#sonia volkova
kiara-carrera · 3 years
okay so. is there an oc you’ve been dying to talk about but haven’t gotten a chance to yet?
yes yes yes yes yes yes (even though she's like ... very loosely plotted anyways moving on). my newest oc is a love interest for none other than miss kate bishop aka the woman who currently has a very tight hold on me. and i am very prepared to throw a bunch of head canons/tiny plot ideas down for her!
her name is sonia volkova
her face claim is anya taylor joy (petition for tiktok to stop saying anya's being looked at for black cat because i need anya for this damn fic anyways)
in hawkeye, she's 23 and i literally haven't written a character my age since i was in hs this is wild
i really just wanted to give kate a gf like she deserves it
she's a black widow, having been taken by the red room and she spent a good 14-ish years with them
was one of the first widows to be broken out of the mind control with the red dust
very unplotted but basically she ends up with the avengers and becomes that weird live in child (it's like all those 2012 fics that's like "i was adopted by ___" but like for real)
cue natasha being very shocked and very outraged that the widow program isn't shut down like she'd thought
(she doesn't know dreykov's alive though, we'll save that for the black widow plot)
sonia's story rn is set only in hawkeye, but i have ideas for civil war, black widow, and infinity war/endgame that would serve as like ... side stories/prequels
views natasha as her mother figure after a while (soft family vibes only)
clint's like ... her strange uncle
team cap in civil war, although frankly everyone is like why did you bring the kid to the fight but look clint was tired and on a time crunch okay?
didn't get blipped
has different "eras" of hairstyles (because i'm taking advantage of anya's different looks) which are as follows
marrowbone is pre civil war
new mutants is her civil war/black widow look
here are the young men is infinity war
queen's gambit is endgame
and thoroughbreds/split/glass is hawkeye
over the course of the five years post infinity war, she starts taking college classes online
the spring following endgame, she starts taking college classes in-person
surprise surprise, she goes to the same college as kate and they meet that way
does not divulge any of her past to kate at first and she was never really in the public eye as part of the avengers or anything, so kate literally thinks she's just some super cool hot russian chick who came to the us for school
kate takes sonia home for winter break and then hawkeye plot unfolds
(eleanor is less than thrilled)
sonia identifies as sapphic
sonia's very skilled in combat, her weapon of choice are knives, but she also has a few of natasha's old things like the batons and the widow bite bracelets
could probably kill a man with her pinky like not only was she trained in the red room, but she was trained by the black widow as well as the avengers
knows multiple languages
no clue what she's getting a degree in, but she really loves school and classes
kate and sonia coparenting lucky
sonia finding out kate idolizes clint and she really has to try her hardest not to laugh
soft mini series of kate and sonia at school? maybe so
kate acting tough and being all cute like don’t worry babe i’ll protect you before learning sonia’s a widow and sonia’s just internally like “note to self, make sure the cute one stays alive”
kate begging sonia to teach her curse words in russian
kate and sonia spending christmas with the bartons is such a cute little vibe
sonia nearly having a stroke when she sees yelena
(cue flashbacks of sonia witnessing the pure panic natasha was in post snap looking for yelena)
sonia takes after natasha so much, so catch her landing the pose every once in a while
sonia also reminds clint so much of natasha so ... angst
sonia imediately dyes her hair the second endgame concludes because she’s rocking the queen’s gambit look and it’s too much like natasha and it literally kills her to look in a mirror
when kate finally finds out that sonia knows the avengers she thinks its like the coolest thing and it definitely leads to an argument because like yeah the concept of knowing superheroes is cool but sonia's entire life is a traumatic nightmare
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danieledorazi · 5 years
Ugly is the new cool, or - the death of the Instagram aesthetic.
“Beauty is, in some ways, boring. Even if its concept changes through the ages, nevertheless a beautiful object must always follow certain rules… Ugliness is unpredictable and offers an infinite range of possibilities. Beauty is finite. Ugliness is infinite, like God.” - Umberto Eco, On Ugliness
Balenciaga changed the game.
From the Washington Post: ‘Ikea bags, ugly sneakers: Balenciaga’s Demna Gvasalia is changing what we consider fashion.’ - ‘François-Henri Pinault, the French billionaire who owns Balenciaga, approvingly sums up Gvasalia’s fashion conceit as “taking the banal and elevating it.” Unlike past designers who have been inspired by mundane objects, Gvasalia quite literally remakes them — using luxury materials. He assigns heightened value to, for example, the nylon totes of the displaced and in doing so directs our gaze — if only momentarily — to people who are substantively ignored. His models are not classically beautiful; they often look preternaturally encumbered and just plain exhausted. And his clothes — at their best — celebrate 21st-century technology rather than 19th-century craft. His work can seem ugly at first glance, but ugly is always more interesting than pretty.
