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milksetters · 11 months ago
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freensrcha · 2 years ago
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jealous kang seojoon pt. 5172/∞
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infinite8revisions · 1 month ago
"Elisabeth" Side by Side:
I suggest watching full screen
Left: Yu Shirota as death and Ikusaburo Yamazaki as Lucheni
Right: Yoshio Inoue as death and Songha as Lucheni
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lesser-known-composers · 7 months ago
Johanna Müller-Hermann (1868–1941) - Streichquintett a-Moll, op. 7
1. Allegro moderato ma energico 2. Allegro Vivace 12:57 3. Adagio con espressione 20:59 4. Introduzione Adagio–Allegretto grazioso 35:34
Pawel Zalejski Violine & SongHa Choi Violine
Klaus Christa Viola
Danusha Waskiewicz Viola
Kajana Pačko Violoncello
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dprk-today · 2 years ago
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Songhae School, Wonsan (2017)
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pesquisadk · 2 years ago
spoiler #1.
Há 30 anos, uma pergunta ronda as mentes de alguns poucos estudantes da Universidade [piii], o pouco que ousaria sequer arriscar um pensamento no assunto—isso é, até ela aparecer por entre páginas rabiscadas dos livros da biblioteca, notinhas na cafeteria e até mesmo naquele seu boletim com a perfeição exigida pela [PASSÁROS]. Depois de tanto tempo após a morte trágica de uma das melhores alunas, não se fala mais sobre os mistérios que assolavam o local, nem sobre as circunstâncias inusuais que resultaram na morte da jovem. Com um período de instabilidade, uma reforma no sistema de ensino e a primeira reitora na história da instituição, cair no esquecimento era o que o destino reservava para Park Sunhee e seu suicídio. Até, claro, aquele dia, quando o sol surgiu nos quartos dos jovens e trouxe junto dele a descoberta de papéis passados por entre o vão das portas, quatro palavras destacadas em vermelho:
Conhecida por sua excelência e qualidade nos estudos, a [BUZINAS] University entrou pra história das faculdades mais antigas e tradicionais da Coreia do Sul. Fundada por Lim Bongsam, costumava abordar poucas opções de graduação, dedicando-se ao estudo e aperfeiçoamento dos cursos clássicos, como literatura, medicina, e matemática. Novas graduações e pós-graduações só apareceram com a troca de administração, causada por uma grande polêmica nos anos 80, e sob a direção de Park Songha, a instituição passou a abraçar assuntos mais modernos, como Fotografia e um departamento voltado para a Informação e Tecnologia. Ao todo, são mais de 15 cursos e variadas opções para atividade extracurricular, oferecendo inúmeras oportunidade para aqueles realmente interessados em se formar dentro de um dos melhores centros acadêmicos coreano.  
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moonlight-songha · 7 days ago
Songha Lee’s universe;
Born in 2004, currently a trainee under SM Entertainment and part of SMTR25. Was (unofficially) introduced during SMTOWN’s 30th Anniversary concert.
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sleepyheaddreamer · 2 months ago
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Hiking path on a rugged mountain trail with sweeping views. Image made with generative AI by SongHa | stock.adobe.come
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from Laotian male forenames and Laotian surnames, including the letter "A"
Aichombanh Aivang Alagna Alany Alouth Amaset Ammavong Anemasphong Angnann Anivathara Anouthiyala Arasitti Asavongsanh Aseuthavong Asisay Asomavong...
