#sonne's thoughts
sonnelittle · 2 months
I didn't play Detroit: Become Human, but I saw fanart everywhere and I was under the impression that the main ship was Hank and Connor. I even thought it was cute so I ship them too.
Many years have passed and recently I discovered that, apparently, Hank always saw Connor as his son, and their relationship was meant to be fraternal??? And people actually don't really ship them because of that reason?? Im??????
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littlebeautifly · 4 months
Bastion Edit | Sonne | X-Men '97
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thebean-17 · 2 months
When their beauty reminds you of this section of Sonne
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worte-mitohne-sinn · 1 year
Ich trinke ein Getränk, das viel zu süß ist,
es klebt an meinen Lippen. 
Doch die Sonne scheint mir ins Gesicht  
und die Enten schwimmen im Wasser 
und in diesem Moment ist das Leben okay.
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fawkesthefox · 8 months
i love prime defenders but jesus fucking christ slow down and give me some fucking filler and fluff and lighthearted character interactions
I get there's fucking demons but i need you to go talk to your fucking dad right now or i will explode
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plague-vulture · 1 year
i mean if you think about it right, people of the sun (Rage Against The Machine), here comes the sun (the beatles) and sonne (Rammstein) all have kinda the same premise
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naryrising · 2 years
So you like imaginary fandoms...
With the recent success of Goncharov, I thought I'd make a post to mention some of the previous times this has happened in fandom, and a brief explanation and some links on how you can find works for them. I don't claim that this is a comprehensive list, it's just ones that came to me off the top of my head based on several decades of fandom involvement.
Ghost Soup Infidel Blue. Originates from the annual Yuletide exchange, specifically a post by liviapenn in 2007 that used it as a default fandom to help explain how to write 'dear author' letters. The relevant quote (meant to illustrate the kind of letter that would be too specific) was "'Bad: "I would like a Ghost Soup story where Luke makes out with Angela's clone and Angela gets mad and seduces Moira just to make Luke mad, and then Ryan and Luke duel to the death with their lightsabers and it ends up in an Angela/Angela's clone/Moira threesome. And Ryan feels really bad and flies off to Mars forever."" Consensus is that it is a sprawling space opera anime series, something like Gundam or Macross, with many sub-parts and spin-offs. Part of the dynamic of Ghost Soup 'fandom' is people arguing in the notes and comments about the continuity or quality of these various spinoffs (e.g. Purple is reputed to be bad, but some people will staunchly defend it just to be contrary.) Deliberate wank and badfic is part of the humour. You can read the Fanlore post about Ghost Soup here and find works for it and its related fandoms here
Winterblumensaat. Again, this comes out of Yuletide, specifically a nomination in 2021 for what was strongly suspected to be a nonexistent German book. The nominator's sister found it in a flea market! It very definitely was real! They couldn't provide any evidence or a photo of the book, but they promise it was definitely a real book! Despite being rejected from Yuletide nominations as not having any basis in reality, it has nevertheless had some fics written for it. The AO3 tag is merged into Original Work, so you can find them by searching in Original Work for Winterblumensaat (results here). It seems to be a moody, dark mid-century European novel, with characters named Florientina, Mailia, Schnail, and Markus. A related non-existent fandom with the same origin story is Nur die Sonne - Maria Moßer, but this has only attracted one work so far (a crossover with Winterblumensaat).
Cordelia (Movie Poster). In 2020 a movie poster for the movie Cordelia came out that inspired fandom in ways probably not intended by the movie's creators. While the actual movie Cordelia is a contemporary horror/thriller, the poster gave people the impression that it might be about Victorian femdom with pegging. Needless to say, they were disappointed by whatever was in the actual film, and made up fic based on what they thought the poster was about instead. Currently ALL works in the Cordelia (2020) tag on AO3 are actually about the poster and not the movie.
Invisible Ficathon. In 2014 an exchange called Invisible Ficathon ran, which was based around "stories that never were". Nominated "canons" had to be nonexistent fictional works referenced in another work. Examples given included "The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes - Joan Watson" (from Elementary), "The Itchy and Scratchy Show" (from The Simpsons), the books in Lucien's library in The Sandman that only exist in dreams, and so on. The collections on AO3 contain 71 works for nonexistent fandoms. Alas that this exchange only ran once, because it was a fun concept. I think with the renewed interest in Goncharov, it would be ripe for revival.
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deadghosy · 7 months
🦆Sorry if it’s long lol, I got inspired by the song to make this ✨
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A echoing lullaby goes around the garden of Eden. Waking up a male human who was taking a rather long nap as his eyes open.
Adam, the first man was sitting under a tree sighing as his memory of his first wife leaving him strikes him. He never thought he would be left like that as he oddly felt sad but also felt nothing as he didn’t know how to control his emotions. But then the echoing lullaby broke him out of his train of thought.
He shook his head, thinking it was just nothing. But the echoing of the melody got louder, and louder, and loud in his head to the point it was like a siren calling out for him to follow the voice. He looks up to see a beam of light strike down. Everything rumbles, making the first man fall to his stomach at the powerful shake.
Adam coughed, sitting up as he dusted himself off and stood up fully. He walked through the garden, following the enchanting melody. He closes his eyes, feeling as if the melody swirled around him. Making him him feel like dream as he flutters his eyes.
“What…is that…?” Adam asked himself as he blinked amazed at what is happening. He couldn’t believe it as he is thinking it’s a blessing from god himself.
He finally reached the section of the garden as the beam of light vanishes in a blink before it started to act weird.
