gray-moon-eating · 3 years
🩸MoonCycle Tips🩸
Hello, darlings! Now, I know that this is a strange topic to discuss, but as someone that experiences a MoonCycle, {or a menstrual cycle} I have noticed some things that can make the experience worse for me. I don’t want any of you to go through the same agony that I went through, so here are a few tips.
🩸Eat. Please. Your body feels sick and awful and your cravings are going to be explosive. You need to eat food. 600 kcal is the minimum. Eating that much may be challenging for a few of you, and I don’t want you to stuff yourself until you’re sick, but please eat enough to be comfortably full.
🩸Water is your best friend. Drink it. During your cycle, your body is going to retain water and make you constipated, bloated, and just generally hurt your digestive system. Drink water to flush this all out. Not diet soda. Not monster. Water.
🩸Speaking of monster, no caffeine. None. It will make your Premenstrual Syndrome {or PMS} kick into overdrive. Caffeine is a stimulant. Combine its normal effects with the hormonal nightmare your body is going through and you will feel like literal hell.
🩸Light exercise makes the pain go away. Doing some gentle yoga and meditation will help with your cramps more than you think. It’ll stop the constant cramping and clenching of your muscles and provide you with comfort.
🩸Heating pads are heaven. Those, hot water bottles, or whatever else you use. They are the greatest thing ever. There’s a fantastic website called Somoko that sells stuffed animals that have heating packs in them.
Feel free to add your own tips and advice to this if you have any. I worry about my darlings and want them to be as safe and comfortable as possible. I’ll always open to talk if you need it. I’m here for you, my darlings.
🥀Stay Safe🥀
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twosidedsol · 11 years
I really just wanna write about my characters and rp my characters and create entire universes especially made for my characters and live through their tough times and their good times and their sad times and their happy times with them. And I want to be bruised with my characters and get sick with my characters and feel loved with my characters and have fun with my characters. And I want to draw amazing art of my characters and get my character tattooed on my body and I just want to drown myself in my characters and their stories right now.
