#sorry 4 live blogging i dont know what im doing in the slightest
bright-and-burning · 3 days
math has mathed. i think 2 weeks in the uk is plausible...
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mymarrishheart · 7 years
@itsnotskyes replied to your post “Lmaoooo I did not know you hated Stiles. Sorry if he comes up on your...”
why do you hate him? I'm on like season 3 and I like him but I know a lot of people hate him and I don't want to get attached if he's problematic lmao
Hi! So super late reply, but I’m happy to answer this for you in any case! Sorry for this turning into like a novel lol but here we go.
I used to like Stiles. In fact, in the beginning of season 4 I hated one of his canon ships. But it wasn’t because of the content of the ship. I thought that I hated it because of the girl who was dating him. But then I realized I didn’t hate her at all. Actually she’s one of my favorite characters. I hated it because of Stiles. It took me 4 seasons to realize I hated him but I am SO glad that I came to realize that before I got too far into the remainder of the series.
But you came here not because you wanted to hear what probably drew you to my blog, but for solid facts. So here is the only solid fact that truly matters: Being a psychology major (and watching thousands of hours in lifetime movies throughout my teenage years) has opened me up to all the red flags of dangerous people and dangerous relationships. The fact of the matter is that Stiles Stilinski is not someone I’d want even my enemies to be involved with. 
In addition to just plain old anti-stiles, though, I’m also anti-stydia SHIPPERS. ike this doesn’t mean that I’m repulsed by every person who ships it. All this means is that the fandom is so toxic. It’s probably only a few of them tbh but the fact that they’re so bad makes it seem like it’s the entire fandom. I love the stydia shippers who have their priorities straight and realize this is just a show though. Like for example, one of my absolute favorite bloggers ships stydia so much but that has never even threatened to come between us because unlike what you see in the tags or in your inbox if you’re anti stydia/stiles she does NOT spew disgusting hate to everybody who disagrees with the ideals of her fave character/ship. 
He’s impulsive, he’s emotionally abusive, he has literally no moral compass whatsoever, he blames his “best friend” for things that Scott had no control over in the slightest. Seriously, if the person I considered my best friend treated me the way Stiles treats Scott, I would’ve bolted a long time ago. Also, his father being the sheriff should’ve ended a long time ago. Maybe then Stiles would learn that he’s no exception to the very same standards everybody else has to live by.
Now, I’m gonna put together some links that you can visit if you want more detail. It’ll probably just be things I reblogged/liked tbh. But CAUTION: some may contain spoilers! I don’t know if you’re still on season 3, or if you’ve moved on, but if there’s something I recognize to be more recent I’ll tell you which season(s) it gives a spoiler for:
http://mymarrishheart.tumblr.com/post/163748418248/carolxdanvers-characters-that-lydia-has (season 6)
http://mymarrishheart.tumblr.com/post/163747653528/bigskydreaming-the-thing-about-scott-mccalls (a little of everything)
http://mymarrishheart.tumblr.com/post/156265690238/i-thought-you-and-i-sananey77 (is it anti stydia? is it anti stydia SHIPPER? idk anymore)
http://mymarrishheart.tumblr.com/post/152836480623/srydia-fandom-parrish-is-useless-parrish-in (anti stydia fandom, season 5)
http://mymarrishheart.tumblr.com/post/152835886218/main-differences-between-srydia-and-marrish (both anti stiles and anti stydia, season 4)
https://anything-but-stydia.tumblr.com/post/158996778084/because-ive-seen-quite-a-lot-stydias-questions (season 6)
https://anti-teenwolf.tumblr.com/post/131141271246/stiles-is-abusing-scott-and-you-all-are-defending (season 4, 5)
http://fsociet.tumblr.com/post/130918444570/stiles-is-abusive-towards-scott-the (a little of everything)
https://adolescentwolf.tumblr.com/post/162417901628/why-i-dont-like-stydia (anti stydia but displays reasons why stiles is trash)
http://daisyjonson.tumblr.com/post/126418395014/stiles-tries-to-kill-multiple-people-actually (season 4 or 5?, why sheriff stilinski sheltering stiles is trash)
http://ketterdanm.tumblr.com/post/136976473129/trash-wolf-the-show (his character in a nutshell)
https://anything-but-stydia.tumblr.com/post/155803452039/anti-stiles-master-post (every season)
https://princeescaluswords.tumblr.com/post/156316807470/that-damn-speech (season 5 i think)
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despairfullies-blog · 8 years
Callout for garbageday
urls: pyukumu, choromaso, etc.
TW: abuse, rape threats, suicide threats, etc.
