#sometimes i think i spend too much time thinkin abt them and just make up that connection in my mind but.
3416 · 1 year
i can’t believe yesterday was real....
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angeltrapz · 3 years
SAW ask time 💚 wld love to hear abt chainshipping + Adam bein autistic— maybe like what Lar notices abt Adam’s stims, things he does for him/ways he helps when Adam needs it. Also for Eric/Adam, maybe any thoughts on Eric finally like.. realizing he’s got a special interest?? ik we’ve talked abt how hard he masks but bein around Adam (n Mallick) helps him relax abt that, so like maybe how does he react + what is th special interest? anything u wanna dish abt!
thank u it’s always SAW ask time in my heart <33
!!! I was just thinkin abt tht!!! our minds 💫
I think th first time he rly sees Adam stimming (i.e. flapping his hands) he’d be like “what’s that?” but not in a rude way - genuinely a tone of “I want 2 know more abt this thing, pls tell me” rather than anything anywhere near condescending/annoyed/mean-spirited like Adam has dealt w fr YEARS at this point. so he’s definitely put on edge a lil bit bc he can’t help it, maybe he starts to like wind down and force himself into quiet hands, but Lawrence is immediately like “no I wasn’t making fun of you!! u don’t have to stop doing it!” which kinda stops Adam short like. what r we doing here. usually when ppl ask me tht they’re also telling me 2 stop. finally Lawrence says “I was just wondering what kind of stim tht was,” like he didn’t almost (accidentally) uproot Adam’s whole shit + is currently Doing So Now by using actual terms tht Adam didn’t know he knew, n so he like takes a moment to absorb tht comment n then he’s like. “oh. it means I’m happy or excited?” and honestly? when Lawrence hears tht? he’s like “oh... so then you’re rly happy? 🥺” n it’s just like. a moment fr both of them lol. (Adam feels Much safer discussing things after tht too, in several ways. it definitely helps w building trust between them!!)
after that though Lawrence definitely takes notice of more things! he’s not afraid 2 ask questions, so tht’s smth tht’s rly good fr them - Lawrence being able to seek information (he also does his own reading + research) to better understand, n not in tht shitty mommy blogger “I know yr in there somewhere” way. he doesn’t want 2 change Adam. he wants a better grasp on wht Adam’s experiences r like so he can help n minimize stress abt certain things. fr Adam tht’s definitely like.. foreign territory, bc as u’ve mentioned b4 + my personal hc as well, his parents didn’t really care 2 get him formally diagnosed + even acted like there was No Way he cld be neurodivergent in any sense, so 2 have some1 who is interested n respectful is So important 2 him. (personal hc time: I hc Adam as both adhd AND autistic like me so there’s tht!!)
so like he takes notice of th way Adam likes 2 roll things btwn his fingers (shirt sleeves, shirt hems, hoodie drawstrings, blankets, soft fabrics he likes the texture of, etc.) n is just like Oh Idea. I like 2 think he gets Adam one of those bead lanyards (like this one, which I also have!) fr him to fidget w n he kind of presents it like “I thought maybe u wld like smth like this?” n honestly he’s a lil nervous abt what Adam is going 2 say. but Adam takes it n holds it fr a minute, rolling th beads n messing w th lanyard itself 2 kind of test it, n he just looks up n smiles n he’s like “I love this. u’ve been paying tht much attention??” n fr Lawrence it’s just like “yes? of course? bc I love u?” like it’s th simplest thing in th world n Adam’s just. Huh. no he does Not tear up, if Lawrence told u tht he’s lying. he’s just Rly not used 2 ppl who want 2 know more without wanting to “get inside his head” or belittle him fr it (ties into my hc tht fr th most part, Adam hasn’t rly had any Good friends...) so it takes a lil getting used to.
