#soon my aunt will come and i get to be the bearer of bad news and she will not take it well
stickers-on-a-laptop · 11 months
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ilalos · 3 years
Worth it (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) Part 2/2
Summary: Your arranged marriage to Anthony seems fine, until it doesn’t.
Warnings: marriage, implied sex, angst-ish, fluff, pregnancy, crying, if you notice anything else let me know :)
Word count: 2.5k
The season passed in a blur with countless flowers and conversations that filled you with expectations about your marriage to the Viscount, you truly felt like love was around the corner for both of you and it was a matter of time for that corner to be turned. He was everything you had expected and more, you could tell he was wary about letting you in but didn’t want to push him so you let him open himself to you at his own pace. The had been some stolen looks, kisses on your knuckles that had lasted a little longer than they should and hand a bit lower than what was acceptable when you danced. To say the courting had been successful was the understatement of the season in your opinion, by the time the wedding day came you were counting down the minutes before you finally became Lady (y/n) Bridgeton.
Your wedding ceremony was short and the carriage ride to Anthony’s bachelor townhouse was even shorter. The wedding night had come with a surprisingly low amount of events, your virginity had been taken the sweetest of ways, with many kisses and whispered promises of pleasure that came true. By the end of the day, you were as happy as can be, laying on your husband's chest, feeling his heartbeat slowing down and smelling the sweet vanilla scent of his skin.
When you woke up the next morning the bed was empty and he had already left to work in his study back in the main Bridgerton home. He didn’t return until late in the evening and you were waiting for him so you could have dinner together.
“Thank you for waiting for me,” he said while taking a sip of his wine.
“It’s nothing, I like that we are finally spending some time together”
Anthony just nodded and continued eating in silence.
“How was your day?” You pushed for conversation, you had been alone all day and could really use some conversation with someone different than your maid, who was terrified of speaking freely.
“It was busy” he answered simply “how was your day?” He asked after seeing the face you made at his short answer.
“It was also very busy, I reorganized the books in the library, had the kitchen staff do an inventory on the pantry, and send the maids to the market to get some flowers for the table tops” you narrated proudly, hoping he might appreciate the way you ran the home.
“Good to see you’re settling in, darling” his small praise made you smile a little.
“You don’t mind that I changed some things?” You asked somewhat concerned by his silence.
“It is your home, you’re free to do whatever you please with it,” he said dismissively.
“It’s our home, Anthony, I want to make it perfect for you too”
After dinner, he walked you to the bedroom and after a couple of heated kisses you fell in his arms once again, the pleasure he gave you was addictive. Despite his cold attitude towards you in other aspects of your life, it was in the bedroom where you felt hopeful for a future where you both might learn to truly love each other, and then he would sneak out every morning making you feel like a worthless whore.
And so your days continued like this, every night was filled with passion and every day was lonely. You couldn’t even go to the Bridgerton home, you had been taught that a married lady was not to go out without her husband, so your heart slowly filled with sadness as you spent day after day alone in the townhouse. Anthony was none the wiser because he simply thought you enjoyed being by yourself, so it never occurred to him to invite you to his family’s home or anywhere else.
A month into your marriage you found out you were with child. You were extremely happy and Anthony had shown himself to be happy as well, but then that night he didn’t come home for dinner and didn’t make an appearance in your bedroom. He was more and more distant until four months had passed and he disappeared for two full weeks before you saw him again.
It was on the day of your birthday, and he had only gone to your room because the butler told him you had been very sick that day. When he entered the room he found you seating on the bed hugging your knees close to your chest, your eyes puffy from crying and silent tears still streaming down your face. You weren’t upset he had forgotten your birthday, you had never celebrated it so it didn’t matter he didn’t remember it.
“What happened? Is everything well? Is the baby-“
“Your child is quite well, Lord Bridgerton” you interrupted in the coldest tone he had ever heard from you “to what do I owe this joyous visit?”
“I apologize for my absence, I have been very busy” he answered measly.
“I figured out that much, husband” the word was said with venom.
“Are you upset with me?” He asked offended, you had never treated him so coldly.
“I am upset with myself” you started with a pained chuckle “I don’t need you to try and comfort me because you did nothing wrong, that is the reason for my anger” a small sob escaped your lips “I was taught to be a good wife, that my only job was to give my husband heirs and to keep the house running and I understood that and I didn’t fight it because at least I would have children to fill my life with love and a husband who at the very least would acknowledge me and my efforts”
“I don’t want you to feel like you should change or apologize, this is not your fault, I feel miserable because I filled my heart with hopes and dreams of love but that’s just not how life is, at least not mine” you harshly wiped your eyes before finishing “I understand my place now, I’m nothing but a child-bearer for you and that’s fine because you didn’t even pick me in the first place” you got up from bed and opened the door for him “please leave me alone, I will be fine”
“I can’t just leave you here alone, have you even eaten today? In your condition-“
“Your child is perfectly well, my lord” your tone had turned icy once again “please go, I am tired and want to rest”
Unable to do anything else, Anthony left the room and went back to his family’s home. His mother had insisted for him to take you there that night, but seeing your state he didn’t even bother asking if you wanted to go. When he got there he was surprised to see the dining room fully decorated, his whole family dressed in their best clothes, even Daphne and Simon had paid a visit.
“Where is (y/n)?” Asked Violet.
“She’s not feeling very well” answered Anthony looking at the table that was filled with all his wife’s favorite food “What is happening? Why are you all here dressed as if you are attending a ball?”
“Anthony, please for the love of God almighty, tell me you didn’t forget your wife’s birthday!” Violet couldn’t keep his composure, how could Anthony be so clueless.
“I-I’ve been so busy lately supervising the building of the new house, it didn’t even occur to me that it was her birthday” Anthony felt terrible, as he should.
“It’s bad enough she doesn’t like us, son” Violet sighed, seating on the table “And now she thinks we don’t care for her birthday”
“Where did you get that idea, mother?” Daphne couldn’t help but ask “When she writes to us she says wonderful things about our family”
“Then why hasn’t she visited since the wedding?” This time it was Colin asking “Mother sent a tea invitation shortly after they got married and she never showed up, sent a poor letter apologizing but did not explain why she didn’t show”
“I might have an explanation for that” Simon spoke up “My aunt was a terribly strict mother, taught her that a wife was nothing more than a child-bearer and had no liberties like men do, for example: going out unaccompanied”
“Has she been out of the house since you married, brother?” asked Eloise, turning to face Anthony who was still frozen at the doorstep.
“I don’t believe so” he entered the room and sat defeated “I just thought she enjoyed being at home by herself, god!” he rubbed his hands down his face.
“I can’t believe it, the poor thing” lamented Violet.
“She hasn’t left the house in almost half a year” concluded Benedict.
“And here we were, refusing to visit thinking she had rejected mother,” said Colin.
“I would like to clarify, I never agreed with losing contact with her over one missed invitation” added Eloise, gaining the glares of everyone present.
“It matters not what we thought nor does it matter what has happened in the past” began Violet “right now I want you to go pick her up and bring her here, she deserves to be celebrated, especially after everything we put her through,” she told her eldest child, pushing him to stand and go to the door.