Banivonth Bathaen Bouhambath Bouksamsa Boulay Bouphra Bouthany Bouthavong Bouthimany Bouvan Bouvath Bouvorakdy Chaeng Chakane Chakdy Chakhavone Chali Chaly Chamay Chambat Chambath Chammack Chammalay Chamsansang Chang Changsanh Chanh Chanivong Chanou Chantaiya Chanth Chany Charath Chark Chasavong Chavilath Chavong Chavongdao Chavoravong Chayasong Daengxay Danitto Danth Darack Darasanit Darasivany Darath Darunn Dedthangsy Douanavone Douanh Douksa Doulivann Doumalagna Dounkhany Dounlay Dounnanh Douphommai Douthavon Douvano Haeng Hathiarath Houttamanh Ingmany Ingsayann Insavany Insoutah Inthack Inthakong Inthaly Inthamkone Kaisombanth Kaivien Kaivong Kaiya Kaiyalavone Kaiyara Kaiyasay Kaiyavong Kalay Kalaycocie Kamchakul Kammack Kammalaya Kamphong Kasan Kasay Kaseun Kasisa Kasouavila Kayan Kaycocien Kayla Keoda Keodaohanh Keohasoune Keommane Keomphanh Keopasany Keophano Keoprasay Keosanh Keovan Keovane Keovany Khachavong Khack Khaekeaw Khaivira Khakdy Khalath Khalaya Khaloth Khammalay Khammanh Khammy Khamnouvane Khamone Khampasong Khamtanany Khanaysone Khang Khanh Khanheuth Khanna Khanth Khanthak Khaphong Khassanhtie Khavan Khavanh Khavone Khavong Khavongchon Khavongda Khayarath Kintan Komsay Kothanan Lathakdy Lathong Lavon Lavong Layark Layavong Laysoune Leuantah Lithasou Longda Loulovath Lovilay Luamwaeng Luanavong Luang Luangsysa Luanh Luannanay Luanou Luathayvanh Luaviravang Luayalanh Maiyalivon Makdy Malay Malouthany Manhettieng Mansinth Masouphong Mavanh Mavanitheth Mavong Mavongxay Molat Namban Namma Nammayvanh Namvong Navany Navong Navoraseng Nouksanh Nounkhara Nouthaeng Nouvongdart Opasavong Opath Ophoutang Osammanh Osanasavone Osavongchan Ouansisong Pasen Pasengdaen Pasouriart Payavong Peleommanh Phaisone Phaiyarack Phamai Phambany Phamgongxay Phammannany Phamvila Phananthone Phane Phangxai Phanh Phantah Phanth Phanuth Phany Phasen Phathanh Phavanh Phavanoun Phavon Phavonek Phavong Phavongsy Phetanh Phethammack Phethilay Phetpaneth Phetpanh Phetpara Phetphavorn Phetthia Pheuthang Pheuthavong Philath Phirackith Phirat Phiravanya Phiyavong Pholao Phomai Phomanh Phomavong Phombath Phomman Phommananh Phommanh Phommany Phompada Phomsa Phongcha Phonghai Phongkhakdy Phongmah Phongphira Phongravong Phongsavong Phonnarakdy Phothongla Phouanh Phouengkham Phouksa Phouksay Phouria Phouva Phouvanh Phouvatth Phrachanth Phrakaloy Phrath Phrombat Phrommavong Phuongda Rakay Rathakam Rathongsyha Rattharatth Ratto Sachakdy Saichong Saivong Saiya Sakdy Samphomseng Sangla Sanit Sanna Sarasomphet Savan Savanthai Savatxay Savie Savone Savonek Savong Savongpham Savongsy Sayaria Sayark Saylong Sayphaen Senany Sengphat Sibouanh Siboundart Sihaphet Sihariara Sihommanh Sihonanth Silany Silatto Silavanh Silavone Silaylong Simano Simmai Simmanh Simmarath Sinthang Sinthath Sipadith Sisai Sisanh Sisanth Sisao Sisavanh Sisavong Sisavongda Sisay Sisayali Sisombanth Sisomsanh Sisopathang Sisorphomsa Sisouhavong Sithisay Sittansa Sitthammay Sivangmack Sivanh Sivanouk Sivongsanh Sixienesa Sombath Sommachack Somman Sommasay Sommaseng Somsa Somsan Somsavanh Somvanna Sonekeaw Sonemah Songdang Songha Songsang Songsavanh Songsavanth Sonna Sophothakdy Soprath Soprathakdy Sothaleoda Sothisavong Souan Souangsa Souanh Souany Soumvila Soumvilane Sounivath Souphavany Souphomany Soutamsanth Soutan Southanth Souttang Souvan Souvat Souvathat Sysang Thaen Thakdy Thamkon Thammanh Thamsam Thana Thane Thiyalivong Thongchano Thouksavong Vangsa Vilanth Vilao Vilaphouan Vilath Vilavano Vilayack Vilayarath Vilayvany Virakdy Vivat Vonanh Vonephouan Vongchasen Vongdao Vongdounmah Vongloutha Vongma Vongmai Vongmalom Vongmavong Vongphouvat Vongpra Vongsak Vongsanh Vongsanth Vongsao Vongxayasa Xaisong Xaiyasphong Xapadara Xaphai Xapholathou Xaphone Xaphong Xayaratxai Xaykhamsene Xaylong Xaylounkham Xaysoubat Xokhavora
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elrenphoto · 2 years ago
#이찬원,진또배기,찬또배기,12살,중학생,고교생,청년의모습, 울엄마,풍등,영동브루스,송해음악회,전설을 부른다#제주서부방송
#Lee Chan-won, Jintobaegi, Chantobaegi, 12 years old, middle school student, high school student, youth, my mother, wind lantern, Yeongdong Bruce, Songhae Concert, Legend #jejuwesternbroadcast
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xpsxmqkr · 2 years ago
텐트 밖은 유럽 스페인편 편 8회 다시 보기 8화 E0
텐트 밖은 유럽 스페인편 편 8회 다시 보기 8화 E0 <<
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텐트 밖은 유럽 스페인편 편 8회 다시 보기 8화 E0
텐트 밖은 유럽 스페인편 편 8회 다시 보기 8화 E0
텐트 밖은 유럽 스페인편 편 8회 다시 보기 8화 E0