another thing!! Lawrence does is ask 2 listen 2 Adam infodump abt his special interests - esp photography!! like they do this thing where if it’s not too late at night by th time Lawrence comes home frm work, Lawrence will take a quick shower n then get into his pajamas n into bed (just fr some quiet quality time b4 they go to bed, bc he still tends 2 come home a bit late), n he’ll have Adam sit next 2 him n he’ll be like “what do u want to tell me?” bc tht’s another thing tht Adam was entirely unused 2 - having ppl who didn’t just tolerate his infodumping, they wanted to hear it. Lawrence might be th first person to not actually give him shit fr it/tell him he’s being annoying/shut him down completely. again, it takes Adam a lil bit to b fully comfortable w it, but once he is he adores having tht time to be excited abt things w another person! who he knows Wants to listen!! (if we’re going th route I personally like 2 think abt sometimes too, where Lawrence is autistic as well, I feel like they infodump back n forth abt photography n medical stuff. do either of them rly know what the other is saying? not rly. are they listening happily bc that’s their partner n it’s smth they’re excited abt? oh absolutely!)
I think Adam has a tendency to eat a lot of th same foods bc they’re safe n he knows he likes them/doesn’t mind their texture (which is a big issue w trying new foods fr him), which is smth tht Lawrence also takes note of and as such, he likes 2 make sure they’re regularly stocked up on at least some of tht stuff. it’s not even smth he tells Adam he’s doing, bc it’s rly tht simple 2 him - Adam likes these things n therefore we shld have them at th house - but fr Adam it’s just One Of Those Things, y’know?? he got so much shit as a kid fr being such a “picky eater” n got shit fr it as a teenager too bc “why don’t u ever try anything new??” was smth his friends/parents Loved 2 say. it’s th fact tht Lawrence rolls w it so easily, doesn’t poke or prod for reasons he eats th way he does, and doesn’t get upset w him fr it/try 2 force him into things he isn’t comfortable w. it means a lot to him, more than he’ll ever have words 2 say (but he does always kiss Lawrence’s cheek when he gets back frm th store n he sees some of his same foods, which is just as good). it’s loving tht he’s autistic because it’s a part of him, a fact, not despite or in spite of. tht’s what’s so nice n kind of healing abt it; feeling safe 2 express yrself as u are w a partner who u know u can trust. who maybe words questions a bit funny sometimes, completely unintentionally, not out of malice (where allistic Lawrence is concerned, anyway). Adam feels Safe, n tht means a lot 2 him.
as fr ways he helps him!! a big thing is tht Lawrence is observant, esp as they spend more n more time together. a lot of th time, even when it’s just th two of them alone, Adam might have trouble maintaining eye contact fr an extended period of time, n Lawrence might not know how much it Actually helps, but he doesn’t mind tht Adam doesn’t always look at his face when they’re talking. it’s smth tht takes a little getting used 2, but he was never shitty about it w Adam. the way he sees it is if it makes Adam more comfortable, why shld he get upset abt it? it’s not like he doesn’t know when Adam’s talking 2 him anyway, or tht he can’t tell if Adam is listening; Lawrence knows both of those things, so Adam not making eye contact isn’t a problem, y’know? it’s okay. n I rly don’t know if Lawrence is fully aware of how much Adam appreciates tht.
another thing is he’s patient + understanding when Adam is nonverbal, whether it be bc he’s having a shutdown/meltdown, sensory overload, or just plain Difficulty w speech. it kinda depends on what I’m writing at th time, but I feel like Adam might have picked up at least a lil bit of sign language here n there; mostly simple phrases tht get th point across. I like 2 think Lawrence learns what they mean so he can take tht stress off of Adam’s shoulders, but most times, Adam is just comfortable sitting in silence w someone he cares abt.
OH brief thing Lawrence is RLY good at helping w pressure stims. he gives amazing bear hugs n I feel like he’d also probably let Adam lay on him if they’re on th couch/in bed. I just Feel It.
