#soowon x lili
sokkawordbender · 26 days
Akatsuki no yona ch 126
Just me getting delusional at its finest.
This scene,
How it happened....
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Vs how it happened in my head.
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They are up to some uncontrolled shenanigans your honor. They are going to con some businessmen or noble by their acting.
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gugug4g4 · 1 month
Straddled with love
Lady Lili glanced away from the window, settling her sights back on her betrothed. There, sat King Soo-Won cross-legged on the tatami floor, its delicate woven fibers yielding beneath him. His eyebrows were knitted together in concentration and his elbows rested on the weightlessly refined low table between them. He was engrossed in the same book she had seen him read for the past few weeks. With no title and each word the size of a trembling black ant, she assumed it to be a dictionary. Its cover was a tone of muted soil with no signs of wear even though his majesty's fingers held it in the same manner day after day. Four delicate fingers swaddled the lower end of the spine, supporting its entire weight, right in front of his face. His thumb wrapped around the edge, gently resting on the pages, periodically flipping each oddly sized leaf.
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She was not one to judge a book by its cover, but that book in particular tested her patience. Especially since she had been visiting his chamber every day, requesting access to his royal archives, only to be met with a different version of the same dismissal. That day he chose efficiency; simply asked her not to engage him, until he was done with that book. She scoffed in turn, "Book? More like a godforsaken dictionary! How does one even complete such?". He finally looked up at her, the corners of his mouth hinting at a contrived smile, before replying "It's not a dic--". She cut him off. If he feigned that rehearsed smile in an attempt to make her feel better, she rather strangle him. Frankly, she felt insulted that he thought he could get away with the miserable charade he put on to avoid her requests. She needed the information in those archives to secure her tribe's future, and his evasions of her asks were infuriating.
Clearly, he neither trusted nor cared for her desires. Thinking back, he had likely proposed marriage merely out of convenience. She had agreed at the time, mostly due to her morbid curiosity about his enigmatic nature and partly because he had always gone along with her "rash behaviors", as her father had put it, and even called it all brave. There was also, a small fact, that he had saved her life twice and protected many of her tribesmen. However, her respect for the king only went so far, when he sat in front of her, refusing to acknowledge her needs. The lady in her wanted to be understanding of that tofu-faced king, but all the rest of her envisioned choking her man till he gave in. Her patience for his silly games of indifference was wearing thin. Perhaps it was time she forced him to play hers.
Without thinking through anything else, she pushed away the low table in between them. She bent her knees with determination, pressing down each thigh, straddling his lap. The heat of his body seeped through the fabric of her dress, which began to ride up at every movement, gathering in creases at his feet. He was shocked, trapped in a trance like a deer in headlights, anticipating her moves. His breath caught in hers as she pined his wrist, the one holding the book, beneath her hands. Her weight adjusted on his lap as she, almost instinctively, grabbed at his throat to keep herself on top. As soon as she did, she regretted it, for his darkened eyes met hers sending a shiver down her spine. She suddenly wasn't quite sure what she was doing. It certainly didn’t help that her hand on his throat could feel the blood pounding away at his arteries with a pulse that matched her own.
He blinked once, slowly, as if breaking his trance, grappling with the intensity of the moment. Her face was inches apart from his own, her eyebrows furrowed in irritation threatening to unfurl against his carefully maintained composure. He really ought to stop this, but his senses teetered on the edge, torn between pushing her away or pushing himself even closer. He could not quite understand why it felt so intoxicating to have her on top of him. The soft pressure of her thighs stirred hardness within him he fought to suppress. His resolve wavered as he caught her midnight blue eyes gleaming with intent as she breathed out a stream of irritation.
“Soo Won,” she said, her voice laced with barely contained frustration, “I need access to the archives now.”
“Lady Lili, this is not the way to ask for a favor,” he replied, his voice low and steady, though his eyes betrayed a mix of surprise and something she couldn’t quite identify.
