#song: cameras & coastlines
lyricallymnded · 1 year
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cameras & coastlines // smallpools
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tinietaehyun · 11 months
Entranced Melody
[Siren!Taehyun x Researcher!reader] [One-shot] [Mystic Trail Series]
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Pairing: Siren!Taehyun x Researcher!Reader
Genre(s): Fantasy, dark fantasy, romance, thriller.
Contains: Profanity, dark themes, mentions of blood, possessive behaviour, captivity, gaslighting, manipulation, mentions of deep waters/drowning.
Summary: You had heard about numerous siren sightings upon this very beach; and you were determined to take a photo of at least one!
Perhaps, it was stupid, though, you were just ever so intrigued. After all this field of research was your specialty. Though, you’ve been here for two days and there’s still not single sight of one. Was your effort coming here going to got to waste?
A sudden voice breaks your thoughts, “My, my, are all humans this adorable when they space out?” You freeze instantly. No way.
Grimacing, you tiredly trek across the sandy shoreline with sand beginning to slowly seep into your boots. The sound of the howling wind and ghastly chorus of waves splashing onto the shore make you feel slightly uneasy. You’ve never been too much of a fan of deep water; nor were you keen on anything related to the ocean, but this particular site was something you just had to go to.
You’d gained permission to conduct your own mini expedition for three days to gain evidence and to research the sirens along this particular stretch of coastline. Many rumours, photographs and most prominently the haunting songs of the sirens at night were enough proof for numerous researchers to come here on the regular. You just absolutely had to find one! Maybe even take a picture!
You place a trusty hand on your satchel containing your notes and your beloved camera. It had already been two days and you had spotted nothing. You’ve not even heard a single siren song either. At first you thought you’d stepped into the wrong portion of beach but to your dismay, this was indeed the place. Were you out of luck? Or was it not the proper season? Perhaps you were just misfortunate.
Sighing, you spot a rock and decide to settle yourself on it to rest. Your legs ache from all the walking you’ve done. Your gaze lifts up to the horizon where you see the edge of the sun dipping into the majestic line dividing the sky and sea. The blossoming hues of oranges, pinks and yellows fill the sky slowly like a watercolour to a paper. It was incredibly stunning. You had already taken a photo of this on your first day; but it still didn’t get tiring to see.
You feel the tide rise higher as the water caresses your boots. The foam and froth of the water being left behind with each sway and waves that climbed higher and higher up the shore. The salty air was now beginning to make your head ache from its pungency. You had collected various sea shells too from the sand; all of gorgeous variety.
However, you weren’t here for all that. You were here for the sirens. You simply wished to stay least get a glimpse of one. To see their enticing beauty, hear their alluring cries (not that you wish to be drawn to it of course) perhaps from a distance. Though it seems, fate had different plans for you. Maybe you weren’t meant to see one. This was your last day; you’d have to go back to your camp back up the cliffs and start packing. A frown graces your lips.
Well, hey, some alone time peering at the ocean wouldn’t do any harm now would it? You rest your chin on the palm of your hand and place your satchel to the side. Your mind drifts as you focus on the lapping waves and the looming sky. The beautiful scene had a touch of a melancholy aura. A mystical feeling that just made you want to stay here. There was indeed something about this place.
A sudden voice breaks your thoughts, “My, my, are all humans this adorable when they space out?” You freeze instantly. Your body stiffens as you turn your head to the source of the voice. To your surprise you spot a head and shoulders peeking out of the water just to the left of you.
Your entire being shakes with nervousness and excitement. No fucking way!
“Hm? Why so quiet, human? I swear your kind are much louder and cause much more ruckus than you do.” You peer agape at him; you drink in his appearance more clearly. “You’re…”
Your eyes are drawn to his damp red hair in which the glossy strands splay across his forehead. Not to mention his skin! His skin that shimmers in an almost bluish hue. His eyes that pierce into you with a gaze that’s half-playful, half-alluring. His chiselled features and his ever so slightly pointed ears give him away. He wades closer to the shoreline giving you a glimpse of his toned torso and siren markings. This was astonishing!
“Now, now human, don’t forget! You need to breathe. With your jaw hanging like that, you’d think a fly would go in.” You compose yourself feeling an excited jitter. “A siren…a real siren…” you murmur in awe. He was stunning, as though the gods had handcrafted and sculpted him with their bare hands! You couldn’t determine what species of siren he was (surely a rare one looking at those markings!) but either way this was insane. No less, he was talking to you!
“Hm…” he tilts his head seeming just as fascinated with you as you were with him. God, his eyes, his iridescent skin that shimmered beautifully as the sun melts into the horizon giving him an almost ethereal glow. He continues, “Why, yes, a real siren? Are you surprised, my pretty little human?”
“Pretty?” You quirk in confusion. The siren hums amused, “Yes? Did I show any hesitation in my speech? You seem a lot different to the other humans who come here trekking with all their fancy, expensive equipment. You seem younger… lovelier to look at. Less of a threat even.”
Well, a compliment was a compliment you suppose as weird as this interaction was. You had to be cautious, sirens were known to be vicious when upset. You hum tentatively, “…I see. Well, it’s lovely to meet you. I never thought I’d see a real siren before. This is just so, fascinating. You’re g-gorgeous.”
The male siren seems to gleam at your words and the water splashes as he swims closer, “My, are you flirting with me, pretty human?” Your eyes widen, “No-! I was just making observations.” The siren releases a breathy chuckle running his hands through his dripping locks of red hair. You notice the ever so subtle webbed skin between his fingers.
“You know, I don’t usually talk to humans. They particularly annoy me. Especially…you researcher folk. Always coming here with your big, noisy groups. Destroying the lovely scenery with your disgusting litter and obnoxious chatter.” As he speaks you note his teeth; rather pointy and sharp. His eyes snap back to yours locking your gaze, “However, you. You’re different. You’re by yourself, I’ve been observing you. Since the day you got here.”
You stiffen. Since when? How come you never spotted him? You made sure to look everywhere. There wasn’t even a suspicious ripple in the water as you walked. He cooes with a tempting smile, “Oh human, don’t think too hard, I’d find it more concerning if you were able to find me than not.” You nod slowly processing his tangled words. How impressive sirens were at hiding themselves.
“Does the human have a name I can call out?” His lips form an alluring smile. You murmur, “Tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.” He releases a breathless laugh before humming, “Taehyun. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, pretty human.” Taehyun’s eyes twinkle in excitement, “Now yours?” Inhaling deeply you murmur, “Y/n. It’s y/n.”
“Hm…y/n. Fascinating name indeed. Not from around here, definitely.” Your hands were itching to open your satchel and take your camera out. Though, you perhaps you were being too greedy. It was already a huge step you were taking with being face to face and talking with a siren. If he started singing; it’d be game over for you. You also knew of some grizzly tales of photographers being attacked - perhaps sirens weren’t as photogenic as they looked.
He wades even closer until he’s right in front of you where the water laps at your boots. The water is shallower here and you see glimpses of his dark blue shimmering tail. Taehyun notices your gaze and smirks coyly, “Oh? You like my tail?” He raises it more out of the water letting his scales glimmer and shimmer in all their glory. His strong, defined arms hold up his torso getting stained by the grains of sand.
Damn, how attractive he was. You suppose that was the point of their species after all. “Aw, how endearing you are. So concentrated and focused. I love the way you look at me with such amazement and awe,” Taehyun hums peering up at you.
He reaches out his hand and you flinch making him chuckle, “Surely, you’re not scared of me? I can’t even come far out of the water. I’ve never been so close to a human before.” Taehyun tilts his head running his dark gaze down your body making you shiver reflexively. He resumes, “Most of your kind seem to want to put us into nets or chambers. Or wish to aim little darts and such at us. How cruel…” He frowns but his tone of voice is dark, “And then we get all the blame when we have to get all violent. If they just left us alone, we wouldn’t need to defend ourselves so viciously.” His eyes meet yours intensely, “Don’t you agree, my sweet human?”
Clearing your throat, you carefully answer, “Well, yes. I do believe tactics like that are a bit-no, very barbaric. You are also civilised creatures after all.” Taehyun’s lips form a grin showcasing his sharp canines, “Oh my, not only are you a treat for the eyes, but you’re capable of thinking, more than the rest of your pitiful species.” He rests his chin atop his palm as he leans his elbow into the wet sand. Taehyun hums peering up at you, “See, we’re not all bad. We’re taking so nicely right now, aren’t we, y/n?”
You nod hesitantly as you still had to be wary. You didn’t want to leave this trip without nothing. You murmur, “I’m not sure if you’re keen on photos. But…may I sketch you, at least. If that’s alright? Y-You d-don’t have to-“ you begin stammering. His eyes glimmer and he chuckles, “Oh my precious human, don’t be so afraid of me. I like you a lot. I really like you…”
He hums deep in thought pondering your words, “Mm…I’ll grant your request, since you’re so lovely. In exchange, you’ll have to grant one of mine, hm?” There it is. Of course. Of fucking course! You murmur, “You know what- actually. I’m not that good of an artist-“
His gaze darkens and his expression stills making you halt your words. Taehyun moves up the shore almost crawling and you stumble off the boulder you were sat on, onto the sand. You scoot backwards feeling fearful. He pulls himself atop the boulder sitting on it showing off his illustrious tail and form. Your shoulders relax, “I- you-“ He grins mischievously, “I’m sorry, your fearful expression was too adorable for me to pass up. I just wanted to see your reaction, is all! You can sketch me.”
You shakily murmur, “O-Oh. Right.” He hums, “You know I wouldn’t hurt you right? You’re so lovely. Actually…why don’t you begin to draw now? We can spend more time chatting together.” You peer at the sun now almost disappearing into the horizon and the dim lamps along the beach being your only source of light.
He leans forward with an alluring tone of voice, “Human why so far? Come closer. Take a good look. This is not a privilege I extend to just anyone so lightly.” You awkwardly smile, “Ah, I can see just fine from here.” Taehyun cooes, “I don’t bite, pretty.”
You reluctantly scoot forward. You get out your notepad and a pencil as you begin to sketch. You weren’t about to leave this damn beach without anything. You begin sketching roughly. You’d redraw and label this later with more anatomical and scientific terms. For now this was as good as you were going to get.
The scraping of pencil against paper contrasts the roaring waves. Taehyun keeps his gaze firmly on you as he leans on the boulder keeping as still as he could. His lips form a teasing smirk as you nervously sketch him occasionally meeting his intense gaze. “Mm, talk to me won’t you? I like the sound of your voice. It’s ever so soft. Keep talking to me.”
“What’s there to talk about? I’ve already said everything I wanted to,” you enquire. Taehyun pouts, “Oh gorgeous, but I’d thought you’d have so many burning questions to ask me? Are you not curious?” ‘Curiosity killed the cat’, is what they all say. Although some say, the ‘answer brought it back.’
Were you willing to bite the bait, was the question?
“Perhaps another time, Taehyun.” You murmur continuing to sketch. He huffs, “Fine, then let me ask you question. Have you truly never seen another siren before? You were so determined these last two days. I enjoyed watching you miserably walk around in search of my kind.” You scoff, “No and I am glad my misery is so entertaining.”
Taehyun cooes with a smile, “Don’t frown, pretty human. I’m only teasing after all. The sky’s getting darker, it must be hard to see from that distance. How else are you going to get the intricate details?”
You nervously titter, “A-Ah, no worries. It’s mainly general outstanding features I’m worried about.” He hums, “well you could get a close up of my gills, markings?”
You bite your lip tempted; no one has properly seen these markings; you knew Taehyun’s siren species was rather rare. The typical plain skinned siren was well researched. Him…however…
“Come on…” he whines. His eyes glimmer, “You know you want to. I’m happy to be your muse, my dear human.” You quiver before slightly moving closer and you yelp as you feel his damp hand wrap around your ankle. His fingers soothe the skin as he caresses it with his fingers. The coolness of his touch sends shudders along your spine. A relaxed exhale releases from your parted lips.
“Mm…your skin is so smooth and soft. How curious indeed. It’s pleasant sensation to my senses,” he notes. He releases his grip but it makes you want more of his cool touch upon your warm skin. Taehyun smirks, “Oh?” You peer back down at your notepad. “Oh, did the human like my touch?”
“No, could you keep still, please?” You huff softly.
Taehyun peers down at you, “What an endearing little thing you are.” You glare softly at him making him chuckle, “Apologies, pretty. I might be sounding rather condescending-“ “Patronising,” you simultaneously say. He grins, “Well, you have my apology.” You mutter out an exasperated, “Thanks.”
As you continue to sketch you notice his gaze upon you- noticing all your intricate movements and motions. “Do you have anyone waiting for you back home, human?” Sighing you respond, “Yes, I do.” Taehyun hums sighing, “Oh what a shame…”
Raising a brow, you question, “A shame? Why?” He shrugs nonchalantly, “You humans value familial bonds so closely. It’s a weakness when it comes to survival. Staying altogether like that.” Your eyes narrow, “Well, lucky we don’t live out in the middle of nowhere with any apex predators.”