텐트 밖은 유럽 스페인편 편 8회 다시 보기 8화 E0
텐트 밖은 유럽 스페인편 편 8회 다시 보기 8화 E0
Wonhyo had as many related anecdotes as his outstanding abilities and unusual behavior. In the Samguk Yusa, there is a story that Kim Yu-sin went to Goguryeo in 661 to deliver military provisions to So Jeong-bang, a Tang general who was besieging Pyongyang. So Jeong-bang drew a picture of a calf and an orchid bird (鸞鳥) and sent it to Kim Yu-shin after receiving the military rations delivered by the Silla army, and Wonhyo interpreted the picture as a cipher text saying "Go back quickly."[27] It is said that he interpreted it. In fact, on his return, Yushin Kim was caught in a siege by the Goguryeo army and almost died. In addition, there are quite a few folktales or historical stories that boast of his outstanding magical powers or excellence as a monk.
Previously, it was written that he founded the Buddhist chanting called 'Namu Amitabha' [28], but in reality it is not. Recitation of Buddhist chanting, such as Namu Amitabha, was emphasized in the Pure Land Church even before Wonhyo, and Wonhyo was also greatly influenced by this Pure Land thought. It seems to be an expanded interpretation of what Ilyeon, who recorded the Samguk Yusa, said that even the poor or ignorant could memorize the tree (Buddhist chanting) because of Wonhyo.
As famous as it is, there are many names derived from Wonhyo. Wonhyodaegyo Bridge in Seoul is representative. Wonhyo-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul was named 'Motomachi' during the Japanese colonial period, but it was changed to Wonhyo-ro using the same Chinese characters in the process of renaming after liberation. Wonhyo-ro, located in Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, is also named after Wonhyo.
The 46th generation descendant of Wonhyo is the monk Seok-wu.# However, surprisingly, this part is not known.
Because Wonhyo's actions were so impressive, monks and masters who claimed to have attained enlightenment appearing in mass-produced martial arts and other domestic creations simply ate everything, including alcohol and dog meat. And it became a reality… Of course, even if it is not such a 'self-proclaimed', there are quite a few monks who have truly attained enlightenment, but have referred to themselves as ttaengchu and made unconventional remarks and actions.
It is said that there is a prophecy called Wonhyo Gyeolseo. However, among skeptics, the argument that the word 'first discoverer' was transmitted somewhere, and the opinion that it is a forgery such as Gyeokam Yurok [29], which is known to have been written by Nam Sa-go, and Songha's secret are alternate. At least, the two mentioned earlier were made to be rice cakes by nationalists, but Wonhyo Gyeolseo was just buried. #
Skeleton water anecdotes are, of course, skull water, so come after Undertale! When Sands became famous, it was also intertwined with this.
Along with Uisang, Jajang, and Doseon, it is very common to hear that Wonhyo was the founder of most ancient temples. Even looking at the distribution of temples related to Wonhyo in Korea, it would seem unrelated to Wonhyo's life story. Of course, most of them have no historical credibility and can be seen as an act to increase the authority of the temple by borrowing Wonhyo's fame. If all the stories about the foundations of the temples are true, it would not be enough for those monks to pass away after only building temples for the rest of their lives.
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mmrmorning · 3 years ago
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오늘 송해 선생님께서 별세하셨다는 안타까운 소식을 들었습니다... 전국노래자랑의 영원한 MC 송해 선생님 편히 쉬십시요..., 삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다...🙏 . #송해 #SongHae #RestInPlace #RIP #RIPSongHae #20220608 #추모 #🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cehq2Qlp1Re/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freensrcha · 2 years ago
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You know I'd still die for you
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housewilson · 2 years ago
no one is talking about them and i’m in shock… please make some noise for these lesbian moms, i’ll lead this movement if i must.
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tompetertrash · 3 years ago
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fy-leedonghae · 7 years ago
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