#sorry VA it’s not your fault it’s just the first character I heard you voice I wanted to throttle
ziracona · 2 years
Oh man, VLR. No spoilers, continuing the franchise is a tricky coin flip. I personally really like the second game a lot, but I felt like the third one really let down the whole story. It's almost worth it just to see how crazy everything gets, but not all blorbos are treated equally. I'm sure your liveblogs and takes would be great, but I completely understand if you're not interested
Well thanks for the heads up. It’s so much uglier that it’s kind of a system shock, but I am also intrigued. But also I have vague knowledge of things and I don’t know if I want to know more. But tbh the biggest deciding factor might be being joined at the hip with Phi apparently all game, because it’s no fault of the character or the VA, and in another timeline I wouldn’t be this way at all, but I hear her voice and hear my behated Kallen Kozuki, and I just don’t know if I can take an entire game of that. : / Like maybe it’d cool down (it being my Pavlovian anger response), but idk if it will and if it doesn’t idk if I can take a whole game of extreme annoyance undercurrent that should not be there. ✊😔 The only downside to have watched Code Geass at a very formative age.
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sainz-zayn · 3 years
Treacherous 01.
Treacherous (adj.)  guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
Warnings: vulgar foreign language/ foul language, sexual and suggestive themes, betrayal/ betrayal between Johnjae, Illegal drug dealing, mention of blood and wounds, use of gun, smoking, mention of death/ murder, minor character death. This is my first time writing a kind of detailed smut and it`s badly written I`m sorry. I don`t know much about law but I tried since this is kind of Vincenzo au a little far from it but kind of like that and I`m amateur when it come`s to writing again I`m sorry. All Italian/foreign words came from google translate.
► Part 2
Word Count: 10.1k 
Disclaimer: All characters and events in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
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"Envious causes jealousy and jealousy causes hatred, hatred turns Treacherous causing sins to one another,"  you said letting out a sarcastic chortle.
 "Revenge, you said you want your revenge and I`m more than happy and dreadful to help you" his eyes are flaming and burning fire the beast inside him threatening to come out as anger forms and creeps inside him.
"I`m still not satisfied" you retorted emphasizing each word that is coming out of your lips. 
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Takara Nakajima is one of the most corrupted Lawyers under Gongpyeong law firm has the dirtiest secret and dirt under their family`s name, the enemy of Ferrante`s. One of the cases you need to solve without any of your relatives knowing except for your one adopted cousin Johnny Jun Suh also distinguished as John Ivano Ferrante American/Korean, an Italian citizen.
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"Where are you at 10:00 PM when the victim is rape?" His lawyer asked pacing back in forth waiting for the employer to answer.
"Again I will ask you where are you at exactly 10:00 PM when the victim is rape?" the lawyer questioned the employer again you can see that the employer is fidgeting his fingers and his eyes wandering the room one of the signs that he can be guilty.
"I-I`m home that night I didn`t do anything I didn`t put drugs in her drinks," the employer asserted.
"Objection your honor, Under sexual violence prevention and victims protection act, article 36 any person who dismisses a victim from employment or takes any other measure unfavorable to a victim, in violation of Article 8, shall be punished by imprisonment with labor. In the sexual violence prevention and victims protection act, article 8 No employer shall dismiss any victim or take any other unfavorable measure against him or her on the ground that he or she is the victim of sexual violence and this is what exactly what the employer doing now" you glance at the employer who is accused of doing sexual assault and attempted rape still contradicting what he has done.
"And let me ask one question please allow me your honor" you face the judge waiting for his approval.
"Let`s hear it" the judge simply said and you bow at him.
"No one, not even the police or anyone talks about you putting drugs on her drink, or perhaps you really did?" you ask the employer with anticipation waiting for him to reveal the truth and justice will be served.
"I didn`t, I said I didn`t! byeongsin saekki" the employer said and you glare at him for swearing.
"Your honor this footage from the witness will prove that he's guilty of the accusation that he`s getting" you fight back and you give the flash drive to them and insert it.
"Your honor we decline to accept this evidence!" the lawyer of the defendant said.
"It`s still evidence from the witness you have no choice," you said crossing your arms.
"Quiet! let`s watch the evidence" the judge proclaims making you all stop.
They watch the video of the girl being hauled in a dark place and how the employer does something very unpleasant and the video finishes again and now you still have the victory.
"Employer 5890 will be punished with imprisonment with labor for not more than three years" the judge announces and finalize it with the victim's family crying for winning the case. You walk out of the court with the cold aura you have going back to your office again.
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"Congratulations Y/n or should I say, Chiara Allesandra Ferrante," the person said sarcastically you look at your mortal enemy worst of the worst Takara Nakajima daughter of Nakajima Hiroto owner of Nakajima Enterprises.
"Shut it Nakajima Takara" you rolled your eyes at her purposely bumping your shoulder to hers making her huff.
"Just accept it that you can`t win a single case without bribing the judge how pathetic of you Na.Ka.Ji.Ma" you emphasize her surname with a mocking tone making sure she heard it even though you`re not facing her.
"What did you just say? Apologize now!" Takara is a partner in the Gongpyeong law firm and one of the bossiest ones.
"Mi dispiace, patetico moccioso" you purposely said it since she`s Japanese and she won`t be able to understand that you say "I`m sorry you pathetic brat." you leave her with a teasing grin tainted in your lips.
"What did you just say!?" Takara said stomping her feet to the ground.
"Goodbye," you sing while walking away from her.
You open the door of your office startled by Johnny who is admiring your office, you promptly ran in his direction and hug him as tight as you could. Johnny Suh or John Ivano is not just someone who is adopted for you, you see him as an older brother and a best friend. He is one of the best lawyers in the country and also known worldwide, renowned, and acknowledge as John Ivano Ferrante. Raised by two Italian couples at the age of 3, his parents died in a car accident the cause is still not solved after years of striving for justice to be served. But there is one saying in the Ferrante clan; Never trust anybody because you can find faults and sin even in the most righteous person.
"Ivano!" you jumped to him making him carry you in his arms while you`re clinging to him like a koala.
"Johnny, just call me Johnny" he let out a breathy chortle removing you from his tight grasp shuffling your hair the height difference didn`t help at all.
"Don`t mess up my hair my hairstylist is not available right now, you know Ivano" you emphasize his name teasingly because he doesn`t like to be called Ivano in private unless you called him John.
"Then stop calling me Ivano I`m Johnny okay? want me to spell it out for you?" Johnny raised his eyebrows at you while crossing his arms.
"Fine, fine sorry" you grin at him and shove him off of your chair to sit in it comfortably.
"So? when did you come back? you should have told me you know" you rant at him opening your laptop to explicate to him the new plan that you two have been plotting for approximately 5 years.
"I just got here yesterday night, what`s with the change of plan?" Johnny asked, making his self comfortable on the couch in front of you.
" We can`t stick to the old plan it might affect the others if we continue it so I change it, here look" Johnny stood up from his seat to move to your table and check the new plan.
"Illegal drugs transaction to sexual attraction?" Johnny read it with a furrowed eyebrows analyzing all of the pictures.
"Yes, Nakajima has been selling and importing drugs tricking their clients to buy it by using sexual attraction it`s been going on since the 2000s there are 5 lawyers who fight for this case but Nakajima is always playing the game dirty" you explain to him solemnly, showing him different files and pictures.
"I did some research about them last week the drug dealing is still going on around, we`re still finding Tajimamori Yamamoto one of their oldest lawyer and the most trusted. In the year 1998 Tajimamori fight for the Nakajima case until in the year 2000, Tajimamori just suddenly disappear out of nowhere without any traces. He`s the ace card that we need to find" Johnny explains tapping his fingers on the table, eyebrows furrowed.
"We don`t have much time left, we need to finish this within 6 months we can`t afford to lose this time" you lean back to your chair pinching your nose bridge.
Once this case opens up and once you win the case the Nakajima will fall, Takara Nakajima, you better get ready.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold," you said while clasping your hands together.
"Va servito freddo, that`s the spirit Y/n" Johnny smirk and so did you, without Johnny, this thing will be absurdity and nothing.
"Since you win a new case today lunch is on me c`mon let`s go," Johnny said and you take your purse and clung your arms to his, flashing him a bright smile.
Johnny drives into a nearby restaurant pulling up his car to the parking area when your phone opens by itself with a vibrate. Sign that someone is calling you, you look at Johnny and he nods at you as a gesture to answer the phone. He still didn`t turn off the ignition so you stay in the car and answer the phone.
"Hello? who is this?" you stated through the phone pretending that you don`t know the person calling you.
"Hi, I`m the Information hacker that you`ve called last week I just landed in Korea, can you tell me where I can meet you? I`m in your office right now." the person answered you playing along with your silly joke.
"Oh yeah, I`m in a nearby restaurant I`ll send you the address please feel free to join us for lunch," you said politely to the phone and ended it, you send the address and you go in with Johnny.
"Is that the Information hacker?" Johnny asked with a little off tone in his voice.
"Yeah, I invited him for lunch" you answered him and he only nodded.
"Ms. Ferrante?" you and Johnny heard someone called your name and you stood up from your sit to greet the person.
"It was nice to meet you" you greet him and he gives you a smile showing his whites pearly.
"The pleasure is mine," the guy said back and you smile at him.
"My name is..." the guy was about to Introduced himself when Johnny hastily cut him off.
"Ten Adriano Rossi" Johnny said while wiping his lips with a napkin.
"How did you know him?" you look at Johnny curiously, gesturing Ten to seat with a jaunty grin.
"Don`t you recognize him? he`s ten!" Johnny said calmly.
"Ten lee!?" you exclaimed acting like you don`t know him and he smiled at you opening his arms for you to hug him.
"I`m still here you know?" Johnny cleared his throat and rolled his eyes at you and Ten.
"Okay, okay no more funny business and let`s proceed to the plan," Ten said.
Johnny explained all of the new plans to Ten including the outline of the goals, objectives, measurements, action steps, and responsibilities for each step and negotiation.
"Here`s the information that you need about Tajimamori Yamamoto, he`s seen last week at Osaka and Tokyo and he soon flies to Toronto, Canada." Ten spoke and he settled the brown envelope on the table making sure no one is listening or looking at your conversation.
"Also, yesterday I was hacking the system of Nakajima enterprises but when this confidential file suddenly showed up, I think it`s the record of the money they have been Illegally pocketing," Ten said, sipping the coffee from the cup. The serious look never fading from his face.
"We should keep all of this evidence in a private place where we can easily find it but no one can, once we puzzled this informations and evidence we can open up the case against them with solid evidence that can make them fall," Johnny responded.
Get ready Nakajima the person who will destroy you is already plotting your worst nightmare, Il karma è un boomerang, il mio amato nemico; "karma is a boomerang, my beloved enemy."
Johnny and Ten excuses themselves for a minute to talk about something more private leaving you alone to clear your mind, when renjun`s number pops up on your phone screen. You didn`t answer it at first maybe he was just gonna ask you to buy something on your way home, it`s the 5th time he`s been calling you and it`s like he doesn`t want to stop until you answer. So, you finally answer the phone.
"Y/n!? what the fuck!? I`ve been calling you!" Renjun said through the phone the stress and nervousness in his voice are obvious.
"Watch your language Renjun, what is this time?" you asked him with a stern voice.
"Y/n, you need to get home we have a problem it`s hard to explain just go home right now okay?" Renjun said and he quickly cut the call.
You texted Johnny that you will go home first and he replied "Drive safe" that`s enough for you, you quickly drive to your home it`s a minute drive from the restaurant to home but you could care less how fast you`re driving right now. You know Renjun more than anyone, by just the tone of his voice you already know that something is off. Getting out of the car, you open the door of your house with Renjun behind Doyoung while pacing back and forth biting the tip of his finger.
"What`s going on!?" you asked them, sitting on the couch with heavy breathing.
"Doyoung, Hyung accidentally hack our own system, and the tax evasion record of Tremblay corp is locked and can`t be open" Renjun explained while Doyoung is fully focusing on the computer his finger tapping it so fast.
"What!? Kim Doyoung!" you said his name a little louder making him face you.
"Eojjeorago!? If Haechan is not being an ass and if he didn`t annoy me earlier I wouldn't have accidentally hacked our system!" Doyoung said, asking you what do you want him to do about it a little louder than yours.
"Geuraeso mwo!? I was telling you about the codes but you keep shoving me off!" Haechan fight back and Renjun and you sit there pinching your nose bridge in unison.
"Yah! you two come here now!" you exclaimed a little higher and louder than usual, the two of them stand in front of you and you stood up from your sit grabbing your handbag. At first, you calmly smile at them before hitting them lightly with your bag making them ran away and you chase them.
"Kim Doyoung! Lee Haechan! get your ass in here!" you yelled at them and their playful laugh is only what you heard.
"Y/n, calm down!" Renjun yelled while the three of you, Doyoung, and Haechan is running around the living room.
"Wait, let me explain okay!? Mianhe" Doyoung stops running holding his hands to his chest breathing heavily with Haechan. While Renjun is just standing there his hands resting on his hips stifling his laughter.
"Fine! and you two Johnny and Ten!" you glare at them, Johnny gulps and so did Ten awkwardly scratching their neck.
"You said that you`re just gonna talk in private but why are you two here!?  you two went here first leaving me there!" you grab the pillow and throw it at them luckily they dodge it.
"Now explain" you sat back on the couch a sigh escaping your lips while rubbing your temple softly.
Doyoung explained everything about the system and how he can claim it back in just a few minutes and that`s enough to ease your worries. Of course, you trust Doyoung so much he`s like your sibling but losing all of the confidential files is different.
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"Yun-o, this is the information we gathered about Chiara Allesandra Ferrante she`s also known as Y/n," Yuta said and he leaves the office when another person enters the door.
"Stop investigating her, you will get nothing" Johnny glares at Yun-o who is peacefully sipping the wine.
"Why? is it because she`s your cousin or maybe something else?" Yun-o dropped the envelope on the table chuckling at his response at Johnny.
"Stop putting any malice about me being protective to her will you? Jaehyun il ragazzo innamorato" Johnny tease him by calling him il ragazzo innamorato;"The lover boy"
"Well, stai zitto Ivano" Jaehyun tease back making Johnny glared at him again. stai zitto Ivano; "Shut up Ivano"
Jaehyun or Yun-o owner of Neo tech enterprises, one of the most successful men in South Korea, a pile of girls ready to get in his pants and ready to risk everything just for him. Jaehyun has a visual like Goddess if you`re gonna describe perfection many will use him as an example. Looks, style, professionalism, maturity you can see it all in him.
"I`m warning you Jaehyun," Johnny said seriously taking another sip of wine from his glass.
"I won`t do anything I swear" Jaehyun patted his best friend's shoulder going back to his seat.
"How`s the branch in New york going?" Jaehyun brought up the conversation about their joint company.
"It`s doing good, nothing bad so far but we might get ready we don`t know what will happen. I guess you know what I`m talking about since you`re investigating Y/n" Johnny responded, leaning to his seat with eyes shut. A lot is going on in his mind these days, and half of it is you.
"Well, we are well prepared for that. Just tell me whenever you need my help and by the way, I met Mr. Tremblay last week he seems like he`s in a hurry so we don`t have much time to talk" Jaehyun said staring into a space in his room going deep in his thoughts.
"Yeah, and I heard that his son is hitting on Y/n, his son is an amateur piece of shit," Johnny said letting out a "tsk" gulping down the wine he's drinking making Jaehyun sneer at Johnny.
"Jealousy, dude" Jaehyun tantalized.
"Shut up!" Johnny groaned.
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"Ms. Ferrante you need to go with us!" The door of your office suddenly opens with a loud bang making you jolt in your sit and so did Kun.
"What!? this is absurd" Kun defended you holding your wrist preventing the officer from dragging you away.
"No, Kun it`s okay just call Johnny it`ll be fine," you said calmly before grabbing your bag, the police officer assisting you to follow them.
"I`ll come with you," Kun said keeping up with your pace of the walk.
Everyone outside the building is looking at you, sparing you one glance whispering to their partner's ears. Is gossiping a new trend now? it`s funny how people will talk about you and judge you easily when you just show them the part of you that you want them to see and they will act like they know the whole story of your life.
Arriving at the station the officer asked you to sit down so the interview will start.
"We`ll go straight to the point Ms. Ferrante, someone pointed out that you have been selling drugs and there`s one found in your car yesterday. We can finish this up if you cooperated with us" the police interrogated you, showing the evidence.
"I don`t sell drugs, I don`t do drugs, I never keep one," you said rolling your eyes.
