sonofavillain · 6 years
“Don’t touch him” (from Will/sonoftwoheroes)
Send “Don’t touch her/him” to see my muse’s reaction to your muse defending them against a physical threat.
He was indestructible, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be picked up and thrown around a bit. It just meant that he usually got up afterwards with no trouble. And maybe today he was a little grumpy about it, which made him a little slower to get up just so he could take one more hit through a wall. Warren hadn’t expected Will to turn up right at that moment in all his red, white, and righteous fury.
Rolling his eyes, Blaze stood and brushed the brick dust from his shoulders. “That better not be me you’re defending, Guardian.” He growled into the com. “Or I’ll fry your ass next!”
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sonofavillain · 6 years
five times kissed ( sonoftwoheroes )
send me ‘five times kissed’ for a drabble about five times our muses kissed
Warren x Will
They hadn’t really done anything since… That Night. There had been an awkward conversation in the morning, after Layla had called. Warren had been terse and uncertain, Will kind and reluctantly understanding. They’d sort of just been stepping around it since. It didn’t feel like a secret so much as something he and Will just didn’t bring up. Maybe it was because Layla knew. An extra person knowing didn’t feel that secretive anymore. 
Warren mulled it over as he shifted in his seat at the local movie theatre. On his right, Ethan was staring raptly at the screen as if he cared about the action. No doubt they would all hear his notes on the scientific inconsistencies after the show. In the next row down sat Maj, Layla, and Zack, in that order. Maj and Layla were spending the movie sighing over some beefcake actor which meant Warren had to every so often kick Zack’s seat as a reminder not to start glowing with jealousy and give away his cover in the dark theatre.
A giggle from the girls jerked Warren from his thoughts, reminding him to give the back of Glowstick’s chair a jostle. Keep it together, Braun.
Speaking of keeping it together… Warren looked to his left. Will was slouched back in his seat, gazing at the screen with glassy eyed disinterest. His cheek precariously propped in one hand, which would probably leave a red mark.
Warren bit his lip. It was tempting to jostle Will and watch him flail, but it was also kind of nice to have the chance to just stare at Will where nobody else could see him doing it. Just because he hadn’t talked about that night didn’t mean he hadn’t thought about it. Cool skin, warm friction, slick- Warren bit his lip harder to keep in a groan. This was not the time or place for a hard on. Still, if he was thinking about it, he might as well share the pain. 
Reaching over, he tapped Will on the shoulder, smirking as the younger hero started clumsily. Will turned, clearly intent on asking Warren what was wrong until he saw that Warren had a finger to his lips to indicate silence. Yeah okay, maybe it was kind of a secret. Sliding a hand around the back of Will’s neck, Warren leaned in with clearly telegraphed movements, giving Will the option of pulling away. He could feel Will’s breath hitch against his lips right before he pressed in, sealing their mouths together. The kiss was gentle. Warm, and sweet, and enticing. A reminder. Maybe even an offer.
Maj and Layla were giggling again, when Warren pulled away. He winked, before settling back and giving Zack’s seat another kick.
A few minute’s later he felt a tap on his left shoulder, and Will returned his ‘offer’.
“We should tell them.”
“Uh huh.”
“They- re our friends.”
“Uh huh.”
Warren gave a little tug at Will’s hair, looking up from where he had been kissing down the younger man’s neck, “You want to tell them right now?”
Will seemed to actually almost consider saying ‘yes’ but clearly decided better of it. “They’re going to want to know why we’re taking so long in the bathroom. Together.”
“None of their business?”
“They’re going to figure it out.”
“Will.” Warren straightened, regretfully releasing the fisted strands of hair so that he could cup Will’s face in his hands and plant a kiss on the shorter man’s lips. “I don’t care. If you want to tell them, we’ll tell them.” He started to pull away.
“Wait. Now?”
Warren shrugged, “You said-”
“Nu uh!” Will grabbed handfuls of Warren’s shirt, keeping him close. “Finish what you were doing first.”
Grinning, Warren kissed him again, this time filthy and wanton. As soon as he’d managed to pull a grateful moan from his accomplice in bathroom debasement, Warren sank to his knees, hands already tugging open the fly of Will’s jeans
It had been a long day. An excruciatingly long, fucked up day. For someone who loved his powers, loved fire and his control over it. Sometimes he just hated fire. Hated what it did to a regular human body. When the call came too late. When he just wasn’t fast enough. 