He hums amused, “Well, you humans do seem to like to think your kind is invincible. When you clearly aren’t. I’m not talking about you, sweet thing. You’re too lovely to be seen as prey.”
You grimace, “I appreciate your perspective.” His eyes sparkle as they narrow in on you, “Do you think of yourself as prey? Do you even have a weapon on you?” You stiffen, “I…” You had a hunting knife, pepper spray and those projectile batons that you almost knocked yourself unconscious with one time. “Yeah, I do. In my satchel. I’m not stupid.” You were beginning to feel internally question the validity of your statement.
Taehyun slyly smiles, “I never said you were, pretty thing. I’m glad you do in fact. You’ve always got to give a predator a bit of a chase after all.” You stop drawing and peer up at him; you notice him leaning forward putting his weight on his forearms. He leers at you with a sly smirk, “Hm? Oh? I don’t mean to frighten you. I simply don’t like to mince my words, is all.”
You were almost done. “Will you come visit this spot tomorrow? I’ll be waiting for you. I find you rather intriguing. I like you a lot, in fact.” He rambles more to himself as you try to hurriedly finish off the sketch. You were beginning to feel uneasy. You peer to your side seeing the ocean fog up and a mist forming on the far stretch of beach. Your heart palpitates in anxiousness.
You murmur, “Oh…today’s my last day. It was a three day expedition. I’ll be going home tomorrow morning.” Something about your words makes Taehyun stiffen and he tilts his head with wide eyes, “Your last day here? Oh but we’ve only begun to get to know each other!”
You nervously hum, “I’m sure I’ll be back soon on another expedition, Taehyun.” His eyes narrow and he sharply quips, “Don’t lie to me.”
You halt at the rasp in his tone. His tail splashes irritably in the surrounding water beside the boulder. “I wouldn’t have spent so much time being so cautious for the first few days, if I knew you were going to leave so quickly.” He whines, “Oh but why? The other human groups that come here stay for months!”
You awkwardly put your notepad away, “Ah, w-well those are properly organised expeditions with numerous scholars and sufficient funding, Taehyun. My trip was merely to satiate my curiosity and hopefully add some things to my thesis or general knowledge.” His jaw tightens and he peers at you with a dark gaze, “But you’re the first human I’ve ever properly conversed with. You’re so lovely to be around and talk to. Surely you wouldn’t leave me behind? What if other groups try to take me, hunt me down? I might not even be here next time!” Oh, how his playfully sly demeanour changed?
You awkwardly stammer, “I- Taehyun. I’m sure you can handle yourself. You’ve managed this far-“ He frowns, “You don’t understand, I’ve finally made a human friend and now you’re just going?” You didn’t expect sirens to get so attached. It’s ironic considering he was the one who mocked humankind for their reliance on close relationships.
You softly murmur, “I have a life beyond this Taehyun,” you chuckle anxiously, “I have to get back, to work and spend time with my family and friends.” He frowns, “I can’t do that, I can’t leave this ocean.” A pang of guilt arises within you. “I can’t stay with you here forever, Taehyun. I’m sure you understand that very well.” He looks at you with a shattered expression making you frown. He really did look pitiful. You didn’t expect this from him. You initially felt uneasy considering all the dangerous rumours you’ve heard of sirens.
His hands form fists and he scoffs, “You humans and your so called relationships.” You frown, “I’m sorry Taehyun.” Why were you even apologising? “If you were sorry, you’d not leave….leave me yet. Won’t you stay with me for one more day?” You go quiet. You couldn’t extend your time more than this. You’d be in for a whole lot of penalty paperwork and a lot of yelling.
Shaking your head you respond, “I…I can’t Taehyun.” You also didn’t want to risk it being out here. The aura of this place wasn’t exactly friendly. “I wish I could…really, I’ll try to come back another time when we’re allotted here.” You stand up slinging the strap of your satchel on your right shoulder. He lets out a, ‘tch,’ before sliding off the boulder and immersing his tail back into the water only allowing his torso to show.
His eyes glaze over almost as if he were genuinely upset at your answer. “It was lovely chatting with you, Taehyun. I sincerely thank you for letting me sketch you-“ “I’ll let you photograph me. You like that little camera of yours. I saw you take photos of the beach and sky. I’ll let you-“
You murmur firmly, “No, no. Taehyun really. It’s sweet that you are comfortable with me but I have to be going. It’s getting really dark.”
He says nothing as you give him a soft smile. “Please don’t be upset,” you mumble. Taehyun doesn’t respond continuing to look pitifully at you. He finally sighs, “Okay; fine. I…I understand, human. I’m sorry for being so demanding.”
Your heart twinges with guilt and you feel bad for leaving him behind. His expression cuts into your conscience like blades. “Bye…Taehyun,” you utter out gently.
“Goodbye…hum-y/n. Y/n,” he murmurs raising a hand with a deep frown. You feel your heart ache tremendously at his broken expression.
Reluctantly, you twist yourself away and begin to walk through the sludge of wet sand. Your body feels fatigued and solemn. This was indeed a rare memory to be cherish- your encounter with a real siren. A siren who was sweet under his playful facade. Who felt lonely and wanted to communicate. Poor thing…
You begin to take a step forward hearing your boot crunch into the sand.
“Hear my voice, underneath the sea. Sleeping now so peacefully. Sleep for all eternity…” A haunting voice echoes out behind you filling the void of the air. Your joints stiffen and your eyes widen in horror.
“Listen to this siren’s song, worry not for there’s nothing wrong…” His melodic voice reverberates across the shoreline and drives its way down your ears and you slam your hands over your ears tightly. No! No! No! You peer over your shoulder seeing him sitting where the water and sand meet. He peers at you with most malevolent expression you’ve ever seen. His sharp teeth and dark smirk make your knees weak.
A piercing scream rips itself out of your throat as you try to move yourself forward but a force makes your legs feel weak. No matter how you trek forward, it feels as though your legs weren’t cooperating with you. The melody of his tauntingly beautiful voice wraps around your body and senses like a terrible vice. The hands over your ears seem more for show than practicality. Hints of his song seem to seep between the gaps between your fingers.
A sob escapes your throat; you try to crawl forwards as your knees finally collapse. His mellifluous tone captures you like a poor fish in a net. “Struggle not, soon peace will come…” he hums with a dark smile as he drags his sharp nails through the sand.
You find it difficult to breathe as you try with all your might to resist his melody - his enchanting voice. “Succumb to me, pretty thing. Why resist me so brutally? I’m hurt,” he calls out with a pout momentarily halting his singing. You crawl forward desperately. He begins singing once more with a sadistically delightful expression, “Let my voice lead you astray..”
You collapse and you find your senses going haywire. Perhaps it was too late for you. “Trust me…come into my arms,” he cooes melodically. You find the world around you go blurry and you twist around facing him entirely. You shakily crawl towards him; your balance buckling here and there. Your mind screams for you to stop yet your body complies to his dangerously sinful voice.
“That’s right…very good,” he praises with a dark gleam in his eye. “Oh you do look so appealing when you crawl towards me like that. Like a subservient mutt, wishing to please its master.” You shiver; his spell taking ahold of you. “Let my voice guide you tonight…” he sings peering as you crawl towards him laced with utter desperation.
You needed him. You had be with him. All you wanted was him. Your beloved siren. Your eternal lover. The one you’d be safe with.
No-! No you couldn’t. Oh, but you would.
Entranced, you clamber nearing the boulder not caring how the water sways at your hands and knees wetting your attire. Taehyun grins outstretching his hand, “Come my sweet, sweet human, come to me…you’ll be safe with me.”
You struggle to take his hand. He tilts his hand with a snark in voice, “Oh? Still resisting. I didn’t take you as a fighter. I knew weren’t stupid, but you weren’t too bright either. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here in this position, hm?”
He continues humming keeping his hand outstretched. With that, you finally succumb. Your consciousness is slipping away and your free will is falling into Taehyun’s chains. You take his hand and he rapidly intertwines his fingers with yours. A dazed smile decorates your entranced expression.
A chuckle escapes his lips, “How cute,” he comments before giving one swift and harsh tug. You collapse forward and he immediately wraps his other arm around you snugly pressing your torso against his. It’s almost intimate. He drags his nose and lips along the curve of your neck; he inhales deeply getting a feel of your scent. “Oh you sweet thing, getting all caught up in my spell,” he cooes caressing your damp hair.
He strongly cups your jaw making you face him and he peers down at your visage with a teasing smirk, “How dazed you look, not a single thought in that pretty head of yours. I find it’s better that way. You humans tend to overthink a lot, hm. Don’t you agree?” All you can respond with is a slow nod and a blissful hum making him grin. “So soft, my own little human to keep. I doubt you’ll last long underwater. Though, I do know of a cove nearby,” he ponders in thought.
Taehyun slyly hums, “My dearest human, you were indeed foolish, though I suppose I had a part to play. You don’t understand how incredibly tiresome it was to play the lovestruck and lonely creature, eager for a humans affection. Seducing you wasn’t working, but apparently being pitiful was enough to make you lower your guard.” He notices how out of it you seem and hums, “Not that you’d care now anyways. All you now care about is being with me,” he sharply hums tightening his grip around you. His nails press into your skin; surely they’d draw blood soon.
“Are you fond of me, pretty human?” He cooes moving the strands of wet hair out of your face. You hum, “Mhm.” “Would you like to stay with me forever?” “Mhm,” you answer blissfully ignorant of your predicament. How tragic this was indeed. A young researcher curious about sirens only to be taken by the one thing she wished to investigate. How unbecoming for a scholar!
Suddenly, he moves back into the water with you in his arms before with one heave he drags you underwater. You cough and your body naturally flails and flaps around as air escapes your lungs. You hair wafts around you and silent screams escape your lips as Taehyun watches on with a cruel smile tainting his angelic features.
You cling to Taehyun after a while. He resurfaces with a sadistic smile on his face, “Oh, I was right, you humans are clearly not built for water. My bad, my dearest human. Simply had to have a little fun. Though, I’d rather not have you drown, so quickly.”
He chuckles at your dim response only clinging onto him for quite literally dear life. You begin to shiver from the cold ocean water. Taehyun cups the back of your head gently and lets you rest your head against his torso, “My sweet thing, be not afraid. I’ll never let any harm come to you.” You hum, “Mhm,” your heartbeat relaxes.
“Let us stay like this for a moment before we swim to the cove I was speaking of,” he hums nonchalantly, “I’m sure you’ll find it charming there. You’ll find anything charming as long as I’m there with you, won’t you?” He runs his thumb along your cheek down to your bottom lip tugging it down ever so slightly sending a pleasurable jolt through your senses. It was a seductive motion that had you craving for more- he knew it as well.
“Oh I could just devour you up,” he playfully growls into you neck. “Do try to last longer than the others, won’t you? I’m quite a bit more fond of you than anyone else I’ve come across. There’s just something about you…”
Taehyun hums into your neck that same addictive melody as he holds your shivering body against his. The scene is intimate but dark as the stars in the sky peer down at yet another tragedy that’s befallen the coastline.
All that now lies on the coast is a damp satchel containing a ruined sketch, and a no longer working camera. A trace of your tragic disappearance.
Taehyun squeezes you against him; the silhouette of you two mirroring two lovers in the moonlight; albeit more twisted. He whispers lowly as his eyes meet yours twinkling glossy ones, “A pretty thing indeed…and all mine.”
Oh, how foolish of you to think you could converse unscathed with a Siren…
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coltprofeshseavers · 3 months
Here’s a small one shot I wrote as I was on a drive in the rain listening to Charli xcx while thinking about Colt Seavers in The Fall Guy. Listen to the song Everything is Romantic
No warnings - just pure fluff.
Everything is Romantic
Bad tattoos on leather-tanned skin
Jesus Christ on a plastic sign
Fall in love again and again
Winding roads, doing manual drive
Bad tattoos on leather-tanned skin
Jesus Christ on a plastic sign, mm
Early nights in white sheets with lace curtains
Capri in the distance
Colt and Jody are finally on the beach vacation they spoke about on a buzzing walkie talkie around two years ago. A holiday that Colt had dreamt about, drinking spicy margaritas on a beach in their swimming costumes as she called it, laying on the soft sand for hours with no stunts to perform, no cameras to operate. It was finally a reality and Colt couldn’t get enough of it.
This wasn’t planned but Colt surprised Jody and insisted that the only way he would recover is on a beach in Capri, sipping margaritas and chilling down to Taylor Swift, with Jody in his arms this time.
So here they are, in a quaint little hotel room on the Italian coastline. Jody is reading a book in the balcony from where she can see the blues of the water. Colt is getting his much-deserved rest after all the drama that unfolded.
She’s engrossed in her book when she hears his sleepy morning voice calling her, “Jods, where’d you go?”