Anthony mounted the carriage and urged the coachman to hurry home and as soon as he got there he ran up the stairs to your room and burst through the door, jolting you awake.
“I am so sorry, love,” ha said kneeling on your bedside “I never knew you didn’t leave the house because you thought you couldn’t, you are free to do as you please, darling” he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles “I didn’t mean to make you feel trapped in your own home, and I am sorry if you felt like I abandoned you” he caressed your face and wiped some tears that had fallen without your notice.
“You did abandon us,” you said, trying to pull your hand from his grasp with your other hand protecting your belly.
“I was merely supervising the building of our new home, I was hoping I could surprise you before the baby arrived” he explained, now seating by your side “I can’t possibly ask my family to leave their home but I know how much you love that house, and so I chose to build a similar one not too far from here”
“You are building me a house?” You asked incredulously, hardly anything could justify his absence but this was in fact a reasonable explanation.
“Yes, love” he once again caressed your face “A home for our family” at that your eyes filled with tears, this time from happiness.
You sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck, crying with your face buried in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and shushing you softly to calm down your cries. You spent a while holding each other until he suddenly broke you two apart, remembering his family that was still waiting for you both to show up.
“My beautiful wife, I must take you out of the comforts of your bed” he began, apologetic “My family is expecting you in their home to celebrate your birthday with a lavish dinner”
“Heavens! You should’ve started with that” you ran to your door and called out for your maid “I don’t think I have a dress for such occasion, non that would fit me now, that’s certain”
You opened your trunk and began taking out your chemise and all other items you had to wear under your dress in such cold weather. You took off your nightgown not caring Anthony was there, he had seen it all before, after you had put on your chemise your maid ran in and help you put on the rest of your garments and helped you squeeze your small baby bump in the dress you had worn for one of the first balls you attended when Anthony was courting you. She put your hair in a quick updo and even managed to coerce Anthony into putting on your stockings and your shoes while she did your hair. With all that rush and hard work, you managed to be ready in under an hour and still made it to the dinner at a reasonable hour (half past 9 is reasonable, right?).
At the Bridgerton home, you were welcomed with warm embraces and merry wishes on your special day. You all sat around the table and ate the feast that had sadly grown cold. Colin didn’t seem to mind as he devoured everything in sight, prompting Violet to chastise him softly. You, however, ate small bites because the pregnancy had caused your stomach to be upset easily and you didn’t wish to offend anyone by running out of the room to empty your stomach. Anthony watched you eat and held your hand atop the table, smiling as he watched you laugh and converse with his family.
“Is the food not good enough?” Asked Violet seeing your plate almost full.
“It is just perfect, my stomach has just been iffy since the start of the pregnancy” you answered smiling apologetically, Anthony choked on his wine because he realized at that very moment that he had forgotten to tell his family about your condition.
“You’re with child? Those are wonderful news!” Exclaimed Violet with a large smile “When did you found out?”
“Four months ago” you turned to glare at Anthony “I assumed your son had told you”
“How could you conceal such joyous information from your mother?” Violet then noticed her eldest daughter had become quiet, as well as her husband “Did you know, Daphne?”
“I was aware of it, yes” Daphne admitted ashamed “I too assumed Anthony had told you”
“You assumed my eldest son had told me about his wife’s pregnancy and I had decided not to mention any of it in our letters?”
“I-I’m, yes?” Benedict and Colin snorted with laughter hearing their sister’s answer.
Violet only shook her head with a small smile, her children were truly a wonder. Anthony was nervous that you’d get mad at him for not telling them, but one look at your laughing face told him he didn’t need to worry.
Later that evening you both laid in bed after yet another passion-filled encounter, your breathing slow and even making Anthony think you were asleep. He was caressing your naked back with feather-like touches, kissing your sweaty forehead every few minutes.
“I love you” you sighed, kissing his chest “You need not feel the same, I just want you to know how I feel”
He took a shaky breath before answering.
“I also am in love with you, darling” he placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head so you’d look at him “sometimes I’m scared of just how much I love you” he kissed you slow and deep, pouring all his love into the action.
The kiss was unlike any other you had shared before, this one was full of promise and hope. It filled you with love and certainty, you were now sure that no matter how difficult the road to Anthony’s heart had been, even if you didn’t want it at first, it had all been worth it.
Hi! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like it let me know.
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wishuhadstayed · 4 years
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Word Count: 2.9k 😳
Summary: Aaron and reader get married 🥺 Part 6 to Begin Again
Warnings: None, although I did make myself cry on several occasions
Author’s Note: it’s wedding time, folks. A thought both @yes-sir-hotchner and I had. (We share the same brain cell 😂) Inspired by a post from the wonderful @agenthotchner.
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It had been just a few short months since Aaron’s surprise proposal, after which the two of you had made a mutual decision to get married as soon as possible. The team had been delighted by the news, Penelope immediately jumping into full maid of honor mode. Rossi, being the most caring and generous friend out there, had insisted on taking care of everything and wouldn’t take no for an answer; even going so far as to offer his house for the venue.
Sitting in a luxurious upstairs room of the Rossi home, and being doted upon by your friends, you couldn’t help but feel a little like a princess for the first time since you couldn’t remember when. The day was finally here that you officially got to spend forever with the man of your dreams. Even after all this time, sometimes it still felt too good to be true.
Gazing out an open window, you could see backyard where the ceremony was to be held in just a few short hours and your heart began to race. You were snapped back to the present moment by the sound of your best friend’s voice.
“Earth to Y/N! Come in, Y/N!” She said, waving her hands in front of your face.
“I’m sorry, I got distracted. What was the question?”
“Your lipstick hon, what color?”
“Whatever color you think is best, Penny. I trust you to make me look beautiful.”
“You always look beautiful,” chimes in a voice from across the room.
“Thank you, Emily.”
Penelope finished off your makeup with waterproof mascara and JJ stepped in to put the final touches on your hair with delicate pearl hairpins.
As the hours passed and the final preparations were made, you could feel the nerves building.
Penelope, Emily, and JJ all helped you into your dress; a beautiful white gown with off the shoulder lace sleeves, a fitted lace covered bodice, and lace trim around the bottom of the full skirt. You were truly a sight to behold. Buttoning up the back of the gown, JJ asks, “You’ve been pretty quiet, Y/N. Is everything okay?”
“It’s just nerves, I think.” you reply. “I’d really like to see Aaron.”
“See Aaron before the wedding?” Penelope interjects, “You can’t! It’s bad luck!”
You knew there was no arguing with her and your spirits sank a little, disappointment written all over your face.
“What if we got Jack instead?” Offers JJ. “Would that help?”
Thinking it over, you give a small smile and a nod. “Yes, I think I’d like that. Thank you, JJ.”
“I’ll call Morgan and have them come up.”
Five minutes later, a knock at the door.
“I’ll get it,” you say, opening it before anyone can protest.
There stands Derek Morgan with the boy you’ve come to love as your own.
“You look amazing,” says Morgan taking in the sight of you with wide eyes. “Hotch is a lucky man.”