OHH I think abt Eric finally developing a special interest now tht he feels more comfortable w doing so a lot. honestly I kind of rly like th idea tht his special interest might be info abt rats! it kind of hits him when he catches himself writing down lil facts (tht might not even be related to pet care!) in his notebook so he’ll remember them + always being excited 2 learn more n share what he’s learned. it makes Adam SO happy to see him being comfortable w tht aspect of himself, esp now that he’s safe to explore it w ppl who understand n who won’t discourage him/belittle him for it,, Mallick too of course, but Adam knows how much Eric struggled w tht kind of thing for such a long time so he’s just. Ah. 🥺🥺
like they’ll all b chilling on th couch (Eric, Mallick, n Adam) n Eric will have his head against Adam’s shoulder while his hand is on Mallick’s chest, who has HIS head in Eric’s lap w his legs dangling off th armrest, n he’ll be like “did u know tht when rats r happy, they grind their teeth together? it’s called bruxing n then sometimes their eyes move in their sockets rly fast while they’re doing it. tht’s called boggling.” n Adam will be smiling so wide when he says he didn’t know tht but it’s rly cool!! n then Mallick will start asking questions n he n Adam just listen while Eric infodumps fr probably th very first time since he was very very young, before it was masked out of him by his parents. n he finds tht he Doesn’t feel so bad abt it anymore, not when he’s around ppl who want him to be happy and want to see him be happy - esp ppl who encourage it n let him know it isn’t smth he has to hide/keep locked away. it’s hard 2 b ashamed of himself when Adam n Mallick r looking at him w genuine interest in their eyes n so so much love.
he might still like, slip back into masking behaviour every now n then, bc it’s something he’s still dealing w n learning 2 leave behind, but after he discovers his first special interest it gets a little easier, letting go of that way of life. it was smth he was forced into by adults who didn’t actually want th best for him like they said they did when they put him through “therapy,” but w partners he knows understand n who are even autistic themselves, Eric slowly learns 2 be more comfortable w it. it’s slow, but it’s progress. bit of a learning curve. he’ll get there.
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mx-sfthrs · 5 years
bf kihyun
Tumblr media
ugh i love his orange hair it was such god tier jakjsnskskk okay so
i see kihyun as the type to not like pda or even like hanging around you too much when youre in public/at a party??
not like he doesn’t love u or like being w u he’s just an independent person and needs space so you guys don’t rlly hold hands or anything when u go out and when ur at a party you guys will prob spend a little over half the time w other ppl
behind closed doors OOH this boy is a whole ass baby
like when it’s just you two he rlly likes attention even if it’s just you leaning on his chest during a movie or putting ur legs over his while u do some work on the couch u know
biiiiiig sucker for your puppy eyes he can literally never say no to you when u use them
he also takes pictures like Everywhere u go
rlly likes taking candids of you too
his lockscreen is a pic he took of u from behind looking over a cliff on a hiking trail
his homescreen is another candid he took of u daydreaming while outside the window of a cafe
*click* “whatcha thinkin about, y/n?”
he rlly liked that moment so ya homescreen cos he likes to rmbr it everyday
when you’re in a bad mood or kind of annoyed at him he’ll throw cheesey pick up lines and shamelessly flirt with you until you smile
i feel like his love language is quality time so he’s rlly down for anything as long as it’s with you
gives rlly good advice and likes that you genuinely care abt his opinion
he’s a good cheerleader? like if you’re studying real hard he’ll make sure to walk by and say some encouraging words or bring u some tea or a snack
he knows that you’re driven and hard working and he doesnt like seeing u stressed out but knows that sometimes that’s how it b so he just tries helping u through it
big softie for butterfly kisses when he’s sleepy
not rlly big on pet names
“well i just think your name is beaitiful as it is so why would i call you anything else?”
but like also sometimes a babe or two slips in there
also he stresses like WAY too much over the house plants lmao
in conclusion: yall may seen distant on the outside but behind closed doors he loves HARD
gif source
mx bf series:
shownu | wonho | minhyuk | hyungwon | jooheon | changkyun
if their name isn’t underlined i haven’t posted it yet but i will soon!
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squidbatts · 5 years
Tell Me (is it worth it?)
A necessary conversation after a graveyard scare
((it is, as always, Peter Loving Hours and im still thinkin abt m23 (and janine) so Have This. full spoilers to s7m23 but possibility for minor implications to m32. 
potential tw for discussions of depression and a near death experience))
The run back to shelter is quiet.
