#sorry I was talking too much again I cannot contain myself hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh
mcrmadness · 5 years
Hey it’s me with some DÄ bullshit here again, and first of all: sorry for the gifs looking terrible, Tumblr’s posting system is really annoying as you either have everything at once or several photos and gifs but in wrong sizes, so there’s nothing I can do about it.
ANYHOW you probably remember that Dauerwelle vs. Minipli karaoke thing from their dvd KILLER? This one:
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Well, as a Finn, the subtitles for the sauna one have been my mood for all these years because saunas and Sweden? Gimme a break! They don’t hit themselves with branches in saunas in Sweden! In Finland they do! So I’ve been crying blood here because of this and then, maybe I’m bit slow sometimes but, I took a look at the “Spanish” version and
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it finally occured me that they look like Mexicans, yes, but there’s pyramids at the background. PYRAMIDS. And since when has Germany looked like it does in the first screenshot? :DDD So now I’ve got over my butthurt Finnish nature (jk, I was never butthurt) I’ve come to realize that I think they did this on purpose. Using a language but then places and or clothes and objects that don’t go together with that at all :DD
But then the last but not the least and the actual point of this post. There’s this ninja version and I always lose it at the way Farin (at least I think it’s him?) runs at the background:
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I also slowed it down just because I can
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Pretty sure The Ministry of Silly Walks would be proud of that.
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