“Thank you, Derek.” You reply, giving him a tight hug. Pulling back and taking him by the hand, you make a request. “Will you tell him that I love him, and that I’ll see him soon?”
“Anything for you, lovely,” he says with a playful grin.
“You’re a good friend, Derek.”
With that, he retreats back downstairs to deliver your message, leaving Jack with you. Just having him there was already soothing your frayed nerves. Ushering him inside you ask, “How’s my handsome ring bearer? You’re not nervous are you?”
“No! I’m gonna do a great job, I promise! You look real pretty, just like a princess.”
“You are so sweet, little man. I know you’ll do amazing.”
“What is it, Jack?” You inquire, kneeling down to his level.
“Can I call you mom now?”
The question took you quite by surprise, causing tears to well up in your eyes.
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah, if it’s okay with you. I miss having a mom.”
Those few words are enough to break the dam and tears began to stream as you pulled the boy in for a hug. “Of course it’s okay with me.” you manage to choke out.
“Mom! Mom!” Jack squeaks.
“Yeah buddy?”
“You’re squeezing me too hard, I can’t breathe.”
Loosening your grip, you apologize.
“Don’t cry, everything’s gonna be okay,” Jack says reassuringly. Man, he is so much like his father.
“I’m crying because I’m happy, Jack. I just love you and your dad so much.”
“I love you too, Mama.”
“I hate to break up this sweet family moment,” Penelope cuts in, “But it’s almost time to get this show on the road. Jack I’ll take you back down to your dad.” Handing you a tissue, she makes her exit.
Emily and JJ sweep the room making sure nothing is left behind. “We’ve got to go,” says JJ, grabbing Emily by the arm and making her way to the door. “You look perfect, Rossi should be up soon. Love you.”
Sitting down for a moment, you gently pat your eyes dry. At least your mascara held up. In the quiet it finally began to sink in how all your wildest dreams were coming to life right before you eyes.
When the door opened again, there was Dave. Handing over your bouquet of pink roses he asks, “You ready for this, kid?”
“Absolutely,” you reply with a childlike grin.
He offers his arm and you rest your hand in the crook of his elbow, infinitely grateful for the fatherly presence.
“Then let’s get this party started.”
As the two of you arrived downstairs at the back door, you hear the processional music already playing. Luckily you had made it just in time for Rossi to give Jack his official ring-bearing instructions.
“Alright Jack. You know what to do. Just walk straight down to the end and give the rings to Derek. Then you can sit down with your Aunt Jess, okay?”
“Got it,” says Jack, giving a thumbs up.
“Go get ‘em kid,” Rossi encourages, opening the door.
Now it’s just the two of you left indoors. Rossi watches until Jack finishes his assigned duty and makes his way back to you as the music changes.
“That’s our cue,” he states, once again offering his arm.
Aaron hadn’t been nervous at all until that moment. When the music changed and the guests stood in preparation for your entrance, his hands began to shake.
“You alright, man?” Morgan inquires.
“Yeah, I’m just ready to have Y/N by my side.”
Just as he turned back from the short conversation, the double doors swung open and you made your entrance.
With the first glimpse of your radiant smile, he was immediately overwhelmed with emotion and moved to tears. Only somewhat managing to regain his composure, he took in every detail as you approached. The delicate lace of your gown, the afternoon sun making a halo of light on his own personal angel. A bouquet of perfect pink roses, just like the ones he had given you after your rudely interrupted second date. Time seemed to slow down, the walk that was in reality only a couple of minutes stretched into ages as he longed to have you near.
Then when your eyes finally met his with a look of pure love, all was right with the world.
At the end of the aisle, Rossi turns to you with one simple request.
“Take good care of our man.”
“I will,” you promise, giving the older man a kiss on the cheek before joining Aaron at the altar. Producing a handkerchief, you gently dried the remaining tears from his ever handsome face.
“Hey You,” he intones softly, hand grazing the side of your face. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
The rest of the world seems to fade away as the minister begins the service and the two of you are lost in each other’s eyes.
“The couple have chosen to write their own vows,” the minister states, snapping you both back to attention. “Y/N?”
Softly clearing your throat and looking deep into Aaron’s warm brown eyes, you begin.
“Aaron, If someone had told me over a year ago that I would be marrying a man that I met on a blind date set up by my best friend, I would have said that they were crazy. I had all but given up on finding true love. I went anyway. And everyday since, I thank God that I did. If it hadn’t been for that blind date, I would have never met the love of my life. I would have never met the most amazing group of friends that turned into family, who are standing by our sides even now. I would have never gained the most wonderful, loving little boy who I now get the privilege of calling my son. I promise that I will love both of you always. I promise that I will always be there, no matter how difficult the road becomes. And if you must venture into the darkness, I promise to always bring you back to the light”
Sniffling back tears, and taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Aaron speaks.
“Y/N, the long road that led me to you was full of heartache. When I met you, all of that changed for the better. Everyone says that I’m lucky to have you, but to be honest, I don’t feel lucky. I feel blessed. Every day with you is a blessing and a gift. There’s not a day that I’m not thankful for every pain and every heartache that I’ve been through, because without that journey, I would never have made it here to you. I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I fall a little more in love with you every day. When I’m finished with a long case, your arms feel like home. You’re the comfort for my weary soul when the world gets rough. I promise to spend the rest of my days loving you and hoping that it amounts to even a fraction of what you’ve shown to me.”
When you both looked up, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Morgan hands Aaron the velvet pillow and you quickly exchange rings, suddenly anxious for the upcoming part of the ceremony.
The voice of the minister rings out once again.
“By the power vested in me by the state of Virginia, I now pronounce you husband and wife! Aaron, you may kiss your bride.”
Cheers rang out from the crowd as he pulled you in for a long, warm kiss. Probably too long for a wedding, but with the heart-stopping heat that clouded your minds, neither of you cared much.
As you come up for air, Aaron literally sweeps you off your feet, carrying you to the reception area. As you wait for the guests to make their way over, it finally sinks in. You’re finally married to your one true love.
As soon as the guests are all seated, dinner is served. Then before you could even blink, it’s time for speeches. Penelope taps her glass with a fork, capturing the attention of the room.
“We are gathered here today to celebrate two of our favorite people on the joyous occasion of their marriage. I would like to remind everyone that this is all my doing. If I hadn’t taken the liberty of setting these two sweet little lovebirds up on a blind date, we probably wouldn’t be here today. You’re welcome,” she says turning to face the two of you. “But in all seriousness, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we wish you a lifetime of love and happiness.”
Handing the mic over to Rossi, Penelope is seated.
“Where do I start?” He laughs. “I’ve known Aaron probably longer than anyone here. He’s always been more than just a good man. He is a loyal friend, and a great dad for Jack. If anyone in the world deserves true happiness, it’s this guy,” he says, placing a hand your husband’s shoulder. “We’ve seen your relationship with Y/N flourish and come to love her as one of our own. I can confidently say that she will a loving mother, and a caring, patient wife. I wish every blessing for the both of you from this moment forward.”
