#sorry I’m giddy hoped up on Anonymous Goodwill
veganhamsalad · 4 months
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megalony · 5 years
Second chances- Part 1
This is a Four/ Billy series from 6 Underground which I fell in love with as soon as I watched it. I hope you all will enjoy it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @luvborhap @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms 
Summary: (Y/n) believes being in the group is her second chance and Billy starts to believe it was his chance too as it brought (Y/n) into his life. But their newest mission is far from easy.
Note: (Y/n) is Two in this imagine.
Series masterlist
"You can be such a piece of shit sometimes." The words passed through (Y/n)'s lips before her mind had a chance to filter what she was going to say or clamp her lips together to calm herself down.
She felt her skin heating up faster than the cool wisps of breeze could cool her prickling skin down from the flickering flames eating her up from the inside out. The tiny splashes of saltwater sprayed against her skin and the scent flooded her nostrils as she turned so her back was facing the other four people on the boat with her.
The dark leaf green bottle of beer started to sway in her left hand from the breeze and the way her fingers started to shake despite the tight grip which she had them clasped around the neck of the bottle. Moving her other hand, (Y/n) raked her fingers through her hair, scratching her nails against her scalp in a coping mechanism that she knew wasn't working, nor had it ever really worked. It had simply become one of her habits that she couldn't shake, less she wanted her anxiety to build up and take over.
"I'm sorry? What would you like me to say?" One quipped, planting his hands on his hips as he ticked his head to the side.
(Y/n) couldn't figure out how he could seem so calm and so sassy right now when they had literally just dumped Six's body over the side of the deck. He seemed to act like this was a game or that it didn't matter but no matter what One said, he couldn't believe the lies he had told himself and the rest of them.
None of them could truly go around thinking they were dead. Their identities had been buried but they were here, they were still standing and that was the truth. Six was dead, he was in a body bag slowly sinking down to the floor of the ocean. That was real death and One didn't comprehend the situation they found themselves in. He wasn't dealing with this like he should, they had just lost one of their own and whether he liked it or not, the rest of them felt like they were a family and that was how it should be.
"You spout all that shit about us being dead but you don't listen to yourself. Six is dead, you have just buried him, the actual him, not his identity. This is life, One or whatever your name is. We are all alive, we are here and we are living and no matter what identity we give or take, this is our lives. Don't talk about him like he's some disposable tissue you just dumped in the trash."
(Y/n) wasn't asking One to change his thoughts or give a eulogy for Six, she was simply asking that he acted like they did just lose one of their own rather than a tissue he had used and disposed of.
If this was the way things went around here, (Y/n) didn't know if she could cope with this. She didn't want to dump people and be frowned upon for crying over them, she didn't want to think of them simply leaving or throwing her body away when she eventually passed away. It wasn't okay to act like this and it wasn't human to try and act like they were actually ghosts roaming the world to try and do some good.
"He knew what he was walking into in this game, we all did. We are ghosts now Two and he already had his funeral. What do you want me to say? He lived a long life, he will be missed, he had a good job-"
"We are five people who decided to boycott the Government and scrap our identities. We are not dead, we are not ghosts, we have deleted our ties to the world so we will remain anonymous. We are still people, One, and I will miss him."
Without thinking, (Y/n) raised her hand before swinging her arm around and letting go of the neck of the bottle. Her eyes not wavering once as she watched the glass shatter into splinters and fragments across the white glimmering floor of the boat.
They had all faked their deaths so that society will delete their information and mark them as not important. They had gotten rid of their social ties and any other tie they had to the world and the people it contained. But they still had hearts that were beating and bones that could be broken. All of them still had the same thoughts and opinions and voices and brains that they did before they came into this game of ghosts and justice.
Six was still a person and even though (Y/n) didn't know anything about Six's personal life or his real name or his life, (Y/n) was going to miss him. She was going to miss his nervous but cheeky personality hanging around and the way he drove them around and did whatever he was asked. She would miss someone she hardly knew because he had become part of this messy, unconventional family that they had created.
No one else spoke.
One was the leader, he had formed this unconventional group of people wanting to change the way the world worked and bring justice and goodwill. He created the rules that they didn't say their real names or get involved or too close to anyone else to prevent any complications or grief or tangled wires. One told them that they couldn't have contact with anyone from their lives after joining this group. They couldn't see family or friends in order to keep them safe and make sure they all remained anonymous in the world.
It didn't matter that everyone else agreed with (Y/n), they weren't going to dispute when it wasn't going to do anything.
"Don't take his shit to heart, you know what he's like." Four leaned against the silver railing near the top of the boat where he found (Y/n). He arched his back and bent one of his knees, lowering his head to look at the waves crashing against the boat before he dared to look at the girl standing next to him.