"Then what is this then? a laundry powder?" the police ask sarcastically.
"Guarda, I`m not here so just you can tell and ask your not so lame jokes I said what I said, and can I possibly know who reported this bullshit?" you ask squinting your eyes at the officer, you`re not really like this but since you`re stress and for a woman who has a lot of works to do. This interview is a burden.
"Pick up, pick up, fucking pick up!" Kun grew impatient when Johnny is not answering his calls and messages after trying and trying Johnny finally answered the phone.
"Kun take it easy I`m with Jaehyun right now" and Johnny can feel that Kun has an irritated emotion written on his face right now.
"Yeah, you`re with Jaehyun right now while Y/n and I are in the police station right now uhuh," Kun said.
"Come here right now we need you" and then he ends the call waiting outside until the interview ends.
Hours have passed and the interrogating is still going on and Kun is still waiting for you. Johnny finally arrived, fixing the suit that he`s wearing he asked Kun where you are and he assists Johnny inside.
"John Ivano Ferrante, I`m Y/n`s lawyer," Johnny said full of professionalism.
They settled the problem after almost another 1 hour they finally let you leave. Out of curiosity and frustration wondering who decided to frame you. Of course, Takara is one of the options but maybe there is someone else.
"Can I ask who reported me?" letting out a hiss you ask the officer that arrested you.
"No" the officer simply responded to your question and Johnny holds your right arms. Johnny and you are ready to leave but you still want to know who it is so you turn around again.
"won`t you really gonna tell me?" you ask one more time and that`s enough for Johnny to drag you along with him.
"C`mon let`s go" Johnny drag you along with him but you keep removing his grip.
"One last question, please?" you look at Johnny with puppy eyes but it didn`t work so you stop it and stand straight walking out by yourself but before that, you punch his arms lightly enough for him to hold his arms before walking out.
"I hate you" and Johnny only smiles at himself like a fool before following you outside.
You walk outside and took a deep breath, you look for Kun only to see him leaning in Johnny`s car. You walk to him and he smiles at you.
"Thank you," you said at him.
"Kun, can you drive Y/n home for me? I gotta go somewhere," Johnny said giving Kun the key car. Sparing you a glance but you didn`t bother looking at him back, as if he`s not in front of you.
You go home with Kun the two of you use Johnny`s car and you`re worried about him you really do. The rain keeps pouring and it`s getting darker, more hours pass and you grew more worried the rain is getting heavy. You`re thinking how Johnny will get home in this weather, you lean your head against the windowpane the raindrops sliding outside of the pane when you see a glimpse of a familiar figure.
You ran downstairs as fast as you could grabbing a soft towel with you before opening the door. It`s Johnny, Johnny is soaked wet his hair sticking out in every direction possible, a cut in the lips, and bleeding knuckles. You look up at him with worried eyes and he smiled at you. You don`t know what to say but your next action makes him feel at ease, you hug him your chest touching his. The skin contact that makes him feel comfort.
"What happened?" you asked, you don`t know why you are tearing up when he`s the one in pain. He caressed your face softly and he still didn`t say anything. You invited him inside because it`s his home too. You hold his wrist guiding him in one of the rooms, you don`t know if it`s your room but you could care less until you put an ointment and bandage in his wounds. You make Johnny sit on the bed and handed him a towel while you go in the bathroom to get the things you needed.
You slowly applied the ointment on Johnny`s lips where the cut is while your hands are slightly shaking, not minding the tears that are brimming out of your eyes. You next hold his hands to yours softly and more tear brim in your eyes, you`re so weak when it comes to Johnny and you don`t know what to feel about it.
"I-I`ll do it," Johnny said removing his hands from yours before you grab it again.
"No! I`ll do it!" you said through your sobs, wiping your tears away.
"I can do..." you didn`t let Johnny what he was about to say because you know what it is.
"No! I`ll do it, you said you`re just gonna go somewhere but why do you have this cut and wounds in your body!? I hate it!" you said letting it out as your sobs get louder and Johnny only stayed silent. You covered his knuckles with a bandage softly while he let out a loud hiss.
"You`re strong but why do you let your body take all of this!? you know I hate it when something like this happens to you" you exclaimed tears are still falling from your eyes, you touch the cut on his lips again making him hiss.
The two of you stare at each other for a brief moment and Johnny brushes away the strands of hair that are covering your face when your emotion took over you. Your lips landed on his soft ones with your eyes closed he didn`t kiss back, you`re about to pull away when he holds your nape kissing you back. The two of you stay like that for a fleeting moment.
The two of you pulled away forehead resting on one another when the bedsheet cover suddenly moves revealing Ten with a teasing grin making you pull away from Johnny.
"Is it necessary to make out in my room?" Ten asked still wearing the annoying teasing grin on his face.
"S-shut up!" you said and you walk out of the room leaving Johnny and Ten alone.
"How is it?" Ten didn`t stop teasing Johnny so he grabs the pillow and throws it at ten softly before plopping down at the bed letting his body sink in it.
You open the door of your room and you straightly go to your bed burying your face at the pillow out of embarrassment, tossing around the bed messing it up.
"Did you just kiss your cousin? did you just kiss Johnny Suh? It`s okay, right? the two of us are not blood-related anyways so nothing to worry about yes? no?" burying your face on the pillow once again letting out a muffled scream.
The boys decided to have dinner all at once at home so they ordered food for all of you they start calling you, you just keep answering "Okay" so they decided to stop when your stomach makes a grumbling noise. You open the door of your room only to see Johnny`s fist in the air may be to knock? and you look down.
"A-about earlier" you`re about to apologize to Johnny when he cuts you off.
"It`s okay don`t flutter yourself," Johnny said with a smile and you go downstairs with him.
"Don`t Flutter? who said I`m fluttering myself!?" you scoffed and walk past him closing your eyes for a moment from embarrassment.
"Hey, wait up!" Johnny said grabbing your shoulders.
"Let me walk with you" he added.
The rest of you gathered in the dining room. Laughter, warmth, comfort, are filling up the whole room. Oh, gosh you know how much you miss this after almost a year of not being complete you on the times where you only have Renjun, Jaemin, and Haechan besides you.
"This pizza tastes delicious don`t you think so?" you nodded and giggled, your cheeks stuffed with pizza. All of you are laughing that you didn`t even realize who`s the person beside you, you stay silent for a moment before y`all turn your head once again to the person beside you.
"Mark Lee!" you exclaimed locking him with a tight hug.
"Dude, I can`t breath," Mark said tapping your back lightly and you back away.
"Sorry I got carried away" you beam at him and every one of them hugs him what a beautiful and pleasant event.  
"Announcement! we`re all having a party tomorrow so don`t miss out, I`ll tell y`all the location" Mark happily announced, and y`all cheered stuffing your mouth with food.
You excuse yourself to talk with Mark in private, the two of you sat in the living room looking around before proceeding to talk. Mark looks at you with confused eyes.
"So, what`s going on with Mr. Tremblay?" You asked Mark and now he finally understands.
"About that, he`s company is not doing well plus his son keeps asking me about you that I can`t even go on with a day without him asking me things about you since I sign a partnership with them," Mark answered with a sigh before pulling you into a hug and you rest your head to his arms.
"Is Takara invited to the party?" you ask him while you stare at the ceiling and he plays with your hair.
"Yes, she`s Invited" Mark simply responded.
"Can I ask you a favor for tomorrow?" you asked while looking back up at him.
"Sure, what is it?" you smiled at him for agreeing at first he didn`t buy the idea but there`s no way he can say no to you.
"Thank you, Mark!" you cheered.
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"Papà! you should`ve decline! out of all people why Takara!?" you barged in your father`s office throwing a tantrum as soon as you go face to face with him.
"Don`t raise voice at me Y/n! I`m still your father" your father defends which makes you more frustrated.
"Papà! you know that we can`t have any connection with them when it comes to running a company! this might ruin my plan why did you let them sign the contract!" you can`t help but raise your voice frustration is creeping inside you and you can`t help but let it out.
"Trust me Y/n this will help you sooner or later you will realize it," your father said. How can he be so calm when you`re out here in front of him letting your frustration out.
"Cazzo! this is ridiculous!" you fight back.
"Watch your language Y/n!" you had enough and you don`t think you can go on with this conversation.
"I`m done okay? I`m done!" you left your father`s office angrily closing the door walking fast not caring if anyone is looking.
Your father just makes a contract of partnership with Nakajima`s that makes you infuriated early in the morning. How can he sign an agreement with them?
"Did I just mention the plan to my father!? No, don`t worry Y/n he won`t get it" you talk to yourself taking a deep breath before entering your car, you called Johnny and tell him to meet you in your office in an hour.
"Why did you call me here?" Johnny asked while leaning in the doorway.
"Nice timing let`s go and help me find a dress to wear" you dragged him with you.
Johnny keeps whining about how you can ask for Wendy`s help but you keep shutting him from talking, you tried so many dresses and he keeps saying no which makes you pissed off. You choose a dress a long one and a short one for an option you bought it, it was color red you choose the long one with a deep sidecut that shows the skin of your legs.
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Arriving at the party it`s fabulous and it`s full of people around your age mid-20s and the ones in their 20s you spend the whole night drinking when this beautiful handsome man approaches you.
"Pleasure to meet you I`m Jung Jaehyun," He said offering his hands for you to shake it.
"Ciara Allessandra Ferrante but I`m more comfortable being called Y/n plus don`t act dumb I know you. I`m not a fool I know you hire someone to follow me and investigate me, I know by this time you know all of my plans but don`t worry I know you're trustworthy, and you`re friends with my friends." you took his hands to yours and you gladly shake it.
"Jaehyun? I`ve been looking for you" you heard a familiar voice and you`re completely sure it`s Johnny.
"Chill," Jaehyun said with a smile.
"Ciao Y/n I hope you will like my April fools surprise," she said slipping away the wine your holding.
Takara already left and the whole place gets full and crowded with businessmen, suddenly everyone becomes quiet when the news starts playing.
"Breaking news the well-known CEO and Founder of Phoenix corporation have been found dead at exactly 8:30 PM in his house there`s still no answer what is the cause of death" everyone gasp and you can feel a tear escaping your eyes.
"Papà, this is not real!" you said and you walk out of the party going to your dad but Johnny prevented you from doing so.
"Let go!" you said removing his grasp and he holds you tight to his embrace.
"Your father asked me a favor to not make you see him, he wants you to see him when he`s in the coffin" you didn`t hug him back but you keep crying.
"He`s still my father Johnny I want to see him!" you fight back pushing him through his chest but he won't budge. Of course, he`s stronger than you.
"Let`s go home tomorrow you`ll see him" Johnny whispered at you and you can see Jaehyun looking at you with pity in his eyes.
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"You!" you point at Jaehyun.
"Me?" he answered.
"Yes, you who else?" you talk.
"I want you to join us I know that`s your whole point of investigating me anyway," you said sternly and they all look at you.
"What?" you rolled your eyes at them.
"Tomorrow we have something to do, we`ll make our first move of the plan starting tomorrow I can`t tolerate this anymore after what Nakajimas do to my father.
You throw the glass of wine you`re holding in the wall staining it red, your hands holding tight the table with fire eyes in your eyes throwing daggers anger, guilt, and sorrow that`s all you can feel right now.
"It`s hard to enter that place unless you`re a guess they will let you in mostly couples. So, we need you and Jaehyun to pretend like the two of you are a couple" Jeno spoke you`re about to complain but Johnny already did.
"Couple!? them!?" he exclaimed.
"Yeah, anything wrong with that?" Jeno questioned.
"Nothing" he responded almost whining.
The whole planning already finishes and you`re in your room with Johnny laying in your bed comfortably tossing around.
"I don`t get it out of all people in this house why you and Jaehyun?" Johnny complains while you dry your hair.
"There`s nothing wrong with that plus I think Jaehyun kinda look handsome" you try to test the water and how he would react.
"Yeah, right whatever do whatever you want"  Johnny rolled his eyes and you giggled at his response.
"Jealous now are we?" you teased.
"Me Jealous? no way" he said facing the other side of the bed.
"How about we date? I mean it`s not like we`re blood-related we can easily cut ties and we can announce it for the world to know after we make the Nakajimas fall. Sounds good yeah? no?" you ask him seriously and he faces you.
"Really? like for real? but I`m 2 years older than you thought" he said caressing your face softly.
"It`s not like we have a big age gap, why don`t we try it?" you talked scooting closer to him.
"I don`t see why not?" he replied and you smiled at him.
"Does this mean we`re official?" Johnny asks you.
"Yes, baby," you said teasingly.
"Call me that again," he said back.
"No way" you replied and he hugs you, you spend the whole night with Johnny and the two of you surely have fun. It`s doing okay until Kun decided to barge in your room without even knocking.
"We found Tajimamori Yamamoto he`s currently in Tokyo right now, Johnny we need to fly to Tokyo this might be the last chance that we have to find him," Kun said showing the taken picture of Tajimamori leaving his car.
"We`ll fly tomorrow morning we need Jungwoo to come with us, get everything ready" Johnny responds as you stay quiet.
"Go and pack your things, Kun I`ll book you a flight" you talk and Johnny looks at you before standing up.
"I`ll help you pack your things" you added and he gave you a peck on the lips.
"How many days do you think you will stay there?" you ask him.
"For at least 5 days or 7," he answered.
"Take care make sure you come back without any scars I don`t want to lose you like my dad" you softly said, caressing his face to your hands.
You helped Johnny pack his things and you already book them a flight that will leave tomorrow morning. You slept in Johnny`s room and you make sure to embrace him because you can`t see him personally for at least 5 days or 7.
You wake up without Johnny by your side instead you wake up with Doyoung and Haechan bickering outside the room door, you tried to cover your ears with the pillow but you decided that it`ll be better if you stand up and stop them.
"Finally you wake up! go and take a bath we have a lot of things to do today" Ten said pushing you to your room as you watch the house gets chaotic every second.
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"Tax evasion, Illegal drug dealing, murder, sexual assault. We can sue them by using this plus we have Tajimamori as a witness" you explain, gripping the marker your holding too hard that it makes your palms white.
"I can`t hack the system of Nakajima the file that holds their tax evasion can`t be open I need to be somewhere close to them," Ten said along with Doyoung, all of you think of a way to hack their system.
"Tremblay, Tremblay corp! we can enter Mr. Tremblay's office easily since he`s in Canada I heard that he will be back this Saturday. Mark, you can help us right? you're the only one who is closest to him" you talk as you wait for Mark`s answer.
"Yes, that`ll be easy since his secretary knows me. After that, we can finally file the case and go on, but the only problem is that Jungwoo texted me that they`re having a hard time since they land in Japan. Tajimamori seems to notice that they`re following him" Mark let out a sigh and so did you.
"Can we stop this for a moment there`s nothing but a problem here since I arrived," Mark said which makes you slightly offended at his statement?
"What did you just say?" you asked him with a stern voice.
"Look, Im tired okay?" Mark groaned.
"Neither am I but did you ever hear me complain!?" you fight back.
"Everything is not about you! not everything revolves around you so please if you don`t mind I`ll excuse myself for a moment" Mark leaves the room frustrated, he doesn`t know what`s wrong with him but he knows it`s wrong to let out his anger and frustration at you when you feel just the same way as him. He`s not been himself this fast few days because of what happened to your late father who treats him like he is his own son.
"Y`all can rest if you want, you can leave too if you want to, just say it you all know that I`m not forcing y`all into this," you speak softly before leaving the room with a small smile but deep inside you`re hurt.
You took a deep breath after leaving the room you saw Mark in the living room, you tried avoiding his gaze scared that he`s still not in the mood to talk. He`s watching the TV and you stop in your track when you heard the news, you look at the TV and you can see Wendy`s house and they blurred the body, you know it`s Wendy just by the body you know it`s her out of all people why does the world decide to be cruel to you.
"No, no, not her please tell me it`s not her" you broke down in tears as Mark catches you in his arms, you fell to your knees as your sobs et louder while Mark tries to comfort you. Jaehyun watch what`s happening in front of him, he does feel bad for you. You ran upstairs and grab your keys going outside with others trying to prevent you from leaving.
"Y/n, stop!" Mark`s hold your wrist while you look at him with teary eyes.
"No, Mark I have to see my best friend please, please let go" you remove his grip and he stays quiet as he watches your small figure enter your car.
You arrived at the hospital where you see your best friend's cold and pale body.
"How can they be so heinous!? why do they have to kill you!?" you cry in front of your best friend`s lifeless body.
"Just let it out" you look at the person beside you and it`s Jaehyun, did he follow you? you wiped your tears away standing back up.