Five signs him a quick “Are you alright?” but he waves them off.
“It's been a long day,” He signs back, and nearly laughs at Five's scrunched-faced scowl that so obviously says You think?
Nearly, because it's then that Janine decides to look over her shoulder at the two of them. Their eyes meet for the briefest moment before Peter redirects his gaze up at the dark, grey sky.
He can feel Janine and Five still looking at him -- even half wonders how they're looking, if they're worried or annoyed or upset -- but he refuses to look back down, even when he stubs his toe on a rock because he's not looking where he's going. It hurts, obviously, but it’s leagues better than what he'd been preparing himself for today.
He grimaces.
Definitely too soon for jokes.
See, Peter knows he shouldn't have tried to sacrifice himself for the greater good or whatever. He knows that he gets stuck in his own head, that he's not doing great on the whole “being happy and enjoying his life” thing, that he turns half his conversations into embarrassingly self-deprecating circle jerks about how he can't die or the ways he should've died or just how bloody awful he feels all the time, but, well, if wishes were horses and all that.
When they reach Sage’s beach, Dennis gives them an awkward smile before quickly walking away -- because what else are you supposed to do when you're leaving a bunch of strangers who just heard you try to end it all? Really, Peter would love to know the answer to that one, if anyone's figured it out -- but Sage stops to look at Peter with his unfairly perceptive eyes.
“Thank you for your assistance on this operation, Colonel Sage,” Janine is saying, but Sage just keeps staring Peter down.
“If you don't mind me saying so, Colonel De Luca, I think that your runners would benefit from some rest,” Sage says, finally looking away from Peter, though his body is still turned towards him. “Today has been… taxing. For all of us.”
“We really must keep going if we're to reach our lodgings for the night by sundown-”
“You could spend the night with my people,” Sage interrupts, “We’re no Abel Township, but I'm certain we can find room for you.”
Sage's oil rig and seaside town is almost as big as Fort Canton, if not bigger, but Peter recognizes Sage's tactic -- insulting yourself so the other party feels inclined to support you; insisting on leaving now would make it seem like Janine is implicitly agreeing that Sage's settlement is worse than Abel, and Sage must known as well as Peter that Janine would never willingly insult an ally.
“If you do insist,” Janine says, after a moment. From the corner of his eye, Peter can see how she’s fighting off a frown. “But I need to debrief with my runners, do you have somewhere private where I could do so?”
“Oh, but of course, Colonel, I’ll have one of my men lead you there. It will be just a moment,” Sage says, finally leaving them, but not before squeezing Peter’s shoulder. He doesn’t do it tightly, it doesn’t even hurt, but Peter still winces.
Janine glances at him, but doesn't say anything. Nerves make him want to move -- to shake, to tap, to fidget -- but he doesn't want to draw Janine's eyes back to him, doesn't want to see her look at him like she's shocked he's there, like he's a wild animal that she has to be careful not to spook. Like she barely knows him.
They wait for Sage's man in silence, the kind that settles like a old quilt on a small child; suffocating and far too heavy. When Sage’s man finally arrives, he nearly trips over himself at the sight of Janine before leading the three of them (though not without a considerable amount of backwards glances at Janine like he’s imagining her in a leather catsuit and eyepatch) to a more isolated building that Peter can only kindly refer to as a shed.
“They can't spare anywhere nicer for the saviors of the UK?” Peter signs to Five, since the leader is still stammering his way through talking to Janine and he's close enough that it’d be rude if Peter muttered it under his breath.
Five rolls their eyes, obviously amused, but still tries to put on a scolding facade, “Janine said ‘private’ not nice.”
“I know not everyone can have fancy farmhouse dining room to hold meetings in but really, you'd think they could do better than a shed.”
Five snorts, unable to hold onto their Head of Runners appropriate disapproval. Janine kindly and curtly denies the leader's flustered overtures and gets him to leave.