The light flickers from behind the tree branches covering the view of what could be behind the cause of this blinding light and melody voice calling out for him. He lets out a breath and lifts up the branch.
He sees a glowing figure, the figure glowed so bright like the stars as the figure’s face was covered by the light that arises from its own body. He had to blink a couple of times to get use to its light.
“Who are you?” He says in a low tone to not scare whatever it is. The figure was in a sitting position, having their knees close to their chest as four pair of wings spout out of their back. Even head wings as a blinding light covers their face, making them faceless at some point. They turned to the man as they stood up, the light getting brighter as a sun in the sky. They seemed to be naked as their breasts/pecs were most noticeable in features from the light that Adam couldn’t bear much long to stare.
“Do not be afraid..”
The voice whispers, but the whisper sounded loud as Adam suddenly passes out by a bright light. He wakes up to see everything practically normal as he touches his eyes to see if anything went on with him. But there was nothing, it was like the figure wasn’t even real to say. It kinda scared Adam before the lull sky rolls in his head calming down any thoughts in the first man’s head as he heard bushes rustling to see a lady. Who he must assumed was his new wife, Eve.
Years pass as that same melody echos in his head every time he thinks about you. Usually when Adam feels pissy, that melody calms him down out of nowhere. When he feels happy, it hums in his head. When he feels sad..which is never really an issue to be sad in heaven, he would hear it softly.
It’s gotten to the point he talked to sera about it, but she didn’t really know either. That made Adam get angered as the lullaby lulls in his head making him calm down. Sera sees Adam relaxed oddly after showing his anger towards her. He found it odd at how he could calm down that instantly. That’s when sera finally realizes what’s going on.
“$!@$&/&” Sera tries to say but she grabs her throat. It was like a barrier got caught in her throat, preventing her from saying the truth.
Adam raised a brow at her, “what? You got imaginary dick in your mouth or somethin'?” He asked as sera has a panicked look trying to explain. But only nothing came out.
“Listen, if you wanna fuck with me. Then fine. Bye bitch.” He said flipping her off as sera just screams in silence gaining weird looks. Adam walks through the streets of heaven pissed off. He knew he wasn’t going crazy as he literally heard it from afar and not in his head most definitely. Lute came by him, “Sir! Sera wanted me to make sure you are alright.” Adam rolled his eyes at the angel solider beside him. “Well, tell her I don’t need to be checked on. I’m the first man for Christ sake! I can handle whatever the fuck is going on with me.” He says before flying off from Lute. She scrunched her face a bit before sighing. She also flies away.
It’s now night time as Adam sighs sitting in his bed. He couldn’t get the soft lullaby out of his head…it sucked for him as he gripped his fist, feeling the sharp nails in grave into his own palms. He lets out a shaky breath as he swore he felt eyes on his back. He turned around to find nothing there. So why did he feel paranoid? He didn’t know why but it sucked mad ass as this is heaven for crying out loud. Why should he even be paranoid. He scoffed at his own thoughts and laid down. Not knowing someone was coming to visit him.
A light shines from his ceiling making Adam squint his closed eyes at the brightness. He slowly opens his eyes to see four pair of wings sprout out gracefully as a hum enters the room. It was like a huge hug around Adam’s bedroom as the figure has their hands in a praying gesture “Do not fear.” The figure says as they slowly flew to Adam who is laying down with a “wtf” face as the light blinds his eyes. Adam sits up seeing the light had dimmed a bit as he stares into the “face” of the person he so longed to see after years. His eyes widen to grab your cheek. He felt that is was real as an echoing hum enters his tears that he heard for so long. He couldn’t believe that it was you as you slowly brought up a hand to touch the side of his face. Adam softly leaned it in, making him feel as if this was back when he first met you. Even if you practically ran away from him, it felt nostalgic to have you by him.
“Hello Adam…” you said with a loud whisper. The whisper sounded soft but harsh as Adam looks at you confused. “Who are you?..” he asked like the first time he did. You seemingly smile behind your “light” mask as you tell him your name. “ I am no one….but you can name me…” Adam scoffs but then starts to think of a name that would fit you. As he stares at you, he notices this time you aren’t naked like how he first met you. You were in a full pure white gown. “How about Y/N? How does that sound?” He asked with a smirk, proud of the name he gave you. You hummed softly with a nod liking the name he gave you.
The whole night you two talked like old friends who had plans to go out. It was exhausting for Adam as he just wanted it sleep, but he felt awake listening to you as you talked in a soft tone that could easily put him to sleep. It was like he could talk to you for hours. Yes he made some harsh remarks and comments like he usually does. But he listened and respected when you talked. It was like you had a leash on him to control on how he acts at least. Suddenly a bell rang from your watch as you stood from his bed. It was time for you to go.
“Goodbye Adam…” Y/N says as their wings sprout, making a circle above their head. Adam’s eyes widen going to grab them to make them stay. But he failed as Y/N made a praying hand gesture, their light getting brighter.
A glowing light blinded Adam as he covers his eyes. As he stopped rubbing his eyes, he looked around his room to not find the glowing figure anymore as he scoffed. But the sight of your appearance made him softly smile. He could still hear the echoing lullaby in his head as he lays down in his bed.
With one mutter of a word, he whispers the name of the figure he made for, “Y/N.”
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thyln4gf · 5 months
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✞ You and Carlos have been best friends since forever. But is platonic love really everything that you feel for each other?
✞ Word count - 2,5k
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "genie in a bottle" - Christina Aguilera, "friends" - Chase Atlantic, "a rash decision" - Ice Nine Kills, "sonne" - Rammstein, "dont be so shy" - Imany.
