#sorry I went a bit crazy on the propaganda but these guys are Cool
bestanimal · 18 days
Round 1 - Phylum Cnidaria
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(Sources - 1, 2, 3, 4)
Cnidaria is a phylum of aquatic animals which includes the Anthozoans (sea anemones, corals, sea pens), the Scyphozoans ( true jellies), the Cubozoans (box jellies), the Hydrozoans (a diverse group ranging from Hydras to the colonial Portuguese Man O’ War), the Staurozoans (eight-tentacled cnidarians that cling to seaweeds and rocks), and the parasitic Myxozoans and Polypodiozoans.
Cnidarians are identified by a decentralized nervous system distributed throughout a gelatinous body, and specialized explosive stinging cells, called cnidocytes, on ejectable flagella (“tentacles”) which are used to envenomate prey ranging from plankton to animals several times larger than themselves. Their bodies consist of a jelly-like substance called mesoglea sandwiched between two thin cell layers. Cnidarians are some of the only animals that can reproduce both sexually and asexually.
Many species of Cnidarian are actually groups of polyps, called zooids, clustered together to form one collonial organism. Corals, the Man O’ War, and Siphonophores are examples of this.
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Propaganda below the cut:
Corals support 25% of all ocean life
Reefs are formed when coral polyps group together and produce a skeleton of calcium carbonate at their bases. They do this to form a platform that allows them to better stick together.
In a relationship that dates back to the Triassic, the symbiotic algae that live within corals gives them their colors, as well as creates nutrients for both organisms
Corals are facing a mass extinction due to climate change
While anemones are mainly sessile, usually staying in one place for weeks to months at a time, they can creep along on their bases at a speed too slow to be seen with the naked eye. However, some species can move or “swim” quickly in a pinch. Gonactinia can crawl like an inchworm, Paranthus rapiformis can curl into a ball and roll around, and Stomphia coccinea can swim by flexing its column. They just look really silly doing so.
Anemones are predators, stinging prey and pulling it into their mouth with their tentacles. They can eat animals as large as crabs, mollusks, and even small fish. However, some fish and invertebrates have a symbiotic relationship with anemones. Immune to the anemone’s venom, these animals utilize it as shelter while keeping it clean and providing it with nutrients from their feces. Some hermit crabs even carry anemones on their shells, providing the anemone with quick transport to new areas in return for protection.
Box Jellies have simple eyes, are capable of pursuing and reacting to prey behavior, and some species are some of the most deadly animals in the world.
The Lion’s Mane Jelly (Cyanea capillata) is one of the largest jellyfish, with the largest recorded specimen having a bell width of 210 cm (7 ft) and tentacles around 36.6 m (120 ft) long.
The Lion’s Mane Jelly is also the favorite food of Leatherback Sea Turtles.
A rise in jellyfish population can signify ecosystem collapse
The Giant Siphonophore (Praya dubia) is a collonial Hydrozoan that can get up to 50 m (160 ft) long, rivaling the Blue Whale in length.
Some Cnidarians can “hear” via vibrations, and some can even produce sounds to communicate
Many Cnidarians are bioluminescent
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She’s the child of the red riding hood and the big bad wolf. Don’t question it to okay. Also she was the first character I thought of when I saw this!
She’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf! She’s a werewolf!
Love her design very much. She gets a lot of great outfits. Also, another version of Red Riding Hood that incorporates both the girl and the wolf together.
1: ever after high was iconic and amazing and so well written and i'm really bitter that it was cancelled so i think cerise deserves this win (i do too) 2: her design is really good. like no one else could EVER if you ask me 3: wolf girl. do i NEED to say more. ...honestly, my brain cannot bring out any more words so fingers crossed someone else submits her and she gets some ACTUAL GOOD propaganda (sorry cerise forgive me)
She’s a badass red riding hood with a secret (her dad is the big bad wolf)
She's the daughter of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, so she has wolf ears and is really strong. She's supposed to be the next Red Riding Hood so she should count.
She's the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf making her a daughter of forbidden love and thus a double representation of Little Red Riding Hood's age-old story of maturity and adolescence.
She's really cool! She was born from a forbidden romance between the wolf (don't worry he turns into a human lmao) and Little Red Riding Hood and has to hide her heritage from other people which I think is really interesting. Also her hood is really pretty.
She's the daughter of red riding hood and is meant to take over that role when it's her time
she slays so hard!! while technically shes not THE little red riding hood, she is her daughter and the FUTURE little red riding hood. shes also half wolf, which is really cool!! and yea. she slays.
idk she’s just cool & definitely gay
She’s meant to be the next Red Riding Hood but her whole bit is that not only is her mom Red Riding Hood, her father is the Big Bad Wolf and she needs to keep it a secret. The best of both worlds. The tween girls went crazy for the wolf thing. Had a pretty doll and cool outfits. Has an older sister who’s meant to be the next Big Bad Wolf (Ramona Badwolf) who she comes into conflict with. Identity crisis! She was everything to eleven year old me
She’s half wolf, she has cool white streaks in her hair, she’s a jock with super speed and I like her a lot.
she turned me lesbian.
Fan favourite, my first lesbian crush on a character
She is a daughter of previous Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf, how cool is that
She’s a furry yeuwu
she’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf. she’s a wolf girl. i love her
Her big bad wolf is her mutant soldier boyfriend. She shot him once and honestly he was into it. Probably bi. Helped start a revolution.
Her wolf is actually. Um. A genetically modified soldier with wolf traits. At the beginning its not very obvious but by the end of the series yeah she's. She's a monsterfucker. Anyway that's not really relevant but I just think she's pretty cool (not because she's a monsterfucker)
She's a french farmgirl and a pilot who ends up in a plot to overthrow the queen of the moon. The big bad wolf is a genetically-altered soldier that she falls in love with. She's short-tempered, straightforward, and fiercely loyal.
"Grown up" Fairy Tales are a lot of fun. this one is also a cool mix of LRRH and BatB. She can totally take care of herself and her wolves are in for quite a story.
She’s a badass?
her family runs a restaurant and she’s friends with a furry
she's french. she's loud. she falls in love with the wolf (a guy named wolf who is genetically modified somehow). she sells tomatoes and gets in fights and just wants to find her grandmother. she is literally the little red riding hood character in a series of books retelling fairy tales in an alternate universe in space and I love her
she has a gun and she’s pretty cool. sorry she’s french if it helps it’s like 500 years in the future france. also she’s bisexual (TO ME!!! no straight woman thinks the things she thought about winter aka the character based on snow white)
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Akudama Drive Character Opinions/Thoughts Pt. 1
Yay!! I finally finished Akudama Drive today! I’m so so sorry for not posting recently, I’ve been very busy with the holidays and semester exams. But at last, I finally sat down and binged from about episode 6 through to the end, and OH. MY. GOD. I have so many thoughts and emotions running through my head!! 
So today I thought I would give a very honest review/my opinions for EVERY character in Akudama Drive just for the heck of it and to help cope with the sadness of the show being over.  Thanks for sticking with me! <3 
So obviously, this will be spoiler heavy, but I assume that everyone reading knows that. xD Okay! This’ll probably be long and really long winded, but off we go! 
Swindler: Oh gosh. Where do I even begin with her?? Swindler’s character was so intriguing to me from the get go, what with us not knowing much about her (and even in the end still not knowing much about her past). I was pretty neutral towards her in the beginning, but MAN. After that scene where she killed those two guys protecting Sister. MAD Respect. I think that that marked a turning point for me liking her. I found her a bit much at times when she didn’t seem to show extreme emotions at the deaths of Hacker, Hoodlum, etc. But I obviously know that she was wrapped up into all this tea by accident and that her actions (While at times potentially suspicious) were completely justified, such as her fears, her desire to protect Brother and Sister, and her confusion as she slowly began her descent into the craziness that was the Kanto-Kansai situation. It was super enjoyable seeing how she grew, and I really wanted her to succeed and be happy. Her death scene made me cry. Also those scenes with Sister and her were so CUTE. <3
Courier: To be completely honest, I didn’t really have any strong emotions towards Courier for the majority of the season. He was frickin badass as all hell, but in terms of the character himself, I thought he was alright. That definitely changed though by the end of the season! We see him deliver a gift to Sister without any fee (Brother’s “dying” wish) and we sympathize with his tragic backstory involving the unnamed woman murdered in his home (mother? Sister?) I loved that addition because we get to see more about the coin itself and why he views it as bad luck. Super neat. I think his interactions with Sister and Swindler are cute, and makes me think of them as sort of like a family. UwU Also his love for Takoyaki/cooking is a pretty fun contrast to his stoic outside. I’m not sure that I ship Courier and Swindler (I can 100% see it though :3). I see them more as two individuals who are bound together by fate (the coin) and have grown to respect one another while learning/surviving in this crazy world. I was definitely sad to see him go, but I’m super happy that I got to love his character a lot more by the end! What a cool guy. His dedication/the way he went above and beyond for Sister and Brother in the end? Perfection. My first pick for a zombie apocalypse team. 
Brawler: He’s wholesome for sure. I’m usually not a big fan of big, tough guys in anime, but he reminds me of the traditional Danganronpa stereotype of the fighter with a warm interior. His interactions with Hoodlum made me like him so much more and appreciate what he brought to the table. I’m sad that he’s not recognized more. He's super badass in his own right and I feel sort of guilty for not realizing it while he was alive. Like cmon girl. It pissed me off the way that the Doctor was treating him after he died (also. That. She killed him. >:O) Like. Is that all you saw him as? I get angry when the POC characters always die first/disrespected by other characters for the sake of “comedy” and whatnot. Like as a POC myself...it’s not cool. But overall, I liked him for who he was. I didn’t care for him too too much, but I definitely wanted him to be happy and enjoyed those sweet moments of excitement he had when fighting, even up to his last moments. 
Hoodlum: He was the one character in Akudama Drive that I was not expecting to like as much as I did. Again, not my favorite, but MAN was he entertaining! I ADORED how much character growth we got from him. I was really rooting for him up until the end (I got super excited when he killed Doctor...and then really sad. CoMe oN) Initially in the first episode, he just seemed to be the classic sort of cowardly idiot, but after he met Brawler you can tell he changed a lot. The dynamic was super fun! Even after Brawler dies, the moments that show Hoodlum coping with his death are amazingly sad, for example, when he says “check this out,” or when he gets angry when no one else seems to care about his death. (SAME Hoodlum. SAME.) The anger and grief that Hoodlum feels is portrayed in an interesting way (he begins to lose himself and submits to Doctor’s manipulation/alternative resources in Kansai). In the end, I’m so happy that he was the one to kill Doctor, because not only was he avenging his friend’s death, but also standing up for himself in a way that he hadn’t done in the series up to that point. Overall. Loved the development of my boi. 
Doctor: This woman. I tell ya got on my nerves. Holy moly. But I should clear things up! At first when she was introduced I thought she was super cool for sure! We s t a n n  a queen to put them boys in their places, but as time went on I started disliking her more and more. Don’t get me wrong, there are parts about her that I think are amazing! For example, I loved her motivations for studying the children (interesting), her poisons/ability to heal were incredibly useful, her voice actor, and sometimes she was just a bad bitch. Like go off queen. But at the same time, I really found her bothersome. I don’t really know when I started to notice it as much, but I just didn’t care for the way that she called Brawler a “Dreadlock Gorilla” ...because like. Um. NO. I also didn’t like how she manipulated Hoodlum (obviously that’s totally in character, but still). As the show went on Doctor just really didn’ vibe with me for some reason. I guess I just didn’t like her as much as the other characters and I know it’s terrible to say, but I was glad when she died. I don’t know what else to say. I stopped liking her. ://
Hacker: Right from the beginning I knew he was my favorite character. <3 I think the aesthetic was super cool and I loved loved the similarities between him and a certain SHSL computer programmer. ;) I appreciated the little moments with him, for example when Cutthroat pushed the emergency buttons on the airbus, the whole “parting-gifts” idea, the drones, etc. His abilities that he brought forth were incredibly useful and without his sacrifice the final mission of rescuing Brother and Sister would’ve been impossible. I LOVED that his role expanded even after he left the group in the early stages (;-;), we can see he was behind the blackout, the hijacking of several systems (including the propaganda videos), and how he was able to play the puppet master by controlling/saving his old teammates. I just think that his abilities to hack and to literally do anything that he pleases was super badass. I feel like out of all of them, Hacker is one of the few that genuinely feels more human (in the sense that he seeks out a new place to call home/excitement, etc.) which I loved. Overall my favorite character...I’m still a little salty about his death and the fact that no one really acknowledged his sacrifice. >:((
Hope you enjoyed that long ramble! Check Out Pt. 2! 💕
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 9
back at it again, and its time for the shadowplay arc, HELL yeah
oh I'm so excited i love this arc lets DO this
oooh its nightbeat and quark!! way before they become relevant, which is so cool
‘one of those recepticon fanatics’ lmao imagine if they were...the recepticons. just doesn't have the same ring to it 
god i fucking love all the politics of mtmte. i love how they’re talking about the senate here before we really get to See how bad they were (we heard a bit about it from whirl a few issues ago, and now here)
love how nightbeat is pretty much agreeing with the decepticon ideology here, even if its clear that he isn't Actually a decepticon - it just drives home the fact that, in this story, The Decepticons Were Right About A Lot Of That Stuff (or at least, they had a reason other than ‘destruction’ for rebelling). 
