#soon i'll have a class schedule and hopefully a purpose
comradesnufkin · 12 days
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I've been feeling sick for nearly two weeks. I couldn't keep anything in my stomach. The day when I finally could eat something I had to go to class. Except that I had to walk, on a nearly empty for days stomach, under the sun from the bus stop to my uni. To add insult to the injury, the bus driver missed my stop so, longer walk. Then when going back home, I had to wait for a while because the bus drivers decided that they won't be following the schedule. I was feeling a bit weak but ate and went to soccer practice. But the same whole thing happened today. For even more longer than yesterday. So once I got home, I took a nap. I woke up feeling poorly, I did eat a small thing (stomach still upset) and my mom still think I'm not eating on purpose so it's my fault if I'm sick when we eat the same exact things. The only times I couldn't eat much in the morning was because nausea was a b**** and I didn't want to 🤮 in my internship. I do know that I ate something that made me sick because while I was eating it, I felt it wasn’t doing something good for me but as usual "mother knows best" so if she said it wasn't that, ut was my fault because I don't eat then it must be.
In the past few days, I have never felt that much as if I was going to faint and thanks God I didn't cuz I would have faint where no one could have helped me cuz I was alone on that side of the highroad.
Hopefully, I'll feel better soon but I just want to disappear for a while and make everything go normal again, where I was feeling good. I thing stress is also a factor in me feeling sick but who knows.
I think I'll have to find a therapist tho.
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lanaberryrawr · 6 years
Hii!! Twilight Anon here!! Thank you so much about Harry Potter prompt 😍😍 I'll 👀 be 👀 looking 👀 forward 👀 for 👀 a 👀 continuation 👀 of 👀 that 👀 prompt 👀😂 I'm sorry for not sending asks for a while but life is getting hard 😂😂😂 to many adult things to do and no time for the fun stuff :( how are you doing? Life is treating you well? I hope the answer of that is yes 🌈 and I'm here to ask you for a neighbors prompt 👀😂 like a "we live on the same floor apartment" prompt 😂 ILY Lana ♥
I would love to continue the Harry Potter Prompt! At the moment I have some others waiting, but I will for sure return to it at some point XD And don’t worry!! Life takes priority! I do hope though that it’ll settle soon. Make sure to take time to rest and care for yourself too in this time. And I’m doing well! Just started two new jobs that will hopefully have less hours so I’m not busy all of the time XD So it’s going well so far :3 How is your life going?
Ooooh I liked this idea :3 I’ve tried my best in a 1000 words thing, but I always find it’s too short but then I also don’t have enough time for anything longer, or the space XD So here it is and I hope I’ve done it justice :3 LY2 Twilight anon!
Yuuri loved walking his dog. It wasn’t just because it gavehim time to relax after his classes, or because he could feel the cool spring airon his skin, or because Vicchan loved their time together – those were greatreasons, but he had something bigger.
A handsome neighbour liked walking his dog too. Thishandsome neighbour happened to have the same name as Yuuri’s dog – somethingYuuri had felt odd about at the start, but now found cute. Yuuri had memorised Viktor’swalking schedule, changing up his own walks so that he could happen upon theman.
He didn’t think that his gorgeous new neighbour knew thisyet. Yuuri certainly wasn’t going to tell – if they did happen to pass oneanother, Yuuri could only manage a shy hello before he snuck off blushing. Itmight not have been much, but he didn’t want to lose it or to make Viktor thinkhe was being some creepy stalker.
He’d only just moved to the apartment block. It took himmonths to find something he could afford. He didn’t want to move because hisneighbour caught him perving on him.
Vicchan pulled on his lead. Yuuri sighed and calmed him downwith rushed Japanese. Vicchan didn’t really listen. Yuuri glanced around. Hehadn’t seen Viktor on his walk that evening. He tried to look for him withoutbeing too obvious, but as time moved on, he didn’t bother hiding it. He knewViktor liked his evening walks with Makkachin more than the others – the coolair could clear any head after a full day of work or classes. It brought outthe social butterflies, and Yuuri had seen Viktor talking to more than onestranger in his time watching the Russian.
Yuuri flinched at his own thoughts. Okay, perhaps he was a little bit of a stalker. But not thecreepy, psycho way. He flinched again.
He tried not to feel downhearted as he reached his apartmentagain. Viktor hadn’t come out at all which was unlike him. He glanced at thedoor, biting his lip when he saw that there was no light underneath. Viktor wasstill out. He sighed and tried to fight off the sadness.
Vicchan jumped onto the sofa and curled into a ball, preparinghimself for his third nap of the day. Yuuri set to finishing his class work.