✞ Warnings - smut, unprotected sex (wrap the beast before the feast, folks), the influence of alcohol. I also wrote the most of it at like 4am, so pardon the quality of it, thank yewww x
✞ Carlos Sainz x fem!reader
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As soon as you step into the house, a soft groan of relief leaves your throat. Your heels immediately get kicked off of your feet, and you dont even bother to fiddle with the straps too much. You had a long, long evening - formal settings werent exactly your natural habitat, but being there with Carlos made them much more bearable. You are his best friend, and he is a famous figure, meaning that he invites you to all sorts of events all the damn time. Speaking of which - he was watching you with amusement, completely aware of the fact that you werent exactly in a huge amount of comfort at the moment.
"And whos not making any sense now? I told you not to wear those." Carlos slips the comment your way, making you roll your eyes only hearing the three magic words. He didnt tell you everything, though - yes, he knew how uncomfortable your heels were. And yes, he also knew that walking in them sucked. But he kept something to himself - the fact that only the thought of those heels excited him, as he had always liked to imagine taking them off for you. He could vividly imagine kneeling right in front of you, taking his sweet time, kissing your skin everywhere that he could reach. He liked the idea of it a little too much, to the point he found himself disappointed when the sight of you kicking them off greeted him.
"I had no choice, and you know it. I had nothing else to go with this dress!" You complain, vaguely gesturing at the dress you were wearing - the tired whine in your voice was obvious. Carlos' eyes slide up and down your body as you did so - he had a chance, and he took it. God, he loved this dress - the red, short-ish dress with a slit on the side - the tattoo on your thigh peeked through each and every time that you moved. He got a sudden urge to bite your thigh right there and then, but he knew that hed be overstepping the boundaries.
All he does is let out an amused, half-chuckle type of laugh. He loved listening to your rants. And boy, could you do that just fine - your mouth never closed. And he loved it.
He started slipping his own shoes off, all while watching you walk into your kitchen - your movements were so smooth, to the point that he swore that you were floating sometimes. He doesnt want to have you out of his sight for too long, so he takes his shoes off just a little faster than he normally would, and following your idea of entering the kitchen. There he found you by one of the counters, pouring yourself a glass of wine. He lets a small smile appear on his lips - he just couldnt help himself around you.
"Tired, amor?" His voice floats through the air, smooth as butter on toast, and just as warm. He always used that specific petname for you, and only you. And youd be a liar if you said that it didnt make you feel some type of way - the tone he used never failed to turn you on just a little, despite you two being... friends? You werent too sure at this point. You just shrug at him as a response, still trying to grab a set of words that were coherent enough. You swirl the beverage in your glass around, eyebrows rising up for barely a second before taking a sip.
Yet another thing that he enjoyed about you - watching all those small habits of yours, which you probably dont even notice. He liked observing you, just looking at you. And he didnt even try to hide it - he'd just wink at you each and every time that you caught him doing so, with no shame.
He wasnt exactly shy, but when it came to you... he felt like he was a teenager all over again. You made his head spin, and it was a much more enjoyable high than alcohol could ever provide. Only the thought of you made his chest tighten, the air threatening to escape his lungs. He shouldnt be so nervous around you, he thought. He could get anyone all giggly in the matter of seconds. Proof? Charles. But you were a special case... thats for sure. The roles were reversed - you were the one that had him thinking about you all day and night, wishing to get out of the friendzone that everyone hated oh so much. He might have had a wank or two with you lingering on his mind - the way you smelled, the way your eyes looked at him. If the dictionary ever needed a picture to describe being down-bad, they should just stick one of Carlos in there.
After a minute of him staring at you with your drink, you look his way. It felt like a routine at this point - you look away from him even for a fraction of a second, and you know that youre going to see his goofy smirk staring right back at you. But this time... this time, something was off. You couldnt tell if it was the alcohol, or something else (you had a pretty awesome night, despite the event being a formal dinner, but thats a standard at this point) - he was looking at you with an almost... hungry look in his eyes. He looked like he was about to drill a hole through your soul, and was particularly enjoying himself, shooting the usual wink your way, before walking up to lean against the counter, right by your side. His thigh brushes against yours, the material of the suit against your skin almost making you shiver.
"You know what would make tonight even better?" He speaks up, his eyes never leaving yours. Hes acting all smooth and smug right now, but you could see him swallowing his own saliva, and his cheeks turning just a tad bit more red.
"Spill it, big boy. Im listening." You reply, your voice sounding just as seductive as his, almost making his brain short circuit - and you can see it from the way his grin makes its way back onto his lips. He had always found your teases adorable, honestly. Hats off for that.
"Well..." Carlos hesitated for a second, which wasnt like him at all - he was nervous, and it was an adorable sight to witness. "We could have the evening to ourselves and..." his eyes moved to your lips for a split second, letting his gaze linger on them for way longer than what he had considered the "safe limit". He only managed to speak again in a second, seemingly collecting himself a little better now. It didnt mean that his cheeks werent heating up in embarrassment, though. "Well, you know."
A chuckle slips from your throat upon hearing his offer. He was beating around the bush slightly, but not like you minded. You had always liked this goofball of a man, and his methods of getting his way. You never let them sink in deep, confused on his true intentions behind his actions. But something about this evening... the alcohol has hit your brain already, and awhile ago, and all you could think about was your friends lips all over you.