AND THEN THERES RUNG!!!!!!! WITH HIS MODEL OF THE LOST LIGHT....god i fuckgin LOVE the continuity in this story bc the first time reading this ur like oh ok rung is old yea makes sense...but then later all the time travel stuff happens and then its like OHHHHH 
damn poor rung nightbeat can rlly tell he's lonely just by looking at him vbhjdkdfhbjsjkdf geez. also nightbeat that's ur mystery stick bf from the future js!!
quarks extreme POV on all of the stuff is so interesting, and makes so much sense bc of Course he would think that as a non-combatant scientist who, due to his functional value in current society, wouldn't really benefit much from a revolution - in fact, he’d probably lose a lot. and that’s the sort of thing where you’re like, ok well think about everyone else dude, have some perspective - but at the same time, quark did suffer a pretty terrible fate, so his fears weren't entirely unfounded...augh, its so fascinating...im sorry I'm not gonna shut up about space robot politics this Entire time
HOW did nobody notice that dead body before now
ratchet spray-painting the hands he stole from pharma to match his own paintjob is like...kinda gruesome if you think about it hvbhsjkdfbkjdf
i love rewind sooo much oh my god 
he rlly stashed rung’s comatose body in a wheelchair behind the bar hbkjdhfbshjkdf rewind 
rewind and chromedome’s tag-team explanation....ough hhhhh THEM 
wait a sec, rewind, you have medical records in your database? that is, at least according to regular medical laws, very illegal lmao. my favorite long-running theme in mtmte: the fact that hipaa and osha laws on cybertron are either basically nonexistent, or just universally disregarded 
what the actual fuck is up w/cybertronian time units. that shit is wack as hell 
ooh i love how chromedome looks different in the flashback - no shoulder tires! - that's a cool detail
how come prowl just said ‘minute,’ rewind was busting it up w/all the wack ass fantasy time units just a second ago. geez
also goddd i love the scenery of pre-war cybertron, its SUCH a cool setting like, visually and aesthetically and politically
like, i adore details like the sign in the bg that says ‘everyone’s shape serves a purpose.’ really adds to the ‘society on the precipice of civil war currently controlled by an increasingly-desperate faction who are doling out propaganda like crazy in an attempt to maintain their image and control over the populace’ vibe
good ole murder mystery setup. love it!
pre-war prowl is such an interesting character. actually prowl in general is such an interesting character...I kinda wrote him off during my first read of mtmte (and even a little during my second readthru) as just this dude who’s an asshole (espec bc my prev tf experience involved watching tfa as a kid, and this prowl is very different from tfa prowl lol)...but prowl is SUCH a multi-faceted and interesting character, even in the relatively little we see of him in mtmte 
plus it was interesting to learn later that prowl was one of the characters that jro wanted for mtmte and didn't get, and MAN i wish he got prowl bc I would've loved to see what jro would've done w/prowl on the lost light, that would've been amazing. like, just imagine the arc he would have...I have no idea what that arc would BE, but I know it would be awesome. plus I’d be really interested to see how prowl would factor in, relationships-wise, amongst the crew of the lost light. so much potential!
anyways. I'm in a very talky mood tonight it seems. its currently 4 am so that kinda explains it. ok, moving on!
chromedome and prowl bantering....in their own morbid forensic-cop way...
skids bvhjdbsfjasf. speaking what we’re all thinking: is prowl gonna keep showing up in mtmte despite not technically being part of the cast??
swerves drawing of prowl lmaoooo
AND THEN REWIND IN SOME OF MY FAVORITE MTMTE PANELS....fuckgin cracks me up every time god. rewind was rlly about to flip their entire ass table just to demonstrate that prowl is a serial table-flipper...and then he cant even make the table budge and he just stares at his hands like ‘how could you betray me like this’ hvbajkhhsfdhksdf PEAK hilarity
drift hvbshfdjbasdfj his forcibly cheery expression even tho he’s being harassed by rodimus, who is a big whiny toddler w/drift lmao 
rodimus is the type of guy who, upon drift not replying to one of his texts, would post a whole twitter thread being all like ‘these days u cant trust any1 to hav ur back...u think u kno someone and then they just ghost you...(1/14)’
again, rewind, HOW and WHY do you just Have medical reports, oh my god, somebody please call a hipaa agent I’m scared, 
ratchet interrupting the story to give a quick medical PSA....that's Such an on-brand thing for Me to do that I feel like jro is assigning me ratchet kin as I read this
also, hey, its sonic and boom, those two decepticons from delphi! nice little continuity there
can’t believe idw made my dad optimus prime into a cop. smh. shouldn't be that shocked tho, I feel like half the idw characters are cops
orion rlly hit them w/the omae wa mo shinderu arrest strat
orion: I cant believe you're beating this guy up. anyways, now I'm gonna beat YOU up,
when ratchet puts his hand over drifts mouth and then gets spray paint on drifts face bhjdfsvsdjhfgbjdskf
pre-war ratchet and drift ;_; ratchet’s little inspirational speech...the fact that he tells drift that he’s special...the fact that drift remembered all of this even after 4 million+ yrs...it gets me bro it GETS me
ALSO the layers in the fact that drift then goes on to become a well-known murderous decepticon...so this little scene of him and ratchet in the past gives a lot of context to ratchet’s general attitude towards drift - ratchet clearly feels at least somewhat responsible for all the blood on drift’s hands, since he saved drift’s life way back in the day
the whole relinquishment clinic thing is such cool worldbuilding, bc of course that's the kind of thing that would develop in a society of robot aliens who are only allowed to work within the rigid confines of their alt mode 
I love the whole matrix thing bc its kinda like being the pope or st but also you have a ton of political sway, so its a super important position, so of Course the corrupt senate would want full control over that power, and would assassinate the current prime to try to get their own guy in 
god vhbhjsdkbgshjdf rodimus is such a dick lmao poor drift
HHHHH I love that the cybertronian version of an autopsy is taking the dudes body apart into the smallest components and laying them all out. that's so fucking cool
hmmmm chromedome maybe you should Not be interested in mnemology, how about that,
oh god. time to start being sad about op and senator shockwave. oh god
senator shockwave more like senator sexy 
also the first time I read this I thought I had just missed his name and like halfway thru the story I went back and scoured the pages looking for it hbvhsjdfbshgfdsbj then I was like oh ok so we’re maybe supposed to just know who this guy is from another comic? but NOPE it was very deliberate and I only realized very close to the end that they were setting up some sort of reveal
its funny bc normally I'm not a huge fan of stories where politics play a huge role but I fuckgin love it here, the politics and worldbuilding is all so interesting and also balanced out with a healthy dose of cool sci-fi hijinks, so
lmao there's chromedome being obsessed w/people making the ‘pfft’ sound 
also wow yet more hindsight, maybe you Shouldn’t be so interested in the Institute, chromedome, 
OHHHH shit I forgot abt the red alert stuff happening at the same time as this :( :( :( 
AUGHHH what a fucked up situation. god 
oooof i gotta continue now!! what a solid issue, I love the shadowplay arc
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Ok I’m sorry but these name surveys have turned out to be loadsa fun for me so let me just take another one lmaooooo. 
I honestly find it therapeutic since it allows me to reflect and look back on all of the people I’ve crossed paths with before, whether for better or for worse :) Sorry if I’ll repeat names/explanations, I’ll do my best to remember more stuff about them!
aaron: Already mentioned this in the last survey, but he’s a part of my high school friend group. He was one of my first guy friends ever and he was very nice to me from the very beginning; always made sure I felt like I belonged in a crowd. Also studies in UP and I think he is taking up sports science because he wants to go on to med school. abby/abbey: This is my mom’s name. She goes by the first spelling. I know an Abby from high school; she studies in La Salle now. adam: I don’t know him personally but there used to be a dude from WhatCulture Wrestling (a popular YouTube channel) named Adam – he was my favorite to watch until he got caught in a major fuck-up and was booted from the group. adel adrienne ajee
ajla alan: I have an uncle named Allan. He was part of my dad’s friend group in college; they met each other in their org. He was in every birthday party when I was a kid, but I don’t see him anymore now because his family already migrated somewhere else. alex: Broad comm student who plays the guitar and sings well; I haven’t talked to her. I also knew an Alex from 6th grade and she was just...not a very bright student. She had to move because I don’t think her grades reached the standard in my school, and now I think she lives in California. If not there, then somewhere else in the States. Alex is a fairly common name here, though, and I know I’ve missed out on a bunch of other Alexes.
alexa: Again, another girl from high school. Was a cool girl and a party girl from the very start. Like I said in my past survey, she lives in Australia now. alexis alexzandria alicia: My friend Alliyah’s boss, who she has a huge crush on, is named Alicia but she goes by Alice. alisa allie/ally: Gossiping fake loser from our rival journ org who does nothing but spread black propaganda about our org to keep people from joining ours – when she talks to us, though, she’s super nice. I’m so fucking happy she’s graduating because she has such a toxic personality :(  allison: Former prof in Comm 100. Wasn’t very good but I had a crush on her from the very first lecture. She had a serious car accident in the middle of the sem and had to wear like a nose brace thing for the rest of the sem. alycea/alycia alyssa: I rode the school bus with a girl named Alyssa but I was much closer to her older sister Alex. There’s also an Alyssa from broad comm and I was classmates with her in my political science, history, and broad comm classes for this semester. She’s the niiiiiiiicest girl and would always help me out if I have missing notes or whatever. amanda: Girl from my org who’s taking up engineering. I was her VP last semester, but she had personal problems and so she wasn’t able to work much under me. Whenever she did, though, she was always reliable. Quiet girl, a little socially awkward. amari amber andrew: I first met him at a rally/protest I attended in 2017. Hit it off well right from the start because I saw that he was wearing a wrestling shirt, so we bonded over WWE that day. He plays the guitar and has released his own EP, is a junior DJ at one of the hip radio stations in Manila, and has done his fair share of hosting gigs. He used to take up engineering but shifted to journalism as he likes it better. Is very adventurous and amiable but tends to get too friendly; some might find it tiring but I honestly think it’s just his personality. He was my groupmate in communication research and I thought he was decent. angela: My best friend’s name is Angela. We first met each other in Grade 1 when we were 7, and we became friends after I stabbed her palm with a newly-sharpened pencil. She still has the pencil mark today. anna: Anna is a popular secondary name in the Philippines, but no one actually uses it as their main name. anne: Same with Anne. annie: My grandma’s best friend who used to come over the house every Sunday. Like I said in the past survey, I’m honestly not sure if she’s still alive lol. She was already pretty old when I was still very young. anthony aasad ashley: I *think* I have a distant cousin named Ashley that I first met at a family reunion last year. But let’s be real, Filipino families are huge and I don’t even know if I remember her name correctly, if she’s even an Ashley. aubri: One of my closest friends in high school was Aubrey. We were very, very close in junior year until she dropped a bomb on me that her family was migrating to California by the time we start senior year. We don’t talk anymore because of the distance and the timezones, but I’ll always be there for her no matter what. Incredibly talented dancer and figure skater. She’s in UCLA right now and as far as I know she is killing it over there. austin autumn: I know an Autumn from my wrestling fandom days. I think she was a redhead, but I don’t remember anything else. barbara becca: A girl from broad comm. She was one of the principal actors in one of the productions we did for BC and she has a really cute laugh. Super elegant; she reminded me a little bit of Audrey Hepburn because she was really graceful. She’s the older sister of my orgmate Rita, who’s from psych. ben beth bethany betty: I have a friend-ish named Bettina. Betty’s kind of like a goofy nickname; she actually doesn’t use it but I think it still counts. I’ve known her since first grade; she peed her skirt in our first day of Grade 1 and I remember her crying a lot. She had a wild TV show phase starting from Grade 5 and she was into Nicole Kidman, Paula Abdul, Kara DioGuardi, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Stana Katic, Kate Walsh, etc etc etc and a bunch of shows like Private Practice, Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, Suits etc etc etc. She was super shy, very awkward in person so I’m glad her love of TV shows and actresses sprung her into life for the most part. She’s in UP Manila and I think too busy to get into fandoms now. bijan bobby bram brandon brandy breanna/brianna: Brianna is my friend Pat’s middle name. I honestly used to be so envious of this name of hers because I thought it sounded really nice, but now I think it kinda sounds like a bratty name hahaha. brendan brian: I have an uncle named Bryan, but we aren’t related. He’s my mom’s cousin’s husband. He’s VERY shy and likes to keep to himself or his kids at family gatherings but turns really cool when he’s had a little to drink. brittany/brittney/brittni brock brooke bruce buck cameron camille: Nice girl from my childhood school bus. There’s an unofficial norm in private schools in that when you’re older, you get to be mean to the younger kids. Not her. She was always nice and include us second graders in her antics in the bus, even though she was several years older. I was bummed when I found out they moved to the States. candy carina: I used to ride the school bus with a Carina but she was much younger. I was already in high school when she was in kindergarten. She’s the younger sister of Carissa, who I always found to be pretty weird. Anyway, these girls were clearly rich and pampered; they had a nanny ride with us in the bus. carly: I had an Internet friend named Carley; she was my first online best friend. We met here on Tumblr in like 2012 and got close because we were both huge fans of Stephanie McMahon at the time haha. We would video-call EVERY afternoon when I would come home from school while she would get