#sonnett and rose ditching their Sammy how could they
emilysaucyyysonnett · 4 months
Ohhhh Sammy the betrayal😂
(Via: thewomensgamemib)
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Can They do That? - Christen Press x Hockey!Reader
Prompt: For christen press where the reader plays a different sport(hockey if you can) and Chris and some of the team goes to on of her games and does not understand it at all and somehow the reader gets hurt during the game as well (Like for example different play skate hits the reader ankle when they get pushed up against the glass)
Note: I changed the injury a little bit, hope thats cool. Keep sending requests! 
“What time is puck off?” Sonnett asked the group
“You know it’s puck drop Sonny,” Horan rolled her eyes at the blonde.
“Puck off sounds cooler,” the defender replies with a shrug.
It was a day off for the soccer players during a camp, their day off very conveniently lined up with the same day the national hockey team was playing. Christen had made plans to go watch her girlfriend play, this of course turned into a group outing and now most of the soccer team was in a box above the ice waiting for the game to start.
Christen admittedly didn’t understand hockey as much as she should, especially after dating one for several years. The hockey player had tried several times to explain the game without much luck. Now sitting in a room full of soccer players who also didn’t understand the game made her feel much better.
Even though they didn’t know the intricacies of the sport, they all still enjoyed watching the game. All incredibly impressed at the skill and finesse needed for the brute sport.
“I thought women’s hockey was non-contact?” Ali asked next to Christen, both wincing as they watched Y/N and an opposing player push each other into the boards.
“It is,” Christen trailed off, watching Y/N get pinned against the boards by a substantially larger player.
“Do you think they have practices just on how to get over the boards?” Rose pondered. “And why don’t they just use the door? That seems much more efficient.”
Roses question went unanswered as Y/N was once again pushed along the boards, this time by two larger players. All the soccer players wincing as the sound rattled through the arena.
Y/N was small and fast, she could stick handle like Tobin could juggle. This unfortunately led to Y/N being the target of many defenders. She could easily handle herself, while substantially smaller than most defenders, she knew how to handle the contact, giving as good as she got majority of the time.
Watching Y/N play always worried Christen, she had no fear going against the larger players. Stating she “didn’t check them, she guided them to the boards”. Christen of course didn’t know what she meant but assumed it more aggressive than she made it sound. Still always cringing when she saw her girlfriend get hit particularly hard
With the way the game was going, there was lots of cringing happening. It seemed Y/N was getting hit more and more, her teammates doing their best to draw the other teams attention, but they had their focus set on Y/N. Y/N continued to take the contact, the other team struggling to contain the small center.
“Do you think Y/N will teach me to hit like that?” Kelley asked Christen.
“Pretty sure that,” Alex said, motioning to the ice, “is not allowed in our league. I’m not even sure it’s allowed in this league.”
The arena erupted in yells and hollers, high fives given all around as the US scored late in the first period. Y/N with a cheeky move, having spun and backhanded the puck just on the other side of the goalies outstretched leg.
The team on the ice celebrated, high fives down the bench, and then the game was resetting.
As play progressed, more and more hockey players were sent to the penalty box, leaving the soccer players confused at the calls.
“It’s called a sin bin?” Sonnett yelled, excited after her and Lindsey looked up one of the penalties. “We need a sin bin in soccer!”
“You of all people should not want a sin bin Sonnett,” Sam challenged, “you and Kelley would never leave it.”
“HEY! I heard that!” Kelley attempted to defend herself, “besides, it looks kind of nice. Good spot for a little break, maybe a snack or two.”
“You would want there to be snacks in a penalty box,” Alex rolled her eyes.
“Like you wouldn’t want a snack break here and there during soccer,” Sonnett challenged back.
Christen tuned out the group, focusing on the game and how often Y/N seemed to be getting hit. The Russian team realizing early on in the game the only way to keep up, was to keep Y/N down.  
By the start of the third period, the Russians figured out keeping Y/N down wasn’t working either, she had scored another goal in the second and assisted two others. Y/N was aware of the increased interest and did her best to avoid the contact instead of fighting through it, the defense finding her anyway. Cheap shots being thrown while Y/N was pinned in the corner. One in particular dislodging the cage to her helmet, knocking the helmet off entirely. The Russian player throwing a hard elbow to Y/N face, immediately splitting open the skin, which quickly began to bleed profusely.
The refs quickly intervened, separating the rest of the players attempting to join in. The US players quickly pulling their injured player away from the scrum and towards the bench, blood now covering most of the right side of her face, dripping on the ice and jersey as they went.
Christen was on feet at the edge of the box trying to get a better look at her girlfriend. She knew she had to be alright since the hockey player skated off on her own, but there was just so much blood.
