#sorry I don't know all the official group names yet so feel free to let me know if there's a better tag out there for them
Zoku Hanamaru: Brothers Bingo
Hanamaru’s second season is so family-oriented and it’s so great and really, I couldn’t ask for a better sequel and frankly, I could go on and on and we’d still be stuck here listening to me ramble till next weekend so here are some of my favorite moments among the brothers (who I classify specifically as “brothers” anyway) shown in episode 6:
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The baby Kunihiros. Did Bushi-nii go off to train in the mountains again?
When they smile, all is right with the world.
I have also never been more grateful for their similarly designed uniforms.
Standing side-by-side like this, they both look so gallant. And adorable. <3
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Aoe Boys
They both so tol, LOL
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Awataguchi kids getting ready for bed.
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Hope these two get more screentime in later episodes. I didn’t get enough of them! >3<
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Sleepy wakis
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I’m glad they got a bigger room.
They all look better in a bigger room. xD
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Every time they make an appearance, Hizamaru’s cuteness skyrockets off the charts. x33
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The Rai kids (and one lazy guardian).
They’re so happy, I want to hug them and never let go! <3
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Already covered the Samonji brothers for the first half but obligated to post this from the montage BECAUSE
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Still not sure if I really see the Sanjou swords as “brothers” or not (they’ve always had a more “general family” feel to them, kinda like how I view Date-gumi) but I’ll include them as well cuz why the heck not?
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rendevousz · 3 years
not a secret anymore
natasha romanoff x fem!teen!reader
summary: nat reveals a secret to the public when your class takes a learning journey to the tower.
requested: yes
warnings: might come off as half assed writing because this probably is one of my worst works i'm so sorry 😭😭
word count: 1681
notes: i'm so sorry i haven't been writing much, i've recently just gotten extremely busy so i had no time to sit down and write (this one was literally written between all the short breaks i had 😫) and i have a few requests piling up so i hope you guys can understand if they come later <3
"hi, y/n!" ally, an agent, greeted you as you, along with your classmates, walked through the east wing hallway of the tower. your classmates—except for peter, ned and mj— turned to look at you with confused looks.
your class was having a learning journey at the avengers tower and you had contemplated on calling in sick to avoid people who worked in the tower acknowledging you around your classmates.
you were actually an avenger—yeah, crazy—, having been rescued during one of the many avengers' hostage rescue missions few years ago. you were able to single-handedly take down a few of your captors, hence why the team took interest in you then.
now, though you had been trained enough, they decided to keep you a secret in order to protect you. lord knows how many people would try hurt you if they ever found out the avengers had a new, teenage recruit. peter was technically still safe as his alter-ego is masked so you had no choice but to only go on missions that weren't in the public eye.
you also lived in the tower so the agents and staff were undoubtedly familiar with you, some even friends with you, just like ally, who had just passed by with a wave of her hand at you before turning the corner.
"did that lady just acknowledge you?" an annoying voice spoke from beside you in a mocking tone. you gulped, not wanting to respond to flash's irrelevant question.
"hey, loser, i'm talking to you," he nudged your arm with his elbow and you held the urge to grab it and flip his whole body upside down. it's not like you couldn't—you had the skills, obviously— but it's the fact that you didn't want to get in trouble for that.
you ended up keeping quiet, like you always did whenever the boy taunted you. peter taught you to do just that. if it were up to you, flash's stupid face wouldn't even dare to show itself in front of you anymore.
speaking of peter, he was nowhere to be seen by now. you internally rolled your eyes. it had only been two minutes and they were already gone. peter was probably showing them around the place. you had no idea how your teacher didn't notice the three of them missing from your group. you were so going to kill them for ditching you and leaving you alone when they knew they were your only friends. they were also the reason why flash still had his head to this day because they'd stop you from doing anything rash. now you weren't sure if flash would be safe from your fury.
"you probably work here as a cleaner on the weekends or something, huh? that's the only way people here would know you," flash jeered. you let out a breath, trying to control your anger towards the boy.
you rolled your eyes, opting to deliberately ignore his insults and walk away instead, hoping you'll bump into those three idiots of friends of yours.
"did you just ignore me?" flash asked incredulously, as if it was a crime to ignore his annoying ass. he pulled you back by your back collar, effectively halting you in your spot.
by instinct, you grabbed his hand that was on your collar, twisting it and turning his whole body around, pinning him against the wall with his twisted arm pressed against his back. it happened in just two seconds which totally caught flash off guard, the boy groaning in pain as he begged you to let him free.
you could hear a series of gasps from all around you and you internally groaned. this is why you always ignored flash's taunting. you didn't want to attract attention to yourself and have people wonder how you could defend yourself so well. but flash just had to provoke you. especially here, out of all places.
"what's going on here?" you heard a familiar voice ask and you sighed.
"oh my gosh! it's the black widow!"
"miss romanoff!"
"oh my gosh, i'm gonna need to get a picture for my mum later, she's gonna freak out!"
you stepped away from flash, releasing him as he dramatically kept rubbing at his arm. as if you even put that much pressure. flash smirked, seeing this as a chance to complain about you to an official avenger.
"this girl right here," flash points an accusing finger at you with a glare, like he wasn't just practically begging for his life twenty seconds ago. "attacked me."
you rolled your eyes, unamused. "i hardly attacked him." you told nat. the woman turned to you, an eyebrow raised as she gave you a knowing look. "this...?" she trailed off and you nodded, knowing what she was insinuating. you'd told her about flash one too many times for her not to immediately figure out who he is from a crowd of students.
"flash thompson. heard a lot about you," she turned to the boy. flash's face lit up, thinking he must've made a name for himself or something that even the black widow knew him. little did he know he did, but not for good reasons.
"i would prefer if you stop messing with y/n/n." nat gave him a sharp look and that grin was immediately wiped off his face. "i– y/n/n?" he stuttered, confused that the natasha romanoff is calling you by a nickname.
"you do know she can kick your ass if she wanted to, right? she's been silent all this while because she didn't want to hurt you but you just never seem to learn, huh?" nat took slow, calculated steps towards him until she was towering over him.
"she doesn't need anyone to protect her because she's fully capable of that but i'm just here to warn you, kid, that she, is not to be meddled with. i'm saying this for your own good, flash thompson. she's capable of much worse than whatever she just did to you. so if i hear you messing around with her or any of her friends," she pauses before continuing with a whisper. "i'll close one eye on whatever she wants to do with you."
you wished you could've taken a picture of the dead scared look on flash's face; it was priceless. you turned to nat once she stepped away from him and she put an arm around your shoulder, leading you both away from the watching crowd.
"i–i'm sorry, miss romanoff," you could hear one of your teachers say and nat stopped, effectively stopping you too as she had you in her hold. "but miss y/l/n is on a learning journey with us and she'll miss the tour of the tower if she leaves with you. we'll be discussing a lot regarding this trip in class and she won't understand what we talk about if she misses this tour. i hope you understand." he spoke nervously.
"with all due respect, y/n's seen the whole tower already," she smiles at him but you could tell it was fake. "even the avengers' residential floors which are closed to the public and most employees of the tower."
your teacher looked at her wide-eyed, mouth open but nothing coming out. nat smiles a fake one once again. "now if you'll excuse us, the both of us have avenger duties to attend to."
gasps could be heard all around you and in the midst of it all, your best friends came back and you made eye contact with them, all of them having the same shocked look on their face.
"avenger duties?! nat, what are you doing?!" you whisper-yelled at the woman who seemed to be enjoying the reactions of your classmates and teachers.
"y/n!" peter ran over to you, your other friends following suit. "oh, um hi miss romanoff," he greets shyly. "thanks a lot, guys, look what happened." you spoke sarcastically, rolling your eyes at them. nat proceeded to drag you away from your friends and the last thing you saw was them mouthing apologies and you half-heartedly mouthing to them back that it was fine.
"relax, y/n/n, the public were about to find out soon anyways." nat said nonchalantly. "what?!" you exclaimed once you two were in a different hallway.
"yeah, you're gonna have press this weekend for this. we're gonna officially announce you to the world as an avenger." she once again says nonchalantly, as if this wasn't the first time you were hearing this. "wait, wait, wait, seriously?" you asked in disbelief. no one had told you anything.
"yeah, i—ohh yeah, you don't know yet," nat remembers and you give her an unimpressed look. she wasn't usually this dumb; she only showed this side of her to you. "sorry, i uh, yeah.. i was supposed to come get you for this. meeting with fury and the rest, yknow?" she tells you and you nodded slowly, taking in the information.
"but tell me it didn't feel good that you got to do that to flash," the woman states excitedly and you playfully rolled your eyes at her. "you got to do something. i'm practically an empty threat to him," you stated matter-of-factly.
"not after this weekend you're not. he'll be afraid of you after. that's what you get for being a smelly bully." you couldn't help the little smile on your face. she really sounded like a child right now and it was adorable.
"alright, natty, whatever you say. let's go before fury releases his fury." you look at her hopefully, waiting for her to laugh at your joke which she responded with an unimpressed look. that of course didn't work as you two burst out laughing looking at each other's faces.
you walked alongside her, the woman resting an arm around your shoulder. you smiled up at her as she talked about her day.
god, you couldn't wait to be able to finally walk out in public with these people you considered family.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky @marauvdersfate
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unkownknowledge · 3 years
Genshin characters and their spider s/o
A little crossover HC post between terraformars and genshin.
Basically the reader is the result of a messed up experiment and now they look like a monstrous humanoid spider, like this guy:
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Except you have no human skin or hair, just pure chitin, extra legs out the back, and mandibles(like a turian)
Also: request are still open, feel free to request!
Including: Jean, Xinqiu, and Razor
Jean: hollow knight
Jean had been receiving reports of frightened merchants and townsfolk, all of whom had been found on the road ranting about a giant spider.
Jean was sure it was nothing more than hilichurls or hoarders or abyss mages and the people were merely suffering panic induced hallucinations, this was supported by the clear signs of such dangers at the scene of the crime.
But still, neither any of the knights nor adventurers in the guild reported saving these people, nor did Diluc claim that he did when she asked him.
So Jean decided to investigate, after all not only is there a chance of finding camps of the three above dangers, but also the chance of finding a new ally.
When she saw you in a clearing you looked like a normal human, until you turned your head in an inhuman manner and looked at her with eight red glowing eyes.
You screamed at her and used your geo vision to grow eight giant legs out your back, which you used to run away.
Jean, being the persistent woman she is, wasn't about let you go until she confirmed if you were a friend or foe.
She chased you through the forest for a while, and unfortunately didn't notice a group of hilichurls hiding behind some trees.
One swung out and struck her from behind, knocking her to the ground.
At the sound of this you turned around and saw Jean on the ground.
While she easily could have beaten the hilichurls, she didn't have to. This is because you were immediately next to her, sword drawn and slicing through the monsters like a hot knife through butter. Your geo legs acted like extra blades that parried any attack directed towards the knight.
Because you're other legs were busy, however, you were unable to block the attack from a crossbow that shot right through your knee.
You fell down and were beaten senseless by the hilichurls, the last thing you remember was the sounds of a blade and the monsters turning to dust before you blacked out.
You woke up on a soft bed inside an unfamiliar building. You tried to get up but your knee had a large hole in it, luckily for you your ability to feel pain was long lost.
Jean entered a minute later with some food, "good, your awake."
"Where am I?" You asked.
"In my home, the guest room to be exact."
"Why did you save me?"
"Because you were in danger."
"Yes but why? Aren't you afraid of me?"
"Considering how you saved me as well? No, not at all."
Jean poured some tea for both of you, "now onto-"
You felt your eyes water, something you didn't realize you could still do.
"What's wrong?" Jean asked.
"It's just, it's been so long since anyone was...nice to me. My appearance isn't exactly very welcoming."
"And yet you still help people, the same people who call you a monster?"
"Of course! I might be an abomination, but I'm not a monster. In fact, before I became...this I had always dreamed of joining the knights."
"Well, that makes things easy."
"What do you mean?"
"While I cannot officially make you a knight, I can make you an honorary member of the knights of favonius."
"REALLY!?" You said, a child like excitment on your face.
So you joined the knights, of course not everyone was happy about this.
But noone doubted the acting grand master's decision, after all she never once failed the city.
After a while the city warmed up to you, even hailing you as a hero thanks to all you've done!
But the city's attitude towards you wasn't the only thing getting warmer.
Infact, a certain person's cheeks seemed to grow red as Amber's ribbon at the mere mention of your name.
Lisa and Kaeya were the first to notice Jean's infatuation with you, and they were quite intent on helping her.
It would be easy for them to set it up: you were cold blooded, so you had a heater in your room during the winter, and thanks to a 'freak lightning strike', your house was under renovations for the whole season, this caused Jean to let you stay in her home until yours was repaired.
Now all they had to do was sneak in an 'cool it' down.
You awoke in the middle of the night due to the temperature suddenly dropping. You tried turning on your heater but that didn't work. You went downstairs to make some hot tea, unaware that Kaeya swapped the labels on Jean's coffee and your tea. After making the beverage you sat down in the warmest corner, covered in blankets, and with a warm drink in hand.
Fun fact! Spiders get hella drunk off caffeine.
You are a spider.
One sip of the coffee and you felt funny, you couldn't think straight and felt wobbly.
Kaeya and Lisa giggled watching you.
"So, how DID you get them drunk? You couldn't exactly have spiked their tea could you?" Lisa asked.
"I swapped the labels on their tea and Jeans coffee. Spiders get hella drunk on-" Kaeya noticed Lisa worried face, "fuck, what did I do this time?"
"Kaeya, spiders don't get drunk on caffeine like humans do with alcohol."
Lisa pointed Kaeya towards the window
Caffeine doesn't make spiders drunk the same way alchohol does a person, which is what Kaeya expected.
Caffeine makes spiders hyper, very hyper.
When Jean heard skittering and clanging she thought someone was robbing the house, so she was reasonably surprised to see you lying in the center of the kitchen, crying, and with webs all over.
When she asked what happened you just rolled over and mumbled out gibberish about how you can't catch any flies.
Jean picked you up to take you to bed, but you wrapped your arms and legs around her and caused her to fall.
"(Y/n), please let me go." Jean pleaded.
You shushed her, "nap time" and fell asleep.
Your grip was to strong for her to get out, and with your weight she couldn't get up in this position, so she just had to wait for you to get up.
The next day Jean got up the same time as you, she would have said something if you didn't kiss her and pet her head.
"I love this dream." You said, nuzzling into the crook of her neck.
Jean was shocked, what dream? You were clearly awake.
"I wonder if Jean is this warm in real life....I wish I could find out..."
"(Y-y/n)" she stuttered out, "you're not dreaming."
You shot up with all your eyes wide as saucers.
You immediately thought of running. But where would you go? The forest? Yeah, that works, just go there a-
You felt a warm sensation on your cheek.
"So (y/n), how does this dream usually go?" Jean said with a suggestive wink.
404 error, reader.exe has crashed
After that rather unconventional confession session, you both started dating.
Jean was concerned about not having enough time for you, but that proved to be very unfounded. Thanks to your many years alone you didn't know what dating was, so to you simply working together was fine.
On every mission out of the city you would bring gifts or a picnic for when the sun was setting.
On days where you both had paper work you would make tea and buy little cakes or biscuits and sit on her lap as you rested on eachother's shoulders and fed each other snacks, under the excuse that "sharing a chair saves space".
On the rare occasion Jean gets to have a day off, she showers you in affection.
She'll make you breakfast in bed(it's not good 80% of the time, but you don't tell her), she'll cuddle with you all day, she'll even read to you if you want. She wants to give back to you for all the time she couldn't give you her full attention.
Xingqiu: it's like one of my Inazuman graphic novels
Your meeting with the guhua geek was far more coincidental.
You were just minding your business, catching some animals to eat, when some weird guy just walks by you, not noticing you at all, as he reads his book.