You down the rest of your drink, and put the glass down on the counter, a little to the right of you. You turn your head to Carlos, once again. He couldnt be more predictable - youre greeted with a sight of him staring at the hand handling the glass, then your waist. Eventually, up to your eyes. You stare back at him. You raise your finger to trace it along his jawline, his chin, the bottom half of his cheeks. He gulps, getting much more nervous than he was before.
"Youre adorable, did you know that?" You whisper right in front of his face, your warm breath hitting his lips. He doesnt even get to respond, before he feels your lips on his. His brain doesnt even register what was happening at first, but his body reacts way before his brain - his left hand immediately went to your hip, pulling you to his body. The other one is now gripping the counter, and he finds himself hoping that his knees wont give out. He could smell the cherry and cinnamon wine on you the moment you got closer, and he doesnt waste any time - he pushes his tongue out of his mouth, hungry and desperate to taste more. He groans, and your hand slides to his neck in response, gripping it ever so slightly, pulling him closer. He takes it as permission to shove his tongue even deeper, earning a little chuckle out of you.
Quickly enough, his other hand goes down to your hips as well, now caressing them with great intensity. The material of your dress slides up ever so slightly, and he just cant wait much longer - he lifts you without even trying, and places you on the counter. His movements are harsh and desperate, and he doesnt notice the glass. He knocks it over, and it shatters to pieces, right on the floor.
"Carlos..." you groan against his mouth, trying to pull away a little, so you could actually look at what just happened. You earn a sigh out of him for that - out of all the scenarios he had imagined of your first time together... all the circumstances of you moaning his name for the first time were not that. He clicks his tongue, and grabs your chin, turning your face to his, slamming his lips back on yours. It was almost like him saying that he really couldnt be giving less shits. He wanted you, and he was forced to wait for way too fucking long.
His other hand travels down to your thigh, now kneading it like his life depended on it. A moan slips from you, right into his mouth. The grip that you still have on his throat only tightens, causing his movements to become even more aggressive.
He tries to slide your dress up to your waist, but the fabric being trapped between the countertop and your body didnt let him. He lets out a slow groan of frustration. Desperate times call for desperate solutions, no? He leans you against his body, leaning back a little himself. That lets him pull the skirt up. He has barely even brushed his fingertips against your skin, but it was just enough to make your certain area feel a little tingly already.
He wants to take off your underwear as well, while you two are at it. He finds that his back cant take much more of being in this position, but he still hesitates about doing that, his fingers tugging the lacy material ever so slightly. You notice it, and grab one of his wrists to guide him to take those off, almost desperately. You can hear him sucking in a breath, but not resisting anything at all.
Once theyre off, he sits you back down to your previous position. His lips pull away from yours first, something that he never thought that he would be doing. He keeps staring into your eyes, his hands reaching to take his own pants off. This man had his tongue down your throat just seconds ago, and even that didnt make your face heat up more than this.
His pants are off in the matter of seconds. For a second there, he was close to fucking you just like this, through the hole his underpants had in the front. He ended up taking the underwear off as well, and it flied off even faster than the pants did, his boner getting freed as well.
He cant resist looking down to your pussy, already so wet and ready for him. So needy. You had always put up a tough demeanour, which you were trying to maintain even now. Adorable, he thought. He looks back up to your eyes while getting closer to you again, his palms landing on your thighs, spreading your legs just slightly. He was desperate, almost shaking with desire. But he still wanted to get your consent. God, you love men doing the bare minimum so much. All you can manage is a brief nod, and its all it takes him - he almost explodes on you. His lips immediately attack your neck, pressing multiple kisses everywhere that he could reach. He was never a man who liked to waste much time, and it shows - he gave his cock a few pumps before entering you right away, yet still taking his sweet time to let you adjust to him. He earns a gasp out of you, as you throw your head back. He cant help himself, and the kisses on your neck turn into gentle bites. You moan a little louder - feeling him on you, and in you was almost overwhelming, and you could already feel the knot in your lower stomach forming. Though, you werent sure if it was that, or his length hitting you deep. Or both.
He was even closer than you were. The precum has leaked long before he even took his pants off. Honestly... Being near you was almost like keeping an infinite edging streak - sexually frustrating torture. He thrusts into you for a few more minutes, and he already knows that hes about to cum. He groans in frustration (but only because you havent reached your high yet - he was disappointed with himself. But its not his fault that you were so... hot) and is about to pull out, but your legs suddenly wrap around his waist, pulling him closer right before he can do that. A loud moan slips from his throat, the warm liquid already filling you up so good. And you find himself shutting him up with a kiss - the sloppiest youve ever had at this point.
His movements stop, his mind hazy from all the pleasure he's receiving. All he can focus on is you, and only you. You were content with leaving things like this, you were honestly about to cum anyway. Just another minute of him staying inside of you... But Carlos seemed to have gotten a different idea. Suddenly, he's in a kneeling position right in front of you, looking up with his pretty eyes. His eyelashes are longer than mine... what the fuck?
However, your train of thought quickly melts away when his tongue makes contact with your clit. He wanted to go slow just to tease you, but all the pretty sounds you were making teased him instead, and he found himself speeding up just a little, making sure to apply some more pressure as well. And, soon enough, youre riding your own high against his face. Both of your breaths are heavy, and both of you could be found smiling.
You both forgot about the load in you, however. You were still bathing in the dopamine after-high, the satisfaction making both of your heads spin. He looked up at you, again. And right at this moment, marrying your best friend seemed possible - something you never believed in.