She’s almost painfully normal during the debrief -- same old Colonel De Luca voice as normal, with her hard gaze and her curt, to-the-point words -- but after it’s done she nods to herself as says, “Alright, Runner Five, you may go, but I would like a few minutes with you, Mr Lynne. If you don’t mind.”
“‘Course not,” Peter says, though his body yells for him to run. Five raises their eyebrows and grimances in an exaggerated Yikes face as they leave. “Listen-”
“Mr. Lynne,” Janine says, bulldozing over what Peter was going to say, still using her above-it-all tone, “I wanted to apologize to you, specifically for my behavior today. It was a stressful situation for us all and it’s unbecoming of a leader to break down like that in the field, even when-”
Janine cuts herself off, voice breaking. Peter lurches forward half a step before he can stop himself, arms held out towards her. “Jenny-”
Janine screws her face up for a half a moment before smoothing it out and locking it back into normalcy. She’s looks at a point over Peter’s shoulder. “Even when confronted with a potential personnel loss. I’m sure my own… discomposure didn’t help with your own decisions. As your leader, I should have been helpful, not another difficulty.”
“You can’t seriously believe that,” Peter says, “I told you, Jenny, none of this is your fault.”
“I’m your commanding officer and,” Janine pauses, finally meeting Peter’s eyes. “I should’ve planned better, should’ve thought more about it, should’ve considered that possibility that you’d consider yourself a liability. I should’ve known what to say.”
Peter allows himself to take those steps forward, to cut the space between himself and Janine. He places her hands on her biceps, squeezing slightly. She sighs but leans into his touch. Peter bites his lips and watches as Janine studies his face. He doesn’t flinch away from her I can’t believe you’re here gaze this time.
“I really was thinking about Abel,” He says eventually, both because it’s true and because he thinks it’s important that Janine knows it.
“I know you were. That’s perhaps the worst part, that I know you were thinking of all of us, because to think that you thought anyone in Abel would accept your sacrifice is-” Janine cuts herself off and shakes her head, looking pointedly away from Peter and at the blank walls instead. “I just wish that you knew how much we all need you.”
Peter laughs awkwardly and shrugs. “You all seemed to do alright before I came back.”
“We lost Abel and we would’ve lost Five thrice if not for your intervention,” Janine says deadpan, not even letting his deflection stand. She sighs and shakes his hands off, crossing her arms over her chest. “Even ignoring what you do for our Township, I want you to understand that you’re… you're not unimportant to me. Not disposable, not an acceptable loss, not anything like that, not for any reason.”
“Not for any reason?” Peter asks with forced levity to hide the sudden weight he feels in his chest, “That’s a pretty extreme parameter, Jenny-”
“Not for the whole of the United Kingdom, Peter,” She interrupts, sharply. The words are painted in shades of her Colonel De Luca voice, but they tremble enough to make Peter tense. Her eyes are passionately bright, even though she’s blinking a worrisome amount. “Even if it would save the entire world, I wouldn't sacrifice you.”
“Janine,” He starts, the word sounding like it's been ripped from his lungs. He’s not sure what comes after it, what could come after it. An admission like that is- It's a lot, for the two of them. They’ve been close since he reintegrated into Abel, and he’s spent more than a few nights in her bed, but something like this… Peter swallows thickly. The space under his sternum feels overfull, his breath is caught in his throat, and he feels watery all over; a little like drowning, but maybe worse.
“It's- I know it’s selfish of me, unbelievably so, both to feel this way and to tell you about it, but I'm not sorry. I'm not asking you to live for me, I wouldn't want that, but you need-” She pauses and takes a deep, wet breath, turning her head away from Peter and rubbing a hand over her eyes aggressively. “I needed you to know. What you meant to me.”
“Of course I know,” Peter assures her, stepping forward. She turns her head up towards him and he has to force himself not to wipe at her tear-dewed eyelashes. Instead, he uses a hand to gesture at his own head. “It’s just rough in here, sometimes. It’s not always logical, or smart, but it’s just… there. And I thought, for a moment, that seeing if a burn cube could incinerate me would be the best way to help everyone, but I- I didn’t think of everything, or everyone. I’m sorry.”
