#soo it's a bit confusing but i'll try to explain it the best i can
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glitchytrait · 1 year ago
just thought i'd leave this here
thanks to this wonderful video, i learned how to get access to all of the sims 4 expansions totally legally. if you don't wanna go through all those steps, you might just be able to get them, too, if you follow this link...
instructions can be found in the video or in the tags. i will make my own video for my process in the future. when i do, i'll edit this post and link it here.
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savannah733 · 9 months ago
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( c.sturniolo )
Summary: you and the triplets had a sleepover but your childhood best friend Chris confessed his love to you..
Warnings: nth much ig kissing that's it 😘
Y/n | Chris | Matt | Nick
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃
Nick : y/n you should definitely come to our house for a sleepover tonight!
Sure : Y/n
Nick : okay, see you soon.
It was already 6:00 pm, and you needed go to the triplets for a sleepover. You bought some candy to film a tiktok video with the triplets. You got all your stuff and called an Uber, "Hi, is this y/n?"
"Yup it is!".
When you got out of the Uber you went to the triplets front door and knocked, there was a big smile on Chris's face when he saw you at his front door. " hey y/n, I missed you soo much" he says with a sweet smile on his face, "Oh hey chris, you seem really happy today" you said with a giggle on your face. He welcome you while he shouted "Nick, Matt y/n's here come say hi", Nick immediately runs over to you when he saw you and gave you a big hug and said hi . Matt said " Hey y/n , by the way what are inside of these bags? " " yeah y/n what are inside these bags? " he said while peeking inside the bag. Nick and Matt looks after Chris looked, "Could you maybe explain us why is their candy, and why is their a LOT of it? " he said while being confused, you giggle a little bit, you explain you guys were doing the candy salad tiktok trend. " I thought it be fun if we did a candy salad like the tiktok trend and each take turns and eat them afterwards!" Everyone agree to do it thinking it seems very fun and Nick has also seen other people do it so he wanted to do it too. You set up your phone with a water bottle and you guys started doing the tiktok.
After you guys were done doing the tiktok and taking turns you guys started eating the candy salad, you guys each toke a bowl and put the candy salad into your guys bowl. After some talking you all decided to go to Chris room and watch some tv, "Guys I'm tired, and is very uncomfortable sitting on the edge of the bed so I'm going to my room" "Good night Nick!" We all said while giggling because we were on in sync.
"Guys Im going to wash the dishes in the kitchen" you said while getting up from the bed " Nono I'll do it " he said while stopping you from going by holding your wrist "Is fine Chris and I also have to grab something I left in the kitchen earlier" "okay I guess" Chris said while slowly laying back down in his bed. Y/n left to the kitchen by closing the door and leaving Matt and Chris, "Chris something is going on with you these couple of days" Matt said with a little side eye "And can you tell me what is it MATTHEW" "you've been acting really weird around y/n like for example, last week when you hold her waist and hold her hand while you guys were walking around the theme park . And also you have been really looking at y/n and getting distracted by her, saying she's pretty and good looking and I feel like you like her or something." He said while looking at Chris who looks like is blushing really hard. "Fine, I like her, like really like her she's just so pretty, gorgeous, and when she smiles she looks so cute I just love her so much and the way she tal-" he gets cut off by Matt who looks speechless and shocked. "OMGGG I knew it , you do like her yes , but why don't you just confessed to her I bet she likes you too . You two would look so cute together" " idk man maybe I'm just nervous that she won't like me back" "hey guys!, so what were you guys talking about " she said . The two guys look so freak out by what to say but Matt hit Chris softly and let's just say Chris knows what was he trying to do.
"Y/n I have something to say to you.." Chris says with a nervous voice rethinking should he have done this or not , "yeah what's up?" Y/n said very calmly. "I like you y/n like Really REALLY like you , your so pretty,amazing and gorgeous and so cute and I've liked you for a long time now. And maybe I can take you on a date sometimes?"
Y/N' s POV
OMG no way Chris just said that to me I feel so happy right now, I've loved him for years now and now he's confessing his love for me OMG . I'm blushing so hard right now , I don't even know what to say.
But all I really want to do is say yes to everything that he just said to me .
I'm so nervous by what she's going to say to me,I don't even know why did I even did this but hopefully I don't regret this decision and hopefully this also doesn't ruin our friendship. I really truly love her appreciate everything she have ever done for me .
But all I really want to hear is her saying yes to everything that I just said.
"So what do you say y/n?" He asked while being so heated up and just hoping she says yes to his question, "yes Chris, Yes I love you so much and forever will, and I will also love to go to the date with you" you said with a big smile on your face while you both blush .
After you said yes to his question, he immediately pull you into a kiss which turn into make out session. "Ugh, disgusting, I can't watch this im going to my room and goodnight,..ig" Matt said while being disgusted by you two. You both laugh at him as you two finished your kissed as he ran to his room.
"I love you Chris" you said while laying beside him on his bed,with your hands on his chest as his right hand hold your waist. "I love you more baby" " not on my watch " you two both giggle while falling asleep super close.
Hope you guys like this one is not much but yeah ig ✌️
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a0random0gal · 1 year ago
Let's talk about hotd's deleted scenes
Soo hotd has a lot of interesting scenes that were deleted. Some people love them, others believe that removing them was for the best.
Today I'll check em out and tell you how I feel about them, and how I think they could have benefited the show if kept in.
1. The infamous Daemon hug scene
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Uhh I have.. feelings towards this.
And I already hear you go:
"How could you not like this, it's so wholesome!" Yeah I know I know, trust me, I think this is adorable, just a weird scene.
From what we know this shot was completely improvised by Matt and it shows.
Cause almost all of his character's nicer scenes that make people think "maybe he isn't that bad" were ideas Matt came up with. We can see throughout the show how the poor guy does his best to not make Daemon look like a psycho and it's nice on paper, but the contrast between his improvised scenes and the scripted ones is jarring.
I mean we go from him violently beating his first wife to death with a rock, to him tenderly breaking the news of Luke's death to Nyra or picking up Vizzy's crown and gently crowning him.
It does work more with his book characterization though so that's cool.
It's cute, it makes casual viewers go awww, but it's a bit inconsistent in the grand scheme of things.
I guess some people will interpret it as the softer spot Daemon has for the people he truly cares about, but knowing how he also treats them in other scenes...
Cough cough Rhaenyra choke scene cough cough.
I'm just left a bit confused.
Overall, I like it, but there's better.
2. Criston taking his Kingsguard vows.
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God I wanted this to make the cut soo bad.
It's just that in the past I've already talked about how dirty Criston is done in the fandom, and I truly believe he deserves more screentime, he's a very interesting character.
So getting a scene like this would have been awesome, and by showcasing the pride and happiness Criston felt at achieving his dream thanks to Rhae, her eventual treatment of him would have hurt even worse.
Personally I'm not sure if it could have swung more people to feel for him and criticize Nyra, but it would have generally enriched his character and relationship with the princess and I would have looved it.
Only point against it is that it's probably one of the least important deleted scenes.
It sucks to say it, but I didn't really feel it's absence, you know?