She was aware, that she enjoyed a certain level of privilege in the castle. From her observations, few were allowed near his chambers, much less to shove their faces in his. Since he refused to listen, she decided to exploit every ounce of that privilege. “You leave me no choice,” she purred, her grip tightening against the column of his throat, gently pressing down on his Adam's apple.
He swallowed beneath her fingers, closing his eyes for a brief moment. As her impression deepened, a blush of red began to pool at his neck, leaving her mark. As she released him, he gasped, “Fine. You have my attention. Now, get off me, and we’ll discuss the archives.”
She smirked, grinding her hips, shifting her weight slightly, creating an unmistakable friction, “I don’t think you understand, Won. I’m not asking anymore.”
His eyes widened, dilated pupils simmering a raw hunger that flickered to life. “You’re playing a dangerous game, lady Lili.”
She leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing his ear. “Maybe I like danger.”
His pale face contrasted the fiery crimson etched across his cheeks as her words hung in the air. His senses felt emboldened by her proximity. For a moment, he was aware of nothing but the feeling of her weight on his thighs, the warmth of her hand on his throat, and the intensity in her eyes. "The archive... I'll take you there." his voice whimpered betraying his intention to sound anything but desperate under her touch. She relished in the slight tremor she felt under her fingers. His eyes betrayed a longing he tried to hide, but she could see it. He forced his eyes close attempting to push away these sudden awakened emotions. But she intended to push until he couldn't hide it anymore. He drew a sharp breath, inhaling her primal scent, like that of an unrestrained spray of a waterfall crashing over dry-parched earth. Her touch, her aroma, everything about her was devouring his self-control.
Soo Won’s hand jerked, breaking free from her grip and grabbing her waist, pulling her even closer. He flipped their positions with ease, pinning her beneath him. His eyes burned with an intensity she hadn’t seen since the day he asked her to marry him. The sudden dominance in his actions caught her off guard, her breath hitching as she felt his strength. “ Actions have consequences Lady Lili”, his voice came with restrained with desire.
For the first time, Lady Lili felt a thrill of fear and excitement, “Won..."
"What? he growled, his word incessant.
She flinched, "I just need to go the archives... do you not trust me?”
"Trust?" he ruminated, reflecting on how he had been signing off on the official correspondences in Kouka just moments ago. That book now lay discarded somewhere, smothered against the hand she held down. It had been a huge undertaking, to get all officials to document their correspondences in writing, much less send them in to be archived every week. Those weekly bound books though were necessary to fight against corruption. At this moment, however, it was the farthest thing from his mind as he could feel his body rouse against her.
He signed as his expression softened, "It's dangerous to go to archives alone. With the number of disgruntled officials in there who are unhappy with the king about the new documentation policy, I'd hate to see you hurt. I don't trust anybody but me to take you there." With that, he gently released her from his grip, smoothing out the creases of her dress that had formed beneath his touch. His gesture was so sweet and attentive, it nearly brought tears to her eyes. She couldn't help but move her fingers up to caress the angry red imprint she left on his neck as if to apologize. She could swear she felt him lean into her palm as she traced her thumb along the notches of his jugular. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to surrender to the moment just for a while longer. His hands that were previously so restrained came to cover hers. They didn't say anything. They didn't need to.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if speaking any louder might break the spell. "I just... I didn’t know how else to reach you."
His eyes opened slowly, meeting hers with a look that was both intense and tender. "You didn't," he replied softly. "And I'm sorry too. For making you feel like you had to fight to be heard." The realization struck him: while he was absorbed in his political duties, he had neglected the emotional weight she bore. He searched her eyes for confirmation, and a deep sadness reflected back. "Are you sure that I didn't bring you pain?" she asked with a vulnerability so sincere he felt himself sink further into his realization. He nodded. His hand trembled as he brushed away a stray lock of her hair that had come to cover her face during their encounter. An automatic gesture that now seemed hollow in light of his newfound realization of negligence. "I can show you how enjoyable it is sometimes", he added hesitantly. Without another word, he rose, his calm movements betraying the turmoil within him. He turned his back to her and walked out, leaving her alone in his chamber to process what had just transpired.