You were rather suprised and, by extension, curious about this boy.
Was he blind in peripheral? Was he that brave? Was he an idiot?
A bit of colum B, mostly colum C.
Xingqiu sat down on a rock and continued reading, given how he was reading aloud you figured you might as well take advantage of his lack of notice and learn to read.
But he did notice.
"Ah shoot, spaces out again." Xingqiu cried, "now I have to start all over."
Xingqiu started reading the book all over again, much to your joy.
You could easily match his words to the page thanks to your speed of comprehension.
When the boy noticed it was getting late he decided to head home, while you were upset you didn't try and stop him. In fact you immediately darted away before he saw you.
The next day he came back, and read from the same spot.
And again
And again
This went on for quite some time.
Xingqiu knew someone was watching him, but he never was able to catch a glimpse. He just figured it was someone who wanted to read legends of the shattered halberd but couldn't find any copies, and so the chivalrous thing to do would be to read it for them.
One day he finished the fifth book and proclaimed it was the last one, which made you rather sad.
Until he spoke to you.
"Well my secretive friend," he turned around, "shall w-"
You screamed
He screamed
For about five minutes.
After which you both just stared at eachother.
He pointed a shakey finger at you, "you're-"
You turned away, 'a freak I know' you thought.
Xingqiu immediately ran at you and started inspecting you.
The whole time he had such an amazed look on his face.
"Woah!" He said as he grabbed your mandibles, "are these real?!"
"Ye ey are, a ah ee e ah a" you said hoping he would understand that you need them to talk.
"Oh. Hehe. Sorry." He said releasing them.
"Aren't you...scared of me?" You asked.
"Why would I be? If you wanted to kill me you would have. It's not like I was particularly on guard when I was reading for you."
'Y-you knew I was there?"
"I knew someone was there, and I knew they were watching me read. Since you showed such interest in my book I thought the only chivalrous thing to do was to keep reading."
You were shocked, most people just ran and screamed upon seeing you.
"Now, shall we go look for the sixth book?"
After that you and Xingqiu became fast friends.
He used some of the money he made from the scam he pulled on that scammer to buy out the forest you lived in, making it officially private property so that people won't go after you.
He kept coming back with books for you both to read, you absolutely loved it!
And while you never realized it, you also loved him.
He however, did know he loved you.
Being the menace to society he is, Xingqiu decided the best way to confess was to just kiss you.
You're sitting on a stump with your head on Xingqiu's shoulder.
"This book isn't as good as the others." You say.
"Ah don't be like that, fairy tales are the foundation of all those 'knight in shining armor books' you love."
"Yeah but this is boring."
"True, true. But I think it has a great ending." Xingqiu turned to the final page, "and then the knight told the (royal title) how much he loved them, and to seal his love he placed a kiss on their cheek."
"That wasn't good."
"Why? It was very realistic."
"In what reality does someone confess by kiss-"
It took you a solid five seconds to process what happened.
Xingqiu smirked at you like the bastard man he is, "this one I believe."
Your mandibles hung slack as your face got a dark shade of blue.
"Uh, (y/n)?"
"Clothes off, now."
Xingqiu stumbled out the forest four hours later. Chongyun, who was protecting his privacy, asked him what's wrong.
"Absolutely nothing." He responded with the largest grin a human could muster, before his legs gave out, "can you carry me home?"
Your relationship was more steady than just that bit though.
Xingqiu spent as much time with you as he could, he even learned how to hunt so he could be with you while you hunted for food.
You never left your forest though, you were far to afraid of people and especially the vigilant yaksha(which Xingqiu tried to convince you was friendly).
Of course, not everything goes so simply.
Xingqiu was skipping through the forest, far to enamoured at the idea of you to notice someone following him.
You sat calmly on your rock and awaited your boyfriend of two years, today was his birthday so you made him a beautiful silk picture of his favorite scene from 'the legend of the broken halberd'
You felt the boy drop into your lap, "hello my love!"
You wrapped your arms and extra legs around him, "hello my little knight, I have a wonderful gift for-"
You both turned around to see a man who looked oddly like Xingqiu.
"H-hey big bro..." Xingqiu said, clearly nervous.
"You're his brother?" You asked, "nice to meet you! I'm your future sibling in law!"
His brother looked surprised, then angry, "Xingqiu, a word."
"No," he responded, "anything you can say to me you can say to my (s/o)."
"Xingqiu, this is not a game."
"ANYTHING," Xingqiu said, far more aggressive, "you can say to me, you can say to them."
His brother sighed, "you can't date them."
"I believe I can."
Xingqiu shot up into a fighting stance, "care to repeat that?"
Xingqiu stared down his brother with murderous intent.
"So you wont back down?"
"Never, I love (y/n) to much!"
"If you don't leave them, you'll be disowned by father, all your wealth, power, and influence will be forfeited. All for an inhuman freak!"
"Xinqiu please," you tried telling your beloved, "I won't let you sacrifice-"
"Sorry darling, but I don't give a damn." He interrupted you before turning to his brother, "I will NOT abandon my beloved (y/n)! They are the most precious thing in the world to me! So go ahead! Strip me if my title, my riches, of my very skin! My heart will yearn for nothing else but the cold hard touch of love that is my (s/o)!"
Xinqiu's brother smirked
"So, you promise to always be with (y/n)?"
"Through both sickness and health?"
As smart as he was, Xinqiu couldn't see what was happening, "with all my heart and soul!"
"And you would take (Y/N) as your contractually bound spouse?"
"I would sooner bite my arm off than live another day without them as such! In fact!" Xinqiu turned to you, "(Y/N)! WE'RE GOING TO GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW! COME ON!"
"Hold it!" His brother demanded, "(Y/N)! Would you stay with my brother, Xinqiu, through sickness and health, through rags and riches?"
You nodded, "forever and always!"
"And would you take him to be your contractually bound husband?"
"E-even if I had to fight Rex Lapis himself!"
Two burly hands grabbed the couple and pushed them together, "You may now kiss the bride!"
Without thought, you two kissed each other, not thinking to question the cheering, clapping, and crying-
You both pulled apart, "what the abyss is happening here?!"
The burly arms, now wrapping you both, was an older crying man who also looked like Xinqiu.
Xinqiu's Brother was crying and clapping.
Chongyun was blasting off party cones(🎉🎉these things)
And several other of Xinqiu's friends were there celebrating.
"W-wait..." Xinqiu started to remember that his brother, as a high ranking member of a commerce guild, can officiate marriages.
The older man, Xinqiu's father, cried and said, "finally! Grandchildren!"
(If you can't have babies, adoption exists and is perfectly normal)
Needless to say
404 error, Xinqiu.exe and Reader.exe have stopped working
Razor: the big bad spider and the itsy bitsy spider
(Please understand that my knowledge of Razor is based on his quest, I know of his special vision but it won't be brought up for this. I will be sure to read the wiki page for him if I write him again)
Razor knew something was wrong.
His wolf side told him something was wrong with the forest, and his human side told him it should be either avoided at all cost or destroyed.
Because it had stayed away he had largely tried to just avoid it and keep his lupical away from whatever IT is.
Until a foolish pup decided to try and defeat whatever big bad monster had their protector so scared.
Razor ran faster than any lightning bolt upon hearing the news.
Razor didn't know what he was seeing: giant webs strewn out covering entire trees, boars and Hilichurls wrapped in webs and frozen in a sickly green.
And at the center of it all was a giant, monstrous creature with eight leg like roots coming from it's back, feeding off the life of all the creatures stuck here.
This is what he was afraid of, the beast that every inch of his primal self screamed to get away from.
But he couldn't, not until he found the pup!-
"Hello." You said calmly to the strange man coming into your home, "is this your's?"
You outstretched your hand and a sleeping pup drifted towards razor on a flower.
"He caused lots of problems, so I made him sleep. Don't worry, it's nothing permanent, give him an hour or two and he'll be right up."
After Razor left, you assumed that would be the last disturbance for a while.
But it wasn't.
Razor's wolf half still feared you, was still mortified when he pictured your spider like face, your towering body, everything.
But his human half...teembled.
Not in fear, but in a different way.
He couldn't stop thinking of you, and his primal upbringing did little to quell the less romantic thoughts about your gem like eyes, the way your mandibles clicked and moved when you talked, the overwhelming nature energy that you radiated.
But he still knew good enough to get to know you better.
Just not HOW to do it.
"Why are you spider?"
Is not a good first thing to ask.
But you explained regardless: you were taken as a kid and experimented on by some rogue students from Sumeru academy.
Then some purple lady rescued you, and while you were grateful you much preferred living out in the wild.
"Yes...wild is good! Wolvendom, especially good!"
Someone please help him.
"Purple lady....ah! Shockey wizard lady from knights?"
You nodded
"Razor good friends with her and honorary knight! Do you know red flamy girl?"
"Klee? Oh yes! I love her! She's such a nice kid!"
"Yes, Klee is like lupical! Even if she...burns down forest from time to time."
Lucky for him, your shared familial love for the pyromaniacal minor helped bridge the gap between you two.
Eventually he even got you to leave your grotto(?) And meet his lupical!
He introduced you to the wonders of actually eating rather than just sucking the life force out of animals.
You both love and protect the forest of wolvendom, and if any large threat arises to it then you both will fight fang and claw to protect your home!
Neither of you know what love is in the human sense, but you both feel it to each other and act upon it: giving each other a portion of your food, taking blows in battle for each other, and cuddling more intimately than just friends would.
You are his lupical, and so much more.
I started this near last year's end, it took me till now to realize I should only do 3 characters.
(Paging: @golden-wingseos, @storytravelled)
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hunnyuwu · 4 years
My Baby Don’t Like It || NCT Jaehyun+Mark [part I]
Premise: What went wrong along the way? After everything we had been through, you still chose to leave me?
Pairings : Dad! Jaehyun x fem! reader x Friend! Mark
WC: 2.1 K
Warnings: explicit language, some extreme fluff
Part I || Part II || Part III
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"Hey baby! How are you today?" You were crouched down on your knees, shooting a silly smile as the most adorable four year old in the world ran straight into your outstretched arms, worming his way into the crevasse of your neck. You cooed into the kid’s ear, happy to see the boy happy and healthy. He  withdrew from his squirmy snuggles to plant his tiny, moist lips on your soft cheek as his little greeting to his beloved Noona.
"I'm happy to see you, Noona!" A smile lit up his round, chubby features before he nuzzled back into the crevasse of your neck. You rubbed the top of his head a few times, messing up his short black locks, before getting up so that you were finally standing at your own height.
"Thanks for looking after him today, Y/N."
Your heart beat slowed down to a steady, rhythmic pace immediately. The slow, heavy thrumming taunted you as it rattled in your within the hollow shells of your ears. You interlocked hands with the small boy beside you before lifting your chin to see the person before you.
A gentle smile blossomed over your lips, a wave of calm washing over your body as you examined the familiar face before you, "Of course, Jaehyun."
"Remember Y/N, I changed my name." Jaehyun gave you a teasing jab, a dumb grin occupying his eyes. You flinched a little backwards, knives stabbing your poor heart as memories flashed at the forefront of your mind.
‘Yeah, but you changed it for her.’
"A-Ah, right! Sorry, have a good day, Yoon-Oh."
You released a breath that were holding for a little while as you saw Jaehyun hop into the driver's seat of an extremely expensive, luxury car. The flashy woman in the passenger seat threw an overstated air kiss to the little boy beside you, glancing your way soon after. A scowl replaced the smile you were holding onto desperately as she simply smirked with triumph. Your free hand curled into a tight fist as you watched the car whiz away, to the point that your knuckles turned white and your nails threatened to puncture the flesh of your palm.
She removed Jaehyun from your life, 
And he allowed it to happen.
You and Jaehyun had known one another since primary school. On a bitter, cold day in the autumn of your second year, Jaehyun nervously approached your lunch table to ask if he could sit with your group, which you guys obviously said yes. While the friends you had in that group all eventually slipped away from your life through your years of schooling, Jaehyun and you had managed to maintain a close friendship. The close bond and chemistry the two of you had was undeniable to the public and private eye. Everyone thought the two of you would eventually get married, which you didn't mind them thinking in the slightest. Jaehyun had always thought the same too, even though there was no official romance. Just adoring looks, sweet gestures, lovely memories, and tense atmospheres.
In university, you finally confirmed your feelings for him, ready for that next step with him. You finally realized that he was your destiny, and you thought you were his as well.
Next thing you knew, Jaehyun found a girl from his economics class and the rest is history. They had an accidental child early on in their whirlwind romance, the one you were currently watching playing with stackable plastic blocks. Anger boiled your blood... you still loved Jaehyun to the depths of your heart, to the point that you regularly questioned whether you would ever be able to move on, but you couldn't understand how dense he was when it came to his girlfriend: Jimin.
Jimin wasn't your average, plain Jane college gal. She was simply receiving a business degree for the sake of having the piece of paper that she didn’t even work for. Jimin had her daddy's money and company waiting for her once she deemed herself ready for the role. When Jimin set her eyes on Jaehyun the very first class of economics, it was game over for anything between you two. Jimin made it her mission to claim Jaehyun as her own personal property, in other words her personal boy toy, basically making it her life’s mission to rid of you in his life. Or as she specifically explain it, 'spending quality time with boyfie while they were young.' You saw through her sugary sweet act from the moment you laid eyes on her when Jaehyun introduced the two fo you.
She was a brat, a snob, a snake, and any description with negative connotation that you could think of. You hissed as you remembered that the woman even convinced him that 'Yoon-Oh' was a more handsome name than Jaehyun. ‘How could he be so under her spell to not see the sort of shit she puts him through?’ You wondered. 
‘The least she could be is a sweet, decent person to make Jaehyun happy in life.’
That would have satisfied you, but in the end, you knew that people never really get what they want. You were left high and dry while a snobby rich whisked Jaehyun away like he was never there to begin with. And the fact that the woman barely paid any attention to her child made you absolutely sick to your stomach. Hot tears pricked at your eyes as you watched the innocent boy giggle as he was currently in the midst of building a little block boat. 
‘Taking random selfies with your extremely adorable child for your dumb Instagram page does NOT count as parenting, Jimin.’
As you reminisced on all of the times that you had to deal with Jimin's endless childishness and her possessiveness over Jaehyun, you felt a little tug at your sleeve. You smiled tearily as you saw one thing that significantly brightened up your bleak life.
"Yes, Baby?"
"Why do you look so sad today?"
Your heart constricted like someone was squeezing it tightly, already feeling regret as you had been too absorbed in your own thoughts to give him your full attention. You didn't have an early education degree for nothing.
"Ah, just little things, Baby. Don't worry about it."
"But I don't want Noona to be sad! We should get you ice cream like you do when I get a boo boo!" Jaehyun's son, Jeno, happily suggested, probably just wanting to eat some ice cream himself. You were put into a bout of laughter as you lovingly looked at Jeno get up to 'go get you some ice cream to fix your inside boo boo.'
You complied as you simply couldn't ever say no to the precious boy, so you were on your way out to the local grocery store near your house, which you hadn't gone to in awhile. You peered down to the eye smile prince himself who was happily skipping alongside you, his tiny hand wrapped around the middle three fingers of your hand, a gesture that you you screaming in an internal maternal mess. 
Jimin and Jaehyun have been so neglecting of this poor child lately, always going out on day long dates and luxurious overseas trips, obviously as per Jimin's request. 
You had to say, you were extremely disappointed at Jaehyun for forgetting his caring, sweet roots. The child you were currently leading into a small grocery store was basically your own, you were more of a mother to him than Jimin could ever be.
"Hey, Y/N!"
You looked around to see who called out your name when you spotted a familiar face, causing you to stumble back with pleasant surprise.