If I had to cut a scene, I too would have chosen this one, but with a veery heavy heart.
Really solid idea though.
3. The Rhaenicent fight at the end of episode 2
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Finally, we're moving onto Alicent related scenes.
And this... is my villain origin story.
I can't believe it was cut, wtf!
I get that maybe they wanted to stay loyal to the rule "show don't tell" cause it was already obvious that Rhae was mad at Alicent when she ran out of council meeting room after the announcement of her father's betrothal, but like... The possible angst!
Alicent crying, trying to explain the situation and appealing to their friendship to try and get Nyra to calm down while she screams at her and calls her names for not revealing the truth sooner, god this would have destroyed me even further!
The missed potential drives me insane, I would literally pay money to see how this scene was supposed to play out.
This awesome interaction would have also perfectly set up the hostility and tention that would characterize the next deleted gem...
4. Rhaenicent preparing for Ali's wedding
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Godd, this is another one of those scenes that, in my humble opinion, should have stayed in the show.
Not only because of the possibility of more Rhaenicent angst to break my heart,(Yeess) but also because this is one of those scenes whose absence is really felt in the story for me.
We go from Ali and Viserys's betrothal to them being already married with a toddler and another baby on the way and even though I'm aware that hotd has a lot of time jumps, I do feel like we should at least have seen the wedding celebration before moving onto the future.
This event being glossed over really left a bad taste in my mouth.
I can just imagine the sad and awkward silence during that scene, poor girls.
5. Viserys testing Daemon regarding Aegon's prophecy
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Soo, time to talk about the most incompetent targ king and his very problematic bro.
This scene had a loot of potential.
Apparently it was supposed to be about Viserys toying with the idea of revealing the Conquerer's prophecy to Daemon, but ultimately choosing not to after his brother showed little to no interest in what he was saying.
It would have been great to set up Daemyra's fight in the last episode
(honestly it would have been quite funny to see Daemon have a meltdown after hearing of the prophecy that he thinks his brother didn't trust him enough to tell him of, when he literally had the chance of knowing about it but threw it away lol)
And it also would have showcased how unfit Daemon is to rule, and given Viserys yet another reason to pick Rhaenyra as his heir over him.
In conclusion:
Yes I know there are a lot more deleted scenes to discuss, but I really don't want this post to get too long, so I'm going to end it here.
Personally, I think all of these deleted scenes were good, and there genuinely wasn't a single one I would have hated to see on screen.
But what were your favourites? Please tell me, especially if they weren't featured in this post, I'm super curious to find out about more cut scenes to learn what we all missed lmao.
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char-lie-spirals · 1 year ago
Someone just liked one of my old "which fic should I work on" polls and I realized I can make one again, since I'm currently trying to write like 10 things at the same time. To be clear, I'll still work on the other stuff too, but I want one thing to focus on. All options are explained under the cut! Also feel free to ask about any of them in asks/DMs/replays/reblogs, I would Love to talk about all of these
As I said, explanations for these are under the cut:
THE Spiral Graham AU
The 2nd fic for [this] series! The Graham Folger Lives and Therefore Nothing Bad Ever Happens AU itself! This fic is already in the works and uhhh I'd say 1/3rd done?? I've been. Procrastinating a bit. But lately I've been working on it more!
Graham gets given back AU
More of [this] fic I recently started! The plot so far is, Oliver encounters Nikola, who offers to give him Graham back. He accepts, and... well. Now Graham is back and Majorly Confused At Best.
Overpowered Archives AU
Soo I've not updated [this] fic in months but I Swear I'm still working on it. Basically, it's an Archivist Gerry AU with Joshua Gillespie, Sebastian Skinner, and Robin Lennox as the assistants. As you can imagine, that group Is quite overpowered.
Eye Graham AU
I literally only talked about it [here] once ages ago but I started writing it out of boredom and well. Now it's a thing! It's another "Graham Folger Lives" AU, except this time the Beholding helps him to survive the events of mag 003 and well... one thing leads to another, until he becomes an Archival Assistant!
Michael and Mike both live AU
This is just a quick canon-divergence fic where Michael interferes with the events of mag 91 and in turn, Mike interferes with the events of mag 101! They both end up alive (mostly) and okay (mostly)!
I am So So very open to suggestions. If there's any WIP/AU I mentioned in the past that caught your attention, ask about it! If you have a prompt/idea/etc you think I'd enjoy working on, drop it in my ask box! Actually, feel free to do any of that even if you voted for any other option!
And just saying again, feel free to ask me more about any of these! I would LOVE to elaborate even more or answer some specific questions :]
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starlithan · 4 years ago
I Promise
Part 3
Siren Jisung/ Reader(ft. Choi San ATEEZ)
Word Count:3540 words
Warnings: None
Summary: Han realizes that the amusement park is the last place he want to be, time is running out and he cant figure out what to do, meanwhile a certain someone comes to live with the both of you, and you bot get into a whole lot of trouble.
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Part 3
Y/n’s POV:
“I changed my mind .. THIS is my favorite food from now on” Han  said as he munched on the last slice of cheesecake, I giggled “see I told you there are more tastier things then scrambled eggs” I said, chocolate from the cheesecakes was on the side of his lips, I took a tissue and wiped it off “you eat like a kid” I smiled and looked at him.
Too close, Y/n you're too close 
I get back and clear my throat “come on there are more things you need to see since you're here”, I said as I looked around.
Han ’s Pov:
She's so cute. I smiled and went back to finishing up my cheesecake.
“Ahhh right the amusement park every human has to go there, it's a must do” she said getting all excited “what's an amusement park?” I asked as I wiped my face with the so-called tissue “here let's go” she said as she held my hand and pulled me along, we both ran to wherever she was taking me.
“Y/n slow down, or did you forget I just learned how to walk” I said huffing as we stopped, “and you know how hard it was to learn-.. Wow”  I said as I looked at the big big…..things, this place was gigantic.
“I know right it's gigantic, come on we're gonna go to the haunted house first” she said as I nodded still in awe, “wait what's the haunted house?” I asked, does she wanna be possessed by ghosts or something, but luckily she read my mind “it's not real ghosts just people acting like ghosts so come on” she said as once again she drags me, well if there not real then that's okay, and personally how scary can they be, I mean sharks are more scarier than mere people
I take my words back, People are scarier than sharks, “are you okay?” Y/n laughs as she pats my back , this is utterly embarrassing. I close my eyes and shake my head, “ice cream I'll go get some ice cream, you sit here” she said as she went to bring us some ice cream.
I close my eyes, why is my head hurting this much, the moment I open my eyes, I see tons of hearts glowing a fierce color of blue, everything else was black and white, I close my eyes again and slowly massage my temple “stop, stop” I whisper
Remember you only have 20 days till you turn back to a siren 
I hear a voice whisper in my head, my eyes shoot open and everything's fine, everything's back in color, I only have 20 days, I got to get started today.
