#soooo i suck and i'm sorry but i'm here and i'd love to plot:)
gotham time feat. special guest Phoebe
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what's up everybody, time for a special liveblog featuring the cat who I'm currently babysitting and subjecting to my awful taste in television!
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last time I was babysitting Phoebe and made her watch Gotham with me she tried to smother herself to death in the couch, so I really can't wait to see what she thinks of season 5.
Gotham 5x07
I am actually going to stay mad about how stupid it is that Barbara somehow knows she's pregnant like a week, tops, after she and Jim had sex
the passage of time in this season is in shambles. like it's never been a particularly solid timeline, we are infamously NOT running a tight ship over here on Gotham, but come on
whatever compliment sandwich: sweet young David Mazouz really mastered the Bruce Wayne tendency to stand hunched over a series of maps looking stoic and haunted in a black turtleneck
this episode just casually drops that Bruce's parents were murdered on June 27th and I'm so glad that I'm watching this episode today (June 24th) instead of three days from now because I probably would have been so unnerved seeing the real date reflected back at me from this show that I'd like. I don't know. start believing in angel numbers and crystal healing or something.
Barbara asking Lee to be her obstetrician is actually like. insane 4d chess flirting. yes I still think they should hook up I don't care they've both done worse (Jim)
is Lee even qualified to be an obstetrician.
anyway I don't believe for a second Barbara wouldn't abort that thang for the love of god the city is a smoking crater
this is what happened when Oswald hoards all the Plan B (a joke exclusively for @dykerory and I)
Cameron Monaghan's Jeremiah look is so fugly but that purple (???) lip is kind of cunt cunt serve
once again begging for literally any information on how old the Valeska twins are supposed to be as Jeremiah becomes more and more of a yandere to our little teen Bruce. for those of you just joining us Jeremiah is played by a mid-twenties Monaghan but is old enough to have had a very successful career in architecture prior to becoming basically the Joker, so. truly anyone's guess.
in conclusion: why is he obsessed with this teenager.
sorry maybe I should clarify that the main Bruce plot of this episode is tht Jeremiah has kidnapped and brainwashed a.) Alfred and b.) two randos who have been given plastic surgery to look like Thomas and Martha so that he can force Bruce to relive the night they were murdered BUT with Jeremiah there this time because he's upset that he wasn't there for one of the most important nights of Bruce's life. they're currently having dinner in the Wayne Manor kitchen while Jeremiah breathes heavily at Bruce about how intimate this is.
what I'm saying is that this would all be deeply and upsettingly erotic were one participant not almost certainly too young to vote
like I said the timeline is SO funky and they're so careful to never tell you how old Bruce and Selina are but David Mazouz is 22 RIGHT NOW four years after the series ended. so.
"I've realized if we can't be friends then we can be connected in... other ways" Jeremiah I'm calling the cops
how were the first six episodes so nothing and then this episode has literally everything happening all at the same time
okay so Wayne Manor just got blown to kingdom come
they literally have Ecco zipping around fighting on roller skates... you wanna be Harley soooo bad
honestly love to see the #growth of Oswald not immediately offering to suck off anyone who helps him anymore. Alfred just saved this little bitch's life and Oswald promptly told him to go fuck himself, which rules extra hard because you all know I hate Alfred
man this part in the movie theater is like that part of Joker War in the movie theater if Joker War didn't fucking suck
wanting to kill Bruce's father figure and going after Jim instead of Alfred is so disrespectful jesus christ
also god there's never been a Leslie Thompkins who is LESS of a mother to Bruce get out of here
wait oh my god Selina had a whole thing last episode about how much she hates herself for being too selfish to help when she (at 12 years old) saw Bruce's parents get murdered but she's going to come in now to help him stop Jeremiah from recreating that night with Jim and Lee... I see the vision I GET IT
this is like a freshman level plot to thread the needle on but that's really impressive for Gotham
oh my god Jeremiah fell in a vat at Ace Chemicals that's crazy. I'm sure that'll stick he's definitely dead.
they even managed to cram the Riddler in this episode jesus christ. pengriddler are fighting about Oswald homosexually naming his dog after Ed if you were curious. Oswald would like it to be noted that this was a compliment because he's VERY fond of that dog.
left off on Pengriddler deciding to make nice again and then promptly cuts to Oswald leading Ed into his house... this close to inventing m/m sex in the Gotham universe if Barbara hadn't interrupted
the Riddler has like 9263 unpleasant and unnerving traits but being able to look at a woman who's three days pregnant and instantly clock that she's expecting just rocketed to the top of the list
honestly. honestly. Emmy for Cory Michael Smith's delivery of "it's a submarine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯."