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sonnelittle · 2 months
I was reading spoilers from The Book of Bill and I was reminded once again my love for Stanford Pines
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ruramis6830 · 5 months
Ich hab mir überlegt, dass wir ja mal - ohne irgendwelche konkreten Anhaltspunkte und völlig ins Blaue hinein haha - raten können, in welcher Reihenfolge die 4 Folgen dieses Jahr gezeigt werden 😃. Und mein Gefühl sagt mir ausnahmsweise, dass sie tatsächlich so gezeigt werden, wie sie gedreht werden. 😮
Mehr als eine Umfrage in einem Post geht leider nicht, aber hier meine völlig evidenzlose Theorie:
1. November = Argentinien, weil längste Vorlaufzeit + unsere beiden Walvis Bay/Bahamas Spezies waren wieder am Drehbuch und das bedeutet, dass Hanna und Martin kaum miteinander reden. Plus Hanna war auf jeden Fall nicht an Land. Stelle ich mir sehr passagierlastig vor die Folge.
2. Weihnachten = Curaçao => Karibik, Sehnsuchtsort Blabla, aber neue Drehbuchautorin…könnte mir nicht vorstellen, dass die Hanna und Martin zusammenkommen lassen darf. Aber vllt bissl Spicy Tension plus Hanna an Land. (Möglicherweise auch Neujahr)
3. Neujahr = Miami: Hanna an Land, Jürgen Werner schreibt das Drehbuch, die Sonne scheint, now or never 😭. Würd auch für die continuity Sinn machen, dass die da erst zusammenkommen und Frau Curaçao ihr Drehbuch nicht an die frisch Verliebten anpassen muss? Leider schifferle back again 🫠🫠 potentieller Martin Szenenklau möglich. Möglicherweise auch schon die Weihnachtsfolge.
4. Ostern = Hudson Valley. Die wird noch bis Juli gedreht, also kaum Vorlauf für zB November. Könnte sie mir alternativ als Weihnachtsfolge à la Utah vorstellen. Bestimmt ne Motorradtour durchs Hudson Valley mit Max & Martin🥱🥱🥱. Schifferle nervt + Martin und Hanna necken sich, mehr auch nicht.
What are your thoughts?🤗
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gildedkrone · 9 months
meine Sonne
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“Why do you keep waiting for him?”
The sunsets are the colours of violet on the metropolis and the drink in your hand has long gone cold. Winters in London are brutal; rainy days and grey skies overcast with the doubts in the heart—forlornly watching the future become present.
“Schatz, I want to know.” The Austrian flag on his arm, with some of its thread loose from the physicality of his job, never once replaced as the man held your patchwork on his uniform as always. He always said, it’s from you—that’s what makes it special.
The patch had been with him through heaven and hell and now, it brings him to the Sky Garden dome in London. The poignant stares are nothing to him as he rests a palm on yours between plates of half finished meals.
His heart is twisting so painfully and pulling into dead knots when he spots the glisten near your eyes and the restraint it takes to hold back, knowing that he hasn’t yet earned the right to wipe away those tears of someone else’s making.  
“I don’t know.” He moves closer and you finish the drink in one go and gloved hands take the glass away from you before it could fall through your fingers and go smashing into the marble flooring.
“I guess I thought I had a chance with him. I—hic—I-He told me I was worth it, once. Back during the mission in Siberia, he came back for me. Even if everyone told him not to, he still came back and I—I just thought we had something.”
König listens.
“I keep waiting for him, because one day, I don’t fucking know, I wish he would just see me—see that I’m here. That I am here, waiting for him. All of his extra duties, I take them. I do everything to show him that I-I care about him and he—”
“He never acknowledges them. He knows I am the one doing all of this for him and yet …”
König grasp on your palm tightens and he offers a napkin.
“Y-you shouldn’t have to hear about this. I’m sorry, König.” The bellow in his throat is building to a fervour; all the words he wanted to say, locked away behind a wall he’s built with his own hands.
For once, König wishes to live without the social anxiety that’s come to shadow his existence.
“It’s not right”—he speaks with such conviction and the mask around his face shifts with the rippling flesh underneath—“it’s not right, what he’s doing to you.”
“I just … keep waiting for him and he never looks back. Not since his sergeant met his death two months ago.”
John MacTavish. König has heard of him before, in passing comment.
“I keep holding out for hope; hope that he would at the very least, tell me, if he isn’t interested at all. His glances make me stay, even if he shows it to others. A few months ago, he even made a toast during a Christmas party. He said my name, you know? I thought I was dreaming, but it was my name he spoke.”
I thought we had something, unspoken.
It’s the hope that destroys us all—König knows this, knows this all too well.
“He gives you just enough attention to keep you wanting him, but never enough to make a move.”
You grimace is sardonic and you agree with him.
“Yeah. I … Is it so much to ask for to be loved?”
No, it’s not, schatz.
“This relationship? It’s not healthy and you … you don’t deserve this. Not you, you deserve far better. Far better than a man who would lead you on, and never give you anything in return.”
“Who else could love me, König?”
“Don’t say that. I … you are worthy of someone better. You are.” He wishes for the strength to say he could.
The crackle and burst of tangerine and purple across the space draws your attention to the fireworks outside. Cold whips across your jacket and König settles beside you and the night sky lights up with fireworks showering London in splendour you once felt seeing Ghost.
Not anymore. Not ever since that day when he took everything away with him into the afterlife.
Fur tickles your face and a heavy weight settles on your shoulders and it’s warm. König pulls the jacket tighter around you and streaks of gold fireworks echo in his eyes in trails of comet dust of longing.
“You always did love the gold ones. Remember in university? In Norway on new year’s eve, how our friends made fun of us for our awful pronunciation and you said something like … ish leeber dick?”