Rising from your seats to hug your two friends, you’re reminded by Penelope that’s time for your first dance. Taking you gently by the hand, Aaron leads you to the middle of the empty dance floor. With everyone watching your heart begins to race until Aaron pulls you close. The nerves melt away as you rest your head on his chest and his arms circle your waist. The two of you sway softly as the music begins:
We could leave the Christmas lights up ‘til January
This is our place, we make the rules
And there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear
Have I known you 20 seconds, or 20 years?
As the song goes continues and you look into his eyes so full of love, you can’t help but sing along.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close
Forever and ever?
Take me out, and take me home.
You’re my, my, my, my.... Lover.
Listening to the words you’re singing, he can’t help but fall in love all over.
My heart’s been borrowed and your has been blue
All’s well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramtic and true to my.... Lover
You pour you heart out in song, desperately hoping that Aaron knows how much you mean every word. He does. The sincerity is written all over your lovely face.
As the music slowly winds down, the guest begin to join the two of you on the dance floor.
Tapping Aaron on the shoulder, Rossi cuts in for his turn. You manage to dance with everyone, even Reid, reluctant though he may be. The whole team was having a great time, laughing and dancing when Penelope had to slip back into maid of honor mode. Grabbing both you and Aaron by the wrist she all but drags you to the table.
Approaching the cake, you grab the slicer with your right hand. Pressing closely against your back and giving you a soft kiss on the cheek, Aaron covers your hand with his. After cutting two small slices, you turn to face each other. Taking a piece in hand you raise it to Aaron and he opens his mouth just before you smear it across his unsuspecting face.
Closing his eyes and trying hard not to laugh, he responds.
“Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”
“Yep!” you tease gleefully. “What are you gonna do about it, Mister?”
“This!” He exclaims, returning the favor and smashing the cake in your face.
“Really should have seen that one coming,” you muse.
“Yeah you should have.”
At that moment he pulls you close, pressing his soft lips to yours for the sweetest kiss ever known to mankind and the room burts into a fresh round of cheers.
The two of you scurried off to get cleaned up, and when you make your return, Penelope is waiting with your next task. A car is waiting to take you to the airport for your honeymoon. It’s time to go.
You make your rounds saying goodbye as everyone makes their way out for your final exit. One last song comes on as you make your way out and Aaron holds you close, singing in his perfect deep voice as you stroll through thrown confetti:
I was a boat stuck in a bottle
That never got the chance to touch the sea
But I came to life when I first kissed you
The best me has his arms around you
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I’m yours
The worst me is just a long gone memory
You put a new heartbeat inside of me
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I’m yours
By the time you made it to car and sat down you were in tears for probably the tenth time that night, you’d lost count.
The car was just about to pull away when Emily sprinted up to the door. Leaning down, she spoke to both of you.
“Hey you crazy kids, have fun! And remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Emily there’s nothing you wouldn’t do,” returns Aaron, catching you by surprise.
“Exactly,” she replies, slamming the door and slapping the roof of the car. You could have sworn you saw a wink.
As the car pulls away, the two of you get your first truly private moment of the night to process what just happened.
Snuggled close to Aaron’s left side, your head rests on his chest and his left arm drapes around your shoulder.
“We’re married,” you state, reaching to touch the gold band on his left ring finger.
“Yes we are,” he whispers, softly pressing a kiss to your temple.
“You’re my husband,”
“Uh huh,” he agrees, gently stroking your hair.
Looking up into his gorgeous face you confess once more, “I love you, Aaron Hotchner.”
After a slight pause, he replies with a smirk,
“I love you more.... Mrs. Hotchner.”
Tag list: @ange-must-die @agenthotchner @yes-sir-hotchner @hotchner-carisi @hotchners-slut @arganfics @ladyreapermc @rousethemouse @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @tgibstan @themanip @word-scribbless @quillvine @whoredonlightfoot @miss-united-ace
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Why me?
Part 33b - I do 💍💒🥰
Riley is forced out of Cordonia unknowingly to her friends, and moves back to New York.
She is later faced with her past from Cordonia and is hiding a few new secrets. With the help from her New York friends and friends from Cordonia will she escape her current situation and find her happy ever after?
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kozabaji @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983
The last part of the series... thank you everyone for the likes/reblogs... some parts have been crap I’ll admit that- but I’ve really enjoyed doing this as my first series... Team Driley 🥰
It was a summer wedding, in Cordonia- in the early afternoon. Riley Brooks and Drake Walker were finally getting married- the two commoners; who by fate, had fallen in love.
The gateway that was adjacent to Palace door, led into a large courtyard, where the nuptials were due to take place. The courtyard was separated into four uneven sections by flagstoned paths - each section was unique. One section was where the fountain trickled water effortlessly- providing a tranquil atmosphere. Another section held a large tree, it stood dormant- the slight wind blew the pink blossom away gracefully. The last two sections, provided a green lawn with a variety of flowerbeds that were a riot of colour.
Myself and my best man walked down the courtyard ‘aisle’ - well, Liam walked with his regal stance, I basically froze forcing my legs to walk. The sun was shining through the courtyard- rose petals delicately placed on the ground, the aroma consisted of them and peonies that were decorated around the area.
Why Drake I never knew you had such flair with peonies...- Never would I have imagined that just shortly after that she would kiss me for the first time in the Beaumont’s study.
I waited at the flower covered temporary alter feeling nervous, anxious, petrified that she may think this is the biggest mistake of her life. This short time that I have known Riley, it has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I couldn’t still believe that she had chosen me.
“Drake- Liam proposed to me tonight.”
“Oh.. I’m hap-“
“I said no.”
“Drake I might’ve come here for Liam, but I want to be with you. You’re the only one I’ve ever cared about.”
I don’t know what the hell I’ve done to deserve this woman. Liam usual gets what he wants with him being royalty. But not this time. For the first time in my life, I was complete- it truly was love at first sight. I was knocked out of my thoughts when my Mom came to speak to me.
“So, I’m going to have a new daughter-in-law and more grandchildren. Our family is expanding. Drake, I’m returning to Cordonia to be with you all. Your Aunt will take over the ranch. Good luck darling. I’m so proud of both you and your sister!”
Shit! I - we are leaving Cordonia. Why would she want to move back, I thought?
The sun was shining and the echo of the birds tweets, created a calm atmosphere. Shame I wasn’t this content, this damn morning sickness, or was it just nerves? Myself and my bridal party strolled out of the palace, towards the gateway to the courtyard. My two maid of honours- Hana and Olivia were delicately holding the laced train that trailed behind my dress. It was now or never.
“Riley you need to breathe.”
“I’m trying Gran, I’m really trying. I’m excited but so nervous.”
“Baby, everything is going to be fine. I’m here! Forever.”
“What do you mean forever?”
“I’m staying in Cordonia- spending my last years with my granddaughter.”
My gran is moving here? But I’m- we’re leaving. Shit!
