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nyerus · 2 years ago
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Highlights from Tiān Guān Cì Fú/Heaven Official’s Blessing (天官赐福) - Chapter 91
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10holmes · 2 years ago
Thanks for the fanfic ask game qs, now it's your turn! :D
I hope these aren't too many qs, but I'd love to know your thoughts:
C, K, M, S, T, V, Y
Thank you :)
Yay! Thanks so much for asking! So excited to answer these questions 😍🙏🏼🎉
The full (very long - sorry!) answer to be found below the cut! 😁
C: What character do you identify with most?
Oooh that's a tricky question... I think I can't boil it down to just one character but a blend of characters? I think the characters I tend to stan and ship are a good indicator bc I usually fixate most on ships and characters that somehow speak to me or that I relate to.
For example with XueXiao, I really identify with Xiao Xingchen in the way that he is kind and helpful to others and follows this ideal of wanting to make the world a better place and leaving the mountain for that, aka a place he could stay placid and content in, to instead do something about the injustices he knows about in the "real world", even if that means facing hardships and pain and struggles.
As for Xue Yang, I really relate to him and see him as my deepest darkest side if I could throw my morality over board. I am someone who whole-heartedly proclaims "eat the rich" and means it, so if I was any more like Xue Yang in the way not to give a fuck, I'd also just kill the people that hurt me or others and go unhinged... 😅🙈 Slight difference between us being I would not kill indiscriminately and for the fun of it or for the slightest offense but really only target corrupt rich people and super capitalists and fascists that have it coming for them 🤭
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
I really don't want to spoil anything, but it has to do with an alternative chapter / ending I came up with for my LiuJiu A/B/O fic. I love happy endings as much as the next fanfic reader but sometimes I just want to make myself and others hurt. And this one will hopefully make my readers scream.
Also there's a XueXiao reincarnation fic WIP I can't wait to post. It's nearly finished and I wrote it while listening to Tom Odell's "Another Love" on repeat - which should give you enough of a vibe to imagine the angst level of this fic. I'll just say this much: unrequited love 🤭👍🏼
Sorry I can't be more specific but I really don't want to spoil anything more😅🙈
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd like to share?
Maybe it's because I'm too young to know that phrasing or maybe it's a native speaker thing but I had to google what this meant first and hope Google got it right 😅🤣
My WIP file is massive... To give you a glimpse: Next to the ones mentioned above I've also started:
- an angsty post-canon Beefleaf fic, where SQX is haunted by a hanging ghost and made to kill herself but HX intervenes and they start their journey of reconciling, don't know if I'll ever finish it...
- a VegasPete vampire / vampire hunter AU based on a Tumblr prompt and gif-set post but I'll very likely never continue that...
- a LiuJiu AU where SJ is present during the events of SVSSS and LQQ knows SY is an imposter and now tries to bring back SJ into his former body. This has angst and hurt written into every line. Sadly it's merely all in my head...
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
Enemies to Lovers always hits! It's my jam!
Also the angstier the merrier! Hit me with the feels, the pain, the hurt, the agony! Doesn't even have to have a happy ending, I'm a sucker for being emotionally destroyed and also emotionally destroying my readers (though I tend to give them a happy ending at least) 😈🤣👍🏼
And, like you, omegaverse is my guilty pleasure - the smuttier the better 😏
And speaking of guilty pleasures I also have to say monster-fuck AUs are on the menu as well... There have been some really good SongXueXiao ones, I've read. Didn't know that was something I'd ever be into - my 14 year old self would probably be appalled. But here we are 🤣🤣
Soulmate and Fated Pair AUs are something I like to dig into as well.
And I'm also really into mermaid AUs. Especially when one is human and the fic gives off The Little Mermaid vibes.
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
I don't know why but any modern day AUs especially High School AUs... I just can't read it. The most I will do is mob boss / mafia or reincarnation where they slowly uncover their past, but if canon events are set in modern times/contexts I don't really like it for some reason 😅
But I'm actually quite open to a lot of fics and it's mostly not the tropes I can't stand but characterisation or writing style 😅🙈
V: If you could write the sequel/prequel to any fanfic out there (not you own) which would it be?
Bruh... What a difficult question... I haven't ever thought about writing continuations or pre-quels for existing fic as I love them the way they are and mostly just in between imagine possible canon-divergences if the characters had made different choices...