Y/n’s POV:
“One chocolate and one peach in a cone please” I said as the guy nodded, ‘what's the time?” I whispered as I took my phone out 
25 missed class from Minho Oppa 
Domed I’m domed, I sigh, was something wrong 
“Here you go one chocolate and one peach” the guy gave me my ice cream, and I thanked him and started to make my way to Han 
To be honest I'm happy Han ’s here, I'm having lots of fun, I smiled thinking about how he was scared as hell in the haunted house, I even didn't have a single episode of the migraine too 
“Here's your ice cream” I said as I handed him the peach one, he glanced at both “I want the chocolate one” he said
“Nope you're gonna try the peach one this time, trust me you're gonna love it” i said, he gave me a questioning look but took it in the end, I sat next to him “so how's your day in the human world going?’ I asked as I looked at the people passing by “well let me summarize that for you, on my first day I was attacked by a cat and a human both on the same day, on the second day I got to know that humans are more scarier than sharks, and that I'm afraid of heights” he said pouting and taking a huge bite of the ice cream.
I laughed with tears coming out of my eyes “first of all Darong thought you were fish and came on you did smell like it too and second San apologized and did give you his clothes that you are wearing at this very moment” I said, laughing “what's so funny?” he asked which made me laugh even more “your.. Haha...your face…” I laughed, he looked confused “is there something on my face” he asked, I shacked my head as a no.
“No your face expressions is soo cute” I said as  my laugh started to come to an end, his face started to go red, to which I stopped, I think he's getting more sick, I placed my hand on his forehead, his fever is getting higher and higher, he held my hand, and for a minute we just stared at each other, he does have beautiful eyes it like you can see the whole sea in them.
“Stupid” he said as he scoffed “come  on I'm hungry lets go home” he said as he got up and started to drag me with him, we just walked silently with the setting sun watching over us.
Han ’s POV:
We got home and I sat on the table directly. I needed a minute to collect my thoughts. I had little time but why do i feel like it's going the opposite way “do you wanna eat now?” Y/n asked standing on the opposite side of the table, I nodded to which she went to the fridge and started to take out some food.
“Here you go” she said after a few minutes, she placed a bowl of rice and some side dishes, I can't lie she's a pretty good cook. She sat in front of me, hands on the table, eyes on me “you're not gonna eat?” I asked, she shocked her head as no “I'm not hungry” I nodded and started to dig into my food, “hey Han I was wondering what's the.. You know what's the difference between a siren and a mermaid in general” she asked.
“Didn't I tell you the first time” I looked up, “well you weren't very specific I mean in detail” she said, “well some sirens are born from the sea, and some are born from violent, watery depths, Drowning, being murdered at sea, their bodies being thrown into the water shortly after their deaths, stuff like that. Thy are the ones that sing to sailors, or anyone and drag them to their deaths, when they get to close, They are born anytime, but that's just a myth in between sirens about that there born from violent deaths no one has seen a siren born like that” i said as i was reminded of the monster i was, the real me 
“On the other hand Mermaids are purely creatures of water, they look more like a fish then us, there dum most of them and aggressive too, even though if both of us die we turn into sea form, as if we never existed, mermaids eat human hearts thinking that that's what's gonna turn them into humans” i said getting back to my food, blocking out all the horrible thoughts.
“Was it hard?” my eyes shot up to her to see her heart was glowing a deep shade of blue 
She's sad 
I nodded, she bit her lip and nodded “if you-... if you wanna talk about it I'm always here” she said as she looked back up at me and smiled 
Beat… why is my heart beating so fast?
Y/n POV:
“You should probably sleep” I said as I picked up Darong “and you and me need some sleep and Darong and Y/n time” I said and winked, to be honest Darong was super mad at me, “I mean your the one who used to ignore me” i pouted as she turned her head the other way”.
I got changed and picked up my phone, shit i forgot to call Minho, this is the best time I guess, I dialed his number
Beep beep~
“Hey Y/n” I heard Minho 
“Hey I'm sorry my phone was on silent” I said 
“It's fine just come to the living room you have so much to explain” he said and hung up
What does he mean by come to the- shit i close my eyes and run out of my room to see Minho giving death glares to Han , and Han  was doing the same, “Minho I-..” I started but he motioned me to stop “who are you?” he asked  looking Han  dead in the eye, Han  gave me a panicked look, I mouthed my friend “your my friend” I whispered, he nodded “I'm her cousin” , I facepalm myself, shit now we're in big trouble how am i gonna explain this one.
“Well I'm her brother” Minho smiled, to which I'm sure Han  understood that he messed up “so now Y/n explain pls”, I motioned Han  to sit down, as he did and then we began to explain the siren stuff.
“So you're trying to say You.. Han  right? Is a siren the ones that sing people to their deaths?” Minho asked and the both of us nodded “and how am I supposed to believe that?” he asked, I give a panicked look to Han , as he gets up and heads to the kitchen he picks up a glass and fills it with water and then heads back to us, he breaths and then puts his hand above the glass, for a moment we all sit there but nothing happens “what's going on, nothings happening, okay enough with the stories both of you tell me the truth” Minho says, but then water suddenly starts to levitate around his hand, me and Minho were in total awe “see I told you” I said as his eyes were stuck on the water now out of the glass and levitating above Han ’s hand, i look up at Han  and smile, he returns that smile with a wink.
“Fine I believe you”
authors Pov:
After that everything was settled, you all went to sleep, but to be honest even though Minho now believed in Han  but it still looked like he was not giving him proper approval, but for the time being you were glad he was here.
Han ’s POV:
I'm glad I was half siren, for those powers to work, or damn I messed up, I lay on the couch my eyes on the roof, “you know if you do anything fishy to my sister I swear I'm gonna kill you and bury you so deep that even your own kind wont find you” her brother said as he lay his mattress on the floor, and went to sleep, back towards me, I sigh I mean I get it he’s her brother, it's good he's protective, who wont be she is something to protect, my thoughts start to kill me , I get up and head outside, slowly opening the door, but as I was opening the door I heard a small meow.
I glanced down to see the little monster rubbing against my feet “you want to go outside too?” I asked, more like I whispered, Darong gave a little meow, as I picked her up and we head outside, the cold night air, the cold lonely sea, to be honest I forgot the sea or being a siren when I spent time with her, I sit down on the sand and place darong in my lap, looking at the sea reminded me of my task, my heart sank to my feet “ugh I can't do it, am I falling for her?” I put my hands on my face, thinking of all the times she made my heart beat, “is this what love feels like, cuz I dont like it” I said as I stared at the sea, I took my necklace out of my shirt and inspected it, the vile was now half empty, “great I have little time left and I have zero progress, but what I'm feeling towards her is it love or something else?” I questioned myself, Darong meowed “and you, you little monster” I said as I picked her up and brought her to my eye level, she meowed and then licked my nose, I smiled “your not that bad” I said as I placed her back in my lap.
“We should probably go in , it's getting a little chilly out here” I said as me and Darong headed back in. but what do you know sleep wasn't quite welcoming me today I sat on the sofa, “what's something fun I could do here?” I whispered, I saw the thing that turns on the TV the… “what did Y/n say this was?.... Ahh right a remote and this button turns it on” I remembered it was actually the most complicated thing I got to learn, I turned it on and the volume was quite high, I gritted my teeth together and glanced at Minho Hyung, but he looked like he was having a deep sleep, I quickly turned down the volume, “sorry” I whispered, I started to surf through the channels until this one caught my eye.