I saw the Beaumont’s and Leo leave the courtyard. I’m assuming my fiancée is here- at last. My hands became more clammy every second that went by. Liam must have noticed as he began to crack out shit jokes to me- maybe he should just keep to his King duties, something he’s good at and leave Maxwell to be the fun joker we all love. It seemed like forever, but the three men eventually returned- she looks beautiful,Drake- Maxwell said, now my heart was leaping out of my chest. I was eager to see her.
Patiently having to wait at the entrance, was killing me. I just wanted to leap into Drake’s strong arms. Just then the Beaumont’s and Leo turned up by my side- You look beautiful blossom, are you ready? It’s not too late to back out? I was more than ready, are they stupid? I was ready before he even proposed to me. Deep- down in my gut, I knew I wanted to be with Drake Walker for the rest of my life.
“That leaves one question. Who are you marrying in this scenario? Me?”
“I.... Are you proposing to me Brooks?”
“Trust me, if I were, you’d know.”
And now was the time.....
“Ladies and Gentlemen, if you’d please rise for the bride.”
Leo grinned as everyone stood up gracefully, winking at a nerve wrecking Drake.
I watched as my two maid of honours, gracefully waltz down the aisle, flashing smiles to our guests. They were naturals, must be the noble upbringing they both had, I assumed? I now knew that all eyes were going to be gazing in my direction- even though the spotlight always seemed to enjoy following me like a bad smell- I hated it. I linked my shaking arm through my grans fragile arm - her eyes and smile lit up showing that she was proud. We stood at the top of the aisle, it looked like it was never ending- it was like the yellow brick road. My Gran, was my strength- without her supporting me, I felt like I could possibly faint. I concentrated looking forward as we walked, I attempted to conceal the tears running down my cheek. In the corner of my eyes I could see our guests waving and smiling. Eventually we was about five steps away from the bottom of the aisle- at last. Liam looked regal, he pat Drake on the shoulder- then his baby blues focused on me. I looked down towards the Rose petal covered floor to avoid his gaze. He ambled towards me, bowed and gave me a kiss on the cheek- you look lovely Riley, I’m truly happy for you. I looked into his eyes and mouthed -thank you. My Gran gave me a hug and imitated what Liam had just done- I love you Riley, go get your man. Liam, escorted my Gran safely to her seat- he really was a gentleman. Then my gaze fell on him- my marshmallow. The handsome commoner, standing tall in front of me. My, Drake. My, soon to be husband. My, children’s father.
Hana and Olivia began to walk down the aisle, along to the music. Myself and Liam pecked them both on the cheek as they arrived near us. My focus now was to see my bride- she’s kept me waiting this long. A moment later, she was in my view. She was breathtaking- I’m so lucky I thought, I never believed I would be worthy enough for a woman, such as Riley Brooks. I saw her dress for the first time- my knees went weak. It was a fitted princess style dress at the waist with a long train, crafted in silk and embroidery with beaded sparkles, and a close-fitting bodice with v-neck, and v-back. My eyes were now glistening with emotion- maybe I should have stolen some Kleenex from Maxwell? As they were in touching distance to us, I could see the sparkle in her ocean blue eyes, she too had been crying. She looked just like her Gran, both stunning ladies. My beautiful bride standing next to me. My, Brooks. My, Riley. My, soon to be wife. My, children’s mother.
Drake took Riley’s hands into his, both smiling with relief that they were reunited again. They whispered to each other so prying eyes and ears couldn’t hear them.
“Wow! You are so beautiful and look incredible Riley. I love you.”
“I’m just trying to keep up with my handsome fiancé. I love you too.”
“ I’m the one who needs to keep up. I need to tell you something, it’s about my Mom....”
“I need to tell you something too, it’s about my Gran....”
“FUCK!” They both whispered in unison- now realising it was the same thing.
“Ahem. If I may have everyone’s attention... I was honoured when I was asked to unite this incredible couple in marriage... So shall we get to the good part? The marrying part? Now, I believe you both have your own vows you’d like to recite?”
Riley and Drake nodded, their eyes still fixated on each other- the longing stares.
“Lady Riley, we will begin with you...”
Drake brushed his thumb over Riley’s knuckles, before holding her hands tighter- giving her an encouraging smile.
“Drake, I’ve now realised that you was always going to be my soulmate. You are loyal, my protector and my best friend. I could have hated you when we first met- you was the biggest jerk I’ve known, but now I realise you’re just a marshmallow. My grumpy marshmallow. I know things haven’t been easy. I always wondered why some people disliked me, so much. Why me? I thought. But, we have got through what most people don’t in a lifetime. You have always been there, having my back. I promise to appreciate every second spent with you and the twins. I will never ask you to change who you are, because I fell in love with who you already are.”
“Drake...now you.” Leo gestured.
“I’m going to keep my vows short and simple... Brooks, Riley... You took me by surprise the moment we met. I knew you was always going to be trouble- ever since you snuck us all out after curfew. You’re a bad influence, you know that? Every moment I spent with you, I always wanted more. I was determined not to fall for you - but I couldn’t help it. I fell in love with you instantly. I never knew what love was until I met you. You are beautiful in every single way possible. I’m going to continue protecting you and the twins and love you all for as long as I live.”
“Beautiful you two. Savannah? Is the ring bearer ready to steal the spotlight?”
Everyone laughed at Leo’s comment. Savannah carried Bartie over to his Uncle and Auntie, helping him hold the small cushion that was weighed down with the wedding bands.
“Do you, Drake Walker take Riley Brooks to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through the good times and the bad, until death do you part?"
“I do.”
"Do you, Riley Brooks take Drake Walker to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through the good times and the bad, until death do you part?"
“I do.”
"By the power vested in me by the Kingdom of Cordonia, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."
“S ' agapó Ó Morfi gynaíka mou”
Riley didn’t know what Drake had just said to her- she didn’t care, his husky voice sounded sexy. She ran her fingers down his chest, before pulling him closer until there was no gap between them - she could feel the rapid beating of his heart against her chest. That magnet was still there. Drake cupped her cheek, and brushed a lock of stray hair behind her ear. The newlyweds passionately kissed as if the world had fallen away. It was slow and soft to begin with- comforting in ways that words could never describe. His hand sat below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. Drake lifted his new wife up and spun her around, holding her protectively- his gaze not leaving hers. He eventually let her down, and they turned to face their applauding guests.
The reception room echoed with excited chatter- when the Riley and Drake entered, applause spread throughout the room. The sound of scraping chairs resonated as everyone stood up for a standing ovation. The couple made their way over to the head table, smiling and holding hands- both feeling content. There were cheers- Maxwell being the loudest, of course. A while later, Drake kissed his bride on the cheek before taking a deep breath to make a toast. The sound of a teaspoon on the side of the champagne glass was a signal to gain attention and for their guests to become silent.
“On behalf of myself and my new wife, Mrs Riley Walker... we’d like to thank you all for coming to celebrate with us today before we start our new adventure.”
That previous excited chatter had now turned melancholy. Their friends and family now knew this was the Walker’s way of saying goodbye.
Riley stood up next to Drake, placing one hand around his back and the other on his chest- her baby blues stared into his deep earthy eyes that contained a mischievous glint.