“They can’t do that, right?” Sam questioned softly.
“No Sammy, they definitely can’t,” Mal rubbed her back. The soccer players watching as the entire Russian line was sent to the penalty box along a few US players.
Y/N was immediately taken to the training room, there was no way she was going back. They were winning and the team wasn’t risking any more harm to the forward.
The trainers helped her removed her equipment, they cleaned the large cut and determined she would need stitches. The team doctor quickly setting up to do the stitches, putting in a local atheistic to freeze the wound.
While waiting Y/N finished changing and grabbed her phone, texting her worried girlfriend to ensure she was fine.
           Y/N:                 Soooo I did a thing…
Christen rolled her eyes in the booth when she saw the text her girlfriend sent her, of course she would downplay this. The rest of the soccer players all asking how Y/N was, they liked her and were concerned about her as well. They knew how serious it would be to be taken directly to a training room.
           Christen:          Yeah, I saw your thing babe. Are you ok? How bad is it?
           Y/N:                 I’m good, they are just about to stitch it once the freezing sets in.
                                   I’ll see you back at the hotel after babe, I promise I’m alright.
Christen wanted to press more, she wanted to see with her own eyes that Y/N was alright Y/N always downplayed her injuries though, never wanting Christen to worry more than she already did.
           Christen:          Sounds good love. Let me know when you’re on your way back and I’ll meet you in the lobby.
           Y/N:                 Yes dear.
Christen could sense the sarcasm through the text but knew the hockey player was joking and trying to ease her girlfriends worry.
Fortunately, the two teams were staying in the same hotel and were only separated by a few floors. They didn’t see much of each other, but it was definitely beneficial in a situation like this.
Christen was nervously pacing the lobby, Y/N said she was on her way back and would be there soon. As soon as Y/N walked through the doors Christen was immediately in her arms.
“I’m alright Chris, it’s ok,” Y/N whispered soothingly into Christens ear, rubbing her hand up and down her back.
Christen pulled back, running her thumb along Y/N cheek, resisting the urge to touch the angry looking stiches above her eyebrow. Y/N grasped Christens hand, pulling it to her lips and her knuckles and gentle kiss.
“I’m ok Chris,” Y/N repeated, pulling the woman into a gentle kiss.
“Alright Romeo,” Hilary called as her and more of the hockey players arrived, “I’m ditching the room tonight for you, so you can take your girl up there and quit making out in the lobby.”
The hockey players all laughed while Y/N blushed as they all made their way to their rooms.
“You got a feisty one here Press,” Knight commented, clapping Y/N on her back. “Good thing she had a hard head! Take care of our giri, I really am ditching the room, I’m going to crash with Duggans.”
With a wink, the hockey player was gone.
“Come on lets gets you showered and in bed,” Christen guided Y/N towards the elevator, keeping her hand in Y/N’s the whole time. Snuggling into her chest while the road the elevator.
Once in the room Christen started puttering around to get everything ready for the two of them to shower.
“You really don’t need to shower with me Chris, it’s just stiches,” Y/N protested.
“Are you turning down a chance to be naked in a shower with me? You must have been hit harder than we thought, I should go get your trainers,” Christen joked, moving to step away from the hockey player.
Y/N quick wrapped an arm around Christens waist, while the other went to the back of her neck, pulling her in.
“I am definitely not saying no to you in the shower with me,” Y/N closed the distance, kissing Christen.
The two kissed in the bathroom while the shower heated up, slowly helping each other undress.
Christen gasped when she saw the dried blood still along Y/N chest and shoulder.
“I’m alright babe, I knew I was showering right away so I didn’t work too hard to clean up. I’m sorry, I didn’t think about what you would see.”
The two got under the hot water, Christen taking her time to lather body wash along Y/N’s body, feeling the hockey player loosen under the gentle ministrations. She let out a soft moan when Christen began massaging shampoo in her hair, being cautious not to pull too much to avoid stretching the stitches.
By the time Christen finished, Y/N was exhausted, the effort from the game, the steam of the shower, and the gentle hands of her girlfriend draining her last bit of energy.
Christen quickly washed herself, and helped her girlfriend out of the shower, wrapping her up in a towel first before herself.  She dried her off quickly, letting her get dressed while she did the same.
The two women made their way to the bed, Y/N on her back while Christen moved to lay on her chest.
“Thank you for taking care of me love,” Y/N whispered softly, placing a delicate kiss on Christens head.
“Of course Y/N, you don’t need to thank me, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Christen stretched up, the two sharing a gentle kiss before she settled back down so the two could do to sleep.
Y/N asleep in seconds, the fatigue finally catching up her.
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