#sorn willowdew
writingmoth · 6 months
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tagged by @worldstogetlostin (ty!!)
this is from the one shot i wrote for my dnd character. still can't post it anywhere bc spoilers for the other players </3
There are no flowers now. The place is quiet, the small table devoid of both his materials and the remnants of a half filled glass of water he shouldn’t know about. He stares at it, clutching his bloody hand, standing in the same spot his father had been more than twenty years ago. The angle is indeed different, he thinks, numbness tugging at the edges of his mind. His father was - is? - taller than him. He glances at his hand, ignoring the drying blood. The grayish purple tone seems boringly normal to him, no hint of a tint of blue in sight. He has the distinct impression that his father’s hair had been silver like his too - maybe from a quick glance from the corner of his eye? - but there is no face to attach these myriad characteristics to. The man himself is still a ghost, just like he was all his life.
not a line buuuuuuuut
i was going to say sorn has daddy issues but honestly he has mommy issues and sibling issues as well. whole family issues bus, basically.
tagging @i-can-even-burn-salad @treesandwords @duskforged and anyone else who wants to join in!
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nyphren · 6 months
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second and third session \o/
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weaversoffate · 2 months
Minha Francesca,
Faz quase uma semana desde que me separei da tripulação. Te contei isso na última correspondência que assim como essa não tive como endereçar. Os dias pareceram eternos, as noites mais ainda, e eu não fazia ideia do quanto é possível apanhar quando você se aventura com uma motivação maior do que só roubar algumas tralhas e conseguir alguns trocados. Os socos e os cortes não são novidade, mas não consigo ignorar os pensamentos e sentimentos que vem com as dores, e confesso que o momento dessa realização de que eu me importo muito com muita coisa não poderia ser pior. O tsunami de sentimentos que você causou foi fácil… Agora parece que a água volta, lentamente, e para todo canto que eu olho vejo destroços e coisas que eu não percebia que estavam lá. Pior, sinto que agora fica tão evidente coisas das quais me esquivei a vida inteira enquanto me convencia de que eu só não dava a mínima que sinto uma vergonha sufocante tomar conta de mim, como se todos pudessem perceber isso com muito mais facilidade e rapidez do que eu. Principalmente meus novos… Amigos, eu acho. Não sei bem como falar dessa galera. Era esse o ponto da carta antes de se tornar uma página do diário da barbára mais patética do universo.
Achei que estaria sozinha quando me separasse de Austero e do resto, mas acabei esbarrando em velhos conhecidos que curiosamente também tem suas razões para buscar o maldito artefato que te roubou de mim. Razões que eu não entendi bem ainda, não conversamos muito, e como o destino tem um jeito sádico e irônico de nos guiar, passamos nossas últimas horas tendo que desvendar enigmas escritos em pedras que se pudessem falar, desconfio que gritariam implorando para que parássemos de nos chafurdar nas nossas dores e falássemos sobre elas. A encarregada dessa câmara de terapia de choque se chama Turi, mas não consigo te contar muito sobre ela ainda. Quanto aos outros três… Sorn é meio atrapalhado mas bom com as palavras, mesmo quando não tenta ser. Observar ele é como observar uma criança aprendendo a andar… Com desejo de ver ele caminhar mas alerta para conseguir amortecer a queda, caso ele caia. Mas ele parece confiar mais na Callith para isso, o que eu acho uma aposta inteligente. Eu sei que tenho violência dentro de mim mas nunca soube muito bem o que fazer com isso, só torço para o murro ser forte o suficiente. Callith parece saber bem o que fazer com a fúria, é admirável. Mas não reconheço só a violência e a fúria nela, reconheço também o jeito desengonçado de se importar com as pessoas. Ashana é a mais enigmática de todos. Ela diz coisas que não entendo bem, mas o peso das palavras é palpável. O que sei é que ela se importa com galinhas e faz um bom omelete, o que pode ser meio controverso.
Espero te apresentar a eles um dia. Pelo que entendi de toda a confusão com as pedras, acho que preciso começar te apresentando pelas palavras por agora. Mas não ganhamos apenas uma lição de moral sobre sentimentos, no fim conseguimos nos comunicar o suficiente para conseguir não só um lugar de descanso, mas também itens que vão nos ajudar a continuar nossa aventura. Por favor, me espere. Não pretendo demorar. E não se preocupe muito, não estou sozinha.
Eternamente sua,
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nyphren · 5 months
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sorn escaped unscathed in today’s session (so far… fight continues next week). the rest of the party wasn’t so lucky
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nyphren · 5 months
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full party!
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nyphren · 5 months
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sorn and his eldest brother, arqwe <3
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nyphren · 5 months
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we met a river goddess/water last session (our ranger got psychic damage from her tho)
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nyphren · 6 months
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we had a prequel session about sorn and calli's first meeting and it was fun
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nyphren · 6 months
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started playing dnd so here's my half drow sorcerer, sorn willowew + a party member's character (calli) + his three elf siblings.
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weaversoffate · 2 months
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weaversoffate · 2 months
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weaversoffate · 3 months
sorn's letters to yesphyra
First letter - sent as Sorn and Calli left Maturana
to be decided -> either its joever or we are so back
(depending on how the prequel ends)
Second letter - written as the party was leaving Mato Alto, still not sent
Dear Yesphyra,
I hope you are well and things are as uneventful as ever at the manor. I know you must be bored out of your mind trying to cover for my absence. Has Arqwe or the twins turned up for a visit? I wouldn’t think so, but if they did I hope our planned excuses were enough to keep you out of trouble. Either way, know that you have my gratitude now and forever for doing all of this for me. I hope to one day repay you in kind. 