He knew she didn't know Six very well but he could understand why she felt so angered by One and what he said. Not everyone could get along at the best of times but right now, losing Six couldn't have come at a worser time. They had another big mission coming up and they desperately needed six or more people to be on the job or else it made things a lot harder for all of them. Even with six people, they weren't likely to come out of this very well.
"It's not the send-off that annoys me, you know. I get that we can't bury him and that's fine, it's the way he acts. It makes me wonder if this was all worth it... like, if I get shot down next week, what would I of achieved? How would you get rid of me?"
(Y/n) tilted her head to the right, looking at the blond whose green eyes were rather enticing. She wasn't arguing because they didn't bury Six, she knew they couldn't and she didn't really see how burials were so special or such a big thing. It was the fact that they gave Six absolutely no dignity or respect and just dumped him without saying anything. And when Three shed a tear he was immediately called out for that as if it was so wrong to show any emotion, like they were actually supposed to act dead.
If someone shot (Y/n) tomorrow, she didn't dare think about what would happen. She hadn't achieved all that much in her life and she wondered if she, too would be thrown over the side of this boat in a bag to be lost at the bottom of the sea.
"Not everyone gets to achieve stuff in their lives, if you leave a mark on a place or a person, that's good enough, right? And you're not going to die next week so forget about that."
Four knew that there were millions of people in the world that would die without making an impression on the world or making a dint or doing one good thing that people would remember. Lots of people were born and died without anyone knowing and that was the way of the world. But he knew that there was some sort of comfort in knowing that if he personally had made an impact- a good one- on someone's life, then he could die happy.
(Y/n) had impacted on his life the moment he joined this fucked up group and if she did pass, he certainly wouldn't be able to forget her. She had left her mark on him and he was sure she had on many others and that meant part of her would still live when she died.
"Oh yeah, what makes you so sure?" (Y/n) teased as she rose her brow, looking at Four as he flashed his teeth in a shit-eating grin that sent shivers running down her spine.
"You're not dying on my watch." He simply responded before he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. Both of them knew the rule of not getting too close to anyone else in the group, but they couldn't seem to help it. Four made her feel better, he made her feel safe and relaxed and happy and giddy like she was a teenager again. He spoke his mind in a manner that simply made her laugh.
He was curious and plain and damn good at what he did, and for some reason, he was instantly drawn to her too. He liked how fierce she was and how she couldn't help but speak her mind and speak the truth. He loved how she could handle herself and everyone else at the same time, she took care of herself and still had the ability to look out for the team and cover them or help them out.
But mostly, Four loved the way she looked when she was holding a gun.
"I know One spouts that stuff about not talking about the past and whatever, but tell me why you have this." Four moved his free hand towards her top, his eyes locking with her own as he smirked like a shark when he dipped his hand beneath the fabric.
(Y/n) knew he wasn't copping a feel or trying to be too forward, she knew what he was asking about. Her thoughts were confirmed when his fingers latched around the silver chain hanging from her neck that he always saw her tuck into her bra to keep it hidden. Her eyes followed his hand as he pulled his hand from her cleavage to reveal the slightly rusty golden bullet hanging on the end of the chain.
Sharing stories about their old lives wasn't something One wanted them to do because they had given up those lives. In a sense, (Y/n) could understand his logic, the less they knew about one another, the safer they were so there were no slip-ups and so they didn't fall for anyone or get too close and an accident happen. But on the other hand, they were all on the same side and they were in this together. She didn't mind sharing a story or two with Four because they were close already, talking wasn't going to compromise them any more than they already were.
Late nights and frenzied touches and kisses had been swapped between them for the past few weeks as it was. That didn't compromise them on missions, they weren't overly worried about the other or asking them how they were doing or if they needed backup. They were as professional as everyone else and it worked fine.
"I worked in the CIA, we were on a mission but we got ambushed... that was the bullet that got me. One inch lower, and it would have pierced my heart. That's why I'm here, I got a second chance at life and I want to do something with that chance, that's kind of a good luck charm I guess."
That mission was the last one (Y/n) had ever worked on, after recovering from the surgery to remove the bullet, (Y/n) woke up with One standing in her room offering her a chance. He offered a chance to be someone else and do something really good with her life. It was as if he had known the internal struggles she had been battling when she was conflicted about if she was doing the right thing and if it was making a good impact on the world.
(Y/n) knew she had been extremely lucky with that bullet and she wanted to keep it as a memento. It was a token that she had to remind her during the bad times that she was here for a reason and she wasn't going to waste that.
"My name's Billy."