“Yes. Myself and Drake wouldn’t be here without the support from each and every single one of you. We love you all so much...”
Riley and Drake both smirked at each other after witnessing everyone’s down hearted expressions.
“And because we all love you so much.... myself and Drake... we ... we can’t leave you all here on your own. Unfortunately for you all, we are staying in Cordonia.”
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divinityslain · 5 years
hey   there   demons   !   tis   i   ,   local   lorekeeper   &   part   -   time   trash   pile   ,   coming   at   ya   to   give   miss   wilhelmina   no   fucken   rights   !   isn’t   that   exciting   ?   click   HERE   for   ur   girl’s   ~   new   ~   pinterest   .   also   this   is   long   .
*   RELIGION   &   TWSITD   &   FOOD   MENT   .
full   name   .
wilhelmina   von   hevring
nicknames   .
mina minnie
birthday   .
october   4
fódlan   birthday   .
4th   of   the   wyvern   moon
age   .
twenty   -   three
height   .
172.72cm   /   5′8″
nationality   .
hometown   .
county   of   hevring
residence   .
garreg   mach   monastery
house   .
black   eagles
occupation   .
student   at   the   officers   academy
crests   .
minor   crest   of   cethleann   /   sometimes   raises   mt   when   using   recovery   magic major   crest   of   lamine   /   occasionally   conserves   uses   of   recovery   magic
strengths   .
faith riding lance
weaknesses   .
flying axe brawling
budding   talent   .
classes   .
noble   →   monk   →   priest   →   bishop   →   holy   knight
likes   .
horses tea reading making   people   proud   of   her exploring shopping
dislikes   .
mindless   gossip henrik isolation the   dark heights injustice
interests   .
practicing   magic chatting praying helping   to   restore   the   saint   statues
favorite   meals   .
saghert   and   cream peach   sorbet gronder   meat   skewers vegetable   stir   -   fry
favorite   teas   .
mint   tea angelica   tea
favorite   gifts   .
riding   boots tea   leaves stylish   hair   clip goddess   statuette owl   feather   *   universal   gift
least   favorite   gifts   .
hunting   dagger blue   cheese arithmetic   textbook
favorite   flowers   .
roses forget   -   me   -   nots
lost   items   .
gold   hair   bow heart   -   shaped   locket storybook   about   the   four   saints
relatives   .
lorelei   von   beaumont   (   née   hevring   )   ,   mother unnamed   noble   ,   step   -   father theodore   &   sebastian   von   beaumont   ,   maternal   half   -   brothers jasper   ,   anabel   &   elias   von   beaumont   ,   step   -   cousins
count   hevring   ,   maternal   uncle   &   legal   guardian unnamed   noble   ,   maternal   aunt   &   legal   guardian linhardt   von   hevring   ,   maternal   cousin
count   rowe   ,   father   /   illegitimate   child   of unnamed   noble   ,   step   -   mother viktor   gwendal   rowe   ,   paternal   half   -   brother  johanna   sigrid   gaspard   (   née   rowe   )   ,   paternal   half   -   sister henrik   alphonse   rowe   ,   paternal   half   -   brother astrid   faryse   rowe   ,   paternal   half   -   sister adiel   gwydion   rowe   ,   paternal   half   -   brother nikolai   christophe   blaiddyd   ,   paternal   nephew   /   johanna’s   son
the   product   of   an   affair   between   lorelei   von   hevring   ,   a   noble   from   adrestia   ,   &   the   head   of   house   rowe   in   faerghus   .   obviously   ,   count   rowe   is   already   long   married   with   three   kids   by   the   time   mina   is   conceived   ,   &   lorelei   is   …   in   the   process   of   finding   a   suitable   match   ,   courtesy   of   her   older   brother   &   head   of   house   hevring   ,   so   the   newborn   wasn’t   exactly   welcomed   warmly   .
(   although   ,   not   anything   new   as   nobles   have   been   producing   out   -   of   -   wedlock   children   since   as   long   as   anyone   can   remember   .   )
however   …   the   thing   is   ,   this   whole   ordeal   was   count   rowe’s   plan   all   along   ?   like   ,   none   of   his   current   children   are   crest   -   bearers   .   lorelei   comes   from   a   respected   family   ,   one   that   notably   has   a   strong   bloodline   to   keep   crests   alive   .   put   two   &   two   together   ,   makes   sense   ,   right   ?   once   the   child   shows   signs   of   possessing   a   crest   ,   he   would   take   them   off   her   hands   …   you   know   ,   since   having   a   child   in   such   a   way   would   arguably   look   worse   for   her   than   for   him   !   &   said   child   was   supposed   to   become   his   true   heir   to   the   rowe   territory   . 
WELL   !   too   bad   for   him   ,   lorelei   cut   ties   .   a   new   husband   ,   she   said   in   letters   that   are   now   burned   &   forgotten   .   little   did   he   know   ,   it   was   because   she   was   expecting   &   didn’t   want   him   to   know   .   fearful   for   what   may   happen   ,   unaware   of   his   true   intent   .
4th   of   the   wyvern   moon   ;   the   day   wilhelmina   von   hevring   came   into   the   very   world   that   will   become   so   cruel   .   a   premeditated   accident   ,   that’s   what   she   was   .   although   her   uncle   had   plans   .   people   who   would   take   away   the   burden   he   promised   to   keep   a   secret   ,   until   it   suited   him   .   alas   ,   lorelei   wouldn’t   part   from   her   daughter   so   quickly   .   it   would   take   about   four   years   of   mina   living   in   the   hevring   estate   for   lorelei   to   grow   distant   ,   more   focused   on   her   new   children   with   her   new   husband   in   a   completely   different   territory   in   adrestia   .   it   was   then   she   would   be   discreetly   removed   from   the   household   ,   much   to   her   confusion   as   she   would   grip   onto   her   uncle’s   hand   .
those   who   slither   in   the   dark   .   vile   ,   uncaring   ,   harshness   ;   result   orientated   .   mages   would   spend   two   years   testing   &   experimenting   on   mina   —   crestology   ,   implanting   a   crest   stone   into   a   body   seeing   if   it’s   compatible   .   a   lot   of   their   prior   experiments   failed   ,   but   a   strong   select   few   survived   for   awhile   .
 just   shy   of   over   the   two   years   ,   the   mages   of   those   who   slither   noted   many   different   stages   of   progress   .   initially   unaware   wilhelmina   already   bore   a   crest   ,   a   minor   of   cethleann   –   they   saw   as   she   activated   it   for   the   first   time   during   a   trial   .   a   welcomed   addition   to   their   studies   !   but   of   course   she   was   miserable   &   terrified   .   yet   even   so   ,   she   remained   hopeful   .   hopeful   that   this   would   be   over   soon   —   silent   prayers   to   the   goddess   fell   from   her   trembling   ,   cracked   lips   ,   over   &   over   .   a   little   after   she   turned   six   ,   her   desperate   prayers   were   answered   .   the   mages   successfully   in   giving   her   a   new   crest   :   a   major   crest   of   lamine   .   although   as   they   have   seen   in   the   past   ,   the   stress   of   twin   crests   caused   strain   on   her   small   body   ,   causing   her   hair   to   turn   white   (   although   ,   leaving   a   vaguely   blonde   undertone   –   perhaps   homage   to   lamine   herself   )   &   shortened   lifespan   .   that   …   left   them   bored   &   itching   to   move   on   to   the   next   ,   as   the   cycle   repeated   .
