#sorry Kagami bby
bokutosbiceps · 1 year
KnB headcanon ask. Kagami, Takao, Kasamatsu, Imayoshi, and Himuro react when they go to visit their s/o (both still in high school) only to find her BOLTING out the front door with bag of essentials and hear loud arguing and things being thrown in the house.
himuro tatsuya, kagami taiga, kasamatsu yukio, takao kazunari x f!reader (separately) | angst + fluff
warning: mentions of physical/psychological abuse, bad parent/child relationship
a/n: i’m leaving imayoshi out because i still cannot write for him. idk what it is but i’m always blocked for him 🙁 im sorry
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himuro tatsuya
he’d be at your side in a damn INSTANT. he wouldn’t even ask what was going on, he would just get you as far away from the situation as possible
once far enough away, he would wrap his arms around you + press your face into his chest in the most soothing hug while lightly running his fingers over your back
he would tell you that if you wanted to talk about it, he was here for you, but wouldn’t pressure you into talking about it if you didn’t want to
you didn’t really even have to ask if you could stay with him for a while, he just assumed that’s what you’d be doing
he takes you back to his dorm + lets you take a warm shower while he fixes a snack for the both of you, complete w lots of blankets + a warm cup of tea
he suggests watching your favorite movie/show to help take your mind off of things
doesn’t let you check your phone or anything because he doesn’t want you spiraling again
he’d definitely be the type to offer to go back w you if you needed anything from your house
you’re very safe w him
kagami taiga
he’s so confused, poor bby
he will still want to pop his head in to say hi to your parents but once he sees the state of the house, he quickly decides against making his presence known
then he notices the red mark on your cheek + it all makes sense to him
he’s angry. SUPER angry. you have to hold him back from marching straight into your house + telling your parents to go to hell
you ask him if you can stay w him for a while + he’s all over it
he thinks about buying more pillows for the future but he knows that tonight you probably just want to fall asleep + forget this ever happened
so he helps you do just that
upon entering his apartment he’s the “mi casa es su casa” type + tells you to literally do whatever you want
he asks if you want to sleep alone + offers you his bed but once you say you’d feel safe w him around, he’s curled around you on the bed
he holds + rocks your shaking crying form until he can lull you to sleep 
kasamatsu yukio
he tries to be level headed about it but after seeing your tear stained face he feels like he needs to do something
he marches right back into that house + politely greets your parents, then immediately goes into the absolute disrespect that they have shown you as their daughter + how anyone would be lucky to have you in their life
he has your parents told but v respectfully. he completes his speech w a deep bow + goes back outside to meet you
you heard everything he said to your parents + you feel honored that he would stand up to your parents like that in his defense
he’ll kiss you + say of course he did that, why wouldn’t he miss out on the opportunity to tell someone how great you were
he would immediately take you to his house + have you stay there w him for a while
his parents would understand completely after he explains everything to them
the first night that you’re sleeping in his room, he insists on sleeping on the floor for two reasons: he’s a nervous wreck + he wants to respect your privacy
but after that you convince him that you feel comfortable w him sleeping in the bed w you…but he’s still a nervous little mess
you’re adopted into the kasamatsu family for a little while + it’s just the thing you needed to build yourself back up again
takao kazunari (his first name is so cool i’m obsessed w it)
he also wants to fight your parents but he stops after seeing how upset you are
he realizes you just need to get as far away as possible from your place so he wraps his arm around you + walks across town until he finds a secluded spot where you guys can sit down + talk
he would really wanna know what happened but knows that you might need some time. he pressures just a tiny bit because he needs to know if you’re actually okay or not
you cry while you tell him what happened + he’s listening to you intently + he’s rubbing your knee the whole time to try to comfort you
seeing you cry makes him want to cry + he hatessss it when you’re sad
he’ll still wanna fight your parents but decides that your comfort is more important than them right now 
he texts his parents a quick explanation about what happened + they immediately prompt him to bring you to his house
they make sure you are all set up + comfortable in the guest room + check on you sooo often. they’re so doting
takao is a lil petty about them setting you up in the guest room + not letting you sleep in his room w him
he’ll sneak into the guest room once he’s sure his parents have gone to bed to cuddle you all night + make sure you feel better + know that he’ll always be there for you no matter what
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lamnwar · 1 year
Ok I have another req! Could I request a fem reader x taiga who's used to guys only expressing interest in her body and sexuality and sexualising her so when taiga doesn't do that it makes her think that he isn't into her? Angst and miscommunication and misunderstandings but it gets resolved in the end!
Hiiii bby 💕 so so sorry I took so long to work on your request, it took me longer than expected bc the premise kinda hit too close to home and I had a hard time seperating my personal feelings from what I was writing 😭 here it is and I hope you enjoy it! I was very happy to write on Kagami for you again <333
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Doubts // Kagami Taiga x Fem! Reader
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Context: you're so used to boys sexualizing you that when a certain Kagami Taiga enters your life, you don't know what to expect from him anymore. Characters are aged up (18+) for plot context.
Warnings: college!au, angsty, reader is insecure, trust issues, implicit mentions of sex but nothing detailed so still sfw, Kagami being a bit oblivious, reader and Kagami have a little misunderstanding but it's resolved at the end <3 fluff towards the end bc I'm a romantic at the core 🥰
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The sun hits your face as you get out of the lecture hall, the sweet scent of spring reaching you and giving you a false sense of rest. It doesn’t last long; the other students follow behind you, and soon enough you are stuck in a crowd that wander aimlessly, following the flow when really you should be walking the opposite direction. It’s noon, you should be going home to a miserable sandwich, take a quick nap and wake up wondering if you truly want to show up to the next lecture or just do nothing for the rest of the day.
A voice calls for you, and you turn around, tired eyes opening up slightly when you recognize the silhouette coming towards you. Taiga runs to you, big body forcing everyone to get out of his way so he can reach you. And he does, Taiga with his honest smile, and his old backpack nonchalantly hanging on his broad shoulders. You smile, though your body tenses up.
“Wanna have lunch with me?” he asks.
You are tempted to decline the invitation, like every time he comes to you. It’s more a reflex than what your heart truly wants, and you are fully aware of it. So in confusion, you urge yourself to give an answer:
“Was heading home to eat, actually” you say, hoping that he’ll let you go.
But he doesn’t because Kagami Taiga never does. It irritates you in some ways, probably because you can’t make sense of it. He’s not the kind to hang out with you now, is he?
Kagami Taiga has always been the “out of your reach” kind of person.  A handsome guy that walks the campus by turning all heads, yet he appears somewhat oblivious – or maybe he’s grown accustomed to the looks he gets at everything he goes. He’s the one people invite to their parties although they barely know him, and the one girls wish they could date one day. He’s all that, with his cool aura, a constant frown on his face that make him look more intimidating than he really is, and his reputation as the best basketball player the university has ever had.