“Are you a person who’s in love but can't seem to figure out whether it's love or friendship? Well today we will tell you some things that will help you figure out the difference, and point out how exactly you feel about that person”
Wow great these things always pop up on the worst time, I really didn't want to know this, but then again it won't hurt I guess, I looked down at Darong and she really looked interested in the show, wouldn't take her eyes of the screen “who do you have in your life to figure out your feelings” I laughed, but Darong straight  off ignored me.
“When someone likes you they usually give off small hints, but how to differentiate is that when you love someone 
1.You act like yourself in front of them
2.You can never get mad at them
3.Your always thinking about them 
4.You can talk to them endlessly without getting bored
5.You feel there pain, happy when there happy and sad when there sad
These are the main points, but you can also give “kiss” a try *wink*”
 “I think that's enough TV for me” I said as i turned it off, my face was heating up, this is stupid I won't do that, I sighed and lay down on the couch 
Y/n’s POV:
“Good morning!” I said as I went directly to the kitchen, hands occupied with tying up my hair, but as I looked up, I saw Minho with an apron, he looked at me and smiled, “sit down, and chill I've made us waffles your favorite” he said as he motioned me to sit on the seat, the aroma of sweat waffles filled the air around me and to be honest it reminded me of my childhood. “Where's Han ?” I asked, “here!” I heard Han  behind me, I turned around to look at Han , he was damped and not to mention semi naked, he wore only jeans, I'm kind of embarrassed to say I couldn't take my eyes off of his abs ‘how the heck do sirens have perfect abs, and why didn't I see this earlier?’, I heard hurried footsteps behind me, and then I felt someone covering my eyes, “HEY PUT ON SOME CLOTHES THIS ISN'T A STRIP HOUSE” Minho yelled as I laughed.
Finally we all settled down and had a peaceful breakfast, after finishing up we all cleaned up and thanked Minho for the lovely food, “oh yeah I'm gonna go do some work k, I'll be back by 9 okay” Minho said as he got to the door he stopped and looked back at Han  and gave him a long glare and then went outside, I laughed “wow that was intense” i said, as i was about to go to my room, Han pulled me by my arm and pinned me to the wall, we just stayed like that for a minute, my heart started to beat at an abnormal speed, “I-” I wanted to speak, to say something but my mind was blurry, my thoughts were blurry, I blinked twice, but Han  didn't say anything “can-can we go outside today” he said, and I blinked again trying to process what he meant. 
“Yeah yeah sure, umm give me five minutes” I said and the motioned for him to let me go, he quickly realized and pushed himself back, “yeah sorry” he said, hand on the back of his neck, I quickly went into my room and closed the door, “what was that, get a hold of your senses Lee Y/n!!” 
Minho POV:
“Detective Minho your really on good terms huh buddy, I mean posted to Jeju, beautiful place and less crime, good for you buddy” I smiled as I heard Chan Hyung blabber on about how hard it is being a city detective, “oh come on Hyung it's not that hard, and plus I still have to deal with small crime, pickpocketing, car accidents and all”, I sighed looking at the now placed file on my desk, “don't be so unthankful those petty crimes are a piece of cake for us… by the way how is Y/n holding up, is here headache fine?” he asked as I hummed.
I stopped, as i thought about the fact that Y/n hasn't had a migraine since I got here “she's more carefree and happier these days” I said, thinking about all the times she's laughed, and how much happy she looks teaching Han  how to use the TV, smiling at the memory of that thought, “wow great that’s good I-.... In a minute… hey buddy I got to go okay got a new cold case” he said sighing frustrated, “okay” I laughed, ���but hey tell Jeongin to not destroy my office and tell Changbin to stop arm wrestling with every newcomer” I said as Chan laughed “you know about that” 
“I have eyes and ears everywhere” I laughed and then we said our goodbyes.
In the middle of work I thought about the possibility of other mythical creatures existing if a Siren exists, I opened up the file, but when I read it I wanted to yeet everything.
Han ’s POV:
We got home from our little stroll and let me say I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE HER HEART RACE, she went straight to her room, and came back minutes later, with a camera, I suppose that's what you call it, “here I want you to have it” she said, as I took the camera and stared at it for a minute “what for?” I asked, “well I want you to make some memories for yourself, since your here now” she said, I smiled looking at the camera, “thanks” I said as she looked at me with wide eyes “I-I’m gonna go make us something to eat” she said as she hurried to the kitchen. 
I nodded as I went to my sofa and sat down, Darong meowed from the other room and as she saw me sitting she came running and I smiled, “hey little buddy” I smiled as I picked her up and run my hands through her hair she started  to slowly close her eyes and doze off, the smell of food was nice, less days I have less days left I thought as I looked at the ceiling.
“Ouch” I heard Y/n yelp in pain and then hiss, I don't know why but my body quickly reacted and I got up and ran to her, “what's wrong are you okay?” I asked as he help her finger in her hands, “yeah I'm fine I just cut my finger” she said as I took her finger in my hand and examined it, it wasn't a deep cut thank God but it was deep enough to bleed like hell “why didn't you pay more attention hun? What if this was deep what would we do?, does it hurt a lot?” I asked as I slowly picked her up and placed her on the kitchen counter, “where's the first aid?” I asked as she looked at me and then at the cupboard, “I- its t-there” she said and I quickly went to get it, I slowly started to clean up the wound, “you should be more careful, scared the hell out of me” I said as I took a bandage and wrapped it safely around the wound, her hand was now in mines and we both stared at each other, i really dont wanna kill her, I slowly start to close the gap , and placed my lips on her, I felt her stop and then she kissed me back.
I can't kill her
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jaehyunisyoon-oh · 5 years ago
Ae-jeong [ affection ] chapter 1 : The first encounter
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Pairings: NCT Jaehyun X OC/You
Genre: Romance, thriller, romancethriller, best friend to lover, fluff
Haewon POV
The day of the incident, December 1st 2018
SM’s Office
I heaved a sigh of relief at successfully holding the elevator door before it closed, grimacing slightly because today I decided to go to the office with heels as high as 5cm. I exhaled annoyed and took off my heels, -the hell- with all of this I will be barefoot through the cold floor of the SM office in this winter.
   "Your feet are all scratched" I turned around and Jaehyun with his black hoodie was frozen while leaning his body against the wall.
   "Shit, Jaehyun, since when were you here?" I asked.
   "Since a while ago, didn't the doctor say you shouldn't be carrying heavy things for a while?" Jaehyun asked then took the box I had been carrying.
   "This is your v live property for today's live broadcast" I dodged, trying to avoid his sharp gaze.
   "Is there no male staff in the NCT team?" Jaehyun asked coldly. If he has that look, that means I have to be careful, otherwise, he can explode in this elevator.