"Oh hey, Mark! I didn't know you worked here! Master's degree yet?" You led little Jeno over to the cash register to greet him, gushing over seeing the adorable guy once again. You knew Mark when you were a senior in college, him being a spry sophomore at the time. While he was a music major and you were an early education major, you two fatefully ended up in the same science requirement classes, leading to a beautiful, supportive relationship to blossom between the two of you. You hadn't been able to see him as of late as you were busy with your job.
"Yeah, I’m here part time. Needed some money so I can pay off my college debt as I'm looking for a gig at the moment. But anyways, uhhh, y-you look beautiful as ever, Y/N. Is he your child?" You blushed at his compliment while looking down at little Jeno who Mark was gesturing to gently. Jeno was shooting Mark a suspicious glare causing you to giggle as you dropped a hand to pat his head.
"No, this is Jeno, Jaehyun's son. I regularly babysit him."
Mark gave you a confused look, something wasn't adding up for him.
"You and Jaehyun aren't together?"
You were taken aback at his lack of knowledge. You even told him about Jaehyun's girlfriend a long time ago, but it seems like he didn't remember. Besides, you and Jaehyun were very, very not together.
As you were about to explain, Jeno took the spotlight.
"Daddy should date my Noona! She's a lot better-"
"Shh, you shouldn't say stuff like that, Jeno." You cooed to comfort the pouting kid as you hoisted him up onto your waist to rock him a little. He was getting a little heavy for this, but you didn't mind throwing your back out for him.
Mark laughed to himself, throwing a loving gaze your way as you and Jeno bickered for a little. His insides turned to goop as he fell down the tempting rabbit hole once again.
"Well, if you're not with anyone right now... c-could I ask to maybe take you out on a date sometime?"
You abruptly paused your conversation with Jeno to whip your head to the blushing male. A little blush to match his crept up to your cheeks as you reeled over what he just said in your mind like a broken cassette.
"You want to... go out with me?" You whispered with a tilt of your head, needing a firm confirmation from him before you let your mind start playing tricks on itself.
"Yeah, if that's fine with you." Mark restated, biting down on his bottom lip as he awaited your answer.
Thoughts of Jaehyun’s beautiful, warm smile plagued your mind like a disease; you were still very much in love with him. Even if his actions gave you a whole list as to why you should give his ass up in a heartbeat. 
You looked back into Mark's eyes, finally making up your mind.
"I'd love to, Mark."
"Really?" He choked out, already expecting a rejection coming his way. You were oblivious to it, but Mark had the largest crush on you ever since you became partners for your science class. Whenever he even thought of asking you out, he remembered how close you were to Jaehyun, so he always chickened out. 
This was finally his chance.
"Yeah, of course I would." You said sheepishly.
"But what about Daddy?"
You looked back to Jeno who was inches away from your face with round, glassy eyes. You sighed as you gave his cheek a quick little peck.
"Your Daddy is happy with your Mommy, Jeno. Don't worry, you will always be the number one man in my heart, okay? We will have a bunch more playdates!"
Mark watched as you comforted Jeno, feeling his heart thump violently against his ribcage. He knew you were the one for him, and he truly pitied Jaehyun, for he couldn't even see the true beauty that was sitting in front of him for so many years. Mark prayed above, thoroughly thanking fate to bring you to him today.
"Excuse me, but are you checking out right now?" An elderly woman appeared behind you with a harsh glare, a sharp tongue to match her tapping foot. You bowed quickly, not too much so that Jeno wouldn’t fall off, muttering small apologies as you moved out of the way.
"You better give me a discount for the ice cream, Mark!" You yelled as you walked away with Jeno over to the ice cream freezer. Mark gave you a cute little smile before diving back into scanning the items that that woman gave to him. Though it has been hard in your journey to give up on Jaehyun, there may be just as amazing men that would be better for you out there. You sighed out happily, maybe things were going to improve for you in the future.
Part I || Part II || Part III
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This mini fic is the result of when I learned that Jaehyun said he would have basically been a teenage dad if he wasn't an idol 👁👄👁
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Stress Reliever  - Namjoon
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader (nicknamed Vixen)
Wordcount: 3.9k words
Genre: smut, angst, fluff
Rating: 18+
Hello! As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ll be publishing longer scenarios which could actually be considered small one-shots. The first theme will be stress-relieving/angry sex (’cause let’s admit it, that’s one great way to blow off some steam and ease some tension) 
I’ll be following the official order, so I’ll start with Namu uwu. 
I don’t really think I need to say this is smut, and filth and an unedited mess. Let’s just move on to trigger warnings. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: swearing; unprotected sex within an established relationship (wrap it before you tap it, and please get checked for STIs regularly) lingerie kink, DADDY kink (like, how could I not) plus Joon is fucking packed and we all fucking know it, dirty language, allusions to cheating (but like, not really, how could one possibly cheat on daddy big dick Joon? Ha, not me), spanking, ddlg/bdsm dynamics, brat!reader, oral (female receiving, mentions of male receiving), peaches and cream (don’t look at me like that, how could I NOT do this) marking, biting, overstimulation and ruined orgasm (listen, daddy makes the rules, it’s not my fault, next time be less of a brat), cumplay, mild angst (lack of attention, abandonement issues). RIP to y/n’s deceased La Perla set. I suppose this is all? This is quite pwp, but not really. About 3900 words.
Also, here you can find my masterlist. Enjoy!
Your day had been phenomenal, your boss had complimented you and assigned you a new office as you joined your new team. You had celebrated going out for lunch with your new colleagues, getting to understand the dynamics and roles within the groups. Since you were given a free afternoon to receive a general briefing and celebrate your promotion you went off work earlier than usual, deciding to get yourself a nice new dress and some celebratory lingerie, all Italian lace and silken bows.
But your mood was sour. Namjoon didn't even bother reading your text, ignoring you all day, which normally would not bother you, but considering how hard you had been working for that promotion and how tired you were, but most importantly considering he knew how much it mattered to you, it really upset you. And you were meaning to make him pay for it. 
As you arrived at home you started getting ready, you bathed and did a face mask, hair all pretty and soft, fixed your nails. You felt gorgeous. Gorgeous and furious. Which was normally a very entertaining combination when you added Namjoon, who was currently absent without justification. He should have arrived home twenty minutes ago. 
When he finally came through the front door, you were lounging annoyed on the sofa. 
You did not answer. And he didn't even notice, nor look at you. 
He went straight to the bedroom, got rid of his clothes and wore something comfy, going straight to the kitchen. 
"No dinner?" He asked. 
"I'm going out." He looked up to where you were sitting, a little baffled. 
"And no dinner?" 
"I called at the Garden, booked a table for two at nine. You could get ready in fifteen. It's on me."
His forehead creased. "I'm a bit tired."
You raised a brow. "I'm going out anyway." 
He huffed out. "Okay. Let me wear something decent."
Five minutes later he headed out, in jeans and a white shirt. He looked completely insane, the sleeves slightly rolled up, his hair pushed back. "Am I okay?" 
"You look divine." You were too turned on to deny him a compliment. "I'm sorry I made you dress up. I really wanna destress." 
His half tired look in his eyes had disappeared, probably thank to the brief shower he had taken. "It's good, baby."
You headed to the restaurant, his hand perched on your knee during the drive, his head heavy on your shoulder. He still hadn't mentioned your promotion. 
A nice waiter welcomed the two of you, he must have been new, considering you had never seen him before and you and Joon were pretty much two regulars there. 
He accompanied the two of you to the table, your hand reaching for your man, while he looked absolutely lost, completely disconnected from you. Even at the table you tried to spark a conversation but he was entirely unresponsive, only mentioning that he had been working on his new collaboration and he had been late because he had to meet the singer. The fact that it was a woman low-key triggered you. It's not like you were jealous, or maybe you were, but jealousy was a feeling you had felt before and you had always had the self control not to act upon it. However, mixing that mild jealousy with the disappointment of him not acknowledging your promotion and your special effort for your looks, together with his detached demeanour had you starting something you never thought you would have the guts to do. 
You started being excessively polite -- borderline saccharine -- to the cute waiter, asking for his name and behaving in an almost too friendly way, offering him nice smiles and sugary 'thank you's. 
Not that Namjoon seemed to notice. 
You were getting half an idea to gently grab the waiter's wrist and write your phone number on his forearm just to see what your boyfriend would do. 
By the time you finished your main course and got ready to close your meal with dessert, you were so upset you gave up on your usual tiramisu, telling Geonwu -- the waiter -- to hand you the bill. Namjoon seemed to get out of his bubble for a second, as you turned down the dessert, suddenly triggered by your strange change of habit. He must have really upset you, he thought as you gave the waiter your card and waited for the payment to be processed. 
A few minutes later you entered your apartment, kicking your shoes and heading for the bedroom. You hoped he would trip over your discarded shoes. Damn him. 
In front of the mirror in your ensuite, you started taking off your makeup, slowly undoing your hair. You hated him. 
He reached the bedroom too, standing in the door between your room and the bathroom, looking at you through the mirror. 
"I know what you were trying to do at dinner." He crossed his arms. "I don't like it at all." 
"I wouldn't have done it if you had payed attention to me." You took off your earrings and your watch. The necklace he had given you for your first anniversary. "But you were… Busy."
"So you wanted me to pay attention." He came up behind you, pressing himself against your backside. "Sorry thing I already knew you would land that promotion." He kissed your neck, slowly starting to unbutton the mother pearl buttons on your silk camisole. "So I thought I could keep you on edge and make you snap at me, make you so angry you would finally take all that tension off on me."
You held your breath as he nibbled at your neck. "And I know you were trying to rile me up and make me jealous just to get me to fuck you like crazy, uh?" 
He finished with the buttons and untucked your shirt, discovering the black lace corset underneath. 
"Was this part of the plan, little vixen?" He toyed with the strings of the undergarment, his sex now hard against your back. 
You nodded eagerly. 
"Then bend the fuck over cause Imma teach you a lesson." He lifted up your pencil skirt. "These are new, aren't they?" He said teasing the fabric. 
"Yes, daddy. I bought them for you." You just wanted him to snap, hoping that your submission would spark up his dominance. 
You saw a shiver ran down his spine. "So kind, but you didn't bend over yet. And this won't save you from your punishment." He said, pressing a heavy hand between your wing blades and pushing you down. "You know daddy likes giving you attention, so why didn't you ask?" 
"I didn't want to bother you, daddy." You already felt a whine in your voice, a petulant, bratty tone emerging. 
“I still don't get whether I should treat you like the brat you are or like the good girl you’re desperately trying to be.” Suddenly you felt the heavy smack of him delivering the first hit. You moaned out in relief and arousal. “You better keep quiet. You kept quiet while you should have told me you wanted me, so now that you wanna talk you’d better keep it down, brat.” he delivered another spank, making his point clear. “Understood?”
“Yes, daddy.” You lifted your head, your eyes rolling up from under your lashes.
He licked his lips and used his spare hand to hold your chin up high, so to maintain eye-contact. “Good girl.” He caressed your bum delicately. “Shall we say that you received your promotion at nine a.m., and now it's almost midnight. That makes it fifteen hours of you keeping it from me. Considering that you’re always so eager when I spank you I won’t include the first two blows I already gave you. Now hold tight because dirty girls like you don’t learn their lessons from soft punishments.”
By the thirteenth blow you were gripping the sink, knuckles white, face blushed with effort, a coat of arousal and sweat slickening your thighs. Namjoon’s tempo had slightly slowed down in order to softly brush your sensitive skin between a spank and another. “Come on, two more, ____. Enjoy them.”
He hit you with full force. Considering that you’d got used to the pain, your tolerance adjusting to his attack, he must have really put some fury in the last two. 
Now finally done with your punishment, he moved you slightly to the side, so to use the sink to cool down his palms. “Next time I should use a paddle. No use hurting my hands for punishing a spoiled brat.” Some part of you already felt a dark craving, moaning at the thought. He snickered at how hungry you always were for him.
He passed the cool skin of his hands on your glutes, offering you a small reprieve, taking care of you without giving any explicit sign of your punishment being over. You knew it wasn’t, and it didn’t surprise you when he hooked his fingers in your panties and dragged them down your legs, kneeling to unhook them from your feet. “Those don’t deserve to be ripped.” Now at perfect eye level with your slit, he couldn’t help but give in to the smell and taste of you, licking up your soaked thighs, nuzzling his lips against your sex, delivering one sweet kiss. “Can you take it like a girl good and make daddy happy or do you wanna slow down?”
He probably knew how exhausted your muscles must have been from the position you were into. However, you wanted it your way. “Make daddy happy.” You murmured.
He smiled like a madman, still between your thighs, biting one of the few spots that weren’t bright red on your behind. He raised to his feet, towering over your bent shape, his nimble finger undoing his belt and jeans, gripping his hard on and using the tip to tease your entrance. “Baby, you got me so hard, watching you take your spanks so well, your ass so soft, quivering like jelly. You should see yourself right now, baby. Looking like a wet dream.” 
He caressed down your shoulders, using his free hand to hold your waist. You knew he wouldn’t bend down to kiss you, that would be so out of character. And considering he hadn’t stretched you out, you also knew it would hurt. 
You nodded. “Yes, daddy.” He offered you his hand in your own and you gripped it hard as he slowly sinked in. It took him half a minute to bottom out. A deep groan followed. “So good, babe.” 
You released a heavy breath, squeezing you inner muscles lightly. “Woah baby, fuck.” He swore viciously, carefully beginning to roll his hips, both his hands on your waist, one of yours joining there, reaching for his fingers, craving for a small sign of affection while he was being careful not to hurt the bruises already forming on you ass. His thrusts were slow and deliberate, looking for the smallest sign of discomfort on your face and posture. Once adjusted, you arched further, allowing him a shift in angle that had him hissing and throwing his head back. His beautiful, dark hair followed, catching your attention in the mirror. His chest, still covered in the shirt, inflated, straining the buttons on his sternum. You would have done anything in that moment to kiss the small triangle of skin appearing at the base of his neck. 
Now newly focused, his eyes opened and fixed on you, while one of his hands moved to your breast, still covered in the corset, toying with your nipple, then gripping the flesh with his big palm.
“Joonie,” you dared murmur as his pace intensified. 
“You good baby?” He slowed down again, in fear he was hurting you. 
“So good, Joonie, I just—” You shut up a second, needing to focus before you continued your sentence. “I wanna cum, daddy.”
“It’s okay baby, let me take you there.” He made you turn your face and caressed your cheek tenderly, using his other hand to reach between your thighs, drawing taunting, tight circles on your clit, with just the right pace and pressure. God only knew how he did that. 
“Keep squeezing me baby, so close.” He gripped the back of your neck for leverage and his thrusts got stronger and faster, you completely losing it over the way his hips stayed closer to yours and pushed harder, pulling out just an inch before plunging in again. 
Your orgasm washed over you with sweet relief and you were sure it would have gone on for a bit less than a minute hadn’t Joon pulled out of you, his hand still toying with your clit, his vicious fingers way too skilled not to know how much he was affecting you -- and how wrong it all felt. “Joon, inside!” You cried out, barely coherent, only now noticing in the reflection that his arm was moving aggressively, his lower lip caught between his teeth before it slipped out, his jaw angrily clenching in a way that made you want to turn around and suck him into oblivion. 
“This ass still needs something.” He spat out through gritted teeth. 
Your mouth opened in wonder as you felt him press his tip to your skin, his hot flesh turning even hotter when he groaned out almost desperately, one hand still on his shaft, milking out his cum. 
“Do you like that, daddy?” You teased, wanting nothing but his fucked out babbling to praise you. 
“Love it, vixen, you nasty little fucker. I’ll put a damn ring on your dirty finger someday.” He muttered, his high almost over, the hand on your mound parting your labia before he slipped in sloppily, some drops of his orgasm ending inside you, while the rest made a sticky mess between the two of you.
He crumbled forward, mouth at your neck, his spine arching up away from you as he kept pushing his hips against yours, chest deflating with heavy breaths. One of your hands removed the fingers still massaging your sex into overstimulation. You were both a sweaty bundle of limbs, exhausted and brainless. 