The designer is not just refreshing what historians once considered the greatest haute couture house of them all. He’s redefining luxury and recalibrating status. And in the process, he’s kicking up a storm of controversy and admiration.’
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This approach can be clearly seen in Balenciaga’s Instagram account. Weird, beautiful, ugly and poetical.
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Who is the person behind this Insta-aesthetic, though? Lotta Volkova. Read more about her here: ‘Stylist Lotta Volkova Is the Secret Genius Behind the Ex-Soviet Fashion Explosion’.
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TikTok, AKA the anti-Instagram platform.
‘Vicky Banham, a 21-year-old TikTok beauty influencer with 1.3 million followers, believes that young audiences flock to TikTok’s less-polished videos because the intention is to create “fun and silly” content, as she put it. In her posts, Banham will have a face full of makeup, but she’s also dancing and making goofy faces at the camera.
“While Instagram has grown into a well-established platform, TikTok has a young demographic who doesn’t care about the whole perfect shot thing,” Banham said. “The editing thing, the fake boobs and fake lips. When you are 13, you want to sit with something that’s entertaining. TikTok is making social media fun again. It’s a place where you are enjoying other people’s company online.”
TikTok also gives users an easier way to be discovered with its “For You” feed. While content on Instagram and YouTube typically gets picked up by an algorithm that values clicks and views, anyone can get placed onto the For You feed if they use the hashtag. This has helped users nab huge followings much faster than they could on better-established social media platforms.
“TikTok videos are all about being yourself, so it’s easier to grow,” said Madison Lewis, a 16-year-old TikTok influencer who has over 3 million followers tuning in for her singing and comedy videos (BoF spoke with Lewis after obtaining permission from her mother first). “My followers really enjoy the comedy perspective of it.”’
Source: ‘Gen Z Loves TikTok. Can Fashion Brands Learn to Love It Too?’
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RIP the Instagram look.
Says The Atlantic - ‘The Instagram Aesthetic Is OverThe look made famous by the platform just doesn’t resonate anymore.’
‘No one has capitalized on this look’s popularity more than influencers. Some have even started to make thousands of dollars on photo presets that warp anyone’s pictures to fit this mold. But every trend has a shelf life, and as quickly as Instagram ushered in pink walls and pastel macaroons, it’s now turning on them. “Avocado toast and posts on the beach. It’s so generic and played out at this point. You can photoshop any girl into that background and it will be the same post,” said Claire, a 15-year-old who asked to be referred to by a pseudonym because of her age. “It’s not cool anymore to be manufactured.”’
‘In fact, many teens are going out of their way to make their photos look worse. Huji Cam, which make your images look as if they were taken with an old-school throwaway camera, has been downloaded more than 16 million times. “Adding grain to your photos is a big thing now,” says Sonia Uppal, a 20-year-old college student. “People are trying to seem candid. People post a lot of mirror selfies and photos of them lounging around.”
Take Reese Blutstein, a 22-year-old influencer who has amassed more than 238,000 followers in just over a year by posting unfiltered, low-production photos of herself in quirky outfits. (A recent flash photo into a mirror with her dog picked up more than 5,000 likes). She, like many members of her generation, doesn’t stress about posting almost the exact same photo twice in a row, something first-generation influencers wouldn’t dream of. “I’m not afraid to over-post. I don’t think, Oh, will this mess up how my feed looks,” she says. “I don’t think too much about it. If I like an image, I just post it.”
Anything that feels staged is as undesirable for Blutstein’s cohort as unfiltered or unflattering photos would be for older influencers. “For my generation, people are more willing to be who they are and not make up a fake identity,” she says. “We are trying to show a real person doing cool things as a real person, not trying to create a persona that isn’t actually you.”’
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xxsabine-blog · 6 years
                                            SABINE ARIAN ;;
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                                                                                                  TASK 001.