Barbara can't... kill people anymore... because she's pregnant... okay...
if we don't get the rogues throwing a baby shower literally what's the point of anything. this will all be for nothing.
genuinely thank god I'm only doing the one episode tonight this is SO LONG
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yezzbub · 4 years
I need to vent out!!! PHILIP QUAST IS TOO MUCH🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰 and I just wanna write/type this out bec my mind is full already HXNXKAPSJDKSLSL🥴🥴
Skip this if you don't want SPOILERS abt BETWEEN TWO WORLDS
But if you want some PQ pics, then maybe just save the pics and don't mind whatever I wrote here😂🤭🤭
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6 episodes of Between Two Worlds were aired and my eyes are blessed bec of Philip Quast...he's got sooo many screen time and I'm loving it soo much🥺🥺 he deserves long screen time, I know I'm being biased but well *shrugs innocently🤭
This show is my stress reliever tho the plot keeps on stressing me out😂
I think the screen time Philip had makes me go thru the week
ol classes is sooo tiring, it makes me more drained compared to actual classes and this is my stress giver and reliever
I'm gonna focus on PQ first bec I'm a PQ trash😂🤭🤭
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Look at that handsome bastard🥺🥺 I'm sooo torn between giving him a hug and slapping his face🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Also, I have this urge to take care of him and take over the work of Sandra🤭🤭 I'd probably do it for free😂😂🤫
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His acting is sooo superb🥺🥺there are scenes that makes me wanna take care of his sorry ass😭😭
and oh his chest is bare 👀👀
Also, his 'YES??!!' made me jump and made me 'CHILL, OLD MAN, DON'T BE ANGRY, YOU HAVE A HEART CONDITION, RIGHT? CHILL THE HECK OUT' 😳 he is in dire need of chillness
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But I swear! I wanna slap him thru the screen because of this!! He made me so mad! I needed to take a few deep breaths to calm the heck down to continue watching the episode😭😭
Oh, and I made my friend, who never ever had watched something that has PQ in it, watch this show and she also said that he's an asshole and she's hating him and also feeling bad for him
HAH the feelings that Philip could stir within people who watches this show🤭
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Alsoooo he has sooo many bed scenes
Like he's always in his bed, literally, you prolly have a dirty mind huh😂🤭
And the man is just so handsome, I always try not to squeal so loud whenever he appears on screen...
This is the first time I get sooo engrossed over a series😔😟🙄 maybe bec PQ is in the show or maybe I just love the plot, it keeps me guessing and it's sooo far from the series I have always watched in my country
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Kidding!! It's Philip Quast and I'm a PQ trash and so he has my heart😂🤭🤭🤭
Oh, the tension I felt upon seeing this scene!!!! Their face off omg the way they stare at each other speaks sooo many suppressed emotions and feelings🤭🤭🤭
Why don't you just punch each other already, just kidding hah! Or maybe just grab each other's collar??? Nope?? Okay...
And their height😳😳😳 they are almost the same height😳😳😳like how tall are people living in Australia?? Are they giants or what???
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The man is sooo handsome with and without his glasses on.
He also looks like a teddy bear, I wanna snuggle him and just get buried in his arms and chest🥺🥺 I really think that I'm in a dire need of a hug rn...quarantine sucks I wanna hug my friends already uwuuu🥺
Oh and there's a scene in ep 5 where Philip is like having a nap on this couch in his office. And I thought it was funny especially when someone knocked on his door he immediately sat down like how I think someone would react if they are to be caught doing something illegal😂😂 and was like 'nope, I wasn't sleeping, who's sleeping? I'm the mighty Phillip Walford, rest is for the weak and I'm not weak'
All in all, I'm loving the series not just bec of Philip (but this post is just bec of PQ, sorry not sorry) but because of everything and everyone. It is such a new experience for me since we never had these kinds of series and I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
Maybe I'm just loving it sooo much bec I am sooo drained and tired and I think of it as an escape from reality just like the novels in my bookshelf, I find solace in watching it. Tho, the plot is not soooo peaceful, especially the characters, they are making me feel different and many emotions all at once 🤭🤭(I have a rlly weird taste about everything🥺)
And I'm just rumbling about PQ now, sorry not sorry, but I don't really think that my real life friends would understand my fangirling shenanigans🤭🤭 and for me typing this out is helpful
Okay scroll on now don't mind this🥺🥺
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