“I’m so in love with you, ____.” He whispered in your ear. “My perfect baby.” The hand under you slipped to your chest, helping you handle the weight of your upper body. “Can you wait like this a couple seconds? I need to clean you up before we make a mess.”
You nodded sleepily while he stretched towards the closest towel, wetting the cloth under the tap and placing it against your skin as he slipped out. The arm under you helped you rise up, his mouth immediately kissing your cheek. 
“Did I go too hard?” He asked, his free hand touching you in tenderness and devotion, stroking your heated skin. He used a clean corner of the towel to swipe the dirty spots on your behind, then cleaning himself roughly.
“It was amazing.” Your head propped on his shoulder, your neck stressed because of your previous position. 
“Let me take you to the bathtub and ease out the knots on your muscles, yes?” He discarded the cloth and turned you around, kissing you softly and fondly. “I’m so proud of you.” He kissed you again. “You’re amazing.” He pressed his mouth to your forehead, “and now I wanna take care of you.”
He took off your corset with care, knowing how sensitive you were, but also how tired your body was, incapable of handling any violent push and pull to undo the garment. 
“Tell me you didn’t ruin it.” You said, voice imploring. 
“No. I was careful. I still regret ruining that La Perla I got you for your birthday. The colour looked so good on you.” He blushed, completely oblivious that two minutes ago he had been an unbelievably sexy, self-confident man spanking you and ruining your orgasm without the smallest hesitation. 
“I feel so spoiled, I took a bath this afternoon.” You murmured, thinking of all the wasted water. 
“Would you prefer a shower?” He asked, already closing the tap.
You nodded. Your muscles were sore but your conscience was still awake.
Opening the enormous shower he loved so much, he helped you sit down on the wide seat on the wall, flinching as the cold marble made contact with your bruising skin. 
Namjoon looked at you with wide eyes, feeling sorry for the pain you were feeling because of his selfishness. 
“Can I make it better?” He asked, caressing your face gently before pushing your hair back. His concerned tone made your insides melt. 
“I think that having a proper orgasm with your tongue between my legs would help.”
“You’re a spoiled brat. Never gonna learn.” He tried sounding angry, but the smile on his face told you otherwise. “You’re lucky I love you.”
You opened your legs wide as he kneeled before you. “You mentioned putting a ring on it, Joonie.” You teased, the inside joke between the two of you now sounding way too serious after he said it in that context, with that voice just an orgasm ago. 
“Careful or I’ll wife you.” He kissed your inner thigh, biting playfully. “Fill you up with babies.” He bit the other side. “Have you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.”
“Please do, kind sir.” You begged, laughter spilling from your mouth.
He positively laughed at that, his fit of giggles tickling your skin. You were overflowing with love for him.
“Sounds shady coming from a lady who was flirting with the waiter at dinner just tonight.” He started sucking at your skin, the tissue bruising easily after his harsh treatment. “Do you think I forgot?”
Here he was again: gone Joonie, welcome daddy. “I’m sorry.”
He laughed sarcastically against your other thigh, now just a couple centimetres away from your heat. “Do you think he could have done you like that?” His hand grasped your breast, squeezing it viciously. “Like I did tonight?”
“No, daddy.” Your mouth opened as he started rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Do you think he could discipline you?” He asked, his voice matching the love bite on the soft skin of your crotch where your thigh met your pelvis. 
“Of course no, daddy.” You repeated, shifting delicately in your seat to accommodate his mouth.
“Good.” He perched your legs on his shoulders, then his tongue licked your labia forcefully, your flesh and his adhering perfectly, the bridge of his nose rubbing your clit deliciously. 
The angle was difficult, and if it hadn’t been for the whole sink ordeal, you would have probably balanced yourself on your arms and used your hips to fuck his face midair, but from the way he was looking at you, you could tell Namjoon knew he couldn’t trust your body like that tonight, the risk of you slipping because of a lousy grip or tired muscles too high. 
Much to your dismay, he parted his mouth from your cunt, meeting your gaze. You loved seeing how blissful he got when he was using his mouth between your legs, his brain too focused to think of anything else. It was his go-to stress reliever.
“Hold tight. Be careful.” He said with intention, as he moved an arm behind your back and brought you closer to his face, making you plant your feet on the ground as he laid down on the empty floor. With some attentive adjustments, following his lead, you ended up straddling his face, his head luckily away from the stream of water falling from the shower head. 
“I need you to ride daddy’s face, little vixen. Show me how much you wanna belong to me.” He teased with a dark growl. 
“That sounds so good daddy!” You squealed enthusiastically. “I’m going to make you so proud.” You promised, smiling at him before his mouth latched on you, his arms snaking around your waist and dragging you down. 
“I’m so happy when you lick me, daddy.” You said, voice mischievous, while he enthusiastically picked up his pace.
“I’m the luckiest girl in the world.” His tongue lashed on your clit mercilessly as he kept pumping your most sensitive part with the muscles of his cheeks, hollowing them with the force of his movement. 
“I’ll learn...” Your breath caught in your lungs. “I’ll be so good to you.” 
His hands helped you balance yourself attentively, chasing your high, until you felt your eyes closing, the room spinning around you and your hips moving on their own command, your climax already possessing you. 
“Daddy, please, that’s...” The breathiest moan exited your mouth, your arms collapsing, Namjoon’s hands on your hips the only thing keeping you from smashing face first against the tiles. He moved his head with wide sweeps upwards, accompanying you through your high. In the meantime you managed to readjust, your weight now again in control, you eased Namjoon’s arms, thinking of how tired he must be. 
You lifted yourself up, sliding away from his face, down to his lap. 
He was incredibly hard, once more, quite unusually. “Please, let me ride you, daddy.” You tried to persuade him. “I’ll do all the work.” You were literally batting your eyelashes at him. 
He laughed breathlessly. “How can I tell you no, baby, when you sound so nice?”
“Can I?” You pouted. 
“Yes, baby.” He groaned.
You were on him in two seconds, grabbing him, squeezing him gently in your palm -- at which he shut his eyes tight -- and holding his tip towards your entrance, sliding on it flawlessly. 
“You feel amazing, ____.” He breathed from his spot on the floor, still in the same position as you’d left him after your mind-blowing climax.
You moaned out at the sound of your name, going already pretty fast to make sure that you both came as soon as possible. Namjoon’s hands led your vicious pace while your hand, already toying with your core, made sure that you could come to the edge of your third high within a few minutes. “Joonie, tell me you’re close.”
“Keep going, baby, almost there. Use your-- oh that!” His mouth opened, eyes scrunched. “There!” 
You smirked naughtily as you worked him with your kegels, hips gyrating on him.
“Joonie, help.” You called out, noticing that his arms were going slack. 
Exhaustion was getting to the both of you, but as he pushed up, chasing his sensations, you felt the change of angle and in a couple seconds you felt his hot cum fill your every crevice, your own orgasm mixing with his as your upper body collapsed, mouth searching for his neck. “Joonie.”
“Here.” His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as your legs started shaking and giving out. “I’ve got you, ____ baby.”
Your nose brushing against the side of his jaw, teeth scraping gently against the vein on his neck, you let your body be lulled by his breathing. 
“Love, let’s finish this shower and head to bed, yes?” He caressed your hair back, lovingly.
You have little memory of what happened afterwards, except his weight beside you on the mattress, the lights switching off his heartbeat calling you to sleep.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Broken Bones And New Homes
Clark has a surprise and you fuck up.
Warnings:swearing, injury, angst
A/n:so a little bit of fluff and angst 
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Broken Bones And New Homes
Clark sat back in his chair as Diana took the young girl to get settled and was fixed with a look from the others he sighed.
"She was still doubting herself she needed to see it for herself" Bruce spoke up first unimpressed.
"Yes but it could have gone down hill fast! What if it had pierced you! She'd never have forgiven herself or trusted anyone again!" Clark sighed he knew that Bruce had a point.
"But there was also another reason I was testing her as well like she did to you earlier ...did you see? She was holding back, even when she was angry she found the power to hold it back she didn't want to hurt me not for a second she just wanted to scare me...shes used to scaring people off. I wanted to see if she was truly wants to harm or not anger reveals your true intentions shes good through and through..." Arthur nodded
"He is right Bruce she held back it wasn't nice to watch but the kid did good tho... it was unnerving to watch her have that much restraint ....aren't teens meant to you know? loose their shit she held it together." Bruce nodded it was horrible in a way seeing the control she needed for herself Clark was right she'd had to grow up fast just like them but unlike them she will have someone there for her question was who, tho he had a guess already.
"So whose gonna take her Legally?"
"I will she needs stability, normality but still someone who can keep her in line can you get the paperwork done?" Bruce nodded smirking at Clark, looks like he was taken with the girl in a way they all were Bruce would take her in in a heart beat but with the others it wouldn't be a good idea so this time he will settle for being an uncle, doesn’t mean he cant tease the big man tho? Does it
"Your sure your not even letting anyone else what if I want to-"
"No I'm taking her, she will fit right in at home with me and konner, he has always wanted a sister to look after we can give her a family that she can relax around no offence Bruce but if anything would happen at the manor, your boys are strong but...." Bruce waved him off laughing
"I was messing with you,I know what you mean I will get on it first thing" Clark rolled his eyes at him, Victor pulled up her file on the screen.
"Whoa, her file is .....large shes been through.... to much I don't know haw shes so....stable Clark your gonna have your work cut out for you... how she hasn't already gone mad is beyond me." Barry came closer frowning
"She has a police record?" Victor nodded sadly scanning through the data quickly Clark got up coming over to them
"You found her file? When?" Victor didn't bother looking up at him just pointing to Barry
"He took her bag to her room when you had your little heart to heart and got her name y/n l/n birthday April seventh, born in central city moved to Gotham with her parents at six months old... Clark shes been through a lot its..."
"Tell me I want to know what happened." Victor side and continued
"There’s nothing until she was five when her parents died...police report says parents were only identified by dna because....."
"Because what?" Victor looked down then to Arthur everyone was tense suddenly Diana came into the room hear most of it so far she can gather whats they are on about.
"Bodies crushed beyond recognition, no teeth remaining for a dental record to be found, official cause of death was crushed by ceiling, flats collapsed due to breech in building regulations, no one was charged for it. Child found in flat had resided by parents bodies for three days before being found, no one knows how she survived but she was unharmed and thought the police were there to arrest her, she was under the impression she did it."
"She must have tried to save them and failed...that why she was frightened of the police" Clark summarized  victor nodded
"That’s what she said in her report that she did it she couldn't stop the ceiling, after that there is nothing on the incident apart from information about the therapy she should under go and where they sent her. Children's home north Gotham on Presington street." Bruce swore
"Fucking hell that's a shit hole, been pouring money into it for years they were pocketing it as bonuses only went down for it three years ago two deaths to malnutrition" everyone winced things did not look good
"The next eight entries are from the weeks after, mental evaluations, says here she started hurting other kids in the home lashing out and became aggressive to staff, she claimed they were accidents that she couldn't help it that she had powers, they didn't listen until one kid ended up missing an eye... can understand it looks like a vicious attack"
"Probably bullying, it happens a lot to the new kids, if they attacked her then it'd protect her right?" Victor nodded to Bruce and sighed moving on
"They certified her had to drug her to get her out of the home, Jesus Christ they put her in a mental unit in Gotham general child's psych ward inpatient  where she stayed under various levels of sedation for a majority of her time there until being released at ten years old showing no signs of instability or any indication she was a danger to herself and others a successful case. By law she couldn't return to the group home so she was fostered between then and a year ago shes had foster homes all across Gotham. Then a year ago she was on a trip with school doing a big beach clean up, it was a campaign the school was behind to help clean up the oceans? they kids were going to protest at Washington....never made it tho...it was when the atlanteans threw out the trash, oil tanker landed on her class's camp sight, two survived her and her student teacher....he said she had held it for around two minuets but most of the others were to scared to move the ones that did couldn't get out of the way and she passed out and well you can guess the rest.... no one believed him when he told them what he'd seen....he killed himself four days later. Since then its been petty thievery and some assaults, shes beaten up a few known drug dealers and gang members.... The police reports are mostly about injuries from dragging her back to foster homes three in the past year, seventeen in the past six, it was more frequent when she was younger, she under goes psychological evaluations once a year to see if her 'schizophrenia' is coming back. But that it" Diana covered her eyes rubbing the bridge of her nose shaking her head at the humans stupidity.
"So they told her she's mad? For four nearly five years they locked her away? made her believe she was crazy? And drugged her" She leaned back feeling sorry for the girl she'd been put into a brutal system at the most devastating time in her life, shed had to deal with it alone. Bruce sighed he knew Gotham wasn't the best place for an orphan... but that seemed harsh even to his standards.
"She hid it to seem normal, so she could get out of the hospital no wonder she so guarded she had to outsmart Drs and psychiatrists when she was a child" everyone spoke apart from Arthur he sat there fists clenched seething."Arthur! what happened you couldn't have known" he growled he knew that, there wasn't anything he could so but still it irked him knowing that it had happened, that shed tried to save her class mates from his people-his brother and hadn't been able to.
"I know....I know that but that is what triggered all this again isn’t it? That’s what made it come back stronger and now she cant control it? The reason shes been on the streets...And I was here laughing and jokeing around with her? When she knew it was me-my people who did that? How she didn't fuck me up right away I don’t know cos if it was the other way around I would have" Barry sighed before speaking quietly.
"Well doesn't that show she doesn't blame you? I mean we all knew that something big happened so I don’t think she blames you... she had every chance to blow up at you about it when she explained a little herself but she didn't..I wouldn't worry." Clark nodded agreeing with Barry then continued.
"Be there for her now, if she wants to talk she will.." Arthur nodded letting out an angry breath that was all he could do now, be there for her.
"Clark could you go check she's in bed I gave her half an hour to have a shower and be in bed by" he nodded hearing the others all start making their way to their rooms deciding to call it a night. He slowed opening the door poking his head in he smiled seeing you curled up in the blankets not asleep yet but near enough he quickly shut the door. He was determined to become the father you needed he would talk to Konner tomorrow about it, he would be happy having a little sister but Clark would have to explain to his son what was going on with her before introducing them...And his mom he will need her help.
"AAHHH!" You screamed bloody murder when there was a excruciating crunch then you slammed into the floor, tho it was softer then it should have been your head struck it hard with a bone cracking force, you groaned laying there sobbing and gasping as your arm head and ribs were in agony, seeing blood, you cried harder heaving and  panicking when your vision went fuzzy then heard the door be all but ripped off its hinges and saw someone you didn’t recognize, he looked around a year or so older then you black hair, blue eyes. He kneeled beside you then looked up inspecting your arm wincing there was bone....
You woke up stretching and yawning it had been three weeks since you got here...and things were pretty sweet, you had a comfy bed free reign of the kitchen and a private bathroom. You hadn't really trained with the others yet just a few practice sessions that ended reasonably well most of the time you'd read, using various books to help you understand what was possible then sort of felt your way about the place and kept to yourself as much as you could which wasn't much as you found they all wanted you to feel welcome....It was hard not to become close but you kept saying to yourself it was temporary despite what Diana had said Clark hasn't been near you since the first night, only popping in briefly then off again for days on end it didn't give you much hope for the future.
But you assumed by now they all knew the story so you cant blame them, no one wants to be around a mad meta-human so its understandable...not that your mad at least you didn't think you were just gifted and confused. You quickly threw your hair up out of the way ignoring your thoughts, you’d rather not fall into that little debate again for now, wanting to just get your powers under control and get out of here before you get to attached. Taking your current architecture book, this you was using to find different types of structural systems which is the strongest and most reliable ect and made your way to the training room, today you were testing something out...A theory you'd been working on basically you wanted to make some stairs see how many things you could hold at once.
