#soobrat asks
soobrat · 2 months
Ummmmm I need help finding the part two for stress relief 😭😭
that's probably because the links broken, I'll fix it now
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barbrina · 2 months
awkward situation dialogue prompts
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please feel free to alter these, a lot of them will feel stilted otherwise
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I know this is a really weird request and I don’t ask this lightly…
You can’t sit on my lap right now
I’m guessing this was meant for someone else?
Fine! Those are mine, okay? Now put them down
I’m so sorry I disturbed you, I was trying to keep it down
We’re never gonna see each other again so I don’t care if this weirds you out,
I'm in here don't open--! The.. door...
Oh! I didn't know anyone else was here
Whatever you spilled on yourself is making your shirt... I can uh... see everything
That's not because of you, I swear!
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if you want to request I do any of these, shoot me a message at @soobrat for male idols and @espressohyun for female idols
ps: if you do any of these please tag me I wanna read
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soobrat · 21 days
what is the context of that jaem clip LOL
I've never seen the full video so I barely know lol. It was included in a compilation of Jaemin being the only neo who can put Haechan in his place. And after seeing that video?...... idk the ALPHAAAA energy radiating off the screenn......
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soobrat · 29 days
wut fic are you planning to update first? im jus curious not rushing <3 i loooooveee mosquito ur writing is so unique!
It got super busy for me recently, I’m not even in my state rn lol. I’m closer to updating FUML. I was working on part three for that and Mosquito at the same time.
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soobrat · 1 month
hello i voted multiple! and the groups i read from you are txt and nct dream:)
coolio! Thanks for letting me know, I really appreciate it~
While we're here I'll explain for everyone:
No one should worry about me removing any groups from the list, this is just so I can more easily determine who to write for next. It's really discouraging to put a lot of effort into something that most of my followers aren't here to read, so I'll reserve one-parters for those groups. The works will also be slightly less frequent. Since NCT and TXT are still the main ones (as I suspected) they'll get the most big fics.
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soobrat · 2 months
hiiii can i req idol xiaojun having fun on backstage while waiting for recording???????? i really like your yangyang story T____T
I could just guess but I'll ask anyway, do you mean backstage before a concert or live performance or waiting to record something like in a recording studio?
I just don't want to make and you read it and be like "... this isn't what I meant at all"
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soobrat · 2 months
i actually felt my heart drop when i read the last two paragraphs of mosquito pt2... oh soobin.. 😔
anyways, i really love your dialogues <3 i cant wait for part 3!
I'm normal now, but Soobin in this universe really hurts me. My heart dropped and I wrote them. Thanks for the kind words and thanks for reading!~
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soobrat · 2 months
hihi it’s the anon that requested the kun fic & omggg 😵‍💫 you got like EXACTLY the vibe i was picturing!! and it is so well done!! blushing and kicking my feet etc
EEEEEK I'm so excited you liked it, thanks again for requesting!
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soobrat · 2 months
Hello! can you write about dom xiaojun x reader? maybe a bit rough/rough in general
Hello! I'll see what I can do here
Also the fact that I've only gotten WayV asks... honestly we love to see it
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soobrat · 2 months
.... can we get a peek the uncensored relationship chart
you naughty naughty, you think you can trick me??? ABsolutely nawt.
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soobrat · 2 months
this is hard… my heart wants the slow burn but my pussy wants them to fuck like next chapter
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This is a CRAZY thing to say lol. I have things in mind already but I was just curious about how you guys felt
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soobrat · 2 months
REAAAALLY excited for what's more of mosquito 🫶🏼
EEEEEEK I'm so excited for you guys to read it!! I've never cared about characters in my fics more than I care about these idiots.
I'm thinking of posting a sneak peek of chapter two ooooooo
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soobrat · 2 months
soft dom wayv kun has my whole heart I’d love to see your interpretation 🫶 + fem reader with a praise kink?
he's perfect for this, god... the man Kun is.......
link here
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soobrat · 2 months
red haired dom yangyang x brat reader...... i really his red hair it fits him so much
I like this, I'll put the link here when it's ready
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soobrat · 2 months
That makes sense, but i LOVE your angsty stories, never stop writing them.
Also I forgot to say last time but I want to be one of your anons. Is this emoji taken?
Oojh of course I wouldn't stop writing the torturously angsty ones, that would mean I'm no longer mentally ill! I'm glad you like em!
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and YAYY!! I haven't had a proper nonnie in ages please stick around I beg you please please please
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soobrat · 2 months
I've been following your blog for a while now and after reading mosquito I couldn't help feeling like you love that world and those characters
does that make sense
I honestly feel like it's just that I've been writing such overwrought angst that I just wanna write silly stuff. I mean, there are still angsty elements, but I feel like the overall tone is lighter (I hope).
But I did do a lot of work bts fleshing out the characters. I do love passive aggressive, sarcastic, judgmental Soobin with all my heart.
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