So, considering all that, maybe it makes sense that you’re suspicious when he’s suddenly taken a liking to you. It cannot be without intentions, and you suspect that they aren’t pure. It’s just something you know. Men always disappoint you.
Your friends tell you that you are dramatic for making such statement, and you’ve wondered for a long while if you’re just not too pessimistic. At the end of the day, men are humans too, aren’t they? What is the point of assuming that they’re not capable of love, or rather, of loving you? You’ve struggled on multiple sleepless nights, grieving the false hopes you’ve built for yourself – just because a guy said the right words, and hold you the right ways, and made your heart pound at the right pace. It’s always started like a dream, too good to be true, you’d repeat to yourself. Because it never took long for your prince to turn into a frog, dropping you the moment he no longer found pleasure in your body. And the circle would start again, with a new guy, and new words, new feelings, till he nonchalantly confessed how you were nothing more than a piece of meat to him. Always a “hump and dump”, so are you wrong, to be suspicious of all men?
“You know, I wanna cook for you one day” Taiga’s voice resonates as you keep walking out of the campus to reach your place.
“Why would you want to cook for me, anyway?”
It’s a genuine question – something like that can hold so many meanings, so you wonder what it could signify for him. You have your own meaning of it: you’ll only cook for the one you love. A gesture of love, exclusive, and that you believe you’ll never get to make, considering how things are going for yourself.
“I’m a fucking good chef, for one, and it’d make me happy to see you eat my food” he replies with his usual straightforwardness.
The romantic undertones of his answer do not go unnoticed and your heart pounds in your chest, despite all your efforts of keeping it down. Every one of his words, every one of his actions, takes you back to the days when you were just a teenager having crushes and dreaming of the kind of romance that you’ve got to learn doesn’t exist in reality.
“Well… we’ll see about that” you reply, not wanting to reject him as the tiny glimpse of hope that he is genuine guides your actions.
He smiles, striking you right in your most sensitive spot – it’s hard not to smile back, but you’d be a fool to do so. He’s no different from the others, you repeat to yourself. Yet, here you are, walking in the soft sun of spring and honestly enjoying his presence. He doesn’t have to do much or say much, his aura somewhat soothing to you. You feel like you’re falling for a spell, aware of it but still uncapable of resisting it. You sigh, looking at the time on your phone as you rack your brain for a way out of here. It’s not quite that you want to leave Taiga, but more that you need to. You fear what will happen if you extend these simple moments with him, if you let your guards down and don’t think twice as the space between you gets smaller, and smaller.
So, you need to flee the situation. For your own sake, for your own heart. It hurts you to leave him, but you’re convinced there’s truly a greater purpose to you digging the distance between the basketball player and you. But you fail, and you really can’t bring yourself from stopping him from walking you home. For a second there, you look up at the sky like it holds these answers you’re seeking for.
It’s insane, how your heart beats at the simple thought of Taiga. His warm smile, the way his hand lingers on your waist when you walk together in crowds, his voice when he calls your name – all so confusing, yet so consuming. And then you stop and think back to all those who were there before him. Those who praised your body at night and ignored your soul in the daylight. Those who charmed you with smiles and words, making you feel at the top of the world for a second, and made you realized that you worthed no more than dust the next second. It’s always promises of stars in your eyes, till it turns out to be nothing but dreams. It’s destructive, this circle you’ve got yourself into inadvertently. And you hate yourself for letting it get the best of you. You hate yourself for letting it install all these doubts in your mind. Maybe you’re too cautious, maybe you’re running away from a true opportunity; there’s just no way of knowing for sure. It’s simply that you’re brought to lose all trust in men, and despite the warmth Taiga brings you, he can’t be an exception.
He can’t be right? It doesn’t matter how he makes you feel, he’ll hurt you, too… won’t he?
But under the soft rays of the sun, he’s no more than a human that you love. You may inch away from him at each step, but he doesn’t give up. And you wait in frustration that he shows himself to be no better than others. The moment he’ll touch you with clear intentions of consuming your body, or that he’ll outright tell how you’re nothing more than an attractive body. He’s yet to say or do anything of that sort – does he even like you, in any way? Taiga has always kept a fair amount of distance, despite never leaving your circle. He stays in proximity, yet never comes to close, and you keep waiting for the moment he’ll reach and turn your fear into reality. You always wonder why he doesn’t do like the others, when he’s had countless of occasions to act. He’s never once let his fingers linger longer than needed on your waist, he’s never once looked at you with lustful eyes, he’s never once made a suggestive comment. But he doesn’t go away either, and here you are, confused and struggling.
“You never give me straightforward answers when you I invite you to stuff” he lets out.
You slow down, struggling to hide your reaction upon the realization that he’s somewhat noticed that habit of yours. Granted, you’re probably not as sly as you think you are. After months of him suggesting things that you may do together, and you answering in the most elusive way possible, maybe it shouldn’t be such a surprise that he’s noticed that pattern of yours.
“I really don’t, do I?” you try to laugh yourself out of the spotlight.
Yet, you fail. He’s caught you, and you still have to figure out how much has he picked up on.
“Well, you know me” he stops mid-sentence to stretch his arms.
You don’t say anything. Do you truly know him, you wonder. He seems to think so, but at the same time, it might just be a ruse. For all you know, you can’t never truly know someone. You don’t see how he’ll be any different.
“Just say it, if I piss you off” he reprises, “I’ve never been good at reading minds.”
“You don’t annoy me” you reply immediately, before you can even think of an answer.
It’s like something has taken over you, a part of you you’d usually repress for you believe it’s incapable of making sensible choices. You sigh, as a silence settles between both your bodies. Only the chirping of the birds and the sounds of cars passing by interrupt the quiet. It’s not comfortable at all. If anything, there’s a lot left unsaid. After each step, each breath, each side glance at each other, you feel the tension build up.
“Hey, d’you even like me?”
Taiga’s voice sounds up, snapping the tension in a sharp move. You’re defenceless, but somehow fishing for a semblance of barricade to build up.
“You can’t ask that kind of silly questions…”
“You can’t keep being avoidant like that.”
He’s really got you cornered. For some reason, the more it goes, the more you feel yourself crumbling. You feel like crying, yet tears don’t fall. You just have the feeling that at any point, you’ll just falter and break in tiny pieces in front of him.
“Yeah… you know what? I better stop right now. I sound like a fucking looser trynna pass for a nice guy. Sorry for being a bitch about my own doubts. They have nothing to do with you.”