Warren was face down on his bed, in the dark, when he heard the knock on his door. Whatever it was, he really didn’t want to deal with it, or them. He didn’t want to deal with anything.His cell phone started to ring. He ignored it until the call dropped.
The phone started ringing again and the knocking persisted. Warren picked up the phone with a snarl of “What?!” already hearing the whine of heated plastic as the phone started to protest his hold.
“Ethan told me what happened. Let me in?” Will’s voice crackled over the dying earpiece.
Ethan had followed him after they’d given their report. Free to go, he had still stood silently by while Warren had shouted himself horse as he flamed and extinguished target after target on the practice grounds. Not his finest moment.
“Hang on.”
Pushing out of bed, he went to open the front door.
“Hey, uh… You look- I mean…”
“Thanks.” Warren knew he probably looked a mess. His hair was tousled and probably still steaming from the shower he’d taken, the smell of smoke and ash lingering long after the water had run clear. He’d used a full fist of shampoo, and blew his nose vigorously, but swore he could still smell it mingling with the sharp artificial smells of his soap. Belatedly he realized, that his cheeks were steaming too, and quickly swiped a hand across his face. Get it together, Peace.
“I’m sorry. About what happened today.”
He nodded, rasping out a mumbled “Thanks.” before shutting the door, forcing Will to scuttle to the side to keep from being pushed out of the apartment. 
They moved back to the bedroom. Or rather, Warren moved, and Will followed behind, clearly uncertain what to or how to help. “Do you- should I leave?”
Warren, guiltily, selfishly, did not want to be alone. There were families who would not get to hold their loved ones tonight and that was at least partially his fault, but he couldn’t bring himself to push away Will’s offer of comfort. “Stay. Please?” Reaching out for Will, he was gratified when the other man reached back, taking his hand and approaching to press a chaste kiss to Warren’s lips.
“Yeah okay. I’m here.”
Warren was pretty sure his cheeks were steaming again and he hastily wiped them clean, trying to cool his body temperatures to not risk Will getting burned. He didn’t need that on his conscience right now. “Thanks.”
They spent the night curled up together, sometimes talking softly, sometimes not at all. And if Will’s shirt got a little wet from Warren’s tears? Well, he was good enough not to mention it.
He didn’t know when he’d gotten protective all of a sudden. Okay it wasn’t sudden, but he definitely hadn’t been this aggressive about it before. Will was a perfectly capable hero and there were enough Council representatives hovering around him that he should be okay. Warren didn’t need hang around ruining Will’s image in an attempt to to keep him out of trouble. He didn’t.
Or maybe he did.
“Move.” He pushed passed a couple coming out of the doorway as he entered Medical, marching straight up to the counter, “The Guardian.” 
The receptionist didn’t look impressed with his behaviour. She poked at her keyboard while Warren strenuously resisted the urge to light her desk on fire. “Room 18, but you can’t go see him until the doct-or hasn’t cleared him for visitors yet!” 
He heard her call after him, but he was already moving. Running. 13. 14… 16… 18. He barged in on a stuffy looking man in a lab coat saying something about “-concussed-” And ending in, “Excuse me, you can’t be in here!” but Warren really wasn’t paying attention. There was Will, a little scuffed up and bruised, but otherwise fine. 
He was fine.
Warren let out a long breath, some of the tension leaving him now that he could actually see that Will was okay. “You fucking idiot.” He stalked towards the bed.
“Um?” Will looked confused, but not actually unhappy to see him.
“Trainee Blaze please wait in the hall or I’ll be forced to call security.”
“You’re getting Hero Support from now on.”
“I said I’d consider it.” 
Warren scowled, grabbing Will by the front of his shirt and hauling him forward. “You got hit out of the damn sky with nobody there to watch your back- Mentors who are actively in the fight don’t count.”
“W- Blaze-” Will was clearly startled, unsure how to react and unused to calling Warren by his call sign.
“He called ‘hero down’, Guardian, because he was too busy fighting to check on you. Hero. Down.” It was the call all Hero’s dreaded to hear. The moment everybody’s heart stopped as they feared the worst and prayed it wasn’t someone they knew. And when it had come over the frequency today… when Will’s call sign was shouted on the repeat…
Will’s eyes widened as understanding hit, “S-sorry, I didn’t know.”