"Why did you follow me?" you asked.
"Because you`re not in the right condition right now and I know there`s a lot more going on in your minds" you look at him, his side profile is surely attractive and also comforting.
"Thank you Jaehyun I know I just met you personally last week but I mean it" you spoke softly and he smiled, facing you, he holds you by your shoulders crouching down a little making an eye to eye level.
"It`s okay, I know you for a year now because of the investigation thingy I hope that doesn`t make you uncomfortable that I brought that up," He said showing his attractive smile.
"Forget about the couple thingy that we have to pretend I already talk to Mark, just like what he said earlier we can easily enter Mr. Tremblay`s office so try to worry less okay?" Jaehyun tries to comfort you as much as he can. The two of you go around the town making you forget about everything, you wish you can be with Johnny at a time like this but you know he`s in Japan.
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Three days have passed and you grew closer with Jaehyun, you expect Johnny to arrive tonight because they finally persuade Tajimamori to be the witness.
It`s past midnight and still no sign of Johnny so you decided to wait a little more until you just decided to go to bed and welcome him tomorrow morning.
"Babe? baby wake up" you slightly open your eyes because you feel someone poking your cheeks, your eyes are still blurry so can`t see the person clearly.
"Johnny?" you whispered.
"Yeah, it`s me sorry for waking you up I just need to hear your voice" you smile at his sweetness before going back to sleep.
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"Go inside I`ll wait here," Mark said, looking left to the right to check if anyone sees you and Jaehyun entering.
"Doyoung, Ten? we`re in" you said connecting the device they gave you to the pc. They started doing what they have to do as you watch closely when you can feel the cold metal in your neck.
"Jaehyun, what are you doing?" freezing at your position.
"Nothing, it`s just so funny how you trust me so easily Y/n" He let out a chortle.
"What do you really want?" you question with your eyes close.
"I`m the one who should ask you that, you said you want revenge but your revenge is too boring why don`t we spice it up a bit hmm?" Jaehyun spoke while you stay still.
"What do you want me to do then? Kill Takara?" you don`t where you get that kind of braveness because these days you`ve been down.
"Exactly, how about we do that just the two of us?" Jaehyun removes the blade that threatening to cut your skin.
Doyoung and Ten finish what they`re doing and you leave the building along with Mark, everyone that there`s something very different from how you`re acting since you leave the building but they didn`t mention it.
"Make sure to keep your promise" you whispered at Jaehyun.
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"I love you" Johnny whispered at you.
"I love you too," you said back.
"I want the world to know that you`re mine, you want that too baby?" Johnny said kissing your neck, softly marking you.
"Johnny please," you said with temptation in your voice.
"Please what baby?" Johnny asked you with a seductive voice.
"I want you inside me, I want you to touch me and make me feel so good" you whine making him let out a breathy chuckle at your eagerness.
"Will do princess" he answered.
That night you and Johnny take your time with feeling each other as if there`s no tomorrow for it.
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After that night you have been very distant to Johnny and almost everyone in the house can perceive it. You want to distance yourself because you don`t want him to be hurt so it`ll be better this way, it`s better this way. You keep convincing your day every single day that almost every day you argue with him because that`s the only way you can push him away, you want him not to love you anymore.
Today you saw Johnny with a girl and you can`t help but get jealous but what can you do? he`s still your boyfriend. Of course, you will get jealous but why now when you`re pushing him away.
"I told you already she`s an old colleague! nothing more!" Johnny said with a pissed voice.
"Yeah right, an old colleague who loves touching you did you even see yourself earlier you just let her!" you fight back with a loud voice that the boys outside can hear the two of you arguing.
"What kind of boyfriend do that!?" you continued.
"Woah, then what kind of girlfriend accused his own boyfriend of cheating when it`s not even real!" Johnny retorted making you quiet because it`s true and you don`t have anything about that.
"See? I`m right you keep pushing me off! you can`t even look me in the eyes these days and it`s making me sick, thinking what I have done to make you act like this. It`s so fucking tiring!" he retorted as he slammed the door when he leaves your room.
Everyone keeps themselves busy as if they never heard the argument between you and Johnny. Yes, they`re shocked about the relationship between you and him but it`s not their business to interfere.
You cry yourself to sleep while Johnny gets drunk to sleep, tomorrow is the day where you`re gonna meet up with Jaehyun in the place where the two of you talked about.
"I don`t get it! she keeps pushing me away and it hurts! do you know what I`m fucking saying Jaehyun!?" He said drinking beer to beer nonstop as Jaehyun watch his friend get drunk not even stopping him but why?
"Just give her some time maybe she`s tired" Jaehyun responded.
"I always do that but why is it not enough!?" Johnny cried out.
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"Envious causes jealousy and jealousy causes hatred, hatred turns Treacherous causing sins to one another," you said letting out a sarcastic chortle. 
"Revenge, you said you want your revenge and I`m more than happy and dreadful to help you" his eyes are flaming and burning fire the beast inside him threatening to come out as anger forms and creeps inside him.
"I`m still not satisfied" you retorted emphasizing each word that is coming out of your lips. 
"You drag me into this, this heinous sin that you`ve started is burning inside me. Now, everything doesn`t satisfy me anymore" you yelled the tension getting thicker and thicker. 
"Even though you`re gonna kill me you will get nothing, justice is in my palms in this accursed world," Takara intruded your arguing with Jaehyun, writhing her tied body on the chair. 
"Kill me!" Takara said shooting you a bloodshot glare that only makes your enjoyment alive as you slowly walk towards her with a gun in your hand. 
"Takara, Takara, Takara, you see this? this Russian pistol is what I`m going to use to kill you so don`t try me. Now, what part of your body should I shoot first? back of the head, chest, or maybe your mouth it`ll be more enjoyable that way honey. Oh, another idea maybe I should just strangle you to death" you give her face a few taps on her cheeks the leer in your eyes never leaving hers while she hitches her breath scared that any minute you can pull the trigger on her. 
"You have no conscience, do you?" Takara spoke again with a smirk forming on her lips making you more annoyed and tempted to kill her. 
"Of course I don`t, because you know what? It`s a pity the law doesn`t allow me to be merciful that`s what Javert said in Les Miserables and that`s literally me right now you Figlio di puttana!" you cursed breathily giving her a devilish grin making her slap you with her one free hand holding your face you glare at her, anger building up inside you. 
"Merde! do that again and I`ll kill you!" you hold her side to side eyes widening but Takara only laughs at you and you slap her too before you turn your back at her. 
"fuzakeru na! kill me so you can live longer and live in sorrow, happiness doesn`t exist in the world we`re born but the pain does" she shout with anger in her voice and now she reaches your limit.
"I know, want me to end your pain? then I will, I`ll make sure you suffer and Roth in hell! I will let you know what it feels like to be ripped every single day just like what you did to my best friend when she`s the only one who can understand me in this accursed world! you won`t be here if isn`t for your family`s greed, jealousy, and hatred towards mine!" You shout back pointing the gun at her turning back around to face her.
"A fanabla! Takara" you pull the trigger and shoot her straight at her chest making you fell on your knees with tears brimming in your eyes.
"Why am I even crying?" you wiped your tears away as you slowly stood up and spit to your side. 
"You want it, you get it. Ciao Takara" you laugh smirk is drawn on your lips as you walk out of the abandoned place with Jaehyun while whistling like a psycho.
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"Nice shoot out there" you`re startled by Jaehyun`s voice you thought Johnny was the one using your bathroom but when you turned around you`re eye to eye with Jaehyun water droplets falling from his abs with a towel covering his torso down.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" you said eyes widening.
"Using your bathroom obviously" he answered coming closer to you.
"and who permitted you to use it!? get out!" you pushed him away but he put his shirt back on luckily his wearing his shorts under his towel only to come closer dangerously close that you can feel his hot breath panning to yours.
You back away until the back of your knees hit the bed making you fall with Jaehyun hovering above you, you know this is wrong and you need to stop Jaehyun.
"Stop!" you keep moving away from him but before you can push him the door suddenly burst open with Johnny looking at the two of you his eyes screaming anger, jealousy, hate, and sadness he feels betrayed. He drops the bouquet on the floor grabbing Jaehyun by his collar.
"I trusted you, you bastard!" Johnny was about to throw a punch on Jaehyun when you stop him.
"Baby no it`s not like that, it`s not what you think it is" you plead, holding his arms.
"So, this is the reason why you`ve been so distant to me lately huh?" Johnny glares at you, this is the first time you see him this fuming mad.
"What the fuck!? of course not!" you defended.
Within a second he throws a punch at Jaehyun which Jaehyun gives back at him you tried to stop them but they are much stronger compared to you.
"Johnny please stop" you shout at them making them stop from gripping each other.
Johnny fixes his clothes giving you a painful glance before leaving, why the fuck are you crying when Johnny is the one in pain right now. You quickly follow him not giving a fuck about Jaehyun.
"Johnny please wait, listen to me please, just please" you plead as you grab a hold of his wrist there`s also a tear escaping his eyes which breaks you more.
"Stop! stop okay? I don`t need any of your explanation" he said coldly before shutting the door of his room.
You stand there dumbfounded with your eyes brimming in tears you go back to your room Jaehyun is trying to apologize but it angers you more, irritating you more, hurting you more.
"Get the fuck out of my sight!" you exclaimed as you push him away.
"I don`t want your apology, your sorry won`t fix anything okay!? now live me the fuck alone!" you`re livid and you`re in your pain. Why are you always the one receiving the pain?
Jaehyun doesn`t say anything anymore leaving you alone, you cried your eyes out. You lost your father, you lost wendy, you lost Johnny. What else do they want to take away from you? sometimes you just wanna sleep and get deep in it so you will never wake up in this realm.
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"Johnny listen to me! what you saw there is nothing I swear please, just please at least talk to her. I`m sorry" Jaehyun rub his face using his palms out of stress and frustration while guilt is creeping up in his body.
"Quit with your bullshits! what do you want me to do? believe you after you deceive me by using Y/n? do you think I didn`t know that the two of you killing Takara? Well, fuck this because Y/n didn`t really kill her! It`s Kun" Johnny retorted. Well, Jaehyun is not shocked about Kun killing Takara since he`s an International agent. He glares at Jaehyun who`s speechless at his older friend's outburst.
"Okay, that shit is on me but don`t let it out on her for fuck sake Johnny the one you witness earlier is not what you think it is! I use her bathroom and decided to tease her not seduce her" A sigh escape Johnny`s lips throwing his head back out of mixed emotion.
"Get out I need some time alone" Johnny spoke without looking at his friend, he let his body fall on the mattress running his hands to his face.
You`ve been lying in your bed for a few hours now and so did Johnny making everyone worried and they didn`t even see a single glimpse of Jaehyun. You`re ashamed so ashamed to talk and face them, you`re the one who plans this revenge but you end up ruining it. Of course, you know it`s not you who kill Takara, you heard it from Johnny and there`s nothing more to deny it.
You really want to see him, you really want to feel him, you really want to apologize. Gathering your courage getting a little bit shameless you got up from your bed opening the door you flinch slightly when you see Johnny standing in front of you, his fist in the air maybe he's about to knock? there`s an awkward tension between the two of you. His eyes that full of love every day is now emotionless.
"D-do you want to come in?" you manage to let out but he didn`t say anything.
He cups your face landing his soft lips on yours pulling you back inside your room. He closes the door using his feet, you pull away from him avoiding his intense gaze. He softly touches your chin making you look at him before kissing you again this time it`s passionate and slow. You want him to stop, you really do but you can`t resist him. Within a moment you`re kissing him back too.
A soft moan escapes your lips as you and Johnny let your body fall on the mattress. Johnny hovering above you makes you feel small underneath him it awaken your inner desires. Johnny leaves traces of wet kisses on your neck making you yearn for his touch. He removes his shirt and so did you, throwing it somewhere in the room.
Tongues pressed together in a hot open-mouthed kiss as he kneaded your breast his other hands slowly making it`s way to your clothed core slowly removing it he rub your sensitive clit.
He stops for a moment before pulling away making you whine lightly at the sudden loss of contact. He removes his pants and boxer tossing it somewhere in the room again before positioning himself in between your legs, pushing in slowly his thrust is deep and slow making you moan in pleasure.
"I-I`m sorry" you let out breathily.
His thrust getting a little bit faster making you grip the sheets as he buried his face at the crook of your neck. You know this will be the last time you can feel him this close to you, the last time you can feel his love for you, the last time he will make you feel loved.
"D-don`t stop please" you stuttered out as tears fall from your eyes.
"Don`t cry you know it hurts me too" he kisses your tears away, his thrust getting sloppy as you can feel yourself about to reach your orgasm.
"Baby I`m gonna cum" you moaned gripping him tightly throwing your head back.
"Neither am I, cum for me," he said softly.
He goes to the bathroom to clean you up and getting a shirt in your closet which is his shirt.
"Is this the last time?" you asked him as he slid the shirt in your body before covering you with the blanket.
"Please, I`m sorry. I`ll do anything for you just please don`t leave me you know you`re the only one I have" you cried. You know you still have the others who treat you like their own sister but Johnny is different.
"Y/n our love it`s not just about holding on sometimes it`s about letting go too it`s treacherous if we love each other in this time it can lead to something else" He manages to speak despite of the lump forming in his throat. You sob in his shoulder clutching his shirt not wanting to let go.
"You need to rest, I want you to close your eyes until you heard the door close. Promise me to not open it" you nodded removing your grip on his shirt, you softly lay in your bed. Johnny kissed you on the forehead, you cry more when you can`t feel his warmth close to you anymore.
You heard the soft click of the door closing, you keep your promise you didn`t open your eyes. The memories you made with him flashes in your mind as you fall asleep.
Johnny stops midway before getting his luggage in his room "I love you" he whispered while looking at your room`s door. Proceeding to do his thing with tears brimming out of his eyes.
It`s currently 2:00 AM now and Jaehyun is accompanying Johnny to the airport.
"I`m sorry for what I`ve done I didn`t mean it as that" Jaehyun asks for forgiveness which Johnny gives back with a smile.
"It`s really not your fault and not Y/n`s fault I really have to do this" Johnny said but Jaehyun didn`t get it.
"Do you really have to leave?" Jaehyun asks once again Johnny nodded before leaving his friend alone the smile on his face quickly fades away as sadness took over it.
“I let go because I want you to hold on a little more longer I`ll promise to be back” Johnny said while tears slowly fall from his eyes, looking at the picture the two of you took together.
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‘It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves’ - William Shakespeare
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sushiburritonoms · 3 years
@ofcoming4th requested from the AU fic list:
43: falling in love with their best friend’s partner au
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There's many characters I can see cheating, but Din and Luke aren't two of them. So have soft pining and breakups instead.
They could all hear Bo screaming at the top of her lungs at Din in the parking lot next to the bar, even over the obnoxiously loud bar music.  Thankfully it was loud enough so he didn’t hear the exact words, but the rage and shrill peaks of their argument still made their way over to Luke. He slumped further into his seat, cradling his right stump close to his chest, and did his best to pretend he heard nothing.
Wedge made no such effort. His boyfriend was leaning towards the slightly open window with Boba.  “It’s the kid argument again,” Wedge said with a shake of his head.  “Damn, Din, you gotta let that go.”
“He needs to dump the bitch,” Boba growled. “I’m sick of him putting up with this shit.”
“Agreed,” Cara said from her seat across from Luke.  “It’s fine if Bo-Katan wants that child-free life, but don’t keep Mando from it if that’s what he wants.”
Fennec took another sip of beer. “How did this even come up? I thought we all agreed not to talk about crotch droppings and other domestic shit.” She had arrived late, just in time to see Bo-Katan drag Din out by his leather jacket.
“Crotch droppings,” Cara snorted. “Ha--good one.”
Boba pointed a finger at Luke. “Fucking Skywalker’s fault.”
Luke sighed. “All I said was that I was watching Ben this weekend.” He slumped further into his seat when he saw Wedge twitch at the mention of his nephew.
Ok, maybe it was his fault. Children were a sensitive topic for both Bo-Katan and Wedge and he’d already had a massive row with his boyfriend earlier about his agreement to watch Ben for the weekend. Luke knew better. But when Din had asked what his plans were he’d just let the words slip out of him. Truth was, he liked having Ben around. He couldn’t help it if Wedge was uninterested in playing Uncle to an (admittedly difficult) child.
More than that, it wasn’t fair to Luke. Leia and Han deserved a break from being parents once and a while and there was no one else his sister could turn to besides him and Chewie. Chewie was in Oaxaca for the month visiting his family, so that left Luke. He’d already arranged it so he would watch Ben at Han and Leia’s house, leaving Wedge alone in their apartment for the weekend. What more did his boyfriend want from him?