He’s a vision — lying tangled in the pristine white sheets — the faint sun from the French style windows making his tanned skin glow afresh. She pulls the curtains as she smiles and walks to the bed, “Hi” she whispers as bends down to ruffle his fading blonde hair, softer to touch than they look.
He’s in a haze but can’t help the grin that catches his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners at her touch. “I’ve missed you” he says.
“I’ve just been out reading for 30 minutes Colt, I was there the entire night even when you were snoring in my ear.”
“That’s way too long Jods, you know I gotta hold you or my brain stops functioning“ he smirks.
“Well we can’t have that can we now?” she animatedly says, as she climbs into the bed next to him. Her head on his chest, his arm around her waist, just the way it was meant to be.
Colt falls into slumber again as Jody runs her hands through his hair, golden in the sunlight now peeking from the white lace curtains.
In a place that can make you change
Fall in love again and again
Colt drives through the coastal roads of Capri, Jody in the passenger seat laughing about something he just said and also years ago when they met, when they fell in love. Jody realises falling in love with Colt wasn’t something that happened in a particular moment, it was every minute and day that she spent with him. She learns that falling in love with Colt is a bit like breathing, it keeps on happening and it is what keeps her alive really. Everything with Colt is romantic.
For Colt, Jody’s laugh is the best song he has ever heard. As he shifts the gears on the unfamiliar manual drive, vintage rental car, he realises he would do anything to hear her laughter, to have her sit by his side like this, at peace. No hospitals, no accidents, no injuries, no Tom and no Gail. He wants to be with her, he doesn’t quite see the point in his life if there’s no Jody to come home to. He doesn’t quite care about the stunts anymore if Jody isn’t behind the camera cheering him on. After years of his career taking priority in his life, he finally feels like he’s ready to settle down with Jody. These few days in Capri have given him a glimpse of what life would be like: slow mornings in bed, how Jody would wake up first and make him coffee, she would also make him try her Yorkshire tea some times, bickering over breakfast and day drinking on beach. He knows the rest of his life won’t be like a vacation, but with Jody, it would be pretty damn close. He remembers the movie where the romantic leads get stuck in a time loop and have to live the same day over and over again. He realises how close his life would be to that, every day, coming home to Jody and falling in love with her all over again.
Jody breaks his train of thought when she says, “wow it’s just like in the movies right? This view?” looking out of the car window at the serene views of the ocean.
Colt only looks at her when he replies, “even better than the movies really.”
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abdulraveman · 7 days
Nishikido Ryo A-LIVE Utasou tour 2024 
2024.09.12 Kobe concert report
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Before the concert 
There was a huge funeral portrait in the lobby, which became a photo booth. Many fans gave their respects to it, lol. The PA system was voiced by “Friend’s Representative” Akanishi Jin. He made a few mistakes & was stuttering while speaking. Poor Jin😅 At the end of the show, they showed a video of Jin recording the announcement while Ryo was watching, lol. 
An intro video played of Ryo sitting & speaking, the coffin opened and Ryo came out while shouting “Hello! An Osakan has come to do what he wants!” Despite the sombre theme, fans said Ryo was in high spirits throughout the concert.  He was wearing a long dark blue coat with floral patterns & a bolo tie.  
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(stage design at the beginning)
I’m an Osakan 
In the middle of the song, when Ryo sang about baseball, the staff handed Ryo a baseball bat. He held the microphone in his left hand and hit a soft rubber ball(s), with NR painted on, thrown by the staff to the audience with the baseball bat in his right hand. It barely flew and landed near the front row lol. When he sang "tomorrow’s bread", a staff member on the other side of the stage came up with a basket of bread, and Ryo grabbed a loaf of bread and threw it to the audience. 
Honky Tonky Rhapsody & Kono Sekai Sayonara 
Due to the heat & Ryo’s heavy coat he was visible sweating.  
Omoide Dorobou 
The screen played a highlight reel of Ryo’s activities since becoming a solo artist 
Good Time & Nomad 
No commentary was given.  
Instead of a usual MC, Ryo left the stage and then the screen began to play a series of photos of young Ryo, his brothers and sisters, interactions with family, & home videos of him when he was a child. Then the camera cuts to the outside of a TV, where Ryo and his mother were watching and reminiscing together. This was the fans first time seeing the face of Ryo’s mother. When it shows Ryo’s kindergarten graduation ceremony, his mother visibly teared up. They also shared stories that were unrelated to the video. 
One of the home videos showed Ryo riding on his grandfather's shoulder and holding him tightly. It was his grandfather from Amakusa who taught him how to fish and clean & prepare fish (despite Ryo hating fish), and taught him all kinds of things that he couldn't teach in school. He was his favourite grandfather.
Ryo loves large motorcycles, doing DIY, and painting/sketching. He learned all these by watching his father. Then his mother said that Ryo’s personality is probably more similar to hers. Ryo’s mother also said that although he is known by everyone, the friends he makes will stay with him for a long time.
Ryo came out in with a change of clothes. Casual shirt with striped trousers. He was carrying a whiskey glass with a brown liquid in it. Ryo said “Do you guys know what this is?... it’s a highball. Well…its actually ginger ale lol” and then told to pretend it’s a highball. There was a small standing bar on the stage, and he lay it there while singing this song. The screen played a video from the perspective of a woman who seeing Ryo (like a love stimulation game). They were drinking at a bar together, later had a meal/breakfast together in their home and finally Ryo driving (an Audi convertible car) as she sat in the passenger seat.  
The staff moved a sofa to the stage. Ryo sat on the sofa and sang. At the same time, the screen played a video from the same girlfriend/love simulation perspective as before of both of you sitting on the sofa eating and watching TV. 
During the song, the video continued showing a love simulation game perspective video. Ryo was driving a convertible Audi with his glasses, along the coastline. The camera then moved to reveal that Ryo was driving his mother. They were driving to places where their family had made memories. Ryo’s mother talked about where he looked like his father and where he looked like his mother. She also talked about how people can understand each other, and said that Ryo may not be very good at expressing emotions, but she is very proud that he is a child who can understand others very well. 
Secret Agent Man 
Was sung in Japanese unlike before which was sung in English, and it was performed in jazz style. Ryo said before this he didn’t have the permission to sing it in Japanese but he’s happy he has it now. After singing Secret Agent Man, rye mentioned this song was his first CD debut since he joined Johnny's. 
Ryo: First with this song, then NEWS, then Kanjani, then as solo. I've debuted 4 times. I was so tenacious ne~😆 
No commentary was given. 
Road Movie 
When singing Ryo was singing "Road Movie" a video of sand art played on the screen & it starts with an infinity ♾️ symbol. Then there were silhouettes of seven people. First one figure disappeared (probably symbolising Subaru) and then the rest of the images became one & lone figure who stood on stage. It ends with the word 'thank you'. 
In the video, Ryo was captured sitting on a chair, his arms fixed with metal fittings, and a helmet with cords on his head. He had soot on his face, he was black and looked like a test subject, and his facial expression was a bit ragged Supposedly he was released on the beach at the end! 
Code. Last Note. Half Down.  
Ryo again changed his clothes into an all-black suit, black shirt and black neck tie. Before leaving he said the concert is over. The audience vocally expressed their disappointment. Ryo was surprised and asked why they weren’t satisfied after a 90-minute concert & said he had worked really hard lol.  He whispered they were scary lol. 
Encore: Nocturnal Animals.  
After he left the stage, the screen showed kanji of several homophones of Kasō (仮想、花草、火葬、家相、下層、仮装), which was followed by 香典返し(which means thank you gift for those who came to the funeral) as Ryo re-entered the stage wearing the official tour white t-shirt & a necklace. The band came out wearing Day of the Dead masks. Ryo wore one too but took it off just before singing.
As he left through the coffin he shouted “Don’t worry. I am still very committed to living. Everyone, live longer! Because I will too! Bye-bye. Thank You”. 
The stage design then changed to depict a happy Ryo.
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robertsbarbie · 7 months
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starsmaligned · 1 year
song lyrics that i really vibe with that can possibly be used as starter inspirations so like send me one ig and i’ll see if i can answer it and start a lil thread thing yknow like an ask meme ( song names and links included ) PART ONE sorry they’re probably all really angsty - also feel free to reblog it if you want idk if this is gonna be of use to anyone else
“and i swear to god i’m through but the devil keeps bringing me back to you” live4 - short stack
“take me home, i’d rather die than be with you” if you wanted a song written about you all you had to do was ask - mayday parade
“and i didn’t know you were the one ‘til you and i were almost done” love at first fight - lany
“if it’s something serious then hit me up but until then, the door is shut” navy blue - the story so far
“you walk in, with the new boyfriend you met just last week. his big grin, he doesn’t know that you’ll leave him so broken and alone when it comes to an end” two beers in - free throw
“i miss the way you say my name, the way you bend, the way you break, your makeup running down your face, the way you touch, the way you taste” the death of peace of mind - bad omens
“and if you go, i wanna go with you. and if you die, i wanna die with you” lonely day - system of a down
“we still talk like every day, but we don’t talk in the same way that we used to” a part of me - neck deep ft. laura whiteside
“do you still think of me sometimes? were you ever even mine?” cameras & coastlines - smallpools
“life is crazy, baby, don’t forget the seatbelt” heaven, we’re already here - the maine
“i can take it if you need to take this out on someone” say anything - marianas trench
“maybe you weren’t the one for me, but deep down i wanted you to be” coaster - khalid
“moving on seems harder to do, when the one that you love moves faster than you” coaster - khalid
“if you wanted something more than you should’ve asked. would you please stop acting like the ex i never had?” ex i never had - lany
“can you tell i haven’t slept very well since the last time that we spoke?” stay - mayday parade
“i’ve been much better, but at least i’m healing. you know i haven’t slept since you left, but for me that’s progress” untitled - knuckle puck
“i’m sorry if i scared you when i slammed the car door” naruto themed sexting - panucci’s pizza
“they say that love is forever, your forever is all that i need” if i’m james dean, you’re audrey hepburn - sleeping with sirens
“i should not say i love you, but i feel it all the time” intersection - slaughter beach, dog
“i swear, this has gotta be the hundredth time i’ve thought of you tonight” your graduation - modern baseball
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villanellepolastri · 1 year
tagged by @give-that-wolf-a-pistachio thank you!!!
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up and tag 10 people
saddest generation - ider
everyone sucks but you - matt and kim
mango - grace mitchell
cameras & coastlines - smallpools
lonely - the wldlfe
upinflames - adam oh
getting older - coin
solid - muna
you shaped hole - baby queen
nice to know ya - carlie hanson
i tag anyone who wants to do this!!
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barricadebabe · 2 years
Barricade Babe - Grand Rapids, MI
This week I am changing it up a little bit and writing about two shows I went to this past week. This past week I attended a SmallPools concert at the Intersection (Elevation) in Grand Rapids and I also traveled to Frankenmuth, MI in a snowstorm to watch The Voortex Jazz & Blues Band with Papa Kiszka.
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SmallPools was joined by Dreamers and Young Rising Sons, their current tour is called “The Cameras & Coastlines Tour. So far the band has been to Nashville, Des Moines, Omaha, St. Paul, Grand Rapids, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, New York and Silver Spring.
The Outfit
For the SmallPools show I went with a new pair of Brown Urban Outfitters cropped pants and paired the rest of my pieces around these pants. I chose to wear my Velveteers baby tee shirt that I haven’t worn in awhile due to the colder weather. Lastly, I wore a faux fur jacket that I thrifted that day with my doc martens. It was warm enough to keep me warm during my walk from the car to the venue and took it off after the Dreamers set.
For the Voortex show, I was spending time in Frankenmuth all afternoon with friends while we handed out posters for an event my friend Peyton and I are putting on at Fischer Hall in Frankenmuth. On top of this, it had been snowing for Michigan for two days straight at this point and needed to wear something warm enough while we walked outside and enjoyed everything Frankenmuth has to offer in the winter! I wore a tan turtleneck sweater with my favorite Zara jeans and of course my doc martens. Couldn’t go without my winter jacket and scarf for this trip/show.
I showed up at the Venue for the Small Pools show at 7pm which was the time everyone was under the impression the first opener started. But the first act actually started at 8pm. I wish I would have known this was going in only because the venue The Elevation is a pretty small venue allowing anyone attending the show a great view of the stage. I used this time to walk around a little bit, check out the Merch, use the restroom and grab a water before the set. Granted I did all of that in about 20 minutes so I sat at a cocktail table until the first set.
For the Voortex show, we spent the whole afternoon/evening in Frankenmuth doing the things my friends and I do everytime we attend. When we first arrived we went to a local coffee shop and grabbed some hot drinks before we set off on our mission handing out posters promoting our show to the local businesses. It was a great afternoon in Frankenmuth, there were alot of tourists enjoying the Christmas/Winter activities and it was snowing giving the night a little bit more magic.
The Merchandise
The Rising Sons, Dreamers and Small Pools all had a decent selection of merchandise. I saw many people with posters the Dreamers and Small Pools were selling. They also had alot of really cool designs of hoodies, t-shirts and crewnecks. The first openers The Young Rising Sons were selling their merch/standing by their merch table after the set. If you wanted to snag a picture or get to know the band a little bit this was a great opportunity to do so.