ready for school (she’s from Pennsylvania). Eventually she’d disappear off the face of the earth and stopped talking to me but resurfaced a few months later. She’d continue to do this like 10 other times until I got tired of getting my hopes up of having her back. She’s tried reconnecting with me again on DMs but I just ignored it cos I knew there was a good chance she’d just cut off our communication again. We’re still Facebook friends and she’d pop up on my news feed from time to time, but that’s it. carol: I have a great-aunt named Carol. But my grandma has so many sisters that I honestly do not remember which one she is. carrie cassandra: I had a batchmate named Kassandra, who went by Kasey. Really bright, sweet, intelligent girl. She moved to Singapore in 7th grade. She was very, very simple and very kind to everyone and you wouldn’t be able to tell that she’s crazy rich. Her dad’s a top exec for a famous food and drink company and she lives in the same village I do–their house is guarded 24/7. cassidy chantel charlotta chelsie: Chelsea’s part of our high school friend group and is also crazy rich. We always hung out at her place because her house is huge. She’s very maarte, which I cannot really translate to English...the closest term is probably high maintenance hahaha; but she’s very sweet and generous and kind too. cheryl chris: One of Gabie’s best friend is a Kris. Other than liking outdoorsy stuff like going to the beach and hiking which is all I know about her, I think she’s also half-American. christopher: I have an uncle with this name but like I said his nickname is Perry. He works abroad like my dad (his brother-in-law) and my dad’s sister (his sister-in-law). cienna clare: Guidance counselor for several grade school levels. Understandably, she is very maternal. I once had a nasty fight with another girl and we had to be sent to her office. clarissa: Went to school with a Clarisa. We first met in Grade 4 because she rode my school bus, and instantly clicked. She was very nice, very sweet; she was simple to the point that, like Kasey, you’d have no clue how rich she was. She lives in a huge mansion now but she lived in a huge house before that as well, it’s crazy. Really, really sweet and she would give the best hugs. I played table tennis a lot with her in high school too. She studies in Miriam now but I’m not so sure about her course. claudia: Already said a lot about her in the last survey. Popular girl her whole life. She still goes to a bunch of parties but she is so much nicer now than she was when we were younger. cody cole collin corey corinne: One of my former teachers named her daughter Corinne. I think she’s 8 this year. courtney crissy: Chrissy was one of my very best friends in preschool and grade school. She looked Chinese even though she had a Filipino-sounding surname, and I was never sure if she had Chinese blood or not. She was boyish so she was very rowdy, liked to play rough, and punched other girls if she got pissed; but other than that she was very quiet and shy. She was constantly on the basketball team too. Eventually her family moved to Canada. crystal dallas dan danielle danika: An orgmate that worked under my committee two semesters ago. She’s from business ad and was juggling another org so she wasn’t very active at all to begin with. Her performance just plummeted every month and she ended up ghosting my org last semester–never replied to anyone when we tried to check up on her. I was very mad at her until she restarted contact with us recently and explained how tumultuous stuff suddenly got in her personal life and mental health that she had to take care of herself for a while, which we all understood immediately. She’s coming back to the org this year and we’re more than ready to welcome her. She’s very charming, goofy, and kind. She has a very life-of-the-party personality haha. danny: I have a friend-ish named Dani that I met through Angela. We all sat at the same table during the senior ball at Ateneo in 2016 so we got to talk then. She played volleyball in high school and she studies in San Beda now. She wants to take up law school so I think her course is in political science.  darious david: Pat’s boyfriend from Serbia and Patrice’s boyfriend from economics HAHAHAHA. Also a sucky groupmate from my comm res class who did absolutely nothing to contribute in the final paper that Hannah and I worked our asses so hard for. dean deanglo derrick destiny devin dillon donna dwayne [Random survey-taker note: these are all very Western names...] emie emily eric: My godfather is an Eric. Like my Tito Allan, he also met my dad through their college org. He’s an exec in a bank now and is suuuuuuper rich. Has a daughter named Arya which he could’ve named after the GoT character but am not really sure about that. everette felicia gabby: Wildly popular name. 1) My girlfriend’s name is Gabie; 2) there was another Gaby in my high school batch. 3) I have a friend from the Tumblr wrestling fandom named Gabbie who was really good in Photoshop – we study in the same school but have never met each other. 4) I have a high school batchmate whose little sister is a Gaby, annnnnddd I also just remembered that 5) there was another Gabbi in the wrestling fandom who also made good edits at the time. gerald gina guliana gloria: Do last names count? Hahaha. Gloria is the surname of my instructor in my class in international relations just this past sem. He’s a new faculty member but is craaaazy good at teaching; clearly knows what he’s talking about. He was passionate about his subject and I always admired that about him. I was really sad when class had to end. grace: I have a great-aunt named Grace; he’s my late grandpa’s sister. She’s really...quite fabulous; she has connections with super prestigious people and has a fancy wardrobe. She’s the only Filipino grandmother I know who goes by ‘Nana’ to her grandkids, which I note because Nana is like a super Western thing afaik. She has drama queen tendencies though and can be sensitive to a lot of things lmao. gracie hannah: One of the close friends I’ve made in college so far! Our first meeting was when she and Macy moved from UP Los Banos to the Diliman campus (where I study) and the three of us enrolled in our classes together. I was closer to Macy first, but eventually me and Hannah got a stronger friendship. Best groupmate, workmate, and David Archuleta fan I know. Sings great and plays the piano great. An absolute angel. hasan hawa hayley: I only know a dog named Hailey lol. heather: Someone from my high school batch is a Heather! We were never in the same cliques but she is one of the friendliest people I know. She knows how to talk to anyone which I appreciated. We bonded over One Direction in high school and she also confided in me a few times about her relationship and how her parents forbade her from seeing her boyfriend because he was trans. She also studies in my school now, taking up business economics. We barely see each other but say hi whenever we do. holly hunter ibro isaac isaiah jack jackie: One of my aunts has a relative named Jackie and I literally only found this out earlier when we met up and caught up with each other. jacob jacquelin jaden: A kid of my mom’s best friend is a Jaden. He was named after Jaden Smith because he was born during the time the Karate Kid remake made big waves. jake: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I had a garbage instructor with this name. This dude was in charge of my weekly crying binges and panic attacks because I was never sure if I was gonna pass his class. He seemed to enjoy giving all of us failing marks too which made me hate his piece of shit ass more. He’s supposed to be really good at what he does but I guess knowledge just does not always translate well in the classroom. Ended up passing his class, but now I’m cursing his ass forever. james: I have a younger cousin named James. I’ve only met him twice; once when he was a newborn, and then when he celebrated Christmas 2018 with us. His family’s lived in New Zealand and Vietnam since 2008, which is why we never get to see him, and why he does not remember me at all. janai janveia jared jason jay: My uncle is a Jay; he’s my mom’s brother. I disowned him as my uncle many years ago. He’s a terrible drunk, a disgusting smoker, and an annoying freeloader. I tried giving him a chance before, but after I found out that he drunkenly punched a cat once, I ignored him forever. Sometimes my mom and grandmother would ask me to acknowledge him at family gatherings, so I’d have to begrudingly do so; but other than that he’s out of my life. jazmine: There was a Jasmin from my old school. She’d always been very artistic and she was into K-Pop very early on. She’s taking up linguistics in my school now. jeana jeanette jen: Girl from the now-ancient Tumblr wrestling fandom. She’s probably the biggest and most passionate wrestling fan I know as she would follow both the mainstream and indie promotions the last time I checked up on her. She was kinda vain and kept on taking selfies while captioning each one as ‘ugly.’ I remember that she has a dog she really loves, and that she lives in Boston. jeralyn jerry jesse jessica: Meh, annoying girl from high school. I’m sure she’s nice(?) but her personality just didn’t click with me. She was too vibrant and too friendly that it almost seemed fake; but what do I know, I never really made the effort to know her better other than bonding over 1D here and there. jim jocelyn jodi: I know a Jodee from my old school. Spoke straight English, is intelligent, but is a huge goofball and very mischievous/rebellious. She was a smartass and liked testing the teachers’ patience whenever she can, but she always did it in a very funny way I think. She was often called to the guidance counselor’s office for having relationships with other students (I went to a Catholic all-girls’ private school, so this was obviously not allowed) but she always stood her ground about it and was never afraid to fight back. She had a phase of unhooking our bras in like 5th grade. joey: My blockmate has a younger sister named Joey. I think she is also studying in UP. john: The cousin I’m closest to is named John, but it’s not his preferred name. jonathan jordan josh: I know two Joshes, but only because they are boyfriends of a couple of acquaintances. jossie julia julie junior justin: I went to school with a girl who initially went by Justinn, but like she all wanted to start calling her by her other name, Ria, as we grew older. I also briefly rode the school bus with a girl named Justine, but we didn’t talk much. kailyn kaitlyn kaleb: Chelsea’s brother is named Caleb. kali karrie karli kasey: Oh, I guess Kasey (under Cassandra) falls under this too lmao. kasahwn katarina: Not exact, but Katrina’s a fairly popular name where I live. My cousin’s boyfriend is named Katrina, my aunt is a Katrina (but she goes by Bianca), and I also went to school with a Katrina even though her nickname is Cheenie. kate: Already talked about this in the last name survey. I met Kate through my org; she’s a huge joker/goofball, is naturally very friendly, and has an awesome wardrobe. When she’s bored and we both aren’t doing anything, she puts makeup on me. Works very well but is also a huge partier HAHAHAHA. katie: This is my nickname for Kate, if that counts. kayla: There’s a Kayla in my college, but her course is in broad(cast) comm(unication). I remember her very well because she is the first person I EVER talked to when we had our freshman orientation in UP. We didn’t become close after that. She’s pretty, has nice clothes and hair, is part of the popular circle, and she’s part of streetdance which is like one of the cooler orgs on campus. kelli kent: I have a younger cousin who’s a Kent. We used to be close when we were both kids, but now we’re shy towards each other. He was obsessed with dinosaurs when he was younger, like 5 or 6. kerna kevin kiana: I have an orgmate named Kiana! SOOOOO pretty and has like the clearest skin. Very simple and down-to-earth. Is nice but can kick your ass because she has a black belt in taekwondo. She’s smart as hell and I’m pretty sure she’s graduating as magna cum laude, besides the fact that she’s going to UP Law right after. kiley kim: I also have an orgmate named Kim :) He’s the sweetest guy ever, and is just so easy to talk to. He has a really cute relationship with one of the org’s alumni. I didn’t get to bond with him much but am sad all the same that he’s graduating this year :( kimberly: Went to my old school with a Kimberly but she went by Kim. Was one of the rougher, lesser-behaved kids. She was a demon in grade school. Not quite sure how she’s doing now. She’s my friend on Facebook but can’t really care less about her life updates. kirsten kristy kyle: Kyelle is a kinda good friend of mine. He’s from the same circle, but we aren’t close in particular. He’s very nice though, very silly and likes to goof around. laila lain: I used to have an orgmate named Laine. She was our VP for External Affairs two years ago. She’s now in law school. leah: Cheenie’s mom is a Lea. She’s probably the best mom friend my mom made from my school hahaha; she’s known me since I was 4. lexi: I have a high school batchmate named Alexa but I think she goes by Lexi, judging from her Twitter name. Is naturally quiet but gets very friendly when you get her to open up. Easy to talk to. liam: Liam is my youngest cousin, I think. He was born in 2014 or 2015. I’ve never seen him, because he and his family lives in New York. I’ve only ever met his big sister. :( lilly: This girl I was classmates with for a journ elective. I found her to be verrrrry pretty and she had the biggest, most piercing eyes; until I found out that she was one of those die-hard Catholics who are vehemently pro-life. She once defended a fraternity whose members were confirmed to be misogynist, sexist, racist, homophobic and transphobic pieces of shit in a leaked groupchat simply because she believes in ‘forgiveness.’ She caused another ruckus two weeks ago when she made known her pro-life views well known. I wanna unfriend her ass so bad but she just keeps making all the wrong opinions that I just wanna stay and watch her get schooled by my less-than-thrilled college mates hahaha. lina liz: If I remember correctly, there was an Elizabeth from my wrestling fandom who went by Liz. She lives somewhere in the UK, had reddish hair, and was in love with John Cena lmao. She would sometimes make edits too. loren: Other than the Lauren I mentioned in the previous survey, I also had a friend named Lauren from the Tumblr wrestling community too. She was one of the first friends I made. She was two years older than me, fancied Andy Samberg earlier than anyone else, had a cool room, was obsessed with cats, and loved tie-dye stuff. lydia lyndsey lynnette macaila mack: JM’s dad goes by Mackey, if that counts hahahaha. He’s a lawyer and a college professor. mckenzi macey: I went to high school with a Macy and now she’s in college with me too. She used to study in UPLB but moved to Diliman after a year, since she always planned to take up journalism (she didn’t pass the cutoff initially, so she had to stay in LB for a year before she moved). I was very close with her throughout high school, but idk, she’s just never been in a good place mentally so our friendship is very up-down-up-down. I tried to reconnect when we were reunited in college, but she’s found her crowd now so I’m happy for her nonetheless.