“Ich liebe dich.”
“Yeah, that one. Could never understand what it meant.”
“It … it means I love you.”
His eyes widen and hope—hope is a firecracker in his hands lit and burning with a fuse to no return; time to detonation is nigh.
“Verdammt … I—I … fuck …”
He looks anywhere but at you and when he makes a move, his hands are with yours and his eyes are overwhelmed with emotion in depths of blue seas.
“I … schatz, I … I know it’s not my place to comment on your relationship with Ghost but he isn’t a good partner. You deserve more, more than what he gives you and with the sincerity of someone who wants, loves you.”
He presses on, afraid if he stopped he would never start again.
“Your love is not second rate, second class or anything.” He drops your hands to grasp your arms. “I … I can’t stand watching your throw your love away like that. Not when I’m here.”
His jacket is warm with more than just the heat of the man.
“It’s not fair to make you compete with a dead man for love. It’s not right and Stärke, I—I am here. And … I want to show you what love can be.”
“What love can be?”
“If you let me, liebling.”
Impossibly soft and brimming with yearning, the fuse burns through and the world explodes into colour. Of tears and light overpowering the shadows following him since youth into oblivion, König’s scarred lips are pressed against yours in repressed longing and you are pulled in close by his arm around your back.
Finally, he wipes away the tears and love tastes like the chap stick König uses and more. It’s indescribable, with it depth and intangible strings and he holds on tightly with all of his being.
“Your patch is fraying, König.”
“I’ve got you to fix it up for me.”
Ich liebe dich so sehr, meine Liebe. Du strahlst mit den Farben der Sonne. Ich bin so glücklich, dich in meinem Leben zu haben.
Sei mein und nur mein, Liebling.
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oc intro
week has started off rough cause I got bit by a dog and my leg now hurts and has a nasty bruise 💔 so why not chat about some of my wof ocs. Fair warning there will be alot of older art 💀 prepare
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princess jojoba, sandwing, she/her
Jojoba I'd one of many siblings and in no way near the throne, thus she is carefree. She's also mama's favorite and they spend time together often. when not with her mother she is off watching races across the dunes and trading within markets. While Jojoba is outgoing and joyful she is haunted by the fact one of her sisters will kill their mother for the throne. She doesn't want to loose her mother and she knows she'll never very whoever does it the same.
art status: oldish ref needs redone
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Forestfire, skywing, he/him
Forestfire is a rather large firescales skywing. When he was born rumors and fear spread quickly. His parents paid an animus to make a rope, unable to be burned or broken, and tied it around their sons jaws to keep him from using his fire. They thought if he never used fire that the internal flame would just burn out and he'd become "normal". The rope did the opposite causing his flames to burn stronger and break through his scales to find some relief. The poor boy was then banished into the mountain and locked up for good. Forestfire now waits within the mountain growing angrier by the day waiting for a group of pseudo prophecy dragonets to stumble their way in and release him.
Art status: old ref, needs redo and will probably be removing the front horn it's a bit too hivewing
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BASE: Joy ang lines from the book
Fossil, mudwing, he/him
Fossil is a lost mudwing trying to find his family. He doesn't remember them but just has that gut feeling something is wrong. He is well liked within the mudwing villages and he drifts from troop to troop, feeling loved but not exactly fitting in
Art status: needs drawn ref
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Wolfsbane, leafwing, he/him
A hired hand, will do anything for money kinda guy. He looks pretty intimidating so he hasn't really had to get violent on many of his jobs. Thinking of sticking this guy into my other mind au story
Art status: old-ish art, would like to give new ref but doesn't not need one immediately
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Queen Sonne and Queen sunset, skywing and silkwing, both she/her
Two queens I made for an rp a long time ago that sadly didn't work out. They do have full refs but they are on bases rn and need redone.
Queen sonne of the skywings is an older more serious queen, she is known for being harsh and no nonsense.
Queen sunset of the silkwings is a very young queen. She was her mothers only daughter and her mother sadly passed early. Sunset is under constant pressure from a group of nobles each trying to dictate laws to their own interest. Sunset is currently trying to find her voice and looks up to queen Sonne a lot.
So there's a handful of my own ocs ❤️ some need to to be reworked and refs re drawn but I still love them
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sa10mb0n3z · 2 months
Hello!! This is my first time submitting an ask/request so I hope I'm doing this right :']
May I request smut Vampire!Sebastian x Trans!Reader? Like- Just needy vampire Sebastian with his beloved transmale reader ajnsiajaialspkcjdiaislnc
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Hell Knows No Heaven, Because They Do
Not Have You.
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Summary: Poor farmer has been in a rut lately. His spouse has been going out at night more than usual. He doesn’t come home until the break of dawn and then subsequently sleeps all day. Worried that he’s cheating, farmer goes out at night and follows his lover into the mines. Things don’t go as planned.
Contains: mentions of blood, sharp objects and of course smut. Transmasc farmer has afab anatomy but has top and bottom surgery. Body worship, some references to heaven and religious worship. Super gay. Vampire Seb is incredibly needy.
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You and Sebastian have been dating for a while now. Nothing too crazy has happened yet, besides some adorable little dates like the one time he drove you across the valley at night and to the docks where Sam and Abigail had set up a romantic, gothic style picnic for you both to enjoy. You could tell that Elliott helped with the candles and black rose petals, but you still enjoyed it. One thing you didn’t enjoy, however, was his tendency to go out at night and sleep all day.