His control was a frayed thread, and he realized that his betrothed enjoyed seeing it snap. It had been years since he allowed himself the pleasure of wanting anything, and now, he found himself questioning what he truly desired from her. It was just that, lady Lili, with her unrelenting pressure, had awakened something in him. Would it be so wrong to just be under her once more? What was he even thinking? He brought his hands to his head, brushing his fingers through his blonde locks, trying to regain his composure. He had been through so much, and for him to let go of everything even for a moment, and indulge in these fruitless fantasies with his future wife, would it be so wrong?
ORIGINAL WORK. DO NOT COPYRIGHT. Give proper credit to @gugug4g4. Shamelessly borrowed the 1st line of the last paragraph from @sokkawordbender. Repost. The picture is from @b_e_a_01 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/b_e_a_01/status/1693641644967428448
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tjingsworld · 4 years
About 3 years ago I wrote a fan fic on my favourite otp soowon x lili in akayona fandom....but I was too shy to put it back then....I'm wondering should I post it now that I have gain confidence in my ship.
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arikashisaria · 4 years
Chapter 86 of Akatsuki no yona, one of my favorite chapter ☺️✨ part 1
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Coloured by me 🖌️🎨
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GeunTae: Go on! Say something to her!
SooWon: Uh, Lady Lili. Did it hurt?
Lili: Did what hurt?
SooWon: When you fell from heaven.
Lili: . . .
Lili: SooWon, will it hurt?
SooWon: W-Will what hurt?
Lili: When I push you off this balcony.
JoonGi: LILI NO!
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fujwow · 5 years
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Soowon would always but covers over yona when she was scare or cried. Anyone seeming the remembrances, Lili hides herself under the covers when general Lee Geun-Tae came.
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sunshineouryuu · 8 years
Who else is on the lowkey LiliWon ship
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netflixofficial · 7 years
if you're the type of person who ships characters who ARE CANONICALLY ACE/ARO LIKE THEY LITERALLY SAID THEY DONT GET THAT SHIT AT ALL please fucking unfollow me.
Would you ship a lesbian with a man? No? Then stop shipping ace/aro characters.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Hi do you write fanfic on soowon x lily?
I haven't yet, but I would love to! That sounds like a fascinating ship!
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freewilllife · 4 years
“Hi there,
after finishing the anime I am getting into the manga little by little :D
For someone who´s so picky about my readings, I am quickly getting addicted to it. And I couldn´t even wait until finishing my other all-time favorite manga. That says a lot…
So I initially decided to check Akatsuki no Yona while looking for another light-hearted romance. I found it by chance because it was featured in a bonus page of another manga (that´s cool). However to my surprise, the action, the story plot and the characters are what made me stay. I have been even wondering how amazing the mangaka´s mind is to create a genius character like Soowon, a precious dragon like Zeno and such a complicated story plot with many ethical dilemmas (I don´t only mean Soowon but Yona and her father as well).
The only thing that bothers me until now (I might be wrong since I still didn´t read the entire manga) is Hak´s character. I am trying hard to like him because, well he is the main character and I was looking for romance. But for such a popular main, surpassing Yona as fans favorite, I really find him empty and I am sad about that. I mean beside him being a typical shojo hero (perfect and flawless), he really doesn´t have a depth to him. He is just being a love interest and a king loyalist.
Anyway I hope being proved wrong later on. Because for now, the  story main character is Soowon, the romance main character is Hak and the story-romance main character is Yona. I hope he can get more development, I would like to see other aspects of him.
That´s being said, I think I will just go ahead and continue reading to find more.