You opened the door to the room you’d been working in. It was tall and must be about ten meters across each way not the biggest in the watchtower but it was enough for you. You placed the book at the door open on a page depicting floating stairs. It should be easy just platforms from the walls big enough to step on you flared your power feeling your way around then took a deep breath to the side stretching out a hand to the wall, metal with concrete behind it, you started moving one foot up pulling a platform from the wall then another above this continued until you was a fair height you opened your eyes looking down you’d made it half way up the tall room you smiled it had worked!
You jumped for joy then moved faster paying less attention trying to force it on auto pilot climbing higher you faltered a little the next step was a little uneven, it looked tilted and .....iffy you gulped looking down only now realizing just how high your were you slumped back against the wall a little nervous, maybe you should have had someone in here with you but hindsight was 20/20 staying still for a few moments you took deep breaths collecting yourself, that was enough you thought you turned placing both hands on the wall completely freaked out as you made a slow descent making sure two feet were firmly placed on each step before you moved to the next as you went down the stairs you got maybe eight steps then all hell broke loose.
A few fell away as you panicked but tried to breath through it only for more to slip back into the wall in your addled mind you panicked watching the steps one by one collapse you made a snap decision and made a leap of faith crying out as you smacked your ribs on it making you try and scream you couldn't make a sound winded , you scrabbled on the step flailing legs trying to find purchase your eyes widened watching as the rest disappeared then the one you held crumbled away you screamed pulling at the ground to help but in the confusion you only smashed a few pillars into you one clipped your waving arm
"Shit shit hold on y/n, I'll get dad just stay here okay? Don’t-don’t go to sleep okay?" He dissapeared then returned seconds later with Clark Diana and Barry close behind. Clark swore seeing your crumpled form running to sit beside you, he didn't need his x-ray vision to see that you'd broken your arm as it had snapped and was sticking out crudely at an odd angle he sat by your head stroking your hair whispering softly to you trying to calm you down as you panicked crying and hyperventilating.
"Shh shh its okay, I've got you I've got you, Barry can you tell Bruce whats happened we need a car, ambulance or something, Diana can you help hold her still I've got to move her ,get her to the hospital, I can't fly her there could cause an infection or something." Diana crouched beside you shushing you trying to help calm you, moving your head to look at her you tried moving but screamed loud, Clark placed a hand on your tummy holding you still.
"Don’t move y/n don’t move Let me do it okay? Diana I need her on her back can you hold her shoulder I don’t want to move her arm to much Yet ready one... two.. three" everyone winced as you cried out loud your pain echoed in the room
"Shh shh its okay your doing really well I'm here its going to be okay...Konner can you get a cloth we are going to have to stop the bleeding" he looked nervous
"Can't you just laser-" Clark shook his head
"Shes human and will need a cast for it to heal kon we can't explain that in hospital, a clean cloth konner now!" Bruce came running in with a medium black box he swore loud seeing you on the floor.
"Bruce whats that?" He ignored Diana and quickly stopped by you opening the case pulling out a small needle and vial filling the needle with half a dose he would use himself.
"Tramadol, I always have some here incase...Clark I need a vein find one!" Clark moved from your sight making you whine trying to move your head to him. Clark pointed one out on the inside of your arm Bruce’s hand shook he was stopped by Barry.
"We can't just give her tramadol! If they give her morphine it could cause a reaction, We need to get her to the hospital...We can't explain how we gave her tramadol" you looked up as you felt someone else by your broken arm the blue eyed teen went to press the cloth hard over the wound on your arm Diana called out to him
"No head, head the arm will stop bleeding before the head!" He nodded shuffling forward holding it to your head you cried out.
"FFFUUUUCCKK! Fuckfuckfuck noNOOOONO PLEASE STOP!" You screamed at him Clark looked over to a distraught konner who hesitated.
"Keep it there, hold on y/n we get you to a hospital soon just hold on okay sweetheart"
"Yeah don’t go towards any white lights" that brought on a whole new flood of tears as everyone screamed
"BARRY!" you weept as Diana cradled your head in her lap holding you still for konner and making sure your arm was left alone.Bruce was already on the phone to the ambulance requesting one to come over immediately two blocks down where Clark could take you as Clark repeated what he saw.
"Snapped right through the radius and ulna, broken ribs and cracked head, heavy bleeding" Bruce recounted what Clark had said
"Five minuets away okay yes we already moved her to stem the bleeding, shes pale already we will be outside yes" he put the phone down.
"Five minuets we have to move her they think shes on third" Clark bit his lip you cried begging them not to touch you.
"Konner, Barry open the doors for me" you shook your head at him as he moved slowly.
"NO! Please don’t Clark-Clark please don't it hurts I don't want to move" he ignored you taking the cloth from konner pressing it firmly
"Hey hey its okay, just breath I promise I'll be so quick you might not even notice okay? But we need to get you to the hospital, now deep breath in and out that's it good girl breathe in and out" he used the the moment you breathed out to quickly move your arm as gently and fast as possible. Your breathing hitched then you screamed again feeling the boned move.
"YOU FUCK YOU FUCKING FUCK!" He closed his eyes trying to calm himself down he felt bad but it had to be done he couldn't move you anywhere with it dangling about, opening his eyes he crouched over you wiping at the tears hushing you.
"Good girl all done the worst is over now ,I'm so proud of you, now we can move you without touching it again , we don’t need to move it anymore" 
"Y-you promise?" He nodded moving tucking you up into his arms the stood up with you pulling you against his chest making sure to stem the blood from your head wound, the bleeding front your arm had slowed but he was worried you were drowsy, very weak you head lulled back eyes unfocused and you was very pale.
"I need something to cover her shes cold, shes gonna pass out" konner shrugged off his heavy coat placing it over her gently tucking it down between her and his dad making sure it was secure.
"The apartments on 3rd right?" Bruce nodded
"Y/n close your eyes honey" you closed them as tight as you could still moaning in pain, it was unbearable there was a rush of air then nothing you'd passed out.
When you come to you were in a white room with huge animal stickers across the walls you grunted then whined at the fluorescent lights you moved your arm to your face noticing a thick bandage. Looking around you saw you was in a private hospital room. Scanning the room you noticed Clark slumped in the chair beside you and the teen from before. The door opened and you saw a woman you didn't recognize she looked kind and chilled out holding a cardboard drinks holder with three cups in it, she stopped short and smiled looking relieved.
"You know you gave them quite a scare...I haven't seen Clark that frightened since...well I don't think I have ever seen him that frightened" you moved sitting up wincing she quickly placed the cups down
"Whoa slowly honey that's it slowly are you in any pain? They said the medication would last longer but you now how doctors are..."you shook your head no.
"Groggy, err what happened?" You trailed off as Clark stirred beside you then blinked his face lit up as he saw you awake and he quickly grabbed you tugging you in for a hug you yelped a little in surprise making the bed shake small pins forming on the surface as it tried to stop the offending body that launched itself at you, you caught it in time, he tucked your head under his chin running his fingers across your scalp holding you for a few seconds then pulled back holding your shoulders looking stern.
"Don’t you ever do that again, you hear me you almost gave me a heart attack! You nearly bled out! You don’t train alone ever! Not until I know you can handle it Do you understand me?!" You nodded slowly at him not quite with it then looked at the woman who stood at the bottom of the bed the blue eyed boy got up standing next to where Clark sat at the head of the bed.
"Clark? Where? Whats going on?" He looked down at you kissing your head he sighed tucking you under his arm.
"You lost focus and panicked you fell about twelve foot, you had a nasty break snapped your ulna and radius, broke three ribs and cracked your head open, you lost a lot of blood, they had to operate on your arm and you've had a few blood transfusions" you looked at your wrapped arm then followed the canula that tied you to a beeping machine with an iv bag that was half full of clear liquid you gulped.
"W-why is it beeping whats wrong?" The woman came over sitting on your right side straightening your arm making the beep stop
"Its when you cut off the tube, there see? Now it can carry on"  you looked from her then to Clark and blinked.
"Oh god don’t tell me Bruce had to pay for all that..." Clark shared a look with the other two in the room.
"Well he would have happily you know that but it just so happens Ma's insurance covers the whole family soo" you froze snapping your head up to him.
"I’m not family" He smiled at you then nodded to the woman sitting on your right.
"This is my mother Martha and my son Konner....as of yesterday they have been your brother and grandmother....Diana told you I was going to adopt you its only just been finalized, Konner and I came to get you yesterday we wanted to surprise you then he heard you screaming ...we've been working on your room at home and on the farm for the past few weeks, its why I haven't been around much I had a lot of paper work and court appearance's Bruce helped me through it all... but its all done....your officially  y/n Y/l/n Kent now." You bit your lip looking down shaking your head. No they couldn't have. You sniffed. Then felt the woman place her hand on your back rubbing it.
"Hey hey what the matter? Its okay" you shook your head using your good hand to wipe at your eyes trying desperately not to cry but failed miserably.she wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you in letting you cry on her you just kept shaking your head not willing to believe that someone had actually chose to keep,you, it had to be a mistake, or some sick joke. No one adopted teens, once you hit twelve you aged out.
"Hey whats with the tears? We don't look that bad do we?" You shook your head at the woman pulling back from her.
"No I-you cant" you couldn't even  get the words out around your sobs, you was confused and happy and terrified all in one. Clark interrupted
"Who says I cant? Your ours now and your coming to live with us" you hiccuped still trying to bite back your small shuddering sobs.
"I-I don't have to move again? And I get to stay?" He wrapped you up in his arms again .
"No your not going any where now, your stuck with us and when we leave here we are all going to the farm for a while to settle then you'll be moving back into metropolis with me and Konner...why don't you introduce yourself Konner?" He moved forward smiling shyly
"Im glad your okay now....don't do it again tho it wasn't...nice watching you bleed out like that" you smiled at him wiping your eyes trying to stop the tears.
"Thank you for finding me....if you hadn't I don't know what would have happened.. and I’m sorry for screaming at you..." he waved it off"Its okay you were hurt so of course you would scream at me, and I couldn’t let my little sister die before picking on her at least once wheres the fun in that." You fidgeted with the blanket.
"Y-you don’t mind having me around? Even near your grandma? I’m not exactly safe" he shook his head going to speak but was cut off by his grandma taking hold of your chin.
"No you are not dangerous," you held up your arm but she shook her head
"Yes so it was a stupid decision But you wont do it again, even with your powers your human just like me and need to be more careful, besides I'm pretty sure I can handle it, he got his laser vision when he was seven, try that for dangerous" you looked to Clark unsure but he shrugged nodding.
"Its true she raised me and came out fighting any way we've already established that you can acclimatize your powers to other people nothing happens with Diana Bruce or Barry anymore me and konner just need to hang around until you reach that point hence why we are going to the farm for a while first."
"How do you know that?" He sighed
"I may not have been around but Bruce kept me updated" you looked down again Martha sat back smiling you were lost, just as lost as konner had been but she knew you'd come around it will take time you haven't had anyone for a long time, Clark had let both her and konner know what had happened and about your power she was excited to have a granddaughter around the house for a while.
"Plus it will be good to get you away from the city for a while, whens the last time you got out of the city and had some fresh air?" You shook your head tilting it a bit
"Never left Gotham before" she smiled at you
"Well are you in for a shock, huge open spaces fresh air its really something"  Clark smiled as you relaxed konner piped up"It really is, there's lots of space to let loose and you can practice your power thing in the garden" you looked to Clark who smiled brightly at you
"Yes its just about time to start planting crops so you can help out on the fields and in the potting barn" you smiled eyes lighting up
"I've never grown nothing before, can I grow tomatoes And cucumber?" Martha nodded at you making you glow.
"After you catch up on your classes, your nearly a eight months behind in every subject" you frowned at him shaking his head
"What no I'm not-" he leaned back crossing his arms at you
"Yes you are, I was given your transcripts you have been slowly falling behind since switching to online so we have a strict schedule in place that your going to follow to catch up, konner will be there to he is doing online as well so your going to have a classmate" you looked at konner stumped.
"Is he serious?"
"Deadly I’m afraid, but I will help you so don’t sweat it" you nodded you didn’t mind really it will be nice having someone who really cared who wasn’t paid to do it you smiled leaning back a little Clark caught you moving in to quickly kiss your head
"I'm sure it wont be that bad" the door opened and a doctor came in with a smile crossing the room quickly standing at the bottom of the bed.
"So how is the patient today? Well your up which is good any pain at all?" You shook your head curling into Clark....You didn't like doctors one bit. He stood at the end of your bed reading the clipboard.
"Well that’s good" he smiled to you then began talking to Clark making you frown a little it was odd...being treated like a kid, when your an orphan people tend to treat you different older they know your more independent but now your doctor was bypassing you opting to speak about you not to you, Martha caught your confusion and patted your hand.
"Her blood is back to normal and the ob's are fine, I see no reason to keep,her in any longer there’s no fever or anything that could show an infection so you can probably leave today, just need to remove the iv and get a cast put on I will have someone come up to take you down for that in the next hour or so." Clark nodded then spoke
"Is it going to scar?" The doctor hesitated"It was a nasty break, clean cut but nasty it probably will leave a scar but I'm not sure how bad it will probably just be a small one where the bone came through the skin" you gasped
"It came through? Ew.... did someone get a picture?" konner laughed nodding moving to pull out his phone making the adults sigh
"Hell yeah look" you did immediately regretting it.
"OH FUCK I’m gonna be sick, we are white meat....looks like a chicken fillet" you bent over heaving Clark sighed rubbing your back you hissed as the movement pulled on your ribs.
"Kon put it away, what about her ribs will they heal? And her head?"
"Head will be fine the stitches will dissolve and her ribs will be if she takes it easy, the bandage she had on now will help but she has to go slow and come back for a check up" he flipped the chart
"Metropolis? I will arrange for you to go there for the check up" Clark corrected him
"Could you make it Smallville medical center? We are going to stay there for a while, I’m thinking if she wont listen to me she will listen to grandma" you flushed feeling a strange warmth in your chest as he said that....this was going to take a while to get used to. The doctor smiled chuckling
"Now that does sound like a good idea, cast will be on for a minimum of seven weeks...in her case probably longer."
"Will she get a color one?" The doctor nodded to konner
"Well we have a pretty bright pink-"
"Black....I want black" he stuttered looking for help from the others who all shrugged
"I don’t think we have black at the moment there’s pink,purple, lime green, orange and blue but you can ask when you get there. Now I’m going to go and cal a nurse to get that iv out." You blinked as he left the room.
"Well he was fucking rude barely spoke to me....just you I'm going on trust pilot what was his name again?" Martha laughed and Clark snorted
"Its called having a dad, I sort out the adult stuff now remember? You just be a kid" you faltered looking down it will take time, Clark cast a look over you to Martha who shook her head konner sensed the awkwardness and quickly interrupted.
"Can I draw on your cast....never drawn on one before." You regarded konner for a second"You gonna draw a dick on it?" He shook his head smirking
"Okay but if you do draw a dick on it I'm gonna draw one on your face in your sleep....just saying"
"No one is drawing dicks on any one" Clark rolled his eyes at the two teens, he'd admit he was a little worried about how you two would be but something tell's him your both going to be fine, you both had been crying out for someone who you couldn't accidentally hurt and that was going to be your starting point, no doubt there was going to be bumps along the way but for now he was happy, his family was growing happy and healthy he couldn't ask for more than that.
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
It's been a long time since I made a Toppat!Charles Part.
I'm not really going to add a recap from the last part this time, sorry.
I'll add the links though:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
This part will have elements of this video, which I recommend watching before reading this part:
We start off in the CCC this time, with one a chaos reader biting her nails as Bill Bullet approaches.
"Any problems here?"
"It's the chaos readings, sir," she explains. "Since the Toppats left Earth, we've been seeing a steady increase in chaos around the globe from unpredictable weather patterns to more reports of crime rate."
"What were the numbers before?"