There was more shouting outside--this time it was Din’s voice.  It must have been a bad one if Din was raising his voice enough for them to hear it.
“This is why I keep my gay ass out of the whole family conversation,” Cara sighed. “Kids are more trouble than they’re worth.”
“Kids are fine. Dealing with parents is the real nightmare,” Boba said, surprising them all with the seriousness in his voice.
“Kids are expensive, loud, needy, and too much work,” Wedge countered. He wasn’t looking at Luke but he felt tense all the same.  “I can reason with adults more than I can with kids.”
“HA! You’re telling me you’d rather put up with Solo than his kid?” laughed Boba. “I’ll take Solo Jr any day.”
“I happen to like Han,” Wedge grumbled.
‘He really doesn’t’, Luke thought sadly.  Han and Wedge were barely cordial these days. Maybe once, back when Luke and Wedge were still flying together in the same squadron, but now that Luke was out of the Air Force and living as a civilian things were strained between his family and Wedge.
Basically, everything about Luke’s life was wrong since his accident. Losing his hand turned out to be the easiest thing to adapt to because he’d had lots of physical support from his medical team, his liaison with the VA, and his family. Sure, his prosthetic wasn’t great, but he’d adapt, and now that he was out of the Force he could smoke his pain away. Nobody expected him to get a job right now and the inheritance from his mother was more than enough to scrape by.
What he hadn’t adapted to was the new strain in his relationship with his boyfriend. Wedge was still enlisted and could be redeployed at a moment’s notice.  Their apartment on base meant that Luke was constantly surrounded by the life he’d been abruptly ripped from and it hurt to see men and women walk by in blues or to hear the screech of fighter jets constantly overhead.  He felt like a damn military spouse, buying food at the commissary every Friday and getting sucked into random conversations about the rising price of beef.  He knew that Wedge desperately wanted Luke to reconsider the Force’s offer to transfer him to the USAF Test Pilot School down at Edwards, but he had no interest in retraining for aerospace.  He wasn’t smart enough for NASA or SpaceX either.
He wasn’t a hotshot anymore. Why was he still living like a parody of one?
Luke came back to himself when he felt Wedge squirm beside them. “I think they’re done,” he said quietly.  Luke listened and sure enough, he heard nothing but country music belting from the bar’s stereos.
“Do you think he’s coming back?” asked Cara.
“The bitch better not,” Boba hissed.
“Maybe someone should go check to see if they’re gone?” Fennec suggested.  “Otherwise we’re paying for their tab.” The table groaned.
“I’ll go,” Luke said as he stumbled to his feet.  It was his fault Din was in this situation, to begin with. He looked to see if Wedge was going to argue but the other man was already focused on trying to badger someone to play darts with him.
That used to be their thing before Luke lost his throwing hand.
Fuck, his life was pathetic.
He marched out of the bar, dragging his jacket behind him. The cold autumn air hit him like a slap to the face as he stepped outside.  The sun was gone and the only lights around were the bar and one sad streetlight several feet away from him. Luke squinted as his eyes adjusted to the darkness and he looked around for a familiar black leather jacket or blue dress. “Din? Bo?”
A flicker of light appeared at the edge of his vision and Luke turned to see Din lighting up a cig while leaning against the wall of the bar.  “She’s gone.”  There was no emotion, no heat, behind his words.  The only thing illuminating Din was his lighter and it cast shadows that distorted his face, hiding his facial features like a mask. It was hard to see if he was truly upset by Bo-Katan’s absence or not.
“I’m so sorry. I knew better than to bring Ben up--”
“You did nothing wrong.” Din took a deep drag.  “Don’t apologize.”  Din leaned his head back and Luke could hear the soft thump as he hit the brick wall.  “You wanna…” Din held up his cigarette carton and let his words trail off.
“Sure.”  Luke struggled to pull on his jacket one-handed but Din waited patiently until he was covered. He let Luke pull out a cigarette before he put the carton back into his pocket and pulled out his silver zippo so he could light it for him.
Luke promised Leia he’d try to cut back, but every time he went out to a bar the cravings hit him like a tidal wave.   There was something about being in a dark loud bar with friends that made him crazy for the first rush of nicotine in his system. As he took a long drag he almost moaned at the sensation of smoke curling up deep inside of him. It seeped out of his nose and dragged with it the minor aches and pains that he constantly lived with. That was probably why Din kept it up too.  You could watch a tiny bit of your life pull away from you and curl up into the evening air.
They were silent for a good long while, just taking turns blowing smoke and listening to the raunchy laughter of the servicemen and women inside.  If not for the ever-present awareness Luke had of his missing hand he could almost pretend this was a year ago, before his crash, when Din and Bo-Katan were having a good patch and contemplating marriage.  When Wedge still looked at Luke like he wanted him and when he could just fly away from all his problems. Just him and the endless sky.
“She’s really gone,” Din said finally, breaking the silence and Luke’s self-pity.  He flicked away the butt of his cig and turned to look at Luke.  “It’s over.”
Fuck.  Luke took one last greedy hit before he stomped the rest out with his shoe. “I’m so, so, sorry.”
“I’m not.”  Luke could see Din’s eyes tracking him in the darkness, carefully watching his reaction.  “We should have ended it a long time ago. I knew she was never going to change her mind about getting married and starting a family. That’s just not Kryze.”
Luke couldn’t imagine Bo-Katan as a mother either. He’d never wanted to frankly, and had never seen what Din saw in her. It wasn’t just because he was gay either. “She didn’t deserve you anyway.” On this, the entire friend group was in agreement. Din had lousy taste in women and men.
“Cliché, Skywalker,” Din teased him.  “Are you gonna offer me some wine and chocolate next?”
“Nothing wrong with drinking wine,” Luke shot back.  He had a bottle back ...home.
Home with Wedge.  Luke’s face fell as soon as the thought crossed his mind.
“Hey.” Din nudged Luke with his shoulder. “You ok?”
“That’s supposed to be my line.”
Din shook his head. “You look like shit.”
“Is therapy going ok?” Din looked concerned now and Luke was overcome with a wave of affection. Here was Din, freshly dumped by his long-time girlfriend, and yet he was worried about him.
“It’s going.” Luke waved his stump for emphasis. “Still waiting for my cosmetic hand.  You know how the VA is.” Incompetent and full of red tape.
“It’s been six months,” Din said with a frown.
Luke shrugged.
“Can’t Wedge pull some strings for you?”
“He’s a Captain, not a miracle worker.” Plus that would require Luke and Wedge to actually talk about his missing hand instead of dancing around it.
“You’re not talking to him again, are you?” Din’s fingers twitched and he knew that the other man was longing for another cigarette.  But they were both trying--and failing--to quit so he probably would stand in pain until the craving completely overwhelmed him...five minutes from now.
Luke sighed. He knew Din would see right through his answer. They’d known each other for years now since Luke first hooked up with Wedge after Iraq. Din had been one of the few friends that bothered to visit Luke in the hospital right after his crash.  He’d come as often as his duties would allow, bringing him magazines, snacks, and plenty of base gossip. He’s been Luke’s lifesaver and after he was finally discharged he found himself dragged into Din’s orbit more frequently, standing next to him as they held up the walls of every bar in town with a cloud of smoke. Din knew the basic details of his deteriorating relationship with Wedge; more than anyone else except maybe his sister.
“There’s nothing left to say,” Luke finally admitted.  Nothing that they hadn’t already dissected, fought, and screamed over.
“Luke.” He felt Din’s hand on his shoulder and he looked up into sympathetic brown eyes. “You two either need to get some help or finally end it.” He lessened the harshness of his words by offering another cigarette to him with his other hand.
Leia was going to kill him.
Luke let Din put the cig in his mouth and light it for him.  The intoxication of the smoke and the closeness of his friend made him dizzy and lightheaded. Din reeked of smoke, leather, and stale beer, and yet it was comforting all the same.
“We never talked about any of this,” Luke admitted. “I never thought I’d leave.” Except maybe via a body bag. He knew Wedge felt the same way, as did nearly everyone in Luke’s squadron. That’s why their visits had been short and performative after his accident.  His squadmates pitied and feared him...and he didn’t blame any of them for that.
“Well, I’m done.” Din lit up and turned to blow the smoke away from Luke’s face. “I’m done with all of this shit. I’m discharging and going back to college.”
“Y-you...really?” Luke stuttered. He knew Din’s IRR was almost up but he just assumed he’d re-elist like all of their friends.  “You’re gonna leave Boba and Cara?”
You’re gonna leave me?
“Fett, Dune, and Bo are lifers. I never saw myself extending even this long.  That last fight, it wasn’t just that I wanted a family and Bo-Katan didn’t. She’s committed and this is just a job for me.” The look on Din’s face was peaceful. He met Luke’s confused eyes with calm focus.
“Oh.” Luke didn’t know what else to say. Good on you? Good luck?
Din sighed. “Wedge is one of them.” Din jerked his head towards the wall of the bar. “He’s never gonna leave until they give him the boot. You know that right?”
Luke nodded wordlessly. Until he lost his hand he’d thought he was one of them too.
“Look, I’m not gonna tell you how to live your life. Just do me a favor.  You listening?” Din paused until Luke squirmed uncomfortably and nodded. “Try to put yourself first for once in your life. You deserve more than this too.”
Then Din stepped away. He threw the end of his cig on the floor and stomped it out.  “I’m gonna head out. You can tell the others everything, I’m sure they’ll all be thrilled.”
Luke shook his head to try to find his voice again. “Hell no, I’m not telling them you’re leaving!” Fuck that was going to be a disaster conversation.
Din laughed. “Ok fair enough. Just tell them about Bo. Cara will owe Boba $50 so she might as well get paid now before the idiot spends it all on booze.” Then without waiting for Luke to reply, Din started to walk towards his bike with his hands in his pockets.
Luke watched as Din walked away, with his head held up high. He looked lighter already. Letting go of Bo-Katan must have settled the anguish that had permeated his entire being for months now. It was strange, Luke had grown used to seeing Din with slumped shoulders and downturned lips. Whenever he had visited him at the VA, he’d always looked so beaten.  But now, he was walking away like a new man.
More than that, he looked like the old Din again. The one Luke had once found very attractive before he’d gotten too involved with Wedge to notice other people around him.  It was like watching someone reappear in his scope of vision while he was in the cockpit of his fighter, or like watching a bird reappear from the clouds.
“Din!” Luke shouted.  He watched as the other man turned back. He meant to say something appreciative, a thank you for the smokes and the advice. Instead what slipped out of his lips was, “I’m taking Ben to the zoo this weekend! Do you want to come?”
He didn’t know what exactly possessed him to say that, but it was worth it to see Din’s face break out into a real honest-to-god smile. “Yeah, sure. Text me!”
He watched Din until the man disappeared with a loud roar of his Harley, until his cigarette was ashes in his fingers and he felt his own smile finally fade away.
Previous responses
28. Knocking on the wrong door (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan)
38.cop/person getting a speeding ticket au (Din/Luke)
30: tourist/knowledgeable local au (Din/Luke)
19. parents meeting when they take their kids to class au (Din/Luke)
15: meeting in the E.R/A&E au (Din/Luke/Boba)
40: Soul destroying exes meeting again after not speaking for years au (Din/Luke)
25: Library/Avid Reader AU Part I (Din/Luke)
Library AU part II (Din/Luke, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon)
9 notes · View notes
lukatheselkie · 4 years
HMC - Body Swap
I’m sort of back. I still don’t feel well enough to strictly use canon characters, so have this cute oneshot of Prussia and one of my OCs.
College AU where they’re still countries and personifications. Arthur leads the Soulmate Body Swap Program.
Pairing: Prussia x Alrik (OC; Fika)
Headcanons: Gilbert often wears blue contacts to change his eyes from red to purple. The pain given from touching a scar depends on the severity of the situation that gave it, and sometimes who gave it.
Content Warning: Cussing, scars, specific sex toys mentioned but not used.
    Alrik grunts quietly when his phone blares an alarm at him. He rolls over and pokes at the screen, turning it off. He doesn’t recall setting an alarm, as he usually lets the sun wake him up, but sometimes he does stuff without realizing. He sits up with a sigh, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his sleepiness. He furrows his brows when his hair doesn’t hit him in the face. What’s with that? He opens his eyes slowly when he hears an unfamiliar voice nearby. “Where the hell am I!?” This is not his room! The door flies open and a concerned Ludwig hurries in.
    “Gil, jou’re at home, not jour dorm. Jou drank too much last night und passed out.” That explains the headache. Wait… Ludwig? Gil? He tosses his head back and groans loudly. “Gil? Are jou okay?” The gentleness in his voice infuriates Alrik.
    “Nej! Jag är inte okej! Jag kan inte tro att din dumma bror är min själsfrände! (No! I'm not okay! I cannot believe that your stupid brother is my soulmate!)” Ludwig’s eyes widen and he stumbles backwards a bit. Only one person would yell at him like that.
    “Alrik…?” He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest.
    “Who else?” Ludwig stares at him for a long moment. “Don’t just look at me!” He turns his head away, cheeks flushed in both anger and embarrassment. He will never admit it, but Ludwig is pretty attractive without his hair gelled back. “Go call Arthur! I’m going to make sure today isn’t Berty’s day as well. What a pain that would be.” Alrik sighs, and grabs for Gilbert’s phone. He grimaces when an ‘enter passcode’ message pops up. “You don’t happen to know his passcode, do you?” Ludwig shakes his head slowly.
    “Nein. But he should have fingerprint ID on.” Alrik places his thumb over the home button, keeping his expression cautiously neutral. Thankfully it works, and he navigates to the calling app. He types in Albert’s number with ease; it’s one of three phone numbers he knows by heart. The other two are his own and Berwald’s. He lifts his head up to glare at Ludwig when he hears him part his lips to say something. The German holds up a hand and backs out of the room.
    “Hallå?” Alrik sighs in relief when he hears his brother’s voice.
    “Berty.” He puts as much love into the name as he can. “Is that you?” He can almost see Albert’s brows furrowing.
    “Oh thank goodness. You didn’t swap today. This is Rikky.” Alberts makes a quiet, shocked noise. “I know. I was hoping to have more time too. But there’s nothing I can do about it. Listen—Gilbert is in my body. I’m not happy about it, but apparently we’re soulmates.” Alrik lets out a groan. “Great. I have to make up with him.” He shakes his head. “That’s besides the point. Make sure he puts my necklace on, okay? Please. Oh, also! Wake him up rudely. He uses an alarm, and my ears are still ringing from it. He’s lucky it didn’t trigger my hearing sensory overload. Ludwig is calling Arthur. We’ll have to settle on a place to meet later. I just had to make sure you were okay, and knew what was happening. Jag älskar dig.” He ends the call before Albert can ask him to stay. He’s weak to his brother, but he really needs time to process. Ludwig peeks his head into the room.
    “Hopefully he didn’t switch?” Alrik shakes his head in response.
    “Nej.” He tosses the phone aside haphazardly. “Did you call Arthur yet?”
    “He’s not answering.” Ludwig stares at him for a long moment. “Vhy don’t jou take a shower? It vill help zat headache.” Alrik bristles.
    “As if! I don’t want to- to-!” His face turns crimson. Ludwig can’t help but smirk a tiny bit.
    “Don’t vant to see him naked?” Maybe he finds this a bit *too* humorous. “Jou vill see him like zat eventually.”
    “I don’t want to think about that.” Ludwig shrugs. “...But I’ll wash his hair. That should help clear his head. My head? I don’t know how this works.”
    “Jour head. Jou also sound more like jourself zan him. I hope Antonio und Francis don’t vant to hang out vith him today.” Alrik perks up at the mention of Francis. “Vhat? Do jou like ein of zem?”     “Not particularity. I’m hoping Francis and Berty are soulmates though. That would be nice. Good for Berty, for sure.” Ludwig smiles at him. It takes him off guard. “What?”
    “Jou und Gil aren’t too different. He often puts his brother—me—first too. Jou’re both run by emotions. Jou have a more feminine style zough.” Alrik’s head jerks up at that.
    “He better not touch my cute clothes! I spend a lot of time making sure they’re perfectly put up! And if he even thinks about touching my makeup, I’m going to filet him!” Ludwig chuckles. “It’s not funny!”
    “I know it’s not. But I’ve never seen jou zis passionate before. It’s refreshing. Und a lot like Gil. It makes sense jou two are soulmates.”