You furrow your brows, stopping in your walk as you register his words.
“Are they real?” you ask.
“Your doubts… are they real? Or are you just saying that to make me feel something?”
He ogles at you, seemingly shocked by your words.
“The fuck you’re saying? I just feel like I like you more than you do, that’s just it.”
“Yeah, but do you really like me, Taiga?”
You sniff, your deepest thoughts cracking through your barricade.
“Yes I do! I thought I was being obvious enough” he replies, eyebrows raised in incredulousness.
“Pardon me, but it’s hard to believe so” you reply, not daring to confront his gaze. “Guys like you…”
You stop before finishing your sentence. It hurts you to say these words to someone that you love despite everything. And you feel stupid enough for loving him, like you haven’t learned your lesson yet. You shouldn’t let him in, he’ll use you and leave you, like they all do.
“Hey…” Taiga’s is voice is soft in your ears, comforting, exactly what you need at this instant which makes you even more cautious of him.
“Leave it, Taiga. You don’t have to comfort me” you say as you take a step back. “You don’t have to be nice to me at all, actually. It’s pointless, because…”
You take a breath, wondering why it’s so hard to speak, yet as soon as you open your mouth, it feels like an unstoppable flow of words. Just all your deepest insecurities coming to the surface and embracing you in their vile hands, to the point where you are nothing but your fear of being used by someone you love.
“The moment you’ll realize you can’t get what you want of me, you’ll leave, anyways. They always do, guys like you.”
For a moment, neither of you speak. You can’t say more for your part, and as for him, he doesn’t know what to say. It’s rather conflicting; should he defend himself, or take you in his arms? Or should he, simply, walk away if the sight of him hurts you so much? Despite everything, he finds himself unable to move anywhere further from you. It’s like some force drives him to stay by you, even if you might hate him.
“I’m sorry” he finally says.
If you dare look at his eyes, you might be surprised by the sight. The flame that usually shines so bright in his eyes is almost inexistent, replaced by the wavering glimmer of humid eyes. Your overly cautious self isn’t quite sure what these words mean. It could be an admission of guilt, and that prospect shatters your heart in countless little pieces.
“What for?” you risk yourself asking.
“For not showing you properly how I feel about you. Have I been more straightforward… you’d probably think of me differently. You wouldn’t have to love me back, either way, but I’d have the comfort of knowing that you knew that I was genuine” he answers, hands digging in his pockets. “And I’m sorry I can’t prove myself to be better than the assholes who’ve treated you like shit before. Just say the word, and I’ll go. Or say nothing, there’s meaning to that, too.”
He doesn’t say a single word after that, the sound of cars passing by crashing between your two silent bodies. You feel the tears well up in the corner of your eyes, almost spilling but being kept there, on the edge of your eyelids. The seconds pass by faster than you want them to while you are yet to say or do anything. The more time passes by, the more Taiga feels something break in him. He’s never been really good at relationships – he isn’t a reader of people, and up till recently, he’s never really taken the time to reflect on the way he feels. But things somewhat changed when he met you, the heat you brought to his heart being a novelty he’s been on a quest to understand. And then he figured that it must simply be love. Maybe he’s been expressing it wrong, maybe he should have been more observant, he would have caught on the signs that you’ve lost all trust in others.
It takes everything in him to take a step away from you. Kagami Taiga has never been the kind to give up. But he still fights against himself and move, digging the distance between you. And at the sight of his tall frame going away, your hand reaches forward by itself. You tug at his t-shirt, forcing him to turn around to look at you. Teary eyes stare at each other as your fingers don’t let go of the fabric of his t-shirt.
“Could you… could you hold me then? Just once, to show me that you truly like me.”
Your request surprises him. Everything till now has been convincing him that you need him the furthest away from you, yet, when he looks at your pleading eyes, he realises that this might just be his window. Before he truly has to let you go, he should hold you the way he’s always wanted to.
And he does, strong arms pushing you towards his chest where you hear the erratic beat of his heart. You cry, as his fingers pat your head with a gentleness that you’ve always been craving. You don’t want him to let you go, and by the way he holds you, he doesn’t either. That much is made clear to you, and here in Taiga’s embrace you figure for once that maybe, yeah maybe, someone can truly love you.
“I don’t like you, dummy. I love you” his voice sounds smoothly in your ears.
Truer words have never been spoken to you, and they go straight to your aching heart, somehow mending it back together.
“You do?”
“Yeah, and I’ll prove it to you every day till there’s not a single doubt left in your pretty head.”
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koushuwu · 1 year
………. did kagami just headbutt the fucking hoop? pls. i laughed so hard. sorry bby boy
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Can you write something for minorima or hyuga, how they initiate someee sexy times (lol), overall what they would likeee, (I HOPE IT MAKES SENSE LOUVE YOU)
Req: Heyyyyy, can you make something kagami like what unconsciously just gets him in the mood 🥰, (PS - i almostttt thoughtttt I lost yourrrr page when you changed theeee name 😭😭)
asofhadslkj im sorry i prob should've put my name change in my bio, 😭 oops
a/n: these are lowkey the same so i put them together 
Ok, you'd have to make the first move most of the time, because bby boy is protective of his feelings. But lucky for you, hell put himself in a position where it’s easy for you.
Be affectionate with him, just slide your hand on his thigh while batting your eyelashes at him with a cute little grin and hell have your ankles at your shoulders in no time.
Another thing that he would do is sneakily touch you, whether its holding your hand in public or running his fingers up your thigh while your sitting at a table.
Loves his romantic side even if he doesn't want to admit it, giving you kisses while you resting on the couch with him, gently sneaking his hand up your shirt while whispering sweet filthy words into your ear.
He can do a pretty good job of reading your mind, but when you tell him what you want it gets him going.
Sorry but your gonna have to be a sub :/ the most hed let you do is just be on top, him still doing the fucking.
Let him do whatever hes want to you
But im dead serious, he likes being in control and if that means burying himself between your thighs for hours then let it be.
But it'd usually just be like, lifting things “too heavy” for you, expecting you to look at him like he's your savior. And pls do. Make sure he knows how good he makes you feel.
The way to his dick is through his ego.
Also wearing revealing/sexy clothing anything that makes you look good, especially his shirts.
Don't be passive. Just because hes doing the work doesn't mean he has to do it alone.(ikik, makes no sense to anyone but him.) 
Whipper in his ear and hell turn red as his hair, the second your lips touch him there hel freeze
Even better, whisper something dirty in his ear and drag you to the nearest place and pull your panties to the side.
