#sorry Bull I’m need to go disintegrate over Taash and Bellara and Davrin and Neve and Harding and Emmerich and Lucanis
dragon-age-here · 5 days
Think my first Rook is just gonna be what I usually do for first playthroughs of lore-heavy RPGs when I don’t know the lore (or do but not as well as I maybe should)-
Self insert chaotic disaster making choices that hindsight will haunt me with!
Did it for Inquisition, and again for this! Might lean into my more chaotic and impulsive nature this time since I’m not watching 70+ hours of content to spoil the game before I play.
Just gonna pretend the start of the game sends an isekai!Me into Thedas full MGIT style so I can be giddy about griffons and magic secret bases and fighting dragons.
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