There’s also a Macy in my org who worked under my committee for a year before she moved to finance. Quiet girl but was always nice to everyone. She’s also graduating this semester :( maddie madison margo: Went to elementary school with a Margo but she preferred to spell it as Margauxe lmao. We became close for a while because we rode the school bus together and she would lend me the other half of her earbuds so we can listen to Ashley Tisdale’s Headstong and Vanessa Hudgens’ V every day (this was when High School Musical was peak popular). She sort of had a tumultuous family life here until she moved to Hawaii a few years ago. I think she may have moved to California now too. maria: Again, this is like the base name for like half of all Filipina girls. It’s so common that it’s just simply shortened to ‘Ma.’ because everyone knows what it stands for. marina marisa: Kayla’s middle name is Marissa. marquis mary: Macy’s first name is Mary. mathew: I know a bunch of Matthews from both high school and college but they all go by Matt. The one I remember the most is Matthew from another high school friend group who was close with my group. Our group was invited to their Christmas party, and they had a gimmick that each member of their group was gonna be paired with someone from ours, and it was gonna be a costume party. I was paired up with Matthew (but they called him Cho), but I never went to the party so I never got to meet him. I’m sure he’s nice, though. matt: See Mathew. maura mechelle: I have an orgmate named Michelle. She’s clumsy, kinda awkward, but she does it in a very cute way and we all love her because she’s so funny haha. She passed the toughest med school program in the COUNTRY but chose journ in the end. Is the most Chinese Chinese-Filipino girl I know. megan: I know someone whose middle name is Megan but she goes by a different name. melissa: Hahahahaha. I knew a Melissa all right. Freeloader. meredith mersadies micah: I was classmates and friends with a Micah in grade school. My parents and hers were close, so we became close too. She was very smart but I remember her to be deathly afraid of walking on beams when we had to do it in PE. She moved schools in the fifth grade, and she studies in UST now. michael: His full name is Michael, but Mike is a guy I almost went out with in high school. Wasn’t really attracted to him, but he’s like super smart so it was a huge plus point for me lol. I also have an orgmate named Michael but we all call him Elis. He’s unreliable. miranda: If surnames count, Gabie’s best friend’s last name is this haha. molly monica: Some girl who went to my old school but transferred schools early on, like in 2nd or 3rd grade. She was Gabie’s childhood friend though so I still hear from her from time to time. She’s in UP now too, but I don’t know what course she’s taking. morgan nashid natasha: I went to high school with a girl named Natasha, but she goes by Tashie. Huge girl and a beast at softball. Can be a big softie but she has weird mood swings too (and when she’s mad, she’s quite violent) so I just tried not to piss her off while we were still in school together lol. nate: Yeah he’s in the same college as me but I know zilch about him other than he’s supposed to be really good in making films. nathan neema nichole: Annoying younger busmate who graduated high school this year. nick: Nick is the codename I gave to one of my first crushes. Obviously not his legit name so I don’t think this counts. nicholas olivia paige preasia preme prisilla: When I was still applying for AIESEC, Priscilla was assigned as one of my groupmates. I was originally iffy because she didn’t get online to work until like 11 PM, but when I did see her start working, she was a GODDAMN BEAST. Amazing. Did everything I assigned to her. When I met her in person the next day, she spoke very well and was very put-together. My respect for her soared even more after that. I dropped my application soon after for unrelated reasons but it was a pleasure working with her. Last I heard, she’s a councilor-elect in her local college’s student council. rachel: My math teacher in Grade 1 was a Rachel. I don’t remember her at all, except for the fact that when she found our class noisy one day, she completely stopped talking and mimed everything for the rest of the 45-minute period. raheim raven: Creepy, weird dude from my org who’s always looking for a dick to suck. I’m not even trying to insult him, he’s just perpetually thirsty and makes sure the whole world knows it for some reason. ray renee: Sweet, intelligent, hilarious girl from my high school. She’s very makwela, which in English means zany/funny. Her dad is a national basketball coach so it’s no surprise she followed in his footsteps. richard riley rita: Sweet, sweet girl from my org. We all just kinda naturally flock to protect her from bad influences or creepy people because she just has such a sweet soul. She’s my successor VP in my committee. robby: I have an Uncle Rob, but he doesn’t go by Robby. He’s the husband of my aunt (my mom’s cousin). He’s from New Zealand and has a Masters or a PhD in film theory, I don’t actually remember which. ryan: I used to see him a lot at a relative’s house until I was like 8. I’ve never seen him since and don’t actually know how he’s related to us or me lmfao. sabrina samantha: I have a younger cousin named Samantha. Sam was born and raised in New York but visited the Philippines last year and I was primarily in charge of taking care of her. She’s just the cutest darling I’ve seen and has the most perfect accent ahuhuhuhuhuhu. She likes My Little Pony. sara sarica sean: Someone from a lower batch in high school has this name. I never knew her but we follow each other on Twitter loooooool. secilia seliena: My older cousin’s first name is Selina but she goes by her second name, Bianca or Bia for short. We were inseperable as kids but we grew shyer as we grew older :( shannon shauna: Gabie’s orgmate. That’s all I know. She liked my tweets in the past but that’s the most contact we’ve made. shayna shelby sherry seirra skylar spencer steven stevey susan: I have an Aunt Susan. She took care of me my whole childhood; fed me, gave me baths, all that stuff when my mom was too busy with work. She got run over by a hit-and-run motorcycle when I was 9 and she was never the same after. She was crankier and had violent outbursts. tamara: I went to school with a Tamara; her nickname was Tammy. She was a gentle giant; like she was a naturally big girl but was very soft-spoken and SUPER shy. We got close for a while in 4th grade but her paths differed not long after. tashryha taylor tayshaun terrell tiffany: I had a batchmate named Tiffany. She was kinda mean in grade school but got nicer as we got older. I never really got the chance to know her well. tori trevor trisha: Another high school batchmate. All I remember was that she would cheat on tests by changing her wrong answers when the teachers would give our results back so they could correct it for her. Also a big Justin Bieber fan lol. trista tylik vanessa: There was a Vanessa in an older HS batch but she went by Via; she just graduated college yesterday but that’s all I know. There’s also a Vanessa in my sister’s HS batch; she’s half-German and that’s also all I know. victoria: Some girl I had a class with was named Victoria but it’s her middle name; we all called her Kristine. wally will wyatt zach: Another guy from the wrestling group I was in. He was one of the older dudes so I was more scared of him than the rest. zachary: Same answer as Zach. I think this was his whole name. zoey
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hellyeahrpmemes · 7 years
here’s sentences from 10 more of jenna’s videos! feel free to change names/pronouns/zodiac signs/etc.! more jenna sentences
“I’m not very good at drawing things.”
“Yours won. Yours so won.”
“It looks like a feral cat.”
“You’re just pretending to be a chef.”
“I made your forehead in pancake form.”
“Don’t look at mine - don’t look at mine…!”
“She looks like a ghost of herself.”
“It looks like a tombstone walking a dog.”
“It looks like a can of silly string gone wrong.”
“That’s a bunny. You draw it every single time we’re at dinner and you find a crayon or a pen. That’s the one thing you know how to draw really, really well.”
“So it’s a flamethrower?”
“What the fuck is your problem?”
“I’m gonna put this on your bed tonight. On your pillow.”
“It’s an Ankylosaurus, duh.”
“Can you autograph my pancake?”
“I wonder if it tastes good.”
“It looks like a weird calculator.”
“If he can do it, we can do it, too.”
“In the end, we both lost.”
“It was a lot harder than it looks.”
“There are some moths in my house, and I don’t really want to kill them, but they are driving me crazy. I swear to god, if they start chewing my clothes, it’s gonna be game over. I’m gonna burn this house down.”
“I have lost my mind a little bit.”
“Worship me, Pinterest.”
“I feel like I am now the queen of DIY.”
“We would just sit there, and maybe look out the window, and maybe talk to each other.”
“You really needed a friend, but I really liked to play with it alone.”
“What did you do? That looks so cool!”
“I forgot I had a rope, and I forgot this thing called friction happens, and I sawed it in half.”
“I didn’t say anything to my dad, because I knew that that would be certain death.”
“I am a really bad liar and I have a terrible poker face.”
“My brother wasn’t going to tattle on me, because he is not a snitch, and I appreciate that.”
“It was like top ten most angry moments I’ve ever seen my dad.”
“Shut up, my gerbil is not fat.”
“Dude, your gerbil is so fat.”
“It was the most disgusting thing I think I’ve ever seen.”
“Sometimes, if your mom can’t take care of you, she’s just going to eat you.”
“I took a pair of scissors, and I decided to give my cat a haircut.”
“Damn it, now the cat’s gonna get his head stuck in everything.”
“I’m fired, I quit, I’m fired.”
“I got Julien a drone for his birthday.”
“He really just loves to chase it.”
“Why fight it when you can just work with it?”
“It really is completely hysterical.”
“This is what I want to watch on the Internet.”
“We love each other forever.”
“I would never do anything to put him in any sort of danger.”
“We work together to make fun things happen.”
“It’s just really cool and really amazing and I just wanted to share it with you.”
“You don’t even care, do you?”
“Do you need a snack or anything? You good?”
“I think avocados are propaganda in Southern California.”
“You hate something as meaningless as an avocado, Jenna? Really?”
“If I was a ghost, I wouldn’t just help people when they needed me, I’d be there all the time.”
“What’re you doing? Cutting your nails? I’m gonna stand here and watch.”
“Are you ever truly alone? I say no.”
“Why am I turning? I hate this chair…!”
“I don’t think ghosts and/or spirits just limit their visitation hours to when you need them. I think they’re there all the time. Creeping on you.”
“I think parasailing is boring as fuck.”
“That looks intense, count me out.”
“It’s very boring. It’s not worth it.”
“Why are you so famous? It really bothers me to the core of my being.”
“I think almond butter tastes like blood. I think it’s gross, and it tastes like blood.”
“I think tonic water tastes like earwax.”
“I think that making a salad is way too much work for the end result.”
“I’m not really talented at hard manual labor, which I’m sure my grandparents would find as a character flaw.”
“I think Jenna is the best name ever. Sorry, all other names.”
“I would buy her a drink like the gentleman I am.”
“I have a landlord that says no, but I say otherwise.”
“Go check out the otters. You won’t be disappointed.”
“They’re literally just there to have a great time.”
“I mean, it’s cool to see you, man, but you seem sad.”
“I think curtains are way too expensive for what they are, and a waste of money.”
“I’d see that, like, four times in the theater.”
“I’m legitimately terrified of prescription drugs.”
“I don’t really care what anybody says. I mean, I do a little bit.”
“Think for yourself, use your own brain, it’s a fun thing to do.”
“Guess what? This is life.”
“I think it’s funnier now that the song is two years old.”
“If I paid money for it, I’m angry about it.”
“This is the weirdest fucking app.”
“I think it’s genius. I think it’s great.”
“Does this not know that google exists?”
“Did that horse fall?”
“Is this porn? Is this porn? This feels porny.”
“This one makes me feel like I’m really there.”
“That’s pretty annoying.”
“It’s not the worst, but it’s also not not the worst.”
“One small tattoo for man, one giant leap backwards for mankind.”
“Oh my god, oh my god, that’s nightmare fuel.”
“It’s so stupid that it’s amazing.”
“Just that name is the funniest thing ever.”
“Oh, I hate this so fucking much.”
“Think of all the times you just needed a candle, but you don’t have one.”
“Whenever I find something really cool, I just tell Julien, and he never appreciates it, so I hope you appreciate it.”
“It’s time to go.”
“This is the cutest shovel I’ve ever seen.”
“I got this on sale!”
“I feel crazy.”
“I like to sew, even though I’m not very good at it. I just refuse to fail.”
“We used to have to take home economics, where you learn how to sew and cook and stuff, and, apparently, people don’t take that anymore.”
“I still am mediocre at it.”
“If shit ever went down at a zombie apocalypse, everyone’s gonna be butt-ass naked, and I’m gonna be over here, sewing, with electricity.”
“I’m just gonna try and sew myself a sick outfit.”
“I also don’t want to spend a lot of time doing this.”
“Fuck patterns, fuck all that shit, let’s just do it live.”
Everything that I sew is gonna be with navy blue and/or black thread, which, if you have a problem with, just go away now.”
“I’m gonna make a long maxi skirt, ‘cause those are overpriced.”
“I would do this drunk, but it seems really dangerous to sew drunk.”
“Something smells like burning.”
“It looks crooked, but you just pass it off as fashion.”
“Get your scissors, and cut whatever the fuck is bothering you the fuck out.”
“Backwards and forwards and backwards, it’s just like life.”
“The best way to learn is to just look at a shirt, and make it.”
“Just don’t even bother finishing anything.”
“Yes. Yes, cape, yes.”
“Somebody could have made something really nice out of this. Not me!”
“I’m literally wearing a tube of pajamas, and I love it.”
“When I was at the fabric store, I saw this, and just really couldn’t resist.”
“What lady going to a ball couldn’t fit this into her wardrobe?”
“A fun, exciting fabric to make a hat out of is denim.”
“Don’t laugh, it’s fashion!”
“If you saw this, you’d be like, that is couture.”
“I really should’ve just made my entire outfit out of this, but that’s for next time.”
“Looks great. I’m scared of you, but it looks good.”
“I feel like the outside matches the inside.”
“Yes, bitch, you fuck that outfit up.”
“Honestly, I’d wear this shirt. And this skirt.”
“I’m also sorry. But not that sorry.”
“Most of it just stems from being terrified of authority. I’m scared of getting in trouble.”
“Whenever someone asks me for my phone number, I always give out my real phone number. I can never lie and give them a fake number.”
“I’m terrified of having that confrontation.”
“Yeah, I got it really wet. It’s soaking wet. Just fully submerged in water. It’s wet.”
“I just wish that I could lie, but I feel too bad, I have to tell the truth.”
“I could’ve saved myself a lot of money with just a couple lies.”
“Their dogs are not therapy dogs, and you can tell.”
“I know for a fact that, by saying yes to that question, I’m just gonna get a lecture for the next ten minutes.”
“I don’t need to hear the lecture. I know the lecture.”
“Eggplant? Ew! The fuck is wrong with — my god, no…!”
“I don’t need to violently argue with someone when they say they don’t like something.”
“I can never, ever, ever lie to a police officer or a cop, ever.”
“I wasn’t speeding that much, but I was definitely speeding.”
“I was listening to R. Kelly’s World’s Greatest, and it was just getting me so hyped up that I just, I went so fast, I didn’t realize how fast I was going.”
“He gave me a $300 speeding ticket.”
“That started the ‘do not play’ list in the car.”
“You’re singing with your eyes closed, which is not good for driving, at all.”
“I think this is a good look. I think we should make this a thing.”
“Some of you guys are fuckin lying.”
“Oh my god, how’s it going? So good to see you!”