Sorry for the long post. I really needed someone to whom I can express my new appreciation and ideas about the Akatsuki no Yona.
Looking forward the amazing story and your amazing posts :)”
Hi there!
Thank you for your kind words! And glad to hear that you started reading the manga! (If you had waited for the anime you would most likely never be able to finish the story, since it is questionable if there will ever be a continuation...^^).
It is nice talking with you!^^
Well...about Hak...I can understand your thoughts, because this was one of the things that bothered me at the beginning of the manga, too...
I have to admit that I am basically hardly interested in manga characters whose whole word revolves around one person, since they often lack dept and most likely since I can hardly understand such characters.
But I would say that this becomes better...but it is rather late...you have to read more than 100 chapters until Hak realizes that he has found a new family and his horizon will broaden...
But I think this is also a matter of taste...or it depends what you search for in a story...I love interesting flawed characters and difficult situations (for the characters), where there is hardly a clear right answer...
Except that I ship Soo Won x Lily that will most likely not come true, I am hardly interested in the romance present in Akatsuki no Yona. But like I said...it is a matter of taste!
Oh and for some interesting situations regarding Hak I recommened the following posts: 1,2,3.4,5,6
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akayona-hungergames · 5 years
List of Ships
Happy New Year! Thank you guys for voting for ships last month! Voting is now closed. We have the official list of ships for the games!
Jaeha x Hak
Jaeha's Knives x Gobi's Face
Ao x Acorns
Hak x Happiness
Taejun x Redemption Arc
Zeno x Sweet Death
Ogi x The Hairpin
Heukchi x Sarcasm
Sowoon x Lili
Soowon x Hak
Shinah x A Hug
Yoon x Respect
Algira x Cats
Hak x Soldiers
Meerkat Kusanagi x Pukyuu
Vold x Sleep
Jaeha x Kija
Yoon x Yona
Jaeha x Yona
Algira x Tao
Geuntae's Tiddies x Yunho's Golden Hair
Lili's Hair x Kyesook's Hair
Hak x Yona
Zeno x Kaya
All of these ships were submitted and fairly voted for! If you do not see a ship that you submitted or voted for, it’s unfortunate, but please don’t be bitter. These are arranged in order of the number of votes a ship got, aside from Hak x Yona and Zeno x Kaya that already had a reserved spot. 
Of course, like last year, we are looking forward to the hype for the games. Please draw/write for any of the ships in the games that you like! We will be sure to reblog, so long as you tag us! We are also looking for artists/editors willing to help out with the icons, so please dm one of the mods, @carrotcouple or @zenoobsessed. 
Hold on tight until the games next month!
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sokkawordbender · 1 month
Akatsuki no Yona Soowon
OK, so someone inspired me to start writing and even though that someone isn't talking to me rn and I hope well for them, I still want to share this work because why not.
I have always been a shipper of Soolili.
Soowon x lili is free from all the superficial aspects of relationships that I normally see in a shoujo story. And I simply wanted to write because this idea has been in my head but I couldn't draw it. However, it has been described well from an artists perspective. This is what I imagine when I'm drawing. The details are floodingggg innnnnnn.
Here is a sneak peak of the fic. Hope u enjoy. I will soon post it here and on AO3. So, read along and cheer along and lemme know your thoughts.
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gugug4g4 · 3 months
Father's been scheming to get Lily and Soo-won together
General Joon-Gi: You and his majesty are both are made for each other
Lily: Father, what makes you say that?
General Joon-Gi: Because you guys do not look at each other with butterflies and happiness
Lily: ...
General Joon-Gi: You look at each other with reality but at the same time there is a fairy tale waiting for you
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tjingsworld · 4 years
HAKYOLIWON for the win
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arikashisaria · 4 years
Chapter 86 of Akatsuki no yona, one of my favorite chapter ☺️✨ part 2
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Coloured by me 🖌️🎨
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aka-yona · 8 years
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If her father ships it, then it should happen
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