A lot has happened since my last letter. I’m not traveling with Callith only anymore, to begin with. Two more have joined our group: Halazia, a half dragonborn (maybe?) pirate and Ashana, a warlock. Please do not worry too much - I don’t know them well, but I’m confident that they don’t mean to harm me in any way and their assistance has been invaluable so far. I’m quite sure we both overestimated my abilities when I set out on this journey, if I’m being honest. It’s clear to me now that I wouldn’t have gotten very far without help. In fact, I dread to think of losing this small party and much of my attention - and effort - is going into securing my place within it. I believe they are my best chance of finding the artifact. 
And speaking of it, we arrived a few days ago in Mato Alto, a small town in the middle of a frankly strange forest, where we were able to glean a few clues about its whereabouts - rather, about where we hope we might be able to learn more about its location. Have you heard much about Três Pontas? I know it’s across the sea, but you’ve been to so many places, so I figure it’s worth a shot. I’d appreciate any information you might have.
As for Mato Alto itself… things were… well, weird there. I won’t pretend to understand what exactly was going on - it’s enough to say that monster attacks are becoming more common near the town, and that we managed to get involved in a fight with a few of them (please don’t ask me what events led to this situation. You probably wouldn’t approve of any of it). Don’t worry, though - we are all fine. 
We are preparing to leave the town now. The plan is to go through the forest and make our way to Ponte Negra, where hopefully Halazia will be able to get us on a ship to Três Pontas. It’s strange to think I might actually board an actual ship soon. I’m trying not to think too much about it - I can’t quite decide if the idea excites or terrifies me. 
There is much more I’d like to tell you, but this letter is already long enough and I don’t even know if I will be able to actually send it before leaving. Either way, I hope we get to see each other sooner rather than later.
Third letter  - written either on the journey to Gramacho or right after arriving there. 
I’m afraid I might have made a mistake. We are not going to Ponte Negra anymore - or at least not right away, and that is, I admit, mostly my fault. I’m in the company of someone who knows who I am and who my family is - have you heard of a woman by the name of Jullya in Varre-Sai? Probably a noble of elf descent. I can’t quite place her, but her presence makes me uneasy and quite worried about you. One word from her to the wrong person in Varre-Sai and our cover is blown. I’m honestly quite unsure of how to proceed.
But I’m getting ahead of myself and rambling again. Sorry. Let me backtrack a bit: the trip through the magical forest around Mato Alto was short but eventful. Suffice to say, we had to fight our way to what (eventually) turned out to be an equally magical tavern. I’d rather not speak of how we secured our stay there through a letter, but it was a trial of sorts, and one that was unpleasant and might have thrown me a bit off kilter. I’m sure I can still blame it, at least partially, for how unsettled I still feel.
But I did get a magical lyre out of it. I might finally put all that time spent reading about music theory to good use. 
The following day, we ended up mingling with another group of adventurers also staying at the tavern. That’s where this Jullya comes in. She recognized me immediately, apparently. She’s also very much into Ashana, which would be interesting and even amusing under other circumstances. It certainly isn’t now. You see, her party was called to Gramacho to try and solve an ogre problem the city is having. Well, I say her party but I mean our party now, because we are also going to Gramacho to help them solve their ogre problem. 
Our deal with them is simple: we help them and after all is solved in Gramacho they take us to Ponte Negra without the need to go through the much maligned magical forest again. It is a bit of a detour, sure, but I admit I was not eager to face the rest of the forest after spending only one day inside of it. So that isn’t the problem - the problem is Jullya, the fact that many of her companions are spellcasters and that I’m afraid we don’t have this much time to waste. Not anymore.
We will certainly be out of our depth in Gramacho - I’m trying to get myself acquainted with the history of the place, but there is only so much I can learn before we are thrust into its politics at what seems to be a very delicate moment. Whatever help we can provide - if any - will probably not solve the city’s problems in a timely manner. And with another sorcerer, two wizards and a cleric around, I’m not sure how much longer I will be able to hide the source of my powers from the group. They might even know it already. I don’t know. Sometimes I think they do, sometimes I’m sure they don’t. The uncertainty is maddening. 
And then there is Jullya. She seems nice enough but I can’t trust her. Have you heard anything from Mother lately? Yesphyra, I’m afraid this was a mistake. All of it. I’m not sure how Mother will react if she finds out you were covering for me this whole time. Be careful. I will not blame you if you chose to leave. 
The worst thing is, this is mostly my fault. Calli, Halazia and Ashana seemed inclined to spend more time with Jullya and her companions so I made the deal with them. I convinced them that “hiring” us was a good idea. You are familiar with my people-pleasing ways, of course, and I did mention I wanted to secure my place in the party. I just couldn’t help myself. So I don’t have anyone but myself to blame for whatever happens next.
I wish, more than anything, that we could talk again but wasting a sending stone charge for this feels wrong. I put myself in this situation. I need to get out of it on my own.
Be safe, S.
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weaversoffate · 3 months
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nyphren · 3 months
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sorn and his eldest brother, arqwe :3
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weaversoffate · 4 months
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nyphren · 5 months
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the party. possibly. we might get jumped on before sorn and halazia get to keep watch 💀
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