Bullet tears his glasses off as he notices a blinking red spot on a large monitor the workers use as a reference. It's close to the U.S, but Bill hones in on the location to see it's in the middle of the desert, where the government and Toppats once fought. In this location, the mumbers increase from 11.8 to 12.3, so Bill gulps as he takes a step back.
"Orders, sir? Do we need any protocols?"
Bullet is silent and notices one of those line graphs where it goes up or down dependong on the variable over time and sees the name of the person being monitored: H. Stickmin (Suave).
He takes this as he replies, "Not yet. If things get out of hand, you know what button to press."
The entire room gasps at their corporal.
"Sir, you can't mean it. He's one of our most valuable subjects!"
"If things get out of hand, and those numbers keep going up, DO NOT HESITATE TO PUSH THAT DAMN BUTTON! UNDERSTAND!?"
Everyone collectively locks eyes with the woman with readings, who gulps as she nods. "Y-yes, sir."
"Good. Back to work."
Another readings worker speaks up, "But, Sir? What about Henry Stickmin?"
Bill Bullet is silent as he walks out of the room, mentally praying that Henry knows what he's doing.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, let's check in on them😁
Just as Charles fires his gun, Henry darts forward and tackles his friend down, causing the bullet to stray from its path and trim off a bit of Reginald's mustache.
The two scuffle on the ground, only it's much more violent than the sapphire heist because now Heney is focused and Charles has officially snapped. There's punching and shouting from Charles as he and Henry fight over the gun.
"GET BACK!" Henry shouts as he points the gun skyward and toward the ground, shooting both times before Charles headbutts him and smacks him across the brow with the gun.
Henry shakes off the hit and wipes off some blood as he mutters, "Just like training."
Charles and Right meet eyes and Charles prepares to aim again as Right pushes Reginald behind him and transforms his cybernetic hand into a sword.
Henry grabs Charles around the middle and pulls him back down, grabbing his hand and making him waste another bullet.
Terrence winces at the sudden itch in his neck before realizing what's just been triggered and backing away from the group. Ellie, however, SEES this.
"You selfish prick!"
"Not now, Red, just keep your distance."
"How can you leave your son like this!? He needs you!"
Charles and Galeforce hear this and it just makes Charles PISSED.
The former pilot flips Henry onto his back, holds him fown by his hair, and starts using the gun as more of a hammer, holding it by the barrel and trying to hit Henry with where the ammunition goes. I say trying because Henry keeps wriggling and tossing and turning away as much as he can. He eventually catches Charles's hand and pushes it up so Charles basically hits himself and knocks the gun out of Charles's hand.
Charles grabs Henry by the sides of his head, by the hair, and starts slamming him into the ground as hard as he can.
"Why are you all the same!?" He shouts. "When you want me around, it's just so you can use me, but when you're done with me, you'll just throw me away! First the government, then you and Ellie, now THEM!?"
Henry sees stars as he is left hearing Charles breakdown further.
"Is that how you all see me!? Am I just some damned TOOL to you!? ANSWER ME! TELL ME THE TRUTH! WHAT AM I TO YOU!?"
Reg takes advantage of the diversion and grabs a small device that fell from Charles's top hat when Henry first tackled him: a little earpiece that is used to communicate with Burt or anyone else on the Station.
"Boss? Are you alright? I heard gunshots!"
"Sven, please be a dear and send us back now!"
"Sir Reginald? You're alive!"
Charles notices lets go of Henry, and grabs the gun as fast as he can. "NO!"
"Sven, BEAM US UP NOW!" Right shouts.
Charles races toward them as he shoots, hitting Reginald in the leg before both are beamed up to safety.
Charles drops to his knees, shaking as he weepsto himself, "They're gone. They got away... again. They left without me."
Henry crawls over to Charles and sits next to him, slowly taking the gun away from him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
Charles slowly and almost twitchingly turns to Henry, eyes wide with shock and adrenaline. Then they narrow with anger.
"You ruined everything."
It hits Henry almost as hard as the left hook Charles sends into his face.
"You made me lose my job, my home, my helicopter, MY OWN DAMN MIND! AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"
Charles slashes at Henry with a knife he's hidden in his coat, just cutting the jacket Henry's wearing and giving a small cut on the belly.
Their fight now becomes a game of crazy cat with a knife and mouse with multiverse powers, even though Henry still gets some punches in.
He makes the mistake of getting too close and Charles grabs his hair like before from when he tried to hit Henry with the gun.
They fall and Henry catches Charles hand when he goes for a stab. Even though he's weaker, Charles puts as much weight can on Henry, because he's over bend at this point, and Henry yells as he's pricked by the tip of the knife.
With a jerk, he rips himself free, resulting in some hair loss, and throws Charles off of him.
The two have a stand off and stare down, bloodied, bruised, and tired.
"You're not going to stop, are you?"
Henry shakes his head.
Charles drop his knife and slyly picks the gun bsck up as he gives Henry a tired smile.
"You shouldn't have tried so hard."
Just as Charles raises the gun again, Galeforce shoots. He hits Charles in the hand, well, more like he almost shoots off Charles's thumb and puts a hole in his hand.
Charles screams out and holds his hand as Henry grabs and holds him from behind. He stomps on his foot and tries to run, but stumbles and falls down.
"Don't make me shoot you again, Charlie!" Galeforce shouts as he points his gun at him, tears in his eyes. "Don't make me, son!"
Charles is frozen on the ground, trembling as his breathing goes ragged.
He collapses on the ground, passing out right there.
Henry does what I call the hero-ship-half-dead pick up and picks up Charles to see if he's alright.
Ellie sort of limps in but crouches next to Henry to also check on him.
"Don't worry, you two. He just passed out."
Terrence feels the itch in his neck go away and takes a breath as he gets a little closer.
Galeforce joins Henry and Ellie and brushes some hair out of Charles's face. "Don't worry, Charlie. You're home now."
He turns to Henry and Ellie, and Terrence. "Let's get back to the base."
Henry picks up Charles and carries him to the truck they used; Reg got motion sick in the helicopter and Terrence was dangerously close to the door.
As Ellie loads up with Terrence's help, she stops for a second. "Um, General? What about the Toppat Clan? They both got away."
Galeforce looks up at the station and shakes his head. "We'll worry about them later. For now, let's just take care of Charlie."
Henry climbs in and keeps holding onto his friend, not letting him go when medics tend to them both.
Back with the CCC, the chaos readings decrease from 13.9 to 9.4 and dropping.
Bill sighs before looking back at the line graph he's been reading.
After Henry's escape from the Wall with Ellie, courtesy of Charles, the chaos reads were as low as 5.2. That number was maintained or lowered until the Toppat Clan went into space, which started off the increase of chaos.
With a very dad-like groan, Bill rests his elbows on his knees and holds his face in his hand, contemplating his decision to take Henry into the CCC.
AMD THAT IS PART 9!!!!! CHARLES IS FINALLY HOME, THANK GOODNESS!! I mean, it's not good Right and Reginald got away, but fuck it. WE GOT OUR FAVORITE PILOT BACK! HE'S HOOOOOOOME!
Thank you so much for your patience with this one. The later half of 2020 and beginning of 2021 have not been easy for me mentally, especially with recent events in my personal life, but things will hopefully be changing soon, I'm praying so hard for it to be the case.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this part and thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking around and being patient!!
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limenysnocket · 4 years
In The Dirt. . . Pt. I
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Summary: Welccome to the life of a groupie. Booze, sex, drugs and violence follows you wherever you go, and wherever you go is with the band you're following. The Wilderpeople. You expected to be tossed around the group, but one landed his official dominance over you and made you his and no one else's.
Warnings: Immediate smut, swearing, smoking
Request: A bunch of people, but to name one-- @honorarytenenbaum
A/N: I'm actually quite excited to write this one... Don't be alarmed. There is a LOT of fucking in this series. Enjoy.
Your teeth clenched and you wiggled your hips, pushing his cock deeper into your soaked walls. He pushed against that one tender spot now. Your moans get louder.
"Told you, if you keep moving, it's only going to get worse~," Taika hummed and chuckled deeply, adjusting himself, then continuing to jot down whatever lyrics came to mind, just from the feeling of your tight pussy around him.
"Well, are you almost done? It's been almost an hour, Tai," you groan, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
"Mm... maybe. Got a few more lyrics," He hummed, resting his free hand on your ass, beneath the shirt he let you borrow with his band logo on the front.
"Taika, I need you to fuck me sooner or later~," you begged and moaned softly, adjusting despite what he says.
"I'm sorry. Who's Taika?" He said, tapping the end of his pen against the paper again, humming. You know exactly what he wants you to call him, and he's made you call him it since the first time he pinned you to a wall, got you on your back, spread your legs and pummeled you until your insides were sore.
"Excuse me," You said quietly, the sarcasm hissing on the tip of your tongue. "I meant, daddy~."
The sound of your sultry tone must have driven him haywire, because he quickly shot you a look, bit his lip and scribbled down lyrics so fast, his handwriting turned to chicken scratch real quick. He threw down his notepad and pen, over on his nightstand, then his hand shot to your hips.
"You're a real fucking piece of work, you know that?" He whispered, his eyes glancing down to look at his cock sheathed in your walls, just beneath the t-shirt.
"Well, if that's a bad thing, it's your fault for making me this way," You teased him without a second thought, but you should have kept quiet, because, before you knew it, he was harshly bouncing you up and down, fucking the life out of you.
The room filled with moans of his name, nickname or complete lust driven gibberish. The sound of skin on skin was obvious and it echoed along the walls, like it always did in any hotel room you stayed in with him.
He was in the middle of giving you a rough, deep hickey to replace the old ones, which were fading out and healing with a disgusting yellow tint, when the bedside phone started to yell at the two of you. You whined and Taika put a finger to his lips while he reached for the phone. "Keep going~. I'll make this quick~," He smirked, placing his now free hand on the back of your head and pushing your face into his shoulder to muffle the delicious moans escaping your mouth.
He picked up the phone, then clicked it on speaker, before returning his hands to your hips, just so he could make your hips go at a slower pace so the squeaks of the bed wouldn't blow your cover. The risk actually turned you on.
"What?" Taika huffed to the phone while staring into your eyes and moving you ever so slowly along his glistening cock.
"Sir, your manager is here to see you. He requests that you come to the lobby promptly and immediately," A snobby, male, hotel employee said through the phone. It almost made you want to snort in laughter. Yeah, good luck getting Taika to go anywhere when he's in the middle of a good fuck.
"How about no," Taika snorted back rudely and smirked, your body was trembling beneath his hands and it was driving him half crazy to not just flip you over and start going ham on your soaked cunt.
"Sir, I'm afraid that--," the employee started, but Taika interrupted them again, by grabbing the phone, saying a loud and almost cheery, "Aaaand we're done," then hanging up the phone.
You were still going at the slow pace he ordered you to go at, during the call, but, as it turns out, just that speed had ticked him off enough. You promptly found yourself on your belly, face pressed against the warm sheets and ass up in the air, like a stretching dog. A pair of hands gripped your asscheeks, then yanked you back to where a hot, hard dick filled you up to the brim. You moaned again, and that fueled the fire. Taika wasted no time on thrusting into you and pounding you until you were weak.
Things were just starting to get interesting, but his phone started to buzz on the nightstand. The screen lit up and partially illuminated the room with a white glow. Taika let out a snarl and reached over to pick it up, his pace unwavering.
"What now?" He nearly spat on his phone. His aggressiveness leaked into his thrusts and made you go wild. You would have been screaming for him, if you didn't have your face buried in the sheets.
"Tai food! There you are!" You heard the sound of Taika's upkept agent over the phone and you could almost feel Taika's cringe when he called him 'Tai food.' Taika hated that name with a burning, undying passion. The only person who he lets call him 'Tai' is you. "Look, man, I seriously need you to come down to the lobby right now. We have some serious business to discuss."
"What's wrong with you coming up here?" Taika grunted, continuing to thrust in and out of you like a madman.
"Do you know how much of a mad house it is with all of you in a room at once? I once caught one of you fucking a groupie on the dining table!" His manager complained over the phone, but it made you and Taika snicker through the pleasure.
"I said it to that dickhead worker and I'll say it to you," Taika hissed, his tongue swiping over his teeth once as his thrusts got deeper and slower for a brief moment for the benefit of your pleasure. "I'm not coming down to the lobby."
"Why not? You can't possibly be busy at this time of day!" His manager sighed.
"I'll have you know, that I'm balls deep in my favorite groupie right now and I'm about to make this. Little. Slut--" He paused between each word to give you a rough thrust that slammed the pleasure into your very core and made you scream his name, despite being on the phone, "--cum all over my cock. So, yeah, I am kinda busy actually. And I would like to be left the fuck alone. Buh-bye." Taika took no shit from the complaints he was getting and all the yelling. He simply hung up and tossed his phone down on the bed where it started to buzz consistently, his manager always being the one to call him.
"God, I love this pussy~. Such a tight little pussy~," Taika groaned into your ear almost breathlessly as he fucked away until your walls pulsed around him. He wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied. That's how it always worked, from the very first night. He was a hard man to satisfy, and that's why he always came back to you. He used to have more groupies, but when you came along, they slowly drifted away due to the lack of attention they received and you became his only one. Morning, noon and night, he got you whenever he wanted and took you everywhere. Whereas the other guys who were apart of the band had maybe a whole plethora of fans and about a dozen groupies in their midst, yet it was strange to see the main singer and guitarist, who had thousands of fans across the world, would only have one as his only. There must be something about you, but you just couldn't see it. Not yet, anyway.
He slapped your ass quite a few times and elicited moans from you're precious little mouth, where he had dumped his load so many times and down the throat where it disappeared. "Such a good girl for daddy, aren't you~?" He groaned and another slap marked its place on your ass. "You know, good girls cum for daddy... right now~."
Drool dripped from the corners of your mouth and your eyes rolled back. His delicious six inch continued to press against every sensitive area in you that existed and drove you crazy, to the point where you burst on him. You watched his eyes slide all the way down where his cock was sliding in and out of your hole. Your thighs glistened in the light of the cellphone and your body untensed and quivered. Eventually, you felt his seed paint your walls and start dripping across your folds. His grip on your hips loosened and the two of you were too busy basking in the euphoria of it all to really notice that the phone had stopped buzzing.
Another smack to your ass broke you out of your post-coitus state and you lurched up a little to look back at the man who just made love to you. "Hope that pussy isn't too sore. Might have to go for another ride tonight~," Taika chuckled, this time giving your bum a softer pat, then he plopped down on the bed, right next to you. He never was much of a cuddler after sex, probably because he must have learned early on to never get attached to a groupie.
Funny, because you were already so attached to him, you wouldn't be able to lose him, but, in his perspective, he could easily flick you away like a pesky Junebug and not even have to think twice about it. You didn't like thinking about this much due to the fact that it left a big, fat dent in your heart, when you did. It always ruined the mood for you, so now, you just stuck with whatever came to mind, besides that subject.
You heard the flicker of a lighter and your drowsy eyes looked up to see Taika working on a freshly lit cigarette. Your bum dropped slowly from the air, until you were just laying on your stomach, hugging the pillow as if it were him in your arms just then, and staring up at him, dreamily. The exhaustion was settling in. This was the second fuck of the day, and it was only 2 PM. You couldn't help but wonder if Taika had any more plans for you tonight, or if you were going to spend the night in his room again, or sleep out in the living room in the groupie pileup. Luckily, Taika hasn't made you do that for months and you've had the luxury of sharing a room with him since then, since he claimed that the other groupies were too dirty for his tastes and preferred you stay away from them, as well as the other bandmembers most of the time.
You briefly stirred and grumbled softly as someone knocked on the door. You nuzzled in under the covers and Taika groaned loudly, grabbing a pair of sweatpants off the floor and sliding them on, not caring that he was going commando. His hair was flying, looking like he had blowdried it and never bothered to comb it. It actually didn't look all too bad on him, but then again, there's hardly anything that looks bad on him.