The Voortex band does sell merchandise online, I do own a blue Papa Kiszka shirt I bought at previous event where they were being sold!
The Openers
The first band to open for SmallPools is the band, The Young Rising Sons. TYRS is a pop, indie pop, pop rock, alternative rock band from Red Bank, New Jersey. They are joined by lead singer Andy Tongren, Julian Dimagiba bassist, Steve Patrick drums and Max Iantorno. I thought they were a good opener to the start of the night even though the energy was not as high as I thought it would be. Granted it was a wednesday night and from what I could tell the concert goers who knew their songs were a little bit on the younger side, which I think is great but not as many people had heard of them until now (including myself). By the end of their set more people had started to trickle into the venue which I believe added to the energy at the end.
Dreamers was the second opener of the night. I am a small fan of Dreamers and have listened to their music before seeing them live. I was NOT disappointed to say the least. Dreamers consists of two main band members, Nick Wold the main singer/guitarist and Marc Nelson the bassist/keys. They were joined by another accompanying rhythm guitarist and an amazing drummer who totally killed it throughout the whole set. They put on an amazing show with great energy that definitely got the crowd going, not only did they get the crowd going but everyone in the band was also very energetic. I loved the lights and stage presence, definitely a great opener leading up to the Small pools performance.
The Performance
I have been an avid listener of Small Pools for a couple years now. When I found out they were going on a little tour and coming to where I live I knew I had to see them! I was very surprised with how amazing their performance was. The energy they brought to the stage and how they had the crowd full of strangers come together to dance/jump around together was great. I’ve been to shows where bands attempt at this and then play I kinda dull or not a fast paced song. But Small Pools did a great job of keeping the crowd engaged such as talking to people in the audience and interacting with them. They had someone throw a tambourine to the lead singer during the chorus of …… They also talked to the audience about a mic stand issue they were having on stage which just made you feel a lot closer to the artist and everyday things they may deal with. One of my favorite parts of the show was when the lead singer told everyone to put their phones away and he proceeded to pop into the crowd and sing the song with the crowd while jumping around with everyone. It was so cool to see everyone safely having such a good time together and living in the moment.
Over & Over
Stumblin’ Home
Passenger Side
Street Fight
Cameras & Coastlines
Mother / Creep
Life of the Party
Simulation / Everybody wants to Rule the World
Killer Whales
Million Bucks
The last two songs of this show were probably my two favorite, while performing Killer Whales SmallPools is notorious for throwing a inflatable killer whale pool toy into the crowd. I thought this was a really fun and cute way to end the night.
The Voortex Band always puts on an amazing performance, if you enjoy jazz and blues, and good conversation with amazing human beings I would recommend seeing them any chance you get! Typically the shows take place at local places. This show was at T.Dubs in Frankenmuth, a great local restaurant! It was such an intimate show where you got to enjoy good music with good food and drinks.
Overall, I really loved this concert night. It was so fun and it was the first show I went to solo in a couple years. It was a nice laid back show for a Wednesday night where I got to enjoy some live music by myself. The only thing I was a little disappointed to not see live was American Love. I love love love this song and it is the song I first discovered of Smallpools.
I love Voortex shows and I will continue to go to as many as I can because I love supporting small local bands. Until next time, I hope everyone has a good thanksgiving and see you at the barricade 🫶
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New Audio: The Offline Shares Breezy "Pour Nael"
New Audio: The Offline Shares Breezy "Pour Nael" @DeepMatter
Felix Müller is a Hamburg-born and-based photographer, composer and creative mastermind behind the cinematic soul project The Offline. Müller can trace the origins of The Offline to his travels along the the Atlantic coastline of southern France with an analog camera, capturing beach life. Upon his return to Hamburg, he started writing song as the sonic counterpart to his visuals.  The…
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freedomwhalewatch · 5 months
Discover the Majestic World of Australia's Whale Watching
A Symphony of Whales
The southern coastline of Australia, particularly regions like Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia, provide ample opportunities for whale watching. The most common species sighted include humpback whales, southern right whales, and occasionally, orcas and blue whales.
Humpback whales are the stars of the show, known for their acrobatic displays and extensive migration route. Witnessing their playful behavior as they breach and slap their tails on the water's surface is an unforgettable experience. The southern right whales, recognized by their callosities on their heads, often gather in sheltered bays to mate and give birth, offering close encounters for lucky onlookers.
Best Locations for Whale Watching
For an unparalleled Australia whale watching experience, head to locations like Hervey Bay in Queensland, renowned as the whale-watching capital of Australia. The calm waters here provide a safe haven for humpback whales and their calves during their migration. Another hotspot is Sydney, where whale watching cruises depart from the harbor, offering a chance to witness these giants against the iconic city skyline.
Further south, the Great Australian Bight in South Australia offers a unique opportunity to observe southern right whales up close, particularly around the Head of Bight. Here, the towering cliffs serve as a dramatic backdrop for these colossal creatures. Western Australia's coastline, including places like Albany and Augusta, also hosts these gentle giants during their annual migration.
The Experience
Whale watching tours cater to all levels of adventurers, whether you prefer a leisurely cruise or an exhilarating zodiac ride. Knowledgeable guides provide fascinating insights into whale behavior, migration patterns, and conservation efforts. Many tours also offer hydrophones to listen to the enchanting songs of these marine mammals.
As you scan the horizon, keep an eye out for the telltale signs: a spout of water, a flick of a tail, or a massive breach. These moments build anticipation until suddenly, the ocean erupts with the graceful presence of a breaching whale. Cameras click and hearts race as these magnificent creatures reveal themselves in their natural habitat.
Conservation and Education
Beyond the thrill of spotting whales, many tours emphasize marine conservation and education. Learn about the threats facing these creatures, including habitat loss, climate change, and marine pollution. By participating in responsible whale watching, visitors contribute to ongoing research and conservation efforts aimed at protecting these gentle giants for future generations.
Plan Your Adventure
Whether you're a seasoned wildlife enthusiast or a curious traveler, Australia's whale watching season promises a truly unforgettable experience. Remember to book your tour in advance, especially during peak season, and prepare for an adventure that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the ocean's most magnificent inhabitants. So, pack your binoculars, set sail, and embark on an extraordinary journey into the world of Australia's whale watching.
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coolyadventures · 6 months
From Humpbacks to Sperm Whales: Gold Coast Welcomes a Variety of Whales
Whales have long been the majestic rulers of the oceans, captivating the hearts and minds of people worldwide with their sheer size, grace, and mysterious allure. If you find yourself drawn to the breathtaking beauty of these marine giants, then the Whales Gold Coast is an experience you won't want to miss. Situated along the stunning coastline of Queensland, Australia, the Gold Coast offers a unique opportunity to witness a diverse array of whale species in their natural habitat.
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A Whale of a Time on the Gold Coast
The Whales Gold Coast experience is a must for any nature enthusiast or adventure seeker. From the months of June to November, the waters off the coast of Queensland come alive with the annual migration of humpback whales. These majestic creatures undertake an epic journey spanning thousands of kilometers, making their way from the cold waters of Antarctica to the warmer tropical waters of the Gold Coast to breed and give birth.
Witness the Magnificent Humpbacks
As one of the most iconic whale species, humpbacks never fail to impress with their acrobatic displays and haunting songs. The Gold Coast offers numerous opportunities for whale watching, whether it's from the comfort of a luxury cruise, a thrilling jet boat ride, or even from the shores of the beach. Keep your eyes peeled for the sight of humpback whales breaching, tail slapping, and spy hopping as they frolic in the azure waters just off the coast.
Discover the Enigmatic Sperm Whales
While humpbacks often steal the spotlight, the Gold Coast is also home to another remarkable species: the sperm whale. These deep-diving behemoths are known for their distinctive square-shaped heads and impressive size, with some individuals reaching lengths of up to 20 meters. Although sightings of sperm whales are less common than humpbacks, lucky visitors may still catch a glimpse of these enigmatic creatures as they traverse the depths of the ocean in search of food.
The Importance of Conservation
As awe-inspiring as whale watching can be, it's essential to remember the importance of responsible tourism and conservation efforts. The waters of the Gold Coast serve as a vital habitat for whales and other marine life, and it's our collective responsibility to ensure their protection for future generations to enjoy. By choosing eco-friendly tour operators and adhering to guidelines for responsible whale watching, visitors can play a crucial role in safeguarding these magnificent creatures and their environment.
Plan Your Whales Gold Coast Adventure Today
Whether you're a seasoned whale enthusiast or embarking on your first whale watching excursion, the Gold Coast promises an unforgettable experience. With its stunning coastal scenery, diverse whale population, and commitment to conservation, it's no wonder that the Whales Gold Coast has become a bucket-list destination for nature lovers around the world. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as you set sail to encounter the awe-inspiring beauty of these gentle giants in their natural habitat.
For more information please visit: https://coolyecoadventures.com.au/swim-with-humpback-whales/
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greywhalebaja · 1 year
Whale Watching in Baja: A Mesmerizing Wildlife Encounter
Baja California, a stunning peninsula located in Northwestern Mexico, offers a unique opportunity for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers to witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of whale watching in Baja. With its pristine waters, diverse marine life, and captivating landscapes, Baja has become a premier destination for this exhilarating experience. In this article, we will explore the wonders of whale watching in Baja, the best time to visit, and some essential tips for an unforgettable adventure.
Baja California boasts an impressive number of whale species, including the majestic gray whales, humpback whales, blue whales, and even the playful orcas. These gentle giants embark on their annual migration journeys, covering thousands of miles from the chilly Arctic and Antarctic waters to the warm breeding grounds of Baja. The calm and protected bays along the Baja coastline become their temporary home, providing an ideal sanctuary for breeding, calving, and raising their young.
One of the most renowned Baja whale watching destinations is the picturesque town of Guerrero Negro, situated on the western coast of the peninsula. From January to April, visitors can witness the remarkable gray whales as they arrive in these waters. These enormous creatures, known for their friendly nature, often approach the boats, allowing visitors to get up close and personal with these gentle giants. The experience of seeing a mother and her calf swimming gracefully in their natural habitat is truly unforgettable.
For those seeking encounters with humpback whales, the pristine waters surrounding Magdalena Bay and San Ignacio Lagoon provide a mesmerizing backdrop. Between December and April, humpback whales gather in these areas, showcasing their acrobatic displays of breaching and tail slapping. Adventurous travelers can embark on guided tours or boat excursions led by knowledgeable naturalists who share insights into the behavior and biology of these magnificent creatures.
If you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the largest animal on Earth – the magnificent blue whale. With their immense size and hauntingly beautiful songs, blue whales create an otherworldly experience for those fortunate enough to witness them. These gentle giants can be spotted along the Gulf of California, particularly between Loreto and La Paz. The months of February and March offer the best chances to encounter these majestic beings.
To make the most of your whale watching adventure in Baja, here are a few essential tips. Firstly, ensure you book your tour or excursion in advance, especially during peak season, to secure your spot. Dress in layers, as the weather can vary throughout the day. Don't forget to bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a camera to capture these breathtaking moments. Respect the guidelines provided by your tour operator to ensure the safety of both the whales and yourself.
In conclusion, whale watching in Baja California is an extraordinary experience that allows you to witness nature's grandeur up close. The peninsula's pristine waters and abundant marine life create a perfect setting for encounters with magnificent whales. Whether it's the graceful gray whales, the acrobatic humpbacks, or the majestic blue whales, each sighting leaves an indelible mark on your memory. Plan your trip, immerse yourself in the wonders of Baja, and embark on a thrilling adventure that will leave you in awe of these incredible marine creatures. https://www.greywhale.com/gray-whale-watching-in-baja/
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Dreamers – Brooklyn Bowl – Philadelphia, PA – November 13, 2022
The Brooklyn Bowl welcomed Dreamers to the stage on their Cameras and Coastlines tour along with Young Rising Sons and Small Pools. After their latest release, “Internet Junkie” fans were excited for the night they had ahead of them! 
Fans went wild during their set as they played songs including “Misfits T-shirt,” “Painkiller,” “Desensitize” and “Black Confetti.” Their stage presence was instantly captivating, and they immediately took control of the show. Throughout the entire set, they interacted with fans in the crowd and each other, making for a warm and inviting atmosphere.
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Vocalist Nick Wold filled the venue with powerful vocals and charisma. The energy level was high throughout the entire night, and the room was filled with voices of the crowd yelling the lyrics right back at them. The performance was upbeat and fun, and they put on a phenomenal show from beginning to end.
They expressed how excited they were to be back in Philly, and sharing the stage with Young Rising Sons and Smallpools. The energy in the crowd skyrocketed as they began to perform their latest release “Internet Junkie,” and excitement grew as fans joyfully sang and danced to the song.