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sxyraaaaa · 3 years
Yeah Kagami hi do you maybe want to shake things up a bit instead of repeating what we know for the next few chapters... like, make guren squad more RELEVANT? I'd like to see them do sorcery, it was so cool in CA16, it should happen again in VR
Yes, I understand Shinoa squad are the protagonists but Guren squad, as people who went through even more shit than them, should be stronger and they should show it. I want them to interact more huhuhuu,,,
Give side characters a bit more screentime. For example, explain why Sayuri and Shigure were chosen as Guren's bodyguards when they're portrayed as weak girls who can't protect themselves. Their personalities are great, but think about giving them a fight scene pls. What about Mitsuba? She's pretty irrelevant (sorry bby), same with Goshi and Mito. I need content desperately, and if no one gives it to me, I'll do it myself.
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
i will love you always.
request: hi! may i request a part 2 for the akashi hcs where the reader went to seirin after junior high? since they’re going out now, akashi became more jealous of reader’s teammates (i.e. izuki, kagami, furi, hell even kuroko) because he’s worried that reader will leave him for someone who,,, idk doesn’t have a bad past with her. thank you!
# tags: headcanon; seirin!au; current (long distance) relationship; manager/nurse!y/n; romance; mild angst/drama; but also fluff; sfw
includes: female reader ft. seijuurou akashi & seirin team {knb}
part zero {click} & part one {click} & part three {click}
author’s note: seijuurouuuuuu, bby! thank you cute anon for this request!
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↘ Akashi trusted you a lot, but the trust couldn’t stop his fear and jealousy for you. The captain of Rakuzan High School basketball team knew that you would never cheat on him, he knew perfectly well that your eyes were on him and only on him, and he knew that you never lied when you two were talking live or on the phone.
↘ However, he didn’t trust the boys who were around you for almost half of the day. Seijuurou knew he could rely on you, but could he rely on the Seirin basketball team who liked you more than they should?
↘ Living on the two ends of Japan and studying in two different schools was hard, it was a sad fact.
↘ For Seijuurou, however, it was even worse seeing notifications on his own phone; these tons of notifications from various social media on which you were tagged. Sometimes it was Izuki’s Instagram, sometimes Furihata and Koganei’s Facebook post, and sometimes even Kagami’s Snapchat. You were clearly having a great time and also a good relationship, with an emphasis on Kuroko who has been your closest friend, for better or worse. You had a lovely friendship with everyone in Seirin; from the beginning and possibly to the end. Not like with Akashi and this one (long lasting) moment at the Junior High and until the match against Seirin High during the Winter Cup competition.
↘ An unpleasant shudder ran through the red-haired man’s spine as he thought about how your own friendship had ended for a moment, all because of those stupid and immature games in ‘Who gets the most points’ or the sick ideals of his father, who, fortunately, some time ago realized many of his mistakes. But still... 
↘ Seijuurou still felt bad about what he did to others, especially you, during his last year at Teikou Junior High.
↘ His mind was obscured by not nice thoughts, so when his phone rang, he didn’t even glance at the colorful screen and who was making the call. He picked up quickly, still feeling the weird weight on his heart.
↘ “Yes?”
↘ “Sei-kun, my baby.” Your warm voice reached to his mind and he immediately shook his head and exhaled under his breath. “Something happened?”
↘ “Why are you asking? I’m fine, love.” He frowned and you sighed loudly.
↘ “You haven’t written back to me for a long time. I was worried. I will ask again; if you are alright, Sei?”
↘ The male teenager smiled slightly, slowly thinking about what to say to you. Truth? Once again, a lie that he’s ‘okay’? Change the topic? Or maybe...
↘ “... Y/N, be honest to me, please. Are you feel okay and safe with me? Am... Am I a good boyfriend for you?” Your beloved one’s shy voice reached to your ear, and you frowned a bit, as if not knowing if you understood the question correctly.
↘ “Of course I am. Silly question.” You laughed lightly. “I don’t understand why you wanted to be sure of this, you know I love you with all my heart.”
↘ “Yes, I know, but... You also have a good relation with your teammates and I was wondering... maybe you would feel better with someone who didn’t behave like me in Junior High School. I don’t want you to get tired or be sad because of someone like me.”
↘ You took a deep breath, clenching your free hand into a fist. “‘With someone like you’? Sei. Don’t kidding to me like that.” You started with a soft voice tone, then added a new card on the laptop screen, quickly going to the train ticket page. “You pissed me off.”
↘ “Huh?”
↘ “You pissed me off. You’re gonna get punished for this stupid thing. And it will be soon. I’m going to you.”
↘ “Wait, what? You don’t have to come here, Y/N.”
↘ “Well, I have to. I have to show you that I love you no matter what happened. Let’s stop thinking about the past and focus on the future, Sei-kun. I love you and my good relations with the Seirin team is still not at the same level which I’m with you. I love you, they are just my friends. And you are my boyfriend, my everything. And I’ll show it to you when I get to see you... Tomorrow is Friday, so I’ll book tickets for 4pm and be in Kyoto at night.”
↘ Akashi swallowed the lump forming in his throat, then smiled softly, feeling that his heart warming up.
↘ “I’ll come for you on the platform. Thank you.”
↘ “Anything for you, baby. I will love you always, so don’t think about that nonsense anymore. Better tell me about your training. I prefer when you are happy and talk about the things you like...”
↘ “I also prefer it when you are happy, love. I’m sorry to upset you. As for my training...”
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gai: dw bby that wasnt me. just someone pretending. sorry about that. i would never threaten you <3
I guess the fakes are getting better at disguising themselves. I'll have to keep a closer watch on that.
You don't think I'd leave you for Kagami, right? I don't really have a thing for hobbits
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2sunchild2 · 5 years
Daminette God au
@ozmav I hope this makes up for the angst?
@mindfulmagics I think we talked about this like, two...three (?) weeks ago
@starry-bi-sky here’s the bulletpoint list uwu
Basically this universe, but they’re gods
The kwamis are called ‘The Council’ why? Bc I want it to. They’re like the ancient beings of the universe and all that Jazz gave the lesser gods a planet which is now earth. Fun.
Tikki is the ancient goddess of life. Ancient meaning she was there since the beginning of time. Same goes for the others.
