#sorry XiaoLiang your grandpa sucks
pushing500 · 3 months
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The outpost at Arwell is paying off, damn!! If only Mechi had someone to help him install that bionic eye, he'd love it. In the meantime, he'll just enjoy the book.
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How cute, he likes the present <3
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In other news, our prisoner was miraculously cured of his paralytic abasia, much to Mechi's frustration, I'm sure. Also, it turns out he's Man in Black XiaoLiang's granddad. Small world!
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Fortunately, the shuttle came to collect him before he got too annoying. Mechi is probably very glad to be rid of the company.
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No, thank you, we don't wanna risk being exposed to that much flesh again if we can help it! Sorry, you're on your own.
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