This was the last thing i wanted to do pertaining to this whole drama but yea ive never written a callout before so please bear with me through this ill do my best. Im also getting help with this from amazing friends so here we go:
First off im gonna start by debunking my callout he made by trying to go through each point gaster has made to the of my ability. If you dont know what callout that is just click here:
1. I dont remember this ever occurring?? If i did i a sincerely sorry for that. I do not mean to make anyone unomfortable on here, so if i did indeed do that i am completely sorry and ill do anything to earn forgiveness from the person in question
2. None of that dialouge was from me, i have never dated gaster nor broken up with him. The whole breakup thing was my system mate, Tsubaki. He isnt currently fronting or i would have him do something about all of that but he is the one that dated gaster in the past. I had no romantic/sexual relation to gaster in the slightest so all those screenshots are not of me. Tsubaki has abandonment issues and was very dependent on gaster so their breakup was a rocky one. I have no right to say much else unfortunately cause i am not tsubaki but if you want proof of them dating, Tsubaki has had many chatter between him and gaster on his old blog here
3. Im not gonna deal with the whole id thing. If i really must i will, but i have made myself clear many times. Some of those ids are for coping while some im just questioning. Im sorry me iding with those people make you uncomfortable and if they do you can block me, but because my mental state isnt that good rn i cant say much else about all of that. This will probably be the weakest point in my arguement cause that all is a drama on its own
4. All of ‘that’ was in reference to gaster being emotional manipulative to my system mate. My system mate broke down so in turn i acted out like that. I might have said some rude things but on most basis’ the things i said were true. He is abusive, manipulative, and at this point obsessive which ill get to later on. All in all i probably shouldnt have said such rude words to him, but i will not back down from saying he did have some of it coming
5 (All of the bonus content). I have never contacted gaster on Christmas eve. Im not sure if one of my system mates did?? But i can say for certain i never did in the slightest. I have never tried to do sexual contact with a minor. If i really have please show me proof cause i have never seen or heard of any of this?? I am a very flirtatious person, a any of my mutuals can agree on, but like i said i do not want to make anyone uncomfortable so if that really happened i am truly sorry. If i pressured you into sexting too i am sorry about that, i do admit i was very unstable before but im doing my best to change, make friends, etc. So i am sorry if you felt that way and i had done that. And the last one, i have never admitted i am a pedophile. Never in my life have i done that. Im sorry if you thought that but i am not a pedophile case closed.
Alright all of that is done now for the actual callout of this ,,,, individual:
Gaster is a manipulative, abusive, and once again obsessive individual. Lets start off with that fact he was emotional abusive to my system mate while they were dating. For instance he would make Tsubaki front practically days and weeks in a row even tough told many times that he is unstable and cant do that and when Tsubaki did not front he would harras whoever was in front till they would make Tsubaki front (Im cropping out his username on skype for safety for gaster)
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He even told my system mate was fake after having accepted him and us as a system for around a year. He would try to blame this onto tsubaki and us as a whole whenever Tsubaki said/did something that would make gaster upset. Im all for helping your partner through something like this, but when its only to manuiplate him/her thats uncalled for. This isnt the first time he plays the ‘your existance is fake’ card but this was the first time he did
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He also did alot more manipulative and abusive things towards my system mate but i wont talk further about this because this is someting my system mate should be saying, not me. Now as for the recent drama with gaster, between me and him, he has done many things including sending anon hate inculding rape threats, abuse threats, and suicide threats (i crop most of them cause of convince sake)
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He has also sent my irl gore, but unfortunately i dont have any of that screenshoted cause i deleted the instant it was in my submission box. All i have as proof are the countless emails i was sent from tumblr telling me someone put something in my submission.
Last but not least he had the idea i had ‘told my followers to harass him’ which i never stated in my lifetime here on this tumblr. But he thought and proceeded to messege me
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I do admit i was mean to Tsubaki. Me and him are working through all of that but thats a different talk all together.
Now one last thing before i wrap this up. One of my friends (who ill let remain anonymous due to everything) also got hurt by him. He showed how he was not only rude to my friend, but also the fact that he would manipulate my system mate Tsubaki once he lived him (which btw is another thing gaster did he tried to peer pressure my system mate into living with him)
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Anyways long story short, gaster is manipulative, abusive, and down right obsessive at this rate. I admit im not a fantastic guy either, but i dont want to fight anymore. Im not gaster’s ex, i have no beef with him except for all of this. Ive just tipped the ice berg with everything gaster has done so if you need me to provide more evidence please let me know. Thank you everyone and i hope you have a nice day.
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