No successor things bc I can only tolerate it so much. And if it did happen people would call Lila out quickly
I have roles for all of them yay
Adrien is the god of the sun, Chloe is the goddess of the stars (ilysm) and Luka is the god of the moon (my boo) (I’ll explain why he’s not god of music)
Rose is the goddess of flowers (I know I’m funny), juleka is the goddess of shadows (think Dr facilier from princess and the frog. What that shadow) she likes to scare people
Nathaniel and Marc, gods of art. One of visual art, the other of writing, take a wild guess on who’s who
Sabrina goddess of loyalty. nuff said
Kagami, one of the two gods of war. Also the goddess of discipline and battle strategy. (Ily bae)
Max god of strategy (not battle but other things), and intelligence
Kim god of competition
Alix goddess of time and speed
Ondine goddess of the sea
Mireille goddess of dreams and Aurore goddess of the weather
Jagged is the god of music. Don’t argue w/ me on this. Penny is the goddess of organization
Sabine goddess of motherhood, Tom god of youth (he has a youthful personality so it fits)
Idk for Ivan and mylene
Alya is a messenger goddess
Nino can be god of protection or something 🐢
Lila is the goddess of lies, treachery and mischief (seems fitting no?)
Marinette is the goddess of love (bby ilysm 💞) Why bc I said so. Everyone is at least slightly attracted to her.
Damian is the god of war and vengeance (you see where I’m going with this right) no one really likes him bc he’s always brooding and angry
Jason is the god of death bc he died that one time (that is such an inappropriate joke I’m so sorry)
Tim can be like god of alchemy or something (I need to preserving creating juice)
Dick is god of misfortune despite being so smiley (he likes to annoy people)
Too many gods atm
Y’all can add the quantic kids
Lila loathes Damian for always shutting down her lies
Marinette likes to chat with aurore and mireille on clouds. Luka and Chloe join when they can, Adrien is too shy
Tikki took a liking to marinette and gave her the gift of creativity. She’s still the goddess of love, now she can help the humans with their gifts to their loved ones
Adrien really likes Mari
So does Damian
And maybe Kim but then the boy is like nah we’re like sibling it’d be weird. Still gushes when she does cute things
Jason and Dick are the most annoying out of the batfam like dick if you wanna do your job do it right and Jason stop slacking off war isn’t fun is nobody’s dying
Marinette sometimes joins Chloe and Luka when they do the night thing bc there are couples who want a romantic night setting
Lila wants to be on marinette’s good side bc if she isn’t then she’ll have to face Damian
Marinette genuinely likes everyone. She, however, does not like being lied to. Lila tried to be careful
Kagami and Mari get along surprisingly well. People are weirded out when Chloe joins them too.
Alya and Mari aren’t as close as they are in canon but they’re still nice to one another and have picnics every other Sunday afternoon
Very protective Damian
Mari likes to make him flower crowns
She once gave Adrien her lucky charm bracelet to help him ask his crush out. He turned red and ran away. She’s never been more confused in her life
Ondine likes to dump bucketloads of water on Kim out of nowhere
Sabrina gets mad when people break their loyalty to their friends, lovers, etc. She goes on rampages
Alya has wings, Nino has a shield on his back
The gods like drinking a lot of alcohol. They also like this weird honey beverage.
Marinette once made Tim a friendship bracelet. It was pink and had his name embroidered in it. She thought he didn’t like it and he told her to fuck off and that he’s gonna wear it forever.
Jason got lowkey jealous but he got a ‘best brother of the year’ mug and a pink bracelet with his own name.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
☁︎︎ — anyway, I’m going to send this in, for first-simp-and-last-simp thing.
The first person that I simped for was Sebastian from Black Butler (do not ask why) and my most recent simp is... I would say Shintarou Midorima, but it’s the actual green hair for me (💀), so Taiga Kagami (WHY DO I ALWAYS SIMP FOR THE DUETERAGONISTS, THOUGH?)
hehe ofc bby i swear i need to watch black butler but i’ve got like 22 animes going on right now 😭 i fucking love taiga he’s bby
but im sorry sebastian would win against taiga, what’s taiga gonna do jump on him, literally this fight would end withing seconds 😂
send me the first character you simped for and your latest one and i’ll tell you who’d win in a fight (closed)
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minimenace · 5 years
Felix live thoughts:
i still don’t get why gabriel, who is known to wear his ring, is polishing both his and emilie’s rings
nathalie smiling at gabe aww
its been a year???
cat song from chat blanc
sitting together, bonding time??
gabriel: i need to tell adrien im hawk moth and its for the greater good - the greatest good id ever get - emilie’s ass
adrien: oh dad i know
gabe: wHAT??
adrien: yeah...you and nathalie  👀 im cool
not that adrien knows his mom is even alive smh
gabe, you can’t expect your son to be all hopeful when there’s nothing he knows of to be hopeful for
gabe: bitch get ready cousin you is coming
1 year since emilie ‘went for cigarettes’
adrien: healing  😌
Tumblr media
marinette’s first act as class president: class meeting!!!! (plus luka and kagami) we need to cure adrien of his depression
adrien is hallucinating his mom isn’t he
wait it’s his mom’s twin isn’t it
amelie and emilie huh
gabe is not “NO get out”
grouch kitten time!!!
felix getting hugged: bitch...fine ok
so felix and adrien’s favorite game as kids was Parent Confusion huh
gabe: how dare you shake my hand
felix: how dare you not shake my hand
so gabemilie wedding rings were from her family
emilie’s maiden name was NOT agreste...bitch no im DYING with this headcanon
felix whats to know what the FUCK is up with kyle gabriel
marinette...no...do not tell your crush you’re in love with him when you’re trying to console him about his missing mom
ok slightly better
bitch you’re still recording
is this gonna be another copycat where marinette tries to get the phone to delete the message
wait this is LITERALLY another copycat
“I’m really sorry I didn’t come to your dad’s funeral” OH BITCH NOW I GET WHY HE HATES YOU
explains why they’re wearing black
felix with bryce’s voice hits bad
he needs kousei arima...max mittelman...pLAGG
“you do everything your dad tells you to” “oh well yeah you know”
do do do do-dUUHN
adrien and felix used to challenge each other in chess...nerds
plagg: “you’re cousin is being sus BUT HE TOUCHED MY CHEESE THAT UNFORGIVABLE”
plagg: *points out adrien’s mother is* adrien: *gets sad* plagg: oh baby fuck im so sorry
felix i know adrien is complete dumbass but you cannot call him an idiot!!!
wait is felix gonna find out marinette is ladybug because she was recording for so long
probably not lol
felix fuck you im the only one allowed to make fun of nino’s dudebro accent
felix bby youre not building a good case for yourself by making fun of my babies
also bryce is trying to do a lower voice and he just sounds dudebro
wait is felix gonna rip chloe a new one
YES felix and chloe knew each other
the one time chloe is being genuinely nice for no discernable reason and felix is like “fucker”
well with the season finale we know it doesn’t matter
marinette time bitch lets see what happens im scared
ok thats mean
the writers are trying very hard to make me hate felix but joke’s on them, i’ll never hate anyone on this show
no joke i used to hate theo and call him a pedo and now i’m like “aww poor baby”
wait where is theo i havent seen him around
ok he deleted the videos so immmmmmmmmm hmmm
felix getting ready to cause havoc
ok luka is kind of a joke
*strums guitar* im supportive. this is my personality.
