#sometimes i wish more ppl would play aai1 and then i remember the vending machine milk and im like hm maybe not //
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crowfaraday · 1 year ago
✨EN / JP vending machine dialogue comparison✨
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compiled for reference + with some brief descriptions of the original items! also yes the really cursed milk joke is exactly the same in the original text
(contains miles + franziska's JP/EN dialogue for each item, theres a lot of text after the cut)
1.) EN / JP [Hot Dog / ホットドッグ] note: the JP dialogue also lists payne as being the one who thought of the description.
Edgeworth:"When you're in hot water, you might need a hot dog." Edgeworth:.................. Edgeworth: Hm... It looks like this slogan was decided through a public contest. Edgeworth: And the winner was... Prosecutor Winston Payne...? Franziska: Hmph. What a pathetic slogan. No presence at all! Now, if it was up to me, it would read... Franziska: "If you leave matters in a Von Karma's hands, everyone in court will be found guilty dogs!" Edgeworth: ............Objection! Franziska: Overruled!
ミツルギ:『有罪で、ほっと一息ホットドッグ』 ミツルギ: ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ミツルギ: ふむ・・・・どうやら、 公募によって決められた名前のようだな。 ミツルギ: 命名者は亜内検事、 か メイ:フン。気の弱いことね。私ならこう名づけるわ。『狩魔に任せておけばほっといても全員有罪ホットドッグ』 ミツルギ: ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 意義あり! メイ: 却下よ!
2.) EN / JP [ Beef Jerky / 饅頭] note: the original item here in the JP release was a box of manjū. the description is probably a pun on shinsou (truth) + shiroi (white) referring to the white cream in the middle of the bun. a close approximation of it is probably something like "Get to the bottom of our most delicious case yet! The proof is in the pudding!"
Edgeworth: "Don't be a jerk in court like these beef jerks!" I see... Franziska: Objection! Miles Edgeworth! Wouldn't you agree that it's a very clever pun? Edgeworth: Do you really think they put that much effort into the product name? Franziska: Even a foolish fool could understand the foolish thinking of the fool who made it up! Franziska: You're acting so foolishly that I got so thoroughly mad, and am now utterly famished! Edgeworth: ......If you wanted a pack of these, all you had to do was ask like a normal person. ミツルギ: 『真相は白いアンの中まんじゅう』・・・なるほど。 メイ: 意義あり! 御剣怜侍! うまいことを言った、とでも思ってるの? ミツルギ: それなりに考えられた名前だと思うが? メイ: バカが考えたバカげたシャレ���、バカがバカな理解を示している。 メイ: バカバカしくて、 腹立ちまぎれにおなかがすいてきたわ! ミツルギ:・・・・・・食べたいなら、すなおにそう言えばいいだろう。
3.) EN / JP [ Ham Sandwich / カツサンド] note: the original item here was a katsu sando.
Edgeworth: "Don't let the prosecution and the defense make a ham sandwich out of you!"...? Franziska: It sounds like it's directed at that ham of a Judge. Edgeworth: Well, it certainly isn't directed at me. I can out-maneuver him any day. ミツルギ: 『検事と弁護士にはさまれて、もう限界カツサンド』・・・・? メイ: 無能な裁判長の叫びのようね。 ミツルギ: 私には、まだまだ余裕があるように思えるがな・・・
4.) EN / JP [Orange Juice / 伊予柑] note: the original item here was a lyokan.
Edgeworth: "When it's looking bad, blind your opposition with some OJ!" Are they promoting violence? Franziska: Don't worry. My whip will make sure that anybody following this advice won't be for long. Edgeworth: (Compared to the sting of a whip, the sting of orange juice may not be so bad...) ミツルギ: 『困ったら目つぶしイヨカン』 犯罪を助長してはいないだろうか。 メイ: そんなものなくても、私にはこのムチがあればじゅうぶんよ。 ミツルギ:(法廷にムチを持ち込めるなら、目つぶしくらいカワイイものか)
5.) EN / JP [Milk / 牛乳] note: this joke is basically exactly the same as in the JP text.
Edgeworth: "Defendant's Fresh Milk!" ... What exactly is that supposed to mean? Franziska: I bet it means the milk is freshly milked by various defendants on trial right now. Edgeworth: No, I think it might mean that this was milked right here from the various defendants. Franziska: Miles Edgeworth... You can't possibly be serious! Edgeworth: ...Of course not.
ミツルギ: 『被告人の、しぼりたて牛乳』 どういうイミだろうか? メイ: 被告人がしぼった牛乳、ということでしょう。 ミツルギ:いや、裁判でしぼられた被告人から出た牛乳ということも考えられる。 メイ: 御剣怜侍 ・・・・まさか、本気で言っているわけではないわよね? ミツルギ: ..........もちろんだ。
5.) EN / JP [Swiss Roll / とら焼き] note: the original item here was dorayaki. the description “dorayaki together until the gong/bell goes” is because they're shaped like gongs ("dora"="gong")
Franziska:"Stay neutral as the Swiss do until the end with these!" ...The end of what? Edgeworth: Well, I assume it means the end of the trial. Edgeworth: I suppose this means that one should eat them during a recess...? Franziska: You can't eat during a trial, so I suppose the only time you can eat them is now, huh! Edgeworth: I wouldn't mind if you wanted to eat one now. They come in packs of two, after all. Franziska: Hmph. We're in the middle of an investigation! Besides, I don't have $6 on me! Edgeworth: If you want, we can pool our money and buy a pack together. Franziska: If I have to split it with you, then I don't want it!
メイ: 『ドラがなるまで一緒どら焼き』ドラがなるまで? ミツルギ: おそらく、ドラというのは開廷の合図を指しているのだろう。 ミツルギ: 休廷中に食べるということか...? メイ: 法廷では飲食は禁止されているわ。 食べるのなら、今のうちね。 ミツルギ:食べたいのなら、構わないが?ちょうど2個入りのようだからな。 メイ:今は調査中よ。それに、600円も持ち合わせていないわ。 ミツルギ:ならば私のお金とあわせて買えばよいではないか。 メイ: あなたに同情されるくらいなら、食べなくてもケッコウよ!
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