   "There are tons of them, but you know how hectic it was. The other members just had to take off the accessories while running around, and then this box was left behind and by chance, I was still in the basement. So that's how it is," I explained at length. He remains silent, which make everything more awkward. Then silence broke out between the two of us, and if it's like this I don't know what to do. When I was little, every time Jaehyun sulked I would reluctantly have to share my weekly ice cream portion for him, and we will make it up again. But now, it would be very strange if suddenly ice cream pop up out of nowhere from my pants pocket right? Oh my god, why is going to the 5th floor take so long? Suddenly the elevator stopped on the 3rd floor and the door opened, a bearded man in a full cycling shirt looked at me while grinning like a fool. Yes, my brother. Cousin more precisely
   "My sister?" Said Siwon with a dramatic pretentious face while entering the elevator. Then Siwon with his body still sticky with sweat hugged me.
   "CHOI SIWON ARE YOU CRAZY ?! HOW MUCH HAVE I SAID DON'T HUG ME WHEN YOU ARE ALL SWEATY LIKE THIS?!" I shouted. More precisely, wrath. Fortunately, in this elevator, there are only three of us.
   "Let your brother hug you, it won't kill you ... Soon Oppa has a schedule to Hong Kong so we won't meet again until...maybe at Christmas... Jaehyun? What's up?" Siwon hugs me and just realize that Jaehyun was behind us enjoying our lovely siblinghood moment, which I hate because I don't like it if by chance some workers see it, and start to think that I am the luckiest person on earth by coming from a rich household, being cousins to Siwon and is Jaehyun's best friend. That all happened before I was even born in this world, there is nothing I can do about it.
   "How are you, Hyung? I have a V live schedule on the 6th floor" Jaehyun answered casually.
   "I don't usually see you two together, you said that in the office you want to be professional with each other? Be careful later on becoming the centre of attention" Siwon raised his eyebrows with a happy smile. Look how they are chatting casually while I already want to pass out because I can't breathe in Siwon's arms.
   "Compared to being afraid of being topic of the gossip, it's better to fix your drunk habits, stop rummaging through our family story," I grumbled.
   "Eyy, at that time Oppa made a mistake. Seeing the two of you growing up like this, makes Oppa so emotional "Siwon increasingly tightened his arms and pressed his cheek to mine.
It's annoying to remember that again. Exactly after one year working as Entertainment manager of NCT, I am so glad that everything went peacefully because Jaehyun and I agreed to hide our relationship. But all of that was destroyed because Siwon explained everything very detailed about our 'friendship' at the Halloween Party last year. After midnight, when everyone was half-drunk (except the manager because they had to take the artist home), Siwon went onstage and made a very long speech, talking about how proud he was to see me achieving my dream - yes everyone already knew that you both are cousins since your mother married Choi family's youngest son - and suddenly reveal all the useless things about me and Jaehyun that make all the employees went awed.
"I went back to the basement because my charger was left in the practice room. Then I saw her ran around carrying a box this big" Jaehyun pointed at the large box he was carrying. More precisely like rattling me to Siwon. I gave him a cynical look that was completely ignored by him.
   "Geez, Choi Haewon, you should not have carried this heavy stuff, last month you just had a Lasik surgery, what if the stitches come off? Then you... AWWW Haewon that’s hurt!" Siwon's chatter was interrupted as he grimaced in pain because I just bit his cheeks. It just so happened that the elevator opened on the 5th floor and I left those two annoying humans together.
When I arrived on the 5th floor, many employees were greeting me, a little surprised to see me barefoot while busy staring at the device in my hand. When I entered my cubicle, there were tons of unsign documents on the table. There is a placard with "Haewon Choi / Entertainment Manager of NCT" printed on it. I was just sitting down when Na-ri, the head of the artist planning department came in and brought several boxes with Louis Vuitton written on it.
   "Haewon, we have a problem" Na-ri stood still, shaking her cellphone. I looked at her confused then stood up, looked at the cellphone and read the short message from Louis Vuitton who wanted their items to be returned right now.
   "What? it's like 10 pm and drove to their office will take 2 hours. Oh my god, this is why I don't like it when a high-end brand asks us to do endorsements. After getting what they want, they will suddenly treat us as if we are going to steal it, "I said.
   "How annoying, you should know the bracelet that Taeyong used was immediately out of stock. Taeyong's bracelets were trending all over the internet, yet they treat us like this? it seems like we have to stop doing this just to get a discount for the NCT stage outfit, can't we ask to raise the budget? 10 million won per member doesn't seem to be enough, "said Na-ri.
   "Unfortunately I can't do that, the budget problem is the realm of finance and I don't want to argue with Mr Jang, our budget is at its highest now, we have to cut down a little bit because we have concert upcoming. And don't forget that we are the youngest team in this company, and I don't want to take the risk, that's kinda sensitive in Korean culture" I answered seriously. Mister Jang has been the head of finance at SM for almost 15 years, his hobby is to tell how hard the idol's of that time to have proper accommodation and now we are buying outfit that cost like one freaking car. Suddenly Na-ri's cellphone vibrates, and the owner of these box sends us a message again. I showed the message to Na-ri, with an annoyed face she posed as if to slam the box... which she couldn't possibly do because the price of one item in it could cost her entire salary.
   "Alright, I'll return this right away," Na-ri said while sighing, I patted her back and put the cellphone into her backpack. Na-ri looks very adorable today, I and the other employees almost died out of laughter because Na-ri casually entered the meeting room with a rabbit-shaped backpack, short pink skirt and a white blouse. Fortunately, SM does not have strict regulations on how to dress its employees, in the end, this company is in the field of Entertainment and this type of company is famous for its concession in binding regulations that exist in Korean companies in general.
   "Here, take my car. By the way, NCT's schedule will end in 2 hours, and they will immediately be taken to the dorm by the manager. So you should go straight home. " I give my car key to her.
   "Thank you. Oh, by the way, Seung-ho Oppa (NCT manager) is still sick, can you please find someone to take the members home to the dorm? Today is the last day of NCT Dream's concert, maybe you should start asking anyone besides the managers." Na-ri pleaded and I replied with a happy smile. Finally, my chance came too.
   "Of course I can," I replied with a smile, trying to hide my intentions from her.
   "You ... don't even think about it! Just find someone else who can take the ..." Na-ri's chatter was cut off when I pushed her out and hurriedly closed the door to my room.
Jaehyun POV
10.50 PM
SM's Parking lot
We all just finished Live broadcasting on V app and now we are heading to our van to go back to the dorm. Every end of the year is tiring. No, this year is very tiring because all of us, as in 18 members, is promoting under NCT 2018 project, a Lee Soo Man's project that was finally happened because Haewon- our entertainment manager- felt that this project is going to be a very brilliant marketing step. Well, guess she was not wrong. Almost every day some members do live broadcasts, almost every week we have a schedule to appear on events or TV shows, even last week we just signed an exclusive contract with a sports clothing brand. Everything went according to plan and as artists, we are very proud to make it happens.
I, Doyoung, Haechan and Johnny had just arrived at the parking lot when I saw a woman, a girl to be exact, leaning against our van. She wears jeans with a black coat that almost sank her entire body, barefoot with heels on both of her hands. What was she thinking of not wearing any footwear in this weather? I exhaled annoyed while approaching the girl. The other members, especially Haechan gives dramatic screams and the others have put on a super horror face because our nightmares have finally happened again.