Janine turns away again and laughs, but it’s harsh, humorless, and sad. “You don’t need to apologize.”
“Neither do you.”
They stand in silence for a moment, Janine staring at the floor with knitted brows and Peter looking at Janine with distress. He hadn’t meant for this to happen, had thought that his leaving would be an all-win situation. He bites back the instinct to apologize again and waits, until Janine’s eyebrows uncrease and she lets herself relax, arms falling back to her sides, leaning herself forwards until her forehead hits Peter’s shoulder. Peter wraps his arms around her, pulling her in as close as possible. He presses a kiss onto the crown of her head before he rests his cheek against it. It’s not closure, not for either of them, and Peter knows they should probably talk about it more, but just for right now, this is enough.
Janine sniffles slightly into his shirt and he strokes her hair and thinks of all the different ways that today could’ve gone. He’s grateful that it ended up like this.
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sporesgalaxy · 7 years
would Queen Nothing be a part of the superhero team? or would she be a villain?
Overall she would be a really weird kinda chaotic wannabe villain that ends up doing more good than harm despite being really annoying. (as she usually is! :p)
The real reason she's a "villain" (that she won't even admit to herself) isn't any true intent to be cruel to others, it's that she just REALLY wants to lose fights. The problem is she's a wimp inside and doesn't actually have it in her to really PICK any fights.
So for the most part she would be a minor annoyance to a superhero team, unless they had someone hotheaded enough to accept an invitation to fight some rando who hasn't even done anything. That would probably end with her getting her ass kicked a bunch of times, to the extreme confusion and hopefully the eventual guilt of the hotheaded hero.
Eventually she would stop randomly asking for fights and embrace being a minor annoyance, and would continually inconvenience the team in small ways that, if you look closely, very strictly don't do anything that would put anyone in real danger. 
Her superpower is the ability to have her ass kicked eternally, look scary, and be impossible to get rid of, so she spends a lot of time around the superhero team, because they don't have any choice, and she's having fun. Eventually she probably runs out of annoying things to do and is just casually chilling at HQ with everyone else, probably making snide remarks or asking weird questions. Batman-type characters would definitely hate her, because she would know all KINDS of stuff, and could EASILY share that info with other villains, but she just...doesn't. The one real conflict she might ever cause is refusing NOT to listen in on all of these highly classified superteam secrets, if only to make said Batman-type uncomfortable.
And then if the shit were to hit the fan, she would honestly, definitely fight for Earth. Fighting someone who actually deserves it sounds fun, she knows she's not an effective villain, and goodness knows she has nothing to lose! Plus, (tho she wouldnt say it out loud), she LIKES Earth. She really does. She left for the Void because she disliked herself (and got a little tangled up in the Void's supernaturally obsession-inducing nature), not because she had anything against Earth.
If anyone asked her to join the superteam, she would refuse, despite (assuming all of the above has happened at this point) basically being an honorary member. She has trouble letting go of the option to just duck out into the Void and wait for bad things to blow over, even if she's much too guilty to REALLY use that option most of the time, so she would never formally join a team. But because she's almost impossible to get rid of, and very nosy, she might help them out sometimes, For Fun.
Backtracking to pre-Earth-saving, I can totally see her having an edgy rogue arc in there where she gets fed up with her own ineptitude at being a villain and tries to work with some Actual Villains, so that a hero will actually fight her. She feels awful and guilty the entire time, and probably ends up being talked out of it by a hero and then crying. Basically QN in a comic book setting would be a big weird coward redemption arc. 
I can absolutely see her being very gradually convinced to stop pretending to be a villain, and start actually saving other people instead of just using her powers to save herself, once she became close enough friends with a/some hero(es). Unfortunately, spending more time outside of the Void would make her gradually weaker (both because she draws power from the Void and because the Void is like, hey, what the heck, get back in here! You're grounded), and she'd be forced to take long breaks, much to her own dismay at that point.
Man look at all that!!!! She'd be so fun in a comic-style superhero setting!! Thanks for prompting me to think this all through!!!