At first you thought it was a common sign of depression and even tried to talk to him about his unhealthy lifestyle, but once the talk was over all you got was a ‘I’ll try to keep that in mind.’ Which, for his credit, did keep him up for a good while. You did notice however, he seemed a lot more tired than usual when he was up in the day, but you chalked it up to his body not being used to a normal schedule.
But lately in the past week or so he’s been distant. He hasn’t been at his house, you have Maru to thank for telling you that, and he certainly wasn’t at the farm house. So where was he? You missed your partner. Missed his pretty black hair and pale skin. You wanted him over more, especially when the days work got to be too much and you needed a quick release.
But tonight was different, you were walking through the mines, desperately trying to get some amethyst for Clint and his piss poor attempts to snag Emily when you heard a low rumbling sound for a cavern you had yet to explore. Grabbing your sword you ready for attack, and venture inside.
A large black mass hovers on a ledge, its body upside down and groveling with a thick, deep growl that hung in the air like black paint. It hisses and you realize it’s a incredibly large bat, figure larger than anything you’ve ever seen before, and when it opened its eyes they looked to vaguely familiar that you couldn’t help but lower your guard. Which was your biggest mistake.
Within an instant you were on your back, legs in the air and all the air in your lungs was gone. You groaned and realized that your sword was gone and you couldn’t get the creature off of you. You expected a slow and painful death, to have your ravaged body or whatever was left of it found by Marlon or Linus, but instead a whimpering sound filled your ears and the creature was shapeshifting into…Sebastian? You gasped as he licked your neck and you immediately pull back.
“Seb, what the hell, Is this where you’ve been all this time?”
He whimpers and you finally notice the hard-on in his skinny jeans. You prop yourself up on your elbows and immediately hold your head, trying to process what the fuck is happening.
“My darling,” Be begins, voice somehow much lower but high with need at the same time. He begins to explain why he’s been down here, that he was a vampire and nobody besides his mother and Mary knew. He would never tell Demetrius. You nod in understanding at that part. What gets you, however is when he explains that his mating cycle had started and how he didn’t want to hurt you on accident. You smile and shake your head, holding your lovers face. ‘You could never hurt me” You state, smiling. Sebastian smiled and kissed your lips.
“I’m sorry I scared you so much, baby.” He states running hot kisses down your neck. You smirk and slowly start to spread your legs a little more. “In the mines?” He gasps and you think for a moment. Better now, you’re lucky a skeleton or slime hadn’t gotten to you yet and should take the luck you’ve got know and leave.
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Thats how you got here, on the bed of your farm house with Sebastian between your legs. He smirking at your blushing face as he gently pulls off your shirt, revealing your top surgery scars. He traces a long claw across your scar and slowly leans down to kiss your nipple. He slowly traces the beautiful nub and pinches the other as you whimper and sigh and beneath him. You squirm and as as pulls back to remove your jeans you feel a dripping at your core. Sebastian goes impatient and rips through both your jeans and boxers, and with no hesitation shoves his tongue inside you.
You whine and gasps, feeling him hit your clit with a forked tongue. He licks between the folds and keeps you pinned down with his strength. Teasing your cunt, he slowly presses a finger inside as he eats you out. Sebastian looks up at your blushing face as you groans above him, and despite his damned ways as a creature of the night; he feels his tethered soul rise as the holy feeling of you around him makes him believe that the same god who damned him, blessed the world with your holy figure.
Your scars were like two perfect symbols that any man would praise if given the chance. Perfect. You were perfect and as he added a second figure and watched your body shake with desire, he knew that he had a found a heaven worth prasing. He grabs your thighs and immediately put them on his shoulder as he went deeper inside, tongue so deep you could see a bulge within your stomach.
And as soon as it starts he’s out, licking his dripping fingers as he as he looms over your twitching form. An evil look in his eyes as he strip’s himself and pounces on you. You immediately feel his grip on your thighs once more as he positions himself with your cunt. Shoving inside you, he immediately starts to move back and forth while watching you become jello. You scream and moans scratch as his back as he destroys you. He sits you up so that you’re sitting on his lap and pummels deep inside you. You whine and gasp, screaming his name as you feel him twitch inside and soon enough you’re coming on his cock and he continues to destroy you. After three more hard thrusts he comes inside as you twitch from overstimulation.
“Hah…I hope you’re satisfied baby…” You states a blushing, fucked out mess.
‘We’re not finished…” He states, a dark tone in his voice. You’re in for a long night.
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Fanfic and title belong to Mosquake.
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His Sun
Summary: After the Monarchy, the Emperor takes Lorgar's wife as punishment. He finds out that she is pregnant and for the first time in millennia remembers love.
Emperor and Lorgar's daughter (OC, platonic), Lorgar/fem!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, kidnapping
Word count: 729
Song: Rammstein - Sonne
This fic was born because of this beautiful post.
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Of all His sons, Lorgar was most like Him. Every detail of the appearance was amazingly similar. Even facial expressions. And it was this son who became the biggest disappointment. The Primarch of the Word Bearers was too slow to annex worlds to the Imperium. He tried too hard to restore the planets by staying on them for a long time.
But worst of all was the cult of worship of the Emperor as God. The Emperor could not allow such... heresy to spread. Fully aware of what lies the Warp. And the decision to destroy the Monarchy was carried out immediately. Besides Lorgar’s “wife” on Terra will serve as a good lesson for the primarch. He is a weapon, not a man.
The fact that the mortal was pregnant... The Emperor was not a monster. He had no intention of killing a child, especially in the womb. But it could become a hindrance. A distraction for Lorgar. Fortunately, although the child was affected by the warp, it was much less than the primarchs due to a mortal mother. In addition, it later turned out that it was supposed to be born a girl. She won't be much of a hindrance.