    “It does not! I hate his guts!” Ludwig sits at the end of the bed quietly.
    “But vhy?”
    “Jou know ze answer to zat.”
    “Humor me.” Alrik looks away.
    “...Fine. I’ve been unfairly rude and mean to you. Gilbert is only being a good brother by protecting you. It’s my fault things get physical.” Ludwig nods slowly.
    “Vhy do jou hate me zough?”
    “I don’t.” Alrik closes his eyes and lays back, clearly not wanting to explain. Ludwig lets the silence stretch out between them. By the time five minutes has passed, the Swedish man can’t handle it anymore. “I’m jealous, okay? I’ve known Feliciano wouldn’t be my soulmate. But I still fell in love with him. It’s completely one-sided and that’s fine. What’s not fine is how effortlessly you got close to him! I spent so long trying… Only to be pushed aside when you came into his life. I’ll never compare to you.” He turns his head into the pillow, trying not to cry. He takes a deep, shaky breath. A surprised grunt leaves his lips when he smells something sweet yet musky. “Den jäveln luktar till och med bra! Jag hatar honom så mycket! (That bastard even smells good! I hate him so much!)”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be the source of jour pain. I don’t know how to fix zat. But I vill say Feli has already swapped vith his soulmate, und it’s not me. I hope jou can find some reassurance in that.” Strangely, it makes Alrik feel a bit better. Ludwig laughs quietly, and he shoots back up. His eyes land on the phone in his hand. “I had my phone ready to translate,” he explains. “I know jou slip into Swedish vhen jou’re angry. I zought realizing jou laid back on his bed vould make jou angry. I vas right, but I vasn’t expecting jou to say he smells gut.” Alrik flushes crimson, and stands up quickly.
    “I’m going to wash his hair now! And I’m using whatever I see fit. He can go one day without proper care. I never fully care for mine, and it’s fine.” Ludwig raises his brows at him, but doesn’t say anything. He practically barricades himself in the ensuite. He lets out a quiet sigh of relief when he hears Ludwig leave the room beyond the door. He takes the opportunity to study Gilbert in the mirror.
    His eyes are a beautiful, piercing red. He could swear they’re purple most of the time though… Ah, he has a pair of blue contact lenses. For some reason, the knowledge that Gilbert wants to hide his eyes makes his heart ache. There’s no need to! He shakes his head, and looks at him some more. His jaw is a lot sharper than Alrik’s. His nose is longer and more slender. He smiles, and even that’s different. Gilbert is roguishly handsome, whereas Alrik’s soft and cute. His stomach knots up; he really does look like a woman, doesn’t he? He decides to stop looking at Gilbert's facial features, and tugs off his shirt instead. He pauses at the sight of the bare torso. He had no idea he was so toned. He glances at the mirror, and feels something within him shift awake.
    “Nej! Absolutely not! Stop it, mind! I am not attracted to Gilbert! Under no circumstances will I ever be attracted to him!” His mind isn’t listening to him. But he’s not listening to his mind, either. He’s too busy staring at the scars. They’re easily hidden with a shirt, just as his are, but they’re clearly there. They aren’t quite as deep as his, but most still have a decent depth to them. He runs his fingers over them lightly. Only some cause pain to shoot through him. The majority of them either ache dully or don’t react at all. He knows the ones that hurt the most are from other personifications, or a serious happening in his country when it was around. He finds himself wondering if there’s one from being dissolved.
    “Alrik? Are jou alright? I heard yelling.”
    “J-ja, I’m fine.” It barely comes out. He shakes his head, and turns toward the tub. There’s no point in wondering when he can ask Gilbert about them later. They have to get along somehow. Whether they liked it or not, it had been decided they were soulmates. He would try it if Gilbert was willing. But that’s the thing, isn’t it? Gilbert might not be willing. He can only imagine what’s happening there. ~
    Gilbert jolts awake to cold water being poured on him. “Vhat ze hell!?” He hears a quiet laughter that gives him pause. That sounds nothing like Ludwig! And why doesn’t his head hurt? He knows he drank a bit too much last night.
    “God morgen, sleepy head,” says a voice he’s not entirely sure is there. He looks around the room, and frowns when he sees a white-blonde haired man. He has too many curls to be Ludwig. And he’s wearing big, round glasses. He looks vaguely familiar. “Your alarm nearly caused my brother to go into sensory overload. Du should be more cautious, when du know du could swap anytime.” Ah. He recognizes him now. Stockholm Syndrome. What’s his human name again? Al… Bert? Yeah, that sounds right! But why is he in my room? He runs over the words in his head. ...Unless he’s not in his room.
    “Scheiße!” He hops up, and feels sick at how close to the ground he is. His soulmate is *at least* seven centimeters shorter than he is! He has who it is figured out before he can even make it to a mirror. The mirror confirms it though. He runs a hand over his—Alrik’s—face, then through his hair. He grimaces at the rough texture. Well, it’s not really rough, but it’s not as soft or as cared for as his hair.
    “I’ll go help Berwald make breakfast.” Albert leaves the room, looking a little too smug, probably about having poured cold water over Gilbert. He goes back to his frantic inspection of Alrik. His nose is short and somewhat squat. His cheeks are pudgy, and his jawline isn’t very strong. His lips are decently plump. He runs his fingers over everything he looks at, except for his eyes. Everything about his facial features is round. That combined with his normal fashion sense and makeup? No wonder he gets mistaken as a woman. It’s rather unfortunate, honestly. He’s rather pretty, when he’s not scowling. Which he isn’t, because Gilbert’s in control. But his body can’t be so feminine people get a good look at him and think he’s still a woman, right?
    “Zis feels strange,” Gilbert grumbles as he pulls off Alrik’s nightgown. The first thing that catches his eye is his semi-hourglass shape. Guess they can. The second thing he notices is the scars. He’ll come back to those in just a moment. He pokes Alrik’s stomach, laughing a bit when it moves. He’s not quite overweight, but he’s not thin either. He might weigh more than Albert. Gilbert grabs hold of his hips, and sways around a bit. Everything about Alrik is soft. Well, besides his personality. Maybe that’s why he didn’t notice how cute the man is until now.
    He shifts his attention to the deep scars. They look painful. He lightly traces the longest one, which crosses the majority of his torso, flinching heavily at the pain it causes. Regret knots up in his gut. He knows for a fact he’s punched Alrik where this one is. Yet he continued to fight. He’s strong. Gilbert shakes his head and moves on to the next one, down his left side. It’s not as deep, but it still hurts to touch. He lays a hand over the shortest and shallowest one, on his right upper forearm, and frowns. It doesn’t hurt enough to pull away, but it still stings. “Vhere did jou get zese?” He stares at Alrik’s reflection, and notices another one on his inner left thigh. He cautiously places a hand over it, and promptly makes a strangled noise of pleasure. *That one hurts and causes arousal at the same time, got it.* He pokes around at Alrik’s body a bit more, and that’s how he finds the fifth scar. It’s on his lower back, so that’s why he didn’t see it to begin with. He examines the rest of his body, but there’s only those five scars.
    “Gilb’rt, g’t dr’ssed. P’t his n’ckl’ce on. It’s on his n’ghtst’nd.” He comes back to his senses at the gruff voice. Berwald. His eyes dart around the room. There’s a dresser and a closet. He goes to the closet first, but quickly figures out it mainly holds dresses, skirts, and super fancy shirts. There’s a pair of cream, knee-high, heeled, open-toed boots he intends to wear though. He finds the necklace Berwald mentioned, and ties it around his neck. He searches through the dresser from top to bottom, left to right. The top shelf has sweatpants, the second has large shirts, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth have cute shirts, the seventh and eighth have skirts, the ninth has patterned pants, and the tenth causes Gilbert to flush crimson, slamming it shut. He takes a few deep breaths, preparing himself to open it again. When he does, he looks closer at the items inside.
    There’s a few boxes, each containing a different type of lube, five egg vibrators, varying in sizes and all wireless, two dildos, one of which is delightfully sparkly, one realistic thrusting vibrator, one double-sided dildo with an insertable vibrator, seven cock rings, a fleshlight, two warming vibrators, three sets of anal beads, and a large amount of suction cups to stick onto any of the dildos or vibrators with a flat or semi-flat bottom, presumably for wall or floor fun. He feels himself blushing harder by the second, but he commits the items to memory. Since they’re soulmates, he fully intends to use as many as he can on Alrik. But much, much later. There’s also a few silk scarfs in the drawer, but he doesn’t let himself think about what those might be for.
    He goes backwards a few drawers, picking out some light blue jeans with a cloud pattern, a cream skirt, and a light blue shirt with a cream squiggle pattern on it, almost like stripes. He pulls the clothes on, then the shoes he pulled out of the closet earlier. He can’t help but smile when he notices Alrik’s toenails are painted a pretty bronze. He stands up, and lets out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness! He’s back to his usual height! And the boots are wedges, so they’re pretty easy to walk in. He makes his way to the ensuite to fix Alrik’s hair. When he’s done with that he looks at the makeup, and decides to put some on.
    “I can’t believe him,” Alrik groans out, shaking his head at the sight of what Gilbert dressed his body in. Ludwig chuckles, but doesn’t say anything. Thankfully, Arthur let the two soulmates and their siblings skip classes for the day. Normally it’s just the soulmates that get to skip, but this is a special case.
    “I heard zat, jou know.” Alrik sets Gilbert’s face in a scowl. “Hmph. Vell I think it’s sexy.”
    “That’s exactly why I don’t like it. How many men flirted with you on your way here?” He hums in thought.
    “Twenty? Don’t vorry, none of zem zink jou’re a voman anymore.” Alrik holds up his hand.
    “I don’t want to know. Can I have my body back so I can fix… this?” He motions at the entirety of him. Gilbert places his hands on his hips and makes a kissy face.
    “Vhy? Jou look gut!” Alrik shakes his head with a heavy sigh. “Fine, fine. But jou have to promise not to upset Luddy.”
    “I won’t. We talked that through. I… was being unreasonable. But that’s in the past now. You’re my soulmate, not Feliciano.” Gilbert’s eyes widened slightly. Ah. That makes a lot of sense.
    “I’m a better soulmate zan him anyvay! For jou, at least.” His voice goes almost soft. Ludwig and Albert give each other a confused look. Gilbert breaks out into a laugh. “Being in someone else’s body lets jou get to know zem better, so of course ve’re getting along.”
    “Mm. He’s right. I feel like I know Gilbert much better than I did when I went to sleep last night.” Alrik-in-Gilbert’s-body turns to Albert. “You can go on to class, if you want. I know how much you hate missing.”
    “Ah, jou too, Luddy. Ve’re fine. I promise I von’t attack him. Zat’s in ze past.” Alrik nods along to his words.
    “If jou’re sure.” They nod enthusiastically. “Zen…” He holds out his arm to Albert. “Shall ve?” His lips part, and he nods after a moment. He cautiously takes hold of Ludwig’s arm, smiles shyly at him, and walks away with him.
    “That was uncharacteristic for Berty. He’s wearing his gloves, but he doesn’t normally touch anyone. Today must have us all frayed.” Alrik shakes his head. Gilbert chuckles.
    “Speaking of frayed… Mr. I-own-twenty-two-sex-toys.” Gilbert watches his own face turn crimson in a blush.
    “I knew I should have hidden those in my closet! I can’t believe you counted them!” He shrugs nonchalantly.
    “I vas super embarrassed vhen I found zem. But I knew I couldn’t pass up ze opportunity.” Alrik huffs, blushing even harder.
    “Shush! I don’t want to hear anymore! Let’s just get this meal over with so we can switch back. The way you did my lip gloss is bothering me.” Gilbert grins at him.
    “If jou insist. But can I kiss jou after ve switch back?”
    “You have to remove my necklace first. In this body, not mine. It’s important to me that my soulmate be the one to remove it. I’ll tell you the story later, if you have to know.”
    “I vould like to know. Danke for offering to tell me ze story. But jou’re right, ve should change back first. I’m vashing jour hair zough! Und getting jou product. Jou don’t take care of it, do jou?”
    “I don’t really see a need to. I don’t have split ends, and I don’t even get it cut professionally.” Gilbert scoffs.
    “Zat explains ze unevenness. It vas hell pulling it back, jou know! But it looks nice now. Let me take care of it if jou von’t.” Alrik makes a quiet noise of disbelief.
    “...Fine.” He turns his head away. “If you promise to be gentle.” Gilbert smiles brightly. How cute. “Not because I can’t handle it! I’d just rather not deal with my sensory overload.”
    “Ah, jou’re really cute vhen jou’re not aiming a punch at me.” Alrik crosses his arms over his chest.
    “And you better not forget it!” He closes his eyes and tilts his head back. “And you’re handsome. Don’t let it get to your head.” He opens his eyes in time to see Gilbert grin. “I said don’t let it get to your head!”
    “I’m not, I’m not.” He waves him off. “It makes me happy to hear zat zough. I’m glad ve both decided to try zis.”
    “I am too.” His voice is barely above a whisper. “You don’t plan on using my toys against me, do you?” The silence is deafening. “GILBERT!” He laughs loudly, getting a few seconds head start in running away. It’s no use though; Alrik’s legs are too short to successfully run from Gilbert’s body. But that knowledge is worth being caught.
    “In the far, far future, okay? Nothing for at least a year.” Alrik calms down a bit.
    “M-maybe before then is okay… But six months minimum!” Gilbert sticks his tongue out happily. Alrik rolls his eyes and goes back to the table, Gilbert following after. Despite their past, he’s glad Gil is his soulmate. As Ludwig said, they have a lot in common. And there’s the added bonus of two older brothers to worry over each younger brother.
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imaginestargatesg1 · 5 years
Swept away, Part Two
So this one is a crossover between Stargate SG-1 and 9-1-1. It’s gonna be a multipart/chapter imagine/story, and the first part doesn’t actually have any Stargate characters other than the reader who is a member of SG-1. I’m also shifting the Stargate timeline so that season 8 happens around the same time as the beginning of season 3 for 9-1-1.
Y/N means your name, Y/L/N mean your last name.
Summary: The reader, a member of SG-1, is taking their first vacation in almost 9 years. So of course they get caught up in a Tsunami! While trying not to be swept away the reader comes across a small boy all alone, clinging to a pole, and shouting for someone named Buck.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
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Just before the first wave
“Hey Jack, have you heard from Y/N today?” Daniel Jackson asked, sitting down next to his teammates in the mess hall.
Jack glanced up from his fruit loops at his teammate and nodded his head.
“Yeah, she said she was going to some pier where they have rides and games and stuff,” Jack answered.
Suddenly Jack’s phone pinged, and he pulled it out of his pocket.
“Well speak of the devil,” He muttered, opening the message.
He smiled at the picture that his youngest teammate had sent him. They were standing on a pier with the ocean behind them. He frowned for a moment as he noticed something behind Y/N. His eyes went wide as he realized just what it was.
“Oh my god!” He exclaimed, jumping out of his seat.
He raced out of the mess hall, to the briefing room and his office. As he ran he tried to call Y/N, but their phone went straight to voice mail.
“Dammit!” He growled.
“Jack what the hell? What happened?” Daniel shouted, racing after him.
He could hear the rest of his team following him, but he ignored them. When he reached his office he turned on the TV he’d had installed when he was put in charge of the base and turned to the news.
“A Tsunami has devastated LA, leaving many dead and injured. LA’s finest are working hard to help people…”
SG-1 stood there in shock, faces pale. Jack silently handed his phone over to his team so they could see the picture Y/N had sent him. It was Y/N standing on a pier, and behind them was a massive wave.
“Oh god!” Sam whispered, tears in her eyes.
“I need to make a call,” Jack stated, picking up the red phone on his desk.
He spent almost an hour on the phone with the president before he was finally given permission to take his team to LA to look for their missing teammate.
“Sir, what about the Daedalus? Y/N has a subcutaneous tracker, the Daedalus could fine them easily,” Sam suggested.
“The Daedalus is on it’s way back from a mission, but it’s still several hours away,” Jack explained.
“Dammit,” Daniel muttered.
“We’re going to LA to look for Y/N in the meantime,” Jack answered.
Several hours later
Buck was loosing his mind. He’d lost Christopher! And Y/N, who’d helped save Christopher in the first place. He had no idea if either of them was still alive. And he couldn’t help but blame himself. He’d searched and searched but just could not find them. Then a rescue team had found him and forced him to stop searching. They’d dragged him onto a boat kicking and screaming and brought him back to some VA hospital which was serving as a triage center for victims of the Tsunami.
Buck froze at the voice. Then he turned to see his whole team standing behind him. He could barely look at Eddie.
