lanaberryrawr · 2 years
have you tried yelling
i have no idea what youre referring to but of course ive tried yelling
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
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So @lanaberryrawr challenged me to draw makkachin, though it turned into vicchan along the way. 
Please excuse my proportions, this is my first time ever drawing a pupper c: 
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
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I don’t  think I’ve ever watched this show but uh… I liked drawing him, so here we go c: 
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
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self help comic yes i cried when i thought of this and drew it immediately
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
The closest I could get to it looking like me 😂 thank you @whynikkiwhy for the tag and apologies for taking nearly a week to do it 😂
I don’t know who to tag so all my followers, take this as a sign to do it! It’s so fun.
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found this and requiring y’all to do it </3
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tagging: @whats-her-quirk , @armins-futon , @cafedanslanuit , @onyxoverride , @/ anyone else who wants to
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
one day, a couple years from now, you’re gonna look back and say, “oh my god, i’m so glad i made it through”. you’re gonna have moments where you love the world so much it makes the back of ur nose burn and you’re gonna have moments where u love yourself, even the parts you thought you would never ever like. you’re gonna have people in your life that you love, and you’re gonna have bad days, but i promise promise promise you it will be so much better. you’re gonna be ok.
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lanaberryrawr · 3 years
HEY!! i am aware your works have been finished for a long time now, but i just wanted to scream.
i just finished reading gunned down butterflies and let me tell you - it is now one of my favourite works in the yuri on ice fandom. you know what's the other one? its freaking november's secret.
i have reread november's secret multiple times, i remember when i first finished reading it, i was like "shiii i am never going to find anything like this, am i?". little did i know...
before i started reading gdb i had no idea you were also the author of november's secret, as i sadly didnt check you out after i finished reading it.
thank you so much for writing those two works, they were absolutely incredible. i am now on my way to read a collection of hearts :)
hope you're well, and thank you for making my days so much better !!! <3
Sorry for the late reply! It’s been hectic in my life with my jobs at the moment
Thank you SO much for this! This makes me feel so so happy, I can’t even begin to describe how much.
I’m so glad that two of your favourites are ones I wrote. I can hardly believe it sometimes that people enjoy things I’ve spent the time to write down. I poured a lot of myself into both of those works, and I never expected them to be as well taken as well as they have let alone become people’s favourites.
It fills me with so much happiness when someone takes the time to read it. I’m sat here smiling even reading this! 😂 thank you so much for letting me know! It’s actually made my day too ❤️
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lanaberryrawr · 4 years
Hey I just finished Gunned Down Butterflies the other day and just wanted to say you're an amazing writer 😊 I haven't read fiction in years but got so wrapped up in your story telling!
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you found it ☺️ And thank you so much for taking the time to let me know what you thought too! It’s been some time since I finished it, but it’s one that’s always been close to my heart, so it feels so good to know you enjoyed it too ❤️
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lanaberryrawr · 4 years
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lazy mornings
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lanaberryrawr · 4 years
the yoi fandom for four (4) years:
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the yoi fandom after a one minute teaser:
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lanaberryrawr · 4 years
back again, sorry if these comments are a bother but this will be the last one. i finished gathering petals and a collection of hearts. both very sweet stories the second one being a very interesting drama that kept me guessing. it was also the first time i ever solved the mystery in a fic which made me excited! thank you again for writing such intricate and well thought out stories they have been a pleasure to read! ♠️
No don’t apologise at all! They’re never a bother. It’s the complete opposite, they make me so so happy to hear! I couldn’t ever begin to describe how overjoyed I become reading comments like these - it validates all the time and effort I put into writing stories, as they’ve always been there to help people in any way and to be enjoyed.
I’m so glad you enjoyed these ones too, and that figuring it out made you so happy haha if I’m watching a mystery and I’ve figured something out, I’m on cloud nine for the rest of the day XD
I’m so happy you enjoyed these. And thank you so much for reading them. It really does mean everything to me, and you never need to apologise to me for wanting to express how much you’ve liked them!
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lanaberryrawr · 4 years
i just finished your fic gunned down butterflies and i have to say if was amazing!! i loved reading so much! the plot had me hooked from chapter 1 and the characters were amazing and your humor was spot on! it was a fic i started and immediately knew i wouldnt be able to stop reading. the concept was super cool and all the cliff hangers made me never want to stop reading! i didnt know what was coming next or who would make it out alive and it was thrilling! thank you for writing it!!
Thank you for reading! It’s been so long since I’ve written my fics that it’s hard to believe sometimes that people still read it and let alone that people like you and the previous anonymous post still find time in your days to express your love for something I’ve written, it means the whole world to me!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Those cliffhangers were definitely a form of torture on readers when I was updating weekly, so be glad you didn’t have to endure a week’s wait haha thank you so much for reading it, and I’m so happy you liked it!
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lanaberryrawr · 4 years
Okay, so I've been reading your fic November's secret and it's SUPER good. Is it a coincidence or are you a persona 5 fan? Because I've noticed, you know, masks, persona, usage of the name ren. Not that there's anything wrong with taking inspiration, of course! It would be really cool if that was the inspiration! If not, that's an incredible coincidence! ily ♡
Thank you so much! I’m so sorry for getting to this late, but thank you so much for expressing your love for the story, it means so much to me!
I’ve never seen/read/played it? I’m not sure what it is? I’ve definitely heard of the name but not enough to know what it is, though I’m definitely going to do research now! Haha it is a coincidence, but that’s so cool that something like this was about too! I shall definitely look into it :3
Thank you so so much <3
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lanaberryrawr · 4 years
@whynikkiwhy oh my god 😂😂😂
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I did upload these individually on my sideblog, but I just had too much fun with these to not show them here too! when will Ice Adolescence come back from war
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lanaberryrawr · 5 years
Hey guys!
So have a look at this amazing thing that Serdds has made for November’s Secret! For some reason tumblr won’t let me tag you, which sucks :( 
But they made this amazing narration of the first chapter so far, and honestly they sound so professional and I can hardly believe that this is something I wrote - when it’s narrated so brilliantly by such a soothing voice, it really doesn’t sound like my story at all! 
Please send some love its way and compliment the heck out of the work in the comments because it’s so amazing it needs to be appreciated. 
Hard work needs to be loved 
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