   "Guess who will take you guys home today?" Haewon asked with her sweet smile while leaning in our van.
   "Don't joke, where's Na-ri Noona?" Asked Doyoung while looking around.
   "Na-ri is returning the sponsors' belongings and Seungho Oppa is still sick. Don't ask too many questions and get in quickly. The weather is very cold, you can't catch a cold on this super tight schedule," Haewon explained while with great difficulty trying to open our van's door.
We all decided to trust the girl and sat in the passenger seat with very tense faces. Doyoung, Haechan, Johnny and Taeyong looked very pale while watching her trying to adjust the height of the driver's chair.
   "Haewon, the button is on your door," Johnny said with a sigh.
   "Oh, thank you, Johnny," Haewon replied with a grin.
   "Johnny Hyung, how about you just drive?" Haechan asked Johnny.
   "Lee Haechan! It would be very dangerous if an idol drives alone, you understand right? Just wear your goddamn seat belt and go to sleep there!" Haewon grumbles.
   "Wouldn't it be more dangerous to let Noona drive?" Grunted Haechan and checked once again the seatbelt he was wearing.
   "Never mind, stop making Haewon nervous, I still want to live longer in this world" Said Taeyong who was met with Haewon's ferocious look.
During the trip to the dorm, I could not stop staring at the girl beside me. She looks very adorable when she's serious. Her petite body must try as hard as possible to drive this van, and I should be worried because I am inside it. For several times I saw her moving her legs, and that made me very uncomfortable because I'm not used to seeing Haewon with blisters on his body, if Grandpa Han sees this, he will be very angry.
In a short time, our car has entered the gate of our dormitory, and as usual, there are already Sasaeng huddled waiting for us there. I can tell because most of them wore white shirts with our names printed in it when they saw our car coming, they immediately surrounded us while pointing the camera at us.
   "They all are this many?" Haewon asked, gritting her teeth.
   "It's not as much as usual, considering the weather ... Some must be very smart not to freeze themself to death," Johnny replied.
   "They can't go up, can they? You all close the window's curtains now!" Haewon looked back with her horror face.
   "Ahjumma said that there are some Sasaeng who live in this apartment, they even wait at the dorm's front door every night" Doyoung answered as he lowered his bucket hat.
   "Aish, you guys just moved here, it looks like it won't be possible to move again, especially since SM has just paid in full for this dorm. I don't want to argue with Mr Jang from the financial division," Haewon chats at length.
I could see the girl in a hurry to take her handbag and start looking for something, then after a while, she growled in frustration because the object she was looking for was located somewhere of that bag she had never tidied. I stared at the girl exasperatedly, with my impatience, I wanted to scold her, but with a situation like this, it felt like I could save my scolding for later.
Author POV
NCT 127 Dorm
After almost 30 minutes of drama with the Sasaeng, they finally arrived at their dormitory. Haewon took a deep breath seeing the condition of the 10th floor's dormitory residents, feeling grateful that Na-ri and herself managed to win the budget to hire maid services for all NCT dorms. On this floor, there are Mark, Taeil, Yuta, and Jaehyun while the other members are on the 5th floor. In the living room, Yuta is tidying up things in his suitcase. When he saw Haewon coming, Yuta immediately closed his suitcase, after all, they seem to realize that no matter how close they are with Haewonm she is a woman after all and it would be very embarrassing if he let Haewon see something that should not be shown to others especially to a woman. Haewon smiled and immediately walked towards the kitchen, checking the performance of the maid service recommended by Na-ri herself.
   "here, it must be very tiring going here with all those Sasaengs.." Mark emerged from the kitchen, offered a glass of water to Haewon with half-sleepy eyes.
   "It's okay, Mark. Make sure to sleep early, tomorrow morning there will be shooting for your concert's VCR" Haewon smiled at Mark and took the drink.
   "I heard, better to prep my skin using some mask, right?" asked Mark while holding his cheek, Haewon laughed at Mark's behaviour. When they first met 1 year ago, Mark looked like a child and now he is taller than her.
   "You already look good Mark" Haewon replied while patting his back. Mark looked a little shy and went straight to his room. Mark always admires her, and it is common knowledge that he has a little crush on Haewon. Jaehyun was very, very uncomfortable if Mark had shown it very clearly when they were together.
   "Haewon, have you eaten? I want to heat Ahjumma's cooking, do you want some too?” Taeil also appeared from the kitchen while carrying piles of Tupperware from the fridge.
   "No Oppa, I have to go home now" Haewon smiled and slowly left the kitchen area and walked to the front door. Haewon intends to go straight home when suddenly Jaehyun pulled her hand and opened the door to his room.
   "Why?" Asked Haewon confused. Jaehyun said nothing and pushed Haewon until she sat on the edge of his bed. Haewon's eyes widened when Jaehyun suddenly squatted and she flinched to the cold sensation on her ankles.
   "Don't wear anything that you don't even know how to use. For example, heels?" Jaehyun smiled mockingly in the direction of Haewon while rubbing the medicine on her blistered ankle.
It's been a long time since she has a conversation with Jaehyun, and it feels very nice to see his best friend's room again. Jaehyun's room is very minimalist, the arrangement is simpler than his bedroom in the Jung's family house. Haewon looked at Jaehyun and felt a little guilty because he often ignored Jaehyun's invitation to hang out together. Haewon was at the end of her semester when Jaehyun was announced as a member of SMRookies after that every time Haewon visited Korea, they only met at the Christmas party held by their family. And now, even though they are working at the same company, plus the fact that Haewon leading NCT projects herself doesn't mean they can freely show everyone that their relationship is this close. First, Haewon is always busy in her office on the 5th floor, while Jaehyun always practices on the basement floor and NCT's schedule is always tight. Besides, Haewon often goes abroad to attend contract signing meetings with parties who want to work with NCT.
    "Sorry, I should pay more attention to Sasaeng. I didn't think they would be this brutal. It seems like I have to make an emergency meeting immediately" Haewon bowed her head looking all sad. She is gazing at Jaehyun's hand who painstakingly applied ointment all over her ankles. Jaehyun stared back at Haewon and shook his head.
   "Take your time, you know that Sasaeng is a difficult matter. Even SM is seen giving up on it ”Then Jaehyun took something from under his bed, thrusting sneakers on Haewon's lap.
   "Wow, apparently my shoes are here?" Haewon smiled and wore those shoes. Smiling slightly as she closed her eyes, feeling how comfortable it was to wear shoes compared to the heels.
   "You have to stop leaving all your belongings in my house, Eomma is very worried, she thinks that you are senile at this age" Jaehyun laughed a little at Haewon's reddened face. And he thought that was very adorable, well that girl would always look adorable to Jaehyun.
   "Isn't that our picture?" Haewon stood up and walked toward the wardrobe where Jaehyun kept all his things. Amongst all the stuff, the only thing that stunned her is a photo of Jaehyun and Haewon's family while on vacation in Disneyland.
    "It was our first vacation together" Jaehyun lay down on the bed. Still looking at Haewon who smiled looking at the photo.