“Trainee Blaze if I need to sedate-”
“Do what you need to do, Doc.” He dropped his hold on Will’s shirt. “but I’m not leaving.” 
The doctor looked at Will, asking silent permission to continue. At the hero’s nod, he rattled off the rest of his summary. Will would be fine, concussed and bruised, but fine. They would keep him overnight and add a prescription of pain medication and an anti-inflammatory  for him to take home. With a final pointed look at Warren, the doctor announced the patient cleared for visitation and a nurse would be in to see that orders were carried out smoothly.
Warren waited until the old man had left before grabbing Will by the shirt again and hauling him into a harsh, angry kiss. He needed proof. Will was okay. Alive. Breathing. A set of strong, cool hands wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him in as Will responded to the kiss a little more gently. Hands ran over his hair, soothing, not tugging. Right. Injured. Warren loosened his grip, sighing into the kiss. His fear and adrenaline were ebbing away now as Will was hauling him in closer, deepening the kiss. Needing the contact as well.
The Commander and Jetstream stood in the doorway, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. Uh… shit.
The evening had started with store bought pizza and bad TV. Not that it mattered what program was on because neither of them had really been paying attention. They talked about work, school, and the latest Council gossip that Zack raving about. When the pizza was gone and the sodas empty, they’d gone from friendly shoulder bumps to bitten lips and smoldering eyes. To kiss stung mouths and groping hands. To slick friction and needy moans.
Warren was pretty sure that he couldn’t feel his toes anymore. Everything was was pleasantly numb and tingly as they lay sprawled together on his sheets. The clock on the night stand was lit green with it’s bold typeface. “Hey, Will?”
“Mmyeah?” The sleepy, sated timbre of the other man’s voice sent a pleasant sort of thrill up Warren’s spine.
“It’s past midnight.”
“It’s past midnight.” Warren repeated, leaning in to catch Will’s lips in a lazy kiss that had his dazed partner sighing happily. “Happy birthday, Stronghold.”
“Uh huh.” A sleepy smile spread over Will’s face as he curled tighter against the other, tangling their limbs and nuzzling into Warren’s neck. “Happy birthday to me..”
Warren chuckled, closing his eyes and letting the warmth of post-coital fatigue wash over him. Happy birthday, Will.
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sonofavillain · 5 years
kiss + 6 [ OT3 bby ]
Send ‘Kiss’ + a number to kiss my muse... to wake them up.
@sonoftwoheroes @secretlyahero
Warren 'hmm'd, shifting as something tickled at his pec. Another something was brushing at his shoulder... His brain slowly acknowledged awareness as a pair of toned arms wrapped around his waist from the back, Will trailing kisses along the top of Warren's shoulders and up towards his neck.
The warm muzzy feeling in his brain stuttered over to full wakefulness, Warren sucking in a sharp breath as the kisses Layla was pressing down his front continued downwards. Will's hands settled at Warren's hips, keeping him still as the sweet pecks trailing towards his abdomen turned into open mouthed sucking kisses.
Warren groaned, his head falling forward. One hand reached to card his fingers through Layla's hair, while the other crossed to cover Will's hand, entwining their fingers over his own hip.
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sonofavillain · 5 years
kiss + 10 (sonoftwoheroes)
Send ‘Kiss’ + a number to kiss my muse…on the cheek.
Warren flicked on the radio, listening to the morning news and weather report while he set about preparing breakfast. They saved a ton of money on gas bills whenever Warren was the one cooking and it wasn't exactly some great hardship fire up a few eggs. Well. A lot of eggs. Between the two of them, they ate a lot. But Warren would rather his own cooking over Will's anyway.
The firm press of lips against his cheek brought a smile to his face as he dropped some mushrooms into the pan to saute a bit before adding them to the scramble, "Sleep well?"
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sonofavillain · 7 years
Me: I don’t ship Will and Warren. It would have to be a very specific build up to that. Only my Wife could make a Will that would get anywhere fast.
Wife: -makes a Will blog-
Me: Gonna be going like bunnies in 5... 4... 3...
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sonofavillain · 7 years
Friends || Sonoftwoheroes
“Stronghold.” Warren nodded at his friend, sliding onto the adjacent bar stool and waving to the bartender for his regular.
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