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We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to sit down and speak with Dreamers before the show about their upcoming EP, plans after tour, and much more. (Interview available here: https://www.popentertainmentarchives.com/post/dreamers-catching-up-with) Make sure to check out and stream Dreamer's latest release “Internet Junkie” and keep an eye out for their upcoming EP!
Emma Fox
Copyright ©2022 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: November 21, 2022.
Photos by Emma Fox © 2022. All rights reserved.
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givemea-dam-break · 3 years
To Make Amends
a/n: after reading (and reblogging) like a million druig x reader fics, i have now decided that i must write one to satiate my obsession. i have no idea how this will turn out, nor how many people will actually like it, but i hope you enjoy regardless. should i make a part 2?? Warnings: some angst, mild implications of anxiety, mentions of death Words: 1.9K Gender-neutral reader part 2 (To Let Go), part 3 (To Spend Forever)
The Picardy coastline looks beautiful at this time of day, with the sunset turning the water into what looks like molten gold. A light, warm breeze brushes past, laced with the scent of sea salt and baked sand, a scent so calming you could fall asleep standing up. Birds sing distantly, their songs enchanting, and you hum your own tune, the French coming as easily to you as any other language in the thousands of years that you've lived. You could live like this forever, leaving your small cottage in the evenings to watch the Picardy sunset with your basket of pastries, freshly baked by the lady down the lane, humming sweet melodies that you've heard from the films she lends you for the long nights alone. Well, every night, really. It's been centuries since the Eternals parted, since your family broke apart, in a way. Maybe it wouldn't have if not for the rules you have to abide by; the Mahd W'yry that conflicted Thena's mind; the anger Druig felt within his very being for the limitations. Ajak determined that everyone could leave, live their own lives, and you had once believed that you wouldn't be on your own, that you'd have someone to share the rest of your eternal life with. But Druig left with a horde of mortals in his wake, not even deigning to spare a second glance. Not even for you. You can't exactly remember what brought you here, to your little home a small trek away from Abbeville, a small town in the northwest of France. Maybe it was the tranquillity, the quaintness of it all in comparison to the life you had spent destroying Deviants, watching the evolution of humans. Maybe it was the way it made you feel less alone, having the coast on one side and the town on the other. "Care for a financier?" you ask, feeling the multiple presences behind you before you hear them. "Madame Noémie made them a few hours ago, and I remember how much you like almonds, Kingo." "I forgot how well you could sense us," Kingo says, the sound of his voice almost foreign to your ears, but it brings a smile to your face. "It's not even your power, just intuition that I've always envied." A pause. "I do love almonds." Without turning, without allowing them to see, your smile grows. "I've known there was a day we'd end up reuniting, I hoped so, too, so I could get you to try one of these financiers. As for sensing you, it can be put down to the smell of Ikaris's pride." That sparks a laugh, a young one. Sprite. You've missed her laugh. You've missed them all so, so much. Finally, you turn, facing them all in the fading summer light. There's Kingo, proud as ever, with a small, round man beside him who points a camera towards you. "The great y/n," Kingo explains, speaking to the camera. "Provider of almonds, controller of light." Rolling your eyes, you cast your gaze to the others. Sersi, the same as ever, next to Ikaris who makes your joke reality, with his chest puffed slightly. Overconfident, prideful. He had never been your favourite Eternal. Little Sprite who is just as old as the rest of you but looks so below your age, seems so innocent. Thena, devastatingly beautiful and almost, almost stone-faced, but you see the quirk to the left side of her lips. Phastos, smiling faintly as your eyes meet, filled with endless knowledge. And finally, finally... "Druig," you say, somehow keeping your voice steady. "Abandoned your humans after all these years?" A smirk tilts his lips and if this were five centuries ago, it would've turned your stomach into a swarm of butterflies, your mind into a giddy mess. He left, you remind yourself. He left without a second glance back at you. "Not necessarily," he says, the lilt to his voice as mesmerising as ever. "Protecting the rest of them, too." "Where are the others?" you ask, tearing your gaze from the telepath. He doesn't deserve another second of your attention. "Makkari, we think she's with the Domo," Sersi says. "That's our next stop." "And Ajak? Gilgamesh?" Any happiness at the sight of you fades away in an instant. Thena's expression becomes horribly pained, and Sersi's
hand drifts to the hollow of her neck. Your arm drops in realisation, the delicate basket of warm pastries that had been tucked in the crook of your elbow tumbling to the ground and landing with a distant thud. "We don't die," you murmur. "We're Eternals. We don't die." "The Deviants are targeting us now," Ikaris says, voice blunt. "They killed Ajak and Gilgamesh and, somehow, absorbed their powers. Only one, but others are back." "That's not all." Sersi's expression becomes grave. "Is there anywhere we can... sit to explain this all?" You lead them to your lane side cottage, ever conscious of their presences, of his presence. He remains close, closer than you would've thought he'd stay, but never comes beside, or directly behind, you. Kingo and his assistant, Karun, walk with you and it's almost enough to make you smile again, hearing how your friend recalls how the myths of different cultures had once depicted you. "Light given human form," he explains. "Beauty given life." You roll your eyes once again, but your expression stays neutral. There's too much news, bad news, for anything more. You appreciate Kingo's words, how they've been formed to cheer you up, and they almost do, but with Ajak and Gilgamesh gone, truly gone, you're not sure how to process anything. Once everyone finds a place to sit or stand in your small living space, you cross your arms, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. Sersi explains how she and Sprite were attacked by a Deviant in London with healing powers like Ajak's. When they, and Ikaris, journeyed to South Dakota for her advice, they found only Ajak's body, completely drained of life and power. In her death, Ajak had chosen for Sersi to lead and gifted her the orb used to speak to Arishem, which Sersi did and discovered the plan of the Emergence, a little later. "If he manages to emerge," Sersi continues, "the whole Earth will die, and -" She's interrupted by a knock on the door. You turn your head, watching as Madame Noémie peers in, her wrinkled face sweet as ever. "Oh, Madame," you say, deftly switching to French as you head to the front door. "I apologise, but I'm a little busy right now." Her face only lights up. "These are the others? The ones like you?" "They are." "Does she know about us?" Sprite asks, frowning. "Yeah," you say in English. "We've known each other for thirty years and I've never aged, so I decided to tell her. She's no loose-lip, though, don't worry." In French, "I'm sorry, again, but please go home, have a sleep. Have you taken your medicine?" Your mothering, like you hoped, manages to steer her away with quips about how she can take care of herself and you watch as she trudges down the path to her lit house in the distance, not returning inside until you're sure she's safe. Turning back to the others, you say, "We need to get to the Domo to Makkari, formulate a plan. I'm going no further without her." -- It's been a while since you've spent time in a country as dry as it is hot, like Iraq. By the sea in France, there was always some sense of moisture, but the air here makes it feel like it's trying to suck the moisture out of your skin rather than provide you with any. Phastos leads the group, but you keep your distance from them all, still trying to process the information you'd been given five minutes, tops, to try and decipher. The grief tries to tug at you, tries to suffocate you and cut any and all air off, but you force it down. No matter how much you love - loved - Ajak and Gilgamesh, nothing will bring them back, so you need to focus on the task at hand. Someone, though, has other plans. "You sound French, now," Druig says, tucking his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. "Very different from how you sounded centuries ago." "A lot changes in five centuries," you tell him. "Especially when you're on your own. I had to sound French when I spoke it so people would accept me as one of them. And, believe me, I much prefer sounding French than I do sounding like you." "How you wound me," he quips, pressing a hand to his chest in
mock hurt. "Don't mock me," you say. "I'm not mocking you." You sigh through your nose, brushing hair out of your face. "Well, forgive me for not understanding the tone. I lost all sense of understanding you when you left me - us." That seems to hit something, judging the hesitation in Druig's words. "I've never stopped thinking about that night." "Probably because you feel so victorious," you say. "I admit it, you were right. I didn't want to watch the humans fight, to watch them die, and now we're having to do all we can to stop them all from dying." "I can't stop thinking about it because of how I left you." It almost stops you in your tracks, but you trudge on, aware of how Kingo has slowed his pace, discreetly listening to the conversation. Ready to step in, you realise, as he always had done when things became tense with you and anyone centuries ago. Old habits never die, you suppose. "You told me you loved me," Druig says. "That you didn't want to spend forever alone, you wanted to spend it with me." The words feel like jabs to your chest. "You said if you could choose anyone to spend the rest of our eternal lives with, it would be me and you'd never regret the choice. Do you regret it now, seeing as I'd left?" Yes, you want to scream. Yes, I regret it all. Letting him get close, letting him spend all those nights with you in search of comfort. You hate him, you regret it - but you don't. Not really. You can't bring yourself to regret it, not when you see the hint of pain behind his eyes. "No," you say. "I don't regret it. I just wish you'd had the decency to tell me you didn't feel the same before you abandoned us." "I want to make amends for what I've done," he says, keeping his voice loud enough for Kingo to hear, for him to know that he wants to do better. It surprises you, seeing as Druig has never liked your friend, and it almost warms you. "I wanted you to come with me, I wanted to go with you, and I'll never forgive myself for the way I left. Tell me, what can I do to fix this, fix us?" You hesitate. "Help us stop the Emergence, then we can figure it out from there."
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Permanent Chaos (5/?)
Pairing: MGK x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none
Part Summary: Colson and Y/N talk over coffee and Colson shows her a hint of what it’s like to be a part of his world. 
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The Starbucks in the courtyard has since emptied out with everyone having to return to work after their breaks. Colson and I are two of the only remaining people inside. My hands are wrapped around cup, it’s nice and warm. I had to remove the lid to cool down the substance. We’ve been going back and forth, sharing facts about ourselves. 
"Have you always wanted to be an actress?” 
Studying the dark brown drink in my cup I recall memories from before I moved here.“No, in all honesty. I never saw myself as an actress.” 
He doesn’t try to hide his surprise. His stunned reaction makes me giggle. 
"If you don’t mind me asking, why do you do it then?” 
I sway my head from side to side. “It sorta just worked out. I was out shopping with my mom one day when I was in high school. Nicole approached us. She was in town on business and encouraged me to at least visit Los Angeles so we could set up a meeting. The next thing I knew I was in auditions and I got my part on The Seasons of Life a few months later.” 
“Wow,” his brows remain raised as he glances down at his drink. “If you weren’t acting what would you be doing?”
Sitting up straight, I remember what I once thought was my dream life. “First I would go to college and…” I wave my hand, dismissing the thought. 
Colson presses for me to say it. “you’d what? Come on!” He chuckles, grinning brightly. 
Rolling my eyes, I tell him. “I’d go to art school.” I bite my lip timidly. “Yeah... that would be nice.” I pick at the cardboard wrap on the cup. 
There’s a comfortable silence between us until I change the subject. “Enough about me! What about you? If you weren’t a singer, where would be right now?” 
He looks over in the distance, almost envisioning where his life would be. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” he shrugs but is pleased, “I’ve always loved music. Being in music allows me to do what I love.” 
I nod, almost impervious of him and his contentment. 
“However,” he adds pointing at me. “If it were up to my parents, I would have some office job probably.” 
"Eh, those jobs are so bland. I vote you stick to concerts," I giggle. 
He laughs and it’s contagious. 
My gaze lands on his arm as he reaches for his coffee. His entire arm is covered in ink. I was taught by my parents to despise tattoos. My mom would say, “why would anyone ever be willing to damage their body like that?” Finn jumped on that bandwagon. Whatever Mom says is considered fact to him. For the longest time, I agreed with them. That is until I met Colson. He was made to have tattoos. 
 I’ve seen many people in this city with tattoos but his aren’t just markings for the body, they’re art. 
“Which one are you interested in?” He questions, watching me as I admire them. 
“All of them,” I mumble, examining each one individually in awe. 
Back where I’m from tattoos are frowned upon quite frankly. When you grow up in a place no different than Pleasantville, that’s what you get. Especially, in South Carolina. 
“Do you have any?” He asks with amusement in his voice. 
I shake my head rapidly, “never in a million years!” Comprehending how he could take my response as an insult I’m quick to explain. “I mean, I would never be allowed.” 
His brows scrunch together. "Never been allowed? You’re an adult. Who’s stopping you?” 
I can’t help but snicker a little. If only it was as simple as he makes it sound. “My parents, brother, Nicole, Steph..." 
Colson narrows his eyes at me as he leans forward in his chair. “You’re your own person. You should be able to make your own decisions.” His argument is lacking and quite frankly too optimistic. 
“It’s complicated…” My eyes fall onto my fingers picking at the cardboard rim of my coffee cup. 
“If you say so… except all of them are keeping you from expressing yourself.” 
I roll my eyes as my lips form a smirk. It’s unbelievable, he makes everything sound so black and white. “You’ll never understand,” I conclude. 
“I understand more than you think.” 
Lifting my eyes up, he stares at me with a sincere expression. 
“Prove it,” I challenge him. 
Based on the change of his features, I have given him exactly what he wants.