    "Yeah and you were crying because apparently, Mickey Mouse is so big to you, oh my god you're so cute at that time" Haewon hugged the photo and looked at Jaehyun with a big smile on her face. Suddenly the memory becomes fresh again, the memory of their first encounter that leads him to the most beautiful fate of his life.
December 25, 2003
Jung’s family house
Little Jaehyun rolled his eyes in annoyance, this was the umpteenth time he was forced to be the role of a husband in the house played by his cousins. Jaehyun is an only child and all his cousins ​​are girls, he's already fed up with all this, suddenly throws all the cutlery in front of him and runs into the backyard. The little boy was still sulking while playing with snow piled up in the yard when he could feel someone approaching him, his father with a glass of hot chocolate sitting beside him.
   "Are you okay?" the man asked and Jaehyun shook his head. The man smiled, understanding that his child must feel very lonely being the only boy in this household.
   "I didn't ask you guys to give me a little sister, but at least give me a friend to play basketball," Jaehyun said while staring at the long-frozen basketball hoop. Jaehyun's father smiled and wiped the chocolate that was on the corner of his son's mouth.
   "Let's pray that Uncle David's next child will be a boy," said Jaehyun's father. And Jaehyun exhaled, more pessimistic that there would be more male offspring in this family besides him.
   "If Uncle David's next child is a girl then I will make him a boy," his son's innocent words made the man burst into laughter. The conversation between the father and son stopped when the gate was wide open, and several people got out of a black car. A man in a suit walked towards the two of them with a big smile, behind him, there was a woman who was holding the hand of a girl who kept her head down.
Jaehyun's father stood up to the man and hugged him tightly. Jaehyun frowned in confusion. This is the first time their family has a guest at a Christmas party. He saw his father returning with a little girl on his hands. The girl was wearing a white dress, long hair flowing and looking all embarrassed. Jaehyun felt awkward when the two people were in front of him.
   "Jaehyun, this is Letisha Alana Choi or Haewon, let's say hello," his father said. Jaehyun stood up and extended his hand trying to shake hand with her. A little upset because the girl is not yet returned his good intentions. Suddenly the woman who is the mother of the girl whispered something in her ear, the girl immediately looked up at Jaehyun with her bright brown eyes sparkling.
   "You like basketball?" asked the girl that he replied with a small nod. Then the girl smiled very brightly and take his hand. At that time for the first time in 6 years of his life, he saw a very beautiful smile.
And until this moment Jaehyun was still stunned to see the smile that Haewon always carved. He realizes that this is not right, because his family considers Haewon their daughter. But he could not stop this feeling no matter how hard he tried to.
"Why?" Haewon lifts her eyebrows looking at Jaehyun who kept staring at him.
"No, it's just...you are very beautiful today" Jaehyun smiled and Haewon with all her strength had to hold back not to blush. If not, Jaehyun will tease her until a time limit that she can not specify. But Jaehyun's praise gave a warm feeling to her, a sign of gratefulness that having Jaehyun in this world is the best thing that ever happened in her life.
Haewon POV
11.50 PM
Location Unknown
"Yes, I just come out from the dorm," I said to Na-ri who has been calling me for a while now.
"You've made sure Haechan and Johnny don't play games, right? If they are late tomorrow I will be furious because shooting starts early in the morning" Na-ri said from the phone.
"Yes, oh my god we are not their babysitter, let the boys lived, Na-ri!" I replied quickly. Before going down I took myself to the dorm on the 5th floor. Talking briefly with the manager about tomorrow's schedule, scolding Haechan for drinking coca-cola on this cold day, and almost having a heart attack because Johnny casually came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.
"Alright, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Thank you for the car, by the way. " I ended up lending my car to her because it will be uncomfortable to take a bus to Louis Vuitton's office, it's already very late and it could be a danger for her. I thought that she already ends the call but then she asked again, "with what are you going to go home now? Jaehyun?" Gosh, if he takes me home now, I can guarantee that by tomorrow our face will be all over the news.
"are you crazy? do you know how much Sasaeng are outside? I'm taking the bus" I said with a snort of annoyance. I just argued with Jaehyun because he insisted on taking me home. I have my reasons, I don't want a piece of cheap news about our relationship popped up while NCT is at its peak year.
"Do you know how to ride a bus?" I gaped in disbelief at the question.
"Really? Do you think I'm stupid?" I replied rhetorically.
"Well who knows, you're rich from birth ... eh no, before you were born you already inherited all of your family's wealth. Naturally, you never take a bus, right?" I shook my head at her babble. Of course, I know how to take the bus, back in school at SOPA Jaehyun and I always took the bus. That is the kind of topic I always try to avoid, when I arrived at the bus stop, I end the call with Na-ri and waiting for the bus to come.
There is not a single person around here considering that it's almost midnight and this place is kinda desolated because lots of idols live around here. Should I just take a taxi to go home? I waited, and wait for the bus or taxi to come but there are none of them passing by. Suddenly realize that on weekdays, bus stop working at 11 PM which was 50 minutes ago was the last bus of today. I tried to remain calm, as the coldness hit me and I tighten my coat.
At this time, all I can think of is to use my last card, the only person that is still awake and will pick me up immediately. I sigh a relieved sign and start calling the number.
"Uncle Jung? It's me Haewon... I'm sorry but can you pick me.." my words stopped as I feel something stab my shoulder, something very sharp, I can feel the hot breath flowing through my neck as the person come closer to my ear."There should not be a girl in NCT's staffing" the person said. The sharp edges leave my body and that person run immediately, I was about to chase after that person when I found myself all weak on the floor with blood flowing from my shoulder...
to be continued
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dab7isbambam · 6 years ago
Clubbing with Jaebum
“Why do you like that so much? Standing there surrounded by all those sweaty and smelly people?”
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Jaebum judges you, while you both sit in the car on your way to the club.
“I'm not just 'standing' there Mr Jaebum! I'm dancing! I am having fun with all those people and being part of the smelly, sweaty crowd!”
You clarify proudly with an amused grin on your face.
“Still, I don't get it...”
he shrugs his shoulders.
“You are no fun, you know that!”
you laugh and just shake your head.
“Well, I'm still coming with you, soo...”
he looks over to you again.
“I actually don't get why...”
you laugh and he clears his throat.
“First of all, who should take care of you when you are drunk, when not me? Second, who should protect you if a boy comes to close to you? And who should laugh about you awful jokes on the way home, when not me?”
he counts with his fingers. You just laugh.
“Wait? Are you my boyfriend or what?”
you laugh, knowing that you would wish for it, but you feel like Jaebum just sees you as his little sister. His mimic changes for a second and he looks truly hurt, but he shakes his head, again cleaning his throat.
“That's what you call a best friend dumbo!”
he grins, still a little hurt, but you don't notice.
“You really don't have to do that Jb!”
you smile while opening your bum bag you hang around your shoulder, since you are about to arrive at the Club.
“It's more exciting that sitting home alone.”
he just says and turns around to the Window, waiting to get out of the car. The Uber stops, you pay him and stand beside Jaebum in the Row.