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frop · 8 years
do all of them you mother fucker
not Once but Twice u have done this to m 
Star Platinum – Your thoughts on the stars? i always did like then when i was younger but now they just make me think of jojo so now i especially like them 
Magician’s Red – Do you know any magic tricks? no but im gonna say what u said and i can bend my fingers waay way farther than most people
Hermit Purple – Show a photo of yourself! I HAVENT taken a selfie in forever i’ll do one later 
Silver Chariot (Requiem) – How much sleep do you need on average? i would love a good 10+ but i only get that much on saturday now boo but on average its like 6-7 
The Fool – Tell us a joke! Is your refrigerator running? Because i’m gonna suck your dick
The World -  A place you want to visit? canada like you would not believe 
Crazy Diamond – What do you treasure the most? hmmmmmmm my friendships with my friends 
The Hand – Do you like your hands? nnnot particularly bc i spent a good portion of my life and still do sometimes where i bit my nails til they bleed so they dont look as nice as i’d like them to be when they grow out 
Echoes – Your favourite sound? The world’s time stop sound, but not jotaro’s version, dio’s specifically
Heaven’s Door – Share a secret! my parents’ divorce has made me scared for the future of my own relationships to the point where i can see myself not ever wanting to be in a relationship ever again bc it would be easier than my partner getting tired of me or hating me. on top of the fact that i’m almost exactly like my father and my mom’s ex fiance in every single emotional department which is what caused their divorce/breakup respectively in the first place and that leads me to believe that in the long run i am Romantically  Unlovable 
Killer Queen – How would you like to die? preferably quick and painless 
Bad Company – What kind of character trades do you dislike? any character that is like ‘waahh wah no one understands me bc i enjoy [’highly advanced’ niche series/book/etc] and they all read [popular series/book/etc] like whatever the fuck his name was in aku no hana, it got so obnoxious i had to drop it lmao 
Red Hot Chili Pepper – Can you handle spicy food? cat’s out of the bag guys im actually a Fake Mexican bc i only like mild stuff and hot chips 
The Lock – Anything you feel guilty about right now? ya but thats for another day 
Love Deluxe – Are you secretly in love with someone right now? its absolutely no secret that i am in love with jonathan joestar 
Pearl Jam – Your signature dish? i can make some mean ass rice apparently 
Achtung Baby – Do you want kids? nnnope no thanks never ever i have my cat and thats enough for me 
Harvest – Do you pick up coins in from the street? no bc u dont know where thats been and money is super dirty already 
Cinderella – Which part of your body do you like the most? dang, i guess my thighs? but lately i’ve been a lot easier on myself abt my stomach and how soft it is 
Atom Heart Father – How is your relationship with your father? pretty good bc we’re really alike in temperament too but sometimes it gets pretty awkward bc he can never see me as anything but his little baby daughter who Never Grows Up
Enigma – What is puzzling you currently? when is davidpro gonna drop the part 5 teaser 
Earth Wind and Fire – What’s the best classical element? i personally have always liked fire 
Stray Cat – Cats or dogs? i love both but man im more suited for cats 
Gold Experience – A precious experience you have not shared with your followers? oh man over this summer my dad his gf and me and my sis when on a trip to her dad’s place in this really small town that was like 3 hours away from our city and it was so nice and quiet and peaceful and i felt so clean and happy there, we were only there for a couple days but ever since i’ve really been wanting to go back
Sticky Fingers – Zippers or buttons? zippers are so much faster but they get caught sometimes so Really, pros and cons of each 
Moody Blues – A song that makes you sad? OOO man i was gonna say epitaph bc Of Course but as i was writing this down melancholy man by moody blues came up on this playlist and now im thinkin abt abba and crying 
Sex Pistols – Have you ever shot a gun or riffle? no im tiny and a weenie and i would probably die from the recoil
Aerosmith – Are you afraid of flights? ive never been on one but i am scared of heights so i cant imagine thats any better 