i cant really be mad about felix sending that mean message but adrien deserves to be a feral kitty
fel-ien: i renounce all my friends y’alllll SUCK
me: ...
calls out chloe specifically: NO THATS MEAN but true
marinette: there’s no way adrien can be mean he’s an absolute...aNGEL (how does that meme go)
i mean she has a point because he’d never call chloe out like tHAT
lila spying for gabe seems to be a good thing but im concerned about what gabe will be doing with this video
oh ok they knew it was felix
nathalie: so uh...sir...now’s a good time to um...akumatize some vulnerable kids...
gabe: ok amelie lets see how you feel about THIS akuma attack
gabe getting people to go chase down your “son” is still going to inevitably hurt your son
im fairly certain that max and kim know marinette is ladybug at this point 
*announcer voice* and in the confusion, reflekta, lady wifi, and princess fragrance were deakumatized because they couldn’t figure out who to be mad at
WHICH ONE OF YOU IS THE FAKE ADRIEN they all shout. “idk what do you think” says adrien 1 to adrien 2
adrien: *starts acting all mean*
punishers: IT MUST BE HIM
nathalie: STOP IT ADRIEN
punishers: wait who
adrien: muwahauwah i wonder who I could BE AJAHAHAHA
felix: bro why the fuck are you covering for me
nathalie get your grove on
felix: ha...no?
felix: oh well...KONO FELIX DA- LET’S FIGHT
istg if felix has his own miraculous
ladybug saves fel-ien
fel-ien: i love you
activates “smooch”
marinette: *has flashbacks to spook-drien* uhhh no
felix you’re being very menacing about this kiss
ok... i feel like marinette going “NO MEANS FUCKING NO” is a brownie points moment just the entire structure of the scene...also she has no reason to suspect adrien is not adrien, so the punching is just...intensely weird to me
this also feels like astruc trying to be like “FELIX IS THE OPPOSITE OF ADRIEN WHO IS A PERFECT GENTLEMAN AND RESPECTS WOMEN AND THEIR BOUNDARIES” when like um i dunno, adrien ALSO tries to kiss women (ladybug) without their consent but those moments are always treated as comedy so you’re not being very slick with this scene
side note; idk why when a male morally dark end character gets into a fight or something with a girl very one goes “THAT’S SEXIST”, like basically what you’re saying is “you can’t hit girls” which in itself IS sexist. everyone can be punched. don’t fucking hold back.
side note; you shouldn’t punch ANYONE
“You’re not Adrien, he would never be so pushy!” *looks at chat noir* uhhh....
i mean good deduction skills tho? i still think it’s pretty hastily and badly written
adrien is fucking OUTING his cousin lmao
i feel like there was pre-existing tension
felix: is actually ashamed for once
lb: great!!! now break the tablet felix: bitch this is some good fucking money i aint breaking it
felix and lila are the moth gang
hawk moth: why felix: uncle give me your fucking jewelry
felix: manipulate the situation...and profit
that has got to be the GREATEST defeat ever...truly lucky
felix looks like he thinks that he’s going to jail
adrien: dude wtf amelie: ...his dad- felix: no dude that was pretty fucked up, ill own up to it
“i hope to become a better person and see you again soon!” this was one concentrated bad incident but yeah ok
the tone is making me think this is supposed to be inauthentic and he doesn’t mean it but im hoping this isn’t the case.
but if it is genuine, it sounds like there’s a tacked on “learn to be better- from you” which like, yeah adrien is better than felix we get it but you don’t need to emphasis adrien as a model dude when he’s like tier 1 good guy. he’s decent. lmao.
wait felix has always been wearing a ring i didn’t notice
awww felix and gabriel made up.
what even happened between them to begin with.
adrien: aw sHIT CUZ WAIT gabe: nO DAVIC
adrien: if you need to talk in here felix: thanks
astruc: see he’s morally superior
did felix just gift adrien some expensive cheese lmao
felix: hey i feel bad, i replaced your cheese
adrien : *records message to thank everyone and says “i love you”* marinette: *obsessively plays back the “i love you”*
marinette: ill take what i can get
so felix really is a magician huh
i feel like him and jean duparc would get along
oh so there’s history behind the rings?
“where it belongs” everyone hates gabe huh. wuh happened
gabe why are you taking your wife’s ring
it’s like he needs that thing to function
the ring: why you so obsessed with me
is it like an anti-nathalie charm or something
gabe: bitch get it together yOU’RE MARRIED, YOU’RE WIFE IS DOWNSTAIRS
the beef is, probably like all things, related to the miraculous
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sillykawa · 3 years
hehe that sounds nice, i hope you enjoy! and thank you very much sis, i feel a lot better now ty 🤧💖
and knb is great! kisses kinda reminded me of kawa and ushi in the same person, kuroko is great and super cute his doggie is absolutely the cutest, too! and the green hair (can't remember his name 😭) one hmm he really believes in luck and signs ehhhh idk bout him ;-; and kagami! eats a lot, seems intimidating but out of all honesty he's scared of dogs?... ah sorry for rambling too much ahahahaha
kny is absolutely very flamboyant fr!! i'm so impressed in uzui san 😭❤️✨ obanai coming at the end and spread words that's not so nice didn't really help much but eh... i almost cry at the demon siblings past, why it's so sad??? ToT
for aot- the comments LMAO BAHAHAHAHA ppl r rlly imaginative these days don't ya agree? 🤡
and oooo i've heard a few! how do ya find em?
Finally it's over! And today was a lot of fun but I'm gonna miss my friends :( dw Bam you'll do great! Just don't try to overthink it :) Good to know you're feeling better
Ooh Kawa and Ushi... interesting 👀 he does give major Oiks vibes and Kasamatsu is just like Iwa 😂 Kuroki is bby! Him and I are the same so that makes us besties!!! 😐 I don't make the rules, no.2 is soo cute and I just love the fact that he looks exactly like Kuroko! Lol the green one is Midorima and he reminds me of my dad 💀 send help- lol Kagami is just a sweet dumbass and we love him for that!
Kny is the definition of emotional rollercoater 😃 they give us villains but give them a sad backstory and I'm torn 😭 Uzui and his wives! I love their family dynamic!
