung had greeted you happily, but he’d spent most of the lesson just doodling in his notebook. You wanted to ask if something was bothering him, but you knew Jisung would tell you if he wanted too, so you just kept quiet and did your work, asking him a question every now and then.
Jisung wasn’t sure what was wrong, he just felt more calm and serious today. He felt like he wanted to make a change. As he finished one of his little doodles he looked up, the first thing his eyes falling on was you. You bent over your work, nose scrunched, mouth pursed as you tried to figure out a difficult math question. Your hair was in your eye, he didn’t know how you could see to work, but you looked too focussed to notice.
As he watched you scribble, Jisung suddenly felt an urge to reach out and tuck your hair behind your ear. This thought made him sit up straight in his seat. He was staring at you, not realising it might seem a bit weird, his eyes widening slowly with realisation.
You glanced over at him quickly, noticing him staring, but he didn’t look away. You placed your pencil onto your desk and turned to face him.
“Jisung, why are you staring at me?” You’d ask quietly, not wanting to draw the teachers attention. Jisung didn’t even think about what he was going to say.
“Do you want to go out with me?” Just at that moment your teacher would call out, asking you and Jisung if you planned to do any work that lesson. You’d both jump and turn away from each other, you hurryingly picking up your pencil to continue working.
Jisung would wait a minute to see if you’d reply, but you were so embarrassed about being caught not working you just focussed on your work. Jisung sighed and picked up his pencil, ready to start working, when you whispered “Yes.” He’d just grin and bend over his paper, hurryingly scribbling his answers.
Thank you for reading! We really hope you like it. We’re open for requests, so go ahead and message us! Thanks for the lovely request, Anon! Admin ☼ Iris
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