"If you say so, Princess," he chuckles, rising from his chair. I stare at him in confusion and he offers me his hand. "You coming?" 
I smirk, slipping my hand into his. He grins and bites down on his lower lip. I'm going to regret this. 
Driving around with a guy I’m only acquainted to is completely unlike me. Everyone who knows me would be beyond freaked out at the current scene. It's kind of riveting. 
“We’ve been driving for almost an hour," I snicker. 
“It’ll be worth it, trust me!” 
“Where exactly are we going?” 
“The mystery is half the fun!” Colson enjoys the antics. 
I reach forward and change the radio station. Yungblud's "Parents" plays and I leave it. "Love this song," I mumble to myself. 
Colson glances over me, evidently surprised. "You know Dom's music?" 
"What? Just because you view me as a 'goody-two-shoes' doesn't mean I live under a rock." I giggle and hold my finger for him to wait a second. He chuckles. I begin to rap the lyrics from memory. "Yeah, the teacher fucked the preacher. But then he had to leave her. Had to wash away the sins of a male cheerleader. Hi, nice to meet ya, got nothing to believe in. So let me know when my breathing stops!" 
Colson turns up the volume to blasting and we then shout the chores together. I can’t remember the last time I had the chance to drive with the windows down, blasting music, and acting my age. I’ve forgotten what’s it like to just be a young girl, not working all the time. 
Once the song fades out, he turns down the volume. 
"So, she can rap too!" Colson looks at me, rather impressed. 
I dismiss his compliment with a wave of my hand. "Only if I've listened to a song a dozen times." 
"Not gonna lie, that was hot," he chuckles. 
Warmth rushes to my cheeks and I struggle not to smile. My head rests against the window as I watch the ocean become a blur as we drive down the PCH. 
Colson drives down the road until there’s a dead end. To my surprise and then confusion, he parks the car. 
“We’re here!" He announces before jumping out of the car. 
There’s nothing here. Bushes, sad-looking trees, and dirt. I watch as he walks over to a clearing between some bushes. 
He peers over his shoulder. “You coming?” 
I take a deep breath and swing open the door. Following him to wherever we are, I spot a sign. 
                                   No Trespassing! 
“Hey Colson, that sign said no trespassing. We should go back.” 
He doesn’t even slow down as he walks down a weak path. “I’ve seen it, they never do anything.” 
With every passing moment, this road trip becomes more and more out of my comfort zone. Nicole and my entire team for that matter have guided me to prefer the indoors these past few years. I can’t remember the last time I spent an entire day outside in nature or not following a schedule. 
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel when the brush ends and the path opens up to a clearing. The sound of waves hitting the cliff before us echoes throughout the area. 
I cautiously step closer to the edge and look down to the bottom. “Wow!” I say to myself breathlessly. 
Colson peers down to the shoreline beside me. He then suddenly removes his jacket and moves on to his shirt. 
My jaw drops and I quickly direct my attention to the coastline far from him. I bring my hand to the side of my face shyly, blocking my sight of him undressing. “What the hell are you doing?” 
He chuckles behind me. I’m glad he can find so much amusement in my discomfort. “Cliff diving!” He says a matter of factly. 
“What! No you couldn’t! It’s illegal in these parts! You could get killed!” 
“Or, I’ll jump, have loads of fun and do it again!” He debates. 
I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. “Fine, you live out your death wish. I won’t be participating!” Whipping around and avoiding even sharing a short glance with him, I stomp toward the direction we came. 
He drops his shirt on top of his jacket in the grass and jogs to catch up to me. He squeezes my shoulder, using the other hand to plea with me. I whip my head around to face him. That's when I notice his tattoo-covered chest. 
“Oh let’s do it, Princess!" He encourages. "It’ll be thrilling! An adventure! Reckless! Something different!” 
Did he just call me Princess? No one has ever called me that and he has twice now. 
Colson takes my hand into both of his and I’m thrown off by the action.  “Be spontaneous with me,” he requests softly. 
Currently, I’m debating with myself. The youthful part of me is screaming ‘hell yes! Let’s do this!’ The businesswoman part of me is wiser than to take such a risk. I check over at the edge again. My willingness to do such a rebellious action is new to me. There’s no one here to see us. Paparazzi isn’t around to take pictures. Perhaps the cause of my newfound bravery is because of him. 
I take a deep breath and nod. “Okay, let’s do it.” 
As if he already knew I would eventually accept, his grin only grows. 
“Well then, I suggest you strip unless you prefer to sit around like a wet dog for the hour ride back.” He winks at me, biting his lower lip. 
In a normal case, I would be insulted by such a forward request but considering where we stand I find it humorous. After thoroughly checking the area for any cameras or strangers, I slip my dress over my head then kick off my wedges. An odd feeling stirs in my stomach and my heart is pounding. My comfort zone is shot to hell. 
Tossing my hair up in a ponytail, Colson scans my appearance. 
“Excuse me Mr. Baker, it’s not nice to stare,” I tease, yanking at my finished ponytail to tighten it. 
Unfazed, he snaps out of it and faces the shore. His hair wisps around in the breeze, falling over his face. The perfect strands are just as light as his eyes. His jawline could cut a diamond. His skin, as smooth as porcelain but covered in various tattoos. 
“Excuse me Miss Voss, it’s not nice to stare,” he repeats my words back to me. 
I snap out of my daze. “Wasn’t staring,” I argue, now turning towards the coast. 
“Nothing to be ashamed of, I know I'm hot.” His lips curve into a loose smirk. 
My time with him is often one big eye roll. I slowly approach the edge of the cliff, peering over. 
“Nervous?” He checks, looking down at the water for himself. 
“Nope." I lie. 
“Have you jumped from a cliff before?” 
I exhale deeply. “No.” 
He shifts his body to face me and I flicker my eyes to the side to meet his gaze. 
“And you’re not afraid?” He checks. 
“Not at all,” I admit without hesitation. 
He snickers, whether it be because he’s impressed or he doesn’t believe me. “How come?” 
I shrug, a brief hum for an answer escaping me. “The unknown doesn’t scare me, only challenges me… and I love a challenge,” I wink with a sly grin. 
His warm hand interlocks with mine and I nearly yank mine away yet because of the non-threatening look in his eyes, I stay. In fact, a part of me likes the feeling of his large hand in mine. It makes me feel safer than I have in quite some time. 
“On three” he exhales, staring off into the distance. 
I nod. 
“One," he counts. “Two...”
I exhale. I can't believe I'm doing this! 
"Three!" Colson shouts. 
I jump. Out of instinct, I squeeze Colson’s hand tighter. My voice travels in a scream as the two of us fall towards the crystal blue surface. He was right, this is such a rush! We torpedo into the water and the cold temperatures engulf me. Colson and I lose touch at some point then I kick to the surface. Wiping the excess water from my face, Colson pops up from under the water in front of me. Somehow even when wet and disheveled his hair still appears effortlessly pristine. 
“Wasn't that a rush!” His arm snakes around my waist. 
A part of me is begging for me to protest but I suppress that part of me. Instead, I rest my arms over his shoulders. He takes the opportunity to guide my legs around his waist. Shading my eyes from the sun with my hand I measure the height of where we jumped. 
Still struggling to catch my breath, I can’t help but smile widely. “It was a one-time opportunity!” 
“That’s up to you to decide!” he argues wittily. 
I lower my hand and his blue eyes see right through me. My eyes flicker down to his lips and impulsively, I slam my lips to his. I'm not sure what comes over me, but I needed to kiss him. Colson wastes no time, bringing a hand behind my head, deepening the kiss. We break apart only to catch our breath. 
“I believe you’ll prove to be a bad influence,” I say lightheartedly but between the lines with the utmost seriousness. 
“That depends on how you look at it,” he argues, his breathing inconstant.
Hungrily, he brings his lips back to mine and I melt into it. Colson is everything that’s bad for me. He’s an indulgence that’s disguising itself as a need. He’s toxic and I’m ignoring the warnings. The warmth of his palm radiates onto my face as he cups it. 
Against my lips, he grins. “You were spontaneous! Always be spontaneous!” His words, nearly sounding like a beg, settle in me. 
His crystal blues eyes stare into mine and I can’t help but be addicted. I'm falling for a fairytale.
Tags:  @canyoubuymetoast​ @bri-3530 @asil1652 @andstilltryingtofindmyself @nadia2021 @olafsidehoe @mgkobsessed @fairywriting101 @ferrell-cat @naylanae-0308 @tonystarkswife10 @alexsa56 @brocksbabyyy @stormrider505 @magnificenthumancopangel @sarcasticfangirlus @lilramencup95beech @missyviolet123 @skeleton-gxrl @glitterybearllamaflap @margaritaville20 @amoresixx @thysagclub​ @hockeybabe87​
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carelessannie · 3 years
lookin for love (in all the wrong places) chapter four
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
In CA:CW Steve kicks Spider-Man in the chest, awakening a soul deep bond and sending Peter into his first heat, before running away to Wakanda.
The soul bond, omegaverse, Spidershield angsty romance everyone needs.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Peter Parker Chapters: 4/ Word count: 6K Rating: E Warnings: depressive tendencies due to soul bond sickness, poor Peter, sad Steve, experimental medical treatments, angst Read it here on AO3 Title is from this song by Johnny Lee “Distracting with Affection” for @peterparkerbingo
It takes a few hours for them to receive a date and time.
Steve finishes a few bowls of oatmeal under the early morning light, unsurprised when Natasha disappears after their conversation with Tony. He already recognizes that look on her face— determination that dismantles governments and upends carefully laid plans. When she gets like that, there’s no standing in her way.
So Steve runs.
He starts down by the cavern and heads North, following the coastline until the sun is directly in front of him, and then he circles back.
Each footstep sings out the name of his soulmate:
Steve wishes he knew it last week, when their heat and rut were aligned. Hell, he wishes he had stayed long enough to learn it from the sweet Omega himself.
Each footstep reminds him of the failures he’s running from.
When he approaches their cabin, Natasha is standing outside. Her hair is up and her arms are crossed— probably the closest Steve has ever seen to looking disheveled. He slows gradually, coming to a stop next to her, “Hey. What’s going on?”
She just shakes her head and motions for him to follow, heading quickly back into the cabin. Their bags are thrown on the floor, several things either torn or missing. All of the food is pulled out of the cabinets, their beds are stripped haphazardly, and as Steve looks through the mess, he realizes every piece of electronic equipment is missing.
“What…” Steve looks up, but Natasha raises a finger to silence him. In her other hand, she’s holding a handful of small black chips— bugs. Listening devices and cameras. Dammit. Natasha sighs, depositing the group of spyware into a clear bag. Steve points a finger to his watch, holds up all five fingers— a silent signal for five minutes— and then points east.
Natasha nods and disappears into the bedroom.
Within five minutes, both of them have packed a bag and are hopping into the car. The gray Ignis has served them well up until now, but Steve knows they’ll have to ditch it soon. He lets her drive, to start. She tosses him their international phone once they’re a few miles from the cabin, “Read and discard,” Natasha instructs him, tone clipped.
Steve only spares a moment to read her expression before following orders. There are two messages on the phone and he opens the first one:
Oslo, Gardermoen. 12 08 2016. 05:14. D12. Ask for Mr. Parker at the gate.
Flight information then. Steve quickly memorizes it before moving to the next message, from a similar yet slightly different number:
Location compromised. Hold your designated resistance, avengers. 59.197, 37.948.
“Coordinates?” Steve rereads the message, as Natasha hums in confirmation, steering them effortlessly onto a main road. They’re headed east, and Steve does some quick calculations in his head. “Russia?” he guesses, based on values he’s memorized before.
“Tonshalovo in the Cherepovetsky District. I think the phrase is an acronym. I’m not positive who might be sending us encrypted warnings, but I have an idea.”
He reads the message again, putting together the first letter of the second phrase.
Steve dismantles the phone— pulling the sim card and battery out first, smashing both of them in his hand and pocketing half of the remains, shoving the rest into the seat cushion. He does the same with the body of the phone, separating each of the mechanisms and dividing them to dispose of later.
He sinks into the seat with a sigh. “So what— I fly home to my mate and leave you to fight Hydra alone? There’s absolutely no way.”
“I’ll do it, Steve— you know that.”
“Dammit,” he curses, “that’s not happening. We stick together, Nat, whether or not we head back with Stark.”
There’s no option Steve can accept where they would split up. He’s not sure who warned them initially, but even if it was Stark or Wilson or even T’Challa, he owes it to all of them to finish the job he started. Natasha shouldn’t have to manage it alone.
“It’s up to you, Steve,” she says, eyes still trained ahead.
“I know,” Steve agrees, closing his eyes with a sigh, “we need to head East and find a secure line along the way. I have a feeling my conversation with Tony isn’t going to be a pleasant one.”
Natasha shoots him a sympathetic look. He doesn’t want it, doesn’t want to think about what this choice means in the long run.
