#sonchi(?) sunya(??) idk
oneokkombat · 2 months
If when johnny and kenshi met they definitely hated each others gut, I feel in the scenario when sonya and suchin meet they should get along like immediately.
It’s definitely a situation of “matching each other’s freak” and it is shocking because both are the type of people who have so many trust issues it’s hard for them to like easily get along with people, but they click immediately.
I feel it would be in the situation they are chasing the same enemy (black dragon probably) and they are on way opposite sides (sonya and the OIA, the legal way and suchin from a way less legal way) but they already have too much shit going on to add another enemy, so they kinda go “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” route and it works out so well.
suchin admires sonya’s no bs attitude and leadership skills and sonya admired suchin’s fighting skills and quick thinking in kombat
And they both think the other is sooo hot
Im just so insane about them and what we could have if they meet like they would cause the biggest motherquake.
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