“Hey, thanks, I’m a catch.”
“It’s a conversation, we should listen.”
“I don’t wanna listen…”
“I’m gonna use my eyes and pretend I’m listening.”
“She just asked us a question — did you hear what she asked us?”
“So how’s, uh… how’s what’s his face?”
“I just don’t want her to tell the tree story again.”
“One time, I was climbing this tree in my backyard…”
“She can smell your fear, you know.”
“I can smell time. It’s 11:30.”
“I can rap. Quadruple threat.”
“Did you watch the baseball game the other night?”
“Are we drunk?”
“This is bad, we shouldn’t have said that, why did we say that?”
“Hey, we should get this pierced.”
“Do you feel like breaking something?”
“I really love you so much.”
“She’s already drunk ‘I love you’-ing.”
“At least she didn’t make any drunk plans yet.”
“We are not going to remember that. Not at all.”
“What do you think happens when you put a ton of lettuce into a woodchipper?”
“I fucking hate you guys. You guys are idiots.”
“My brain is a terrifying prison.”
“Why are you laughing already? Stop laughing.”
“You put the heel of my boot in my mouth? What are you, insane?”
“This touches the ground?”
“I was mad, sorry.”
“No, this is not going to turn into you solving a Rubik’s cube.”
“Who makes appointments a year in advance? I do.”
“This is my inhaler, you asshole!”
“Did you just say scoff?”
“You sinus-blasted me?!”
“Do you have any idea the mental preparation you need to have before you take one of those!?”
“As soon as it hit my tongue, I knew I was fucked.”
“Open up, we are playing a game.”
“Julien, my mouth tastes like Christmas tree!”
“Oh my god, what the fuck is that? It’s wet…”
“Open up all the way.”
“You put yeast in my mouth. That was fucked up.”
“Wow… I hate you.”
44 notes · View notes
tpaigeme · 6 years
just photos w original music
Dear Democratic Party.
I have a confession to make. The other day I slipped up and prayed.
Should I make a video confessing to my sin? In front of CNN? And the nation? And promise to never do it again? Should I resign in disgrace? An embarrassed look on my face?
I am guilty of party line violation caught in the act..of prayer and supplication to God.
Only you can save us oh great Democratic Party hacks —- the Saviors and Messiahs of our souls and our nation.  
I will meditate on you on a daily basis. Upon my little yoga mat I cross my legs and repeat the phrases, “cross my heart hope to die”,  forgive me for I
have sinned. How can I make amends?
Shame on me!  what kind of proper Luciferian prays, “our Father who art in heaven? Hallowed be thy name? Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us? And lead us not into temptation but, (and here’s the kicker), “deliver us from evil.”
Oops I said it again,  “deliver us from evil.”  
I guess that’s it for me and the Democratic Party. Think of the perks I will lose. But, the Lord I do happily choose, renouncing Satan. Only God can save our nation.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.  
They destroyed your LAND people!! You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental physical composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands, it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe.  Correct utopian fantasy must be not just worshipped and adored but done so correctly.
That’s what  got you going, spinning sideways out of control ike a top that had run out of petro. Like a drunken Mexican on the streets of Arrested Development.
That’s right. Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.
Because....you’re sane and they’re not.  
For the first time in my life I feel like I am the voice of reason and sanity and moderation . Lol.  That should give you an indication  of how crazy they are. Theyve out crazied T Paige.    It’s a great time a great day a great time for all the unhinged, unglued mentally unstable nut jobs to come out of the woodwork. They have a platform! The worm has turned. For years 50 years at least detente was a good thing! Now the Sore Loser  in Chief, Hillary Clinton and her chieftains are outraged, they need someone to blame for their loss, to save face.  Why not Russia! ???   So they dig themselves in deeper and deeper. Little do they know it’s their own grave.
How does it feel James to be the sanest voice in the room? Kind a cool ain’t it?  God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform!
Trumps approval  rating for July is higher than RR Jimmy Carter and tied w Bill Clinton.
The massive mainstream kgb style propaganda media, crooks, elite, and Facebook are, simply put, on the wrong side, behind the curve.  Congrats James.  Pat yourself on the back. Well deserved.
It’s very simple really. It’s all about practicality. If your ideas are so impractical as to beggar description, If you get inflamed and emotionally overwrought with other people’s responses negative impressions of your “solution”, step out of the echo chamber and into the light of reason. It is time for you to question.  Ask a simple question: what is this shit? Or just do nothing. The pressure to conform should be balanced by reason.
old tyme rockin gospel blues to make your drive more 'interesting' without taking your eyes off the road. or not. the visual is quite interesting too.  I may have stumbled on inter-dimensional photography...see if you can find the creatuers that inhabits these one of a kind photographs by t. paige.
Aug 24 and 25
Here is Jim- al X. Zones telling his side of the story. Oops sorry not available.  It’s been deleted since last night when I watched it.  It’s been removed from my YouTube history.
Go ahead try it.  Remember the Dixie chicks? How they were banned? This is no different. Madonna  says she wants to s*** Moamar khadaffi and f*** the guy in the Vanilla H *** but no  repercussions. Sorry Virgin Mary but Hillary blew him first.
It’s coming. Chinese style censorship.  I’m w the ACLU on this one folks. Unpopular opinions should not be banned any more than the library should ban  Catcher in the Rye.  Say goodbye to another freedom as we approach The NannyState.  Men have lost their cojones.  
Notice: You cannot NOT care. You must care.  For this thing right here. Not caring for this thing is not allowed.  You must care about women, minorities, etc because we say so. We don’t care but we’re hypocrites. That’s the difference. We’re all sociopaths. So that’s just how it works because...WE HAVE MORE MONEY AND we are IMPORTANT.  You, not so much. So you see it’s not really hypocrisy.  
ALSO, you are not allowed to care about your self you selfish Nazi racist bastard.
This might get me into trouble.
I posted Pray For our Country and got some anti trumpies comments.  They said  I’ll pray for that man in the WH.  Like he’s the only problem is the only one that we needs to pray about.
It’s starting to really piss me off.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  
Is there another reason to pray?  Is it because bombs are being dropped?  Is it because Obama decided we no longer have to declare war to drop bombs on people? Just pick a country. That we can bomb people anywhere anytime we want?  
Or is it because someone offended you?  Did it offend you when a convicted pedophile got a standing ovation from most of Hollywood including Meryl Streep at the Academy Awards? Or that madonna said she wanted to blow the White House up?   ( remember the Dixie Chicks! )
Or that Hillary Clinton got a child trafficer off the hook? When she kidnapped 30 children in Haiti? Or that this woman now is working for Amber alert? Under a different name? Is it because Muslim grooming gangs in England kept young girls around for sexual purposes for decades?  Is it because refugees from starving Africa are storming the beaches of Spain?  And roaming the streets of Italy with hatchets and machetes? Is it because there are approximately 1000 no go zones throughout Europe? Where the police do not dare go near?   Is it because there are towns in England that have been Muslimized, the churches and the pubs shut down. Is it because the plan under Hillary was to do the same here?
Is it because the real problem here is hypocrisy and fuzzy think.  Right and wrong no longer matter and is no longer discernible or desired by MSM brainwashed people.  Just don’t offend me ... my delicate feelings are all that matters... none of the above matters. But if you go off script, say something that offends me... ohmy! look out! I am on the warpath and I am marching on Washington!  
The problem here is,  “you awake?” is no longer the punch line of a joke about redneck foreplay.
I’m trying to add it all up.  I think I’m making progress:
What happened was nothing compared to what happens later. A descent.
But initially what happened? Each group made their point. Peacefully. Nothing happened. The fact that this had a good outcome, the three opposing groups had their say each in their moment and no one got hurt.
What happens a bit later, media types begin shaming....Your group is to blame. Blame blame blame.  
CNN set it up and dutifully the chorus chimed in. On cue just as we have come to expect.
There is something about creating impossible standards for people that sets them up for control. It’s a means of control and repression common among very manipulative types. (Sociopaths)
The real hurt came later. The attacks began. Now it’s a serious thing we are talking about.
Maligning to a certain extent one group or another.
Perhaps there is something to be gained from all of this. Certainly each group has something to say a point to make.
We see what is unreasonable, counterproductive. To some extent in it’s virulence, and unnecessary.
State your point, without bashing the rest of the world. Behave yourself online. Don’t make stupid comments. Don’t make hurtful comments. Don’t attack. Don’t vilify. Because that’s not what happened in the first place.
Through this lens ljust look at what happened. The boys do the school cheer. The blacks made their points however crude. The Native Americans intervene ostensibly prayerfully to create harmony. Good deal. The smirking white boy, an underage teen, was praying all the time for a peaceful resolution.  An end to the confusion. Admirable.
And guess what, prayers were answered.
Let’s be thankful for that.
Let these antagonistic voices reflect on their own motives, meanspiritedness, within their own souls and consciousness. Is what I am doing ugly, one sided and unfair? “I went off without hearing the whole story. And it devolved into a diatribe. For that I apologize. I got it wrong.”  
Later the Native Americans went to a church. During mass. They were not allowed to go in for fear that they would disrupt the services.
What if someone had come out and said you’re welcome to come in if you are quiet and respectful. Or you can wait and we will have a representative out here to listen to what you have to say.
Can you imagine ... Native Americans and Catholics outside on the steps harmoniously joining together in prayer?
Both sides believe in praying do they not?
Each side attaches solemnity to the act of praying. Then what is to prevent them from praying together?
That moment has passed but another moment is possible. We have had time to reflect, to process and come to a meeting of the minds.
The Pueblo Indians have a legend that some mysterious personage visited the tribe and told them of things to come.  
Thanks for listening.
Rainbows 🌈 and unicorns 🦄 4ever.  P.
Hey John, I’ve seen some of your Facebook posts that come in my feed checked out your page. I knew your dad.
Just remember the words to the prayer, is my best unsolicited advice.  It touches us all and everything better than anything and believe me I’ve searched my whole life. It’s a condensation and distillation of things that are spiritually meaningful to all of us. Best of all they are not my words or anybody else’s of similar human consciousness. We know they come from a higher place and beyond ourselves and they lift us up to that level. That’s my experience which I’m trying to share in this song. People share lots of things on fb, right?
I believe you are musically gifted ... I heard from your dad and others.  I don’t know if we’ve actually met but I remember there was some good buzz when you were younger.  
I’m trying to spread the word and various people come up, in my consciousness, individuals who for one reason or another I really want to share it with.  
So I just wanted to share this with you.
And hope you have a good day. Hang in there John.
There’s no reason to think that by the boys not being where they were supposed to be that there was ill intent on their part ... just wandering off.
Apparently these days just about anything no matter how innocent, like wandering off makes you a bad guy. That is very wrong in my opinion. Having white skin makes me a bad guy. It’s called identity politics, but it’s more like a circular firing squad.
And it’s orchestrated by the truly guilty, the fraction of 1% that control our minds. This control is exercised mainly through the Democratic Party these days but in times past it was the Republicans.
Neoliberals have emerged in the same way that neocons emerged and like a parasite have taken over the brain and diverted it 180° opposite from it’s original purpose and identity.
How can you get the majority of peaceful people to go to war without a pearl harbor or a Gulf of Tonkin or an assassination or a 911. Can you actually create a Civil War over an issue? They can. And they work on it day and night. Rust never sleeps.  
They have all of the tools and resources. Political power, the media, money.
When Mao was losing power he used his wife to destroy a culture.  I see the Clinton’s and their backers doing basically the same thing.  Any means necessary to retain power. Even if it takes down the whole country in process.  It doesn’t matter who you sleep with. Change the laws change the religion change the family destroy the family blame the culture, blame this one and that one, it’s all justified.  
But never blame those w the big $, the ones that have no allegiance but to power and who fund your group. Through their corrupt shell game, foundation/money laundering operation.
I guess what they want more than anything else at this point is civil war. They’ve taken civil disobedience and added violence to the mix and perverted Martin Luther King Jr’s. message or dismissed it.  
But most Americans still believe it. Most Americans don’t believe in what the neo liberals are pushing.  They have seen what the neocons did to this country.  And they are not buying this divisive “movement” to further divide us, either.  
It’s been around for quite some time, three decades at least. It’s never been about uniting us. It’s never been about us. And that’s what Bernie tried  to do and did! Unite us. And look what happened to him.
The DNC has been exposed and yet they keep on going in the same direction. They are still leading the charge off this cliff. Male against female, black against white etc. And these people the majority of them are good people and couldn’t care less. So they’ve come for the children.  
Look how CNN twisted what happened and turned on these boys. Got the whole nation  up in arms against them. Now they get death threats and have been docsed.  
Can you imagine CNN calling high school kids “school shooters?”  But that’s the side CNN took.  Against kids.  These are foul, evil people at CNN. They are supposed to be journalists and they are preaching hatred against kids.
Back to the wandering off bit.  If there was a group of native Americans demonstrating or protesting or just doing something interesting wouldn’t you want to watch? Maybe you might wander off too, to see what was going on? That was the whole wish and desire of the Native Americans.  They wanted that attention. So why were the boys at fault for wanting to check it out? It was interesting. How did they know what would happen next?
But it’s so easy in this culture to pin the blame on the innocent.  And even feel good about it because you are taking up for the “poor oppressed minority.”   But not the poor, oppressed white families faltering in this climate less and less which Bernie recognized. Austerity.
It’s not good judgment, or just, to do that but that’s what happens again and again.  
This time it happened to a group of teenage Catholic boys. Who I think behaved admirably.
Who targeted them?  The minorities that everyone is so quick to embrace even if they are in the wrong. Even if they are railroading an innocent person or persons. Or a whole country.  