As they drive, he gives himself ten minutes to fantasize about a different decision. Instead of driving through Oslo, they would rendezvous at the airport. The flight is tomorrow morning, and Steve bets it wouldn’t be hard for them to find shelter for the evening, grab a meal and sleep off the stress of the day.
On the plane, Steve would have written his soulmate a proposal. An apology. He would have spent the hours it took getting back to the States dreaming of his Omega’s face— what type of skin he could have, his hair and eyes, even the shape of his nose and lips. Maybe he would sketch out options, throwing each of them away when his drawing could never come close, never even scrape the surface.
For a moment he imagines his Omega’s scent. It would blend well with his own, while still maintaining the tangy, sweet aroma typical to male Omegas. Steve’s been told— often, by Bucky— that his scent is a medley of angry gorillas humping a pine tree. On USO tours, female Omegas would coo about his earthy scent, loving the balance of summer grass and freshly fallen conifer needles.
Steve imagines that his Omega smells like sunshine, breaking through dense foliage and waking the earth below. Sunshine and oranges— indulgent, like Florida in the summertime. Hot, Miami beaches, shaded with the relief of cool mimosas and large expanses of water.
And Peter would be his oasis.
Ten minutes are over, and Steve shakes himself out of his daydream.
Instead, they drive through Oslo, heading East on E16 until they pass into Sweden. It’s simple enough to travel through the border, and they switch driving a few hours later. Steve guides them through the night and lets Natasha sleep, waking her up only when they connect to Route 74 in Gävle and turn South.
By this point, the sun is rising again and it’s been almost twenty-four hours since they’ve had a hot meal. Steve takes the next exit and stops at a small café, satisfied to see it’s opening for business.
“You take care of breakfast,” Natasha’s voice is certain as she swings open the car door, “I will locate a different vehicle and a secure line. I’m sure you’ll want to make… a call. Seeing as our flight was three hours ago.”
“Fuck,” Steve curses, scrubbing a hand down his face. Natasha gives him a smirk and struts around to the driver’s side door, motioning for Steve to get out of the car.
Before getting in the seat, she digs around in her backpack, pulling out a small billfold and slapping it into Steve’s waiting hand. “About three hundred Krona should get you enough food until we can get into Finland, okay? I’ll be back in twenty minutes.”
She’s true to her word. The money gets him a few dozen pastries and sandwiches, and Natasha drives back in a small Toyota just as he’s finishing a second bagel, thankful for the fresh food and renewed energy.
As they continue South, Natasha insists on driving and hands Steve an international phone, “Don’t ask how, but it’s secure.”
“Nat…” Steve tries to protest, but she just fixes him with a glare.
“Steve. Just call.” With one hand she flips open the phone and clicks through a handful of contacts, handing it back to him with a number highlighted.
He doesn’t bother responding, and hits the call button with a grumble.
It rings twice.
“It’s me.”
There’s a pause over the line. “What the— fuck you, Rogers. What the actual fuck? Where the hell are you?”
“We don’t have the time, Tony,” Steve cuts him off, “we’ve been compromised. Heading East, we think it’s Hydra underground. We have to finish this, and we have to do it now.”
“Of course, Hydra. Always Hydra,” Tony’s voice is distant, and Steve can hear him typing away on a keyboard, “So where are you headed? No, wait— let me guess… Russia?”
Natasha just shrugs, so Steve huffs, “Yes. We got a tip.”
“Send me the coordinates and I’ll set up—”
“No, Tony, you don’t have to—”
“Shut up, Rogers, god,” Tony sounds angry now, and Steve’s mouth snaps shut, “let me take care of some things for you, okay? Send me coordinates and find a way to contact me once you’re within twenty miles.”
It’s risky, but Steve agrees anyway. They’ll take any help they can get. “Thank you, Tony. We owe you one.”
“No, Alpha,” Tony sneers through the line. The honorary holds anything but respect, and sends Steve reeling for a moment before the other man continues, “it’s not me you owe. Remember that.”
His breath catches. “Can I… can I talk—”
“No. You find a way to see him in person, and I’ll allow it. Until then, you haven’t earned his time.”
Natasha gestures for him to end the call, and Steve chokes on another breath. It seems as though the distance between him and his mate grows wider with each passing moment.
He can’t respond, doesn’t know who’s calling his name, and the phone is suddenly snatched from his limp, unresponsive hand. All Steve can do is stare straight ahead.
“Yes… yes… less than twenty four hours… okay… okay I’ll tell him.”
There’s silence in the car as it speeds down the road, heading to the ferry and away from his soulmate. It’s light outside— sunshine, a painful reminder of what he’s running from. Sunshine that burns his skin with radiance and shame.
Natasha’s voice is soft, and he doesn’t deserve that. Doesn’t deserve the pity or the comfort she freely offers him.
“Alright, Steve. Don’t wanna talk? Fine. I’ll do that instead.”
He feels a small hand settle in the crook of his arm, and has to stop himself from pulling away as Natasha speaks, her voice little more than a whisper, “I went twelve years without my soulmate. We bonded in combat, and when the handlers realized what had happened, he was removed. I was sixteen, Steve. How old do you think your Omega is?”
Understanding what she’s implying, Steve whips around to face her and draws in a shaky breath, “I won’t do that to him.”
“Hush, I know that. I’m just letting you see that I survived, and I still have a sliver of hope. Even with governments and world leaders fighting against us, I know we’re destined for each other.” Natasha looks away and mutters, “Even if it’s just for a moment’s time. Even if it’s just another mission.”
You’re my mission.
Steve sits back, remembering the words Bucky yelled on the Helicarrier. Before Natasha can remove her hand, Steve clasps it between his own, squeezing her fingers comfortingly.
“Do you hate him for leaving you?”
Natasha glances over, meeting his eyes with a cool, fixed stare, “I did.” She turns back to the road and slips her hand out of his grasp, returning it to the steering wheel.
“But now I just hate the men who took him from me.”
Rolling the windows down, both of them sit in the silence as they trek the coastline. The October breeze brings much needed relief to the heat on Steve’s skin, and he lets his eyes fall shut.
He thinks about his Omega. He knows any amount of hatred is justified, but can’t help hoping that his young mate will wait for him without growing resentful. For the duration of their trip, Steve clutches his left arm tight— hugging close to his body the only bit of Peter he can claim for himself.
It isn’t until they’re boarding the ferry later in the afternoon that Natasha speaks to him again.
“Tony said he put your Omega on suppressants.”
“He what?”
Natasha covers her mouth, just barely stopping herself from smiling, “He said something about not trusting your patriotic ass to take care of the kid, so he’s put Peter on a few different suppressants for now.”
Deep breaths. Steve forces himself to inhale deep, controlling the wild anger in his Alpha scent, before exhaling out the stress. “Is it… is it safe?”
Now Natasha is laughing, shaking her head in exasperation as she watches Steve’s face in amusement, “Yeah, Steve. Herbal and synthetic suppressants tend to be doctor recommended for unmated Omegas.”
Steve snarls instinctively, “He’s not—”
“Come off it, Alpha. I know he’s yours,” the admission helps Steve calm down, even if Natasha doesn’t stop laughing, “but, without his Alpha, Peter’s body will do everything it can to secure him a mate. This will at least delay that process until we can get stateside.”
It’s not ideal, and Steve wishes he was stable enough to receive the news directly from Tony. He looks back out the window of the car, absentmindedly counting the vehicles in line ahead of them to board the ferry. They’ll ditch their ride as soon as they reach Finland, but until then it’s dangerous to leave it behind.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t get jealous, Alpha,” Natasha adds, already preparing to leave their car once it’s parked. “Tony doesn’t want your mate.”
Steve rolls his eyes, “And how do you know that?”
Now Natasha laughs, shaking her head and pinning Steve with a glare, “You’re an idiot. Tony’s an Omega, Steve.”
“I…” Okay, Steve didn’t know that. He assumed with the lack of scent that Tony was a Beta, or that something happened, like with Natasha. Regardless, something inside of Steve relaxes. “So… is Peter his son?”
That would explain the possessiveness from the other Omega, but Natasha just shakes her head again, “He doesn’t have any biological kids, but Tony’s definitely been known to pick up strays. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve formed a pack bond.”
“Maybe,” she admits, “I’ve never met the kid, so it has to have been recent.”
The radiator ticks and crisp, autumn air blows through the open windows steadily. Steve runs a few fingers through his hair. He’s not unfamiliar with pack bonds— even before they presented, he and Bucky had formed a strong bond that only intensified as they had their first ruts. Even now, he’s intensely protective of his best friend, and Steve can’t imagine what a maternal bond must be like for two Omegas.
He shudders thinking about it, and hums, “I guess I know Peter will be well taken care of, then.”
Natasha stares at him for a moment, assessing, before pulling the keys out of the ignition and gracefully climbing out of the car. It’s settled inconspicuously in the lot, and Steve watches her carefully tuck the keys into the sun visor. Whether they decide to take the car or leave it, at least it won’t be completely stranded.
The trip through the Åland Islands should take close to ten hours if they’re lucky. Natasha waves their ticket packet at him and starts towards the elevators, leaving him to follow with just a call of, “Eighth deck, Alpha.”
Everything about the ferry is small and functional, and it reminds Steve a little bit of the SHIELD accommodations that he had for a few weeks after coming out of the ice. They end up walking to the end of the hallway before reaching their room.
“Spacious,” Natasha deadpans as she swings open the door.
Steve can’t help returning the sentiment as they take in the cramped cabin, fitted with an outdated television and minimal bathroom. The bunks protrude from the left-side wall, and come close to hovering over the corner desk and chair.
“At least there’s a window, right?” Steve chuckles, letting his bag drop to the floor, “Are you okay taking top?”
Natasha winks at him before flinging her belongings up to the higher bunk, “Why Captain, if you wanted to bottom, all you had to do was ask.”
He feels himself flush at the hidden meaning, but laughs instead, following suit and tossing his bag onto the second bed. “How about you buy me dinner, and we’ll go from there?”
“Sounds like a plan, Alpha,” Natasha holds up a handful of meal passes, grabbing Steve’s arm to lead him out of the room, locking it shut as they walk away.
Mr. Stark has been acting weird since his last heat. He knows it’s because the older Omega feels protective, maybe even possessive, but Peter’s started to avoid calls and check-ins. Honestly, he’s fifteen. He needs space.
But apparently no one else agrees with this conclusion.
If it’s not Mr. Stark, MJ and Ned are breathing down his neck, demanding his time and attention. And then, when he’s home, it’s Aunt May and even Happy checking up on him and asking personal, invasive questions.
Peter realizes something actually might be wrong when he spends an entire week locked in his room after school, lights off, and refuses to patrol at night.
He’s never felt like this before, and it scares him.
“May,” he calls out, already concerned at how weak his voice is, “Aunt May!”
It’s eerie how familiar this feels— sitting, helpless and alone, in his nest, waiting for someone to come save him. Aunt May pushes into the room and makes an injured sound, approaching his nest timidly, “Peter? Honey? What’s going on?”
She reaches to feel his forehead, and the touch stings, causing him to pull away with a hiss. He can’t be near her, can’t get close to her— his body won’t let him.
Peter doesn’t even have the energy to cry.
And for the first time since this started, he curses his Alpha. His damn heroic soulmate, who had to go off and save the world, and left him here, alone, to suffer. Fucking Captain America, the Alpha of his dreams.
For a moment, he hopes Steve can feel every ache and pain he’s had to experience. But that only lasts for a moment. The violence and rage of the thought helps sober him, clearing his mind, and he listens to Aunt May talking steadily on the phone as he traces the words on his arm mindlessly.
“... might need to come get him… no, he just rejected my touch,” Peter flinches, instinctively moving further away from May into his nest, “... whenever you can… would it be safe?... anything, Tony… he can’t live like this.”
She hangs up, and Peter cracks open his eyes to see her pulling items out of the closet, stuffing his clothes and books into a few bags.
“Wha’s… wha’s go’n’ on?” Peter slurs. He tries to sit up straight, but ends up slumped against the nearest wall. There’s a rattling noise nearby, and he focuses on it, trying to find the source.
“God, Pete— you’re shivering.”
Oh. The rattling is coming from him.
“Mr. Stark is coming. He thinks one of his doctors has something that will help you get better.”
Of course, he can’t answer her. She moves to touch him again, and he can’t help the wounded howl that escapes his lips, warning her to stay away from his body. She might be crying, Peter can’t tell. He wiggles further into his nest and wishes that the lights would turn off.
There’s a click of the door opening, and muted voices surround him.
“... safe to move? I didn’t realize…”
If Peter could perk up, he would. He knows that voice. That voice means home and warmth— things he needs so much more of. A familiar scent surrounds him, and Peter reaches for it blindly, thankful when strong arms surround him and tuck his face in close.
“M’ma,” he sighs into warm skin, barely stopping himself from mouthing to try and coax out more of the comforting aroma.
“I’ve gotcha, bambino, you’re safe.”
Peter closes his eyes, more than willing to give himself over to the calm waves of his Mama’s scent, surrounding him and enclosing him in safety, if even for a moment.