after   dropping   a   slumbering   ,   dirty   &   worn   -   out   mina   back   to   the   county   of   hevring   ,   &   a   brief   meeting   with   her   uncle   explaining   the   results   of   the   experimentation   ,   they   departed   within   the   shadows   once   more   .   so   idk   fast   forward   a   few   months   ,   she’s   still   six   &   still   clinging   to   the   teachings   of   seiros   &   the   four   saints   .   she   even   saved   up   enough   money   for   a   storybook   .   her   uncle   trained   her   in   secret   ,   unwilling   to   yet   show   her   twin   crests   to   the   rest   of   the   empire   ,   &   mina   did   her   goddamn   best   to   make   him   proud   !!   like   little   baby   ..   really   ..   was   embodiment   of   pleading   emoji   .   &   alright   count   hevring   was   using   her   from   day   1   but   …..   would   be   lying   if   he   didn’t   get   even   slightly   attached   after   all   the   time   he   inevitably   spent   with   her   lmao   .
once   she   gained   an   understanding   of   how   to   not   randomly   activate   her   crests   ,   her   uncle   took   her   to   enbarr   to   introduce   to   the   imperial   family   .   at   almost   seven   ,   she   didn’t   understand   the   weight   of   the   situation   .   there   he   showed   her   off   to   the   emperor   &   subsequently   ,   his   sons   .   a   choice   between   eric   &   wilhelm   ,   &   the   latter   was   chosen   .   wilhelm   &   wilhelmina   were   engaged   ,   all   because   count   hevring   pulled   the   ‘   my   niece   has   two   crests   &   your   son   has   none   ’   card   ..   huh   ..   that   really   was   the   selling   point   .   (   of   course   it   was   still   kept   hush   ,   those   who   slither   in   the   dark   didn’t   want   to   be   discovered   so   quickly   .   the   emperor   ,   despite   finding   it   a   strange   occurrence   ,   didn’t   question   it   …   lmao   little   did   he   fucken   know   !!   )
during   her   time   in   enbarr   ,   mina   stumbled   across   …   a   certain   boy   ,   unbeknownst   to   her   at   the   time   ,   her   step   -   cousin   jasper   .   now   his   father   ,   being   able   to   make   the   connection   once   he   hears   her   name   being   called   by   hevring   ,   went   to   lorelei   afterwards   &   was   like   ,   hey   so   go   back   to   your   daughter   ,   she’s   betrothed   to   one   of   the   imperial   princes   ,   that   could   be   of   use   to   us   ,   etc   .   etc   .   &   like   ,   well   ,   she   did   .   mina   ,   after   years   of   being   estranged   from   her   mother   ,   was   swaddled   up   quickly   in   an   embrace   under   a   false   guise   of   genuine   wish   to   reconnect   .   she   felt   odd   seeing   her   daughter   with   a   hair   color   so   foreign   ,   but   as   the   shitty   adults   do   ,   she   doesn’t   make   a   note   of   it   .   mina   was   introduced   officially   to   all   of   her   step   -   cousins   ,   as   well   as   her   own   half   -   brothers   .   truthfully   she   tried   her   best   to   connect   with   them   all   ,   but   the   only   one   who   stuck   was   jasper   .   not   that   she   minded   —   despite   all   the   negativity   surrounding   him   ,   she   still   saw   the   good   .   she   always   did   . 
years   later   &   more   tragedy   struck   the   empire   .   the   insurrection   of   the   seven   ,   a   soft   coup   ;   her   uncle   participated   in   stealing   power   from   the   emperor   –   the   individual   she   came   to   know   more   personally   as   her   future   father   -   in   -   law   .   &   then   ……..   it   happened   .   three   years   after   the   insurrection   ,   wilhelm   (   +   the   other   imperial   children   )   were   just   .   gone   ?   no   one   spoke   about   them   ,   &   she   would   be   scolded   each   time   she   brought   it   up   .   her   uncle   was   tense   ,   perhaps   due   to   the   arrangement   that   the   emperor   literally   was   unable   to   break   ,   but   mina   once   more   turned   back   to   the   church   for   solace   .   edelgard   came   back   eventually   ,   white   hair   similar   to   her   own   ,   but   none   of   her   siblings   followed   ,   so   mina   mourned   for   them   in   silence   .
years   &   years   past   &   her   uncle   started   up   a   search   for   a   new   husband   ;   while   she   moved   on   from   wilhelm   ,   he’ll   still   be   in   her   memory   &   heart   .   even   when   her   heart   attached   itself   to   randolph   ,   &   they   slowly   started   courting   ,   despite   her   uncle   strongly   advising   her   against   it   .......   idk   they   been   together   for   awhile   now   technically   ?
ok   so   personality   basically   ,   she   is   beagles   mom   !   very   …   i   would   say   naive   ,   because   how   she   doesn’t   realize   98%   of   her   family   is   using   her   ,   but   ..   but   like   .   she’s   !!!   embodiment   of   honey   &   wildfire   are   both   golden   ,   softness   is   not   weakness   .   she   is   also   a   horse   girl   so   jot   that   down   ,   you   know   ?   find   her   in   the   stables   pretty   often   .   mina’s   uno   reverse   edelgard   in   the   sense   that   while   edelgard   is   angry   at   the   society   they   live   in   /   the   church   +   goddess   +   crest   systems   ,   etc   .   mina   ??   doesn’t   hold   any   hatred   for   what   happened   to   her   .   it’s   more   like   ,   she’s   going   to   take   her   trauma   &   do   the   absolutely   best   she   can   because   if   she   lets   it   go   to   waste   then   all   of   what   she   went   through   would’ve   been   for   nothing   &   she   can’t   let   that   happen   .
she   agrees   with   edelgard’s   position   of   how   crests   shouldn’t   dictate   the   way   people   live   ,   but   also   she   still   has   her   faith   ??   like   ..   *   channels   all   the   cf   endings   that   have   the   church   being   rebuilt   despite   under   supervision   ..   bc   she   wld   have   helped   *
uh   idk   if   any   of   this   intro   makes   sense   but   like   here   we   are   babies   !!   i   am   tired   &   have   three   more   to   write   so   i   am   ….   TIRED   .
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biketrash · 8 years
Daingerfield Overnighter
 Two weeks ago Donald and Amanda put in their longest ride to date. After thirty-seven miles of dirt roads, they were happily whooped. Prior to that ride, they’d had agreed to do a bike overnight ride with Marde and I. What they had failed to do was put limits on the trip. A failure they are not likely to make again.  Two and a half miles of light rain brings two soppy cyclists to my door. Water drips off the front of Donald’s helmet as he steps into my kitchen. While weather is always a factor in these things, we’d hoped for warm temperatures and blue skies. Forget that it’s the middle of January, this is Texas. It could happen. It did partially happen. It wasn’t cold. Mid forties would crawl upwards to mid fifties throughout the day. Not balmy by any means. These are very ridable temps if the rain would quit. Radar showed a 9am break. Only an hour later than our planned start time. It was going to work out. At least I hoped it would.