“Buck? What are you doing here? Where’s Christopher?” Eddie questioned, panic seeping into his voice.
“We were on the pier when it hit. I lost him at first, but then I found him. Someone else had found him first and had been helping him. We managed to climb on top of a fire truck. But while I was trying to help someone up on to the truck a wave hit us, and the two of them got swept off the truck. I tried to find them, I searched for hours. But then a rescue team forced me to come here,” Buck explained in one breath.
Eddie was in full panic mode now. His son was out there in all this mess. He’d spent all day thinking his son was safe, only to find out that he’d been in all this mess since the beginning. The only consolation he had was that there was someone out there with him, hopefully looking after him.
“Eddie I’m sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have taken him to the pier. I should have been paying more attention,” Buck stated, pulling at his hair.
“No, Buck it’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known there’d be a Tsunami. You did everything you could to keep him safe. We just have to find him now,” Eddie replied, patting Buck on the shoulders.
He didn’t blame Buck. He knew Buck, and he knew how much Buck cared about Christopher. But he was still freaking out on the inside. He’d just lost his wife; he couldn’t handle losing his son too.
“You said there was someone with Christopher?” Bobby questioned.
“Yeah, ugh Y/N. They found Christopher before I did after the wave hit. The both of them where clinging to a pole when I found them.”
Bobby stared at him for a moment trying to remember why that name sounded familiar. It took him a moment to realize why. There was a team of Air Force officers who’d been helping to rescue people all day. They said they where looking for a missing teammate who’d been in LA on the pier for vacation. They’d said their teammate’s name was Y/N Y/L/N and had shown them a picture that Y/N had sent them right before the wave hit. Bobby pulled out his phone and pulled up the photo that General O’Neill had sent him.
“Was this them?” Bobby asked, turning the phone to Buck.
“Yeah that’s them!” Buck confirmed.
Buck felt confusion wash over him. Why did Bobby have a picture of Y/N?
“Wait, why do you have that picture?” He questioned.
“There’s a group of Air Force officers that have been here helping save people all day. They’ve been looking for Y/N, they’re an air force officer. Apparently Y/N was on vacation and sent that picture to General O’Neill right before the wave hit,” Bobby explained.
Buck stared down at the picture of Y/N, the giant wave right behind them. He felt terrible for loosing both Christopher and Y/N. If he’d paid more attention, both of them would be here right now, safe with the people who love them.
“Hey, Captain Nash we’re ready to head back out,” Jack stated, walking towards them.
“General. This is one of our firefighters, Buck. He was on the pier with Eddie’s son earlier today. Apparently he met Y/N, they saved Christopher, Eddie’s son. The three of them where together for a sometime before they got separated. He hasn’t seen Christopher or Y/N since then,” Bobby explained.
Jack looked over Buck and Eddie for a moment. The men were obviously panicked, both terrified for the child that was missing. He felt a pang in his heart as he thought of his own son he’d lost all those years ago. He wasn’t about to let someone else loose their kid, not if he could help it. And if finding this kid lead him to finding his missing teammate, well then that was just icing on the cake.
“If Christopher is with Y/N then I’m sure he’s fine. Y/N would look after him as if he was their own. They won’t let anything happen to Christopher,” Jack stated confidently.
Eddie and Buck both nodded their heads, feeling a sense of relief wash over them. But it was short lived. Both of them where still out there lost in the chaos, potentially even trapped. And there was only so much one person could do. Neither of them would be able to fully relax until Christopher was with them once more.
“Sir! I just got a call; the Daedalus is back! They’re in position now,” Sam shouted, racing over to Jack.
“Well this makes things a whole lot easier,” Jack muttered.
Sam looked over at the fire fighters that they’d been working with all day then back at Jack.
“Ugh Sir? What about them?” Sam asked.
“Sam, this is Buck he met Y/N earlier. They helped save Diaz’s kid Christopher during the Tsunami. But Buck got separated from both of them. Y/N is probably still with Diaz’s son,” Jack explained.
Sam nodded her head at this. She knew how Jack felt about kids being in dangerous situations. She knew he knew what Diaz was feeling right now, and she knew he wanted to give the man some piece of mind.
“I’m sorry, but ugh, what’s the Daedalus and why does it make this easier?” Buck questioned, glancing between the two air force officers in confusion.
Sam and Jack shared a look for a moment before Sam sighed.
“I’m sure we can get a few NDA’s for them to sign real quick,” Sam stated, moving off to make a call.
“NDA’s?” Bobby asked.
“Non-disclosure agreements. We’re gonna need you and your team to sign them,” Jack explained.
“Shouldn’t we be looking for Christopher and Y/N? Why do we need to sign NDA’s?” Buck asked.
He was getting angry and anxious. He wanted to get back out there and find Christopher. He didn’t have time to be signing papers while Christopher could be out there dying.
“We have a way of finding Y/N quickly, and Christopher is with them. Now me and my team can find them and bring Christopher to you, or you can sign the NDA’s and come with us and get Christopher back sooner,” Jack stated.
Sam, Daniel, and Teal’c raced over at that moment before the firefighters could say anything. Sam had a stack of papers in her hand, which she handed over to each firefighters. It only took a moment for the whole team to sign their papers and hand them back.
“All right follow us,” Jack ordered, walking away.
Bobby, Buck, Eddie, Hen, and Chimney followed the four air force officers to a small empty room. Once everyone was in the room Sam shut the door, and Jack pulled out a radio.
“Daedalus, this is General O’Neill. Eight to beam up,” Jack ordered into the radio.
The firefighters only had a second to exchanged confused glanced before a white light engulfed them and suddenly they found themselves in a different room.
“What the hell?” Buck questioned, looking around the room.
“Oh my god!” Chimney exclaimed.
The firefighters all glanced over at him then followed his line of sight to a window. A window which showed the vastness of space, and the Earth right below them. They all froze, eyes wide, and mouths hanging open in shock.
“Welcome to the Daedalus,” Jack stated, a smirk on his face.
Bobby, Buck, Eddie, Hen, and Chimney all stood there, starring out at the Earth. Each of them feeling variations of shock, awe, and confusion…
To be continued...
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
It’s been thirteen years since Natsu and Gray met in a program for troubled youth - since they both fell apart and helped put each other back together. Now they’re married and happy, loving each other and the shared family they found. But the past doesn’t always stay past, and when the things that broke them come back into their lives, Natsu and Gray have difficult decisions to make - ones that could change their lives forever.
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Chapter Summary: Natsu meets his dad and tries to make sense of all the things he's feeling.
Chapters (11/?): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 Rating: Mature Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe, Laxus Dreyar/Freed Justine, Cana Alberona/Lucy Heartfilia, Chelia Blendy/Wendy Marvell Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Rogue Cheney, Sting Eucliffe, Freed Justine, Laxus Dreyar, Wendy Marvell, Chelia Blendy, Ultear Milkovich, Lyon Vastia, Lucy Heartfilia, Cana Alberona Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aged-Up Character(s), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Married Couple, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Drug Addiction, Mental Health Issues, Foster Care, Family Issues, Tumblr: FTLGBTales, Grief/Mourning, Childhood Trauma, Bipolar Disorder, Adoption, Families of Choice, Nonbinary Character, Trans Character, Genderfluid Character, Forgiveness, Absent Parents, they’re really in love but are sometimes dumb, Natsu is a stubborn shit Series: Part 14 of the only hope for me is you, Part 3 of if you jump i’ll break your fall
“Stop chewing your nails.”
Gray reached out and grabbed Natsu’s hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing. Natsu sighed, tipping his head back against the window of the ferry and staring out at the ocean. His leg bounced up and down as he shifted in his seat and Gray reached out his other hand to rub his thumb across Natsu’s knee.
“Breathe,” he said softly. “It’s okay.”
“I can’t help it,” Natsu said, squeezing his eyes shut and exhaling sharply. “I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”
Continue reading on AO3
Gray let go of Natsu’s hand and wrapped an arm around him instead, pulling him close and kissing his temple. “Did he text you?” he asked.
Natsu nodded, looking down at where his phone was balanced on his thigh. “Yeah, he’s gonna be there.” His voice was soft, and the uncertain look on his face made Gray’s chest ache. Gray was tempted to reassure him, to tell him that they didn’t have to do this now, that if Natsu wasn’t ready they could take the next ferry right back home and try again later.
Instead he pulled Natsu close and asked, “What can I do?”
Natsu shook his head, moving his phone to his pocket and turning in the seat until his head was tucked under Gray’s chin. “Just…” He trailed off. Gray looked down to see him playing with his wedding ring. “Don’t leave.”
“I won’t,” Gray reassured him. “I promise.”
Natsu didn’t talk much for the rest of the trip. Gray eventually convinced him to walk around the ferry and stop at the gift shop, even though it was stuff they’d seen a hundred times. He spent the drive from the ferry into the city curled up against the door, holding Gray’s hand tightly and staring out the window. His mind jumped from memory to memory, getting more and more tangled until he was sure he was going to be sick.
“We’re here,” Gray said gently, nudging Natsu out of his thoughts.
Natsu blinked and looked out the window. “Already?” He chewed his bottom lip, staring out at the harbor in front of them. Ships bobbed gently in the waves as people milled about the market, everything warm under the summer sun.
“Where did he say—” Gray stopped, squeezing Natsu’s hand. “I think that’s him.”
Natsu immediately shut his eyes, fighting back against the twisting in his chest and stomach that threatened to tear him apart. “I don’t know if I can do this,” he whispered. “I can’t—what if he…”
“It’s okay,” Gray murmured, running his thumb across Natsu’s hand. “He hasn’t seen us yet; you can take your time.”
Natsu took a few more deep breaths, trying to calm the way his heart slammed against the inside of his chest. Then he slowly opened his eyes and followed Gray’s gaze down to a bench near the water.
It was his dad.
Natsu could tell Gray was saying something to him, but it was muffled, like Natsu was underwater. Natsu let go of Gray’s hand and unbuckled his seatbelt, and before he could stop himself, he was out of the car and running down the steps to the harbor. People crowded around and he pushed through, not even able to apologize as he kept his gaze trained on the bench where his father sat.
As soon as he approached, Neelan looked up, and Natsu froze, hands held awkwardly by his side. “Dad?”
“Natsu,” Neelan breathed, pushing himself up from the bench and taking a hesitant step forward. His hand hovered uncertainly in the air between them as his eyes searched Natsu’s face. “You…”
Natsu covered the last few feet between them and wrapped his arms around his dad, pressing his face to Neelan’s shoulder. “Dad,” he whispered again as Neelan returned the embrace, holding Natsu tightly and resting his cheek on Natsu’s head. He smelled like smoke and aftershave.
“I can’t believe it’s you,” Neelan said, voice thick as he pressed his face against Natsu’s hair.
Natsu laughed wetly, pulling back and rubbing his face as he realized he was crying. “Yeah it’s—” He swallowed, fingers still tight in the fabric of his dad’s jacket, half convinced that this was another dream where he’d wake up feeling lost and abandoned all over again.
“I can’t believe you’re…” Neelan touched Natsu’s cheek hesitantly, and it took Natsu a minute to realize that his eyes were tracing the shape of the scar across his cheek. “I thought I’d never see you again,” Neelan said roughly. “And that’s my fault, I…”
He trailed off and looked over Natsu’s shoulder, expression shifting into something Natsu didn’t quite recognize. He let go of Neelan’s jacket, turning to see Gray, standing a little way away with his hands tucked awkwardly in his pockets.
“Dad, this is Gray,” Natsu said, letting go of Neelan and stepping back to grab Gray’s hand. “My husband.”
Gray reached out his hand and Neelan shook it carefully. “Neelan,” he said, voice rough. “You already know that, I guess. I, uh…”
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Gray said, giving Neelan a soft but genuine smile.
“All, uh… well, they’re probably not good things, I guess.” Neelan stuck his hands back in his pockets and his gaze dropped to the ground. “Sorry, I didn’t—never expected this. To see you again.”
Something in Natsu’s chest hardened at the words, and the excitement of seeing his dad was muddied by the familiar ache of abandonment. “You left,” he said before he could stop himself. Gray’s hand tightened in his and he shook his head apologetically. “Sorry, I don’t—we don’t have to start there.”
An awkward silence fell between the three of them and Natsu took the chance to study his dad. He looked exhausted – dark circles under his eyes, bitten nails like his own, pieces of hair falling out of his braided ponytail. There was something in the way he stared uncomfortably at the ground that felt like looking in a mirror.
“Are you, um, hungry?” Natsu asked. “We haven’t eaten—well, Gray did, on the ferry, but that food is stupid expensive and I wasn’t hungry, but I could go for a coffee right now. Do you drink coffee? I only like the Frappucinos or the sweet drinks with like, the strawberries in them, Gray’s the one who drinks gross black coffee. I think I saw a Starbucks…”
He trailed off when Gray gently squeezed his hand, trying to calm the way his stomach kept twisting and his heart kept skipping beats. “Why don’t I go grab us a coffee?” Gray suggested. “You two can catch up a bit without me.”
Neelan finally looked up and Natsu saw grateful relief in his eyes. “That would, um…”
“Est-ce que ca’t va?” Gray asked, grabbing both of Natsu’s hands and turning to face him. “Je peux rester si tu veux." A grateful warmth spread through Natsu’s chest.
“Non, ça va,” he said, leaning in and kissing Gray. “Je t’aime.”
“Je t’aime aussi,” Gray replied, returning the kiss and rubbing his thumbs over the back of Natsu’s hands. Then he turned to Neelan. “It’s good to meet you. I’ll see you both in a bit.”  
And then he was gone, leaving Natsu alone with the father Natsu had been desperate to meet for twenty-two years.
“So, you, uh… speak French?” Neelan asked. He nodded toward the edge of the water and Natsu followed him, trying to keep in step with his father but not touch him.
“Yeah, Gray’s from Montréal. He taught me.”
Neelan nodded, tucking his hands awkwardly in his pockets. “Your mom spoke French too.”
Natsu was hit with the same sensation he’d felt looking at the pictures of his mom for the first time – like he was too far out in the ocean, wildly out of his depth. “She did?”
Neelan nodded. “Some, anyway. Her dad was from Tsawwassen, but her mom was from Québec.”
“Tsawwassen?” Natsu frowned. Ryos had mentioned once that he’d grown up there, only moving to Magnolia after his mom passed away. It wasn’t a large community, and Natsu was suddenly hit with the thought that Ryos’ parents might have known his mother.
The uncertain feeling intensified and he shook his head, filing the information away for later. Instead he followed Neelan, ducking through a crowd of people until they were at the railing overlooking the harbor. Natsu leaned on the railing and stared past the moored ships, watching the patterns the sun made on the water.
“So her parents are…” Natsu trailed off, realizing for the first time that he might have grandparents – even aunts and uncles that he didn’t know about. The idea was overwhelming and he closed his eyes, breathing in the familiar ocean breeze.
“They’re gone,” Neelan said quietly. Disappointment settled in Natsu’s chest. “She grew up…” He hesitated. “A lot like you. Young mom, deadbeat dad.” He let out a wry laugh. “She was sixteen when you were born. You were early – real tiny, probably fit in my hands.” He cupped his palms together. “She was… when she found out about you, she tried to quit. We both did.”
Natsu’s jaw clenched and he exhaled softly. He knew this part of the story – had pieced it together by the time he was twelve. One social worker had called it “Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome” – a fancy way to say he was born in withdrawal from whatever drugs his mom had been on. Mostly meth.
“I…” Neelan swallowed heavily. “After Becca died, I wanted to take care of you. I got sober and I tried my best, but I was eighteen and stupid, and I didn’t know how to be a dad. You deserved better.”
I didn’t want ‘better,’ Natsu thought as the anger resurfaced. I wanted my dad. You promised to stay and then you left, and I don’t understand why.
“I remember some stuff,” he said out loud, trying to keep his voice even. He stared down at the water, trying to pick out starfish on the rocks. “You read me Harry Potter.”
A smile crept onto Neelan’s face and he nodded. “It was the only time you’d sit still,” he said. “You loved reading.”
Natsu huffed out a laugh. “I hate it now,” he said. “I’m dyslexic. It’s hard to read. Gray reads to me, though.”
“He seems…” Neelan hesitated. “Good for you.”
Natsu nodded. “He is.” He chewed his lip. “We’ve been married for ten years – it was actually our anniversary back in June.”
“Congratulations.” Neelan glanced over at him. “How’d you meet?”