I will embrace them too when they realize I’m not the enemy.  I pray for them because I have more in common with them than what divides us if they only knew that we have a common enemy. As long as we are divided the problems will become worse.  Our enemies would fall in a nanosecond if we all united.  
It’s CNN’s job to make sure we don’t. That’s their real mission, and their real job. Not reporting the news. That’s what they get paid for. Hit pieces against kids. Not reporting the news. Not reporting what actually happened.  
No, this time they came after our kids.  They’ve been after them for quite some time. Along with mom and dad.  But Mom and Dad are hopefully both fully awake by now and can see what’s going on.
It’s a whole new ball game when they come for your kids.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, God’s creation, over which we were to be “responsible stewards” not irresponsible psychopaths...as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.
But no, Hell no. They destroyed your LAND people!!
You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands. No, hell no.
it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  In your laziness and intellectual dishonesty, you have elevated the smallest vexation and irritation to an Absolute. Your own little fiefdom where you sit, pompous and pussy-hatted on your throne and rule with an iron fist and a divine pussy hat with a clear mandate: Maintain by illogic ucharade-save the Wispies!
That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe utopian fantasy where you are, not just worshipped and adored but correctly, perfectly.
That’s what  got you going? Spinning like a top that had run out of gas wobbling like a drunken Mexican?
That’s right. “Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.”
And I am infinitely mindful of your every infinitesimally small screwup and transgression.
Damn right.
Who knows? What you’re on about. Only you.  
But it’s got you going you up off your ass out in the street raving like a fucking lunatic.
Have at it, motherfucker,  have at it. We’ve already had our way with your mother so have at it!  
I wouldn’t say this if it wasn’t important.
Granted there are a lot of people upset about the election. It’s apparent that the democratic party though, has gone too far w their rhetoric. All this about Civil War, impeachment, and every other extreme Kathy Griffin type of nastiness, isn’t that what it is? You tell me? What is it?
Trump’s approval numbers for July according to Gallup, are higher than LBJ, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and the same as Clinton. Depressing isn’t it?  But keep swimming.  Keep up the good fight. But be careful about unintended consequences.  
There are people that actually voted for Trump. It’s not a crime. They were exercising their rights. Now you want to bash them. I understand. I’ve lived through Nixon and Bush and LBJ.  Mistakes were clearly made and lives were sacrificed.  At this point we have not reached that level of atrocity. Perhaps we should all remember sticks and stones may break my bones.  
There is good evidence that LBJ had Kennedy killed. He was in on it. Lone gunman ... I don’t think so. The Warren report was fraud a massive fabrication.
I’m saying this so that you can see and acknowledge that there is a Behind the scenes network. They carried off that coup . And they carried off 911.  They got Americans to believe a lie. Aided and abetted by the mainstream media.
Do you want to know the truth? You’re not going to get it by being outraged at everything that the mainstream media reports as fact. There is a truth community it is neither Republican nor Democrat. It is both.
I don’t know why Trump won. But Hillary was part of the reason. Number one the way she treated Bernie...Number two Hillary herself.  This whole thing of winning at all costs doubling down, Russian collusion, you need to investigate how that all started. It was a campaign hatched on day one. Opposition research that went too far just like everything that Hillary does.
You have to recognize that even when you protest the other side has a right to their point of you. You have to try to meet in the middle. I was an activist for 20 years before all this happened. One of the things that most of us realized was you can’t let anger take over your life.  You can be angry but use it in a constructive way! Our model was Gandhi civil disobedience discourse.
Also you need to look at George Soros from the other side. What they really want is a police state. They want to stifle dissent.  Which is ironic. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t call people racist who simply disagree on the way to proceed. The kind of solution on immigration etc.  I don’t care if you have the pope on your side calling people out as racists for wanting to enforce immigration laws that already exist that have existed for years in every country. Why would such a radical agenda as open borders be promoted?  Is that not a dangerous idea? Just open the borders to everyone? It would be nice if we lived in that kind of world. But there are bad guys and we don’t live in that kind of world.
There is so much wrong with the liberal agenda right now. It is diametrically opposed to historical liberalism. You hurt your cause w some  of the tactics that are used to promote your cause.  
You need to break away from all of that because number one where is it coming from? Consider the source. The mainstream media which is controlled by the CIA. It is heavily regulated by the CIA. If you would do your research you would find out that Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA.  So did Nancy Pelosi. Gloria Steinem by her own account in an interview went into great detail about those days. They funded Ms. magazine. Do you think that she was the only one? Do you think that practice has stopped?
Go to Ted talks on YouTube and watch the video of the reporter who defected from the mainstream media and is now a whistleblower. It is amazing how devious they are and have become.  
Sheryl Atkinson
Also look up Maria Kennedy Shriver on Krista Tippet’s “On Being” talk show on NPR.   She talks about some of the mistakes that folks on the left have made. She talks about her faith. It’s a very good interview. She has written a book.
Sorry for any typos, and lack of syntax. I’m typing with my thumb on my phone. 😗
It’s interesting how Hillary and her supporters. And many politicians.  Oh hell the worm turns. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, a worm.  For at least half a century detente has been seen as a good thing by most politicians and Americans. But now, when it is advantageous to the Democrats to save face, they set up a new boogie man. Guess who it is Russia!Traditionally, it has been the Democrats who were prone to not take a hard line on Russia.  But now and at election time sadly we’re supposed to pay Russians! It’s our patriotic duty to hate Russians ... and lovee the cia!!! WTF.  But Hillary says... oh is it Hillary? Oh yes it is. It’s Hillary. Hillary says, and of course she is very objective here. She just lost the election but no matter. She can still remain objective about all of this. She wouldn’t be blaming the Russians to excuse her own failure would she? That would just be too coincidental too convenient.  Take her word for it. You’re w her.  The embattled and bitter Hillary Clinton. Thats a ship I definitely don’t want to go down with.  I never was on that bandwagon. And I am not now.
From the Hills and valleys mountains rivers and streams...A place called Appahchia (pronounced AppaLATCHia)
Electronic voting in the US is a huge problem.
#1. Both parties have hacked voting computers.  The DNC is famous or infamous for Voter fraud.
#2. They bus people to several locations to vote.   Remember the irregularities in Arizona during the primary? These people kNo there is a pot of gold at the end of anrainbow. Do you think a little thing like fraud is going to stop them?
#3. Diebold has been kicked out of Europe.  
https://youtu.be/u4FPuLNjvAc. Fox
https://youtu.be/OvF213popIA. Flipped
https://youtu.be/_IAJ5fAm3Cs. Investigators
https://youtu.be/ibK4de85IKw. Calling Hillary Cunton
https://youtu.be/mEp0kUzmLns. 56 Diebold machines
Ron Paul.
Princeton Diebold Study
Steallary Clinton
I’m trying to add it all up.  I think I’m making progress:
What happened was nothing compared to what happens later. A descent.
But initially what happened? Each group made their point. Peacefully. Nothing happened. The fact that this had a good outcome, the three opposing groups had their say each in their moment and no one got hurt.
What happens a bit later, media types begin shaming....Your group is to blame. Blame blame blame.  
CNN set it up and dutifully the chorus chimed in. On cue just as we have come to expect.
There is something about creating impossible standards for people that sets them up for control. It’s a means of control and repression common among very manipulative types. (Sociopaths)
The real hurt came later. The attacks began. Now it’s a serious thing we are talking about.
Maligning to a certain extent one group or another.
Perhaps there is something to be gained from all of this. Certainly each group has something to say a point to make.
We see what is unreasonable, counterproductive. To some extent in it’s virulence, and unnecessary.
State your point, without bashing the rest of the world. Behave yourself online. Don’t make stupid comments. Don’t make hurtful comments. Don’t attack. Don’t vilify. Because that’s not what happened in the first place.
Through this lens ljust look at what happened. The boys do the school cheer. The blacks made their points however crude. The Native Americans intervene ostensibly prayerfully to create harmony. Good deal. The smirking white boy, an underage teen, was praying all the time for a peaceful resolution.  An end to the confusion. Admirable.
And guess what, prayers were answered.
Let’s be thankful for that.
Let these antagonistic voices reflect on their own motives, meanspiritedness, within their own souls and consciousness. Is what I am doing ugly, one sided and unfair? “I went off without hearing the whole story. And it devolved into a diatribe. For that I apologize. I got it wrong.”  
Later the Native Americans went to a church. During mass. They were not allowed to go in for fear that they would disrupt the services.
What if someone had come out and said you’re welcome to come in if you are quiet and respectful. Or you can wait and we will have a representative out here to listen to what you have to say.
Can you imagine ... Native Americans and Catholics outside on the steps harmoniously joining together in prayer?
Both sides believe in praying do they not?
Each side attaches solemnity to the act of praying. Then what is to prevent them from praying together?
That moment has passed but another moment is possible. We have had time to reflect, to process and come to a meeting of the minds.
The Pueblo Indians have a legend that some mysterious personage visited the tribe and told them of things to come.  
Thanks for listening.
Rainbows 🌈 and unicorns 🦄 4ever.  P.
Hey John, I’ve seen some of your Facebook posts that come in my feed checked out your page. I knew your dad.
Just remember the words to the prayer, is my best unsolicited advice.  It touches us all and everything better than anything and believe me I’ve searched my whole life. It’s a condensation and distillation of things that are spiritually meaningful to all of us. Best of all they are not my words or anybody else’s of similar human consciousness. We know they come from a higher place and beyond ourselves and they lift us up to that level. That’s my experience which I’m trying to share in this song. People share lots of things on fb, right?
I believe you are musically gifted ... I heard from your dad and others.  I don’t know if we’ve actually met but I remember there was some good buzz when you were younger.  
I’m trying to spread the word and various people come up, in my consciousness, individuals who for one reason or another I really want to share it with.  
So I just wanted to share this with you.
And hope you have a good day. Hang in there John.
There’s no reason to think that by the boys not being where they were supposed to be that there was ill intent on their part ... just wandering off.
Apparently these days just about anything no matter how innocent, like wandering off makes you a bad guy. That is very wrong in my opinion. Having white skin makes me a bad guy. It’s called identity politics, but it’s more like a circular firing squad.
And it’s orchestrated by the truly guilty, the fraction of 1% that control our minds. This control is exercised mainly through the Democratic Party these days but in times past it was the Republicans.
Neoliberals have emerged in the same way that neocons emerged and like a parasite have taken over the brain and diverted it 180° opposite from it’s original purpose and identity.
How can you get the majority of peaceful people to go to war without a pearl harbor or a Gulf of Tonkin or an assassination or a 911. Can you actually create a Civil War over an issue? They can. And they work on it day and night. Rust never sleeps.  
They have all of the tools and resources. Political power, the media, money.
When Mao was losing power he used his wife to destroy a culture.  I see the Clinton’s and their backers doing basically the same thing.  Any means necessary to retain power. Even if it takes down the whole country in process.  It doesn’t matter who you sleep with. Change the laws change the religion change the family destroy the family blame the culture, blame this one and that one, it’s all justified.  
But never blame those w the big $, the ones that have no allegiance but to power and who fund your group. Through their corrupt shell game, foundation/money laundering operation.
I guess what they want more than anything else at this point is civil war. They’ve taken civil disobedience and added violence to the mix and perverted Martin Luther King Jr’s. message or dismissed it.  
But most Americans still believe it. Most Americans don’t believe in what the neo liberals are pushing.  They have seen what the neocons did to this country.  And they are not buying this divisive “movement” to further divide us, either.  
It’s been around for quite some time, three decades at least. It’s never been about uniting us. It’s never been about us. And that’s what Bernie tried  to do and did! Unite us. And look what happened to him.
The DNC has been exposed and yet they keep on going in the same direction. They are still leading the charge off this cliff. Male against female, black against white etc. And these people the majority of them are good people and couldn’t care less. So they’ve come for the children.  
Look how CNN twisted what happened and turned on these boys. Got the whole nation  up in arms against them. Now they get death threats and have been docsed.  
Can you imagine CNN calling high school kids “school shooters?”  But that’s the side CNN took.  Against kids.  These are foul, evil people at CNN. They are supposed to be journalists and they are preaching hatred against kids.
Back to the wandering off bit.  If there was a group of native Americans demonstrating or protesting or just doing something interesting wouldn’t you want to watch? Maybe you might wander off too, to see what was going on? That was the whole wish and desire of the Native Americans.  They wanted that attention. So why were the boys at fault for wanting to check it out? It was interesting. How did they know what would happen next?
But it’s so easy in this culture to pin the blame on the innocent.  And even feel good about it because you are taking up for the “poor oppressed minority.”   But not the poor, oppressed white families faltering in this climate less and less which Bernie recognized. Austerity.
It’s not good judgment, or just, to do that but that’s what happens again and again.  
This time it happened to a group of teenage Catholic boys. Who I think behaved admirably.
Who targeted them?  The minorities that everyone is so quick to embrace even if they are in the wrong. Even if they are railroading an innocent person or persons. Or a whole country.  
I will embrace them too when they realize I’m not the enemy.  I pray for them because I have more in common with them than what divides us if they only knew that we have a common enemy. As long as we are divided the problems will become worse.  Our enemies would fall in a nanosecond if we all united.  
It’s CNN’s job to make sure we don’t. That’s their real mission, and their real job. Not reporting the news. That’s what they get paid for. Hit pieces against kids. Not reporting the news. Not reporting what actually happened.  
No, this time they came after our kids.  They’ve been after them for quite some time. Along with mom and dad.  But Mom and Dad are hopefully both fully awake by now and can see what’s going on.
It’s a whole new ball game when they come for your kids.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, God’s creation, over which we were to be “responsible stewards” not irresponsible psychopaths...as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.