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A rag tag renegade fleet
 As always, my legs squawked for the first two miles. They are never ready to just go from the start. If Marde’s legs were also squawking, she was tight lipped about it. Keeping pace, Donald and Amanda were all smiles. Full of naivety, they assumed we were only going about thirty-five miles. I never told them this erroneous milage. I just didn’t correct it either. In my defense, I rarely judge mileage correctly. I simply like to point the bike in a direction and go. To ride this route again, I’d remember it was closer to fifty miles. As for this cool wet Saturday morning, thirty-five was as good a number as any.  I broke the ride down in my head into four segments. My house to Gilmer, Gilmer to Union Hill, Union Hill to Pittsburg, and Pittsburg to Daingerfield. I knew these segments weren’t evenly spaced. They simply broke up an otherwise long segment of my house to Daingerfield into something my mind can handle easier. A series of smaller goals leading in succession to a larger goal. Donald listened to me explain this as if I knew what I was talking about. He knows better now…  The first segment is the shortest. We rolled into Gilmer on a squishy front tire. Squishy?! AAARRRGH! A flat on the tandem stops our circus train just as it was beginning to roll good. The side lot of a small town business provides a good spot to fix this momentum killer.
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My luck on rides lately
 My spare tube is buried deep in a pannier, while my patches are easily accessible in my handlebar bag. I should go with the tube but, easy is too tempting. As I begin the repair process a young boy strolls up on his beach cruiser. Immediate questions begin. “What are y’all doing?””What kinda bike is that?””Can I ride it?” He is full of energy as well. Amanda has to divert his attention away from Donald’s bike. The trailer truly fascinates him and he is aching to ride it. Not that he could fit over the 21” Felt frame. A cheap blinky light from Amanda keeps him at bay while I finish the tire. Elijah asks to follow us for as far as his mother allows him down this city street. “Yes you can!” We are all about encouraging the next generation to ride.
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Had an extra rider for two blocks
 We head up Cherokee Trace north out of Gilmer. We pass Lake Gilmer. Following oil top roads of various animal names, we continue towards Union Hill. Marde and I reach the top of a hill. Just as we stop to wait we hear a crash. We spin around to see Amanda backing her front wheel off the back of Donald’s trailer. Coming up the hill, Donald had run out of steam and stopped to regather himself. With her head down and completely focused on keeping her pedals turning, Amanda didn’t see him stop and plowed into him. “What was that?” asked Donald. She could not answer. Still face down, her head shook as she laughed at herself. Finally composed, she asked “Who stops in the middle of the road?” Donald does, Amanda, Donald does…
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Making progress
 At Union Hill, Donald is happy only eight miles remain to Pittsburg. If my segments were even, this would be true. My segments however, are not even. Even I am unaware of how far remains to Pittsburg and (more importantly) Papa Nachos. Marde knows how far is left. She keeps it to herself. Being the bearer of bad news does not tempt her.  Two lane roads sans shoulders replace the oil tops we were riding. With the bigger road comes more traffic. It’s is still not much this far out from Pittsburg, however far that may be. A small church provides a nice place to rest weary legs. It can’t be much further... can it?
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Break time
A substantial increase in traffic tells us we are closing in on the small town. Our growling bellies hope we get there soon. As we get close to the downtown area I sense the unmistakable feeling of a softening front tire. Not again… At least it’s the front. In the front lot of a closed business, I prepare to repair. This time I dig out the spare tube. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, er, um, it’s time to stop fooling around and fix this tire. Donald spots fallen pecans. As I replace my ailing tube, the group feasts like squirrels. Donald would tell me later, this flat was a much needed break. Um, you’re welcome?
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Don’t stop believin’ Amanda
 The real feast comes in the form of Mexican food. For forty minutes we inflate our stomachs until there is nothing flat about them. Looking out the window, we notice a fog that had been with us since the start getting thicker and thicker. Luckily the final segment to Daingerfield had a shoulder.
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It’s always a good time for Mexican food
 Pedaling east we head towards Daingerfield. The fog has reached zombie apocalypse levels. A highway with signage leaves no mystery to how far we still have to go. We have exceeded Donald and Amanda’s longest ride of two weeks ago. Still, they continue on without complaint. Donald jokes that his bike is now for sale.
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Shoulder sweet shoulder
 Although we never spot a zombie, we cut our way through the fog to Cason. Cason is a town consisting of a pizza place and a post office. We pull into the pizza place just to realize it’s closed. The owner is there preparing for a large garage type sale. He offers us water and allows us to take a much needed break on his bench. Daingerfield is only five more miles away. Only five leg burning miles.
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Zombie legs in zombie weather
 Thinking the shoulder didn’t carry through Daingerfield, we are pleasantly surprised to discover we are in error. With the fog as thick as ever and the sun awol, we’d rather be out of the driving lane of the main road. We make a bee line to the local Brookshire’s grocery store. Walking the aisles is a nice reprieve from miles in the saddle. We gather up the things we’ll need for campsite fajitas and a bundle of wood for a well deserved campfire.
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Grocery stores are happy places
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Campfire ready
 Marde and I take the tail gunner position as we continue towards the park. we set into a good pace when, THUMP! We lose the load of wood. Marde quickly hops off and recovers it. Unaware we had stopped, Donald and Amanda pull away. Marde secures the wood (better than I did originally) and gets back on the bike. Two pedal strokes and the bike comes to a halt. Something is stopping a wheel. The weight of the trailer, along with the hard gear I stopped in, work the back wheel out of it’s eyelets. The wheel then went sideways and against the bike frame. I remounted it and tighten the wheel skewer. Normally when you stop in the wrong gear, you can shift the gears, lift the back of the bike with one hand and pedal it with the other. This is not as practical on a fully loaded tandem pulling an overly loaded trailer. As I pushed the bike, Marde followed, hunched over and pedaling with her left hand. Quite the sight as she tried not falling on her head! It does the trick of getting us into a gear we could actually take off in. By now we are getting calls from our fellow travelers. They’ve realized we were not behind them anymore. We catch up at the park’s ranger station. It has long since closed for the day. A sign tells us just to pick out a campsite. Amanda had prepaid. We pitched tents in the dark. Amanda cooked dinner by flashlight. Donald started a fire. I search for ways to get in the way. Marde made hot cocoa.
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Aunt Jemima fajitas
 Even after such a long day in the saddle, we had the energy to sit around the fire and talk about past stories, the present story, and stories yet to be made. Heavy bikes on narrow roads through miles of fog. All of that so we could sleep on the ground. It’s the kind of adventure that lures us. I can’t explain why we are drawn to it. I can only say, I can’t wait until the next one. Tomorrow will be an easy one. Our kids are bringing trucks to get us. Before then, we’ll get to enjoy what this park has to offer.
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