sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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rddrgn · 6 years
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Tired of Tomorrow
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feelingthesensation · 10 years
dammit dani follow me back omg
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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Butterflies mean I am free.
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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For too long I struggled with loving myself. Having low self-worth and even lower self-respect put me in situations that devalued who I am as a woman and who I am as a human being. A cycle began of trusting the wrong people, people that could see this weakness and new exactly how to take advantage of it for their own gain. I loved myself less and less and less until eventual I decided to take my own life. I did not succeed. I began a journey that I know will take the rest of my life. I decided to cut off the people that have been using me, hurting me, and lying to me and am now working everyday on something powerful: self-love. Here is a testament to where I am on my self-love journey. I will make shrines to myself and decorate it with the promise of never letting myself go down that dark path. I will make billboard if my love for me and build it with actions I take to show that I will never give anyone power over me. I will make monuments and construct it with pure and uncompromising love. I deserve a love without conditions, without compromises, and without heartbreak. Real love doesn’t kill you, real love makes you stronger and I can give myself the gift of that. I am a goddess and I am worship myself.
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 5 years
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AU Ryan is an amateur vlogger hoping to make it big. One night Ryan experiments with lsd &witness the supernatural. Little does he know the only thing he witnessed was the true form of his neighbor Shane. Finding humor in Ryan’s fear, Shane (a high ranking demon) decides to follow him around on his hunt to prove what he saw was real. In the process the two actually become friends.
Chapter One
Chapter One: First Contact
Ryan was relatively new to the apartment building but, being the quick learner that he was, it didn’t take him long to get into the swing of things. As far as he could tell there were about eight dogs that lived on his floor. Only seven of them actually went out for walks but when they did it was a shit show. Literally. Two of the dogs were behaved enough to not need a leash, three of them actually listened, one was simply a terror, while the last was the spawn of the Dark Lord.  
           The owners were all on the same schedule which meant lots of barking and shouting and threats of biting or being sued. Piss lined the hallways with promises of “I’ll clean that up when I get back!” that were never kept. It was chaos for everyone that happened to be home at 8 am, 12pm, 6pm, or 9:15 in the evening.
           Most people stayed in their apartments for the fifteen minutes it usually took for the ordeal to be complete but Ryan was different.
           Ryan glanced down at his watch to check the time: 8:00 am.
           Immediately doors opened to fill the building with quick yapping and frustrated shouts.
Ryan turned on his GoPro. There was only one thought in mind: This is going to be great content.
           Though Ryan was an assistant manager at a local clothing store, his true passion was creating content to be consumed by the masses. He started a YouTube channel about a year ago that so far had 64 subscribers (thirteen of whom were actually loyal). The channel itself went through many phases from “DIY” to “Travel” but so far Ryan has stuck to vlogging about four times a week. The rub was that nothing ever really interesting happened to Ryan and it wasn’t like he was Mr. Popular that had a ton of friends he could parade around on camera.
           But that was fine. He was inventive. He had ideas.
Ryan whipped the door open eager to find the chaos of wild, domesticated animals yet he was met by calm energy. Dog and owner glided down the hallway as if that was the norm. There was no snipping, there were no threats, but worst of all there was no noise.
           For about a minute he stood in the hallway with his camera rolling on nothing. It was easy to say that Ryan felt cheated but mostly he was shocked. The man had lived there for a month and three days in the same routine. What on Earth could possibly change things so drastically? Anything short of chemicals in the air or divine intervention was not accepted as an answer.
           The sound of a door closing and locking captured Ryan’s attention. A brief whistle filled the air as a giant of a man sauntered his way down the hall. Ryan had noted brief glimpses of the seven foot tall individual but had never seen him so close. He had no idea they lived on the same floor and though it seemed totally illogical his instinct was that the giant had something to do with the dogs.
           “Morning,” he mumbled as he passed.
           “Morning,” Ryan replied.
           There was one word for the guy: smug.
To Continue Reading: go to FanFiction or AO3
Credit for the Gif goes to: @makemadej
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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sonfluwer13 · 4 years
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