#sometimes the soft animal of your body is actually written in Python and that's okay
ineffablefool · 11 months
It's not really an ask, more a statement: your Good Omens fanfictions have managed to completely derail my Saturday. They're so charming and adorable and cosy, I have spent the majority of the day under a blanket on the sofa reading. They also speak to my soul, also being Ace, it's so beautiful to read stories without having to skip through massive sections that gratuitously describe sex. That's all. Thank you.
Aww, thank you for this statement! I mean, theoretically you had something else planned on that Saturday (this message has been waiting in my inbox for a week and a half), but I feel like as alternatives go, "lying under a blankie on the sofa reading" is a pretty good one. I might be inclined to do it myself if my house contained a sofa.
Also, fun fact, those wishing to shove All The Asexual Content into their eyeballs may wish to peruse the works of AO3 users hope_in_the_dark and IneffableDoll. There's a bunch of people with a bunch of wonderful ace Ineffable Walnuts stories, but I'm pretty sure Hope and Doll are both with me on the "only writing that forever" bandwagon, meaning a 100% match with Ah Yes This Is The Thing I Was Looking For.
I hope you have a super good next 24 hours after you see this response!
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