These aot memes are killing me 🤣
My dress up darling and Salaryman's club I absolutly love them! As for fire force it took me about 20 eps to understand what was actually going on 💀 I keep loosing the story plot.... and as for Jojo I'm still not sure coz I only watched like 2 eps (just watched it for the references 😂)
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kodaiki · 3 years
i’m okay !! got bit of a migraine but i’m watching knb despite it n enjoying LMAO. bye kagami n hyuga are on my mind rn ;> hru?
i suffer from chronic headaches its awfullll, i'm sorry bby <3 but yesss knb <333 i wanna finish watching it but my roommate and i need to find the time oof :( im in class rn, not really paying attention rip
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blue-dream-rhapsody · 7 years
Why I Love Extra Game
i’ve had this lying in my notes since the manga version finished getting scanlated but it seemed timely
SPOILERS and long post ahoy!
-Hyuuga acting like he doesn't want to be the one Riko takes to the friendly streetball match and Koganei being like "ooh ooh me pick me" and Izuki being like "no no shhhh ouR CAPTAIN SHOULD GO YEP YEP"
-the GoM teams watching this match and seeing their old teammates on team Strky
-Mukkun laughing with his team about Okamura's existence
-I know what Strky is but why the fuck call it "Strky" like call it "Tryks" or "Stryk" even and use the y as a vowel but fucking Strky sounds like Thanksgiving dinner
-Kasamatsu's existence
-Kagetora going off on the whole asshole team in fairly fluent English (and vowing to disembowel himself if his dream team can't defeat them like shit son papa took a level in metal)
-the reactions of the GoM as the American asshole team basically says the same things they'd say before about people who are no good just needing to give up because holy fuck did that shake them
-Kuroko and Kagami hearing it too and getting angry like "fuck here we go agAIN"
-obviously seeing the GoM all on the same team again is magical
-plus they added my children Hyuuga and Takao and Wakamatsu to the team as bench 
-Akashi welcoming Hyuuga and reassuring him that he's good enough when he's obviously nervous about being there
-putting Riko and Satsuki in charge together made me really happy because those two should be friends even if they're rivals I mean look at the shit they deal with daily from these boys also Satsuki sure can't complain to Aomine about how much a pain in the ass Aomine is she needs girl talk so bad
-Hyuuga I swear to fuck you may not be playing much this game but you sure fucking better confess to Riko when you boys win do you understand me
-Mukkun dunking Akashi's shot and just saying "Whoosh."
-Akashi deciding he'll be taking on Nash and Aomine saying Akashi's got it "cuz it's you."
-Kise tries to rally everyone and Aomine just kicks him in the side poor bby
-Kuroko speaking slow, clumsy, careful English and still remaining formal as fuck
-the whole GoM plus Kagami sprinting to stop Kuroko from getting killed, with highlights from:
    -- Kagami: "Is he some kind of idiot?!" Murasakibara: "At this point I think it's definitely a possibility."
    --Akashi: "Kuroko really never ceases to amaze me."
-naturally everyone's mad but Akashi fucking seething when they find Kuroko's been hurt
-Kagami and Aomine at the front of their group right away being totally ready to throw down if the other guys so much as move while Mukkun looms threateningly a little bit back because even though they hurt Kurochin he's not gonna pick a fight himself but if somebody else does first this boy's got his team's back
-Kuroko wanting to settle this solely through basketball so Akashi knowing this well tells the two more impulsive idiots to take it easy
-Kise picking Kuroko up and being the one to carry the baby back
-Midorima no you're the least intimidating right now except maybe for Kise don't even try child your shirt has stripes
-on one hand it's kinda cheap storytelling but on the other the fact that their teamwork clicked again so quickly was kind of moving because it's like thank god they remember being a team
-all the teams watching and hoping Vorpal Swords kicks some ass
-The first quarter where Vorpal Swords kicks some ass
-Kuroko was paying extra attention to Murasakibara after first quarter and it made me really worried Big Purple was injured already
-Aomine and especially Mukkun not liking being shit-talked whether or not they understood the English
-MUKKUN IS MAKING KUROKO WORRIED AGAIN IN TIME-OUT though purple is literally just like "fuck those guys Imma set them straight I can handle this" but then Mamakashi is like "no you listen here you beautiful fuck the coach is right calm the fuck down you too Aomine" because to be fair if anyone ever needs to calm the fuck down it's usually Aomine
-everybody's so goddamn angry about working with Kagami
-After second quarter they're really working with Big Purple and giving him ice and so much of this extra game seems so focused on him which suits me just fine tbh we didn't really see his character development in the original series
-Kise tag-teaming with Aomine and matching him move for move with his Copy when angry blue was in the Zone
-Kise swearing to go through with this at the cost of himself because he wants his precious senpai Kasamatsu to know he didn't waste all that time loving basketball
-Kise then actually entering the Zone himself and fucking destroying for all of a few minutes
-Sorry Midorima maybe you can Zone later in the game angry carrot
-Momoi being so fucking happy Aomine and even Kise have gotten to this point and Kuroko giving her this kind look and then cheering for them both with his pure smile
-Akashi getting ready to enter the game starts having a conversation with his other personality to have him use Emperor Eye and not only are they treating each other respectfully, but Bokushi is concerned about throwing off the tempo of the team by coming in and Oreshi suggests to him, "But haven't you changed, too?" Like that's not how this kind of thing works irl but Akashi had character development x2 and that's beautiful to me
-also the fact that he warned the team ahead of time so that they wouldn't be flustered and they're like "yeah okay cool is that all you needed" starting with Big Purple and Big Blue because they don't see Bokushi as some terrifying enemy to face down anymore and trust Akashi to handle things properly and respectfully
-Takao being faintly jealous that someone other than him (Akashi) got to combo with Midorima
-Midorima's turn to slay and encouraging Kagami and the carrot son is good
-Kise sweetie you were great out there but pleaSE GO GET SOME REST YOU COULDN'T MOVE FOR A MINUTE THERE
-everybody believes in Akashi and even when Nash is minimizing his ability Bokushi is just calm as fuck
-Purple picking Akashi up and asking to handle everything else so that Akashi can focus on Nash because Purple recognizes Akashi now more than ever and thinks Akachin is definitely the one who can do it
-I feel like we never really got to see much of Big Purple's interactions with his senpais so the little flashback was adorable. Big Purple being mothered gives everyone life
-but Purple getting serious A++ 10/10 would recommend
-but Purple smiling because he doesn't have to hold back C- 5/10 would vaguely recommend
-but Purple getting hurt again F-- 0/10 would not recommend
-BABY PURPLE IS SO BIG HE BROKE HIS ARM BY FALLING ON IT AND WAS LIKE "ehh but akachin needs me imma still play"
-Mukkun concedes pretty easily and leaves his spot to Kuroko--then sits on the bench with his broken arm in a sling and my guess is that's because there was no way in hell he was going to miss watching the end of the game (much like Kise noT FUCKING RESTING AFTER NOT BEING ABLE TO MOVE)
-Aomine and Kagami tag-teaming in the Zone (with Kagami praising Kise and Mukkun's efforts and getting ready to fuck Jabberwock up over the shit they did to Strky)
-Aomine just casually shoots a basket from behind the board nbd
-Kuroko gets possession of the ball and does his phantom shot and you can only see Mukkun's eyes on the sidelines but he looks fucking pissed to see that goddamn move again
-Aomine motivating!!!