Natsu sighed, chewing his lip. “It’s… a long story,” he said after a minute. He moved his hand over to where the scar from his suicide attempt had been before the fire had burned it away. Neelan’s curious gaze flicked down to the marred skin. “That’s a shorter story,” Natsu said, smiling with relief. “I’m a volunteer firefighter – I was helping out with the Fort Mackay fires and ended up with this.”
He held out his arm for Neelan to see the scar. “It’s okay,” he said at the uncomfortable expression on his father’s face. “It’s been eight years; it doesn’t bug me anymore.”
Neelan shook his head, giving Natsu a soft smile. “There’s so much I don’t know about you.”
And whose fault is that? Natsu thought as the tentative excitement in his chest was soured by resentment. He sighed, trying to untangle the thousands of emotions that warred inside him.
“Sorry,” Neelan said, quickly flicking his gaze back to the boats bobbing against the docks. “I’m bad at this. Talking, in general but—I just… ever since you sent me that message…”
“Yeah,” Natsu said. “I know.”
They stood for a minute in silence, listening to the gentle lap of waves against the shore and the cawing of seagulls picking up scraps. Then Natsu turned to Neelan and said, “Let’s start simple. What do you do for work?”
Gray could feel the tension radiating from Natsu the whole time they were at dinner. By the time they said goodnight to Neelan and made it back to the hotel, Natsu was chewing his nails again.
“C’mere,” Gray said, closing the door behind them and tugging on Natsu’s hand until they were both sitting on the couch. “You okay?”
Natsu shrugged. “’m fine,” he said, but when Gray rested his hand on Natsu’s bouncing leg, he sighed. “I dunno. It’s weird.” He looked down at their clasped hands. “It’s like… I thought I had memories of him, from when I was little. I know he read to me and we went to the park and stuff, but it’s like…” He chewed his lip. “He’s a stranger. And I knew it wouldn’t be the same, it’s just…”
Gray didn’t say anything, just squeezed Natsu’s hand gently.
“I thought there’d be something,” Natsu said softly. “Like I would—part of me would know him because he’s my dad, and I sorta thought that when we first saw him, but the more we talk it’s just… I don’t have any idea who he is.”
He looked up at Gray, expression somewhere between confusion and disappointment. “I’m sorry,” Gray said, tucking a stray hair behind his ear. “Can I do anything?”
Natsu shook his head. “Just…” He swallowed and Gray could tell he was trying not to cry. “I thought… I just wanted my dad and I got a stranger who doesn’t have any idea who I am.”
“I’m so sorry,” Gray said softly as Natsu leaned toward him, pressing his face to Gray’s shoulder and cuddling close when Gray wrapped both arms around him. “Do you think it’ll be better tomorrow? You only had a few hours together today, maybe it’ll just take some time.”
“Dunno,” Natsu mumbled into his sweater. “Part of me just wants to go home.”
Gray kissed the top of Natsu’s head. “We can do whatever you want to do,” he said gently. “Whatever you need.”
Natsu sighed in frustration. “I couldn’t ask him.”
“Ask him what?”
“Why he left.” He rubbed his face. “Why I wasn’t enough.” Gray made a sad sound and held him tighter. “He said he quit—he stopped drugs and drinking and all that shit, and he tried, and then he just… I don’t remember a lot, but I remember him promising. He promised he would stay, that he loved me, that he would take me home with him, that he’d be around for my birthday. And then he left, and I don’t understand. Why did he stick around for eight fucking years and then just give up? What did I do?”
“Sweetheart,” Gray said sadly, trying to keep his voice from breaking like his heart was. “You didn’t do anything. No matter what happened, it wasn’t your fault. You were just a little kid.”
“But he loved me,” Natsu insisted. “He did, I saw—the pictures, and he told me, and I just don’t understand. If he loved me, why did he leave?”
“I don’t know,” Gray murmured. “Maybe you can talk about it tomorrow?”
Natsu sighed, rubbing his face and finally looking up at Gray. “Maybe,” he said as Gray kissed his forehead. “But right now I just wanna sleep.”
(see AO3 for French translations)
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bunny-banana · 5 years
I'd love to hear a director's commentary on La leggenda di Niccolo please :D Have a star as well ⭐
HA! Okay well, I’ll talk about the sections that I actually wrote so here it comes:
Chap 1
Engulfed in the never ending masses of water, he reckoned one should feel intimidated. No ground under his feet, only limited amounts of air to his disposal, and the uncertainty of what lies within the darker corners of the ocean should normally frighten you. And yet, he never felt more at peace than when he was floating so freely in the sea, almost as if gravity and the world outside didn’t exist
the fucking IRONY of me writing this while being deadly afraid of deep water. its honestly like “yeah,,,,, lemme list all the things i personally hate about deep sea…. and lets add ‘well, but theres something good too about that for sure,,,i guess,,,, ”
But what was more important for me was this contrast to what Ermal dreams about, his lowkey fantasy - and where he is irl, the icy south pole. I’m rather fond of opposing things/contrasts. 
The soldier breathed heavily in and out, but there was no time to rest as the next blaze of fire was aimed at him.He countered and evaded but his opponent was more forceful, his flames harsher, faster until the soldier’s back hit the cold railing. He was caught, and when his opponent mercilessly stroke once more, he knew he had to save himself by escaping into the cold water.The man remaining on the top deck smirked. Ah yes, he’d almost assume those new soldiers were just too easy to take on even if only for practice reasons, but it pleased him more to say that he still got it.
i really hope this introduction just tells you everything you need to know about Renga’s character.
How much sooner the war could have been won had it not been for the Poles!
While actually reflecting on the universe, i realised, it must be incredibly difficult for firebenders on the poles. like, I just assume they really, really arent fit for the cold which would make invading incredibly difficult for them. also lol, renga hates it at the poles obviously.
  Shaking so hard that kids ran towards their mothers and the watchtower fell over and when the fog cleared up, Ermal felt his stomach drop. ”No.”
Nothing, absolutely, nothing in that universe is more frightening than seeing the Fire Nation military pull up to your doorstep.  
Also, lmao, love to imagine Rinald quietly going “oh nooo my watchtower D:” 
Ermal pushed himself through the crowd until he was right in front of everyone, until he was the last barrier between the Fire Nation soldiers and the village.
Ermal has Strong Opinions™ about the Fire Nation, with reasons of course, and seeing them here is the absolute nightmare to him.
  “You mean the Avatar that disappeared off the face of the Earth? The one that nobody has ever seen and that was probably never even reborn? That Avatar?”And if his cockiness gave off a certain invitation to smash his face in, then this was perhaps a little bit Ermal’s fault.
to quote the Smiths: Bigmouth Strikes Again!
“B-but he’s- he’s so young? I swear to the Fire Lord, if this is yet another trick then-”
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Chap 2
Niccolò had always been in awe of the Fire Nation’s advanced industrial sector. The machinery that originated from the Nation had always had cutting edge quality which no one in the world could quite imitate nor match. This ship however was beyond anything Niccolò had ever seen. This ship was fully steam-driven with the powerful motors roaring under his feet. And those weren’t the only novelties.Steel processed so professionally that it makes impenetrable walls and doors which opened and closed only through quite sophisticated lock mechanisms. It all looked so modern, it all looked so futuristic.
so the idea was, since Nic had missed an entire century, the ship looked super modern to him. while its a canon fact that the FN is quite advanced with machinery, the ship itself is just to an up-to-date standard. But to Niccolo personally it seemed futuristic.  i like the idea of him being amazed at things he has never seen in his life just to find out they’re pretty common in the current timeline. 
There was not much time left, Niccolò had to think quickly. Extremely convenient how his nose started tickling right in that moment.The powerful sneeze that followed had two consequences: One, the guard in front of him was catapulted straight into the metal door of the cell, rendering him unconscious.Two, Niccolò and the guard behind him were also forcefully pushed back to the other end of the corridor, crashing into the hard wall.Well, at least the guard did. The young airbender was spared that fate, by that nice pillow the guard turned out to be, so he quickly got onto his feet and ran as fast as he could with his hands tied behind his back.
so yeah ngl, this was just copied from the OG ep
Now that his hands were freed, he opened the first door that presented itself to him, but in front of him, he simply saw the quarters of General Renga who stared at his now roaming prisoner in shock. Okay, time to turn around, it seems.
listen, i just love the thought of overconfident General Renga being so shellshocked to see his prisoner escaping that he just gapes at him. And ofc Nic slamming the door shut immediately jsfkld
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Niccolò cursed as he evaded a burst of fire that was aimed at him before taking the next corner “Where’s the exit?! Where’s the goddamn exi- AH!! A DOOR!!” He pulled it open to reveal a startled guy sitting there just minding his own business. An unexpected sight, with an even more unexpected odor following. “Oh? uhm- Sorry man! Just- just take your time! Also, perhaps light a candle when you’re done. Bye!” The young Avatar swiftly apologised as he closed the door of what was most definitely not an exit.
Fav OC so far!  That simple FN dude was just trying to take a dump in peace but who would have known that all hell would break lose and the goddamn Avatar of all people would walk into him smh.  Also, I really enjoyed the thought of while this is all hectic and dangerous, Nic still being human enough to go like “oh, my bad! sorry dude!” at this random soldier. Who knows, maybe we should bring that one back some time later. And i kinda wanted the whole escape to be funny, since its Nic’s POV, and it just wouldnt suit his carefree spirit to make this super serious (yet). 
“I’ll give you that, hiding for so long was sort of impressive.” Niccolò heard Renga’s voice behind him as the General had caught up with him. 
almost wrote “century” there but then remembered  nah omg he can’t know yet 
A piece of ice may or may not have also hit Renga straight into the face but nobody would complain about that anyway. 
yeah i just love the thought of this super dramatic scene of Nic entering the Avatar State and then theres a chunk of ice knocking Renga unconscious lmao get fucked, dude 
“Nic!” Ermal ran towards the slowly decreasing water pillar to catch the unconscious airbender in the last second, dropping to his knees in the process. That was beyond anything anybody of that age should normally be capable of. That was beyond what any waterbender could ever be capable of. And yet, lying in his arms, Niccolò looked so exhausted, so weak. Just like any other kid. Not a trace from the sheer force that was unleashed moments earlier.
I think this was really the moment Ermal started feeling real responsibility over Niccolo. Just seeing him do all these crazy things and yet being reminded that this huge burden of being the Avatar is literally thrusted upon a simple kid.  Also, this is the first time he called him “Nic”
Various noises and sounds buzzed through the air that afternoon: The loud shoveling of snow from the bow, the quieter crackling emerging from the hands of the firebenders who were melting their frozen compatriots, the fast steps rushing left and right over the ship. All these different sounds were heard, but none of them were chattering. Nobody dared to chat. Not after this disastrous defeat. What a disgrace that had been, General Renga thought grinding his teeth.
Everybody on this goddman ship is just scared shitless that Renga will roast them if they so much like whisper. they know he moody, they know he’ll blame them for the avatar’s escape. so lets all just work and repair shit and keep quite. 
When he found consciousness again, he was left with not only one horrendous purple bruise on his face, but also with a half destroyed ship. 
jdsfksajfklf OK SO YEAH, my first intention was “lmao let a piece of ice hit him” but then i realised “oh wait he’d have a bruise afterwards”  and then “LMAOOOO he’d be like Zuko, how perfect is that”   ok so granted, unlike our dear fire prince, Renga’s bruise is only temporary, but i really hoped someone would pick up the connection to Zuko
Whatever had happened to the Avatar earlier, it left a colossal mark on the ship, and secretly, on Renga personally too. He might have gotten fooled once, but he wouldn’t get fooled again.
basically, he feels personally insulted about being beaten by a kid. what a loser lmao
“Y-yes, General?” stuttered the lanky assistant with the askew glasses, clenching his hands around his writing board. One would think you’d get used to Renga’s harsh tone over time, but that was simply not the case..
rip martino but renga absolutely needed a poor anxious assistant whom he could terrorise
“We need the best of the best to defeat him. And I just know the right choice for that job…”
heeeeheeee ….. no comment ..for now.  but im curious to what you guys think about that 
Thank you so much! this was a lot of fun to do ! :)
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rpf-bat · 5 years
But, Can I Speak?
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Sequel to Tongue-Tied And Oh So Squeamish (x ). You work up the courage to call Gerard, and it goes even better than you planned. But, once you’re actually out on a date with him, you find that your speech impediment is just getting worse and worse.
You’d been staring at the phone number, scrawled on the first page of Apocalypse Suite, for over an hour, trying to summon the nerve to dial it.
Don’t get all anxious about it, you warned yourself. The more nervous you are, the more you’re going to stutter.
But, how could you not be nervous? You were calling a famous comic book writer, to ask him on a date!
You noticed, tracing his handwriting with your finger, that his number had an 862 area code. You’d Googled it, and learned that this meant he was from northern New Jersey.
I wonder when he moved out here, to LA, you thought to yourself. You weren’t famous - you just happened to have been born in California.
Someone like me, you frowned, who can’t even talk straight, could never be a movie star.
“Just c-c-call him, Y/N,” you told yourself. “Stop be...b-being a b-baby.”
You pulled up the keypad on your phone, and typed in the number. Your heart pounded as you listened to it ring.
You blushed, and almost dropped the phone, when you heard his sweet voice on the other end.
“Hi, Ger….Gerard,” you managed. You hadn’t really expected him to pick up.
“Oh, hi, Y/N!” Gerard answered warmly.
He knew it was me, because I stammered when I said his name, you realized, frowning.
“How are you?” Gerard asked cheerfully.
“I’m g-good,” you replied. “How are you today?”
There, you thought. Four whole words you managed to say like a normal person.
“I’m great,” Gerard said sunnily. “I’m really happy you called. I was hoping you would.”
“R-really?” you blushed. Damnit. You’d stuttered again.
“Yeah,” Gerard replied, oblivious to your frustration. “I actually just finished a photo shoot with my band mates.”
“You’re in a ba...ba….band?” you gasped, surprised.
“Oh, yeah, I am,” Gerard chuckled. “The comic writing is actually more of a side job. I make most of my income through singing.”
“Wh-What’s your band’s n-name?” you asked.
“My Chemical Romance,” Gerard replied.
You knew that name. You’d bought their album, Black Parade, on CD, when it had come out last year. It was fun to listen to when you were flying down Mulholland Drive. But, you’d never bothered to learn the individual band members’ names.
The kind comic book nerd, who’d helped you find the book you were looking for, was also the frontman of MCR??
“I - I - I c-can’t believe I d-d-didn’t r-real...realize,” you gasped. You realized that your stutter was getting worse, now that you knew you were speaking to an intimidating A-list celebrity. “I-I’m s-so du….dumb…”
“No, not at all!” Gerard reassured you. “When I made the music videos you probably know me from, last year, I looked completely different. My hair was blonde, and really short. And now it’s long, and black. I’m not surprised you didn’t recognize me.”
You no longer had any idea, what words you should even attempt to push out of your mouth.
“....Do you want to get a coffee?” Gerard asked finally.
“S-sure,” you managed. There’s no reason to panic, you told yourself. He’s still the same person you met yesterday.
“Do you ever go to Eightfold?” Gerard asked.
“On Sunset Boulevard?” you recognized.
“Yeah. You want to meet me there?”
“S-sure,” you decided.
If you were stuttering this much, talking to him on the phone, you feared that once you were actually  on your date, you would lose the ability to speak altogether. But, summoning your courage, you got in the car, and began the drive to the coffee shop.
You found Gerard standing outside the shop, wearing a classy white dress shirt, accentuated by a black vest.
“Hope I’m not overdressed,” he chuckled, putting out his cigarette. “I didn’t have time to change, after I finished things up with the magazine we were shooting for.”
“Y-you look gr-great,” you smiled.
“Aw, thanks,” Gerard blushed. “So do you, Y/N.”
“Th-thank you,” you replied. “Do you c-co-co-come…”
“Do I come here often?” Gerard guessed.
“Yeah,” you sighed, honestly grateful that you hadn’t had to struggle to get the whole sentence out.
“Yeah, I do, it’s one of of my favorites actually,” Gerard smiled. “I normally get the vanilla latte.”
“I like their ma-ma-matcha latte better, myself,” you compared.
“Shall we head inside?” Gerard suggested, slipping his hand into yours.
You took it, lacing his fingers with your own, and nodded. Sometimes communicating without words was easier.
It was a minimalist shop, with white walls and bare lightbulbs hanging above wooden tables. It was packed today - there were several people in line in front of you.
You didn’t say a word to your date as you waited for it to be your turn. You just kept anxiously clinging to his hand. Gerard didn’t seem to mind. He smiled at you, and affectionately stroked the back of your hand with this thumb.