But no, Hell no. They destroyed your LAND people!!
You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands. No, hell no.
it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  In your laziness and intellectual dishonesty, you have elevated the smallest vexation and irritation to an Absolute. Your own little fiefdom where you sit, pompous and pussy-hatted on your throne and rule with an iron fist and a divine pussy hat with a clear mandate: Maintain by illogic ucharade-save the Wispies!
That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe utopian fantasy where you are, not just worshipped and adored but correctly, perfectly.
That’s what  got you going? Spinning like a top that had run out of gas wobbling like a drunken Mexican?
That’s right. “Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.”
And I am infinitely mindful of your every infinitesimally small screwup and transgression.
Damn right.
Who knows? What you’re on about. Only you.  
But it’s got you going you up off your ass out in the street raving like a fucking lunatic.
Have at it, motherfucker,  have at it. We’ve already had our way with your mother so have at it!  
I wouldn’t say this if it wasn’t important.
Granted there are a lot of people upset about the election. It’s apparent that the democratic party though, has gone too far w their rhetoric. All this about Civil War, impeachment, and every other extreme Kathy Griffin type of nastiness, isn’t that what it is? You tell me? What is it?
Trump’s approval numbers for July according to Gallup, are higher than LBJ, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and the same as Clinton. Depressing isn’t it?  But keep swimming.  Keep up the good fight. But be careful about unintended consequences.  
There are people that actually voted for Trump. It’s not a crime. They were exercising their rights. Now you want to bash them. I understand. I’ve lived through Nixon and Bush and LBJ.  Mistakes were clearly made and lives were sacrificed.  At this point we have not reached that level of atrocity. Perhaps we should all remember sticks and stones may break my bones.  
There is good evidence that LBJ had Kennedy killed. He was in on it. Lone gunman ... I don’t think so. The Warren report was fraud a massive fabrication.
I’m saying this so that you can see and acknowledge that there is a Behind the scenes network. They carried off that coup . And they carried off 911.  They got Americans to believe a lie. Aided and abetted by the mainstream media.
Do you want to know the truth? You’re not going to get it by being outraged at everything that the mainstream media reports as fact. There is a truth community it is neither Republican nor Democrat. It is both.
I don’t know why Trump won. But Hillary was part of the reason. Number one the way she treated Bernie...Number two Hillary herself.  This whole thing of winning at all costs doubling down, Russian collusion, you need to investigate how that all started. It was a campaign hatched on day one. Opposition research that went too far just like everything that Hillary does.
You have to recognize that even when you protest the other side has a right to their point of you. You have to try to meet in the middle. I was an activist for 20 years before all this happened. One of the things that most of us realized was you can’t let anger take over your life.  You can be angry but use it in a constructive way! Our model was Gandhi civil disobedience discourse.
Also you need to look at George Soros from the other side. What they really want is a police state. They want to stifle dissent.  Which is ironic. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t call people racist who simply disagree on the way to proceed. The kind of solution on immigration etc.  I don’t care if you have the pope on your side calling people out as racists for wanting to enforce immigration laws that already exist that have existed for years in every country. Why would such a radical agenda as open borders be promoted?  Is that not a dangerous idea? Just open the borders to everyone? It would be nice if we lived in that kind of world. But there are bad guys and we don’t live in that kind of world.
There is so much wrong with the liberal agenda right now. It is diametrically opposed to historical liberalism. You hurt your cause w some  of the tactics that are used to promote your cause.  
You need to break away from all of that because number one where is it coming from? Consider the source. The mainstream media which is controlled by the CIA. It is heavily regulated by the CIA. If you would do your research you would find out that Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA.  So did Nancy Pelosi. Gloria Steinem by her own account in an interview went into great detail about those days. They funded Ms. magazine. Do you think that she was the only one? Do you think that practice has stopped?
Go to Ted talks on YouTube and watch the video of the reporter who defected from the mainstream media and is now a whistleblower. It is amazing how devious they are and have become.  
Sheryl Atkinson
Also look up Maria Kennedy Shriver on Krista Tippet’s “On Being” talk show on NPR.   She talks about some of the mistakes that folks on the left have made. She talks about her faith. It’s a very good interview. She has written a book.
Sorry for any typos, and lack of syntax. I’m typing with my thumb on my phone. 😗
It’s interesting how Hillary and her supporters. And many politicians.  Oh hell the worm turns. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, a worm.  For at least half a century detente has been seen as a good thing by most politicians and Americans. But now, when it is advantageous to the Democrats to save face, they set up a new boogie man. Guess who it is Russia!Traditionally, it has been the Democrats who were prone to not take a hard line on Russia.  But now and at election time sadly we’re supposed to pay Russians! It’s our patriotic duty to hate Russians ... and lovee the cia!!! WTF.  But Hillary says... oh is it Hillary? Oh yes it is. It’s Hillary. Hillary says, and of course she is very objective here. She just lost the election but no matter. She can still remain objective about all of this. She wouldn’t be blaming the Russians to excuse her own failure would she? That would just be too coincidental too convenient.  Take her word for it. You’re w her.  The embattled and bitter Hillary Clinton. Thats a ship I definitely don’t want to go down with.  I never was on that bandwagon. And I am not now.
From the Hills and valleys mountains rivers and streams...A place called Appahchia (pronounced AppaLATCHia)
Electronic voting in the US is a huge problem.
#1. Both parties have hacked voting computers.  The DNC is famous or infamous for Voter fraud.
#2. They bus people to several locations to vote.   Remember the irregularities in Arizona during the primary? These people kNo there is a pot of gold at the end of anrainbow. Do you think a little thing like fraud is going to stop them?
#3. Diebold has been kicked out of Europe.  
https://youtu.be/u4FPuLNjvAc. Fox
https://youtu.be/OvF213popIA. Flipped
https://youtu.be/_IAJ5fAm3Cs. Investigators
https://youtu.be/ibK4de85IKw. Calling Hillary Cunton
https://youtu.be/mEp0kUzmLns. 56 Diebold machines
Ron Paul.
Princeton Diebold Study
Steallary Clinton
old tyme rockin gospel blues to make your drive more 'interesting' without taking your eyes off the road. or not. the visual is quite interesting too.  I may have stumbled on inter-dimensional photography...see if you can find the creatuers that inhabits these one of a kind photographs by t. paige.
Aug 24 and 25
Here is Jim- al X. Zones telling his side of the story. Oops sorry not available.  It’s been deleted since last night when I watched it.  It’s been removed from my YouTube history.
Go ahead try it.  Remember the Dixie chicks? How they were banned? This is no different. Madonna  says she wants to s*** Moamar khadaffi and f*** the guy in the Vanilla H *** but no  repercussions. Sorry Virgin Mary but Hillary blew him first.
It’s coming. Chinese style censorship.  I’m w the ACLU on this one folks. Unpopular opinions should not be banned any more than the library should ban  Catcher in the Rye.  Say goodbye to another freedom as we approach The NannyState.  Men have lost their cojones.  
Notice: You cannot NOT care. You must care.  For this thing right here. Not caring for this thing is not allowed.  You must care about women, minorities, etc because we say so. We don’t care but we’re hypocrites. That’s the difference. We’re all sociopaths. So that’s just how it works because...WE HAVE MORE MONEY AND we are IMPORTANT.  You, not so much. So you see it’s not really hypocrisy.  
ALSO, you are not allowed to care about your self you selfish Nazi racist bastard.
This might get me into trouble.
I posted Pray For our Country and got some anti trumpies comments.  They said  I’ll pray for that man in the WH.  Like he’s the only problem is the only one that we needs to pray about.
It’s starting to really piss me off.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  
Is there another reason to pray?  Is it because bombs are being dropped?  Is it because Obama decided we no longer have to declare war to drop bombs on people? Just pick a country. That we can bomb people anywhere anytime we want?  
Or is it because someone offended you?  Did it offend you when a convicted pedophile got a standing ovation from most of Hollywood including Meryl Streep at the Academy Awards? Or that madonna said she wanted to blow the White House up?   ( remember the Dixie Chicks! )
Or that Hillary Clinton got a child trafficer off the hook? When she kidnapped 30 children in Haiti? Or that this woman now is working for Amber alert? Under a different name? Is it because Muslim grooming gangs in England kept young girls around for sexual purposes for decades?  Is it because refugees from starving Africa are storming the beaches of Spain?  And roaming the streets of Italy with hatchets and machetes? Is it because there are approximately 1000 no go zones throughout Europe? Where the police do not dare go near?   Is it because there are towns in England that have been Muslimized, the churches and the pubs shut down. Is it because the plan under Hillary was to do the same here?
Is it because the real problem here is hypocrisy and fuzzy think.  Right and wrong no longer matter and is no longer discernible or desired by MSM brainwashed people.  Just don’t offend me ... my delicate feelings are all that matters... none of the above matters. But if you go off script, say something that offends me... ohmy! look out! I am on the warpath and I am marching on Washington!  
The problem here is,  “you awake?” is no longer the punch line of a joke about redneck foreplay.
Hi Kathy, I'm sorry I upset you. We can agree to disagree? I'm sure there's a lot we agree on.
Number one we are in deep do. But we just know it now but i guess we always have been.  
They tried to kill us once already in the 60s, but somehow we fought back and we won. I wish we could have that kind of unity today. I think there's a way but we need to make certain tweaks. Remember it was all about civil disobedience and Henry David Thoreau.  Mahatma Gandhi.  Martin Luther King. Bob Dylan. And I believe that kind of a movement is still possible.  But they've taken away the music from young people and left them with Taylor Swift.  
Back then we felt that women had our backs. That's not true today. The feminist counter movement became obsessed with attacking men and advancing some strange agenda, apart from liberating women. It became part of the divide and conquer strategy.  
Every movement, is prone to a counter movement.  The countermovement is in many of these movements.  They take the energy from the movement and use it for their own devices and political purposes.  To garner support>votes>power not for the people but for themselves, those at the top of the countermovement within these movements.
There I go again.  But doesn't that make sense Kathy?  It really doesn't matter if we agree even on this. That is just one example of how we can agree to disagree and still survive. This has happened even in the church.  In every movement. Every movement that becomes a household word is fair game and a prime target to be overtaken and used and taken in a direction that it was not intended for. Sometimes the very opposite of that direction. This is true in the case of the church. The goal is to capture the heart. The closer it gets to the heart the more damage is done. If they can’t get to the heart from the inside they will destroy it from the outside as in the case of environmental assaults on our mountains and water.  
One of the tweaks I mentioned was allowing God to inform our decisions.  We have to do this first in ourselves.  We have to forgive for one thing. Remember we had Martin Luther King, a minister, a preacher a church person. Yes we do have to be careful. That’s why I say it begins in our own hearts.
I really don’t mean to preach. I just think it’s important that we allow God at least allow people who have that in their make up to exist if that is their dream to have it as a part of their solution.  
Some people feel this is an outmoded form of expression.  It certainly can be abused and a means of control which is what God does not want. To me the Lords prayer is the perfect expression of God and also Psalm 23.   But there are many more. These are just two of the ones that have had a major impact on me.  
But I recognize that even in myself there is a war going on.  So sometimes I have to step back and re-center.  When everything is working properly within and everything is in balance that is the only time I really have anything to offer.  It’s really easy to fall off the wagon though.  Trial and error.  It’s not easy to get there.  
This morning I woke up and everything was fine. Then I thought of some injury or slight and immediately my happiness was gone.   Because my focus became anger.  Yes, I do have a lot to be angry about but I can’t focus on it. And I have to forgive from my heart if I want to be happy, is what I realized.  So i’m working on it. Lol.  OK?   Hopefully I’ll change. Become more mellow, lol. Bear w me ok?  It’s important to me to get along with people care about. I understand if you need a break from this deeply flawed person. I know I’m a handful. I try to shield people from my neuroses and unpleasantness, but sometimes it gets the better of me.  I’ve always been kind of an agitator at heart.  But I will always try to make it right.  Right now I think that people just need a break from all of my drama.   That’s the message I’m giving this morning.
Have a good day Kathy. I hope we can agree on more than just a little.
Here is the song that meant so much to me.  TY.
0 notes
REVEAL - Project Emerjence
Today Jamie Zakian and Month9Books are revealing the cover and first chapter for PROJECT EMERGENCE which releases March 14, 2017! Check out the gorgeous cover and enter to be one of the first readers to receive a eGalley!!
A quick note from the author:
I’ve always dreamed of writing an epic sci-fi thriller. I knew I wanted it to involve a group of teens leaving a dead Earth to start new lives on a terra formed Mars, but I didn’t have any ideas on how to make the plot exciting. Then, a song I never heard before played on my Pandora app. Escape by Rogue. As that song blasted through my headphones, the entire story that is Project Emergence streamed through my mind like a movie trailer. So, I went straight to work. It took months of frantic writing, almost a year of editing, and a mini rewrite, but that moment of inspiration became my first YA novel.
Project Emergence is a fast-paced thrill ride across the stars. It shows the extent people will go to uphold their beliefs, and that love can overcome any evil.
On to the reveal! 
Author: Jamie Zakian
Pub. Date: March 14, 2017
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 292
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | TBD
An ancient Hopi myth says people arrived on tiny silver pods that fell from the sky.
But the truth is far more terrifying.
Two-hundred fifty-eight teens are sent from a dying Earth to a terraformed Mars as part of the Emergence Program, mankind’s last hope before solar flares finish off their planet and species. Among the brave pioneers are sixteen-year-old Joey Westen and her twin brother, Jesse.
After only minutes in space, something triggers a total ship lock down.
With the help of their roommates, the Matsuda twins (notorious hackers and shady secret-keepers), Joey and Jesse stumble onto an extremist plot to sabotage the Emergence Program.