Four slowly rubbed the bullet between his index finger and thumb as he looked at the piece of metal that was meant to stop her heart from beating. That one piece of metal could have snatched (Y/n) from Four before he even had the chance to have her in his life. It gave her the opportunity to join the group and to meet Four.
He didn't really believe in second chances, and he didn't know if he believed that things happened for a reason or not so he couldn't comment on her story or respond with a touching anecdote of his own. But he could tell her his name which was kind of like a secret around here, and he hoped it would be enough.
"Hmm, it suits you." (Y/n) whispered the words quietly before she leaned up and pressed her lips delicately to his own. She felt him let go of the bullet that swung back against her top before hanging limply against her chest. His hand moved to caress the side of her neck as his other arm pulled her closer until her chest was smothered against his own.
He didn't care why they were both here or what brought them to this point, he was simply glad that she was here with him now.
"Magnets, that's your big idea?" Five questioned as she planted her hands on her hips with a raised brow. When she joined to be their doctor, she thought that everything would be different than this, she thought it would be other-worldly. That there would be some sort of essence to what they were doing or something that made it feel like she had died and gone to heaven or even hell.
But magnets, that seemed oddly basic. The guns and smoke bombs and the laughing gas they had planned was different. The car chase they had two months ago, that was out of this world and it made her feel more alive than she ever thought possible.
Magnets was a step-down.
"Not just any magnets, big ass magnets. Ones that can cause any piece of metal to fly to one side of the ship and then the other, all on my command." One held up his phone and gave it a little shake in front of them all to show them this wasn't as stupid as it sounded.
He had created this, it was what he did in his other life and it was what he was good at. He could make every single piece of metal on that ship tip to the right with just a swipe of his finger and he could make people stick to the walls if they had one scrap of metal on their body. He could give them passage into the lower decks of the boat and get them right to the president with this device that he could easily control from his phone. This was their golden ticket to get to the guarded president they were here to take down.
"What about our weapons?" Seven asked with a look in his eyes that showed he was intrigued rather than bored like he had looked moments earlier.
"Ever heard of plastic?"
Leaning over the table they were all crowding around, (Y/n) glanced her eyes over the plans and layouts that One had managed to scavenge and come up with. It showed all the levels of the boat, where he wanted the magnets to be placed and where they would need to go once they got to the boat- if they even managed to get this far in the plan.
(Y/n) could slowly feel her heartbeat increasing as she realised the magnitude of the magnets that he had created and what this would mean. They were all in on this mission, they were all needed because even with six of them, their chances at survival and pulling this off were slim. But if magnets of this scale were involved, (Y/n) was going to have a hard time.
"You can control what piece of metal the magnet attracts, though... right?" (Y/n) tried to play it off as if she was simply taking an interest, but the type of question she asked and the tone she used gave away something bigger hidden behind her words.
"Do you see this plan? There's gonna be hundreds of individual pieces of metal on this ship. What are you asking, do you want me to isolate a fork so it stays in place?" One narrowed his eyes as he shook his head in confusion. Why on earth would he need to control what metal went where? It didn't matter, everything would go to one side and they would have no metal on them so they would have the right of way. He could play about with everyone and do what he wanted and toy with them how he pleased.
There were going to be metal plates, forks, spoons, guns, bullets, armour, vests and jewellery on that ship. He couldn't stop a small piece of metal with how much more metal was going to be controlled. Isolating one thing would take too much time which they wouldn't have.
"Can you do it or not?" (Y/n) snapped back as she stared at the man standing across from her with a growing annoyance building up inside of her. She didn't see why he couldn't just drop the sarcasm and be serious for even one second.
"Essentially, but it'll waste too much time and it's relatively pointless. Why?"
"I've got a metal plate on my hip, I can't get through this maze if you're plastering me to the walls." (Y/n) tried to keep some sarcasm in her words but her tone simply came out worried. If One couldn't isolate her metal plate and stop the magnet from attracting her then she wouldn't be able to be on the boat, she would be stuck in the water or on the sidelines and they needed everyone on this mission. She couldn't get through the levels of the boat if she was being thrown about like a ragdoll.
Her heart jumped in her chest when she felt Billy slowly slipping his fingers between the groves of her own, his palm pressing against hers so he could press his fingers firmly against the back of her hand.
Their touch was concealed by the table blocking the action from sight but it still made her feel calmer to have his hand in her own and his side inconspicuously pressed against hers. Neither of them wanted the others to know of whatever was happening between them because they didn't need any torments or sarcastic comments or the others thinking this was going to affect their work.
"Oh, you drama queen... I'll adjust the modifier and isolate your hip, alas do not worry. We can't have you out of action, now can we?" The smallest trace of a smile appeared on One's face as he rolled his eyes. He knew that was going to make his job all that much harder but it didn't matter.
They were really going to do this.
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