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williechou · 4 years
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草木及四分之三聯手推出了七種不同風味面貌的甜點盤, 這兩家其實我都吃過, 草木前陣子有寫過他們的食記, 四分之三應該要追溯到四五年前了, 在我還沒那麼認真當吃貨的時候, 有興趣可以去翻翻我以前的照片。 好!來說說這次吃到的甜點們吧~ 檸檬塔 檸檬酸度算是適中, 不過酸到讓人皺眉的程度, 帶著檸檬皮屑的清香跟蓬鬆的蛋白霜, 還有鬆脆的塔殼, 在嘴裡的層次豐富。 粉紅泡泡 莓果帶著微酸, 搭配上鬆軟的海綿蛋糕口感, 讓原本單調乏味慕斯口感多了一點存在感, 下方些許的果醬還有薄片, 請到了畫龍點睛的功能, 也讓果香更厚實了一點。 赤崁黑糖瑪德蓮 鬆軟綿密的瑪德蓮帶著滿滿的蜂蜜甜味, 然後拌入小塊狀的台南本地赤崁黑糖, 在濃濃的蜂蜜味中, 微微的散發著不一樣的黑糖香氣跟甜味。 波爾多軟木塞 帶著脆度的外表就先贏了, 他的外殼硬度沒有到Kadoya 的硬度高跟厚, 算是大家會喜歡的程度, 內部是濕潤軟Q的, 甜度稍微高一點, 也許是因為前三道有兩道是酸味的甜點, 所以甜度才會特別明顯, 看得到裡面是有加入香草籽本人的。 鹹蛋蜂蜜費南雪 這款的蜂蜜香氣跟瑪德蓮的香氣不一樣, 是比較清爽的蜂蜜味, 偏乾爽, 咀嚼時可以嚐到微微的杏仁香氣, 然後口感明顯的是鹹蛋黃獨特的沙沙感, 甜度跟軟木塞比較之下明顯降低, 讓費南雪跟鹹蛋黃甜與鹹的衝突減少不少! 而且他們的厚度比較厚, 所以吃起來口感更好 二頭肌芋泥泡芙 他的芋泥量乍看下不多, 但是放進口裡的味道卻比想像中的濃, 蒸熟的芋頭被草木用他強而有力的二頭肌, 切塊、弄碎、到磨成泥, 然後過篩的最後如和菓子豆沙般的質感, 再跟其他液體的原料拌過後, 呈現出來像是蒙布朗外層栗子泥般的質感, 然後��到泡芙前先擠上些鮮奶油, 增加潤口度,小小一顆吃下來不甜不膩, 只會讓人覺得一顆不夠, 請再給我一顆! 不! 拜託請給我大顆的! 隱藏版: 吃不太出是何種口味的海綿蛋糕, 到底是鹹蛋黃還是南瓜, 也許是原味但那顏色實在太橘紅, 我捉摸不著, 中間夾著些許的鮮奶油, 然後灑上碎碎的鹹蛋黃, 鬆軟溼潤的蛋糕體, 搭配上鹹蛋黃, 跟台式蛋糕的口感不一樣, 他吃起來更為柔軟, 但又比戚風濕潤。 作為一個結尾的隱藏版, 我覺得可以, 因為給了我一種意猶未盡的餘韻, 讓人下次想再來拜訪! 普羅旺斯落日 柳橙、紅柚柑橘類的水果, 再搭配上白桃茶的口感及香氣, 讓原本看起來只是柳橙為主的水果茶, 多了不少的香味層次及口感, 我一開始還以為是加入芭樂���, 後來一問,原來是白桃茶, 讓柳橙的味道溫潤順口不少, 可以推薦給喜歡柳橙但是又想多點變化的人! 這次來參加草木×四分之三法式甜點×葡蒂美吉 花藝師用半透明的紗帶出一點國外那種戶外宴客的感覺, 每個桌上的花材大致上是類似的, 但也別於夏天花鮮豔的顏色, 這次的花顏色都是屬於彩度沒有那麼高, 帶點粉橘,粉紅的顏色, 有點像是莫蘭迪那種感覺, 畢竟時序已經過了中秋, 不再是奔放顏色鮮豔的夏季, 而是進入一種給人比較沈穩的秋季, 充滿大地色的季節, 但是花的顏色, 又讓整個空間帶有一點活潑感, 不會死氣沈沈的。 以前會覺得一家甜點的重點是在食物上, 但是現在的店除了食物要好吃之外, 就是硬體部份的裝潢, 加上社群媒體的發展之下, 進而產生出所謂的網美文化, 除了食物要拍得好看, 就是人入鏡時, 整體的風格也很重要; 但現在又更進階了, 就是除了變動不大的裝潢之外, 就是軟性裝潢, 尤其是開始有許多甜點店跟花藝做結合, 除了食物可以帶出季節的轉換, 從最早的乾燥花, 到現在的不凋花或是鮮花, 但新鮮的花材最容易感受到季節的改變, 畢竟每個字季節的品種不一樣, 或是從一片綠意盎然的自然景色, 慢慢轉變成黃、橙、紅的顏色, 就知道秋天已經悄悄地來臨, 但是室內要如何展現這種變化, 就要看花藝師的Sense, 因為基本上不會有太過大量, 畢竟不是在做大型展示, 而是在看似平凡無常的裝飾中, 讓你感受到季節的轉變, 但你又不知道是那裡不一樣, 這就是花藝師創造出來的魔法! #3.4_patisserie_life #四分之三法式甜點 #草木 #somoko #ptimage #dessert #dessertaholic #flower #葡蒂美吉 #flowerworkshop #autumndessertfestival #crossover #lemontart #pinkbubble #mousse #madeleine #canele #brownsugarfinancier #tarocreampuff #saltedeggspongecake #fruittea #whitepeachtea (在 四分之三法式甜點 3/4 Pâtisserie) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGqwVIdMG5l/?igshid=1md723wnhy0wq
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