But Joey and Jesse didn’t travel to the deepest pits of space and leave their mother behind to be picked off in a high-tech tin can. They’ll lie, hack, and even kill to survive the voyage and make it to Mars.
Chapter One Joey stared out the window of a large, airtight van. The nose of a spaceship peeked above maroon-crested hills, and her forehead thumped against the glass. A light crinkle drew her stare, right to the paper wrinkling in her grip. She loosened her stiff fingers, smoothing a crease from the official seal of the Unified Nations of Earth. The letter in her hand still mesmerized her. Selected, Terraformed Mars, New home, those words knocked the bottom from her stomach every time she read them. Things were getting way too real. No more tiny lead-lined home, school time at the kitchen table, mom. She turned to Jesse, her brother’s smirk brighter than an X1 flare. “You’re a crappy twin. I’m freaking out right now, you should be too.” Jesse rolled his stare her way. “Fraternal twins don’t work like that.” “That’s not true.” She read the letter again, making sure both their names were listed for the umpteenth time. “I can’t believe this is happening.” Jesse squirmed, frowning a moment before his perma-smile returned. “No one from G-Sector ever goes anywhere.” “Did you see the look on mom’s face when we left?” “I know. Buzzkill.” “What’s she gonna do without us?” “Finally be able to feed herself,” Jesse snickered. Joey shook her head, folding the letter. “Maybe she’ll win the next lottery, meet up with us on Mars.” “Yeah, I don’t think so.” “Why not?” Jesse leaned close, keeping his voice low. “Didn’t you hear what that kid behind us was saying?” “No. What?” “He said there are no random drawings.” Jesse eyed the soldier stationed at the front of the van, then the other two at the rear. “That everyone is selected for a specific purpose.” “But, that would mean the U.N.E. is lying to everyone,” Joey said, a bit too loud. Jesse’s eyes opened wide, and she shrugged. “You’re gonna get us booted from this ride before we even launch.” “Sorry,” she muttered. “It’s a stupid idea anyway ‘cause look, we’re here. What do we have to offer? All you can do is fix stuff, and me … well, I’m just good at being cute.” She batted her eyes, flaunting a sly smile. “Yeah you’re right, that’s real flippin cute.” Jesse slanted toward the aisle, glancing around the cab. “There aren’t any adults on this van.” “There’s the soldier guys.” “Geez R-tard, I mean the passengers.” Joey pinched her brother, who wriggled away. “R-tard,” she mimicked. With a failed attempt to appear casual, she popped her head up and scanned the many seats. Sparkly clothes and bright makeup captured her stare. “They look like A-Sectors.” So lavish but she could see beyond the illusion of glittering threads and flawless skin, to the same excited fear that dwelled in her own eyes. “Please remain seated while the vehicle’s in motion,” a soldier thundered. Jesse grabbed Joey’s arm, pulling her down into the seat. “Smooth sister, real smooth.” She shrank back, initiating her trusty get-out-of-messes frowny smile. “Oops. In trouble already, figures.” Grumbles erupted from her brother’s lips, and she turned back to the dusty earth outside her window. Crazy how one day, and a trip to the mailbox, could change her entire life. Yesterday, she was painting a mural of Mars on their bedroom wall. Today, she was going to Mars. The parched countryside vanished behind a tunnel’s wall. She sagged down in her seat. For sixteen years, she clung to Jesse. Every time dust storms pelted their windowless metal house, she curled under his arm. Mom worked late and her hand became glued to his. And now, when she actually needed the comfort of his touch, her brain decided it’s time to man-up. Her eyes narrowed. She zeroed in on his cozy looking hand, her fingers drumming a steady beat on her leg. *** Sabrina poked her head around a corner. Her fingers tightened around a rifle’s grip as she peered down a dim corridor. Shadows danced along the concrete wall and she backed up, pressing her comms button. “Stone to dispatch, come in dispatch.” Static crackled in her ear, a garbled voice cutting in and out. “Dispatch, do you read? Where the hell is my back-up?” This time, only the fizz of dead air replied. “Damn underground bright-out dens,” she mumbled. These missions twisted her gut every time. There were very few people left alive on Earth. Many couldn’t afford specially designed homes or the rising cost of oxygen, and it didn’t sit right to bust folks just for trying to survive the scorching sun. Although, as a captain of the Unified Nations of Earth, she had a duty to her planet. Neither a heavy conscience nor lack of back-up would hinder that. Sabrina held her weapon close, skulking down the stone passage. Two men strolled around the bend, stopping short and she popped off two rounds. No sound emitted from the gun’s muzzle, just a flash that lit the graffiti-stained walls in white. The men slumped to the floor. Tiny darts protruded from their chests, pamphlets spilling from their limp hands. “Earth-heads,” she muttered, glimpsing anti-Mars propaganda. A clink of metal echoed to her left and she headed toward it. Men and woman dropped as Sabrina skated through shadows. Their tranquilized bodies slapped concrete, leading a trail to a solid door at the end of the long hallway. She reached into her vest, extracting a small explosive charge. Just as the magnet clinked to the steel slab, a voice sputtered into her earpiece. “Captain Stone, we’ve breeched the airlock. En route to your position.” “Bout time,” she muttered. Her thumb glided overtop the button of a wireless detonator and spikes of fear burrowed into her gut. U.N.E protocol, the whirl in her stomach, her brain required to wait for back-up. Pride, however, was a persistent little sucker, one that set loose a torrent of electric shocks to course freely in her veins. She scurried back, covered her head, and pressed the button. An explosion rocked her chest, slamming her against the wall. Hunks of concrete crashed down, and the door slammed atop the rubble. Sabrina swung her rifle dead ahead. Adrenaline perked her lips into a smile as she charged through wisps of smoke, firing upon every body that lunged her way. “This is a raid of the U.N.E., get down on the ground.” Soldiers flooded the doorway behind her and she dropped her grin. A woman needed an iron-clad stare amid this troop of grunts. “Took you guys long enough.” She turned, stumbling back as the five-stars of a General gleamed in her eyes. “Sir,” she roared, standing up straight. “Captain Stone, I need you to come with me.” Sabrina glanced around, as much as one could without moving a single muscle in their neck. Her men cleared the room as a smaller group, with much larger guns, crowded around her. “Am I in trouble sir?” “Quite the contrary, Captain. You’ve been selected for an important mission. You’re going to Mars, soldier.” *** Joey grabbed her brother’s hand the instant he climbed off the van’s step. Her attempt to play the tough-guy had gone on long enough. People shuffled all around the wide-open room, probably watching her act like a baby, but she couldn’t let go. Fear stole her will. It could have been the towering room of glass walls and silver beams that encompassed her, the barrage of strange faces, or the fact that she’d never see her mother again, but gloom tainted this moment. A soft voice streamed from a kiosk of video screens, repeating the Space Center’s famed slogan–Three days on the state-of-the-art R23 shuttle, strolling through green grass, swimming in cool oceans. Everything she memorized from the letter in her backpack. “Look, there’s check-in,” Jesse said, tugging her from the display of white sand beaches. She inched through the crowd, close to his side. They filed into a rowdy line, her palm sweating against his skin. “The Westen twins, I presume,” a high-pitched voice trilled from behind them. In one swift move, she shook free from Jesse’s grasp and whirled around. An ultra-posh, Asian girl leered down and Joey stood tall. Her eyes wandered to the near identical boy at her side, bearing the same long jet-black hair. Another set of twins. “How did you know our name?” Jesse asked. Joey nudged his arm, pulling his gaze from the low cut of the girl’s sparkly shirt. “We know the names of all the twins on this ship,” she said, her hand hoisting to her hip. “First and last,” the boy added. Joey stifled a chuckle. Twins who finished each other’s sentences, this trip was going to be stellar. The line shuffled forward, and the small group edged up a few paces. “How many twins are on this flight?” Jesse asked, glancing between the pair. “Fourteen, including us,” she replied. “Well fourteen sets,” the boy corrected, turning to his sister. “That actually makes twenty-eight twins.” “But twins is plural, so it would be fourteen,” she argued, a hint of red flaring her cheeks. “Yeah, but, you knew who we were,” Joey said. “We didn’t even know there were other twins here. Is there like, a manual we didn’t get or something.” The girl laughed, slapping her brother’s chest. A stealthy glare clouded her delicate features as she leaned in. “We hacked the database.” “We hack everything,” the boy whispered. “Cool,” Joey drawled, glancing to Jesse. “So you must be Jesse,” the girl said, staring at Joey, “Short for Jessica, right?” “Ahh no,” Joey sputtered. “I’m Joey. Short for Josephine, which I hate so … just Joey.” “I’m Jesse, which … isn’t short for anything.” Jesse shoved his hands into his pockets, his gaze falling down. “Ahem, the line is moving,” a red headed girl groaned. They all crept forward again, and then Jesse spun back around. “So are we supposed to hack to find out your names?” The girl giggled, and Joey’s eyes rolled. Her stare landed on the boy’s annoyed face, and they both grinned. “Kami Matsuda.” A rainbow of colors reflected off the girl’s clothes as she slinked closer to Jesse, looking up into his eyes. “That’s Rai,” she said, nodding to her brother but keeping her deep gaze. Jesse gulped. His hands began to tremble, and it became painfully obvious at how fast his breath flowed. “Next in line.” “That’s us,” Joey chirped. She all but ripped Jesse from Kami’s leer. “We’ll catch up with ya.” It took quite a massive tug, but she finally got Jesse moving toward the registration table. “Now who’s smooth, dorkus,” she whispered. *** “Let me get this straight, Mr. Winslow,” Sabrina said, only able to mask a fraction of the edge in her tone, “you want me to be a glorified babysitter for a bunch of teens in space?” She turned from a wall of windows, which ran from floor to ceiling. Her boots sank into lush carpet as she strolled past stone statues, one of which lost its arm somewhere along the way. Such extravagance. If it were liquidated and spread out, every sector could afford a giant dome to protect its people from radioactive air; instead of just the A-Sectors. She tore her gaze from art-adorned walls, catching an impatient glare from the man behind a glossy wooden desk. “The situation on our hands goes far beyond babysitting, Captain Stone. We’re under attack. The commander of the U.N.E. herself assured me you were the best of the best.” “Commander Sun said that? Huh.” She stepped closer. The man before her strained to appear confident, but she glimpsed the beads of sweat that trickle between his dark wrinkled skin and white hair. “You’ve got my attention,” she said, cupping her hands behind her back. “Of course you understand, every word spoken within this room stays within this room.” “Yes sir.” “Ever since the inception of the Emergence program, a group of fanatics have targeted us. Are you familiar with the Earthisum Movement, Captain Stone?” “Yes sir. I took out an underground lair of them this morning. They seem to be, for the most part, harmless.” “Perhaps on the outside.” He pulled a brown folder from his drawer, placing it on his desk. “Have a look.” Sabrina flipped open the cover, scanning the pages. When she read a handwritten letter, which appeared to be scrawled in blood, her fingers actually shook. “The threats made in that manifesto were not empty.” Her head snapped up, and she gawked at the old man before regaining her composure. “Are you saying, the Earth-heads blew up your first flight to Mars?” His finely manicured fingers massaged his forehead, a ghostly shade of white claiming his cheeks. “Yes, after only hours in space.” He dropped his stare and muttered, “The second and third flights as well.” “What?” “Those maniacs sabotage every Spacebus we launch. None have successfully made the voyage to Mars.” “How could you hide this from the public? They think people are living, flourishing over there. You need to put a hold on this program. Now. I’ll need at least a week to investigate.” His head shook, and Sabrina slammed her hands on the desk. “That file says there are two-hundred and fifty-eight children walking onto that shuttle as we speak, Mr. Winslow. Two-hundred and fifty-eight lives you’re putting at risk.” “If we stop the program, they’ve won. No! The survival of the human race is too important. This mission has to succeed, Captain Stone.” “But why now, with kids? If what you’re telling me is true, Mars is empty. There are no doctors, scientists, or security of any kind in place. They’ll eat each other alive out there.” “It has to be them.” He rose from his seat, smoothed a crease on his pinstriped lapel, and strolled to the window. “Those young adults were born in the year of the massive solar flare.” While gazing out the lightly-tinted glass, he motioned for Sabrina to join him. “I don’t see why that matters.” As she approached, the doublewide spacecraft stole her focus. She allowed her stare to fuse with the gleam of curved metal, sharp points of thin wings, before shifting her eyes to the man beside her. “They’re genetically predisposed to elevated radiation, since … I handpicked each one of them—for their instincts, spark, and their odds of producing healthy offspring.” “Look, I get that. But, if you just postpone a few weeks I can—” “Earth only has a few weeks left, Captain Stone.” His voice quavered. He cleared his throat, lifting his chin high. “The sun is set to flare in, approximately, ten days. The space program predicts its intensity will surpass our classification scale. Moments, and everything left above the surface will be eradicated. Not even the UV-dome of A-Sector can deflect these waves.” Sabrina gasped. She began to stagger back, but Winslow grabbed her arm. “Captain Stone, Sabrina. Look down there, at those children.” Her legs wobbled for the first time in her memory, but she crept forward. People hurried along a glass-encased walkway, far below, like tiny ants marching into a trap. “That’s the future of mankind down there. If they don’t make it to Mars, our species will cease to exist. You have to get them to that planet safely. You’re the last hope of humanity, Captain Stone.”
Jamie Zakian is a full-time writer who consumes the written word as equally as oxygen. Living in South Jersey with her husband and rowdy family, she enjoys farming, archery, and blazing new trails on her 4wd quad, when not writing of course. She aspires to one day write at least one novel in every genre of fiction.
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