Purple Haze – What makes you really angry? it used to be not being listened to but now i just let it happen bc Why bother but now its more whenever my mom makes a big deal out of simple mistakes of waiters/waitresses or when shes being obviously racist 
Spice Girl – Your favourite spice? idk what its called but theres this one i like to put on fruit before i eat it to make it Spicy 
King Crimson – Is it possible to predict the future? man idk my mom says yea but who knows 
Black Sabbath – How easily do you trust people? like stupidly easy 
Man in the Mirror – Do you like looking into the mirror? nope lol im ugl. ALSO bc i have a bigger than average fear of reflective stuff in general bc what if i see somethign behind me u kno,,,, 
Beach Boy – Have you ever been fishing? nope! the one time my dad went that i knew abt i was in mexico 
The Grateful Dead – What do you want to be remembered for? honestly, anything else that being the ‘way too nice one’ or the doormat 
White Album – Your favourite CD? aaaaa i dont have one i dont really listen to albums 
Talking Head – Are you a good liar? i guess ? i can keep a pretty straight face but its harder to lie to someone i actually know really well bc they can probably tell what my tics are 
Baby Face – Your thought on babies? theyre cute but i would greatly prefer to never have any 
Metallica – Do you like listening to metal? yea
Green Day – Ideal way to spend a day off? sleep, Sleep, stream with friends and lay in bed
Oasis – Best place for a holiday? hhhhh anyplace that relaxes u tbh 
Stone Free – Are you a indoor or outdoor person? i n d o o r i dont like bugs 
Kiss – Who would you like to kiss or get a kiss from? jonathan joest
Burning Down the House – Ever destroyed something and then regretted it? nah, once again im a weenie and im too worried abt consequences to ever do smth like that
Foo Fighters – Your favourite drink? god damn i fucking love raspberry iced tea 
Diverdown – Your thoughts on diving? the ocean fills me with the fear of god. no thanks 
C-Moon – What would you do for your friend’s sake? put myself in bodly harm 
MadeinHeaven – What do you believe happens after you died? nothing tbh you just end up in a grave or urn or wherever u wanted to be put 
Weather Report – Your favourite weather? man i looove love stormy weather 
Whitesnake – Your thoughts on snakes/reptiles? i love them theyre all gorgeous and beautiful
Tusk – Tea or coffee? coffee
Ball Breaker – Your favourite ball game? to play? its basket ball but to watch baseball 
Oh! Lonesome Me – Do you feel lonely right now? no not right now but im sure it’ll happen soon 
Scary Monsters – Your favourite dinosaur? i love velociraptors and also triceratops !!
Cream Starter – Do you usually wear make up? nope and if i do its only ever lipstick
Catch the Rainbow – Your favourite colour in the rainbow? blue and green!! 
Ticket to Ride – What was the last ticket you bought for? i didnt buy it but the last one i had was for the rogue one like. 2 weeks ago
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – Do you believe in the multiverse? i dont think abt it too often but sure
In a Silent Way – Do you enjoy complete silence? yes!! besides some music, i cant concentrate otherwise 
Soft & Wet – Shower or bath? shower bc its easier but i havent taken a bath in forever 
Paisley Park – How good are you with reading maps/directions? Terrible God Awful
Nut King Call – How good are you at assembling/constructing things like Ikea furniture? hmm it depends if i have the manual for it and if i have time to really think on it and im not in a rush or anything
Paper Moon King – Can you do any origami? nope 
King Nothing – Your favourite smell? i really like the smell of cinnamon 
BornThisWay – A strange habit you have? i crack my fingers all the damn time and i like to take off the little plastic circle off of soda bottles and chew on it 
Les Feulies – Your favourite plant? oh damn hmm i like lavenders 
Fun Fun Fun – Something you really enjoy doing? man. i could watch jojo a million times over and i’d never get bored of it 
California King Bed – What size is your bed? currently i sleep in a queen size bc my mom and sis and i share a bed bc we only had one room in our old apartment but now that we moved im sure i’ll be kicked off into a twin soon enough 
JESUS christ ok its almost midnight i hope ur happy you mother fuckre 
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