He knows it can’t last long. It never does.
And, just as he expects, Peter’s woken up by the steady beep of a monitor nearby, the chatter of a far away conversation, and the disarming smell of a sterile and clean environment.
All traces of his nest and his Mama’s scent are gone, and he pushes himself up to better take in his surroundings.
“We gotta stop doing this, kid.”
“Ma— err,” Peter stops himself, unable to meet Mr. Stark’s eyes as the familial nickname almost leaves his lips again, and he corrects himself quickly, “Mr. Stark, what’re you doing here?”
Mr. Stark moves across the hospital room and settles himself on the bed next to Peter, carefully rearranging wires and shifting Peter to the side so he can recline. Peter doesn’t expect it when Mr. Stark turns, sliding his legs under Peter’s, and pulling the smaller Omega almost entirely onto his lap, secure in his arms.
Peter leans into the embrace and settles his head on Mr. Stark’s shoulder. He’ll take what he can get.
Mr. Stark whispers something, but Peter misses it, “What? Sorry.”
“I said,” the older Omega starts over, looking directly into Peter’s eyes, “you can call me Mama if you’d like. God knows we’ve got the bond to show for it.”
There’s warmth and rare vulnerability in Mr. Stark’s gaze, something Peter knows he’s unlikely to see again from this man. “Okay, Mama,” he tests it out, smiling as Mr. Stark’s scent flares with pride and satisfaction. He’s never had that with Aunt May, and never had it with his parents either. It’s warm, it feels right, and the pack bond swelling between them helps ease the ache his soulmate has left.
“What happened?” Peter asks after relaxing further, letting Mr. Stark pet his hair affectionately.
“What do you remember?”
He thinks for a moment, “I remember needing to be in my nest and not wanting to be around anyone else… and then suddenly a week had passed, and I hadn’t gone out to patrol.”
The memory causes him to whine in mild distress— it doesn’t make sense. He’s never been one for laziness or sulking. When he’s sad, Peter usually resorts to working more, not cutting back.
“Do you remember me coming to get you, bambino?” Mr. Stark asks, voice soft.
“Not really. I remember not wanting to be touched, though.”
Mr. Stark hums thoughtfully and continues stroking Peter’s hair. He seems to debate something before making eye contact again, “Alright, kid, I’m gonna give this to you straight. Initially, after your bond, you went through a presentation heat and a stress heat a few weeks later. The doctors think this was your body’s way of trying to bring back your Alpha. After that failed, your bond sickness worsened to the point of depression— not just mental depression, but bond depression from being rejected by your mate.”
“But I… I never was with my mate,” Peter argues. It makes sense, but the possible implications are demoralizing.
“I know, I know— but your body doesn’t know that. I went through this kid, okay? Your hindbrain doesn’t know any better, and just assumes you’ve been rejected because of the separation. And…”
He pauses, looking away with a concerning grimace on his face. It makes Peter nervous, and he tugs on Mr. Stark’s sleeve, “What, Mama? And what?”
“The way it’s going,” Mr. Stark sighs, giving Peter a sad smile, “your body is slowly killing you.”
Peter’s not sure what to say to that. There’s no emotional response— instead, he feels numb. This feels expected. And he’s not surprised at all.
There’s a single tear track down Mr. Stark’s face, and Peter brushes it off with his thumb. Their scents mix together in melancholy. Peter’s not sure what to say, so he just waits. If anyone has a plan, a solution to his problem, it’s his Mama.
And sure enough, Mr. Stark suddenly sits up straight. He turns so they’re facing each other with a determination Peter is all too familiar with, “I’m not gonna let you die.”
“Is there… is Steve…”
Mr. Stark shakes his head, “No. No, I’ve got doctors here. They have… it’s a suppressant mix that helps with bond depression. Your Aunt wants to give it a try, and I think it has real potential. You just…” he looks down, taking Peter’s hand in both of his, “you just have to give us the green light, okay? It’s just a few shots, and then weekly appointments to monitor you.”
“Are you sure it’s fine with my… Spider stuff?”
“Yeah, I’ve analyzed it, and we’ll keep checking in,” Mr. Stark squeezes their hands together, forcing a reassuring smile, “and I’m gonna get you better, okay?”
He trusts Mr. Stark indubitably. Even now, his limbs feel heavy and all Peter wants to do is curl up in his nest— so different from his usual energy and excitement. If there’s a way to fix that, he has to jump on it.
He needs to last long enough to meet his Alpha. Eventually.
“Yeah, Mr. Stark. Whatever we need to do.”
The shots are easy. Two in his left shoulder, and one in his right that leaves the taste of cinnamon in his mouth. By the time he’s done eating dinner that evening, his body feels incredible.
Peter didn’t even realize the depression had dulled his Spidey-senses until they came back full force.
Mr. Stark offers him a stay in the compound for the evening— the hospital is in the first level of the basement, and it’s an easy walk up to the apartments and Mr. Stark’s bedroom.
He makes sure to video call Aunt May after dinner, letting her know he’s already feeling better. She coos over him and frets until Mr. Stark takes the phone away.
“He’s fine here, he’s in the best hands possible under the care of the greatest doctors in the world, May. Trust me, trust him, trust the god of thunder or something— you into Norse mythology? No, probably not.”
Somehow, his rambling calms her down, and they all decide to turn in for the night.
It should be weird, sleeping over like this. After Mr. Stark offered him a position with the Avengers— living at the compound and everything— he could never have seen himself actually fitting in here. And now, the compound is practically empty.
Peter knows Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts spend most of their time in the city anyways, but the large, expansive emptiness of the place is almost haunting. It speaks of missing teammates, vacant rooms and dust build-up on equipment that should be in regular use.
He’s sure new members will move in eventually, but for now, it feels good to fill up the space with their warm, combined scents. Peter wants to roll in it.
They curl up in Mr. Stark’s nest with hot chai and turn on Mythbusters, yelling corrections at the screen periodically, until both of them are laughing so hard their drinks spill. Mr. Stark doesn’t seem to care, and throws a towel down so they can repeat the process again.
Peter understands that what he has with Mr. Stark is unusual, especially for his age, but— having grown up without his mom or dad— he feels no guilt or shame indulging in the care that the older Omega is freely offering. He lets himself daydream for a moment about spending time with Pepper as well, being enveloped in a small family and considered theirs.
Even if that perfect picture of their family is incomplete.
Because for as close as he presses into Mr. Stark’s side and as much time he spends buried in the Omega’s nest, there will still be a gaping hole where his soulmate is supposed to fit.
No amount of cuddling or suppressants or crime-fighting will fill his Alpha’s spot.
But damn if Peter isn’t going to try.
Mr. Stark is waving his arms, trying to explain why the mechanics of a duct tape trebuchet are fundamentally flawed, when Peter taps his arm, getting his attention. The other Omega comes grinding to a halt— almost visibly so— and turns animated eyes down to where Peter lays across his chest, “What… what is it, bambi? Was I doing it wrong?”
The confusion makes Peter laugh, shaking his head, “No, no, I just have a question.”
“What is it, kid?” he asks, turning the volume down on the television.
“When you were in the cave in Afghanistan, how did you deal with the bond sickness?”
“Oh,” Mr. Stark’s expression softens, and he helps Peter sit up to face him, “real conversation time, I guess—”
“— if that’s okay,” Peter cuts in, “I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable…”
“C’mon kid, there’s not much that could make me uncomfortable at this point,” Mr. Stark jokes, but the humor doesn’t meet his eyes. Still, he continues, “So, when I was in Afghanistan, that’s when I built Iron Man— which you know already. And before getting on the plane, that’s when Pepper and I bonded as well.”
He stops, staring past Peter into middle distance, “I’ve never felt like that before in my life, Pete. Similar to what you’re going through, and then they stopped feeding me and added water torture to top it off. I wasn’t able to distinguish the bond depression from the actual, physical pain until about a month in, when they wanted me to build the Jericho.”
“Didn’t you have a heat, like mine?”
Mr. Stark shakes his head, “No, I’ve had implanted suppressants for decades, and they kept me from having a heat like that. I had to make a choice, though. Not just for the ultimatum they gave, but for my life and my purpose, I guess. And I chose to fight. I built the armor of course, but when they asked what supplies I needed… I asked for reams and reams of paper.”
Peter furrows his eyebrows, “Paper? Like for blueprints?”
“Some,” Mr. Stark agrees, “but I started writing letters.”
Definitely not what Peter was expecting.
“I started by writing letters to myself. It was easier to yell at myself and give myself a hard time when things weren’t looking up. And then… suddenly my letters weren’t to myself anymore. I didn’t address them at first, but I started writing letters to my Alpha.”
“Oh,” Peter breathes, hand shooting out to grab Mr. Stark’s arm.
“Yeah, bambino,” the Omega gives him a wane smile, “I wrote dozens of letters to an Alpha half a world away, not yet bonded, and unsure if we would ever be together. For the last two months, it felt as though she was sitting next to me, calling me back to her.”
Tears are already forming in Peter’s eyes, and he wipes at them ferociously, “But, you had control of that, Mr. Stark. You escaped, you made it back home to your Alpha. I have no idea where my Alpha even is!”
“Okay, kid, but think of it from Pepper’s point of view. She spent months waiting for her soul words to smudge across her arm, waiting for the day I turned up dead— never having the chance to hold her mate for the first time.”
Peter’s tears fall freely now, and he can’t help the sob that bubbles up.
Mr. Stark scoots closer, “But I was fighting for her— for me, for us— the whole time. God knows I wish it wasn’t Steve of all people you were waiting for, but if I know anything about that man, it’s that his loyalties run deep. My mistake was thinking that applied to our friendship.”
“B-but, he didn’t choose me!” Peter chokes on the words, admitting his rejection and letting bitter shame fill his scent.
And it hurts. Allowing it to be true, allowing himself to accept his pain hurts. Mr. Stark reels him in and Peter buries his face in the worn cotton of his t-shirt, letting himself wail and wail, knowing only the bots in the lab and Friday are nearby to hear him.
If he weren’t enhanced, he probably would have missed the damp patch forming in his hair, or the small, hitched breaths coming from Mr. Stark— but he registers them, nonetheless, and pulls back in horror to find the other man’s face streaked with tears, eyes red and skin blotchy.
“Pete,” he whispers between his own tears, “he’s choosing you, kid. I’m choosing you, okay? You gotta know that, Omega.”
He doesn’t know that, he’s never known that— not when everyone he’s ever loved has been ripped away from him mercilessly. But, looking up into Mr. Stark’s steel-set eyes, overflowing with conviction, Peter finds himself nodding along.
“Want that,” he mumbles, nuzzling back into Mr. Stark’s neck, letting the other Omega tuck them in tight as they drift off to sleep.
“Gonna make sure you get it, Peter,” he hears just as he fades into the comfortable warmth of sleep.
Dear Peter,
“Wow, that’s the worst,” Peter grumbles, crumpling up the entire sheet of paper. Absolutely not. He can’t write a letter to himself, what was Mr. Stark thinking?
Hey asshole,
That seems a bit better.
Hey asshole, Stop being sad. From, Yourself.
Peter looks down at it, frowning at how dumb the words look on the large piece of paper.
He crumples that one up too.
I wish you were here.
Okay. That’s a bit better. Honest. Genuine. Simple.
I wish you were here. I wish we didn’t meet in the middle of a fight. Sometimes I wish I’d never met you at all. Do you even know my name?
Peter folds that one in half, shoving it in a shoebox under his bed before starting over.
Oh, that feels weird. He crosses it out and starts over,
Steve, Alpha, Do I call you Alpha? Mr. Stark says you don’t like the traditional dynamics that much, but you’re like ten years older than me, I feel like I need to call you Alpha or Mr. Rogers or something. Oh god.
Peter goes to throw that one away as well, but something devilish inside has him folding it instead, slipping it into the box with the other one.
If his soulmate doesn’t have a sense of humor, why bother?
He tries again,
My Soulmate, It’s been three months since you kicked me in the chest and left me for dead. It’s been hell, that’s what it’s been. There’s a part of me that hopes you are suffering just as much as I am, but when I really think about it, I don’t hope for that at all. What is it about fucking soulmates that has us caring for each other instantly? I’ve had so many friends to lean on during this, but the emptiness you left behind aches with a ferocity I wasn’t prepared to handle. I want you to know… I don’t hate you. At least, I don’t think I do. Mr. Stark says loyalty is a big thing for you, and I understand why you did what you did. He’s hopeful you’re fighting to get back to me because “that’s the type of man he is, Peter,” but I don’t know you. I just know myself. And I’m not sure I’m worth fighting for. Anyways, I hope you can feel some of me wherever you are. God knows I can feel you, all the time. I wish you’d come back, at least come look me in the eyes and see what you’ve walked out on. Shit that sounds pathetic. Forget I said that, I’m thriving, Alpha, and don’t need no man! Come home to me… I won’t give up on you, Steve. Yours.
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