You closed your eyes again as he opened the door and just listened to the conversation.
"Taika! My main man! Pad Tai--" Oh God, it's him.
"Don't call me Pad Tai or Tai food ever again. New ground rules are set and I want that in my contract, otherwise I'm dumping you," Taika put bluntly, leaning against the door to block you away from his manager's prying eyes.
His manager laughed for awhile, thinking it was a joke until he saw Taika's serious expression. You heard him clear his throat and continue on. "I think I got you a little side gig this week, for you and the boys," his manager went on, "you might like it. I heard it's a great place to pick up chicks."
Taika seemed disinterested and you could tell, just by the silence he expressed oh so well. "Fine," Taika breathed and took a drag from his cigarette. "Where's it at?"
"It's just on the other side of town! Real prestigious joint, I gotta tell ya! You and the boys'll have so much fun, and, hey! Maybe you'll expand you're groupie collection, huh?" You could hear the schmucky grin on his face and you knew he was leaning to try and peak at you, but you also knew Taika was constantly getting in the way.
"I'll think about it," Taika huffed, then slammed the door before the screw could say anything else. You turned over on your back and sat up on your elbows to see him running his hand through his curls and smoking the crap out of his cigarette. Once he saw you looking at him, he seemed to perk up and he walked himself right on over to you. He sat down on your side of the bed, just on the edge and caressed your cheek with the hand that wasn't cradling the cigarette between his fingers.
"Think you'll be able to attend the afterparty with me, babe?" He hummed, using the slang term 'afterparty' that just meant drinking with him on the balcony. You grinned and nodded as he took another drag. He grinned too, then leaned in. He parted his lips and soft smile wafted out like fog over a lake, and as he drew closer, it slipped into your mouth.
You had grown addicted to this, suckling on his nicotine flavored lip and you didn't think this was an addiction worth giving up. You didn't even know if this addiction was good or bad either.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
The Greatest Show
“I wish for happiness like this forever.”
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In this series all chapters are based on each song and quotes from ‘The Greatest Showman’
Characters belong to Pixelberry except MC - Amber Smith-Beaumont and Brett Parker
Warnings: Swearing, smut 🍋, gambling
Tags - using combined tagged list, if you want to be removed please let me know 👍🏼
@pedudley @kacie-0156 @loveellamae @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @cmestrella @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @yukinagato2012 @dcbbw @qammh-blog @nz1091 @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @princess-geek @jared2612 @desiree-0816 @gardeningourmet @twinkle-320
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas huh?” She said, barely able to keep her eyes open.
“It doesn’t have to? Where are you from? We could meet up again. I wish for happiness like this forever. You gave me the chance to be free, let loose.” Looking at him, she was unsure about what he meant by being free, but she didn’t have the time to question it. It wasn’t important.
“John, I have just started seeing someone back home, you know this. This was just a stupid one night stand. I drank too much.”
“We were both drunk. But you remembered everything right? Is your boyfriend as sexy as me though?” He winked at her, whilst flexing his pecs.
“Of course I remember! Some bits were blurry. But I remember. Don’t flatter yourself.” Standing up, he held her close to him- sharing one last lingering kiss.
“I hope our paths cross again Pocahontas.”
“Keep dreaming Prince Charming.” If only she knew.
“What’s your full name. I’ll find you on social media, we can keep in touch.” Quickly thinking of a surname, she knew they would never cross paths again.
“Marie Walker.”
The night before
Everyone was on a high, ready to celebrate their friends twenty first birthday- deciding to go to Vegas they dread to think what mischief that they would get up to, but you’re only twenty one once.
Arriving at Caesar’s palace, they checked into their villa that they were sharing- the villa that nearly made them all bankrupt. Hoping to be successful with their gambling later on in the night, this would help them retrieve some of their money back.
“Okay, so we need fake names.” The friends all looked at each other confused as to why they would need a fake identity. “We are now known as; Marie, Mel, Kim, Elsie and Mitchell.”
“Okay, so I understand Elsie and Marie - family members names. I’m using my surname. But Mel and Kim?”
“Takin' chances, bold advance-e-es, Don't care if you think we're out of line.’ We sung Respectable at the karaoke bar the other night. Besides Mel and Kim were sisters like we are. We need fake names, in case there are any creeps or we get arrested or something.”
“Or married!” Mitchell said winking at the girls.
“Come on its my birthday! I need to get hammered!” Playing a few drinking games in the room, they were all instantly becoming gradually tipsy. Walking to the elevator, they all put their hands together- What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, they all reminded each other in unison.
Leo wandered around the slot area, throwing money away as quickly as he was he may as well of flushed it down the toilet. Every time he won, he placed it back into the machine. It became busier as the night drew in, the playboy prince kept declining incoming calls from Bastien- knowing it would only be a matter of time before he would catch up to him. Leo was gradually becoming more intoxicated- people watching whilst leaning against a machine- his focus lingered on all the women around him.
Nice ass.
Nice tits.
Nice lips.
Blonde- no avoid blondes, especially if they are like Madeleine- my future wife. Eurghh.
She’s curvy, but still okay looking.
Too tall.
Too small.
Too drunk.
Too boring.
Bride to be- what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas though.
Too young.
Too old. Way too old- cougar though.
Leo shook his head, even considered giving himself into Bastien- that was until a group of people walked closer towards him. His eyes lingered on towards the brunette, the red dress that she was wearing flaunted all of her assets. Plucking up some courage- not that he needed it, he decided to walk over to the group of friends.
“Hello beautiful. Do you want a drink?” She looked at him, their eyes locking- before she focused her gaze to her drink before back to him.
“I’m good thanks. Save your dollars, it’s my birthday so I’m sure I could get a few drinks free.”
“Happy birthday!” He said enthusiastically, ignoring the fact that she had rejected his offer.
“Thanks. See ya.”
“Wait!” She looked at him, knowing he was probably just a ‘creep’- undeniably he was a handsome man but she wouldn’t admit that to anyone.
“Hey.... Marie.... we are going to head to the tables... you coming?” Kim shouted from a distance.
“Yeah, I’m coming. See ya around.” Pulling her closer towards him, he wanted to get to know the stranger.
“I’ll tag along, Marie.. beautiful name.” Shrugging her shoulders she released herself from his presence- she followed her friends- Leo soon became their shadow. Smirking at her, stealing glances every so often she shook her head- this awkward situation would soon disappear as the drinks flowed she believed.
“So you know my name, what’s yours?” She asked, to be polite- now knowing that he was like super glue- insisting on sticking with them.
“John Smith.” Rolling her eyes, she let out a slight giggle.
“I bet it is.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“Maybe? It’s just a generic human name that is used- like John Doe. I suppose that makes me Pocahontas then.”
“Well you can be my princess for tonight then?” Placing his arm around her waist, she felt his warm breath linger around her ear and neck.
“This isn’t some fairytale. This is Vegas baby. I’m celebrating my birthday with friends and you’re intruding.”
“Don’t you believe in fairytales?”
“Ill tell you what, why don’t we both go over to the roulette table. If you win more I’ll leave you alone....”
“And if you win more?”
“Then you’re stuck with me all night.” Great. I don’t know how to play. It’s just fluke on the roulette. Right?
“Fine deal, I’ll let my friends know.”
Walking over to her friends, they knew exactly what was about to happen- all smirking at her then at the mysterious man.
“What?” Marie snapped at them.
“You’re going to ditch us... it’s written all over your face.”
“I need to win more on the roulette, he said he would leave us alone if I did.” Maybe she was being naive, or maybe he would genuinely leave them if she did win the bet- her friends all laughed in unison, the could already predict exactly how her birthday was going to end. It wasn’t going to end with them, like they originally planned.
“Of course he did. He isn’t leaving you at all- he’s providing you with ‘fuck me eyes’.... a certain man back home won’t be happy.”
“No he’s not- his flirting skills are atrocious. And regarding a certain man, we aren’t together officially yet. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But nothing is going to happen. I’ll ring you once I’ve got rid of him.”
“Fuck!” Marie muttered to herself after an hour on the roulette table, knowing that she had now lost the bet- dramatically.
“So babe, I assume I won the bet then...” Sighing she knew this was a bad idea to begin with, now knowing that he would be acting all smug.
“You’d assume correct, stop smirking at me like that...”
“Like what? This?” He asked in a seductive tone of voice whilst placing his hands around her waist again. He continued smirking- her heart began fluttering, not knowing if it was due to the alcohol. Brushing a stray strand of her brunette hair behind her ear, she froze not knowing how to react- her breathing rapidly increased due to the handsome strangers touch. He leaned down claiming her lips taking the plunge. Wrapping her arms around his neck, one hand tangled through his hair as she pulled him closer- as if they were a magnet, attracted to each other immediately. His hands hovered at the sides of her tiny frame before gripping her hips, pulling them flush to him. Moaning into the kiss, she felt as if she was hypnotised- in some type of spell. In the back of her mind, she felt guilty as she had just started a relationship back home, but in this moment in time she felt lust and desire towards the stranger. Breaking the kiss, she looked at him feeling breathless- feeling his hardening length pressing on to her, she didn’t know what to expect for the rest of the night.
“You could carry on throwing your money down the drain, or there’s another option...”
“Oh... what would that be?”
“Ditch your friends and spend the night with me..” The angel on one shoulder was trying to convince her to not stray from her loyal friends, however the devil demanded that she gave in to temptation.
“What would you say if I ditch you instead?”
“That you’re a let down, I mean you’ve already kissed me... wouldn’t you like to experience the whole package?”
Guys I’m really sorry but have a good night, I’ll see you in the morning - please don’t respond. I’m fine. I’m okay. I’ll send an SOS if I need you. Love you all x
“Lead the way then John Smith... but....”
“But what?”
“I Erm... I’ve just sort of started seeing someone back home...” Grabbing her hand, he led her up to his room ignoring the information she had just provided him with- hoping that she wouldn’t back out due to this. In the elevator, they were alone- pressing the button, he then turned to her. Pushing her against the wall, his hands frantically roamed her body as he crashed his lips onto her- opening her mouth gasping for air he took the opportunity to place his tongue next to hers. Their tongues were dancing along with each other until the doors opened and other people entered, immediately letting go of her- he smirked at her- feeling frustrated as he would have carried on if they hadn’t been abruptly disturbed.
Opening the door, he welcomed her into his penthouse- her eyes widened at how a single man could afford this on his own.
“Help yourself to the mini bar, I’ll just get ready.” Nodding her head, she headed towards it- bending down scrutinising the options Leo became immediately distracted gawking at the view in front of him. Fuck she’s got a nice ass, why do I need to get ready? I’ve got a beautiful girl in my room. These thoughts kept roaming through his mind, usually he would open his bedroom door and immediately demand that for his date to get into bed, straight to business- he was known as the playboy prince after all.
“Hey, what did you choose to drink?” Turning to face him, she admired his toned muscled body and sparkly baby blues now that he had removed his shirt and glasses. “Erm... I’m ... undecided. Maybe you could help me?”
Walking over towards her, deep down he wanted her - not a drink. Caressing her cheek, she felt weak at the knees immediately. “Or we could decide to avoid the drink?” She barely whispered, into his ear. Leo’s hands gently roamed up and down her body, whilst placing gentle kisses on her bare skin that was on show- as she stood frozen hypnotised by his good looks. “You are beautiful, how about we take this over to the bed?” He asked confidently, knowing his charm had never failed him before. Gulping she agreed, carrying her over bridal style- he gently placed her onto the bed - feeling his erection against her immediately again as he hovered over her, she wanted him - there was no doubt about that. “I think you’re a bit overdressed Marie...”
“Maybe you could sort that out for me?” Standing her up at the edge of the bed, he unzipped her red dress- the material effortlessly fell to the ground, she was standing in front of him in her matching red lacy bra and thong which turned him on, not that he wasn’t already. Unclasping her bra, he cupped both breasts- before pushing her back on to the bed.
Marie arched her back, moaning quietly but loud enough for him to hear as his thumbs rubbed her nipples in gentle circles, whilst kissing her neck. His lips began to wander down from her neck, along her shoulders before taking one nipple into his mouth- flicking his tongue around it, before swapping to the other one. Once he had finished, his hands wanted to explore the rest of her body. Sliding down her petite body- reaching her inner thighs- he spread them open taking full control. Pushing her lace thong to the side- his fingers teased her at the entrance, even with a brief touch she was immediately damp. “So wet already baby. It must be my good looks.” He winked at her. “Of course it is, your ego could explode if you carry on talking like that.”
“Do you want me or not Marie? Because I could always back out if you carry on with this sarcasm...”
“Don’t you dare stop John, I’ve ditched my friends for you- so you better carry on....” Forcing a demanding kiss on to her lips, he tugged at her bottom lip with his teeth. Moving his thumb over her clit, she couldn’t contain her moans- these light touches soon changed as he plunged his fingers deep inside.
“You like that baby?” Ignoring him, she just nodded, removing his newly coated fingers- he licked them seductively in front of her, this gesture aroused her at once. Leo smirked knowing he was showing how to treat a girl with fantastic oral sex. Seeing her breathless already, he removed his fingers. Removing her lacy thong, he threw it- not really noticing which direction it landed in- kissing her inner thighs, he now replaced where his fingers previously were with his tongue instead.
“You taste so good.” He said before plunging his tongue deeper inside. “Fuck! Don’t stop please.” She screamed, as she dug her nails into his back leaving a slight mark. Removing his tongue, he placed his fingers there again giving her that bit more pleasure- smiling at her, her whole body was now trembling. Her fingers brushed over his chest, before arriving at the waistband of his jeans. Seeing the bulge- she bit her lip- their eyes focused on each other, showing his infamous smirk he stood up removing his jeans and boxers knowing that they were both thinking the same thing. Whilst he did this she sat up- watching him releasing his growing manhood. Fuck he’s going to break me in half with that. “Like what you see?” He asked noticing her gaze was down below, before giving him full eye contact. “I like what I see, but I’d prefer to touch and feel you...” Leo let out a sigh, as she wrapped her hand around his length- even though he loved her hand expertly stroking him, he didn’t know how much longer he would last. Licking her lips, she stroked his length, before taking it fully in her mouth.
“This feels amazing, but I believe you said you wanted to feel me as well...” Looking up at him fluttering her eyelashes, she did want him- but wanted to finish what she had started. Feeling his cock pulsate at every move- knowing she was pleasing him as he did her, she picked up her pace, before removing his cock. Laying her backwards he forcefully placed another passionate kiss on her lips. His firm muscled chest, was now pressed against her bare skin- separating her legs as if she was an expert gymnast, he thrust against her- teasing her at her wet entrance. Lining himself up, he didn’t think about the consequences- he was hoping that she was on contraception, as she didn’t stop him. Slowly pushing in, he heard her moan- pausing for a brief second allowing her walls to get used to him, he began with slow gentle thrusts. This slow yet steady pace soon turned powerful, every thrust hitting that specific spot. “Fuck.” She kept whimpering, was it worth ditching her friends- yes. In her mind this was the best sex she had received, but she wouldn’t admit that to the already confident stranger, if he asked she knew she would play it down. Her hands remained on his back, every thrust she would unknowingly scratch her nails deeper into his skin.
Arching her back, her legs felt like jelly- her whole body fluttered, hoping that this night would never end. Kissing her on the lips, he was ready to finish- not wanting to, he felt slightly embarrassed at how quickly this was occurring. Slowing his movements down, he gripped her hips tightly as he felt that sudden rush of semen, his warm seed soon exploded in her. Staying in that position, he rest his forehead against hers- sweat was now dripping from his forehead and down his body. Slipping his cock out of her, he gave one last thrust against her wet folds- the remainder of his cum was now mixed along with hers. Laying next to her, they were both breathless and remained silent, both fixating their eyes towards the ceiling. “Could your friends provide you with a fantastic birthday present like that?” He asked before turning to face her.
