#sometimes it’s nice to take a break from discourse and gush about the babies lol
vampish-glamour · 3 years
Hello fellow ragdoll owner, I see you are also a woman of culture. Honestly not surprised they’re one of the dumbest cat breeds. The only reason I don’t consider mine my dumbest cat is because she is slightly less aggressively stupid. More just passively stupid. Also I want to know more about your cats!
Hello! I wasn’t surprised either. I mean, mine is sort of at a disadvantage because he’s blind in one eye (it’s lazy), so he probably lacks depth perception and has a hard time moving around like a regular cat lol. He moves slowly and tends to creep up on things, then slams his head into them in attempt to do the graceful headbutt/“this is mine” thing cats tend to do. Except he is in no way graceful.
I think ragdolls are considered stupid because of how docile they are. It makes them total sweethearts but not very smart looking in comparison to something like a Siamese. Also, they’re related to Persian cats which are usually #1 on the dumbest cat breed list.
But they’re also trainable to some extent! Mine can sit either by being told to sit or with a hand gesture, and comes when he’s called or when you pat the ground/chair/etc. Very good boy.
I’m just going to describe the personalities of him and the others, because weirdly enough pictures and names feel private?
So we’ve got the dumb ragdoll lol. He’s super sweet tbh, senses when people are upset and will sit with them. There’s been times where I’ve been curled up either sick or crying and he’ll come and curl right up to me, which is really nice because anybody who’s ever touched a ragdoll knows how comforting they are (for anyone who hasn’t; SOFT and FLUFFY). He has a habit of following people around at night, and will literally follow you up and down the hall endlessly (I’ve tested it). He likes feet and WILL attack them. So that bit makes him a little bit of an asshole, as well as his plastic chewing habit which has victimized some of my art supplies cases.
The other three are from the shelter so I can’t give breed specific details.
The smallest one is extremely feisty, and he kinda scares me. He has these huge eyes that are super cute until they’re used to stare into your soul. He’s a tiny ball of anger and will scream at you until you cuddle him, and will literally eat off your plate while you’re still eating if you’re not careful. He’s definitely the leader of the bunch. He has a favourite toy that he “catches” and then drags around the house while meowing. It’s a really distinct meow and according to the internet this is him saying “I’ve caught something!!! I’ve got prey!!! Do you hear me???”. He’s also really in tune with people’s emotions and will be the first to come sit with you when you’re sick or upset. So he’s a sweetheart, he’s just scary as well.
The first one we got is a total sweetie. He’s the cuddliest thing, and absolutely loves to be pet in any way imaginable. Like any “don’t pet a cat this way” doesn’t apply to him, because he very clearly loves any type of attention he can get. If you let him, he’ll sit in your lap for hours. He purrs really loudly too, like you can hear his purring from the other side of the room. So he’s really nice to cuddle up with, and he’s very happy to cuddle. He looks kinda scary because he glares at people, especially when you laugh at him (he KNOWS). I think he might get separation anxiety, because I’ll often hear him crying at night, and when I go to check on him he’s pathetically carrying around a toy. So I play with him for a bit then go back to bed.
Then there’s the youngest and newest addition to the family. He’s really sweet, but a bit of an asshole in the typical cat like way of “lol I know you’re calling my name but I don’t care”. He seems to like to be held, and likes to sort of drape himself over either one of my shoulders or across both of them. He’s a pretty big boy, like he’s almost the size of the ragdoll. He doesn’t cuddle much, but he’s super playful and is really fun to play with simply because of how adorably happy he gets. He steals people’s food, but tends to go after fruit. He really likes bananas, and will go out of his way to eat them. So they’ve had to be placed out of his reach. I feel like the best way to sum up his personality would be “goofy”?
I love them all so much 🥺💖
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