-Momoi shouting her heart out while Riko looks like she's giving orders like she's used to as coach!!!
-Okay seriously not how this works but holy shit Bokushi bowing out and integrating into Oreshi to make Emperor Eye complete was moving and Oreshi seemed unhappy with this being the way to win but Bokushi just thanks him for being able to play with the team one last time and then bam
-Midorima gets to make a shot!!! Thank god!!!
-Look at papa Hyuuga shouting for his team
-When Kuroko snatches the ball away from Nash-hole and takes off yes Kise is shouting like the ray of sunshine he is but look at the savage fucking smile on Mukkun like he is feeling this SO HARD
-Mukkun was the only Miracle who wouldn't shout for Seirin when they went against Rakuzan because it was embarrassing but he sure as hell is shouting for Vorpal Swords' last basket
-Kise can finally stand again omg and Mukkun looks like he can't really believe this and he may have been holding his breath or may not have even realized how pumped he just got
-Our babies are all sweaty and loud and smiling and making fists together in celebration and oh my god they did it
-Tiny Kagetora so happy he doesn't have to disembowel himself
-All the teams getting back to training except Mukkun who looks like he only broke his wrist but still can't really do anything and the coach is angry but Mama Himuro is like wait chill please
-Look at everyone trying hard and being happy and loving basketball again and PRACTICING
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ALSO sorry I keep throwing these out but this one made me die ALEX SENDS ME LINGERIE FOR VALENTINES AND IS LIKE "wink wink have fun kid" and i ' M LIKE ALEX WHy and I promise to never look at it again but out of pure curiosity I try it on while Kags isn't home and I'm like it's not that bad and he LITERALLY cOMES HOME BECAUSE HE FORGOT SOMETHING AND WE'RE BOTH JUST LIKE SILENT STARING AT EACH OTHER bEFORE I probably start crying i'm so red and cover myself and Kags is like NO it's GOOD
Ah haha. Alex is such a nice woman no? I hope you like what I came up with Angie bby! :D
It was pure curiosity.
That’s all Angie kept telling herself after a few days past since Alex’s visit. She’d dropped by after a long practice with Kagami, leaving a pink, rectangular box on their bed. She’d left with a quick peck to her cheek, along with the words ‘Have fun kid’ with a wink, which only flustered the younger girl.
Now that she was wearing it, she wasn’t nearly as embarrassed as she was before.
The red lingerie suited her body perfectly, and it wasn’t too tight. It was... Dare she say... A perfect fit.
However, just as she focused solely on her confidence in this... out of ordinary outfit, in came Kagami, who hadn’t been very graceful himself.
“Shit.. I forgot this.. Angie, I’m so-”
He stopped, eyes wide as he met her equally shocked expression. He dropped the ball in his hands, unable to contain the rosiness of his cheeks, which only made her fluster and nearly die of a panic attack. 
Oh... My.... God....
But just as he tried to find the words to say, Angie was completely mortified, utterly humiliated and took off to the bedroom, where she hid under the blankets. she didn’t mean to start crying, knowing it’d only worry her brash boyfriend, but how could she explain it was a gift?
And although her mind was racing as heavily as her heart, a small part of her knew he’d understand if she said Alex bought it for her. After all, she had suggested several times about buying some for her.. She bit her lip, shaking her head as tears continued to stream down her cheeks, though before she could move, she was pulled into a very warm, and broad chest.
Despite the blanket covering their skin, she could feel the heat from his, and she bit back a whimper, grabbing the fabric between her hands.
“.....I....” she started, swallowing the lump in her throat... “I....”
“....It’s okay...”
She stops, eyes wide at the soft tone in his voice. Soon, his hand started to rub her back, sending shivers down her spine, but she only focused on his beating heart, how it seemed to calm her even in this situation.
“I...I mean.... You look good in it... And there’s no need to explain...” he swallowed, keeping his eyes out the window. “A...Alex had sent me a text about it before she left... Though I thought she was joking...”
He sighs softly, pecking her forehead, “I’m not expecting you to wear it Angie.. If it makes you this uncomfortable, don’t force yourself..”
He lightly takes her head from under the blanket, cupping her cheek with his free hand.  He presses a soft kiss to her forehead, unable to contain the blush on his cheeks. He feels her relax in his hold, and his eyes brighten at seeing her calm down.
“I...” she blows out a breath, giving him a timid smile, ‘...Thank you Kagami-kun...”
He rubs the back of her head affectionately, before pulling her an inch away from his lips. He feels her breath hitch, and although he wants to say something, he decides to keep quiet at the last second, pressing his mouth against hers.
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min-ah-blog1 · 8 years
5 OTP’s :3 (except that there are only 4)
Hiya~ ^^ I got tagged by my sweet bby @fictionismynationality so here I go :3 Rules: list 5 otps from different fandoms and tag 10 people.
Ummm so this isn’t in a particular order, I’m just gonna go right at it ^^ and waiT I CAN ONLY CHOOSE 1 FROM HAIKYUU ???
COME ON WHY DO YOU GUYS WANT ME TO CHOOSE ;-; 1. IwaOi | Iwaizumi and Oikawa | Haikyuu; because they are PURE AND PERFECT EXCUSE ME I still can’t believe they’re going away ;-; 2. SanSaka | Manami and Onoda | Yowamushi Pedal; almost no one ships this I don’t understand why you guys hate it so much ??? Honestly I don’t know any more fandoms like I get into fandoms but I ship a lot from the same thing not different stuff and I hold on to one fandom for a long time whY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME @fictionismynationality ?????
3. EreRi | Eren and Levi | Attack On Titan; this is YEARS AGO IDK WHY ? 4. KagaKuro | Kagami and Kuroko | Kuroko No Basket; because who knows, I just like them together don’t question me ? lol I HAVE NONE ??? I HAVE TONS OF OTPs BUT NOT FROM DIFFERENT FANDOMSSSSSSS
Scratch out five because I literally cannot think of ANYTHING ??????????? I tagggggg... umm... @lehsoleil @justaproudcookie @deusbex @shaerahaek @devonakaiden sorry if you’ve already done this tag ^^;
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