“Would be slightly weird if they could...” She laughed at him, before snuggling into his embrace still trying to catch their breath. “Four girls and one man- you never know... he could share you all.”
“I don’t think his girlfriend Lo- Kim would agree with Mitchell sharing us all...”
“Fair enough, so you’ve already technically cheated on your new boyfriend.... we could make the most of the night?” The cheeky grin that appeared on his face was too hard to ignore, not knowing if he was being sincere or just having a joke. Rolling onto to him, she straddled him- gripping on to her hips, she leaned down for another kiss- it was her new addiction- an addiction that she would never taste again. Why not? She thought. “I’ll take control this time.”
Coming out of her trance, Maxwell noticed Amber wasn’t her usual self. Drake had left them with Leo to get some drinks.
“Ambs? What’s up?” Placing his hand around her, he knew her the best out of everyone- he could see she was worrying and over thinking.
“I’m Marie.” She responded looking out towards the horizon, not making eye contact with her brother but instead resting her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah I know you are, Amber Marie Smith-Beaumont. My baby sister.”
“No... I’m that Marie. Leo’s Marie. Leo’s Vegas one night stand. If Drake finds out, he’s gonna leave me.” Finally looking him, he believed she was pulling some practical joke- until he felt her take a long breath.
“What? Rewind... you went to Vegas... slept with Leo... neither of you have recognised each other?”
“I was twenty one, I’m sure I’ve got a few more wrinkles due to stress in those four years. He was wearing glasses, I was drunk. He was drunk. I remember it though. I went with Riley, Lola, Beth and Daniel. Lola insisted that we had fake names... he did a bet with me, then I ended up in his bed. Fuck.”
“Shit, you just need to sleep with Liam, Rashad, Neville, Connie and Godfrey- then you’ve done them all. Id say you’ve done a full house, but obviously it would be wrong if you slept with me and Bertrand. But it’s as close as a full house.” Cheekily grinning, he was having a joke until he felt her punch him in the shoulder.
“Sorry, Sorry.” Holding his hands up- he wished he had a white flag to surrender- he didn’t want a replay of what she did to Madeleines nose. Drake and Leo, joined the pair- Drake kissed Amber making her heart flutter instantly.
“Drake? Can I have a word in private?” Maxwell asked, seeing Drake become frustrated before eventually agreeing. I’ll be back soon beautiful. Leo laid next to Amber, admiring the beautiful view in front of them- remaining in silence, she knew she had to tell him the truth.
“So John Smith, had anymore Vegas flings?” Leo looked at her confused, before his eyes widened.
“Leo, please don’t tell Drake.”
“This is so fucking funny!” Hysterically laughing, she provided him with looks that could kill.
“It’s not funny Leo! I never thought I’d see you or should I say John, again.”
“No the whole situation isn’t funny, but you have to admit it was a good shag. The funny thing is you called yourself Marie Walker. Marie I assume after your mother. But now it’s funny because you used Walker as your surname. One of these days you could actually be a Walker.”
“How do you remember that?”
“I tried to find you, why did you use Walker? I thought that kiss you gave me in Lythikos was slightly familiar.”
“Because if I said Smith- Beaumont you’d find me straight away as my middle name is Marie. So technically I wasn’t lying unlike you. My mom always spoke about Jackson Walker, I panicked. A kiss is a kiss surely?”
“I had to lie, I was on the run from Bastien. Listen, as you said before what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Our secrets safe, although you do know where to find me if you want round three though.”
“If you wasn’t a Prince even though you’ve abdicated, I’d be tempted to punch you right now. Thank you for keeping this between us. Still friends Zimmer?”
“Of course suture. But the offer is still there- ya know if you get bored of Walker.” Hugging her, they both had closure and both eventually laughed at the awkward situation. She now realised why Olivia kept running to him- Leo was great in the sac, she couldn’t deny that and she would never admit that to anyone. But he wasn’t Drake. Her boyfriend.
“Hey baby.”
“Hey you. What did Maxwell want?”
“He gave me the protective brother lecture. Begging me to not hurt you or leave you- I wouldn’t do that anyway. I’d rather have this ‘lecture’ from him than Bertrand. Are you ready to go back to the palace?”
“Im ready for you.” One of these days you could actually be a Walker. Leo’s words kept repeating in her mind, placing a kiss on his lips, she melted into his embrace.
“C’mon then m’lady.”
Arriving back at the palace, Amber wanted to go to her room first to collect some ‘sleepover essentials’. Opening her door, there was a box surrounded with holes and a ribbon in the middle of her bed. Peering in her mouth was agape believing this wasn’t reality- more like an hallucination, tears began pouring down her face.
“Jackson!” Opening the box eagerly, the puppy jumped out of the box- excited to see his mom.
“You have a pup? Called Jackson?”
“When I got him I couldn’t think of a name, my mom suggested Jackson. I think she had a crush on your father, the name kind of stuck with him.”
“Well who wouldn’t have a crush on a Walker? But how has he got here?” They both looked concerned at each other, in the back of her mind she just assumed that one of her friends sent him. Scrutinising the box, Drake found a note- passing it to Amber she read it out loud.
I think he’s missed his Mom, meet me in the ballroom. I’ll be waiting for you. Come alone X
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babyboy-cody · 5 years
Reader is new in the relationship(Dom Michael and Duncan, with a sub Jim) and she and Michael just argue a lot, It is not meant seriously on both sides, more playful. But since they don't know each other so well, Michael says something that brings back bad memories and they are just silent, which scares the boys since she always bites back, only to see her crying.
(love me some angst in the morning)
You met Duncan through social media two months ago. He had a private Instagram account that was only for his private life that no one else, other than his close friends no about. You’ve seen pictures of him, a man with long blonde hair, and another man that’s smaller with brunette hair. Duncan told you that they were involved in a polyamorous relationship. That caught your attention from day one and you’ve been interested ever since.
When you met Michael and Jim, you were immediately attracted to both men. You got a vibe that Jim was the carefree, wild spirit of the group. Duncan was the old soul, playful spirit of the group. And Michael was the gentle, intelligent spirit of the group. They all seemed to balance each other. It was something you’ve longed for in your life after you moved away from your childhood house.
Now as you stand in the extravagant kitchen making yourself a sandwich, you can’t help but to smile at the old memories of meeting the trio. You almost don’t feel a pair of arms wrapping around your waist from behind.
“What’re you thinking about, hm?” You hear Michael tease as he sways you from side to side.
“How horrible you smell,” you say with a laugh as you look at him over your shoulder.
“At least I don’t look like I crawled out of a coffin,” he chuckles and moves away to grab his cup of coffee.
“Whatever you say, Rapunzel,” you giggle when Jim lets out a loud laugh while Duncan just shakes his head, but you can see him fighting a smile.
“I have beautiful hair and I am not ashamed,” Michael states. “Yours looks like a birds nest.”
“A beautiful birds nest,” Duncan comments from the side.
“Thank you!” You exclaim with a soft laugh as you nudge Michael away with your hip. “You’re blocking the drawer.”
“One of these days, those bony hips of yours are gonna poke right through me,” he chuckles and moves away like you asked.
You open your mouth to say a remark, but then you quickly stopped yourself and thought about what Michael had said. That one word echoes through your mind.
Bony. Bony. You’re too bony. Your hips are bony. You’re flat. Flat all over. Flat chested. No meat. Bag of bones. Skeleton.
The endless thoughts immediately came down onto you like a wave. You close the drawer and shakily sigh as you hide you quiet sniffle. A small tears rolls down your cheek as you bite your bottom lip. You know Michael was joking, but when it comes to your body, you can never see the lightness in that.
Michael looks over at you when you don’t say another comeback. He raises his brows as he nudged your arm with his elbow.
“Have I officially won?” He jokes with a small laugh.
You don’t say anything. You occupy yourself with putting the dishes back. Jim and Duncan share a confused look when you don’t utter a single word. Michael’s brows furrow as he tries to look at you, but you’re quick to turn away just in time.
“Dove?” Michael questions softly, a hand grabbing at your arm to keep you in place.
You shrug out of his grip and continue to put the dishes away, completely thankful for your hair framing your face. Duncan’s heart drops to his stomach when he sees your tear stained cheeks just as you turned to the side and away from Michael. He jumps out of his seat with Jim quickly following.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Duncan quietly asks, gently taking your wrists in his hands to stop you.
“Nothing,” you whimper and bite your bottom lip.
“What’d you do?” Jim asks Michael as he also comes to your side. “She’s crying…”
“Just leave it alone,” you sigh shakily and pull your hands away from Duncan to back out from the small circle they surround you in.
“No, we’re going to talk about what’s troubling you,” Michael sternly yet gently says. “What’s wrong, dove?”
You’re quiet. You lean against the counter and sniffle quietly as you use your sleeves to wipe your cheeks free from tears. You shake your head at yourself for becoming so weak and vulnerable to something so playful and not serious.
“I just…I don’t like it when people…comment on my body,” you quietly say. “I struggled a lot with maintaining my weight back in high school. I was underweight, so a lot of people thought I was anorexic. They’d always make up names like ‘Skeleton Girl’ or ‘Y/N the Flat Chested Freak’.”
Michael sighs and rubs a hand across his jaw. Duncan stays completely still and has his arms crossed right over his chest. Jim gently holds your hand and strokes a thumb over your soft knuckles.
“I was always insecure when I’d see my friends wearing these beautiful tops with perfect bodies and boobs that fill out just right,” you have a sad smile on your lips as you tell them. “They’d make jokes about me sometimes, and I’d laugh along with them, but it just punched me in the stomach and I wanted to die.”
A small tear rolls down your cheek. Jim’s quick hands wiped it away lightly. You give him a thankful smile and look at Michael with red rimmed eyes. You go over to him and rest your hands on your arms.
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t know,” you sincerely tell him.
“Yeah, but, I should’ve known not to push limits when it comes to things like that,” Michael mumbles. “I’m sorry, little dove. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“You didn’t know,” you repeat. “The past is all behind me now. I got you three here and that’s all I need.”
“And what those people said to you, they’re assholes who have their own insecurities and like to pick at someone else’s,” Duncan states and wraps an arm around your shoulders to kiss your flushed cheeks.
“Yeah,” Jim agrees and comes to your other side. “Fuck them!”
“Language,” Duncan lightly scolds, but his eyes hold a certain softness to them. “Jim’s right. Fuck them.”
You laugh quietly as they all wrap their arms around you. Their warmth invades your senses as you bury your face in Michael’s chest and wrap your arms around his waist. You tap on his back three times. He taps your hip three times with his thumb. You smile and laugh softly as you hear Jim quietly complain about your hair in his mouth as Duncan scolds him again.
“Lets go fix this birds nest before a bird actually thinks it’s their home,” Michael teases, and you all share a laugh.
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If you believe you have been a victim of human trafficking, due to social status of a high economic or of a military status Please do contact an above link for a DNA kit.
Or if your child became pregnant and the children's infants went missing or died and you did not have a body at the funeral please contact.
If you knew anyone named Jeremiah Jenkins, Thomas White, Travis Lamar Phillips, Debbie Jennings, Jesse James (Jr), Junkyard Nate/Mate, Mike Breedlove, Chad Worthington.
Oklahoma and Arkansas was the poorer areas that were victimized.
However, California and NYC was a mix. NYC was a high prostitute area that was picked from.
Alabama and other southern states was military for punishment for losing the civil war.
Drug addicts were also candidates due to their willingness to keep the drugs growing.
Thus any one was accessible and wanted, nearly.
We have over 16,000 missing in the United States alone. Many people were reported dead whom weren't and some went willingly and its a huge mess.
Those that know of their families will be contacting their families very soon. Hopes people are home for the first day of Hannhakh. Myself included.
If you registered your moves with the US postal system then the system will be updated to your current address. So there's no need to contact if you have not been contacted as of yet.
Military troops and tovern agents will bring the surviving victims of human trafficking and kidnapping home. Escorted, blowing horns down the street. You will be notifed in advance via telephone if available. Upon entering the home. Immediately agents will do a DNA kit which will be processed in only 15 minutes max. Usually 2 to 3 minutes.
Then the homecoming can begin, officially.
Its just a gentle cotton swab but if you feel uncomfortable with unknown people putting unknown objects in your mouth, THEY Will provide you a napkin and the ability to spit your sample there to be swabbed. It is preferred that additional identification is provided, however your genetic person match belongs to you.
Cases with husbands and wives, children will be matched to them. If no children are available then it is up to the survivor to stay. The research will be done to locate you, also a survivor to find you. Thus we will feel the information provided by the survivor to be valid. However due to brainwashing, extra caution will be provided. And identification will need to exist. Now its up to each individual country. So if a country does not feel comfortable to release to a non kin, they may decide to take both to a mental health facility to do simple and unobtrusive observations.
Then a medical professional will deem the safety of both parties.
A letter for your job will be provided by your home country to allow you off time and compensation for lost wages will be given as well.
Again it is up to each individual country to protect both the individual in their country and the kidnapped person.
However, someone like Jeremiah would lie and say I was his wife, knowing I do have amnesia and admit to it. So i could say I don't feel comfortable permitting him in my home and ask for alternative arrangements.
And the country will abide by that yet allow us a comfortable and safe place to visit.
For DNA kits. Contact someone from the above links. They will have information as to how to get a kit to you and mostly to FWD your information to the teams working in that department.
They will respond to you as to what to do with the kit. Likely it will be sent to your local law enforcement whom will contact you to to go their office to supply your spit sample.
They will have information how to return the kit. Which is Likley to mail it to Washington DC. Or your country's capital ---
I apologize, i know the USA system most so this is based off us here. But many countries are similar.
By Christmas there will be an available website to further expedite this. And have each specific country listed (or grouped) to help assist you there.
When contacting someone from the above websites (yes any one from any country may do so at this time) please list your and your family's names and aliases and city and states of which you have lived since you had a missing person. And include all current methods of contacting you. Include any missing people links from the databases found in Google (only use a free one. I use namus.gov). And names and aliases they have used in the past. Please request first before sending any photos as the email may not go through due to restrictions on email accounts for hazardous viruses. So offer to provide additional photos if you have them available in an additional email.
*take a photo with your cell phone of the photo then email it.
There is a database available to input that information. This can help the process along, and also if they have deep brainwashing or amnesia. It will take a considerable amount of time to match you --- mail the DNA kit then you have it mailed back and then processed.
They have been swabbed and out in the database so the actual matching Wil be 2o minutes most.
We just ask you wait a few weeks until the television reports their release and you have not had contact with your survivor.
I regret to inform you that not everyone survived. DNA of remains will be taken.
Please understand this is only one Iraq area we are releasing. There are more farms all over.
Also if you have taken an online DNA kit, nearly all have allowed the use of the DNA available to match. One popular one has not, Ancestry.com so if you have done 23andme for example, then we will find you once we find your person.
Knowing there is over 16 Thousand missing people in the USA alone, i know this is a horrible time for many of you readers.
So please understand that we are working as fast as possible to do what we can.
Currently only 1,556 people will be relocated this Christmas.
I am sorry. I truly am that the number is so little. There's probably more than 100,000 people that will be sad this Christmas And without hope/faith and you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
But I hope knowing that this small number being rescued and returned home lightens your heavy emotional burden and gives you hope in the years to come that your loved ones will return home to you.
We will work and strive to return all missing people, even if they have passed away.
So you will finally have answers and peace.
So if you don't hear from us, please do enjoy your holidays and then come the beginning of 2020, please do send in for your kits.
It will take only one hour of Your time or less, depending on traffic. If the local law enforcement takes up 45 minutes of you sitting there waiting in the lobby. Contact the person who had it sent there and let them know you're being further victimized and not being treated in a humane manner. And accommodations will be made for you.
Happy Holidays, as best as you can make them. And those of you waiting for your loved ones, know we care that you are.
Prayers for you all.
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