Full Name : Sabine Layan Arian Birthdate : May 21, 1995 (23) Birthplace : Mill Valley (Muir Woods), California Zodiac : Gemini Nationality : American Race / Ethnicity : Dutch/Palestinian  Sex, Gender, and Romantic/Sexual Orientation : Female, bisexual, heteromantic Species : Wolf-blooded human Occupation / Place of Employment : Bartender at FERAL, but also helps in running contraband Social / Financial Status : Lower middle class
Parents’ Names : Feras Arian & Roos Meyer Do They Have Siblings, if so How Many : Younger half-brother (21 years old) If they are Vampire / Ghoul, Who Was Their Maker and What Was the Circumstance in Which They Were Turned : N/A Do They Have Any Friends :
Virgil Cross: One of Sabine’s closest friends, both in the bedroom and outside of it. He drives her crazy at times, but she really does respect and look up to him even if she won’t ever admit it.  Vivian Bouchier: Sabine works for Vivian by drawing in more clientele for the madam, but she also maintains a friendly relationship with her given their similar personality styles and bold behavior. Yulia Volkova: The two are childhood friends, having met when they were around fourteen years old.  Sonia Turquotte: Sonia is almost like an older sister to Sabine, being there for her when she wants to have her fun but also acting as a guiding figure (or at least attempting to) when Sabine is a bit carried away with her mischief. Aidan Grimm: Sabine and Aidan have practically grown up together, both being wolf-blooded and in the same pack. Despite being younger, Sabine looks out for Aidan and is quite protective over him, but also enjoys teasing him and making him feel flustered through (somewhat) harmless flirting. Victoria Cross: Sabine finds Virgil’s sister to be entertaining due to her witty charm, and enjoys talking to her and spending time with her. She likes that Victoria can keep up with her and challenge her at the same time.
Do They Have Any Lovers : Sabine does not develop feelings for others quite easily, so no. She has casual sex and flings with people here and there, but has not had any romantic connection since her last boyfriend. Do They Have Any Enemies :  Not really, besides potential enemies that might come after her due to her illegal line of work. She gets along with any species unless they give her a reason not to.
Height : 5′9″ Build : Tall, lightly toned, slender Hair Color : Blonde/dirty-blonde Eye Color : Blue-green Tattoos and Piercings : She has a tattoo of her pack’s symbol on the back of her left shoulder, as well as ear piercings. Scarring and Birthmarks : She has a dark brown birthmark right above her right breast. There are a few tiny scars on her legs from several accidents in the woods from running or play-fighting with other wolves. Preferred Style : As little clothing as possible, but more so because she enjoys feeling free and less restricted rather than necessarily wanting to show off her body. When she works or goes out in the city, she can generally be seen in casual but fashionable clothing.
Alignment : Chaotic Evil Temperament : Choleric/sanguine Unique Traits and/or Quirks : Sabine fidgets quite a lot due to her restless nature. She also likes to bite-- not even her fingernails, but the knuckles of her fingers as well as pretty much anywhere on her partner. Tropes : Little Miss Con Artist, Double Entendre, Emotion Control
*if you have yet to read the lore on the vampire takeover, you can find it here
What Were Their Views When it Started : Sabine was only a baby, and also not affiliated with any vampires in general due to having a human mother and werewolf father.  Did They Participate in the Fighting : No Did They Lose Any Loved Ones in the Fighting : No Do They Agree With How it Ended / Where Vampires Are Now : To Sabine, it doesn’t matter. She respects and appreciates power, and while she would love to see werewolves on top, she’s still proud of her species and can show civility and consideration towards other species too as long as the individual does not give her a reason to show otherwise.
What Are Their Views on Humans : Sabine finds humans to generally be a bit boring and even feels pity that they have no supernatural powers, but there are some exceptions. What Are Their Views on Blooded : She relates strongly to blooded humans and appreciates having others who can understand what growing up and being blooded is like. What Are Their Views on Elven : She tends to assume elves as quite vanilla and weak, but again, there are exceptions. What Are Their Views on Merfolk : Sabine has never met any merfolk before, but she finds them intriguing. What Are Their Views on Ghouls : Nothing specific. What Are Their Views on Selkies : Sabine has never met any before. What Are Their Views on Vampires : She actually does not mind vampires; of course, she will always think her own species is the best, but she likes vampires who are powerful and have authority. What Are Their Views on Werewolves : Sabine is fiercely loyal to werewolves and her pack.
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kiara-carrera · 3 years
wait who's sonia? 👀
but sonia volkova is my newest oc! she's a mcu oc and her love interest is kate bishop who i've become an absolute whore for. the main story will be set in the hawkeye show, but i do have little ideas for stories set during both before and during civil war, black widow, and infinity war/endgame.
there's still a ton of stuff i have to map out, but the general gist is that she was raised in the red room and when she was a teenager, she was one of the first widows to be freed with the red dust. subsequently ended up on the avengers radar (no details yet just vibes) and ended up being taken in by them (mostly by natasha tbh — off topic but their relationship is my favorite thing ever) because what else do you do with a traumatized teenager who has the ability to kill a man with her bare hands yknow?
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