Or rather, that's what He thought.
The creation of the primarchs was pragmatic. They were created to protect humanity. The Emperor had no intention of getting rid of them and even planned to create a comfortable life for them on Terra... of course, after they had completed their task. For some of His sons He even felt a similar feeling of affection. Especially to Horus.
But this girl. This girl was not born according to the plan of the Emperor or Chaos. The natural way. She had no task other than just to live. And when the Emperor heard the triumphant cry of life. Something broke in Him. He remembered.
He once had children. Real and beloved from mortal women. In times of peace, when he gave up trying to move humanity forward and allowed the Earth to develop on its own. He adored them and raised them with dignity and intelligence. His sons were His pride. Although He liked girls more. They always looked at their dad with such adoration.
And they all died. They all left Him. And it hurts. A void that nothing can fill. He could no longer allow Himself to love. And yet, seeing this girl, knowing that she should have lived longer because of her father, if not live forever... He gave up.
He simply could not help but look at her sleeping in her cradle. He couldn't help but sing her songs from His childhood. Hold her in His arms. Kiss her forehead when she starts crying. She developed so slowly, so normally, completely humanly. She needed all of His care and love.
Lorgar will get his “wife” back as soon as he starts leading the Crusade properly. A mortal woman was of no value to the Emperor. But the daughter will distract the primarch. He should not hear her first word, see her first steps, tell fairy tales, teach her the wisdom of life, console her and give her his soul.
But the Emperor can do this.
He will make sure that Lorgar's daughter has the best of everything on Terra. His little sun will be raised with dignity in a beautiful Palace. He will help her find her path and purpose, but only on the condition that she will be by His side. Of course, someday a girl will want romance and build her own family. But it won’t be soon and the Emperor will come up with something.
The girl bursts into laughter as soon as her stomach is tickled. Soon her teeth will begin to cut and her wonderful eyes will become moist with tears. But He will always help relieve her pain as long as she is happy. He smiles back, continuing to bathe her small body, continuing His story about centaurs. She doesn’t understand Him yet, but that doesn’t stop Him from having a conversation with her.
He will show her all the wonders of the world. His little treasure will see all the beauty of the galaxy and grow up in a world where humanity will flourish. They will have so much time. A month of Sundays.
He will never let His daughter go.
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prettygrltatum · 8 months
A Pretty Necklace for Pretty Lady
Simon ' Ghost' Riley x hyperfem!reader
a/n: I saw this super cute gif(the one at the end, credits to for this!) and I just want to make a story for me and my man :33
when you and simon first met, they both of you were at a gym. you were on the mats, stretching and moving you limbs with some weights in your hands. you were so different from him. always showing up in natural make-up. always in soft colors, wednesday were for pink only. such cute outfits for such a cute girl. meanwhile he was blasting rock and metal songs and wearing all black with his black surgical mask as he benches.
one day, you were passing by when you saw his phone playing Sonne by Rammstein. you tapped his shoulder and asked him about his music. and the rest was history. he took you out on the best and amazing dates, treating you like a queen.
and now with a pink, shiny rock on your finger you couldn't wish for anymore. but yet simon seems to only give you more. as the husband he is, he takes you on his bi-weekly dates. right now, your in the most fanciest restaurant. his hand holding yours. ever since he met you, he's been wearing his mask less often. he still wears it but he's less afraid of what people think when your around him.
"babe, you don't have to take me out every week! I don't want to hurt your pockets." you cooed as you rubbed the veins on his hands. simon chuckled as he raised your long manicured nails, covered in pink charms and jewels, kissing your soft skin. "please doll, I've nothin' better to spend my money on. only you." his chuckles on your hand.
you giggled as you blushed hard. "but I can never do anything for you! you never let me!" you whined playfully at him. it's true. why give so much to me when your presence is already enough? that's what simon thought about every time you tried to please or show him any affection in the terms of gift giving. he's basically made you a trophy wife by accident. making enough money in S.A.S to support you and your feature children.
simon knew you loved every color, but if there's one color you loved the most? wore the most? adored the most? it was pink. your always covered in pink in some way, somehow. Pink heels, pink shirt, pink pants.
pink car, pink ring, pink everything. you were his living barbie doll. you were his everything. so to show you his love, he has your second favorite thing. Jewels. You were always covered in shiny rocks. from earlobes to fingers. even your piercings.
"so, I found somethin' you'd love." simon started off. you chuckled, swaying your head side to side. "again? you give me so many things simmy! I can't keep up!" you laughed. simon smiled, his lip scar lifting up and crinkling. "why not?"
"because! I never know how to pay you back!" you whined. "well, I've got you somethin' you might like!" simon pulls out a red velvet case and pulls it out in front of you. "oh my god-simon..."
he opens it, showing a silver necklace with a beautiful hand-crafted gem shaped into a heart, guarded by the sliver.
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you audible gasp as you carefully reached for it. simon could feel your warmth, radiating from your smile and cooes. "oh my god!! I love it!" you squealed. you clamped your necklace around you neck.
simon adored your smile and squeals, loving every single emotion that you're feeling right now. that he does the things he do. to get this reaction. not only does it make you happy and important, but the fuzzy feeling he gets. knowing that his girl, his wife is happy and pleased.
"do you like it?" simon asked, knowing by your reaction that you adored the gem. "of course I do! it's beautiful.." you cooed. you kissed his cheek and rubbed his veiny hand.
"anything for you darling. anything."
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