It wasn’t until late evening, as the sun was setting and thepark before the apartment was clearing that he heard Viktor’s door opening.Viktor’s keys rattled, the door slammed against their joint wall, a curse.Yuuri paused his pen, listening more intently than he ever did in his classes. Fromthe stumbling, Yuuri guessed Viktor was either drunk, carrying something heavy,or knackered. He glanced at the clock. Nine o’clock – perhaps too early fordrunk.
Makkachin barked. Vicchan roused from his sleep to listen.
After a minute, the front door slammed closed and there wassilence from the apartment next door. Yuuri moved back to his work but couldn’tquite focus again.
Nothing happened for the longest time. He couldn’t hear Viktor’smovements against his wooden floor, or his pans against the hot plates, or himopening his back window. Yuuri tried not to think too much about it.
But then there was a crash from the apartment next door anda loud shout. Makkachin began to bark up a storm, spurring Vicchan to jump fromthe sofa and bark back.
Before he knew what he was doing, Yuuri was running to Viktor’sfront door, uncaring of how his own door slammed against his wall and chippedthe new paint.
Viktor’s door was unlocked. He didn’t usually do that. Helet himself in after a moment of hesitation.
Viktor was pulling himself onto his kitchen chair. He wasstill wearing his coat, bag left lying on the hall floor. Makkachin turned tobegin barking at him, alerting Viktor. His gaze snapped to Yuuri.
Yuuri held up his hands and stopped where he was. “I-I’msorry. I heard a crash. I thought… I thought you might have been in trouble.”It looked like Viktor had fallen against the counter. A box of his cereal waslying on the floor, his groceries dropped beside the oven.
He waited for Viktor to shout at him, to tell him to get outand to never see him again. But he didn’t. Instead, he grinned at Viktor withthose blinding white teeth that always stole Yuuri’s breath whenever he sawthat smile. Viktor ran a hand through his fringe in a way that had Yuuripanting, unsure of if the older man was doing it on purpose.
“Sorry to scare you,” Viktor replied, his voice sendingshivers up Yuuri’s spine. “I think I trained a little too hard with my coach. Ican’t seem to make my body do what I want it to do.”
“O-Oh…,” Yuuri said, unsure of what to say. Now that he washere, in Viktor’s home, he was becoming too aware of the scene, of the smell,of everything around him. He rubbed the back of his neck. “You need to rest. It’snever good to overwork yourself.”
“I know. But a big competition is coming.” He calledMakkachin back to him, calming her down with a stroke through her fur. “I don’tknow how I’m going to make food. I’m far too tired to even think of cooking.”
“I can cook for you.” Yuuri found himself saying it beforehe could stop himself, but once the words were there, he liked the sound ofthem. Cooking for Viktor. The handsome man in his house, eating his food,getting closer. Yes, he liked the sound of it. But nervous energy began tosettle in again as Viktor didn’t reply for a minute.
“Cooking for me?”
“Uh, yes.”
“I don’t want you going to such lengths for me.”
“It’s alright. It’s a little lonely eating alone, anyway.”
Viktor paused again and Yuuri found his mouth drying. Heprepared himself for rejection.
Instead, Viktor gave him that beautiful grin again and stood,suspiciously better balanced than he had been before. “I’ve been wondering whenyou’d finally invite me back to yours.”
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chocomonki · 7 years
New Spiritshipping fic sneak peek
I posted this to my Twitter earlier but here's a sneak peek to a new fic I'm doing ! Of course it's Johan and Judai 😄 I'm having fun with it 😁
“I want you to tell me what you know about Johan,” Judai said in lieu of a greeting as he dropped his backpack onto the table in front of him.
Asuka merely stared at him blankly, slurping up her ramen. “What.” She wasn’t all that used to eating lunch with someone considering they all had different schedules this semester. It was nice sometimes. Judai rarely had lunch with her on Wednesdays because he only had afternoon classes today and he usually arrived at campus minutes before his first class started. So he was here early today, with a purpose.
Judai grinned. “You know, Johan? Blue hair? Green eyes? In your English class?”
“Yeah, I know him but why do you?”
Judai looked sheepish. “Well I kinda bumped into him the other day but then I saw you two walking together after class. I stared at him for so long I walked right into a pole.” Asuka snorted but Judai continued, “Anyway, after Edo finished laughing at me he told me his name was Johan and you two have done group projects together.”
Asuka nodded, swirling her ramen around in the bowl. She normally got pizza but today she changed things up. “We were in a group of five last week and he was the only one I didn’t want to kill. He’s very nice.”
“Yeah,” Judai stared off into space, a brief smitten look running across his face.
Asuka smirked at him, “Did the pretty boy steal your heart?”
“Yes,” Judai whined, slumping forward so he could lay his face on the cold table.
I'm not sure when I'll post but hopefully soon ! 😊
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