But I guess, from the top of my head, I'd like to write a sequel to "Mark of Jasmine" to give LiuJiu an alternative or reincarnation happy ending because they've really been played in that one... 🙈😅
Y: A character you want to protect?
So many. All my little blorbos and meow meows. On the top of that list - obviously - Xue Yang. But I'd also step in front of my best bois Loki and Shen Jiu to shield them. They deserve so much better 💕😭
Now thanks again for the ask and for reading this long-ass reply, it was my pleasure 🤣
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archon-maenad · 1 year ago
#👀 #the angst potential of both regretting the action since mbj is his fav and the relief of being free #plus no longer knowing what to do with himself with mbj #I promise nothing #but also let me see what I can do with that
yes yes yes you get it! sqh would probably kill mbj while half dissociating from stress and half with indignant fury in his veins, and then just fuckin. collapse onto the floor. he is crying and laughing, he is relieved and grieving, homeboy is Going Thru It.
and since someone actually showed an active interest (!!!💖💖💖) in this concept, I would also like to present to you a few other ideas for this au (that turned lowkey into word vomit sorry so I stuck it under a rm):
the timeline I'm imagining for this is around when lbh is four years old, and sqh being allowed to kill mbj was bc the system deadass fucking broke. so now he can Change Things
so sqh decides Fuck This World and Fuck This Plot and Fuck This Peak, and decides he's done.
sqh has enough assets (liquid and otherwise) to live comfortably for the rest of his life, as well as set up lbh and his mother in a town far away from hh palace and cqms. one with a lil unambitious sect nearby where lbh can learn cultivation to stabilize his human side (if he wants).
sqh can be the weird uncle shang who visits every other sunday to the boy who might as well be his son. he'll live in a small house in a quiet town and write novels that don't have to sell, far away from the stress and responsibilities he's been shouldering for so long.
and if/when the seal breaks, sqh will make sure to have set up demonic contacts that can take lqh in to train him.
maybe his son will decide to be emperor-- a united demon realm with neutral or friendly human relations would be wonderful to see. or maybe as soon as he gets his powers under control lbh will move back to his hometown and open a fucking bakery.
sqh will make sure lqh gets to live freely if it is the last thing he ever does. he will make sure the boy gets to make all of the choices he couldn't.
for the first time ever sqh is allowing himself to step back and grieve all of the time and opportunities he was forced to pass by. when under the control of the system he couldn't let himself think of it or he'd crumble, but now--
now sqh is, for the first time in this life, not in a survival emergency mode. he has the corpse of a demon on his bed, blood soaking into sheets he will certainly have to burn, but he can finally breathe.
so sqh grieves for both mbj and the freedom he lost for so long. and then he makes the choice to leave for a better life, lifting the protagonist up alongside him.
he also gives a big Reasons You Suck Speech at the next peak lord's meeting where sqh announces his retirement.
it's very "you're a bitch, you're a bitch, you're cool, you're a bitch," except it's actually more like-
"you actively and knowingly perpetuate the cycle of cruelty that made you so bitter in the first place," sqq is reeling at the audacity
"you're a pitiful selfish coward who enables him," yqy is shook
"you're alright since you just have the personality of stale wonderbread and turn in your paperwork on time," pick any background peak lord lol
"you're criminally negligent and unwilling to tolerate different worldviews," lqq deadass has no clue how to process this
it eventually wraps up with something like "none of you motherfuckers respect or appreciate me or an ding. so have fun keeping this disaster of a sect together without me because I'm done cleaning up your messes!"
and then sqh leaves. he drops years of furious resentment on the peak lords and literally walks right out of the sect five minutes later to never be seen there again.
ok this kind of lost the thread of the original concept but let babyboy fuck off to the back end of nowhere after giving the middle finger to cqms. as a little treat.
TLDR: sqh grieves both mbj and the choices the system took away from him, before deciding his first act as a free man is to leave this stressful job with bitch ass coworkers and his second is to make sure the protagonist gets the freedom he didn't.
look I'm a sucker for soft!mbj as much as the next bitch but we need at least one (1) fic where airplane realizes that mobei-jun is only his perfect man in a fantasy vacuum that doesn't acknowledge the very real ways they morally differ and the very real fact mbj is abusive.
I just want sqh to snap one day under the stress of being a spy for a demon who takes him for granted while leaving bruises he has to hide from a sect he is holding up singlehandedly. let babyboy kill mobei-jun. as a little treat.
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