“Hi, welcome to Eightfold Coffee,” the barista smiled politely, when you finally reached the front of the line. “What can I get you today?”
“H-hi,” you mumbled, your voice just above a whisper. “I-I w-would li-like….”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” the barista interrupted. “I couldn’t hear you.”
Damn it, you thought. Now I have to start over.
“I w-w-would like a m-ma…”
“Hurry up, lady”, said a voice behind you, and you turned and saw a man in a suit, pointing at his watch.
“Just tell him what you want already,” the man snapped. “I have a meeting to get to!”
I’m making people late, because I can’t talk right, you thought nervously. They’re mad at me! Why am I like this?
“I-I’m s-sorry,” you muttered.
“Don’t apologize,” the man griped, “just order, come on!”
You turned back to the barista. “I’ll h-have th-the ma...ma...ma…”
God, come on, Y/N, get the damn word out, you told yourself, cursing your ineptitude. “Ma….ma….”
“She’ll have the matcha latte, please,” Gerard interceded, squeezing your hand tighter. “And I’ll have the vanilla latte. Thank you.”
“One mattcha, one vanilla, coming up,” the barista nodded. “That’ll be $11.41.”
Gerard pulled a twenty out of his wallet.
“I c-can pay for m-mine,” you protested.
“I got it,” Gerard assured you. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’ll go g-get us a t-table then,” you offered.
“That sounds great,” Gerard smiled. “Thank you, Y/N.”
Gerard sat down across from you a few minutes later, two piping hot drinks in his hands.
“This one’s got an M on it, so it must be yours,” he figured, handing your latte to you. “I got you a napkin, too.”
“Th-thanks,” you frowned.
“What’s wrong?” Gerard asked, concern in his eyes.
“I’m s-sorry that you had to ta-talk for me back there,” you sighed. “I sh-should be able to do th-that on my own.”
“It’s no problem,” Gerard shrugged. “I’m sorry that guy was giving you a hard time. It was making me kind of mad - he didn’t need to be so impatient with you.”
“It was my fault,” you apologized.
“No, seriously,” Gerard insisted, “the dude could’ve just waited. You weren’t the one being rude, he was.”
You sipped your latte, unsure what to say in response. People didn’t normally stick up for you like this. It was...nice.
“So,” Gerard asked, “did you like my comic?”
“Yes!” you said enthusiastically. “Oh, it was w-wonderful. All the ch-characters were so unique. I r-related to V-Va...Va….”
“Vanya?” Gerard supplied.
“Yes,” you nodded, gratefully. “Her esp-especially.”
“People in the story really don’t listen to her,” Gerard admitted, taking a swig from his mug. “They take one look at her, and decide, without really knowing her, that she doesn’t matter.”
“R-right.” People hear my stutter, you thought, and they just decide that it’s not worth it, to wait around and hear what I was going to say. They think that because I can’t speak very well, I must be stupid.
“But, Vanya becomes The White Violin,” Gerard reminded. “And then she shows everyone just how special she really is.”
He shot you a meaningful glance across the table, and set his mug down. Tenderly, he reached out again for your hand.
His hands were big and strong, but soft. Holding them felt good. Reassuring. It made you less anxious, somehow.
“I think you’re pretty special, too, Y/N,” Gerard said softly, squeezing your hand tight. “Please….tell me more about yourself. I want to get to know you better.”
“About my-myself?” you repeated.
“Yes,” Gerard encouraged. “What do you like to do for fun? What are your favorite places in LA? Have long have you lived here? Do you work in the industry, or…”
“Ger….Gerard,” you stopped him. “It’s g-going to take me some t-time, to answer all those q-questions, when I t-talk like th-this.”
“That’s okay with me,” Gerard smiled softly. “My schedule’s free for the rest of the day. There’s nowhere else I would rather be, than right here, listening to you.”
You beamed. He made you feel so special. He never treated you like an inconvenience - unlike the man in line, or the shopkeeper, from yesterday. He really cared what you had to say - no matter how long it took you to say it.
Suddenly feeling more confident, than you had in a long time, you began to speak.
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yuseirra · 7 years
Hello, can I actually add my opinions on the dub for DRV3? I'm not that big on english dubs either (I don't hate it though, I'm pretty much okay with them) but I feel like people make fun of them too much. Sometimes I just feel bad for the VAs because it's not exactly their fault. I heard from one VA before, saying that how they pronounce things and everything isn't really up to them but from the company, I think even Naegi's english VA once said the same thing about it so...(cont)
I'm not saying that people should like it, but at least try not to judge it based on just one trailer (Also, I'm not saying that you should feel bad about it;;) At least if you want to make fun of the dub, wait until the release of the game. This is honestly why I'm always afraid everytime a game gets an english dub. Not because I'm afraid that I won't like it, it's because that if I DO like it, I feel afraid that I'm going to be the only one...(cont)
I'm sorry if this ended up sounding like a rant but I just had the need to voice out my opinions because I had a few english dubs that I like but others don't and I feel small because of it (I can't really explain it, sorry...) and to be honest, I don't think that the english dubs for DR games are all bad, I had a few characters that I like better with english dubs (mostly because I think their voices fit the characters more) Again, sorry for this and I hope you have a good day!
Guess I’ll reply back to this ask now! To be honest I was a little surprised to get this message because I didn’t expect to get a message like this when I reblogged those dub-related posts earlier. Maybe I’m glad you feel I’m okay to open up to about your feelings, but at the same time anon, I’m wondering why you feel so afraid to voice about this in your own place.. has someone actually attacked you about this when you thought the dubs were good? I actually think the dr dubs are relatively alright, but even if it’s really bad there could be people who favor the dub, I mean everybody has different opinions 0v0; I’ve mentioned this but what you have here’s a fair point too? This is about feelings and opinions about stuff and I don’t think it’s something that could be split right or wrong, just like that..
Ahm.. I admit I didn’t put much thought into it when I reblogged the posts (I thought it was fun to a degree since I love the fandom chatting away about stuff as a group) but I don’t think people were all too serious and spreading hate and stuff about the dub either when the posts got popular, and I think people would certainly have different spectrum of liking regarding it and while some people could be really disappointed, some may be going ‘eyyy that part sounds a bit awkward hm but I think it’s generally ok..’ there could be people thinking ‘oh this is actually pretty nice’ as well when they reblog these posts. As far as I could infer, it’s just about what people thought stood out in the first trailer. Since I’m not the one who’s brought up these stuff I can’t really say for sure what people were going for when they were talking about this (and are they still? I haven’t been going into the tags lately because of tests and exams;) but I felt no sense of malice from these. Although after I’ve read your ask I feel a bit sorry towards the VAs in a way!! -v-;;But I don’t think they did a terrible job!!; honest?? Quite the contrary actually;; I don’t think the people here are going for that also..
for one thing, it’s just about people reacting to new fandom-related stuff and it could be negative or positive and I think it’s showing how people are excited about stuff and new info- it means that the fandom’s still going strong and that it’s alive! I hope you don’t feel so alone when you don’t see posts that reflect the same stance as you are initially!! I think it’d be alright to talk about these things in your own account, and perhaps you’ll be able to find people whom feel the same way as you are! You don’t really know unless you try ‘v’ and if you feel as strong to message me about this, I think it’d help sharing your feelings about this to people on your own.. :D it’s ok!! there are lots of kind people here and even if your thoughts are different from people, that doesn’t mean that you should hide it away 0_0; this isn’t something that’s controversial either?? I’m not sure if I’m in the position to say this but I hope you don’t take posts like these on a personal level or too seriously!// I’m sure it isn’t really meant to be taken that way
you too, have a good day!
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todokori-kun · 7 years
*insert bunch of emotional gifs here*
WELCOME BACK <33333333 :D *hugs*
Ok you know how bad I am with linking OTL I’m not even gonna try because I’ll probably mess it up. BUT. Queen Luna must see the glorious Saiko/Urie conent, so…I know it’s in the omakes for Volume 7 and you can totally find a link for it on reddit (the complicated way I found a translation for that omake: first search ‘Tokyo Ghoul Re omake Saiko and Urie’ on google. Click on the first result ('TG:Re volume 7 omake translations’), then go to Part 3 of the omake translations). Idk I’m so sorry OTL
Do you know. Touken had a freaking wedding ceremony this new chapter. The only good thing about that was that Touka and Kaneki’s costumes were serious eye candy, beautifully drawn (I mean, it was Shuu’s work, how could they not be beautiful) and that we got to see drunk Yomo stealing Nishiki’s glasses and calling him 'Nishi’.
(Also Kaneki is just really mean to Shuu? I mean, he never apologized for what happened with Kanae, he never talks about what happened during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation arc, he smilingly told Shuu “I’m going to marry Touka’ to his face, and this chapter he’s seen sitting alone with Touka, telling her that Shu insisted on them having a wedding and planned all himself. We don’t even get a 'thank you’ from Kaneki, just Touka being all "Hey, he’s always been good at that kind of stuff.”
Like, come on. You ruined Shuu’s life, Kaneki, even if you didn’t mean to, and you never apologized. Don’t you think it’s, oh, I don’t know, a little insensitive to go talking about how happy you are in front of him and act like everything’s cool when it hasn’t even been that long since you impaled him, threw him off a roof, and indirectly killed his cousin?)
W O W that really is heaven/hell on earth.
Dolphins. Seahorses. All the activities. It sounds so fun, I’m so jealous ;-; says the person who’d curl up in a ball and die of awkward embarrassment if they ever went to a place like that
Hot Mystery Person must be very attractive if he made the Queen helpless 0.0
Ok I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it but now. Omg. I’m sorry, but this is what my brain created-
Tsukiyama: “Longing for Tatsuo, missing my wife, that’s when Kaneki Ken-kun walked into my life, he said-”
Kaneki: “I know you are a man of honor, I’m so sorry to bother you at home, but I don’t know where to go, and I came here all alone…”
Tsukiyama: “He said-”
Kaneki: “My wife’s doing me wrong, sir ;-; beating me (cue several canon flashbacks of Touka beating him up), cheating me, mistreating me, suddenly she’s up and gone- I don’t have the means to go on…”
And Naomi during Burn
“Tsukiyama Shuu, I think you’re forgetting that I’m a Chimera Ghoul…”
(Ok tbh it would be more like extreme numbness, a lot of heartbreak and secretly crying when she thinks no one’s looking, but shush, let’s pretend for the sake of comedy)
And Tatsuo crashes in like
“Heard you couldn’t keep it in your pants
PrEpAre tO dIE”
(sorry lol)
(Also: I’m planning on starting Hunter x Hunter this week or the next, just because of freaking Hisoka OTL have you ever watched/read it?)
I KNOW! I was such an idiot ;-; I think it was mostly the art style that made me think that, because tbh it looks a lot like typical Shounen art during the earlier manga chapters and in the anime (I do think it starts looking a lot better in later manga chapters though).
Ok, the thing about Mustang is that I like him and hate him at the same time. It isn’t his fault, but tumblr made me think that basically “TINY MINISKIRTS” + cool flame powers + major troll to Ed + loves Promotion almost as much as Urie= Roy Mustang, and turns out that was wrong XD I mean, all of those ARE true, but there’s a lot more to his character than that and he’s also colder than I thought he’d be (especially for a guy with fire powers lol sorry). He’s still really cool, though.
True, just from what I know about him Greedling seems to have a LOT more development than the original Greed ever had. I still like Original Greed though, mostly for his attitude and his style XD (something about his 'death’ scene and his final words to Father sort of gave me chills, in a weird way)
I expected Al & Ed to be your typical shounen protagonists but they’re a lot more complex than I thought! And way more likable. Al’s kitty obsession gives me life.
Also, Lust. Freaking Lust. I just read her death scene today and even though I’d already watched it as a clip from the anime it still gave me chills (especially since I was imagining her English VA’s voice and WOW).
And Bradley. I was sort of expecting him to either turn out to be a villain or play a really big role in the story later on, but I wasn’t quite expecting him to be Wrath…the moment it was revealed I was like “oh NO” because come on, I liked Bradley ;-; he was a cool dude.
As for Scar, idk. He’s not quite the type of character I usually 'crush’ on but he’s just… wow 0.0 I also just like his character in general, all his backstory and personality and his character arc.
(Though if I imagine meeting him irl all I can see is him giving me one look and me immediately curling up into a ball on the floor and just freezing up right there because wow, that’s scary
Scar: “…Did it die?”)
Aww, TYSM <3 It’s great to have you back! :D
Remember how I’ve talked about my art before? I mean, it’s wonky and weird and almost never colored, but I might actually be able to show some of it to you this week or the next! :D I only just figured out how to submit pictures to tumblr OTL (Yes,I have no idea how tumblr works ok) so…do you want to see it? XD
Oh, I see ^^ take your time! I’m looking forward to your reply :D
Also, FMA update:
I met Olivier. She was one of the characters I was interested in even when I only knew FMA from tumblr, and now that she’s actually appeared….I love her. She’s amazing. I’m officially over Lust (sorry bae but you’ve been dead for a while)
I also like Mustang a lot better now. He’s slowly but surely worming his way into my ‘top characters’ list (especially after I watched that one Koma Theater thing with his 'on hold’ song omg).
And hey, Ling suddenly became one of my favs. Idk how even because I was sorta indifferent to him at first but just… don’t ask LOL I’ve also met Greedling and I definitely see why he’s one of your favs :D I personally can’t quite 'crush’ on him tho because he’s two different people mashed into one body…guess that just means Queen Luna can have him all to herself ;)
Also, Kimblee/Kimbly/Kimberley/Kimberly/whatever the heck his name is supposed to be (I want to go with Kimblee or Kimberley but then I see someone else using a different version and it’s like “??? can I just call him Fedora-chan?”). This Magnificent Bastard. I hate him. I love him. Possibly one of the most interesting characters in the entire series. Boy, you got me helpless- and NOT IN A GOOD WAY *incoherent screaming*
(and my crush on Scar is still there. Yes, I’d still curl up in a ball and die if we met irl, who cares)
(Last note: Sloth. SLOTH. It’s freaking Tatsuo no one can convince me otherwise. He’s put on a weird costume to troll the FMA cast.)
And then I disappeared again for a while :PP Well, hopefully I’ll be able to answer more often now, but if I don’t, it means the internet is acting up again ;-;
They what. What?? NOW?? IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYTHING THAT’S HAPPENING???? As you can see, I haven’t read the new chapters yet ^^;;
Wow, that really is mean from Kaneki. Damn it. I love Shuu and am still not over Kanae, because Kanae and Shuu. HNNNGH, WHY DID KANANE HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE?? Drunk Yomo does seem entertaining, tho.
Dude, a guy thought I was playing a game where I was supposed to be as silent as possible in the camp, because I literally read and slept 90% of the time.
Seriously, tho, I’m still not over the guy. Damn. BUT HEY I GOT INTO AN ANIME WHICH has a character who’s definitely more attractive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Aaand, he is voiced by Suwabe. Yaaaas. Time to binge the 223 chapters of manga!
WELL FUCK. THE KANEKI PAMPHLET. SHIT. COME ON.  I mean, I was the one who mentioned it first, but damn. Congratulations with Tatsuo would be interesting. 
Nope, I never read/watched it, but I heard a lot of good things about the anime ^^ So, tell me about it when you’re done (or when you get a feel of it).
Art improvement is my favourite thing to see in manga. My favourite mangas for that are probably Fairy Tail, Akatsuki no Yona and Black Butler, since the art progression is very visible and damn it, I love seeing people improve.
Mustang is my ultimate favourite in FMA. Cause MUSTANG.  Ahem.
*slams the phone down* Fun fact: this was written from memory. I actually know the whole song. Help.
Also, Olivier. 
Those two are just... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
I think you’ll like seeing Scar more in the future, since he gets even more development. Cause he gets a lot of it. Everyone does, though.
I think Scar would be fascinated with you. Like, ‘this smol thing. I want to protect it. What is this feeling’
AAAA! I hope you submit your art soon! I really want to see it!!
Olivier is bae. She can step on my face and I won’t complain.
Ayyy I get 2 guys at the same time. Greedling is second to Mustang. Cause damn??? Especially when Greed is in control?? Damn. 
Kimblee, says the wiki, is my nightmare. I never really liked him, honestly. Cause  shit, the guy blows stuff up for fun. He is definitely interesting, but I’d be scared to be in a 5km radius of him. He’d blow me up. One sarcastic remark, and I’d probably be dust. Yay.
Ahahah Tatsuo Sloth. Wow. 
Sloth scares me, to be honest.  A lot of fma characters scare me, it appears. 
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