“Today is going to be the day I am showing you how much fun the dancing is! Believe me!”
you say confident smiling and put one Hand on his Shoulder. He looks to your Hand and then to your face with a critical eye.
“Do you remember that you said that the last times too?”
he teases you and you hit him softly on his Arm.
“You are just too stubborn, but today I believe I can do it!”
you say confident and place your Hands in your pockets because the wind kinda cools the outside down.
he says grabbing your wrists and pulls your hands out of your pockets so that he can warm them up with his own hands by placing yours between his and rubbing them a little.
you whisper with a smile on your face. He just nods. You ask yourself once again how he can be that cute, sexy and manly, all that in just one moment. A few minutes fly by and you can already enter the sticky lout club.
“Let's grab some drinks first!”
he says in a loud voice so you can hear him through the loud music.
“Hell yeah!”
you nod and he pulls you gently to that bar where he orders some cocktails.
It doesn't take long til the cocktails are done and you take your first sip.
“Let's go to one of the couches back there!”
he suggests and you nod, letting him guide you through the crowd. He sits down on almost empty, where is not much space next to him. You pout a little and he immediately starts to scotch over to the unknown couple next to him so you easily can sit next to him. You sit down and lay your head for a bit on his shoulder.
“Ahh, I was so excited for this all week!”
you smile bright.
“What a coincidence! All the couples on the couches!”
you can hear the unknown boy tell his girlfriend next to him as he noticed us.
With an amused smile Jaebum lays his arm around your shoulders.
“Ehrm, sorry if you get this wrong, but we are not a couple!”
you laugh, trying to break the awkward feeling, but Jaebum did thought so.
“Oh, I'm really sorry, you looked like one!”
he excuses himself and I nod in acceptance.
“Just let them believe what they want!”
Jaebum says and looks down on you a bit.
“But I don't like lying and especially misunderstandings! I don't like when things get awkward!”
you explain and he just gently stroking your arm, nodding to whatever you say.
“I know.”
he smiles and looks forward to watch the people dance. You finish the drink and he immediately stand up.
“I'll grab us some new once!”
he says and disappears in the crowd. Your take the chance to stand up and go some steps towards the crowd to start dancing a bit. The song changes a third time now and you finally turn around to look if Jaebum is already back. Your search the couches since your were pushed a little a side from your place. As you spot him he is sitting there alone, his arms spread left and right on the backrest. He looks at you with a satisfied grin on his face. You smile at him and try to wave him over but he just shakes his head a centimeter and sips on his cocktail. You don't want to give up, so you go over to him, grab his wrist and try to pull, so he would stand up but that ain't happening. A bit desperate you sit next to him, leaning into his Arm which you were pulling just before.
“Okay, that can wait for now...”
your grin, hoping to get him a little drunk so you can convince him to dance with you. Satisfied Jaebum just smiles and watching you, how you bottom up the cocktail.
“Don't overdo it!”
he smiles at you. You just take his Cocktail and want to do the same but he graps it, so you can't drink it.
“Hey, what are you doing? That is mine!”
he grins a bit confused and finishes his drink also in one go.
“Get drunk already, so we can dance!”
you tell him afterwards but he just laughs.
“Don't focus on me, just do your thing!”
he says and you pout.
“But I want to do my thing with you! Its fun, believe me!”
you beg but he shakes his head again.
“Okay, you don't know what you are missing!”
your finally say and stand up again. Again you go a few steps away, at the edge of the crowd, so Jaebum can perfectly see you and you can still be a part of the dancing crowd. You start dancing, moving your hips to the beat, closing your eyes, throwing your head in your neck, just enjoying the music. You can feel Jaebum's looks on you, so you try to dance sexy more, but you can soon feel some dude coming from behind to dance with you. The heat and the strobe light gets your already dizzy and the alcohol seems to work better. You wish to make Jaebum a bit jealous but as soon as you look in his direction you spot a girl right next to him. They both seem to have a chat, and Jaebum laughs. A stinging pain goes through your heart and you get sad a bit. He is famous with girls, and apparently he really sees you as a little sister, what hurts even more. You try to ignore what you just saw and keep dancing with this dude.
The next song is a bit slower, so he kinda pulls you closer to him, now your body is very close to his. You just ignore it and keep dancing. You really want to go to Jaebum right now, but you don't have the guts, and sending that girl away is kinda like a confession to him. Your thoughts are getting foggy from the alcohol before. After a while you look over again, backing away from themen you was dancing with, but you can't see Jaebum, neither the girl. Again your heart is in pain again, it hurts more with alcohol. Your turn around again to face the dude but what you see is not him, it's Jaebum, looking into your eyes with fire and anger.
“What are you doing here?”
you ask him suprised. He looks at you with a mad and judging face.
“You danced with another man.”
he whispers with a clear voice in your ear. You laugh and put your arms around his neck so he can't flee.
“That’s new that is upsets you. Also, you wouldn't dance with me so I found someone else.”
you smile but he just squeezes his eyes a bit, giving you this look full of anger and passion.
“You gave up on me that fast? Disappointing.”
he murmur inspecting your face. You kinda like the way he looks at you, it gives you a shiver.
“I saw you with that girl, I though you found someone else.”
you say reprehensibly and raise one eyebrow.
“That was just a colleague. I would never replace you that fast.”
he whispers again with this passionate look. His voice and eyes are turning you crazy.
“I made it!”
you whisper victoriously as you realize that you are both moving with the beat. He starts grinning and nods.
“I like it more to dance with you.”
you grin and feel the heat rushing to your head. Ye stays quiet, continuing moving to the beat and grinning. You inspect his face as well, but you can't get your eyes of his lips. What if you would just kiss him? Without a second though, you can feel yourself moving closer to his lips. Jaebum stares at you satisfied, letting you do what you want. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, you though you can do it but you stopped, making the situation weird. Not a second is passing and Jaebum presses his lips against yours. He grins in the kiss as he can feel your knees get all shaky, but nothing can happen because of his tight grip around your waist. You enjoy the kiss, pulling him a little closer with your hand in his neck. After a while you let go of each other again. You can't help but smile, not able to form a sentence or even a word.
“Did you imagine it like that?”
he asks teasingly, amused to see you speechless. You nod heavily and he grins constantly with this passionate, flames in his eyes. You pull him closer again, laying your head on his shoulder, hiding your face on his neck. He wraps his arms even more around your body, pulling you closer.
“I expected it to be amazing, but that it would be that unbelievable...”
he whispers. You back of again and look in his face.
“You thought of that before?”
your grin and he nods.
“Sure, why shouldn’t I dream of kissing those perfect lips!”
he whispers, biting his lower lip while scanning yours.
“I really like you, I thought you noticed it already!”
he smiles and you just stand there perplex.
“Do you don't like me that way? I mean I could understand...”
he gets insecure a bit, but still giving you that hot stare. You make him stop talking whilst pulling him into a kiss again.
“I think that means you like me too.”
he mumbles as you both let go of each other again. You laugh and nod heavily.
“What a relief.”
he grins biting his lover lip. You lean your head again against his shoulder as you dance to the following slow music.
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